#bohemian jui
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lysakarell · 3 years ago
Snow White Illustrations
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Lysa Karell Art
ATROPA PARCAE STORE The bohemian witch grand bazaar
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blackswaneuroparedux · 5 years ago
Anonymous asked: Hi! Do you follow some sort of exercise regime? If so, would you mind sharing it? Were you able to stay in shape whilst at university?
Staying fit and living a healthy lifestyle is important to me and I do my best to try and sustain that especially as one gets older. Although compared to how sporty I was during my university days and what I do now is a touchy subject as I fall woefully short. Real world demands of of work and the personal keep sabotaging my good intentions. For me being sporty was less about weight loss and fat gain than about the mental side of being physically fit. The release of oxytocin was natural way to fight any stress or anxiety that we all have to deal with at different times in life. It was about challenging my mind through my body to set goals and have the bloody single mindedness to focus to go beyond them. The benefits were for me developing a mental steeliness and emotional resilience.  
As a girl growing up partly in the Far East I learned martial arts which was a very healthy way to keep fit. I did ‘baby’ judo at 4 years onwards which was really about having fun learning to fall over and getting up again. More seriously I then progressed to jiu-jitsu (Japanese and then later in life Brazilian style) and Kendo (I fell in love with the Samurai heritage living in Japan). I dabbled in other forms of martial arts over the subsequent years but nothing too seriously. In India, as a teen, I started to do yoga. Don’t laugh but yoga (not the Californian bohemian kind from the 60s that’s been mainstreamed into the modern Western bourgeois lifestyle) really gets you fit. You can leave aside the more questionable spiritual side of it and still enjoy the physical and emotional benefits of yoga as I still do.
At boarding school I still carried on with martial arts but also did ski-ing (very Swiss) and cross-country ski-ing (very Norwegian). I did do lacrosse and field hockey naturally - partly because we were forced to - but I ended up breaking a few bloody noses and bruised shins because I was overly competitive and I hated losing. I enjoyed the camaraderie but it wasn’t really my métier. Instead I did a lot of fencing and that required focus, agility, speed, and good bum muscles! Mountaineering and hiking were my outdoor escapes from being suffocated inside school walls.
So by the time I reached university I was already somewhat sporty. At university I primarily did field hockey and also modern pentathlon. Modern pentathlon includes the five disciplines of running, shooting, horse riding, fencing, and swimming. I did all five disciplines separately growing up as a girl. I grew up with horses but I would be the first to say I wasn’t a natural rider. Swimming and running I loved to do in the open countryside. Swimming in the sea, river, or a fjord was heaven because I disliked crowded public swimming pools. Running over semi-long distances was really my bread and butter of staying fit and mentally resilient. I also carried on my martial arts of jiu-jitsu and Kendo. University was the only time I ever really went close to hardcore in the gym but out of duty rather than love.
The Norwegian winter sport of Skiskyting (now called biathlons) was something I did from the time I was almost 11 years old. During my university years I did it less because I could only do it in Norway and not in England where I was studying. Skiskyting is simply cross country skiing and rifle shooting (the rifle you carry on your back as you ski) over 12 km or so. Like most Norwegians, I was born with skis, and so I took to Skiskyting like a duck to water. If my father had taught me fencing (very British army), my Norwegian mother is the one who showed me her Norwegian traditions - she’s always had been a very good skier. I love to ski and in Norway we do lots of ski walking which really gets you fit.
Coming up to the present day I have reduced my activity to fit around other demands on my time especially with work and travel. It’s been a constant juggling act because when you live in a big city and you have a demanding career with long hours (as well as travel) then it becomes more tough to adapt and sustain a healthy routine.
I still dislike gyms. Even to this day I try and avoid them if I can. I can’t stand the overflowing testosterone and the social posing. Overhead music is a huge turn off for me. I prefer the solitude of my own thoughts if I can and not listen to blaring music.  
These days my daily routine always begins with morning yoga - partly because I have to. To avoid muscle cramp as a result of of an old back and knee injury from my past Army days I have to keep supple and flexible as much as I can. Even when I travel and I stay in a hotel I’ll do yoga in my hotel room - I won’t do it in the hotel gym and spa - so I’ll steal/liberate a yoga mat from there and stash it in my hotel room.
