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Ricochet. PWG Battle Of Los Angeles 2017 Champion.
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Watch This Wrestling 34 (8/27—9/2)
This isn't my tardiest post, but as I had said to expect, it wasn't going to be one of the timely Sunday posts. BOLA was amazing, but also draining.
As always, if I'm missing anything that can be accessed without too much trouble, @ me on twitter: henrytcasey.
What I Watched
Monday Night Raw, 8/28
WWE Mae Young Classic Ep 1-4, 8/28
SmackDown LIVE, 8/29
205 Live, 8/29
NXT, 8/30
Lucha Underground, 8/30
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla 2017 Battle of Los Angeles - Stage One, 9/1
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla 2017 Battle of Los Angeles - Stage Two, 9/2
Upcoming Watch List
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla 2017 Battle of Los Angeles - Final Stage, 9/3
Monday Night Raw, 9/4
WWE Mae Young Classic Ep 5-8, 9/4
SmackDown LIVE, 9/5
205 Live, 9/5
NXT, 9/6
Lucha Underground, 9/6
Non-WWE Segment of The Week
An Unmasked Castro Meets With Dario Cueto
Lucha Underground, 8/30
A best in-name-only, as there wasn't much to draw from this week. Being The Elite is getting stale and WWN seems to be in an off-week for YouTube content.
I liked this interaction, between Cueto and the fomerly-undercover cop who was in hiding in his underground wrestling club. Not only was it a surprise, because you don't expect Castro to walk right into Dario's office, but it pushed the ball forward in the feud with Joey Ryan.
Non-WWE Match of The Week:
Flash Morgan Webster vs Marty Scurll
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla 2017 Battle of Los Angeles - Stage One, 9/1
As you'll see in the honorable mentions, the first two nights of BOLA were (predictably) top-shelf. I could have gone with either of the Keith Lee matches from nights 1 or 2, or the insane The Elite vs The Lucha Trio (Penta El 0M, Fenix, Flamita). But I did not.
That's because this match feels more ... special. I'd never been a card carrying member of the FMW hive before, and now I own two of his shirts.
Why? He didn't win the crowd over with perfect high spots or anything (one famous wrestling writer noted to me that's where he needs work), but he showed everything else about how he is very damn good at this wrestling thing.
Wrestling as a babyface to Marty Scurll's lovable villain is tough, but Flash sold everything beautifully and his buildups for comebacks were a delight. Scurll, for his part, did take to the mic to chastise the audience and get some heat to get the match starting right. And once Scurll had given Webster that starting point, the mod from a town called Malice brought thunder to begin the match.
All in all, it felt like the biggest match of Flash's career so far.
Curious? Order BOLA via Blu-Ray or DVD from ProWrestlingGuerilla.com or at a date TBD on HighSpotsNetwork.
Honorable Mentions:
Brian Cage vs. Dezmond Xavier, BOLA - Stage One, 9/1
PENTA EL 0M vs. "Reborn" Matt Sydal, BOLA - Stage One, 9/1
The Chosen Bros (Jeff Cobb & Matthew Riddle) vs. The Monstars (Donovan Dijak & Keith Lee), BOLA - Stage One, 9/1
Jonah Rock vs. Zack Sabre, Jr., BOLA - Stage One, 9/1
Flamita vs. Ricochet, BOLA - Stage One, 9/1
Sammy Guevara vs. Joey Janela, BOLA - Stage Two, 9/2
Donovan Dijak vs. Trevor Lee, BOLA - Stage Two, 9/2
Michael Elgin vs. Matthew Riddle, BOLA - Stage Two, 9/2
Travis Banks vs. Mark Haskins, BOLA - Stage Two, 9/2
Keith Lee vs. WALTER, BOLA - Stage Two, 9/2
REY FENIX, Flamita, & PENTA EL 0M vs. The Elite (Matt & Nick Jackson, Kenny Omega), BOLA - Stage Two, 9/2
WWE Match of The Week:
Abbey Laith vs. Jazzy Gabert
WWE Mae Young Classic Ep 1, 8/28
Much like the Cruiserweight Classic, the Mae Young Classic's early rounds aren't all gems. Fortunately, it's easy to find the best matches of this four episode (each is around 45 minutes) stretch, as they're the main events. And of those four, this felt the most competitive.
Not only are their animated reactions at the start of the match a solid way to give this brawl some importance, but Laith's underdog work from beneath during the match properly established Gabert as a force to be reckoned with. Look forward to seeing her future matches.
Honorable Mentions:
Piper Niven vs. Santana Garrett, WWE Mae Young Classic Ep 3, 8/28
Kairi Sane vs. Tessa Blanchard, WWE Mae Young Classic Ep 4, 8/28
WWE Segment of the Week:
Cena Pipebombs Reigns
Monday Night Raw, 8/28
As my friend Luis put it in a gchat, you either die a Super Cena, or live long enough to become CM Punk. As David Shoemaker said, this felt like more than a promo, but an intervention.
