#bomberman hcs
mutedeclipse · 1 year
I got really inspired to list off some basic bomberman anatomy headcanons that ive picked up from 2022-2023 so i introduce to you...
BOMBERMAN BASICS, a blanket guide to understanding whatever the fuck mutedeclipse has going on
By lunar myth.
Before i proceed i need to preface and clarify i function on a loose, but still grounded logic of the biomechanical. This is fantasy alien tech it doesnt have to all make sense, and konami disregards consistency in their own series anyway so this is MY way. They have biosynthetic components, like skin and they have mechanical components, like a screen, but they also have mouths inside those screens and can eat to recover energy like any other being of flesh and bone (i will explain this LATER. we'll get to it dear friend it will not make sense to most ontill we get there)
As a robotic 'species' their creation is a rather individual process, while components are standard they come in many shapes, sizes and colours! But the main thing is what goes on inside that makes a bomber a bomber. Aside from those there are exceptions and rules commonly broken. (I do whatever but this is my baseline, as an example my own sona works on extremely nonsensical logic by design)
Internally they have a ribcage, a flexible spine, pelvis.. ish and a 'skull' in order to protect their core and other delicate parts. with soft, flexible joints and limbs with hands that vary from bomber to bomber, although the standard tend to have rather malleable, flexible fingers that are gloved with mittens or regular old gloves.. either way theyre typically covered, If exposed they resemble human hands, although finger count is a resounding 4 including an opposing thumb (ive decided its not a stylistic choice actually its cuter if they only have 4 fingers on average per hand) and 0 toes, with malliable, adaptable feet
i believe that bombermen as a whole, classic, R or any other continuity run on a sort of small-scale hyper-efficient combustion engine which burns consumed fuel. (while food is typical basically anything that can be blown up and burned can be consumed to refuel) which not only is a partial reason for their name as bombers and a big distinguishing factor from just any ordinary bio machine. Their Engine resides neatly in their chest and it almost sounds like a heartbeat if you lay your ear to their synth-flesh, their bodies have a lifelike warmth due to their fuel source. The engine also produces light that may faintly shine through as body blushing
Now onto the head... difficult to tackle but ill try to make this make as much sense as i can... their head is exactly what you see is what we're working with. They have a 'screen' that for the purpose of expression have lights for the purpose of expression. that screen is also rather flexible, as it is a Non-Newtonian fluid. Bear with me here this is about to get insane.
Typically a flexible/malleable sheet of glass-like material it may become liquid through some sort of reaction not quite understood past "these specific components make this sheet of glass become permeable when used as stimuli", the material only sticks to itself, allowing objects to freely pass through creating small ripples in a bomber's face as they eat, or sticking out their tongue. (Yes They have tongues because i really want them to know the pleasures of good food ok? I want them to enjoy good meals with eachother and bond over that. Its a lovely thought to me.) They have artificial tastebuds there that mimic the capabilities of any normal tongue. They may also have teeth. I havent decided on that being standard yet because they either swallow things whole like snakes (horrifying) or chew things up (also weirdly horrifying but makes more sense considering itd help with combustion).
Inside the aforementioned 'skull' like structure, which mainly consists of a component refered to as a core, this contains the personality, memory and other things that revolve around individualistic abilities of a given bomber, it acts as a brain for these little guys and can be just as delicate as one, a faulty core can spell a whole host of problems for a bomber, such as memory issues and faulty power regulation. Touch receptors run down from the core through the body in order to aid in a sense of touch (most sensative in the hands (palms), antenna, face, etc. Normal places youd expect)
The antenna work like whiskers as it aids in the balance of a bomberman along with a general receptor of data around them, they respond to many different kinds of stimuli, typically sound and signals sent by other bombers. (theyre kinda like bugs in that isnt that neat) the standard antenna has a rather gummy like quality and is at least a little translucent, if you look inside sometimes you can notice a little light of the receptor inside. The standard ball antenna may irregularly spike up in response to strong emotions. Despite seeming like a defense mechanism, this is an unintended effect of the structure.
As theyre mechanical body modification (one of my oldest hcs and one of my favorites) and cybernetics tend to be a sight thats not too uncommon, stay tuned and i might tackle those next. In the meantime i can awnser questions about this because Im barely sure if this makes sense and im bad at articulating.
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bibi-likes-to-draw · 8 months
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Pink Bomber is trans 🏳️‍⚧️
Gif under the cut!
