#bodyhorror cw
not-avril · 2 months
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Who keeps drawing all those huge monster men!?
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papakhan · 2 months
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Artfight's nearly over so here are some of the Attacks I'm most proud of for 2024!
@thespiral's Fresno
@sleights-of-hand's Nick and Hamza
@thedumbasscourier's Rook
@noodle8's Cheesesteak
@19orionis' Lance
@gardedvoir's Valere
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myrandomcontent · 2 years
Things I drew hours ago
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virovac · 1 year
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Craiyon on the "Art" setting still feels quite ethical with its unpolished results.
Magical Girl Godzilal was the prompt I used.
Think got some Orga or Biollante in the latter
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lutik327 · 7 months
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"of course, i do love you. isn't that how you've made me?"
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feefal · 2 years
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Anatomy girlies
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sonicexelle-junkary · 6 months
(For the Hazard Au)
Uh... Hey buddy? You, uh, you ok? You're face is kinda... Melty
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<He pulls at his face again. It really is just a hole.>
(BTW thank you to @pink-link-lemonade for helping me with his face <3)
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smokbeast · 1 month
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two serpents, two sins-
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not-avril · 3 months
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Design in process
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sleidog · 2 months
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hugging the guildies :3 @vampiricsheep 's Bran @shroomlet 's Stiu and Sinigh @dotmander 's Lyda @avaeeart 's Ysaac @ascalonianpicnic 's Liaur and Runa is of course, mine!
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madam-monarch · 11 months
/// Slight Body Horror
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[ Dark Art time yippee! ]
[ Inspo song: Hate is just a 4 letter word - Shock Therapy LINK ]
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garnetdawn · 2 years
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Oᴘᴇɴ Uᴘ, ʀᴇᴠᴇᴀʟ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟғ
had a rough month but managed to finish a drawing of my favorite flesh horror man in time for halloween :)
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bisotin · 1 month
Edge of the Axe (OC)
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zikadraws · 1 year
🪸Splatoon 3 "Side Order" DLC - Bad Guy Concept🪸
Alright, I've promised I had it coming up, so here we are. This is my concept for the potential "Big Baddie" of the upcoming DLC.
Now, since the DLC seems to have been teased to be more horror/existential horror oriented, these concepts fit that mindset. This is a warning. I'm warning you against bodyhorror. Specifically growths/infestation bodyhorror. (And I guess blood, although strictly speaking there isn't any blood, it could easily be confused as such.)
These will be of course accompanied of headcanons. Long post ahead.
Here it comes.
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"The Deep Diver"
This entity, that came from seemingly nowhere, evades any attempts of observation. Every video record and picture ends up damaged from exposure.
Appears to be an antique deep diving suit infested in corals. It is unclear whether or not there may be someone inside.
Up to three or four times a regular Octoling's size.
Clouds of smoke of unidentified kind seem to be emanating from its footsteps, and from the torn open pipe that's floating from it. It is unclear what this substance is, but it is suspected those might be coral spores. Breathing too much in provokes violent headaches and hallucinations, and eventually passing out.
This entity, that appears to be on its lonesome, seems to favor large areas.
Its attack span is passive, but overwhelming ; it relies on radiation on a large range, sensory hallucinations, and calcifying whoever stares at it for too long.
There isn't any way to defeat it as of now, so your only option is to run and make your way out of danger when it appears. Despite its dangerosity, it is only willing to make that much effort when it comes to obstacles. But don't lower your guard, because it doesn't give up, and it also walks faster than you.
Do not look back at it or you will start to calcify. You will know it is getting too close by the sound of an increasingly loud heartbeat, combined with in worst cases crystal sounds, and ear ringing.
Other than the slow, booming heartbeat which we can't say for sure is coming from the Diver, the entity also emits a slow, oddly loud, cavernous, difficult breathing noise. And even though it's really not a fun thing to hear, and doesn't prove for certain that it may be sentient, it can occasionally speak/call out.
