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r0ttenb0gb0dy · 2 months ago
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AAAAA THANK u for the tag ,,, mwaaHH also i don't have a lot of folks to tag soooo @simonrriley you've been summoned 👍🏼🩷
Design what your blog would look like if it was a person!
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The picrew
I tag @red-skady @superchat @eviligo @maplepastry @nek0hime13 @bestgirlsyndrome @gentlesakura @games2girlsdotcom @deadlycoffee @bunny-stickers @starbitsun @888lvl @little-ikea-waldo @delanore-roosevelt @fefeps @imnevernice no pressure at all!!
If anyone else wants to join dont hesitate to reblog!!
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sillygoofychampion · 1 year ago
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The Bog Monster is just that, a monster who came out of a bog. The fur looking stuff is a huge mix of moss, algae, mud, peat, scum, gunk, maybe a few rocks tangled in, stuff like that. On the inside, the real monster is the gold marbled..thing..? It’s a creature for sure, and built up its form using the other materials. It moved around to different bogs and swamps for a while, just hanging around, until it was found by a human who lived in one of the swamps and The Bog Monster learned second hand what it was like to be human. After a while, it was dubbed “human acting enough to be thrown into regular society” and was just kind of unceremoniously dumped there. It starts to like being around humans, and it’s doing pretty good for itself. It’s pretty popular, it’s funny, its what other people consider successful. But The Bog Monster knows it will never be like people. It’s not people. The Bog Monster feels in a million different ways how it will never be like people and how it will always be so close to fitting in but never there no matter what it does and no matter how it changes. The Bog Monster just wasn’t meant to be, but now it can’t go back to the bog because it knows it sucked there. The Bog Monster feels forever stuck in this weird limbo, and sometimes it’s okay with that and sometimes that bothers it.
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Idk, I was just in a Bog Monster mood today. The Bog Monster is supposed to be my sona, I think I’m using that right? But it’s kind of like always been this thing I project myself and my life onto. It came from a joke I had one day when I was trying to frighten off this creepy guy I didn’t like. Also, while I love Spamton, the eyes aren’t a reference yellow and pink are just my favorite colors. And it’s not supposed to be crazy or nothin, just has sharp teeths.
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transtundras-fr · 9 months ago
i would love a scry if you're still doing them :3 (no capsule pls)
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Tbh it was hard NOT to go purple and bogsneak but I still wanted to make it distinct from your bogsona
Violet is a good color ok.
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superchillingman · 9 months ago
Man Borage , I am so so sorry not being able to be joining doing the bogsonas with you guys for today 😔😔
Been pretty busy lately and I'm trying to get back to my originally hype self due to the workload
And it's also because I got something really really big coming for everyone
Oops who said that
Darn hacker 😔😔
It's okay!! Take all the time you need, we don't mind at all! ❤️❤️
Also 👀‼️Excited to see what you've got!! Love you, Moonie! ❤️
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bogkeep · 3 years ago
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hiya! hey! welcome to my bog! my name is
Theodore Haiz Heartsword-Thyme
but you can just call me Haiz, really! i'm the bogkeep around here, so let me know if you need anything!
🍄 twitter | bluesky
🍄 toyhou.se (overview of my OCs)
🍄 Ao3
🍄 Ko-fi (tip jar)
🍄 linktree
🍄pronoun cards: EN | NO
🍄 reblog sideblog @longlostpath
About Me And This Blog Under The Cut:
in english i mainly use they/them and he/him, lately with a preference for They!
i'm also vibing with ey/em/eir, it/its, and No Pronouns
my preferred norwegian pronouns are dem, han, and nøkk/nøkken/nøkkens
when it comes to gendered terms i prefer gender neutral + gently masculine terms, or terms used in a gender neutral manner. i don't like to be strongly gendered in either direction, and i don't want to think about my own gender more than neccessary!
the best way to describe my gender identity is Taurus II by Mike Oldfield hope this helps
it's like a barkeep but for bogs! this particular bogkeep seems to be a mix of nøkken, huldra, vodník, and possibly a changeling. maybe a cat? i wouldn't worry about it
hi i'm haiz nice to meet you. you can also call me theo or teddy or dori if you'd like <3
i'm in my age 25+ era!