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sp3ncer45 · 11 months
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shitty mc cringe ass higesona
I have yet to actually give him a ref besides doodles and sketches but like his name is sugar glider bomber !!
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andro-dino · 2 months
ever since i got into sbr the bombermen now live in my brain..... maybe some domestic hcs for the bros and the dastardly bombers?? after the latter get redeemed im interested to know how you think they acclimated to being normal guys again
There’s so many thoughts that have just been brewing around up there for ages. One that is like a suuuuuper old thought that’s been up there for years is the idea that Green hangs out with his sisters a lot and at some point gets really into painting nails and tries to get any and all of his siblings to let him paint their nails (ignore the fact that they don’t canonically have nails rn okay lets just pretend). It’s pretty hit and miss. I like to think that Yellow would be one of the most openly receptive to it but he cannot hold still for that long so his always end up really scuffed and messed up but he still loves them anyways. Also during this era I liked pairing up Green and Red as like, particularly close, and Red despite all his usual willpower is very weak to Greens manipulation and I just think it’s so silly. I drew a lil thing of him also ages ago beating up his training dummy while holding his hands out very carefully trying not to mess up his freshly painted nails and I just think that encompasses that whole thing.
SPEAKING OF RED AND DUO DYNAMICS I LIKE WITH HIM, him and black have a very stupid rivalry and constantly butting heads with each other is something that I hold very near and dear to my heart. It was a product of all the tiktok audios that were popular at the time that I had saved for hypothetical future cosplays I think (side note I need to get back to cosplaying (my magnet wig has been staring me down recently)). Their dynamic is very similar to dan and reiki to me if that makes sense. except they’re both better and worse. idk they’re just very dear to me <3 this one interaction in sbr2 genuinely made me like scream and cry and throw up it’s all 2018 axel ever could’ve wanted.
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Another individual duo dynamic between the bros I am obsessed with is blue and pink bc I hc them as twins and they r so important to me. Blue in general I like to think of as really good at reading people (even if he doesn’t usually make that super obvious) and he tends to notice when Pink is overly stressed out and putting too much pressure on herself. When this happens, he’s usually able to bring her back down to earth by smacking her upside the head with a pillow and telling her to take a break. I like to think that if she’s stressing out abt like having to look after their other siblings or whatever, Blues like “I’ll handle it” and it’s very ominous and pink does not fully know what that entails but she does know that she really wants to take a nap so she lets him handle it. I think you give that man a monster energy or two and he could do anything.
I was also recently thinking abt the respective eldest four/youngest four quartets of the Bomberman bros and they just. mean so much to me. I like to think that they hold like their own respective council meeting to discuss the current state of affairs and stuff they’ve noticed about the other half. THEYRE JUST VERU IMPORTANT TO ME. with the older bros, again with blue being the most observant, I like to think that he tends to bring up stuff that none of the others have noticed yet and it always catches everyone off guard. The younger half are extremely silly with it. Like I don’t know how to describe it but they are the most functionally dysfunctional group imaginable and it’s both horribly chaotic but surprisingly organized. Yellow is the minutes man. he does keep track of everything in crayon. Half of the time he does get distracted drawing flowers and butterflies instead. there’s no one else they would trust with the job. Red thinks he’s the leader since he’s the oldest of the four. Aqua and Green have not broken the news to him that he is not. It’s okay he doesn’t need to know.
As for the dastardlys, I don’t have a lot of specific ideas for them as far as like, re becoming parts of society goes (though most of the ones I do have are mostly whiteplasma focused (and none of them are very coherent bc thinking about them together just makes me sob violently)), though I’ve honestly always liked the idea of them forming their own sort of ragtag sibling kind of bond. It’s very strange and weird and none of them are really fully used to it but they find comfort in each other methinks. Pretty serves as the main bridge between them and the main eight. I like to think that even after buggler n everything, she still dresses up and keeps Karaoke around as like, a sort of drag persona. It’s very important to me that for both groups, she is both very sisterly and mature but also incredibly silly to degrees unheard of. I’ve always liked the idea of her and magnet being especially close. They r. insane together. sometimes pretty is able to ground him and give him good advice and other times they bring out the worst (best) in each other and it ends about as well as you’d expect, but they r like besties in my head.