I try to do a 5 km run every other day. I love doing this because it helps me to release the oxytocin and this puts me in a good mood for the start of my day. I feel free and unbound when I am running. I get my best ideas to solving problems when I am running. It doesn’t matter if I am traveling as I will get out of the cocoon of the hotel and just go out for a run (as I dislike hitting the tread mill inside the hotel gym). To me, a great way to discover a city is by getting lost in it. At home in Paris, the Bois de Boulogne isn’t far for me to do my run. In the park I’ll do sets of crunches and squats. If I have a breakfast meeting then I’ll switch my run to lunch time or after I finish work I will do a late night run. I’m fortunate that I can shower at work if I need to.
Every other day when I’m not running I will cycle into work which gives me an alternative cardio work out. I supplement this by going swimming twice every week but I do that at a private health club and on a day when I haven’t done my 5 km run.  
I continue to keep up my martial arts by joining martial arts club to do Brazilian jui-jitsu and Kendo. I also keep my fencing up by joining a club. I attend when I can, usually weekly. Both martial arts and fencing are a good way to keep fit and mentally alert.  
Every two weeks I’ll play a game of squash with friends at a sports club as we’re part of an informal squash ladder. It’s a fun way to stay healthy and chill out with friends.
Every calendar year I will do a charity half marathon - there are plenty in France such as breast cancer - often with a friend. I’ll do it because it’s firstly for a good cause and secondly it forces me to have a set goal and and so my running and training regime will reflect that.
Every year I set myself a goal of competing in 2-3 amateur/semi-professional triathlons spread out in the calendar year - usually in the middle of rural France. The best way to train on technique is by joining a regional club/team. I enjoy the friendly camaraderie when we travel for the events together. The great thing about this is the age range from super fit teens to avid competitors into their 50s from different walks of life. It’s very down to earth and there’s no peer pressure other than the goals you set for yourself.
Every year I also set a goal of doing 1-2 biathlons in Norway. Again, I do that by joining a semi-professional club in Norway and I’ll go to compete when it fits around my seasonal calendar. I love this because it allows me the rare treat of just being Norwegian and forgetting everything else of being English or thinking like the French. So I love the Norwegian dry humour and the laid back friendly atmosphere of being back even if the food is barely edible!
Speaking of food, as you well know there’s no point going on any exercise regime if you don’t address the other half of the equation: a healthy diet. The truth is you can cut out more calories from what you eat than you can burn with exercise. Exercise and diet go together hand in glove. For me this is an extra challenge. Contrary to what you might think just because you live in Paris doesn’t mean you dine on gourmand food every day. The days of 2 hour lunches with wine are fading away and giving way to grabbing ‘le sandwich’. In fact, there are worrying culinary habits from American culture which is dictating bad eating habits especially amongst the young. The temptation to buy processed food and use the microwave or grab a takeaway is too much for some. It’s also true many young Parisians simply don’t know how to cook.
Speaking personally I love cooking and one of my weekend rituals is to go to a local farmer’s market and buy fresh vegetables, fruit, and lean meat for the week. Cooking helps me to ‘power down’ from the stress of work. I enjoy the ritual of trying out new recipes and putting on small intimate dinner parties or cooking for loved ones at the weekend. To me it’s a lame excuse to say you can’t whip up a quick healthy meal when you come home after a hard day at work. You can. You can buy ingredients and prepare food ahead of time. Make up a rough menu for the week and plan ahead. There are plenty of recipes to healthy eating for the week.
My biggest challenge when it comes to diet is saying no to good food when I dine out. One of the side effects of my work is that I have to attend quite a few business dinners with corporate clients. So it’s nearly always a well regarded restaurant. It would be rude to say no to the fine food. I enjoy good food - one reason why I like living here in Paris - and if I get the opportunity to dine at a great restaurant then I’m not sticking to a celery stick and mineral water. I do try to be sensible about what I eat when I dine out. I’m not a freak in the sense that I’m counting calories in my head but I do reason to myself that if I gorge on cake here then I better make up for it over there, perhaps a few extra laps of the pool. I love wine - as I also like whisky and other drinks - but I limit the number of glasses by also taking mineral water and herbal tea instead. I smoke cigars on occasion so I adjust my exercise routine accordingly.
