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Bondfluid - a gender that changes as your relationships and bonds change
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themogaidragon · 3 years
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Bondfluid is a fluid gender identity where one's gender changes as their bonds or relationships change.
Bondfluid was coined by Tumblr user ovelous. They designed the flag at the same time.
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fishyboyfriends · 3 years
Ren's (He/They) Gender Dump!
I thought I could use this small opportunity to introduce my own experience in my gender more closely, as I’ve only lightly mentioned that I’m Nonbinary and hinted I am Transmasc, but I bet some people are more interested in that. So, I decided to make this post as a Nonbinary person!
I wouldn’t say my gender fluctuates, it’s just that my awareness of my gender isn’t quite always 100%, so I use this term to describe this experience!
Aeremin and Aeregender
Additionally to that: Transmasc and Mascgender
I also use this as a part of my gender identity, knowing I’m Masculine aligned on the Gender spectrum, but not exactly where, and if it’s only masculine Aligned, and not affected by other genders. The term 'Demiboy' makes me uncomfortable, so instead I use Demiguy, which is the same identity, but worded differently! :) no offense to people feeling 100% okay with labeling the,selves as a Demiboy.
Orientation Gender and Bond Fluid
I noticed that my Gender often Is fluid depending on who I’m currently crushing on. Often, when I see a very attractive girl, I imagine myself more feminine, but when it’s a boy I imagine myself way more masculine. Like- it makes me seem like I want to always pass as a same-sex couple. Could be related to past relationships with straight people and now I feel uncomfortable presenting as the opposite gender with the partner I’m currently with.
My orientation labels
Very swag label. It stands for NBLM, MLM, NBLNB and MLNB. I use it as a descriptor as a Questioning person, and to describe my relationship with my boyfriend.
The Bi community always accepted Nonbinary people, and it has always included the attraction to people regardless of gender <3 I’m proud to call myself bisexual.
AGAB stands for Assigned Gender At Birth. This means what sex you were registered as at birth. AFAB stands for Assigned Female At Birth, and AMAB for assigned Male at birth.
FTN stands for Female to Nonbinary. FTM stands for Female to Male. It is often a medical term describing Transsexuals or people who plan to transition, it can also just mean what you were born as, and what you transition to. In that case, it describes an AFAB transgender/Nonbinary person. For AMAB transgender and Nonbinary people, it would be MTF/MTN
Transmasculine, or transmasc, is a term used to describe a transgender person who typically was assigned female at birth (AFAB) but identifies fully or partially as a masculine gender. It can be considered umbrella term for people who were assigned a non-masculine identity as birth, but transitioned to a masculine identity.
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pride-yeens · 3 years
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Pride yeen 4:
1: abinary
2: bondfluid
3: caesgender
4: contigender
5: dictitogender
6: doefluid
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