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daimonclub · 1 year ago
Blessed Virgin Mary and Rosa Mystica
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The Holy Virgin by Michelangelo Blessed Virgin Mary and Rosa Mystica, an article with some quotes and a personal story on the Holy Virgin, divine symbol of motherhood, love, life and sorrow, with reference to Rosa Mystica apparitions. Close to December 8th, the day on which the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated, and preparations for Holy Christmas begin, I want to dedicate this article to my mother, Innocenza Laffranchi, who recently passed away, to her godmother Lina Bonazza, to her sister Lucia, and her brothers, Don Enrico and Arturo, all people with good and generous hearts, very religious and above all devoted to the Holy Vergin Mary. A memory also to Sister Iginia, choir teacher of the parish of Leno (Brescia), where my mother sang as a child. At the time my mother was very young and happy, she wasn't married yet, I wasn't born, and she had not yet suffered the difficulties and the pains of life, above all due to her illnesses in the old age. She died at 90 years old, and when she physically disappeared I felt to have lost not only a mother, but also a child and what's more, a person who always loved and took care of me, even in the most difficult moments. That's the reasons why I like to associate her and also all the women of this earth to the Blessed Holy Virgin Maria. Only after losing your mother forever you can understand the essence of true love and the excruciating pain of life passing away. Carl William Brown O Virgin Mother, daughter of your own Son (of Christ-God), the most humble and the highest of all creatures, fixed term of divine wisdom, you are the one who has ennobled human nature to such an extent that its Creator did not disdain becoming his creature (with the Incarnation). Dante Alighieri: The invocation to the Virgin (Paradiso, XXXIII, 1-39)
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Innocenza and Lina Mompiano Brescia 1952 The three great mother divinities of the oriental peoples seem to have been both generative and annihilating; goddesses of life and fertility at the same time as goddesses of death. Sigmund Freud The Madonna is the essence of woman, she is the divine symbol of the mother par excellence, she is the spirit of life and love who endures and resists pain, suffering and death, to make the memory of her children immortal. Carl William Brown From now on I want to imagine death as a tender and affectionate mother who with extreme love, holding me smiling at her breast for all eternity, instead of giving me life will take it away from me. Carl William Brown In fact, complete happiness cannot silence the pain. Less than ever can the art that consoles, the technique that produces, the virtue that administers. Salvatore Natoli The maternal feeling is more directly satisfied than real motherhood, but it can find outlet in every child who needs a mother, in every creature who needs tenderness, care and an altruistic devotion driven to sacrifice in order to survive and grow. H. Deutsch Every man, without knowing it, seeks in a woman above all the memory of the time in which his mother hugged him. Marguerite Yourcenar
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Blessed Holy Virgin I have never thought of anything other than doing my duty, praying and trusting in Our Lady. Don Bosco We have an infinite desire for love, for understanding, for trust, for beauty, for joy, for peace. We are so tired of this world which from every side, with its wickedness, assails us and disturbs us. Enrico Medi In every danger invoke Mary and I assure you that you will be heard. Don Bosco Holy Mary, Mother of God, preserve for me a child's heart, pure and transparent like a spring. Father Leonzio de Grandmaison If the winds of temptation arise, if you go against the rocks of tribulations, look at the star, invoke Mary! Saint Bernard The Mother of God is our Mother. The Mother of the one in whom we hope is our Mother. the Mother of the one who alone can save is our Mother. Saint Anselm of Aosta Jesus, Son of God, I beg you: for the infinite love you bring to your mother, allow me to love her as you love her and want her to be loved. Saint Anselm of Aosta
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The Holy Virgin and Jesus The Madonna is the sacred character most "seen" or "heard" by ordinary people, more than God and Jesus. She is therefore a somewhat cumbersome figure for the Church, and which according to many anthropologists reflects the need to reaffirm a religiosity feminine, like those linked to fertility and the land which were on the scene in Europe for thousands of years before Christianity. Ave Maria. With more than a thousand shrines in Italy alone, Mary is the most popular female figure in the world: there is no country today that does not have an institute or association dedicated to her. After having gone from the status of a simple Palestinian girl from Galilee, in the zero year of our era, to the icon of the supreme mother in the Divine Comedy, from Michelangelo's Pietà, to the coat of arms of Pope John Paul II, where her initial stands out, "M". Here's the story. The Hero is nothing more than a special character born from the union of a god or goddess with a human being. He/She is an ingenious intermediate being between gods and men appointed to intervene in the world with exceptional deeds. The hero knows how to struggle with extreme courage and generosity, and for reasons or ideals deemed extremely valid and righteous he can even lead to the sacrifice of himself, because he is aware that his deeds will continue to feed the myth, the story, and the narrative literature in the future. The origin of this story dates back from a few years ago, but perhaps we could better say that it begins at the dawn of Christianity and maybe also a lot of time before. However we are in 1992 when a strange woman contacts an even more mysterious character. The two did not know each other and the reason for their meeting is a language consultancy that the unusual and curious lady requires to the young and odd scholar whose name is not even known to her. Everything is resolved in a week and gives rise to some translations in various languages of a small booklet of prayers that relate to a poor country seer who has witnessed several times to the Holy Virgin Mary's apparitions.
