#bomboniera green
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Bomboniere: Il Dettaglio Perfetto per Ricordare i Momenti Speciali
Le bomboniere sono un elemento fondamentale di ogni celebrazione importante. Che si tratti di matrimoni, battesimi, lauree o anniversari, queste piccole creazioni racchiudono un grande significato: rappresentano un gesto di gratitudine e un ricordo tangibile del giorno speciale.
L’Essenza delle Bomboniere
La tradizione delle bomboniere nasce secoli fa, quando venivano donate scatoline di pregio contenenti confetti per simboleggiare fortuna, salute e prosperità. Oggi, il loro significato si è ampliato, diventando un modo per esprimere personalità e stile.
Tipologie di Bomboniere
1. Bomboniere Classiche
Le bomboniere tradizionali includono scatoline di confetti avvolte in tulle, pizzo o carta pregiata, spesso decorate con nastri e fiori. Perfette per: Matrimoni eleganti o cerimonie religiose.
2. Bomboniere Green
Le piante stanno conquistando un posto d’onore nel mondo delle bomboniere. Mini bonsai, piante grasse o piccoli vasetti di erbe aromatiche sono opzioni ecologiche e originali. Perfette per: Eventi eco-friendly o a tema naturale.
3. Bomboniere Gourmet
Idee golose come miele, marmellate artigianali, piccole bottiglie di olio extravergine di oliva o vini pregiati stanno diventando sempre più popolari. Perfette per: Eventi moderni e sofisticati.
4. Bomboniere Personalizzate
Oggetti unici con incisioni di nomi, date o messaggi speciali, come candele profumate, cornici o piccole statuine. Perfette per: Creare un ricordo intimo e speciale.
5. Bomboniere Artigianali
Pezzi unici fatti a mano come ceramiche, sculture in legno o oggetti in vetro soffiato. Perfette per: Celebrazioni dal tocco artistico.
Come Scegliere le Bomboniere Giuste
Tema dell’Evento Le bomboniere dovrebbero riflettere lo stile della cerimonia, dal classico al rustico, fino al moderno.
Budget Stabilisci un budget e cerca soluzioni che uniscano estetica e praticità.
Utilità Opta per bomboniere che gli ospiti possano utilizzare o conservare come ricordo.
Personalizzazione Aggiungi dettagli come nomi, date o frasi significative per rendere ogni bomboniera unica.
Bomboniere Green: La Nuova Tendenza
Le bomboniere a tema green sono tra le più amate. Mini piante grasse, vasetti di muschio stabilizzato o semi di fiori rappresentano un gesto simbolico di vita e crescita.
Vantaggi: Originali, sostenibili e facili da curare.
Personalizzazione: Puoi aggiungere etichette con il tuo nome e la data dell’evento.
Dove Acquistare Bomboniere Esclusive?
Su I Giardini di Giulia, trovi un’ampia selezione di bomboniere per ogni occasione. Dai vasi di piante personalizzabili alle bomboniere green, offriamo soluzioni che combinano estetica, qualità e originalità.
Le bomboniere sono il dettaglio che fa la differenza in ogni evento. Scegliere quelle giuste significa regalare un pezzo di te e del tuo giorno speciale a chi ti è vicino. Esplora la nostra collezione su I Giardini di Giulia e trova l’idea perfetta per celebrare i tuoi momenti più preziosi.
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Nobili Home (Frosinone)
Nobili Home (Frosinone)
Per rendere unico ogni evento, cerimonia, matrimonio, comunione, cresima o laurea Nobili Home a Frosinone da tre generazioni è la scelta ideale per chi desidera unicità e stile. Sacchetti in lino, saccotti in seta, bustine ricamate a mano o con iniziali e monogrammi sapranno rendere speciale i giorni importanti della vita.
Disegno, creazione e realizzazione a mano di tutti i sacchetti, dalla scelta del colore, ai merletti, dai ricami alle iniziali ricamate: la personalizzazione è la nostra forza. Le migliori collezioni di candele nazionali e internazionali, profumatori, ceramiche di Deruta e porcellana di Capodimone, elementi di home decor e pop art dallo stile moderno, minimal e innovativo. Le bomboniere green con le collezioni delle piante, ulivi, bonsai, sansevieria e ginseng sono il trend del momento.
