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mrtodd · 3 months ago
BogClan concept designs!
I'm thinking about potentially making a (more silly) clangen comic about these guys (if I have the motivation to, anyway) Thoughts? :D
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televisionbug · 2 years ago
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diversity win! this murder cat is nonbinary
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kaliety · 2 months ago
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some ocs i drew for a comic i was brain storming for and part of the world building of my warrior comic but anyways here are some apprentices from bogclan that at the time of my comic would be warriors: lightingstar mentoring crowpaw blossomstripe mentoring fangpaw and shalelight mentoring curlpaw funfact lightingstar is the father of curlpaw and fangpaw ... he's not exactly an hands on dad... and most of his appentices he takes either end up dead or very strong warriors that are very close to him
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stainedstars-bogclan · 4 months ago
Heyy, so I’m gonna go on a temporary hiatus for a bit while the new life series is going on just because I’ve been too busy making life series fan art to be working on the story. To make up for it, have a sort of sneak peak for the next chapter.
This is (most of) Currentclan, the clan completely opposite of Bogclan. (Ignore that some of them look bad, these were just quickly made to use as refs)
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Hmmm… I wonder what could be happening where I needed to design almost a whole new clan’s worth of cats. There’s a reason I said the next chapter is a big one art wise.
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readerofoddities · 1 month ago
Here are the leaders of the other Clans since i mentioned CliffClan in the recent page
Warning: old art
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Jasminestar - CliffClan's very young and kind of bitchy leader. She and Eclipsestar are friends and they shit-talk Cloverstar together. She's very prideful of her Clan and hates admitting they need help
She's got a mate called Elmfeather and recently had a litter of kits but she refuses to take time off to be a nursery mom, so Elm is a den-dad. She's also got a stepdaughter named Hazelpaw who she adores
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Cloverstar - MarshClan's (formerly BogClan, formerly SwampClan) old man leader. He was besties with the leader before Carnationstar and he often goes on tangents about his glory days or how proud he is about his kids
His Clan is often dying because of the marshes they live in so he's just happy that he's lived so long
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Opalstar - StoneClan's quiet and introspective leader. She is the second leader of this Clan and is determined to show that they aren't just a bunch of kittypets
StoneClan lives in an abandoned Twolegplace and they've become pretty resourceful with the debris left behind
She broke her ankle before the story starts, so that's why she's got the splint in the drawing
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bunnyswarriors · 4 months ago
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Sleekfish is a newly named warrior of Bayclan. She is a bit irresponsible and fun loving. She has a strained relationship with her father who has grand ideas for her future. She likes to spend time with a warrior of Bogclan in secret. But secrets don't stay hidden forever. What will happen when Sleekfish ends up being the only grown cat left of her clan?
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neon-skittles · 2 years ago
One year has passed in RavenClan and perhaps the Clan should not have been named after an animal that symbolizes death because, well:
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Sycamorepaw is the StarClan guide so he was there from the start, he used to be a med cat apprentice actually. Buzzardpaw was one of Redcrackle's kits who went missing and was found dead. Cloverpaw, one of Snipstar's many children (side-note: he brought two more kits: Tansykit and Pantherkit), found near the BogClan border. And little Aphidkit was taken by a hawk.
StarClan is just three apprentices trying to take care of one kitten, best of luck to them.
The Clan just keeps running into a fox behind the rocks, often ending up injured. Or they're attacked by a swarm of bluejays. There's just no break for these cats I swear.
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Also Slippaw became a warrior and is now named Slipcrackle. His mentor was Redcrackle and they even have the same insecure personality.
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untilcrimsondawn · 2 years ago
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BogClan, RidgeClan, and DuskClan each have beautiful territories! Which one do YOU want to explore?
This map was crafted by our own admin, Sinna!
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sylas-dove · 2 months ago
I saw ur addition to the troutfur’s Rootspring witchcraft post, can you elaborate on the religious additions??? Tell me abt ur islandclans im curious 👀👀👀
The island clans have a different religious system than the canon clans. They have a pantheon of nine gods, with the three clans on the island having been formed out of a religious schism based primarily on who the leaders of that pantheon are. In the modern day, the three groups (DawnClan, TideClan, and BogClan) all worship the same nine gods but have different understandings of their domains, personalities, and roles.
The two I mentioned in that post were Felkeba, the god of death, history, and the bog; and Shossuow, the goddess of the moon, parenthood, and adoption.
All clan cats (and members of certain non-Clan cultural groups on the island) bury their dead in the bog on the island, intentionally preserving their dead as bog bodies. Felkeba is believed to have been the one who taught them how to do this. If a burial is performed correctly, he comes and collects their soul and determines whether or not to take them to Silverpelt (we’ll get back to that) based on whether or not they lived an honorable life. If he rejects them, their body rots instead of being preserved and they’re cursed to wander the island as ghosts until they’re forgotten by the living.