i'm norwegian and czech and currently live in, uhhhhh sweden?????
i've been many things, such as an art history student, a children's book illustrator, a volunteer for queer organizations, a hotel receptionist, And Many More. right now i am a watchmaker student. i hope to be even more things in the future!
i love to DRAW and sometimes WRITE and i have a lot of FEELINGS ABOUT THINGS
this is my personal blog where i post my art! i also post Thoughts and Feelings when the urge strikes me. you can't really get one without the other sorry
i post both Original Work and Fanart. the fandoms i dabble in tend to be a little obscure, but if you're reading this, chances are you've found me through one of them. thank you for enjoying my work <3
i also post photos sometimes
i've had this blog since 2011/2012! it's a bit of an archive. i don't mind if you root around in the old stuff, just keep in mind that it's old!
sometimes i reblog unicorns as they are a Personal Motif of mine, but pretty much all other reblogs go to my sideblog, @longlostpath
i have two other sideblogs - one for funky fashion and the intricacies of having a body @ishallwearcosmos
and a sky blog @whentheskydoesthething
this is my personal space and i decide what goes on here.
i block the following: people who engage in bad faith, people who disrespect my humanity or that of my peers, people acting awful or annoying on my posts.
i have no wish to publicly participate in the Discourses. do not mistake this for neutrality or a lack of principles - i feel very strongly about inclusion, compassion, boundaries, personal growth, the vast diversity of human experiences, and the inherent messiness of being a person. i enjoy good faith discussions, but i prefer to have them in private.
anonymous asks are turned off. if you send an ask you don't want me to publish, just let me know!
i do my best to tag common triggers but i cannot promise 100% consistency.
likewise, i do my best to write image descriptions for the art i post, but due to personal inacessibilities it's a little sporadic. i write them in the alt text when i do.
headers/icons/digital decoration?
- yes! just please credit me somewhere. anything that's just fun personal use and not in any way profiting off of my work is a-ok! in fact i am flattered and honored
- please ask me first! a lot of my work is of OCs, commissioned, or otherwise very personal - so it's a case by case decision!
real life wall decoration?
- i do have a redbubble, but it's a little limited in scope - mostly because a lot of my work is fanart of other people's property. if there's something i've made you want to see on there, let me know and i'll see what i can do! as for fanart - i'm honestly okay with people printing their own prints for their personal blorbo shrines or whatever, as long as it's not for profit! if you contact me i can even share a hi-res version of the art with you ;3c
anything AI- or blockchain related?
- nope! any use of my work in this context is without my permission.
nope! please don't ask me to.
you can blacklist my handle in your settings. be free. live your best life. you'll never have to read my annoying ramblings again...!
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peepingtoad · 5 years ago
Minami places a glistening, uncomfortably large toad cake into Jiraiya's hands. It's wearing a too tight thong and has a silver ball above the nostril because, obviously, there's no better gift than eating your fur(swamp?)sona! She lights a match with her teeth and fires up the candle poked into its ass. "Congrats on not dying, bitch!!"
// @ketsuekki
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If Jiraiya didn’t know any better, he would say that he’d just been handed a board loaded with rocks. Well-stacked, coated it fondant and uh… ‘imaginatively’ decorated, rocks, of course–but it concerned him to try and fathom what the texture and overall nutritional impact this absolute breeze-block of a confection would provide.
Still, it was a spectacle, and nobody with a lick of good taste could ever deny that. The candle was a particularly nice touch. Hopefully it wasn’t secretly a bomb, or something…
“Minami! I wasn’t expecting anything from you! You really captured my…” His eyes fell from the silver ball of candy and wiggly red streaks, down to the tiny ‘T’ of fondant that spared the cake-creature’s dignity, then back up to her with a slightly bemused grin, “… essence! Thank you!”
He moved the board this way and that, wondering how exactly one was supposed to tackle such a beast, then settled on pointing its large green rump directly towards his… acquaintance.
“So, you gonna share it with me, then? Experience the fruits of your labour?” His smile twisted into a knowing smirk at the unforgivably bad pun, and his eyebrows waggled in ridiculous sync. “C’mon, I can tell you’ve always wanted a chance to eat my ass!”