Le bomboniere alimentari: dall’orcio in ceramica con olio EVO d’oliva, al miele, alle degustazioni di macaron, praline, cioccolati, bacetti. Allestimenti unici e divertenti, sofisticati e giocosi, nulla è lasciato al caso ed ogni dettaglio viene curato con attenzione per rendere davvero speciale il proprio evento. Ci troviamo in pieno centro a Frosinone, siamo aperti dal lunedì al sabato e su appuntamento anche la Domenica, nei giorni festivi e la sera tardi.
Passione, Disponibilità, Personalizzazione e Creatività sono gli elementi distintivi di Nobili Home che lo rendono la scelta giusta per i propri cadeaux de marriage, tableau, partecipazioni e inviti.
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Le nostre stupende bomboniere 👰🏻🤵🏻⛪️🥂 @pentoleagnelliofficial #federiki2018 #Repost @giuditiberti92 ・・・ #federiki2018 #chef #pentolino #bomboniera #confetti #gisophila #pink #green #wedding #weddingday (presso Una idea regalo by Monica Tana) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoZwALlFAVY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ichuj815whgq
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EcoCubo confezionato in stile country chic #ecocubo #bomboniere #bomboniera #ecosostenibile #semi #roma #countrychic #rustico #weddingfavors #nozze #matrimonio #comunione #green #pizzo #macrame #bombonierematrimonio #bombonierecomunione #favors (presso Anna Creazioni di Eleonora Cesarei) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXu-t6FIpzN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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🎄👰🎩🤵✨ 10 o più mini #candele #segnaposto #matrimonio natalizio #nozze a #Natale personalizzate con nomi e data #bomboniera matrimonio segnaposto #nozze #christmastree #decorations #elves #family #gift #gifts #green #happyholidays #wedding #weddingcake #weddingday #weddingdress #weddinggown #weddingparty https://www.giocandles.com/listing/729106042/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B3aHEfDIvZL/?igshid=sw13015mubp9
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#bomboniere #bomboniera #battesimo #nascita #newborn #cinziacreazioni #fiocchetto #fetta #arcobaleno #babyshower #baby #solocosebelle #orsetto #green #avorio #tortabomboniera #torta #albero #vita #farfalle #sole #orso #bello #farfalla #battesimi #ideabattesimo #ideanascita #regalobattesimo #regalonascita
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Bomboniere ecologiche: belle, creative, green friendly.
Il seme appartiene alla terra, ma per poter sbocciare intreccia un intenso e silenzioso dialogo con la luce del cielo. L’Amore, come la pianta, cresce da un piccolo seme: è nella trama delle potenzialità ancora inespresse, nella paziente attesa e nella costante dedizione che avviene il compimento di ogni unione e di ogni tappa fondamentale che porta ad un nuovo inizio.
Diventa quindi importante condividere questi valori attraverso un ricordo che non si esaurisca nel solo oggetto donato, ma che rappresenti anche lo specchio simbolico di ogni ricorrenza. Momenti Eventi ha il piacere di proporvi una soluzione originale per le vostre bomboniere: i semi di fiori e di erbe aromatiche. Un dono che racconta di voi: il vostro messaggio d’amore che germoglia e fiorisce. Momenti Eventi mette a disposizione di tutti i suoi clienti la possibilità di progettare e realizzare una bomboniera su misura, unica a personalizzata, per tutte le occasioni speciali (matrimonio/battesimo/laurea/compleanno/nascita).
Creare la bomboniera è facile:
- scegliete un seme in base alla stagione e al significato cromatico;
- scegliete il contenitore, il supporto, il materiale e le rifiniture.
