too-many-lavellans · 3 months
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"I will have truth from you"
(please don’t tag/comment with your inquisitor, thanks)
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wuhohblockmen · 9 months
i will never get over jess bodymorphing minecraft characters to give them tits
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
I have a question
Like Crazy is probably the most queercoded in Jimins songs, right after Filter.
But the song also begins with the pronoun "She's saying Baby come and follow me"
Some fans on Twitter are saying this is a reference to a gf or something.
Whats your take on this?
Hi! Thanks for your ask. Sorry for the delay in replying! And to start, I think it's fairly clear that I don't think Jimin is straight, in my opinion, based off my views. But in that same vein, I think he also likes women. I mean, he has shared previous school crushes on a girl with us. So a "she" in the lyrics of a love song, wouldn't ever really throw me off personally. But that's just me. On top of that, Jimin did share his notes of his lyric writing process for his songs on FACE. And we can see for Like Crazy, his original planned lyrics said "baby" in place of "she." So that probably got changed for a better flow, either he did that himself, or it was suggested to him by RM, Pdogg or one of the other people who helped and gave input to the song. Either way, I don't think it's indicative of a girlfriend or an ex girlfriend in anything factual. But everyone can think what they will and have their own opinions of it for sure.
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Now, for me, honestly there is a lot of queer coding through this whole MV and through subsequent performances/choreo/promotions for this song as well. Lyric breakdown can be found here before we go further:
Music Video:
And my first post about Like Crazy, where I talk about the song as a whole, what I think it's about AND touch on the queerness of Jimins gender expression throughout the MV:
To expand upon that, the choreo is a huge part of that and this person did a pretty good job breaking that down and sharing their theory over the dance too.
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On top of in the extra content for FACE, similar references get lowkey pointed out in the FACE Playlist video, both in the LC MV and the Playlist video. Which you can watch here
During the Set Me Free portion, things line up very similarly to Freddie's "I want to break free" video, where he cross dresses. And for those who don't know, he fairly openly queer as an artist. He was involved with both men and women regardless of never openly stating or confirming his sexuality (that I know of). In the video, we also see Jimin looking through vinyls, including Queen and Nirvana. AND in the LC MV set, we see on the wall writing that says "Set Me Free" "Moon" "Wake" among others AND a Queen sticker too.
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I want to break free video:
He talks and makes references to accepting both sides of himself a lot. It's in his stylistic choices, his art, how he expresses himself. And it's been a repeated theme for AWHILE now and if you aren't seeing it... it's because you don't want to
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To get deeper into it, some of the historic queer imagery and iconography Jimin used in this MV specifically and just in FACE promotions in general... would include Philip Johnson, the architect of the Glass House, openly gay and where the term "the glass closet" was coined from. A photo of his is once again in the FACE Playlist video.
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Robert Mapplethorpe, his portrait on the jeans Jimin wore through the MV and several images in his photobook I believe too. A photographer specializing in male and female nude works, among other things. Including his most controversial work being his documentation of the gay male BDSM subculture scene.
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In the photobook, he is pictured several times in an outfit where he is wearing Jean Paul Gaultier y/series Bodymorph jeans. Specifically he is wearing the "woman" set. The designer Specifically described this series as exploring and playing with the concepts of gender, he liked the idea of there being a mens set, and a womens set and them being able to overlap each other. The bodymorph clothing sets have naked human body prints on them. So!Yoon who recently worked with and is friends with RM (if not friendly with the other members too) also recently wore these in her album release as well. You can interpret him wearing these as you choose of course. I personally think it's speaks fairly clearly to the same things I was talking about above, with him referencing all things gender and how he is leaning into the more typical feminine iconography here with these pants for his softer side of the photoshoot for his album.
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I think looking at the designs for both sets also makes it more clear which ahem, set, Jimin is wearing too. Lol and how some of the models are mixing the sets (including So!Yoon wearing the women's set as well in a diff color)
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And lastly, while it might not have to do with the album directly, it does involve Jimin and is worth mentioning here as it was lowkey part of album promotions. During the first ever performance aired of Like Crazy on the Jimin Fallon show, Jimin worked with 8 backup dancers and one of them was nonbinary and shared their experience and how comfortable, welcoming, non judged and appreciated Jimin and staff made them feel the whole time. How they got to just be who they were the whole time. It speaks the type of environment Jimin cultivates around himself all the time.