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milfsmackdown · 5 years ago
can’t wait to be assigned my bogsona 😳
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hieroglyphwitch · 5 years ago
im feeling angry and upset and vulnerable tonight. might fuck around and make a bogsona
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bogkeep · 3 years ago
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you know like nyah
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bogkeep · 3 years ago
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bogkeep · 5 years ago
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hi and welcome to my blog, i'll be your bogkeep today
🍄 about
🍄 toyhou.se
🍄 twitter
🍄 linktree
🍄 pronoun card: EN | NO
mobile accessible About Me + This Blog:
TL;DR name: Haiz, Theodor, Theo, or Teddy pronouns: he/him + they/them + nøkk/nøkken/nøkkens age: 27 queer: queer languages: norwegian, czech, and english does: art mostly. sometimes textposts and photos feel free to follow if: you are interested in my Content i will block you if: you disrespect my boundaries and/or interact in bad faith hello! i’m Haiz!! i like art, comics, cartoons, pretty clouds and a whole bunch of other things. i’ve had this blog for a while, and i like sharing things i make or think about on here. i currently work as a receptionist and i volunteer for a local queer organization. i have also illustrated a couple of children’s books by a norwegian indie author. my commissions are usually closed as having fulltime work & life swallows up a lot of my time and energy, but you can message me if you’re interested and i’ll check my schedule! CURRENTLY IN A TRANSITIONAL PHASE OF MY LIFE CALL BACK LATER drawing is my biggest passsion. i mostly draw my own characters, and fanart for somewhat obscure fandoms or whatever interests me at the time. i have scraps and bits of stories lying around, too. maybe one day i will create a Story in a coherent shape for all of you to indulge in... this blog is my personal space. i decide what goes on here. i would super appreciate it if you don’t reblog Obviously Personal Posts that are just about me talking about daily life stuff - mostly because i don’t see what you get out of doing that and it feels a little strange to remove them from their context - but i can’t actually physically stop you from doing that. i can, however, block people, and i will block anyone i see fit. please remember that i am a human person and that you are most likely a stranger to me. i do not wish to participate in Online Discourse. do not mistake this for a lack of principles or neutrality - i will gladly discuss thoughts and perspectives in good faith, but preferrably in a one-on-one setting. i feel very strongly about inclusion, compassion,  boundaries, personal growth, the inherent messiness of being a person, and that most everything is more complex than you can glean from a single tweet. if you are a minor i am most likely not going to follow back. my blog isn’t 18+, but i am an adult, so follow/interact at your own discretion and judgement. accessibility notes: - i try to tag common triggers on this blog, usually in the format of #trigger //. if there is anything you really think i should tag that i’m likely to post, you can reach out to me about it, but i cannot promise i will be able to incorporate it. - image descriptions are quite sporadic and i apologize. i am trying to get better about adding it to my artposts, but it is not a consistent practice due to personal inaccessibilities. if you want to add image descriptions to something i post, absolutely do it, i love you, and i will reblog it. - anon is currently off. let me know if you don’t want me to publish an ask you’re sending. other blogs: @longlostpath​ - main reblog blog @ishallwearcosmos​ - fashion + body stuff @whentheskydoesthething​ - cloud blog NFT NOTICE: I DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN OR CONDONE SALES OR TRADES OF NFTS, OR ANY OTHER BUSINESS INVOLVING CRYPTOCURRENCY OR THE BLOCKCHAIN. I DO NOT ALLOW MY WORKS TO BE USED FOR IT. IF ANY OF MY WORKS ARE EVER BEING SOLD AS NFT IT IS BEING DONE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION AND IS COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.
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bogkeep · 5 years ago
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the bogkeep......... is frogcat
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bogkeep · 5 years ago
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it’s MARCH!!!! bogkeep, fiddle it up [image description: a tiny house fashioned out of a boletus mushroom, with windows and a balcony and a door. ir is surrounded by red and four leaf clover. on the mushroom roof sits a green humanoid creature with round yellow eyes and a tail in tattered rags, playing a fiddle.]
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bogkeep · 5 years ago
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him sit
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bogkeep · 5 years ago
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bogkeep · 6 years ago
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lake edition. woterlily
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