#body takes about half an hour to say ‘hey. >:(. food time’
sparky-is-spiders · 1 year
Me: idk I’m not actually feeling super hungry rn.
*Immediately goes on lengthy tagrant on reblogged post*
Me: wow I wonder why that happened.
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inkskinned · 10 months
it is the first snow today. i think we should all have off work, even though it didn't stick. i think there should be 4 national holidays, one for each season. happy first snow, go home and make cookies. for spring it can be the first crocus. for summer the first lightning bug. for autumn, the first golden leaf. go home, kiss your dog, feed your cat (who is absolutely already-fed but somehow still starving.)
i think we should all take more showers together, but i mean that in the soft way. i mean it like taking a nap. two years ago i had 5 adult friends in my queen bed, all of us laying across each other, head over belly over thigh over hand. any time one of us would giggle, it would ripple over each of us, like pulling on a spiderweb. kim actually needed to nap and didn't get to sleep and i am still sorry for it even though this is one of my most precious memories.
i think we should all wash each other's hair, i mean. i walk my dog and i watch someone put up twinkle lights around their front porch. alex and i just moved, and i love the neighborhood. already so many of our new neighbors have stopped by to say hello. the nice lady downstairs also collects plants, like me. she gave us her number on a pink post-it note. i am trying to decide whether to make her cookies or brownies.
i am going through a very hard time. something bad happened this weekend that i do not wish to discuss. it is hanging over me. i think of the green ribbon, and the woman who had her throat cut. it feels like that sometimes, inside of my body. like i am walking and talking despite being half-corpsed. like i am hanging on by a ribbon, standing on some kind of cusp. i keep saying - at least it wasn't worse. we are so lucky it wasn't worse. the idea is river-rock smooth now, all the edges worried off.
in this very dark night - the sun sets by 3 now - people don't need to, but they try anyway. they paint the missing light into things. i have an embarrassing number of missed calls and texts, but i feel the love from them nevertheless - hey. if you need something, i'm here. i will bring you food/puzzles/anything. i got you.
i think we should all have a big group chat where we do errands with strangers. this week i got lost in a home depot, which is wild because i'm a lesbian and we are actually hatched in a lowe's lumber section. there were two other women in the whole store. we ended up shopping together, at first by accident (we all needed things in the same aisle), and then because, well, why not. one of the ladies was taller than me, so she pulled down the screws i needed. i am agile and have the personality of a raccoon, so they sent me after anything below 3 feet. we talked about holiday plans and never learned each other's names, but did learn all the drama about each other's families.
i am making you cupcakes, because i have so much affection i want to pour it into batter. you ask me if i am eating enough per meal. i wrap your gift twice, trying to do it prettily. i get excited to give it to you, just because i hope you'll be excited too.
my parents drive an hour just to see the new apartment and to do the parent thing; standing in the kitchen saying things like "oh you'll get so much use from this dishwasher" and "well, you could paint that" and "when your mother and i moved it was uphill both ways and in a snowstorm and of course your brother was an infant." my mother brought me a plant for housewarming. i always say i love you before she leaves.
i play dnd on tuesdays still, after all these years. we all keep that night free. at one point, between grad school and marriage and all of it, we had to have a serious discussion about how to keep it running. we will keep going, we decided eventually. just to see each other, even if we don't play - you are all important to me. sebastian is not prone to affection but last night he stole my usual sign off - i love you all, be good, he said. he was laughing.
i don't love the winter, actually. i like snow in theory, but i grew up in the north, and am too-familiar with the season of "mud and sludge". i don't like being cold. but i do love something kind of soft and rare: every year around this time, people remember oh yes. you and i are human together. and i have love to spare.
it is the first snow, and something in my heart is finally warm again. i have spent what felt like the last 18 months just going-through-the-motions. it has felt blank and immediate, like i would never actually feel again. that sounds extremely trite and stupid - but that is the boring and familiar experience of depression. life just washes up against your windows, and you watch it happening. you see things that should be lovely and affecting, and it just whispers too-thin. i was desperately uncreative. uninterested in my hobbies. unimpressed by my writing. i told my therapist, often, i don't know how to find hope again.
almost sheepishly, something strange and lovely is burning in my chest. i keep not-looking at it, worried it will scamper back into the shadows again. it is skittish and wild, but it is so warm i want to sink my hands into its fur and feel it breathing. i love-hate it: if it's real, it can hurt me when it leaves again. but i am icarus-born, sun-lover and poet: i can't help myself. despite my best intentions, i am falling in love with life again.
i am planning to make cookies for my friends. alex and i are going to go christmas tree shopping. we picked out matching dish towels last night, and they have little mushrooms on them.
i love you. it does come back. yes, even after a long time. even for you. i promise. keep trying. you will wake up and it will be a day you can smile about.
write me when you get there. we will take the day off of work, and i will wash your hair, and we will both be laughing.
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lustspren · 7 months
P.S.T EP. 11 | Stay the Night ft Karina.
length: 14k words✦
Karina & Male Reader
genres: anal, oral sex, hard sex, creampie, exhibitionism, dirty talk, titjob, handjob, footjob, facefuck, body worship, shower sex, outdoor sex, ass eating, facial, backshot, sunbathing (?