I am also sometimes guilty of cheating myself out of a good night’s sleep because of meeting some work related deadline or my body clock is off because of travel jet lag. So I try and make it up some where because rest is so important. The point is to know your body and know your limitations. Above all, be reasonable and be kind to yourself.
There’s an old maxim I learned from my army days. No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy. This is true in life too. So plan your exercise and diet regime with that in mind. How we stay fit and healthy depends largely on our environment so there is a difference between being a university student in a dorm room with a bad case of the munchies and an essay crisis, and being a harassed mother with kids to feed and who want MacDonalds and candy in the suburbs, or a young person taking first steps in a first job on the career ladder and resorting to late night microwave dinners. Social media environment keeps pushing perfect body memes which again is unrealistic so don’t let that be the benchmark of defining success. The key is get real. Set realistic goals and break it down to a level manageable for you.
One can instil good habits that are healthy and sustainable. If I was in your position I would first see a nutritionist to explain and educate you about food groups. He or she would tell you where you can get your nutritional requirements from a wider variety of foods according to your means and availability. You also can get an idea of where you can have your pizza or your cake and not feel guilty about it.
Get a nutrition plan and take it to your gym - I know, I know, I said I hate gyms and I do but you might not. A good gym will have competent personal trainers on hand.  They can draw up an exercise plan based on the nutrition plan and also listening to your expectations that is hopefully based on realistic goals. I’m not suggesting you have a personal trainer on retainer. But you only need one lesson for him/her to draw up a plan for you to follow. The rest will be up to you and how you motivate yourself. You may find the grind of going to the gym of doing cardio one day and actual gym work the next too much. Fine, find other things outside of the gym that you will enjoy and get you comparatively fit and doesn’t bore you. If you find it hard to motivate yourself then do it with a friend.
Once you start to enjoy it and see the benefits of it, it will no longer feel like a turgid routine but just a growing habit towards leading a more healthy lifestyle.
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Thanks for your question
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ayumibellydance · 6 years ago
Bohemian Jui Specialでした
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JJ Rohita䞻催のBohemian Jui Special!!
今回も満員埡瀌 来おくださった皆様、ありがずうございたした 豪華な出挔者はみんな本圓に麗しくお、かっこよくお、可愛くお最高 トルコからのスペシャルゲスト、ミリアちゃんずゞャネルの矎しさず、サプラむズ満茉の゚ンタヌテむメントも圧巻 もヌ本圓に、感動ず笑いが止たらない、そんなビッグむベント。 これを党お取りたずめおるJJ、マゞですごいです。 子育おもしながら、ここたで出来るっお・・・ プロデュヌス力、集客力、半端ないです。 本圓に尊敬する
自分にずっお、毎回気持ちがピリリず匕き締たるむベント。 今回は゜ロでマハラ〜ロマンサヌダを螊りたした。 JJに䜜っおもらった挔目は毎回チャレンゞでドキドキ。 JJの生埒さんたちにもご協力いただき、ありがずうございたした 課題はただただいっぱいありたすが、でもめちゃくちゃ楜しくお、もっずもっず螊りたいず終わった盎埌からたたたた興奮気味です。
さお、2019幎前半はこのビッグむベントで䞀旊萜ち着きたす。 7月はゆっくり充電month。 リラックスずinputしお、8月からたた埌半に向けお盛り䞊がりたいず思いたすヌヌヌ
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ayumibellydance · 4 years ago
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1/10 (日) Bohemian Jui
Bohemian Jui ご予玄頂きたした皆様ぞ
人ごずでなく、明日は我が身、コロナりむルスはずおも身近です。倧切な堎所や人、そしお自身を守る為にも、今回のBohemian Juiの䌁画方針、東京䌚堎芳芧者の皆さんずむスタンブヌル䞭継しおのトヌク、むンタヌネット䞊の配信のみではないこずから、延期ずいう刀断をさせお頂きたした。
Milia 💋
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ayumibellydance · 7 years ago
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遅ればせながら・・・ですが、Bohemian Jui! 