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Performance video:
And during the teaser that was shared of Jimin working on his album with Pdogg and others. They talked about how for 10 months, Jimin basically lived in Pdoggs house. They all just lived together and ate, slept, breathed this album. Lol and in the hallway of Pdogg's house, we see that he has a Stonewall rainbow art piece. Which if that is what that is, is very special to have the education over Stonewall and the support of for that in your home in Korea. I won't speak to it either way, if that is what it is, great. If it's not. I'm just going to enjoy a rainbow in the same shot as Jimin regardless. Lol
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Teaser video:
At this point, there is deep references to historic queer iconography in so much of Jimins art, it's fair to say we aren't guessing anymore. He is as out as he can be without explicitly saying anything. For me personally at least. And no one is owed an explicit coming out from anyone for any reason. If you listen to what he says, what he sings about, what he photographs, what he dances, what he shares with us? It's all right there too see. So plainly. Queer people have always had to talk and listen between the lines. It's there if you want to see it. And it's fair for queer armys and queer people to react and talk about the continuous use of queer icons and imagery Jimin has used over the years. It's not assuming anything. It's just listening to what he is telling us and sharing.
Thank you for the ask. And thanks to anyone who read the whole thing. 💜
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fangyymusic · 2 months
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ART FIGHT 2024 ✨
Gorgeous kitty portrait for AF!
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aleniksimmer · 1 year
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In the end I made the mesh for the belt......the LOD0 is 14k (LOD1 6k, LOD2 1k, LOD3 300 I think) but the curves are smoooooth and I love it. It moves with the spine/pelvis so it's going to clip when sitting/walking like any other tail. It works extremely well with bodymorphs and sims' weights, the only small issue is that if you make the bum too big is going to clip a bit.
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I kinda love the range of emotions when I was testing it in game.
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ginneke · 2 years
Hi I was told most rito hcs were yours .. I wanted to direct the compliment to you as well as heleentje !! Both of y'all's writing is amazing and I love y'all's stories :D!!
You're most welcome, and I'm glad you enjoy our stories.
heleen suggested I should elaborate on some further headcanons so without further a small and non-exhaustive list below:
- While @heleentje is correct in saying that cheekspots indicate youth, it’s not *quite* that they’re present from hatching—you'll note that in Seed of Song, they hatch with very sparse, fine down and won’t develop more robust feathers until later in their development. But as their feathers come in, so too do the cheekspots. (It’s like how you might see a young bird that’s noted to be in juvenile plumage – it still has yet to mature and develop to the point where the juvenile colouration changes to full adult plumage.)
- Rito chicks are altricial, which is to say that they hatch helpless and require significant amounts of caretaking and nurturing. At most, you might typically have 2-3 eggs to a clutch. Beyond this number starts to strain how easily the adults can care for their chicks, since the hatchlings cannot thermoregulate and require consistent brooding. (On a physical level, somebody like Kass is extremely attractive by Rito reckoning, since he's broad enough to brood multiple chicks at once. Swoonworthy.)
- Adolescence is a strange and confusing time for a young Rito! All of a sudden, you’re getting a major growth development – not to mention your tailfeathers are coming in a lot longer – so everything you knew about flying is all messed up again.
- You’ll notice that almost all adolescent/adult Rito wear a kind of leather armour on their torsos. I’m of the impression that this torso brace is a crucial support for Rito, given how tall they … tend to get. It minimises the torsion risk to the torso/abdomen when in flight (Fledglings are still small enough to not need the extra support, and it’s quite difficult to say whether Kaneli has something similar, given that he’s sat down for the entire time we know him. It might be that Kaneli’s bodymorph means he’s at less risk of torsion compared to the leaner / top heavy body types that we see on other Rito)
(Not a headcanon, but speaking of Kaneli, had you noticed that he’s likely canonically disabled? He wears a leg brace, which presumably helps support the joints of his right leg.)
- A tiny detail, but I like the thought of the gold of Revali's spaulders coming from Kargarok feathers (cf. Wind Waker kargaroks, with their long golden tail feathers that the Rito are noted to be interested in.)
- Lastly, the Rito have a rich weaving/textile tradition, and this is one of the things that made me fall in love with them. The lower landing - where you first meet Fyson in-game - strikes me as a suitable spot for setting up frame looms (as would probably be used to weave the furnishing textiles, such as blankets and carpets, that we see). Smaller pieces might include such things as the decorative braids that are used on, for example, the edges of clothing (presumably fulfilling a hemming function simultaneously); these would be woven on more portable looms, such as backstrap looms. Sewing needles used by the Rito tribe are akin to doll needles, in length if nothing else, to allow for easier manipulation of the needle with their significantly larger digits.
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I'm starting to understand why bodyshape meshes didn't often come with morphs.