Plasma I’ve always thought of as just having a natural protective/big brother kind of instinct to him. It’s funny bc half of the dastardlies are older or roughly the same age as him but he still just like instinctually pulls out a lot of the big brother talk with them. One interaction I’ve thought abt is between him and golem where they’re kinda just hangin out and whatever and he brings up how golem and yellow are getting along and plasma’s like “it’s nice that you’re making friends I’m very happy for you” and golem (in his own vocabulary obviously) is like “yk you don’t have to talk to me like I’m a child, I am like thousands of years older than you” and plasmas like “right my b force of habit.” (I do think plasma is still like mentally older than golem iykwim but yk, golems not like green little either). It’s funny I actually used to not really like/care about plasma that much (I honestly think it was just his English voice acting like it really just does not do it for me dawg) but now I love him so dearly. His and white’s dynamic is especially important to me (if that wasn’t already clear) and like. augh. aughhh <333 they’re so incredibly similar in so many ways and just the thought of them consistently being together and training and hanging out with each other and bringing out the best in each other is so important to me. They keep up their friendly rivalry while helping each other out, white especially helping plasma and the others get reacclimated to everything and supporting them along the way (and maybe he and plasma smooch a little too idk the world is a beautiful place). I think White also gets along with Golem pretty well. mostly just bc white supervises golem and yellows hangouts/dates for a while just to make sure yellow is really fine without him keeping his eye on him all the time and in the process, grows really fond of golem.
I think as far as the other dastardlies and the bros go, I also like red and magnet together a lot just like generally. they r so incredibly silly I just think they should not be separated (even though only bad things happen when they’re together /silly). I also obviously am obsessed with phantom and blue together. extremely over dramatic guy who still thinks they have an intense rivalry x guy who goes “lol” and does not feed into it at all is the best ever in the world. Also, just bc of that one image from the sbr credits, him and black together I think would be great. They both have such a flair for the dramatics that I think it’d work. You’d think they’d be a mess just with how different their usual personalities tend to be but I think it cancels out and both of them think they just kinda get each other (they do not)(they don’t need to know that they’re happy anyways).
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blu3-1mp0st0r-v2 · 4 months
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Bomberdrones Part 6! I'm trying to add different versions of Bomberman, like B-Daman Bakugaiden, Jetters, etc.
and I added my own species of Bombers called Monster Bombers! rn they're an open species, and they can be mixed with any one or two animals! and a lil' Bomberman hc: every winter the Bombers grow fur to keep warm, but Monster Bombers keep their fur year round! also a Bomber's fur depends on where they live. if they live in modern society, they only have fur in the winters, if they live in small neighborhoods, they have some fur, if they live in the woods, then they have perma-fur. also a Bomber's fur, no matter where they live, automatically bristles up when something is very, very, VERY wrong.
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lunaremy · 1 year
Perhaps someone asked this already, but I’m curious, do you have any HCs for Vic x White? After reading one of your most recent posts, the ship is starting to grow on me!
Hehe! I've never thought about it too seriously, but this is gonna be a fun and lighthearted write to start the day off.
Starting off- VV knows more about White than White does. Not personality-wise, but body-wise. By that, I mean that White and his siblings have a lot of cool features that they didn't know about until Vic pointed it out. After a while, VV just started pointing out features in private because White's siblings would immediately hound him about it if he did so in front of them.
I consider White and Vic to be mostly long-distance. Vic himself is around a galaxy or two away from White and Planet Bomber in general. Long-distance communication is sufficiently advanced to mitigate most of the issues with Long-distance relationships, but White still finds himself missing him in-person.
Because of that, whenever Vic ends up on Planet Bomber for one reason or another, it's generally regarded with much fanfare from White. Vic's normally exhausted after traveling for such a long distance, so he usually ends up sleeping in White's room shortly after arriving. After he's done resting, White and Vic usually go on some kind of fancy date to celebrate the occasion.
White's primary love language is quality time. VV's primary love language is words of affirmation. VV goes out of his way to travel to Planet Bomber at least once a year to acknowledge how White cares for other people in a relationship.
Some of white's younger siblings are fascinated by VV (i.e "Can you show me how to do this? or, "You're so fast! Wanna play tag with me?). White finds it endearing
Phew. That's all I can think about...I find it funny how White's genuinely such a little sweetie-pie around his partner. It's rare he really gets to relax on his own in the Bomberman household (doing errands, missions, taking care of your family, etc etc), so I find it adorable when Vic finally comes over and he just melts. Finally, some respite
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bombernom · 2 years
i kinda hc that white bomberman trys to be confident about eating others, but is panicing inside
Holy FLIP i love that! Like At first he's all brave about eating prey but in reality he's like really worried if he's going to harm them or not. I like you, i REALLY like you
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speeding-fox · 3 years
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I tried SBR style but it looks more like my style mixed with it.
