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queer-cartoons-quotes · 4 months ago
I know that most of the reinterpretations of Hades and Persephone are quite bad, not to mention quite sexist, but sometimes... sometimes they get it right
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cocoa-night · 2 months ago
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magically-strange · 1 year ago
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darlingrini · 1 year ago
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Cringetober Day 12 - Niche Interest I had trouble thinking of what I could possibly have thats a niche interest, then I remembered I just binged Strange Magic recently again and was like YEAH THATS FAIR. So yeah some Strange Magic fanart cause that movies amazing and underappreciated and YOU SHOULD WATCH IT PLS- (monster lovers RISEEE THIS MOVIES FOR YOU)
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jdsoda · 6 months ago
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*drops this in the Strange Magic fandom*
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anxious-alien-overlord · 1 year ago
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Don’t all creatures deserve love?
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nepetacataria-art · 2 years ago
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Finally I could finish this drawing I had from the past year! ✨
I really love this couple and the movie itself! Have watched it so many times and every time it hits me the same 🥰
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mandibles0322 · 1 year ago
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"You're waking meadows in my mind"
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jellysnail-draws · 2 years ago
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Um butterfly bog, anyone?
I literally love this mosquito looking goblin man
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flutterby-bog · 4 months ago
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WIP I'm working on
Two different sides of the same Bog, featuring goblin sitting :3c
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keycixwrites · 1 year ago
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beforetimes · 7 months ago
i think the scene in strange magic where marianne and the bog king fly through the dark forest is the best depiction of love i've seen in an animated movie but specifically because of the scene where she's trying to fly through the thicket of thorns after him and her wings keep getting caught on the pointed ends so she backs out before getting very far. and the bog king comes back to offer her a hand and holds her close to him with her wings tucked against her back and marianne tucked to his chest as they slip through the thorns. i think it's beautiful and it makes me want to cry every time i see it
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cocoa-night · 2 months ago
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I did one with faery kisses, now it's time for goblin kisses.
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magically-strange · 4 months ago
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bliss-is-in-blood · 4 months ago
Why I believe Bog is part Fae and what does it say about the Fairy Land and Dark Forest societies
One of the most noticeable things about Bog when we compare him to other Dark Forest Folks is that he has wings.
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No one else in his Kingdom is seen with wing outside of firefly mount. and the only other species to have wings are fairies in the Fairy Land kingdom.
But you're going to tell me it's a bit of a weak theory and in itself yes if I didn't have any other proof. Griselda wear clothes.
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and why is it important ? Because no one is the Dark Forest wear clothe, Bog technically doesn't wear clothes either and he is King (he as a bit of armor at best). But who else wear clothes ? The Fairy Land folks. You don't see any of Bog army wear clothes nor pretty much anyone in the Kingdom except :
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One of the potential bride Griselda want to present to her son. Griselda was Queen (technically still is). Bog is King so the lady he decide to mary would become Queen so those ladies must be high society.
We never really get an explanation about why the Dark Forest and Fairy Land kingdom are at odd. But the language proximity (because I'm gonna take that as a real intention) show the two populations to have been close if not one for a long time and only recently parted.
One of the reason might have been the drastically different ecosystem of the meadow and forest which lead to branching evolution and different flora and fauna.
There might have been a conflict birthing when one part of the fairies melded with goblin and elves (DF) and another part rejected the idea (FL) it broke the society in two. In Fairy Land royalty stayed "pure" fairies and elves are clearly below them in society has there is no elves in the Fairy Land Kingdom party (Sunny being at odd here and won't be staying as a guest) :
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In the Dark Forest, there is not really that separation. I believe as the fairies melded and had children with goblins and stayed in the Dark Forest, their appearence changed and culture too. No one in the DF look like the fairies in the FL, but Bog is tall and slend just like FL Fairies, that ant-like lady is tall and slend too. Griselda and that other lady wear clothes and even if it seem to be a rare thing its present and it call back to the FL society and habit.
Which prompt me to ask why would the DF fairies stop wearing clothes ? because as they blended with the goblin, their bodies stopped showing sexual attribute (read breast and genital) the one that wear clothes might do so because they still show those attribute.
They also lost their wings and I believe it's mostly because of the environnement. Bog is the only one to have wings in his kingdom, they are thin and damaged. and I believe that's because the fairies that stayed in the DF kept damaging their wings, this attribute started to become rarer and rarer. the FL is a meadow, there is more wind and less obstacles, flying would also be a faster, whiles in the forest you can go easier on foot because there is always roots and branches and plants to ease your way on feet and find shortcut and flying is harder/less free.
You can also look at ears, as some goblin do have fairy like ears
So, the DF society became what is was thanks to tolerance of interspecies relationship and acceptance of less conventionnal beauty standard countrary to what we see in FL. Bog thinking he is too ugly to be loved might be because out of every DF folks we see he looks the most like a fairy.
The FL society kept a distance between species, the King reaction (fainting) to Dawn and Sunny is very telling that normally elves and fairies relationship is a "no no". The FL fairies almost all look the same, their appearence is very even and it pushes for a certain specific beauty standard.
We can hope Dawn and Sunny relationship to prompt the same tolerance that made the DF folks what they are.
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keep-going-to-the-sunrise · 1 month ago
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“I've got a Strange Magic..”
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