Qualche info utile:
Costi: prezzi a partire da 3,00€. Per ricevere un preventivo gratuito un punto di riferimento nel settore è Momenti Eventi. Propone tante idee per un matrimonio in chiave eco chic che include anche l'allestimento floreale, le partecipazioni, gli inviti e molto altro. Info allo 0961 292129 o www.momentieventi.com
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Eccomi! Quando ieri ho pubblicato il video sul packaging ecologico del sapone, mi è venuto in mente che era un ottimo spunto per il post sul riciclo eco sostenibile. Quindi mi sono messa all’opera nuovamente visto che né i saponi né i materiali di recupero mi mancano. 😁😁 Per questo 🧼ho usato 💚carta recuperata da un mazzo di fiori, 💚nastro di riciclo, 💚una foglia di cocco, sempre da un mazzo di fiori, 💚spago di cotone 💚una spiga recuperata da una bomboniera. Ho usato lo spago per chiudere il tutto evitando di usare il nastro adesivo. Che ne pensate?👇🏻👇🏻 ♻️🌏♻️ Per partecipare a questa rubrica dove il riciclo è il protagonista, leggi le qui sotto.👇🏻 ♻️ Per partecipare a questa challenge completamente Green, pubblica una foto di un riciclo, fatto con un oggetto altrimenti destinato alla raccolta differenziata. ♻️ Usa l’ #ricicloecosostenibile e taggami, (così potrò farne un post da aggiungere a questa rubrica). Ovviamente dando a te il credito. ♻️ Tagga altre 3 persone per invitarle a questa #greenchallenge ♻️ Se non ti va di fare il post, puoi semplicemente dirmi la tua idea o mandarmi una foto del tuo riciclo, ed io vedrò di farne un post come questo, dando a te il credito del post 👍🏻👍🏻. O ancora, CONDIVIDI questo post e invita le tue amiche più creative e dall'animo green a partecipare. 🗂 Tutte le idee di riciclo vengono salvate sulla cartella in evidenza per ispirare chi ha meno dimestichezza con il riciclo ♻️♻️♻️♻️ (presso Venice, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFmmSdVodhr/?igshid=kyvmzis9xtw5
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Cadeau de mariage food&green: la Giardiniera di Morgan si veste a nozze La bomboniera classica, il soprammobile tanto bello quanto inutile da regalare agli ospiti di un banchetto nuziale, ha le ore contate: il nuovo trend in fatto di matrimoni vuole che il…
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A Big Fat (Southern) Italian Wedding
“Your wedding day is for sure one of the most important days of a person's entire life. And getting married in Italy, be it in a fairytale hamlet up on the hills or on a stunning beach, is just the cherry on the cake. Yet, nothing can compare to how big, long (and usually expensive) the experience is of getting married in Southern Italy, as long as one sticks to local traditions.
Be it related to a deeper religious faith and sense of community, and of course historical cultural reasons (also involving a certain need for ostentation in order to demonstrate the family’s wealth or (and) to a boundless wish of celebrating and sharing joy and food) weddings in the southern regions of the country often express a uniquely bountiful nature.”
”So, what makes a Southern wedding so special even for average people? Many things, we’d say.
First of all, the boundaries in time tend to be elongated. Celebrations often start several months before the wedding, when the couple exchanges the “marriage promise” (promessa). Basically a mandatory bureaucratic procedure where they officially express to a local authority their will to get married within 6 months, this first step in building a family is usually marked by an intimate family celebration, with a festive toast.
Yet, in Southern Italy this day often becomes an anticipation of the actual wedding, involving a huge number of guests, presents and a proper feast. Once the big day gets closer, celebrations can take place in different places, times and settings. Especially in these days, when bride and groom often moved to another city (or even country)...it can all start with an informal dinner or a proper party open to friends and family on the day before, and eventually go on even on the day after the wedding with a further occasion to share food and wine.”
“Usually, guests arrive to the reception – be it a private house, an elegant restaurant or a beautiful masseria, a farm turned into a refined location...to wait for the newlywed couple to get back from the official photoshoot, by then a rich buffet is served...After this savoury food frenzie, the proper meal is only about to start with the average courses served at the table.
Cutting the cake doesn’t necessarily marks the end of eating: an abundance of fresh fruit, chocolate, other sweets or ice cream can match the official cake, probably introducing the after party with music, dancing and more drinks. And the traditional confetti (almonds or other nuts covered with a snow white sugar icing) wrapped up in a voile sachet and offered as a souvenir and goodwill sign, are often replaced by the confettata, one or several trays with different kinds of confetti to be eaten at the moment or taken home. Moreover, in Sicily the local tradition also demands the guantiera, an additional tray full of delicious marzipan cakes.”
“The groom’s mother has the task and privilege to officially consign the bouquet to the future daughter-in-law, and she usually gives her a jewel belonging to her or to the family as a sign of acceptance. She also enters the church – or hall – with her son, while the bride is taken to the altar by her father, of course. Another role unique to Southern (religious) weddings is the “compare d’anello” (godfather's): a man, usually a wise or influential one, who after the exchange of the wedding bands, gives the bride another ring which is also blessed by the priest to seal his protection role over the couple.Also, while the bride tosses the bouquet and sometimes the garter, to be caught by the unmarried girls attending the wedding, in some Southern regions the groom has to undertake another ritual: the cutting of the tie.”