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bootleg-sara · 3 years
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Fun fact about me!
I have a weird yet loving connection with the bomberman series despite having never played a single one of their games. I just, really vibes with the characters and style of Bomberman R.
Listen, the Bomberman R crew would make a great episodic cartoon series that’s all I’m sayin’
I like, lowkey wanna make a comic series with them because they are so much fun. It would be mostly goofy fun times with hints of sincerity because I dig that stuff. To bad I can barely draw as is lmao. I might make like, one long comic as a proof of concept or what have you
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Quick draw of this blog.
Heya fellas. It's cinawolf/Sweetwolf05. I might start to opened this blog if who you wanted to ask/rp. Sending a HC is optional.
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Magnet Bomber
Power Bomber
Hammer Bomber
Jet Bomber
Bazooka Bomber
Lady Bomber
Bomber Great(nicknamed Great Bomber)
Plasma Bomber
Ava Bomber(mainly nicknamed Goth Bomber)
Silver Bomber
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ndgayoftheday · 6 years
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Shirobon (Bomberman) is an asexual trans boy.
- submitted by anonymous
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mutedeclipse · 1 year
i absolutely adore your Bomberman Art and AUS
Also some Red Bomber Headcannons
. He's overprotective yet very reckless (He gets hurt alot and is maybe covered in bandages)
. Definitely looks up to White and Possibly wants to be like him when he was little
. Possibly frenemies with Magnet
. He can handle the spiciest of foods
. Trains alot thanks to white
. And he's probably pretty strong ( I noticed he had dumbbells in both trailers of R 1 and 2)
I guess im posting 2 red hc lists in a row from asks lmao 😵‍💫 how the fuck did i miss these???
But i ascribe to basically all of these! Particularly the strength and bandage ridden recklessness ones stick out as something i actually tend to draw for my red interpretations! I also draw him with one "blind" eye for most of my interpretations... thats just a me thing tho.
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↑Blind eye as depicted in R-ewritten!
hes got bad depth perception so the recklessness is a little unwise but thats ok hes got his unleashed dog energy and nobody can take this from him. And he definitely looks up to his older brother itd be strange if he didnt with his obsession with justice and being a hero... just like big bro :}
Side note in R-ewritten he likes welding thats one of his hobbies so hes the team handyman with blue's knowhow and i thought it was a really sweet way to tie together their siblingery and teamwork... bit of a fun fact about my main verse that i never ever talk about
I think the frenemies thing is basically canon due to the credits of R1 so theyre at least on friendly terms, but like take everything else ive said myself with a grain of salt im just shedding light on my thought processies
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bibi-likes-to-draw · 8 months
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An adorable looping gif with Yellow!
Nonsense ramblings about making and my inspirations under the cut
Ok, starting with the background, I wanted it to look how I interpreted how Planet Bomber would look, with its lush mossy grass and giant red moon in the sky.
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I also thought that since I HC him as aroace and saw this beautiful variation of it done by @siryyeet witch I used to color pick some of the colors, I made it so would have the been colored in a way that mimics it, and I think it it turned out great!
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The butterfly in it is also an obvious nod to that one moment in Super Bomberman R in which he chases one although that takes place on Planet Timbertree so probably should have that the bg????? Whatever, this looks pretty
Also here’s a frame of it but not compressed as well a rough version of the gif
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
🐉 Anon back at it again at Krispy Kreme
Man I’ve really loved reading all the new stuff you’ve written: Paperstar and Mime Bomb as friends is a really fun (if terrifying) concept, and the safety HCs with Team Red were really sweet.
However, I cannot forgive you for the absolute brainrot you have inflicted on me with Chapter 3 of “Where in the World is Mon Cher”. (/joke, I can forgive you, very easily.) You can’t just say Antonio owns a 3DS and Switch and not expect me to meticulously headcanon what he’d play on them!! Might make a formal request on that at some point down the line, but that single line has ruined me.
But anyway, the rest of that chapter was excellent! A nice mix of cute moments and heartbreaking ones, with a nice dash of mystery at the end! Every new chapter makes me more and more excited.
I’ll end off with this: don’t worry so much about the amount of time you take on things. I’m sure you want everything you make to be the best quality possible, and that takes time. From what I’ve seen, most people don’t mind waiting a little bit longer for things like this. Please don’t stress yourself out friend. Best wishes to you!