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The Holy Virgin Rosa Mystica So our atheist translator does the indirect knowledge of Mrs. Pierina Gilli, the Holy Virgin Rosa Mystica and a place about twenty kilometers from his home, the Fontanelle in Montichiari, on the outskirts of Brescia. Eight years later in a July temperate day our hero finally finds himself with his mother in the attractive resort and he is inexplicably so deeply impressed that he can also have a short conversation with the Blessed Virgin Mary in person, who, however, does not say even a word. It may seem absurd at all to everyone, but not to our strange and surreal writer who has ever since been reborn more than once, and now he makes himself call Mr. Carl William Brown, that is the founder of the Daimon Club! The text of the communication is short, sharp, terse, concise, evocative. The receiver does hear nothing but these words: "Dear friend, you are an atheist, but you're more religious than a mystic and that's why I want you to criticize the power of stupidity in this world." Then she continued: "I am the mother of mankind, which becomes more and more absurd and selfish and always forgets more often to follow the Christian message. Now I want you to communicate my verb and in return I will help you in your struggle against the power and authority of banality. Our voices will rise up high in the sky, in the myth, in the story, both in joy and in suffering. You know perfectly well that religion is nothing but literature and life is nothing but art, that's why everyone must be able to communicate, and everybody should be able to know the truth against any kind of intolerance. So considering that you have always studied and read the sacred works, you may have the right, even if you do not believe, to be able to have your say. Therefore go and reveal my words and they will be stupid, selfish and intolerant those who do not divulge yours ideas, thoughts and criticisms ... "
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Innocenza at the Fontanelle Sanctuary As a matter of fact our hero was a bit dazzled by the brilliant intuition but he also felt himself invested with a secular mission and seized by a strange and subdued excitement, after this visit to the charming good place he went away almost pleased. The fascinating story ends here for the time being, because its protagonists do not want to go further. Their paths are split and their adventures are becoming increasingly more strange, but there remain several and different things they have in common, and they are the myth, the story, the mystery, the visions, the suffering, the pain, the meditation, the reflection, the peace, the struggle and the desire for a happier life. In this our actors are not so different and that's why our hero is preparing to make his most complete, devoted and sincere tribute to Our Lady Rosa Mystica of Fontanelle and to his beloved clairvoyant, Pierina Gilli from Montichiari. For more information, any clarification and guidance material you are advised to contact the official website of the Sanctuary of Our Lady Rosa Mystica in Montichiari, since on 7 December 2019, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brescia inaugurated a shrine to the Blessed Virgin under the title Rosa Mystica – Mother of the Church. The sanctuary is a response to the claims of Pierina Gilli who reported Marian apparitions in Montichiari and neighbouring Fontanelle, Italy, in 1947 and 1966. Whether or not the source was a genuine apparition of the Virgin Mary, Pierina actively promoted a devotion to Our Lady with three roses upon her breast and a way of practicing devotion to Mary under the title "Rosa Mystica". Rosa Mystica (or Mystical Rose) is a poetic title of Mary. One form of Marian devotion is invoking Virgin Mary's prayers by calling upon her using a litany of diverse titles, and the title 'Mystical Rose' is found in the Litany of Loreto. It is also a Catholic title of Our Lady based on the Marian apparitions reported between 1947 and 1966 by Pierina Gilli at Montichiari and Fontanelle, in Italy.
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Pierina Gilli Italian visionary The Biblical source of the title is Song of Songs 2:1, often translated, "I am the Rose of Sharon". Bishop Robert C. Morlino draws a connection to Isaiah 11:1, "But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom. This is also reflected in the German Advent hymn Es ist ein Ros entsprungen, known in English as ""Lo, how a rose e'er blooming", which makes reference to the Old Testament prophecies of Isaiah which in Christian interpretation foretell the Incarnation of Christ, and to the Tree of Jesse, a traditional symbol of the lineage of Jesus. The statue of Virgin Mary under the title of Mystical Rose enshrined within the chapel of Montichiari-Fontanelle (Italy) apparitions Location Montichiari and Fontanelle (Italy) Date 1947–1966 Witness Pierina Gilli Type Marian apparition Shrine Sanctuary of Mystical Rose – Mother of the Church Attributes The Blessed Virgin Mary featuring three swords, or three roses in red, white and yellow. Feast day July 13 (feast day) December 8 (at noon, the so-called "Hour of Universal Grace") THE GREAT MESSAGE As at Fatima, after the vision of Hell, She has taught: "Oh Jesus, forgive our sins, preserve us... etc." and She wanted to establish The Devotion to His Immaculate Heart, in the same way now, on 13th of every month She is recalled so that She may be lived and consacrated for the Mystical Body, Christ's limbs, of whom Maria Rosa Mistica is the Mother. In the morning, at half past five, on 13th July The Holy Vergin appeared among a very shining light: a very beautiful Lady, dressed in a white satin dress with silver reflections: She had a white mantle as well fixed under the chin coming down till her feet, allowing to see some small light brown forlock. The mantle's border was finely embroidered in Gold. The Holy Virgin opened her arms and with them the mantle: instead of the three swords she showed on Her chest three Roses: WHITE - RED - GOLDEN-JELLOW.