(via A Big Fat (Southern) Italian Wedding | ITALY Magazine)
Italian Wedding Traditions, Yesterday and Today
“Italians love their traditions and a wedding is one event in which Italian customs are still very much alive. Although these traditions differ from one region to another, many couples follow these today, both in Italy and in the US.
In Sicily, there were two ceremonies, a civil followed by a religious, and the religious was considered to be the more significant. In fact, the groom would not consider himself to be married until after the religious ceremony and the date of that ceremony was considered to be the wedding date. Many times the bride would arrive at the church on horseback, with the ceremony frequently occurring at night, and the way being lit with torches.”
“In America today, many Italian-Americans like to incorporate some of their ancestors' traditions into their own wedding reception, and several of these are very popular. It is usually the duty of the best man to toast the newly married couple with a glass of wine.
Almost all Italian-American newlyweds today celebrate the custom of giving their guests a small gift known as a confetti bomboniera. This tradition dates back to oman times, and the bomboniera consists of five or seven (always an odd number for luck) sugar-coated almonds wrapped in tulle or netting with ribbons. This symbolizes family life, as well as health, happiness, prosperity, fertility, and a long life together.”
”Of course food is of utmost importance, and the dessert table is very common today ,originating from the "Venetian hour," which is actually a Sicilian tradition of having an array of pastries, fruits, cakes in great quantities.”
(via Italian Wedding Traditions, Yesterday and Today | La Gazzetta Italiana)
“In 2018, Montepulciano d’Abruzzo celebrated half a century of DOC recognition. The beloved style of red from the center of Italy has long solidified its status as one of the country’s enduring viticultural touchstones. For good reason: Winemaking here traces its roots back to ancient times — a local tradition dating back to the Roman Empire.”
“I love that Abruzzo is an underdog,” says Joe Campanale, winemaker, sommelier, and owner of Fausto, a celebrated Italian restaurant in Brooklyn. “When you try one of the wines … you easily realize that it’s possible to create distinctive and terroir-driven wines here.”
“I’m mostly looking at a flavor profile of dark red fruits, black pepper, and a bit of earthiness,” observes Catherine Morel, lead sommelier at 71Above in Los Angeles. “They pair well with pasta and red sauce — spaghetti alla chitarra is a regional dish — lamb, and pizza. So what’s not to love about that!?” She’s equally as enthusiastic pairing Trebbiano d’Abruzzo with simple pasta dishes — gnocchi with a light cheese.”
“This soup combining tiny meatballs, and greens in a flavorful broth is apparently very popular at Italian weddings in the United States, although I had never heard of it all the years I had lived in Italy. In Canada at Italian weddings, a light soup of broth with tiny pasta, or Pastina in Brodo is served as a first course before the pasta and meat courses...While researching its origins, and to find out exactly why it is called “wedding” soup, I found that actually the soup was given this name because it was felt that the meat and greens which are main ingredients, go well together (marry well), or in Italian si sposono bene.”
(via ITALIAN WEDDING SOUP | Italian Food Forever blog)
Minestra Maritata - Wedding Soup
“While wedding soup is known to Italian-Americans, it might not have the connotation they think it has. Contrary to popular thought, it's not served at weddings. Rather, it's called "maritata" - married, because the ingredients "marry" well together to create a harmonious dish! It's a Neapolitan tradition, and an old one, at that. It dates back a few centuries, to one-pot meals that were filling and the only meal of the day for most households. It combines broth with a type of meat (most commonly sausage pieces or tiny meatballs) and greens, thus making it a hearty and nutritious soup.”
(via Minestra Maritata - Wedding Soup | Summer In Italy blog)
Spaghetti Alla Chitarra
“This pasta is made with a chitarra ("guitar"), and until recently, it was difficult to find the special pasta-cutting tool outside the region of Abruzzo, Italy. The design is simple: a rectangular wooden frame strung with metal wires that cut sheets of pasta into strands. The resulting shape of these noodles -- square, rather than round -- gives them textural appeal and makes them an ideal pasta partner for a hearty meat sauce...Chitarra typically is served with an Abruzzese-style ragu: a sauce flavored with pieces of meat that are used as flavoring, then removed (as opposed to a ground meat sauce).”
