tinylilemrys · 4 months
Thanks for all the Bound posting. It’s really brightened my day ❤️
Omg you're so welcome 😄❤️
I'm literally obsessed. It's a perfect movie. I cannot believe it's real 😭
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cowherderess · 7 months
thank you! stretching the limits of two sentences, here :) – from the next chapter of a rare woman which is my Rebecca POV of @kittensittin's "and the black river of loss"
“And how are you?” She turns her attention to Phoebe, standing in the doorway. “Ready for tomorrow?”
“I think so, yeah!” 
Phoebe grins, and for a moment Rebecca sees the little girl with braids and a gap-toothed smile that she first knew. Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers, indeed.
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toomanygh0sts · 1 month
9 for the fic writer meme
9. How do you choose which POV to write from?
Oooo I had to think about this! I don't know if it's always an incredibly conscious decision--I feel like a lot of the time the type of story I'm trying to tell ends up determining which POV more than I do. I do really enjoy shifting POVs within fics though, especially when I'm writing pre-relationship or getting together. I love adding in little pieces of backstory that are not technically part of a fic's main plot, and shifting POVs allows me to play with how each character has been interpreting past events. Sometimes I'll shift just because I think the payoff for a joke will be funnier.
Alternately, if there's a character I'm trying to fully unlock, I'll attempt something in their POV. I don't think I went into writing for TL thinking I'd actually enjoy writing from Ted's POV, but turns out I love it. Currently trying this method to get to know Keeley a bit better.
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chainofclovers · 5 months
9, 19 and 29 for the writer meme :)
Thank you! <3
9. start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
The timing of this is insane; the answer is 2.5 hours, but that's just because this morning I very quickly wrote a fill for the TL kink meme, posted it as anon, immediately felt posting on anon was the wrong choice, watched it semi bomb, had a conversation with myself about anonymity and engagement and """""value"""" markers w/r/t writing online, then took it off anon. LOLLLL
Normally the answer would be much longer, somewhere between a few days (writing a couple--or many--hours a day) and a few months (writing an hour or two on some or many of the days). But the accurate answer in this moment in time is 2.5 hours.
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
Even if you weren't the person asking, I think I'd have to say researching the music Rebecca helps Nate record for Ted in "stay open." It involved listening to a lot of classical violin solos and researching the history of some to figure out one that seemed like it would be very challenging but also enjoyable for Nate to learn to play, and that I loved (because I'd need to listen to it a lot), and that hit viewers/listeners over the past centuries with the right sorts of feelings. I was really lucky to find one that's very emotional and striking and that felt like the right length of time--long enough to be an impressive endeavor of love but not so long that you couldn't just listen to it in the car while going on a short-ish drive. @itsagutthing even helped by checking w/a friend on some of the correct ways to refer to the chaconne in conversation. Writing that fic was soooo fun and I listened to that Bach piece so many times and still listen to it pretty regularly!
29. how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
It's either immediate and very easy or it's the very last thing I do and I agonize over it. (Or I just get you to tell me what should be called.) Titles are so hard!
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dxppercxdxver · 1 year
23 👀
23: a song you think everybody should listen to
already answered this one technically but fuck it i contain multitudes. “save yourself i’ll hold them back” by my chemical romance
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
It took me like 2 months to get around to reading Nona because life, and you wont believe the whiplash I expetienced seeing Alecto fanart go from sopping wet stringyhaired ghost girl to Barbie doll with no context
it was whiplash even WITH the context can't imagine the confusion it would have been without!!
the funniest reason why i'm glad Nona was split off of Alecto the Ninth is that AtN most probably has Barbie!Alecto on the cover, and I'm just thinking of the sheer psycological damage/ whiplash we would have all received in an alternate-universe timeline wherin everyone spent 9 months making memes and edits of blonde-cover-lady as Coronabeth (or Ianthe) only to discover 1/5th of the way through the book that it's actually Alecto
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podklb · 1 year
Nate-Centric Fic Recs: Part 1 (Gen)
This is my first post in ages, because I have decided I have something of value to contribute! And that is my knowledge of excellent fics about Nathan Shelley. I love pretty much all the characters on Ted Lasso, but Nate is my favorite, I’ve got a bit of a mental collection of great Nate fics, so I thought I’d type it out and share it with the world. 
When I started to write this out, I realized that I have too many recs for a single post, so this one is just for gen fic, and shipfic will be in a separate post.
Nathan Shelley Gen Fic Recs
do you believe in ghosts? by @atlanticsea, ~2.5k. A character study of Nate’s journey through S1 and S2, gorgeously written with a very cool ghost metaphor woven throughout.
talk about me, make it all about you by @ohlafraise, ~1K. Nate and Jamie run into each other in S3. This fic is thoughtful, funny, insightful, and deeply satisfying, all in under 1000 words!
he can’t play it any faster when he plays the blues by @thatsparrow, ~3.5K. Rupert takes Nate out for drinks after work. This has a fantastic Nate POV that lets him be complicated about Ted and Beard and Rupert and beautifully explores all of his layers of feelings on top of feelings throughout the evening.