Nothing I can really add, but just need to give this segment praise, and hope that they can make this feud last all the way through the next half-year or further.
#lucha underground#pro wrestling guerrilla#pwg#bola2017#battle of los angeles#bola#flash morgan webster#marty scurll#mae young classic#abbey laith#jazzy gabert#john cena#roman reigns#raw#wwe
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Flash Morgan Webster takes flight with his mod helmet for safety! #flashmorganwebster #pwg #BOLA2017 (at American Legion)
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So I'm psyched I got tickets to night 3 of BOLA! And although it isn't guaranteed, I have the strongest feeling in my gut that Kenny Omega will make an appearance!
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#PWG #bola #bola2017 #bola2K17 selfies galore. I'm so happy. It's all too pure
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I caught a couple of photos on instagram with you in on the #bola2017
YAAASSSSSSPROLLY LOOKIN LIKE A SWEATY RATCHET NEON COLORED MESSDude it's so hot in that building. Y'all don't even know. Like I probably lost 15lbs. It's like being in a sauna for eight hours.
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進化し続けるリコシェのハイフライ革命 本名:トレバー・マン。1988年10月11日、米ケンタッキー州パドゥーカの出身。 2003年にプロレスデビュー。チカラプロでは、ヘリオスという名前で、マスクマンとしても活躍。チャック・テイラーとは、この頃からライバル関係を築き上げる。 日本には、2010年、ドラゴンゲートに初来日。二回転ムーンサルトプレスなど、驚異の空中技を披露し、外人トップ選手の一人として活躍。オープン・ザ・ドリームゲート、オープン・ザ・ツインゲート、オープン・ザ・ブレイブゲートの主要3大王座をすべて獲得し、2013年のキング・オブ・ゲートも制する。 ドラゴンゲートに参戦しながらも、2013年&2014年には、新日本プロレスの「ベスト・オブ・ザ・スーパー・ジュニア」にも参戦。2014年の��21回大会では、KUSHIDAを破り、念願の優勝を果たし、当時のIWGPジュニアヘビー級王者、飯伏幸太にも挑戦する。 2015年8月からは、日本での活躍の場を、新日本プロレスのみとし、マット・サイダルとのコンビで、IWGPジュニアタッグ王座(第45&47代)、スーパー・ジュニア・タッグ・トーナメント2015を制覇。 アメリカ・ロサンゼルスのTVプロレス団体、ルチャ・アンダーグラウンドでは、覆面を被り、プリンス・プーマとしても活躍。私生活では、WWE殿堂入りしている、名選手タリー・ブランチャードを父に持つ女子プロレスラー、テッサ・ブランチャード(WWE『メイ・ヤング・クラシック』にも参戦)と交際中。 2017年9月1日~3日に、米レシーダで行われたPWG「BOLA2017トーナメント」を制覇。2014年大会に続き、史上初の二度目の優勝を勝ち取る。 いまだに進化を続けるリコシェの高難度超絶技巧空中殺法は、今のプロレスを、面白くしている理由の一つでもある。2016年5月17日に行われたウィル・オスプレイとの一戦は、今までに見たことのない、その想像を絶する激しい空中戦に驚いたあまり、なかには、「これはプロレスではない」と、彼らの試合を否定する意見まで出たほどの新次元空間を創りあげた。 リコシェは、その類まれなる身体能力、プロレス頭を駆使し、空中戦士ハイフライヤーのキング(王様)として、我々に新しいプロレス、未知の領域を、これからも見せ続けてくれるであろう。そう、私たちは、時代の生き証人となるのだ。 https://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/freebirds/ricochet-tshirt-9.html
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🐦 Travis Banks 🐦
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Watch This Wrestling 35 (9/3—9/9)
Hello friends! So, thanks to this rundown's Sunday through Saturday format, this ranking is still hung up on BOLA. Why did I skip NJPW's shows? Personal time limits met cards whose only matches I saw involved the ongoing thing between Ospreay and Takahashi.
And before you start this, realize minor BOLA spoilers follow. If you want a spoiler-free read, check out this piece I wrote for Cageside Seats about the experience.
As always, if I'm missing anything that can be accessed without too much trouble, @ me on twitter: henrytcasey.
What I Watched
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla 2017 Battle of Los Angeles - Final Stage, 9/3
Progress Ch. 54: Go To Your God Like A Soldier:, 9/3 [VOD date]
Monday Night Raw, 9/4
WWE Mae Young Classic Ep 5-8, 9/4
SmackDown LIVE, 9/5
205 Live, 9/5
NXT, 9/6
Lucha Underground, 9/6
Upcoming Watch List
Monday Night Raw, 9/11
SmackDown LIVE, 9/12
WWE Mae Young Classic Finale, 9/12
205 Live, 9/5
NXT, 9/13
Lucha Underground, 9/14
Progress Ch. 55: Chase The Sun, 9/15 [estimated VOD date]
Non-WWE Match of The Week:
Keith Lee vs Donovan Dijak
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla 2017 Battle of Los Angeles - Final Stage, 9/3
This match is why, if you can only afford to buy or rent one of the BOLA events, you should pick the third, aka Final Stage, without a moment's pause.