Aww thank you so much! I am glad you are back at it again at Krispy Kreme because if not I would miss you and your sweet comments. I imagine he would play some calmer games like Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, maybe One Two Switch or BomberMan if he can convince other people to play!
I appreciate your kindness so much. Life has not been very nice to me and as much as I want to write my mind just goes blank then I end up using my skill for gross things like school work. But I have decided I will go easy on myself only because you said so!
Much love my friend!
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andro-dino · 2 months
orrrr some hcs for ur bomberman cousin ocs!! they look so cutie i wanna know more abt them
BOMBERCOUSINS MENTION‼️‼️‼️‼️ a lot of these are gonna be ideas I wanted to doodle that I may or may not still get around to at some point. I’ve been meaning to doodle more of them but me n my drawing motivation have been ALL over the place recently
I guess I should start by saying definitively that if it wasn’t obvious already, they are all ship kids bc I’m cringe but I love them 👉👈 the ways that all of them take after their respective parents r so important to me. Pristine and Ember are both exact fusions/copies of both of their parents. Plasma and White and Red and Magnet are so similar to each other within their respective duos that their kids end up spitting images of em. With Plasma and White, that’s probably a pretty good thing bc Pristine is a fine upstanding citizen with strong morals and desire to help others and keep the peace on the name of good. Magnet n red on the other hand. they created a force to be reckoned with. Like they do have a relationship that is pretty stable in its own kind of way and they r a strong little family but by god. Ember is a beast. He’s also the shortest of the cousins so he is basically like an extremely explosive little Pomeranian. I like to think that Pristine has to keep her in line a lot of the time. She gives them headaches but they love each other I swear.
Indigo and Marigold though mostly take after one of their parents more than the other. Indigo is basically a much more openly snarky version of Blue, though Phantoms personality definitely did rub off on them a lot. My favorite way to describe Indigo is that they have an insane ego but like you can’t even get mad at xer for it because xe is just like, objectively better than you and everyone, including them, knows it.
Marigold on his end is essentially a much calmer version of Yellow. He’s a little more aware and mature generally but also delightfully air headed in his own kind of way. He’s the second youngest of the cousins but also one of the tallest and much like golem, freakishly strong. I’ve mentioned it before but him and indigo are particularly close bc I think they just vibe with each other on a completely different level. An idea that I really wanna draw out at some point is Marigold with indigo slung over his shoulders completely dead asleep meanwhile he’s just like “they’re fine dw ^^” they mean a lot to me <3
Honestly I just think all the individual duos of the four are really fun. Indigo and Ember paired together are like the worst combination you could possibly have bc when they’re without the more levelheaded two, they can cause so insanely much chaos together. Pristine and Mari meanwhile would have a nice little picnic together in the forest. I like to think that those two don’t talk a lot generally (pristine’s exception is for public speaking and all that hero jazz) and especially when they’re together just the two of them, they are very comfortable saying literally little to nothing at all to each other, and both of them will walk away from that interaction content and satisfied.
All four of them together can go really any way. Family gatherings with these guys are already chaotic enough as is with their parents and other uncles/aunts, so I doubt they’d stir up a substantial amount of trouble by comparison, but you never know. If they managed to all come together for missions n stuff, i like to think that they’d be mostly more functional than the og Bomberman bros were, but they’ve got their moments.
Also thought I’ve had abt them is that although I don’t have any specific labels for them, all four of them are some kind of nonbinary. their relationships with gender form in all sorts of ways such as
and 💚🤷
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sweetwolf05 · 3 years
Magnet Bomber! (Ask Game)
favorite thing about them: I love both his classic and his R designs. Personal him being mad at White Bomber.
least favorite thing about them: Naw. I don't think I have one.
favorite line: "How about that, eh? Just 'cause I'm small, don't think you can mess with me!"
brOTP: Pretty Bomber because Magnet sees her as a friend
OTP: Plasma x Magnet, Phantom/Brain x Magnet(Both of them are childhood friends in my hc), Sirius x Magnet
nOTP: Any female characters, including Aqua. Most of people like this ship but my personal opinion that they have large age gap; Magnet is 26 & Aqua is 12.
random headcanon: Chubby Magnet with freckles
unpopular opinion: You guys can say he can do memes such as Bomberman R jokes but I won't.
song i associate with them: I think The Neighborhood's Daddy Issues would fits him since Hudson Soft & Konami don't confirms any backstories about any villains.
favorite picture of them
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He would punch any woman if they dares to date his big brother(He respects Silver's relationship with Power as just friends.)
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