I Knew I Was Right (I Learned I Was Wrong) by @fandomfrolics, ~6.5K. After Nate leaves West Ham, Rebecca invites him to spend several days on her yacht. Beard tags along. The connections Nate has with both Beard and Rebecca and the way they unpack their past hurts and slowly begin to move to a different place than they started from is fascinating. This story understands all three characters extremely well.
Kitman, Backup, Wonderkid by @bisexualshakespeare, ~.5K. This is actually a filk, which means a fannish song! I love this type of fanwork and Ted Lasso fandom has very few, but we are very lucky that the ones we have are by bisexualshakespeare, who is one of the best filk lyricists I've ever encountered. This song is to the tune of Loser Geek Whatever from Be More Chill and it's absolutely perfect. Please PLEASE if you check this out, actually listen to the performance of the song, which is emotional and devastating in the best way. The lyrics are a perfect encapsulation of the headspace Nate would have gotten to by the S2 finale, and S3 so far has made it just age better and better. If you are a Nate fan, this is worth the 6 minutes of your time that it will take to listen to it, I promise.
Self-Care Tips for Lonely, Bitter-Hearted Fools by @boglady, ~5.5K. This is a character study of Nate via a bunch of self-care advice that is extremely unhelpful/frustrating/condescending because it doesn't acknowledge or address his actual needs. Kind of like most of the well-meaning advice he gets in canon! This fic is so smart about Nate and about retelling canon moments from his POV. Very formative to me when I first fell in love with this character and was gobbling up every fic I could find about him.
For a Minute There I Lost Myself by @boasamishipper, ~7.5K. Nate muddles through figuring out who he is as a head coach at West Ham. It takes him some time, but it's a beautiful journey, and the West Ham player OCs are well-developed and delightful! I love that this fic is about Nate continuing his journey on his own, that his growth here comes purely from figuring himself out, and he doesn't need the other Ted Lasso characters to do any of that work for him. He's got this!
Can't Take Them Anywhere by @hacash, ~2K. The history of kit man Nate's very detailed and specific list of what to not do with hotel furniture. One of the tags is "potentially the real Nate Shelley villain origin story" and that captures so much of what I love about the fic. It's hilarious and fun! While at the same time there's a real undercurrent of how deeply messed up and unfair it is for all the players to be so immature and self-centered and for Nate to constantly be the one who has to clean up their messes! A delightful romp, but with weight to it. Perfection.
Leave Elegance to the Tailor by TwelveLeagues, ~3.5K. Nate shops for a suit with Ted, then with Keeley, and then with Rupert. Like everything TwelveLeagues writes, this has incredible nuance and character insight in pretty much every sentence. Seeing the way Nate changes over time is painful, and the end is devastating, but there's also hope because throughout the earlier scenes we've seen so thoroughly who Nate is at his core and that he's so much more than the terrible situation he ends up in.
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talldecafcappuccino · 7 months
heads up, seven up
tagged by @thesumdancekid, thanks friend! I actually wrote some words this week and can participate 😂
RULES: Post the last 7 sentences that you wrote.
“So.” He clapped his hands and rubbed his palms together. “Anything else you could use some help with around here?” She looked over at the window where the blinds had been stuck halfway down for the last week or so, one side a little higher than the other.  It was one of those things she meant to get to and just hadn’t, always remembering as she noticed her office getting dark too soon in the day, but she was usually deep in a phone call or half out the door, late for a meeting or simply wanting to get home, the thought of calling someone about it flitting from her mind just as quickly as it arrived. Ted followed her gaze and nodded when he saw what she was staring at.  “I can fix that.”
Tagging anyone who wants to play and seven people for seven sentences @waywardted @mrgaretcarter @itsagutthing @boglady @fandomfrolics @toast-the-unknowing @ballroompink
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waywardted · 7 months
Tagged by @talldecafcappuccino and @mrgaretcarter! Thank you friends 🫶 Seen a lot of these on my dash but tagging @cowherderess @broadwayfreak5357 @boglady cause I don't think I've seen theirs........ 💕
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they’d be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
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itsagutthing · 7 months
I was tagged by @talldecafcappuccino to describe my WIPs badly! I used a very loose definition of "WIP" that ranges from "thousands of words" to "I wrote the idea down in my notes app." Good luck figuring out which is which! These are all for Ted Lasso, Roy or Rebecca-heavy.
I'm not sure who has been tagged but tagging in @thesumdancekid @boglady @mrgaretcarter @jubileen and anyone else who wants to do it!
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they’d be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
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magicae · 1 year
tagged by @boglady
last song: ".she's the prettiest girl at the party, and she can prove it with a solid right hook." - frank iero
currently reading: good omens!
currently watching: patiently waiting for new riverdale episodes
tagging: @theothei @5minuter @dykeworks and anyone who wants to do it!