Yes, I'm far from the first to praise this match, with Dave Meltzer giving it a 5-stars rating (is that out of 5 or now out of 6.25?), but wow. It’s the best damn thing. And most of us, I’m guessing, didn’t see see coming. This is one of the great things about BOLA, as the brackets aren't made public, and you don't know third day matches until they happen.
The two had just as recently as Night 1 tagged as the Space Jam-inspired Monstars, but even their dynamic chemistry there didn't make it obvious that Lee and Dijak would steal the show. Instead, it took mere moments into this bout, the third on the card (WHICH IS NOT WHERE YOU TYPICALLY PUT A BARN BURNER), for us in the audience to realize there was something special taking place in front of us. That we truly were going to bask in the glory of a maybe-once-in-a-lifetime feat to feast our eyes upon.
I won't say any more, other than to say that if this doesn't put Keith Lee on WWE's shopping list -- as they just picked up Dijak -- I don't know what Regal, The Brian Kendrick and X-Pac were looking at when they were at BOLA. These two redefined what big men can -- and should -- do, and I'd love to see it all take place again and again, on even grander stages. If you think Braun Strowman's making 2017 the year of the hoss, just get ready for 2018: When Hosses Learn How To Fly.
Honorable Mentions:
All of BOLA Day 3. I thought about going into detail here, but seriously, that could spoil any of what went down. Most know about Lee vs Dijak by now, but let the rest of this night, drink it in maaaan, 9/3
Tyler Bate vs Kid Lykos, Progress Ch. 54: Go To Your God Like A Soldier:, 9/3
Jinny vs Dahlia Black, Progress Ch. 54: Go To Your God Like A Soldier:, 9/3
In a 5-0 Street Fight for an Aztec Medallion, Cortez Castro vs. Joey Ryan, Lucha Underground, 9/6
Non-WWE Segment of The Week
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla 2017 Battle of Los Angeles - Final Stage, 9/3
The rug that tied it all together, the segment that finished BOLA, happening after the Finals victory, explained it all. Again, not going to spoil anything, but just applaud the mic work of those involved. With its wrestling being as good as it is, PWG doesn't need to oversaturate with storyline, and this felt great.
Honorable Mentions:
Flash Morgan Webster's "Wrestling Friends," with special guests Jimmy Havoc and Mark Haskins, Progress Ch. 54: Go To Your God Like A Soldier:, 9/3
WWE Match of The Week:
Toni Storm vs. Kairi Sane
WWE Mae Young Classic Episode 8, 8/28
It's not a surprise to me that my two favorites in this tournament put on the best WWE match of the last week. While it was competitive, I like that it didn't feel like Kairi only barely came away with the win, because that would have felt like she definitely had no chance next week. And I desperately want her to win.
But that's not to say that Toni Storm didn't make the most of this appearance. She's one of a few wrestlers who I'd be surprised that WWE doesn't make a major offer to sign at the end of this thing.
Honorable Mentions:
Kassius Ohno vs Hideo Itami, NXT, 9/6
WWE Segment of the Week:
"You should have died in that crash."
SmackDown LIVE, 9/5
First of all, thank you SmackDown Live, for doing the little thing, of crossing the wires. For Kevin Owens to interrupt Carmella, is a nice little moment that reminds us that wrestlers aren't separated by division or locker room. Yes, I'm assuming Ellsworth changes before he gets to the venue and waits for Carmella to.
But, of course, this award goes to Kevin Owens for regaining his importance for the first time in a very long time. Sure, his stuff with Jericho was fun, but this is stronger, meaner and more manipulative.
#bola2017#keith lee#donovan dijak#pwg#pro wrestling guerrilla#wwe#mae young classic#kairi sane#toni storm#Kevin Owens#Smackdown live#shane mcmahon
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#pwg #bola #bola2017 Mah ❤️, Mah Sole, Mah 👛💸 All worth it. See you next year (at Los Angeles, California)
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Doesn't matter if it's #dayton #rva #reseda or #tijuana @scarletgraves is taking over Congratulations to all the athletes who had🔥🔥🔥 wrestling weekend and the fans who made it possible. I just wish @lovely_one525 was here to take in the action ❤️❤️ #ScarletAndGraves #pwg #bola2017 #bola2K17 #thecrashluchalibre (at PWG)
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Night two #pwg #bola2017 #bola very spectacular. Awesome action, makeup held up very well. Bless to the primer and setting spray gods. Oh and I met the ultimate villian. Time for some night thee madness
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Kenny back. This is about to go down hard #bola2017 #bola2K17 #PWG
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