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You always hated getting up early before everyone else, you felt like an idiot and it was like being in a limbo of unknown people around you. If that wasn't enough, the place was full of unbearable rich men talking about their possessions or businesses as if they were trying to compete with each other. You sank into your seat, waiting for the food you had ordered for breakfast while looking at your phone.
Last night you couldn't fall asleep when you got to your room, you tossed and turned for an hour and a half until you were finally able to relax, so you had about 5 hours of sleep at most. Definitely not enough, but when you woke up there was no turning back.
Part of this insomnia was due to the fact that you couldn't stop turning over in your head what had happened with Noze. It still felt like a very wild lucid dream to you, you and her had fucked Minjeong together, turned her into a sex slave only useful to satisfy both of you, and thinking about it still turned you on a lot. You remembered how she looked into your eyes while she was riding Minjeong's face and how she went crazy with pleasure watching you destroy her. You wanted to fuck her like an animal and have her to yourself, but you knew that would be impossible. Not only did she not have that kind of interest in you, but she couldn't even have it. You were a man.
You also never stopped wondering what she thought about all that, or how she would react from now on. You didn't know if she was going to talk about it openly, if she was going to participate more actively in your services, or if nothing like that was going to happen again. The answer didn't take long to arrive in front of your eyes.
Noze entered the hotel restaurant in a hurry, and from the look on her face as she walked towards you, you figured it was best not to mention anything about past events at all unless you wanted a fork stuck in your eye. You wanted to compliment her on how pretty she looked that morning, but you also didn't think it was appropriate considering she was visibly fresh out of bed.
"Why did you let me sleep so late?" She asked, taking a piece of green apple from your plate to put it in her mouth. She had four more seats available, but she chose to sit next to you at the circular table.
"I didn't even know I was allowed to wake you up," you said, she didn't even answer you before she was already immersed in her phone, you assumed waking everyone up.
"Hey, grab some things for the girls to have breakfast and pack them up, we've got to go," she told you, then got up to make a call.
While you went to the restaurant reception to ask for some plastic containers, the girls were already entering the restaurant with the worst aspects you remembered about them in a long time. They walked like the stupid zombies from The Walking Dead, visibly exhausted from last night's concert. You noticed that Minjeong was holding on to Giselle's arm as her legs were shaky. You couldn't do anything but hold back your laughter.
Once you packed the girls' breakfasts and put them in a bag, you left the restaurant with them and Noze. The vans were already outside, and from Noze's hurry you could tell that all the staff members were ready to leave, the only ones missing were you. You had to jog to catch up with them and leave the hotel.
"You were too busy last night to say goodnight like you always do huh?" Ning joked once you were settled inside the van, she had sat next to you and hugged your arm, snuggling against it.
"Something like that," you chuckled, watching as the girls began to fall asleep when the van hadn't even started.
"Try not to forget it again, those messages make me happy," she laid her head on your shoulder, yawned and closed her eyes. All the girls were now asleep, only you, the driver, and Noze were awake. She was focused on doing all the tasks that she couldn't do because she woke up late, she used a laptop, her phone and a notebook for it.
Noze worked with the efficiency and speed of a machine, you couldn't help but stare in amazement at how she could do so many things so well at the same time. She wrote emails on her laptop, wrote down things on the notebook that you couldn't see from your seat, and made calls, often some of those things at the same time. On the way to the airport you discovered that the reason for all the hustle and bustle was that she wanted the arrival to be as unnoticed as possible, which you were sure would happen since she was always two steps ahead of everyone.
When you arrived at the airport, you were not surprised by the fact that there was not a single flash that bothered the girls while they walked to do all the corresponding checks. Yes, there were a few people who stopped to look when they recognized the girls, but they simply took a discreet photo with their phones or just left with a smile on their face.
When you boarded the jet —which was the same one that had brought you to Dallas—the girls ran to choose their seats and made themselves comfortable to fall asleep again. That left you alone with Noze once again. You had a long time with her ahead, so once it was safe to get up inside the cabin, you went to sit next to her while she worked on her laptop.
"So..." you started, leaving your phone connected to your power bank on the table, next to her laptop, "did you have a good time last night?" You asked, crossing your arms on the table and resting the side of your face on your hand to look at her. Noze gave a disbelieving smirk and she stayed silent for a few seconds while she minimized Excel.
"Yeah, but it wasn't anything special," she replied, playing it cool, you raised both eyebrows in shock as you stared at her, "What? Stop imagining me and Joohyun," she put a hand on your face and made you look away. You laughed.
"When you and her did your things in the dorm... did any of the other members join in?" you asked, emboldened, perhaps a little driven by curiosity. You looked at her again.
"And why are you asking these questions so suddenly?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Because you're always busy and right now it's just you and me," she stared into your eyes for a few seconds.
"Mostly Seulgi," she said finally, "you know, she and Joohyunie are inseparable. But in short, all of them, in every possible combination, multiple times."