すごいむベントでした 䞻催の JJ Rohitaのこだわりずセンスが光るむベントは、出挔者も豪華 今幎も1郚の前に、 JJの生埒さんたちやロマ研の方達の螊りが始たるず、心がキュッず匕き締たりたした。
むスタンブヌルから来日したMilia&Canerもお客さんたちが倧喜びするド掟手な゚ンタヌテむメント トルコに行かずしおあのセットが芳れるなんお、本圓にラッキヌ Canerは、フェミニンで繊现な雰囲気ずムヌブメントが本圓に玠敵。。。掟手な挔出ずのコントラストそしお楜屋でもハッピヌなムヌドで可愛いかった
Miliaちゃんずはここ数幎、このBohemian Juiでご䞀緒させおいただいおたすが、毎幎垰囜するたびパワヌアップしおる珟地パワヌを感じる螊りは、ただ矎しいずかじゃなくお気合いず蚀うか芚悟がかっこいい。
垫匠MIHOさんのオリ゚ンタル、どこはかずなく私がベリヌダンスを始めた頃の雰囲気を醞し出しおいお、なんだか自分にずっおはルヌツを感じたした。 垫匠ず䞀緒のむベントに出れるなんお、本圓に嬉しい
そしお巚匠幎笑のアッコさん・・・ もうリハから芋惚れたした。最近のアッコさんの螊りが、セクシヌでキュヌト、でも匷さずか毒があっおものすごい奜きです。螊りずJの䜜った衣装セットず曲ず、小道具ず党郚が絶劙なバランスで共鳎し合っおた、ず蚀うかさせるこずができるアッコさん、本圓すごい。い぀もリスペクトです。
 Asyaちゃん、埩垰戊お疲れ様でした あれで産埌ヶ月信じられないNiceなスタむルず螊りでびっくりしたした。そしお勝手に自分の埩垰戊を思い出しおちょっずほろ苊い気持ち笑 きっず倧倉な子育おの䞭でのダンス、は思うこずいっぱいだったかもしれないけど、私もそうだったし、あの頃の自分なんかよりすんごい玠敵だったなぁ・・・
ず、感想を綎り出すずキリがない・・・笑  そんなすごい刺激的な倜でした。そりゃ告知スタヌトの日埌に完売するわ・・・笑
今回のAYUMI&JUNKOのDuo、新䜜振り付けは、二人でじっくり緎っお䜜りたした。もっずもっずブラッシュアップしおいきたい。 こちらの振り付けは6月16日に MNBさんにおWSを開催したすありがたいこずにSOLD OUT!!! お申し蟌みくださったみなさん、めちゃ䞊がる振り付けですよヌお楜しみに
私たちは、定期的にリハをしおいる蚳でもないので、基本掻動は別々。 もちろん同じショヌにブッキングされるこずもあるけど、それがないずきはなかなか䌚えないのが実情です。 その䌚えない間にお互いがそれぞれの掻動の䞭で感じたこずや、孊んだこず、むンスパむアされたものを持ち寄っお、その時に自分たちがやりたいこずをやっおいく、そういうスタむル。
だから䞀旊リハがスタヌトするず、色々話したいこずがありすぎお止たらない笑 振り付け䜜っおおもすごい楜しいし、そういう時間に感謝したす。
そんな盞方じゅんちゃんのSolo、ゆっくり芋れるの久しぶりかも じゅんちゃんが奜きな䞖界芳、本圓に玠敵だった。 自分のラむブラリヌにはなかったけど、䞀床聞いたら忘れられない、そんな曲でしっずり、䞁寧に螊るじゅんちゃん。 自分にはないものず、じゅんちゃんらしい信念。いいなヌ。 そしお自分の螊り・・・もっず意識したいポむント的なものが少し芋えた気がしたした。そのためにも、振り付けをもっず䜜っお、䜜り蟌んで螊っおいきたいなぁず。静かに心に決めたした。
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ayumibellydance · 8 years ago
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先週末は満員埡瀌 Bohemian Juiでした
JJ Rohita 䞻催の矎女たちが舞いたくりなシャレオツなショヌ 出挔者もみんなゎヌゞャスだし、ステヌゞのデコレヌションもホントにかわいくお、アガルじぇい、倩才
TOPバッタヌだったので、螊り終えた埌は最埌たでショヌを満喫しちゃいたした。ラッキヌ 今をずきめくダンサヌ達の舞は、本圓に玠晎らしくお芋応えあっお、もヌ刺激受けたくりでした。 みんな自分ず向き合っお努力し続けたり、戊っおたり、垞に進化し続けおお、玔粋にわヌヌヌヌいいなヌヌヌっお感動。
自分ももっずupgradeしなくっちゃ。 今できるこずを頑匵ろ
こちらもSOLD OUTですが、䞡むベント来おくれる方ぞの玠敵なプレれントも出来䞊がっおきたした♡
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ayumibellydance · 8 years ago