For one thing, I just want to get it in game. For another, while I do typically like the Milkshape part of this process, trying to make consistent fat and preg morphs is frustrating. Bodymorph WSOs on top of Bodyshape WSOs don't turn out well.
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menofservice · 2 months
like if you'd be down for a bodymorph thread
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my3dartblog · 9 months
Product Description: 1 conforming cloth for Genesis 8 Female / Her BodyMorphs / Victoria 8with modern Camel Toe Effect. ! Materials in separate Folders for Iray . 11 Styles for default Look12 Styles for Satin Look16 Surface Colors16 Stitch Colors9 Options for surfacesChange surfaces - mix the colors, and save as preset will give you more styles.Also it is very shader friendly. 8 Maps for Trans, Bump, Color and NormalMap3 Templates for easy recoloring Materials may need adjustment depending on Render Settings !! Many Morphs for Shaping and Adjustment Coming soon: https://3d-stuff.net/ #daz3d #dazstudio #3drender #3dart #daz3dstudio #irayrender #3dartwork #blender #blenderrender #blenderart #noaiart #noaiwriting #noai https://3d-stuff.net/
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elysianhqs · 10 months
Mods, quais seriam bons motivos para alguém não ser aceita como selecionada?
Interessantíssima sua pergunta, nony! Vamos pensar que quem está por detrás da oficialização das escolhas é o Conselheiro Jacques, o verdadeiro cabeça chefe da administração da Seleção. Claro, ele tem vários assessores, e pessoas de confiança que dão um pitaco aqui, e outro pitaco lá, mas ele é quem bate o martelo. Nesse caso, algumas coisas que eu acho que fariam ele desaprovar imediatamente, sem nem precisar procurar por algum auxílio externo, são:
Modificações corporais visíveis. Já tinham questionado a gente no chat sobre selecionadas e tatuagens, e foi respondido que não há problema algum tê-las, desde que não sejam grandes e visíveis. Uma coxa fechada? Tudo bem, isso vai ficar embaixo dos vestidos, ou calças. Agora, um pescoço, um rosto tatuado? Aí seria de desaprovação imediata. Isso também vale para bodymorphs, então muitos piercings no rosto, ou implantes, seria um critério de desclassificação. A estética que não apenas Jacques, mas toda a corte francesa num geral deseja, é a da volta modernizada do absolutismo francês do século 17.
Vocalização ativa contra o Reino. Para os rebeldes, principalmente. Claro, temos selecionadas que são rebeldes, mas elas todas tinham papéis mais secundários, sem chamar a atenção, ou entraram recentemente nos Guardiões. E a Revolução possui rostos, possui os já conhecidos que fazem barulho (inclusive futuramente adicionaremos uma página para falar deles!). Se uma pretendente à selecionada quando adolescente foi participar de um protesto e acabou identificada, mesmo que não presa, com certeza não vai ser chamada.
Não ter escrito boas respostas ao formulário. É, minha gente, para se inscrever para a Seleção foi necessário enviar uma cartinha no correio com todas as informações solicitadas e uma carta explicando o porquê você deveria representar sua província. Algumas simplesmente... Não tinham bons motivos o suficiente, ou escreviam muito mal, ou muito pouco, ou muito demais...
Não ter estrutura familiar. Candidatas que não tinham onde "cair mortas", sem conseguir apontar uma boa linha familiar, também eram infelizmente descartadas. Independente de renda, para a boa imagem do reino, era importante que as candidatas tivessem ao menos um núcleo familiar estabelecido. Candidatas rebeldes que perderam suas famílias deviam fabricar histórias e identidades para passarem despercebidas.
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thetaizuru · 1 year
(Jadū Dala)
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vivanightcity · 1 year
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Hey. HEY. @  cyberpunk2077 when are you gonna let me make the biker mice from Mars, Huh?? Whn you gonna stop being cowards and let people be actually wild with the bodymorph options, HUH?? I CAN BE A FURRY IN SKYRIM BUT NOT A CYBERPUNK FUTURE???
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cuckookukri · 2 years
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christinangusdesign · 4 years
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Some more process photos - I also made one out of duct tape as I wanted to explore how we could split the body and how the barbie doll was broken (manufactured) into  several different parts. This was interesting as it became more like a second skin that was uncomfortable and sweaty. 
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aleniksimmer · 1 year
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Made Kim’s sweater! The texture is temporary and I still need to fix a couple of things with bodymorph and weights, but I’m really happy with the result.
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sodrippy · 4 years
choosing a new hair colour is legit torturous bc i still love the purple and theres a lot of fresh takes on purple online, but then glossy forest-emerald tones are so sexy, and ice blue shades are hot, and turquoise and teal and bubblegum pink oh my god
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