Invoking those ghosts is SERIOUS witchcraft and WILL get you exiled! These are (assumed to be) evil cats who have been rejected by the gods themselves! These spirits can be powerful, and may know secret information, but channeling of and communication with spirits *in general* is a grave sin (even those in Silverpelt!)
Speaking of Silverpelt. When an honorable cat dies, they are adopted by Shossuow (or, in DawnClan belief, returned to the care of their ancestor; DawnClan believes that all cats are Literally the descendants of Shossuow & the sun god Ashekorrl) and go to nurse at her side. The night sky is her pelt, black and flecked with white specks, and the moon is her single eye (the other one having been lost to the trickster goddess Worraporrwa, although that story varies based on the clan telling it).
Prophecies, omens, and so forth aren’t sent by StarClan but by the gods. Ghosts and spirits have different powers but foretelling the future isn’t one of them. This is also my explanation for why those things are so vague and inconsistent; the gods are beyond feline comprehension and may struggle to understand what things their worshippers might benefit from being warned about, but also their actual abilities are in flux due to different clans’ beliefs about them.
Leaders and healers also work differently. Each clan has a cast of seven “high ranks” who are blessed by a given god (Shossuow blesses parents and Mesha, the goddex of young cats and those who die young, blesses… well, the young, so they don’t have specific roles related to them) and so do a job related to them and if necessary receive signs or omens from their specific god. These cats are also beholden to the judgement of their god upon death in addition to judgement based on whether or not they lived “honorably.” Healers (called herbalists in this project) are the domain of Oobass, god of the river, rain, and medicine— but this isn’t any more an inherently religious role than being a parent or the Head of Hunting would be.
The gods do collectively offer a gift of nine lives to a single cat at a time in each clan, but all three clans pick this cat differently. BogClan is an oligarchy who gives them to their Historian (in the service of Felkeba) so that the historian can live a supernaturally long life; TideClan is an absolute democracy who gives them to an elected spokesperson/president (although this cat should be a good fighter) who ideally holds no other roles within the clan; DawnClan is a monarchy who gives them to their king.
The other gods and their roles are—
Ashekorrl, god of the sun, justice, and honorable combat. Cats in the service of Ashekorrl are called mediators, although this is more like an in-clan therapist and out-of-clan general. They also have a strong hand in managing their territory’s outsider population.
Fyrriu, god of the hearth, cooking, fire, and friendship. Cats in his service are in charge of the hearth; this is Bonefall’s Kitchen Head role.
Wafok, god of creativity, craftsmen, and wood. His role are called Artisans. This is Bonefall’s Construction Head role but they’re also in charge of making and maintaining specialty objects like instruments, fire starters, utensils, pots & bowls, etc
Worraporrwa, goddess of hunting, mischief, and sometimes murder. Those in her service are Bonefall’s Head of Hunting role.
Lalsee, goddess of the tide, the sea, puzzles, and games. Those in her service are called the Diving Head. Their job is to coordinate divers for food and resources, rescue drowning cats, teach kittens how to swim, and to help their clanmates avoid major environmental hazards like rip currents, landslides, or in BogClan’s case, maintain walkways across the more treacherous parts of the territory.
And Felkeba’s historian wasn’t elaborated on— these cats perform funerals and burial rites but their main job is keeping track of historical events and bloodlines. They’re the only cats who are allowed to learn how to read and write. They also work with the mediator to manage outsider populations in the territory.
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violets-catposting · 7 months ago
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All the (known) cats
Leader: Cloverstar (formerly Cloverwhisker) -79 moons old, ♀️. Witty, leader of Snoozeclan, and has steady paws. Left a now dead clan.
Deputy: Dartstrike -50 moons old, ♂️. Loving and a good guard. Left Caveclan to follow Midnightdusk into the clan.
Healer: Scorchstripe -104 moons old, ♂️. Lonesome, master of aesthetics, and a good swimmer. Exiled from Caveclan.
Midnightdusk -50 moons old, ♀️. Ambitious and a trinket stower. Left Lakeclan, sister to Dartstrike.
Gambler- 115 moons old, ♂️. Bouncy, coordinated, and a good speaker. Kittypet from another island.
Reed⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛wade -55 moons old, ♀️. Sneaky and grazes fish. Exiled from Bogclan.
Shrubpaw -9 moons old, ♀️. Charismatic and a good healer. Received a prophecy ^-^. Apprenticed to Scorchstripe as a healer apprentice.
Raccoonpaw -9 moons old, ♂️. Careful and a trinket stower. Received a prophecy 0-0. Apprenticed to Dartstrike, Shrubpaw's brother.
Wisteriapaw -7 moons, ♀️. Sneaky, pathfinder, and well-versed. Left Lakeclan with her mother, Midnightdusk.
Drykit -3 moons old, ♂️. Grumpy and constantly climbing. "Clanborn", Scorchstripe's son.