It's hard to tell if the corals and bleaching are caused by it, but they do grow visibly and exponentially whenever it's chasing, making the matter of escape more difficult.
It has a Geiger counter on its belt and an odd logo shaped as a crab on its chest plate.
No one knows anything about it. No one knows where it came from, no one knows where it's going, no one what it's trying to do. We do not know if it's malevolent. We do not know if it's looking for help. There might even not be anyone in the suit. That guy is a total enigma, and he's not exactly helping making itself clear.
At least it's not as aggressive as the following guys.
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"The Hazmat Ghosts"
These entities (underlings ?), way more active, crawl over the most important areas. Just like the Diver, they corrupt any attempts to record them.
Like their name suggests, they seem to be anti-radiations hazmat suits overgrown with corals. They seem to be way more bothered about it though.
They too have radiation measurement devices.
Unlike the lonesome Diver, they are numerous, sometimes even attacking in small groups, and do not mind relatively narrow, twisty areas ; appearing for example in corridors, and other backrooms. It is not rare to have them lunging from around a corner, be warned.
They are perpetually twitching and spasming, and seem to be aimless.
They don't make coral grow, but they are able to produce 'artificial crystals' seemingly at will, which actually help telling which areas they are in. These crystals are rather fragile and can be broken with a few shots.
They're way more aggressive and agile, and actively charge whoever they spot.
Unlike the Diver, it is possible to fight them. (And given how they are, it's actually the only way to get them off your back.) They make for tricky fights though, so be ready.
They attack through dashing, crystal waves, and shockwaves (if you take too much damage you get splatted, if you get all your lives destroyed you get calcified.)
They are stunningly fast, in a disorganized way : during combat, they move by rapidly dashing around their target, in a shaky, nervous way ; punctuated by 'slowness moments' that allows the victim to see in which direction they are going to dash, and after a few dashes, they need a moment to cool down. They will then grow a barrer of artificial crystals to protect themselves while they gather themselves. During this, it is possible to attack them. Just break the crystals before getting to them.
They don't fear regular shots, but they seem to be very afraid of explosions ; so when possible, use bombs, or if you have one, a blaster. Explosions is the only way to get rid of them. (Not sure if it's through damage or if they just get scared out of existence.) You'll have to go through multiple phases, but once vanquished, they will disappear, like a crystal bursting in a corrupted mess.
You can also one-shot them with the right Special. These guys really don't like big explosions. Why are they so afraid...?
Oh and I should mention ; they're extremely noisy from the second they've spotted you, letting out war cries, screams of distress, and just sounding in awful agony the whole time. When they aren't in combat mode, they just let out audible whimpering, and shaky breaths, while stumbling around in that very twitchy, spasmy way. Whatever they're going through, it sounds unfathomably painful. You'll know really that you've won when the silence settles back in.
The strange logo is situated on their backpack. It is inspired by both crabs, cancer -by association-, and a Rorschach test.
And yeah, that's that about my concept. These guys aren't the most common enemy to fight, and are more caused by something than the cause in themselves, and wouldn't exactly be defined as ''evil'', however they are a very real problem. You'll have to solve 'theirs' in order to solve 'yours'.
Any either way, it's pretty obvious to me that the DLC wave will be themed around latent radioactivity, so that's what I went for for this concept. It's pretty aethereal and ominous-looking so far, so I tried to recreate this feeling while coding those guys. Hope you like 'em ^^
I could have definitely made this shorter and less extrapolated, but I spent too long on it already and just had to be done. So I hope you enjoy nevertheless 😅 (And am open to any questions if something is lacking)
Anyway Splatoon ⭐
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Fusion of:
Slammer Sonic- @space-cores-adventures
Contaminated! Sonic- mine
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ohnomysoul · 1 year
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Heads Up! Canto iv spoilers and heavy gore under the cut!!!
Still Missing You Ran.
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