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The Blessed Holy Virgin Mystic Rose At her right arm She had a beautiful Rosary ending with a stupendous medal. Meanwhile Pierina Gilli was down on her knees in ecstasy, near the nuns with whom She had prayed, and the Celestial Lady with a sweet smile like this spoke: I am the Mother of all of you. Our God send me in order to bring a NEW MARIAN VOCATION in all the Institutes and Religious Congragations and also to the Secular Priests. I promise to all these Institutes and Congregations that most honour me that they will be protected: they will have many more Vocations, less souls that offend the Lord with mortal sins, less Vocations betrayed and sanctity in the Ministers of God. I wish the 13th day of the month to become a MARIAN DAY, to which 12 days of special prayers must be preceded. Such a day must be of REPARATION and must be for all the wrongs did against Our Lord. Such day is to be sanctified with particular prayers, among which the HOLY MASS, The St. ROSARY, the HOUR OF ADORATION. I would like the 13 July of every year to be celebrated in honour of Maria Rosa Mystica, especially inside the Institutes. In such a day, She continued with a joyful expression, I am going to make descend upon the Institutes and Religious Congragations, that would have honoured me, abundance of Graces and Sanctity of Vocations. On 22th October 1947 - after the miracle of blood, issued forth from the Crucifix upon the St. Purificator - she added: "I'm acting as a Mediatress among the human kind and most of all for the Religious Souls, since my Holy Son, tired of receiving continuous offences, wanted to exercise His Justice. I ensure my Protection for a living awakening of Faith and to let the selected Souls come back to the original spirit of their Holy Founders." You can also visit: Sanctuary of Our Lady Rosa Mystica Mamma, morte e memoria Halloween e la festa dei morti Madonne, madri e letterati Letteratura, religione, morti e psicologia Read the full article
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adreciclarte4 · 3 months ago
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Juliette Binoche by Cesare Bonazza, 1996
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mayolfederico · 5 months ago
Piccolo lessico dell'erotismo - Lexique succinct de l'érotisme [Malfi - Zicr]
Anonimo ,  Portrait présumé de Gabrielle d’Estrées et de sa soeur la duchesse de Villars, 1594 ca. La prima edizione di questo Lexique succinct de l’érotisme compare nel catalogo dell’«Esposizione Internazionale del Surrealismo», Galleria Cordier, Paris 1959. La presente traduzione è stata condotta sul testo accresciuto della seconda edizione, uscito per i tipi di Eric Losfold nel…
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buscandoelparaiso · 8 months ago
mai vista una gara di f1 in vita mia non so neanche cosa sto guardando ma DAJE CHARLES
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beatrice634 · 1 year ago
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people-dujenoir · 1 year ago
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Dario Bonazza
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brunosantosbonazza1 · 2 years ago
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Tia Carrere by Cesare Bonazza, 2001
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eddy25960 · 4 months ago
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Juliette Binoche
Photography: Cesare Bonazza, 1996
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isreport · 10 months ago
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"Ballerina", 1908.
Luigi Bonazza. 1877 - 1965.
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ilcercatoredicolori · 4 months ago
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Juliette Binoche photographiée par Cesare Bonazza, 1996
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mayolfederico · 5 months ago
Piccolo lessico dell'erotismo - Lexique succinct de l'érotisme [Abbandono - Lussuria]
Man Ray , Monument à D.A.F. de Sade (1933) La prima edizione di questo Lexique succinct de l’érotisme compare nel catalogo dell’«Esposizione Internazionale del Surrealismo», Galleria Cordier, Paris 1959. La presente traduzione è stata condotta sul testo accresciuto della seconda edizione, uscito per i tipi di Eric Losfold nel 1970. Traduzione italiana di Maurizio Ferraris e Vincenzo…
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letzternachtzug · 10 months ago
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DENISE RICHARDS ph. by Cesare Bonazza - Self Assignment Magazine 2000
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black-arcana · 3 months ago
BUTCHER BABIES Release One-Take Music Video For 'Sincerity', Filmed In London
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Following the launch of their new single "Sincerity", BUTCHER BABIES have shared a music video for the track, available on YouTube today. Directed by the powerhouse duo, singer Heidi Shepherd and guitarist Henry Flury, this raw, unrelenting one-take video rips through the shadowed streets of London. A visual that captivates the city's gritty chaos which mirrors the intensity of a metal riff that only BUTCHER BABIES can materialize.