Basilkit -2 moons old, ♂️. Bossy, splashes in puddles, and always curious. Clanborn, Cloverstar's son.
Boragekit -2 moons old, ♀️. Polite and quick to help. Clanborn, Cloverstar's daughter.
Literally joined 5 minutes ago:
Robin -24 moons old, ♀️. Nervous, paradox enthusiast, and has a connection to Starclan. Fled the Two-leg place.
Scarabkit -0 moon old, ♀️. Charming. One of Robin's daughters.
Gingerkit -0 moon old, ♀️. Pateint. Two of Robin's daughters.
Cornkit -0 moon old, ♂️. Nervous. Son of Robin.
Huskkit -0 moon old, ♂️. Honest. Robin's other son.
Ghost guys:
⬛: Behind post-it note. Died at 59 moons, ♂️.
???: Cut out at the bottom. Died at 92 moons old, ♂️.
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Some lore about my Halloween themed clan Lanternclan
-formed by descendants of the original clans in an ambiguous Massachusetts-like location, generations after the time of firestar. The three clans in the area are Lanternclan, Bogclan, and Darkclan
-the clans here are like neighbors, not rivals. Switching clans, romances, etc are all completely normal it's like moving to the next town over, not a huge deal
-instead of healers they have witch's cats, whose job in addition to healing is to learn magic and communicate with the local twolegs. They also have little cat sized pointy hats
-warrior is specifically a title for cats who act out the stories and battles of the old clans. It's like a combination of theater, martial arts, and pro wrestling for cats. They do the story of the great battle against the dark forest at the leaf-fall festival (Halloween)
-since it's passed down by word of mouth, over the years the story of great battle has been exaggerated and changed and had all kinds of supernatural elements added to it, especially surrounding the dark forest. The role of tigerstar is highly coveted in Lanternclan
-twoleg witches attend clan festivals and are allowed to bring one other person with them. This is considered a huge honor to the people in the town, who love their weird intelligent cat neighbors
-there's something in the woods and the corn fields, responsible for disappearances of both cats and twolegs...
-starclan and the dark forest are a lot more mysterious and ghostly in lanternclan lore. Instead of the moonstone or moonpool there's a crystal ball in an abandoned witch's house, where cats no longer living appear as shadows and smoke. Not all of them are necessarily starclan, so witch's cats have to be very careful
-the great pumpkin is totally real and you should absolutely bring him offerings of catnip
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becquerelnoir · 2 years ago
So my new Clan is BogClan.
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So far these are my pics for Leader and Deputy respectively. Flailstar is leader, Silentflower is deputy, I just made the choice early before locking them in.
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My medicine cat. He's lonesome.
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So many of my options are kittens. This is worrisome.
But Most of them are going in. I just hope this doesn't bode ill for me.
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Here is the clan so far!
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And we have our very own Star Clan guide! Let's see how our first patrol goes....
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Okay, not ad.
Herb gathering welt okay too!
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murkshade · 2 years ago
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morning swim
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kaliety · 2 months ago
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and here's Crowpaw with his father Shalelight who later become Curlpaw mentor and mother Whitetalon and his sister Gatorkit
bogclan is located in a everglades so gators and other predators are common
sadly gatorkit couldn't make it to apprenticeship from a infected rat bite
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stainedstars-bogclan · 4 months ago
I finally finished the writing and sketches for chapter 3. It’s a big one and will definitely take me a while to finish. In the meantime, have some more references and sprites.
Here’s Bogclan’s wonderful leader (fun fact, she’s trans), Murkstar.
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And the lead mediator, Ridgehowl.
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fromfireandashes · 3 years ago
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Applications for Bogclan are now OPEN!
Three clans, Aspenclan, Bogclan and Ravenclan, teetered on the brink of unneeded war for seasons before their ancestors found fit to punish them. Four moons ago, Starclan's wrath took form in a blazing inferno that tore through their forest, changing the face of the territories forever.
An opportunity arises to walk among the ranks of Bogclan, a collection of boastful cats who value feats of valor, bravery, and community above all else. Their territory sat completely untouched during the devastating fire all those moons ago, and now a question lies before them; what will they choose to do with their newfound advantage over the other two clans? Will you swim the marshes with them now, and help them reach their destinies?
From Fire and Ash is a Discord-based, 16+ literate Warrior Cats Roleplay focused on storytelling and the choices of its players. Based in a once lush forest that is now ravaged by a fire that leapt from the caverns the clans hold most sacred, this roleplay follows the path where the scorched earth ends and new life begins to grow.
Please read through the rules and the information about the clans/group on the website before applying! Feel free to ask any questions you may have during the application window (But be sure to read our FAQ, first! Your question may not be answered if it's already on the FAQ)!
Adoptable Applications will run until 11:59pm PST on June 10th!
Original Character Applications will run until 11:59pm PST on June 18th!
[Adoptables Doc] [Rules] [Bogclan Information] [FAQ] [Metrics]
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