(via Spaghetti Alla Chitarra | The Washington Post)
Pizza Dolce, The Most Delicious and Moist Layered Sponge Cake Ever
“Layered sponge cake recipe known as Pizza Dolce from the region of Abruzzo. Originating back to 1923, this layered sponge cake has evolved over time to become one of the most sought after organic sponge cake desserts in Italy. This layered sponge cake is a sweet mix of sponge layered with almonds, vanilla and chocolate custard topped with coffee icing and super moist thanks to the mix of liquors on every layer...”
(via Pizza Dolce, The Most Delicious and Moist Layered Sponge Cake Ever | Huffpost)
Pizzelle: The Best Italian Wedding Cookies
“In the southern region of Abruzzo it is traditional to make pizzelle for weddings. There are actually many different names for this thin waffle cookie cooked in a hot iron press: ferratelle, cancelle, nuvole, nevole, neole. Whatever the name, they are generally flavored with lemon zest or sometimes anice. According to tradition when making these cookies with the iron press over an open flame, the chef recited the “Our Father” as one side of the cookie was heated. Then the press would be flipped and he or she would recite the “Hail Mary” in order to finish the process.”
“The exact origins of this cookie are unknown, however pizzelle began being made in the 18th century. At the time, the iron used to cook them was embossed with the family coat of arms or the bride and groom’s initials...For a more modern interpretation of this Abruzzese tradition, pizzelle can be served at a wedding shower or any other pre-wedding occasion or at the dessert buffet. In fact, today in Abruzzo these cookies are made for all types of occasions and holidays.”
(via Pizzelle: The Best Italian Wedding Cookies | Made In Italy blog)
Italian Wedding Cookies Recipe
“Easy and quick, this is the best Italian wedding cookies recipe ever. Loaded with walnuts and hazelnuts and coated in fluffy powder sugar like a snowball, these Italian cookies are sure to steal everybody’s heart!”
(via Italian Wedding Cookies Recipe | Ciao Florentina blog)
Engagement Ring Cookies Are an Instagram Food Trend We Can Really Get Behind
“If you didn't get an engagement ring cookie, are you even really engaged?“
“Instagram-driven trends to inspire this year’s brides- and grooms-to-be come with the territory, of course. Step aside, doughnut walls and naked cakes. Blinged-out cookies decorated to look like ring-sporting hands are in.”
“And not all hand cookies need to be about getting married, either.”
“Making quite the show of hands, they're a delightful way to celebrate really any occasion.”
(via Engagement Ring Cookies Are an Instagram Food Trend We Can Really Get Behind | Food & Wine)
#italianwedding#promessa#minestramaritata#italianweddingsoup#bomboniera#spaghetti alla chitarra#montepulciano d’abruzzo#pizzadolce#confetti#pizzelle#weddingcookies#engagementringcookies#sevenrings
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#bomboniera #lego #scatolina #verde #green #fiocco #goodday #goodmorning #buongiorno #instapic #boh #cute #carina #confetti #italy #comunione #sole #maggio #ig_bertinoro #hello #ciao #verdepastello #box
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Bomboniere Infinity vi aiuta e consiglia nella scelta della bomboniera perfetta per la vostra cerimonia. Con esperienza più che ventennale nel settore nuziale e nell'oggettistica da regalo e accessori saranno in grado d'interpretare i vostri desideri e di accompagnarvi verso il prodotto più adatto a voi.
Articoli offerti
Bomboniere Infinity offre agli sposi diverse soluzioni per la scelta degli omaggi da offrire ai propri ospiti. Potete scegliere bomboniere in argento, porcellana e ceramica, cristallo e vetro. Per un oggetto utile e molto gradito offre inoltre fantastiche bomboniere green: piante aromatiche, aloe, orchidee, bonsai e piantine grasse proposte con un'ampia scelta di confezionamenti, adatti a qualsiasi stile di cerimonia.
In alternative potete scegliere le gustose bomboniere gastronomiche: marmellate e miele, infusi e spezie, fino alla bottiglia di olio pregiato o risotto aromatizzato e confezionato in bottiglia. Le confezioni sono curate nei minimi dettagli, create con materiali pregiati e soprattutto made in Italy. Forniscono inoltre deliziosi confetti Buratti, proposti in più di 160 tipologie differenti.
Copertura territoriale
Bomboniere Infinity è in grado di portare i propri servizi su tutto il territorio nazionale e anche all'estero attraverso spedizioni con corriere espresso.
Altre informazioni su Bomboniere Infinity
Quali prodotti offri?
Disponi di un catalogo? È possibile farsi personalizzare le bomboniere?
Esiste un ordine minimo?