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cowherderess · 7 months
heads up, seven up
tagged by @kittensittin and @dee-thequeenbee! grazie 💜💜
RULES: Post the last 7 sentences that you wrote.
“I don’t know if you remember me.” “Not really, but Mum’s been telling me lots of stories.”  Rebecca squeezed her close again. “You know, you’re just about the age we were when we met.”  “Yeah, she mentioned that.” Nora smiled.  “You look just like her, too.”
Tagging @broadwayfreak5357 @boglady @itsagutthing @mrgaretcarter
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thelassoway · 2 years
tagged by: @ledtasso (thank you, Aline!)
comfort movie: Jurassic Park
comfort food: I’m going with tater tots. Or dark chocolate (this might be more of a comfort snack).
comfort clothes: Sweatpants with an extremely old (10+ years) pullover hoodie that is falling a part. 
comfort song: 100% depends on my mood for sure. Current song that I need to hear a least once during the day at the moment is Dressed to Kill or Demon by The Wombats.
comfort book: Unfortunately, I’m not well-read, so I don’t have a book I’ve reread multiple times or returned to. 😬 The real question is: what is my comfort tv show...
comfort game: I don’t play video games anymore, but back in the day it would’ve been The Sims 2.
tagging: (no pressure and sorry if you’ve already been tagged in this) @ohtendril, @eightforyou,  @talldecafcappuccino,  @endlessblasphemy, @stedelasso,  @boglady, @chainofclovers, @thesumdancekid, @tedllasso and whoever wants to play. Just say I tagged you.
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chainofclovers · 10 months
19 and 27 for the ask meme 🧡
Thank you, friend!
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Funny you of all people should ask.
(And if all goes to plan, see u at the Sexy Christmas ao3 collection on January 5. Annnnnnd I'm shutting up now because I am getting dangerously close to overhyping something that really isn't all that wild and that I've been pleasantly tormenting myself with since fuckin' June.)
My non-cagey and approaching-normal answer to that question is that I'd like to write more femslash and more stuff about Nate, and also continue with all the other stuff I'm currently into!
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Ideally, nothing. I really like it quiet when I write...a quiet house (or a house with moderate/comforting levels of spouse and pet background noises) is the best. I also love the general coffeeshop background noise although I've not returned to pre-pandemic levels of coffeeshop bliss. When I write in a coffeeshop (and even sometimes at my house) I will turn on the noise-cancellation feature on my headphones and listen to no music in them. Or I'll listen to one song over and over, something with lyrics I know extremely well or something instrumental, and that's nearly as good as quiet.
From the ao3 wrapped ask meme.
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exuberantocean · 2 years
Kinda tagged by @boglady who tagged anyone who wants to do it.
rules: post the first lines of your 10 most recently published AO3 stories (amending to add: or podfics). if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
1. Route 59 on Repeat (Moon Knight)  One rainy Sunday, Layla El-Faouly fell in love with London’s buses.
2. Once  (Ted Lasso) He only hit her once.
3. Your Body is a Map our of History  (Ted Lasso) Beard thought about Ted all night
4.  England by The National    (Ted Lasso) With a start, Ted finds himself behind the wheel approaching a highway sign telling him Lawrence is just up ahead.
5. The Score After the Draw  (Ted Lasso) It's their second draw in a row near the start of the season.
6. Second Chances (Ted Lasso) By their third win, karaoke in Liverpool became a tradition, and Keeley nursed herself into the perfect buzz. 
7. Fun & Games (Ted Lasso) Perhaps it’s in bad taste to hook up with a guy after your best friend’s father’s funeral, Sassy thought while pulling into traffic. 
8. With a Little Help From my Friends (Ted Lasso) Ted Lasso was raised far too well to call Charles Davenport an asshole, but by November, everyone in Wescoe Hall had grown familiar with his rude manners, inconsiderate behavior, snobbish attitude, and, most notably, the way he already chewed through two roommates. 
9. Raft (Ted Lasso) The empty expenses within the shadows grow deeper by the minute. 
10. Rainbow Connection (Ted Lasso) Four-nil and everyone’s celebrating. 
Tags to: YOU!  That’s right, you!
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coachbeards · 6 days
I am 100% here for Rebecca and Beard being platonic soulmates.
Like I don't know how to describe it, but Rebecca likes buying people gifts. And honestly, she likes the hunt of trying to find six more KC Sines hats for Beard. 
they deserve to bond!!!!!! it's just like how ted and keeley share a lot of similarities....... they're the golden retrievers to beard and rebecca's black cat energy.
there's this fic by ao3 writer gnen / tumblr user @boglady called "A Sponge" where rebecca comments that she hates the hat that jane gave beard because it makes him look older than he is.........so her finding not only kc sines hats, but trucker/baseball caps in general that she thinks beard would like.......absolutely.
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