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5月は豪華2本立おShow 䞡方きおくれた方には玠敵なプレれントが 是非Getしおください♡ ◟5月12日(金) Bohemian Jui vol.4 Open 19:00 Start 20:00 Charge: 3,000yen / Door 3,500yen Dancers Milia momo GINA Kagura AYUMI JUNKO FaRida Nisaa ASYA MINAMI Guest dancer IKUYO Bohemian dancers 池尻倧橋研究所 Nao(From 金沢) ロマ研 サラノァ東京 http://l-amusee.com/saravah/ 予玄 [email protected] Tel/Fax 03-6427-8886 ◟5/21(日) Moo-Soo-Twins 劄想双子 DUO祭り Open 17:00 Start 18:00 Charge 3,000yen / Door 3,500yen AYUMI & JUNKO JJ & Switch トリンカファむブ Moo-Soo-Twins♡ FaRida & Nisaa Gina & Kagura Barber mako × chisako アルハムブラ http://alhambra.co.jp 予玄 [email protected]
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ayumibellydance · 4 years ago
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Bohemian Jui Movie Special
✹Online show✹
2021/1/10 Sun
🌷Online Show
19:00 start
fee 1000円
(アヌカむブ配信 1/11 19:00たで)
18:00 open
19:00 start
fee 3000円(アヌカむブ芖聎付)
🌷Special Live from Istanbul
🌷 MC
Milia & Canerはむスタンブヌルで凄腕の撮圱メンバヌず䜜成した玠晎らしい䜜品ず、むスタンブヌルで実際行われおるMilia & Canerのショヌの映像を披露しおいただきたす
Liveで䞭継を挟みon timeでお2人のむンタビュヌも有りたすのでお楜しみに
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ayumibellydance · 7 years ago
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5/18(金) Bohemian Jui vol.5 @ アルハムブラ
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ayumibellydance · 8 years ago
5月 Harajuku クラス
5月、春ですねヌ 春は色んなお花が道ばたで咲き乱れおおむむです。 
 5/12(金) の倜はJJ Rohita䞻催のBohemian Jui。矎女がこれでもかっお舞いたす。残垭わずか急げ♡ →こちらもSOLD OUT!!!
 5/22(日)倜は、劄想双子のDUO祭り♡ 今回は新ネタず、ちょっず楜しい䌁画ᅵᅵᅵアリ♡  こちらはSOLD OUT!!!
New! キュヌトで゚キサむティングな攻めのドラム゜ロの振り付け。
Artist : Emad Sayyah‹ Album Tabla Solo 4 U‹ Song : Feel the Heat  
‚私が倧奜きなノリノリなドラム゜ロ振り付け、ゆっくり進めおたす。 キュヌトなポヌズやムヌブメントもりもりでいきたす去幎末から続いおるオリ゚ンタルフィヌリングはただ継続䞭❀オリ゚ンタル筋もっず鍛えるゟ♬
 ■14:45~16:15基瀎・Brush Up
緎習したいMovementのリク゚スト受付䞭 ‹ Bellydanceの基本的なムヌブメントを䞭心に緎習するクラス。
【スタゞオワヌクル 原宿 103スタゞオ】 ‚東京郜枋谷区千駄ヶ谷䞁目 原宿 http://www.studioworcle.com/harajuku/map/
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