Qual è il sovrapprezzo nel caso in cui non si arrivi al numero minimo?
Qual è il sovrapprezzo nel caso di spedizioni nazionali?
Che altri tipi di servizio offri?
Orario commerciale:
Come si effettua il pagamento?
Saponi aromatici
Altri (Bomboniere gastronomiche, bomboniere green, porcellane e ceramiche, vetri e cristalli, bomboniere marchio Bagutta, AD, Le Mandorle. Confetti Buratti. Partecipazioni e bigliettini)
Bomboniere di nozze personalizzate
Non c'è minimo di ordine e sovrapprezzo
La spedizione parte da euro 4,90. Per ordini superiori ai 139 euro è gratuita
Servizio di stampa
Vendita di partecipazioni di nozze
Realizzazione di tableau mariage
Realizzazione di segnaposto
Altri (Allestimento location per Battesimo Comunione e Cresima)
Da lunedì a venerdì 10:00-13:00 e 15:00-20:00 Sabato 15:00-19:00 Vendita online, non abbiamo esposizione diretta. Contatti via telefono o email
Pagamento con carta di credito, bonifico bancario, contrassegno (con anticipo), ricarica postepay. Possibile pagamento dilazionato a rate nei mesi precedentii la consegna delle bomboniere
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🎄👰🎩🤵✨ 10 o più mini #candele #segnaposto #matrimonio natalizio #nozze a #Natale personalizzate con nomi e data #bomboniera matrimonio segnaposto #nozze #christmastree #decorations #elves #family #gift #gifts #green #happyholidays #wedding #weddingcake #weddingday #weddingdress #weddinggown #weddingparty https://www.giocandles.com/listing/729106042/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B3XZePUA898/?igshid=1vx9iyviw4lr0
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#bomboniere #bomboniera #country #wedding #newborn #cinziacreazioni #fiocchetto #arancione #arcobaleno #foglia #sposi #solocosebelle #verde #green #sposa #evento #originale #bride #vita #alberodellavita #sole #sun #bello #nuvoletta #matrimonio #ideamatrimonio #idea #regalomatrimonio #girasole
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Bomboniere green e bomboniere eco-friendly
Bomboniere green e bomboniere eco-friendly
Chi ha detto che una bomboniera debba essere per forza un oggetto inanimato? Puo’ essere infatti anche un essere vivente! Negli ultimi 5-6 anni si sono diffuse le cosiddette bomboniere eco-friendly o anche bomboniere green e cioe’ bomboniere costituite da piante o semi da coltivare e far crescere. Il mercato offre un sacco di alternative, vediamone alcune:
Semi o bulbi
C’e’ chi propende per una pianta in divenire e cio’ chi opta per mettere dentro la propria bomboniera green dei semi o bulbi di vario tipo lasciando a chi li ricevera’ il compito di piantarli e farli crescere come l’amore degli sposi.
Sia che scegliate bulbi preziosi come quelli di Crocus (da cui si ricava lo zafferano) o semi di fiori di campo ricordatevi magari di allegare al sacchettino o vasetto che li raccoglie anche un minimo di istruzioni per quanto riguarda la coltivazione e cura della pianta che nascera’.
Alcuni esempi di bulbi da regalare possono essere
Campanula, dal colore lilla
Calla: prevalentemente bianco ma ne esistono di molte varianti di colore.
Amarillide: tendenzialmente rosso ma che puo’ avere varianti con sfumature rosa su fondo bianco.
mentre per quanto riguarda i semi i piu’ usati sono:
Cosmea: ce ne sono di gialli, di rosa o rossi
Echinacea Purpurea del bellissimi fiori rosa
Phlox: un miscuglio di vari colori come l’arcobaleno
Piante grasse
Se invece vi fidate poco del pollice verde dei vostri invitati vi consigliamo di propendere per l’utilizzo di piante vive ma che richiedono poche cure come le piante grasse o succulente. Cercando non vi sara’ difficile trovare mini o micro cactus in vendita in negozi specializzati che solitamente vengono proposti anche attraverso l’uso di un contenitore/espositore trasparente che contiene anche il nutrimento per alcuni giorni/settimane.
Le piante poi dovranno essere mantenute poi in appositi vasetti delle giuste dimensioni. Per ovviare all’aspetto rustico della pianta potete confezionare il tutto con eleganti nastri e/o con un cartellino personalizzato con il nome dell’invitato e la data dell’evento da festeggiare.