"Sincerity" is a song rooted in wishful thinking. The lyrics dive into trusting someone to be delicate with your feelings, but rather having used those emotions to feed their own ego and benefit.
"Sincerity" marks BUTCHER BABIES's first release since the departure of co-founding co-vocalist Carla Harvey.
On the new single, Shepherd states: "Over the last decade and a half, BUTCHER BABIES has become known for our aggression and soaring melodies. This new release is no different. Diving into real-life experiences and expectations while exposing the rawest part of our souls, this single is bound to invoke an emotional rollercoaster between looking toward the future with hope while reminiscing of past losses."
Though a release date has yet to be confirmed, there are more plans for new BUTCHER BABIES music. Future releases will be available via Judge & Jury Records, a powerhouse record label and production company founded by multi-platinum producer Howard Benson (MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, SEETHER, SKILLET, OF MICE & MEN) and Neil Sanderson of THREE DAYS GRACE. The instrumentation was meticulously crafted by Benson and Sanderson at West Valley Recording Studios, Benson's studio in Woodland Hills.
On the signing to Judge & Jury Records, Benson shares: "I have always been a fan of the band and never really thought we'd get a chance to work with them! I especially love Heidi's vocal range and ability to weave compelling stories through her music. Excited Judge & Jury got to do this music together with her and Henry, and for the fans to hear it!"
BUTCHER BABIES is Heidi Shepherd on vocals, Henry Flury on guitar, Ricky Bonazza on bass and Devin Nickles on drums.
BUTCHER BABIES played their first concert since the official departure of Harvey on July 27 at the Stonehenge festival in Steenwijk, The Netherlands.
The band announced Harvey's exit in a social media post on July 20. BUTCHER BABIES wrote: "As you may have already guessed, it is confirmed that Carla Harvey and BUTCHER BABIES have officially parted ways.
"Carla has been an integral part of our journey, bringing her unique talent, passion, and energy to the band. We are grateful for the incredible memories we've made together and the impact she has had on our music and our fans. We will miss her greatly and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors.
"We deeply appreciate your support over the past 15 years," BUTCHER BABIES added. "We feel incredibly fortunate to keep making and playing music as our career, and we are excited for this new era of BUTCHER BABIES!
"See you on the road."
Carla added in a separate post: "Over the last 6 months You may have noticed my absence from BUTCHER BABIES posts. After 15 years of dedication, I wanted to let you know that I will not be rejoining the band for any future endeavors.
"I am super proud of my work with BUTCHER BABIES…2 EPS, 5 Full lengths albums and countless tours with our metal heroes! To all of our incredible BUTCHER BABIES friends and fans…you have provided me with some of the greatest experiences of my life! I have loved every second of writing and performing all over the world for you! I have loved meeting you. WOW. I still can't believe this kid from Detroit got so lucky.
"I am not done making music and performing. I WILL see you soon".
In the fall of 2023, BUTCHER BABIES completed a European tour without Carla, who sat out the trek in order to undergo emergency surgery on her left eye.
BUTCHER BABIES' three-week 2024 European tour concluded on August 17 at the Czech Republic's Rock Of Sadská festival.
BUTCHER BABIES kicked off a U.S. headlining tour on September 18 in Palmdale, California. Support on the "Good Lord! The Butcher's Ded!" trek is coming from DED, DROPOUT KINGS and FOX LAKE.
This past January, Harvey and ANTHRAX and PANTERA drummer Charlie Benante announced that they were officially engaged.
BUTCHER BABIES released a double album "Eye For An Eye..." and "…'Til The World's Blind", in July 2023. The double album celebrates the tenth anniversary of BUTCHER BABIES' critically acclaimed debut, "Goliath", released on July 9, 2013 via Century Media Records.
BUTCHER BABIES' previous album, 2017's "Lilith" was produced by Steve Evetts (THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, SEPULTURA, SUICIDE SILENCE) and marked the band's recording debut with drummer Chase Brickenden, who replaced Chris Warner in 2016.
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decompostabile · 7 days ago
donne e uomini combattono le stesse lotte contro gli stereotipi di bellezza
agli uomini fanno sempre vede er macio
alle donne fanno sempre vede la bonazza
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coltellini · 2 months ago
Bonazza 🫶🏻
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