Alberelli da piantare
Se cactus o affini non dovrebbero essere in linea con i vostri gusti potreste optare per piccoli alberelli da piantare optando per piante di facile manutenzione e rapido accrescimento come Abeti o Pini o mini querce. Non va dimenticata anche la possibilita’ di regalare piante sempreverdi come l’alloro o il rosmarino che poi verranno ulteriormente apprezzate per il loro utilizzo in cucina.
Rispetto alle precedenti soluzioni l’utilizzo di alberelli richiede una maggiore cura nel trasporto e l’impossibilita’ di preparare le bomboniere con largo anticipo. Tenetene conto se siete dei pianificatori sul lungo periodo.
Mini Bonsai
Questa scelta, ultimamente molto diffusa richiama emozioni e atmosfere suggestive. E’ possibile trovare mini bonsai per tutte le tasche ance se, occorre dirlo, non sono economici come le soluzioni precedenti. Va tenuto anche conto che queste piantine necessitano di molte piu’ cure rispetto ai precedenti e quindi possono non essere indicate per tutte le tipologie di invitati.
Non molti lo conoscono ma è un terrarium e’ di sicuro una delle bomboniere green più particolari ed interessanti. E’ un piccolo mondo (solitamente in un’ampolla o vaso cilindrico largo) in miniatura dove c’e’ un microambiente fatto di piante, microbi e talvolta piccoli animali completamente autonomo. Una volta avviato e mantenuto nelle condizioni ideali di luce e temperatura e’ un sistema chiuso autosufficente che puo’ perdurare per anni e anni.
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Italian Wedding Traditions
Written by Renato Rizzuti
Spring time is here and so is the start of wedding season. As the song goes, “Love is in the air/Everywhere I look around/Love is in the air/Every sight and every sound.” Italian weddings are a celebration of love. Certain elements make the wedding uniquely Italian. Traditions that started long ago in Italy are still present in the modern Italian wedding.
Before the actual marriage comes the engagement. Back in old time Italy, marriages were arranged by the families of the bride and groom. A male relative of the groom went to see the father or uncle of the bride to ask for her hand in marriage. Sometimes a matchmaker was used to send a message or “masciata” to the bride’s family of the man’s honourable intentions to marry the bride. The couples’ official engagement was announced once the families were in agreement.
Today we still have unofficial Italian “matchmakers” that operate without hesitation when there is a possible match up. This might be your “nonna” or grandmother or a concerned relative or neighbour. Of course, Italian parents still discuss marriage arrangements with other parents to get their children married off to each other. There is always an informal or formal meeting of the “boyfriend” with the parents of the prospective “bride.” There is also some sort of “agreement” reached between the groom’s parents and the bride’s parents before the engagement goes forth. The “serenade” is no longer popular as a form of marriage proposal. The groom might still use music in the form of dedicating a song on the radio to his bride as a token of love.
Diamond engagement rings were used by medieval Italians because it was believed that diamonds were made out of “the flames of love.” This was a rather romantic and poetic sentiment to say the least. The medieval Italians used precious stones as payment for the bride and so a diamond ring meant that the groom had a serious intent to marry. Today, the engagement ring is typically a diamond ring. The tradition of spending two to three month’s salary was probably started by a Canadian jewelry store and not related to Italian tradition. Although, it sure symbolizes a serious commitment!
The engagement party can be a simple at home affair or it can be a lavish affair held at a banquet hall. The bride wears a green dress because the colour green in Italian culture symbolizes hope and prosperity.
The bachelor or bachelorette party is more of a North American tradition. In Southern Italy these types of parties are not commonly held. It is kind of ironic to celebrate the last night of “freedom” since that implies that marriage is some how restrictive. The girls can go just as wild at a bachlorette party than the guys at a bachelor party!
On the wedding day, the bride is not supposed to wear any gold jewelry at all. This is until the wedding ring is presented to her at church. The wearing of gold is supposed to bring bad luck. Also the wearing of any other jewelry to thought to detract from the special value and symbol of love that the wedding ring represents.
According to Old Church traditions marriage was forbidden during Lent and Advent. Marriage was also to be avoided in the months of May and August. May was reserved for the veneration of the Virgin Mary. August was thought to bring bad luck and poor health. Today, these traditions are somewhat observed. Modern Catholic Churches do not place a ban on marriage ceremonies for May or August. Italian banquet halls get booked up quickly and so you may have no choice to have a May or August wedding. I personally have been to an August wedding a number of years back. That couple is still together and apparently they got a special price deal from the banquet hall! Sunday marriages are thought to be the luckiest except during May and August. That may be so but modern Italian weddings usually take place on a Saturday which is when the wedding ceremony is usually performed at a church.
Old Italian folklore dictated that the groom carry a piece of iron on his wedding day to ward off the evil eye or “mal’occhio” because his happy situation might provoke envy and invite evil supernatural forces. I can imagine that an overly paranoid and neurotic groom might place a very heavy piece of iron in his pants’ pocket. That being the case, there lurks the strong possibility that his pants will fall down at the church because of the weight of the iron ore!
The tradition of a bride wearing a veil can be traced back to Italy and throughout other regions of Europe as well. The purpose of the veil is to conceal the bride. It is not as sometimes depicted in TV cartoons to hide the bride’s “funny looks” but rather her beauty. Of course, her beauty is bound to attract evil and jealous spirits so her face is hidden by the veil. The ironic thing about this is the fact that it is good luck for the veil to be torn. Maybe it is good luck that the groom gets a “sneak peak” at the bride’s good looks before he commits himself to the marriage!
The candy-covered almonds or “confetti” that is tossed at the couple is an Italian tradition to avoid childlessness. Today paper “confetti” is used. Although a lot of churches do not allow confetti to be thrown because it makes a mess out of the church steps for next couple that is next to be married.
At the reception the festivities are launched by the best man proposing a toast to the bride and groom. A common toast that is used is “Per cent’anni” which means “For a hundred years.” This wishes the couple a long marriage and long term good health.
All the men at the reception kiss the bride for good luck and supposedly to make the groom jealous. How is it good luck to make an Italian groom jealous? Good question since “Italian jealously” is known to be quite strong and may result in the groom inflicting a serious injury to one of the male guests! Oh well, the kissing of the bride is done with good intentions and should be taken that way by the groom
In old tradition, the bride carried a satin bag or “la borsa” in which guests placed envelopes containing money or the “busta.” During the reception, before they had such a thing as a “Brinks guard” the purse was guarded by the bride’s grandmother or “nonna.” Or the mother of the bride, or other designated person would guard the “borsa.” In some weddings the bride would hold the bag and all the men that danced with her would put money into the “borsa.” In today’s modern Italian weddings some sort of decorated “money box” is used to collect the “bustas.” It is up to the couple to decide if a Brinks guard would be a tougher protector of the “money box” than an Italian “nonna!”
In some weddings, particularly in Northern Italy there is the tradition of the best man cutting the groom’s tie into little pieces. The pieces are then put on a tray and sold to the guests. The money raised by this helps to pay for the band. In modern day, the groom usually wears a rental tie that he received with his rental tuxedo. It is recommended that the groom bring an inexpensive tie in anticipation of this custom. Otherwise, the groom will end up paying for the tuxedo tie!
Italian weddings have traditionally been known to have good food and plenty of it as the focal point of the festivities. Dinner can be as many as fourteen different courses or more. This tradition is still very popular today with many banquet halls competing for the lucrative Italian wedding business. Twists of fried dough, powdered with sugar called bow ties or “wanda” are served as symbols of good luck.
Music and dancing are also an important part of any Italian wedding. The traditional tarantella dance comes from the legend that a woman that was bitten by a poisonous tarantula could be cured by dancing at the proper tempo. Although this dance originated in Southern Italy, different regions in Italy use slightly different music for the tarantella but the melodies are similar. The guests form a circle and begin dancing clockwise. The tempo changes and the circle speeds up and changes direction going faster and faster until all the guests break up at the laughing and confusion!
Italy is the place of origin for the custom of handing out candied almonds. The candied almonds are meant to represent the sweet and bitter aspects of life. The candies are wrapped in netting and tied to a something like a glass dish as a wedding favor or “bomboniera.” We gave out small picture frames at our wedding so that the guests would have something useful to use after the wedding.
Another old wedding tradition is for the bride and groom to break a glass or a vase before going to bed. Apparently the number of pieces that the vase or glass breaks into symbolizes the number of happy years of marriage that the couple can expect to enjoy. One hopes that they do not try to break something made out of shatterproof glass!
Along with old traditions and new traditions do not be afraid to start your own unique tradition. After all, it is your wedding and you have the right to personalize it in a special way. To all of you that are getting married this wedding season, here is wishing you all the best! Viva le sposi!
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