“Fuck, that sounds like a lot of fun,” you joked with an incredulous giggle.
"I know right? You would love Wendy, that girl is built differently."
"You should recommend me to her then, don't you think?" Noze's face darkened.
"I would if only I spoke to any of them today," she let out a deep breath of disappointment. You remained silent for a few seconds, thinking about whether it was right to continue asking her about that topic, but you also knew that you would have few opportunities like that.
"How did you and her... you know, how did that come about?" you asked. Noze sighed and swallowed, then she looked out the window and stared blankly.
"Well... at first it was nothing more than a very strong sexual attraction. The first practice we all had watching her was like watching Aphrodite dancing, and I guess she felt the same way about me, because as soon as we had a break, we locked ourselves in a bathroom to... you know."
“Aha,” you nodded, prompting her to continue.
"All our first meetings were the same, we would chat from time to time but the only thing we would meet up for was to have sex, until one day she had a pretty serious mental breakdown during the post-practice night. That was the first time I saw Bae Joohyun and not Red Velvet's Irene. Seeing her like that was... lethal for me, so vulnerable, so... her," Noze sighed and paused briefly, "Meeting the person behind the idol for the first time It's always something special... and she certainly is special."
"Did you start dating since then?"
"Not since that moment, but our relationship did change. She now opened up to me to tell me her problems, and I did the same. Over time we realized that we had a lot of things in common, and that we had a lot of chemistry. We started dating, and well, I was weak, stupid, and I fell in love," Noze couldn't help but let out a small smile, perhaps remembering everything she had gone through with Irene, "We became girlfriends and we thought everything was perfect, no one suspected anything and we were happy. But what I already told you happened, and everything collapsed," her smile faded and she looked down, her eyes began to fill with tears, "Look... entertainment companies are already strict with heterosexual relationships, now imagine a possible scandal between a Red Velvet member and her backup dancer. That was unacceptable to them, and it was a shame for us."
"And... you were still together after that?" Seeing her with tears running down her cheeks made you do something you normally wouldn't have done, you put your hand on her thigh and started trying to comfort her with caresses. She didn't seem to care.
"For a while, yeah," she nodded, "even when I was the girls' manager already, but we knew that wasn't going to work out in any way and we broke up," tears continued to roll down her cheeks, but she was controlling herself in order not to burst into sobs, "I think Seulgi had a lot to do with all of that, but I honestly don't care anymore," you didn't consider it appropriate to mention that Seulgi was one of your regular clients when you were still at the spa.
"When you locked yourself away to cry last night it was because of her, right?" You also asked with a lump in your throat. That was affecting you more than it should. You were sensitive about failed love stories.
"Aha... the day we flew to Dallas she woke me up with a call, she sounded drunk and well... she rubbed salt into a wound that… d-didn't need to be reopened," she put her hands on her face and unable to bear it any longer she burst into sobs. You couldn't do anything but surrender to your protective instinct and wrap her in your arms. She hugged you and buried her face in your chest as she stifled cries.
"It's okay... it's okay," you tried to comfort her by caressing her hair and her back, "let it out," you didn't expect such a reaction from her, and partly you felt guilty for bringing that up in the first place, but you noticed that she had never talked about it with anyone, and that she had not received a hug of that kind in a long time, "I'm not the one to tell you this but... I think you should cut off all contact with her, what she did is not healthy, and it affects you more than it does to her."
"I-It's not that easy," she sobbed, still clinging to your torso with both arms.
"Well, you'll have to, because what happened can't be repeated, for the sake of both of you. You don't need her to be happy. Life teaches us lessons in very cruel ways, and maybe what happened was life telling you that there was a better place for you than there," she pulled away from your chest with red eyes and tear-filled cheeks to look at you.
"You think?" she asked.
"Of course I do, and even if I didn't, you still have to work hard to get over her. Your life can never revolve around one person, it's self-destructive and it has become a burden for you."
"I… fuck," she looked down and stayed quiet as she wiped away her tears, "you're right, it's become a damn burden and I should be stronger than this," she finally pulled away from you, "God, I'm so sorry, I don't like crying like that in front of anyone."
"And don't you think you needed to vent to someone else?"
"Yeah...," she nodded, looking away.
"It's no use keeping things to yourself, the only thing you achieve with that is constantly drowning in what hurts you."
"Fuck, since when did you become a psychologist?" she asked with a laugh that was meant to lighten the mood, "I hired you because of your cock, not for this."
"I'm just trying to help, I'm sorry," you smiled sadly.
"No, it's okay," she put a hand on your forearm and squeezed it gently, "you're right in what you're saying, and I appreciate it, it's just… it's not easy for me."
"I know it's not, but you have to start somewhere, right?" you placed your hand on top of hers, "Chicks don't learn to fly as soon as they're born."
"Are you calling me a bird?" she raised an eyebrow.
"You understood what I meant."
"Aha," she laughed.
"What I'm getting at is that I want you to know that you shouldn't fight those battles alone, I can be there for you, and I promise to do everything in my power to make you forget about Irene for the rest of the tour, I don't know, maybe by finding you a pretty girl or something," Noze laughed again.
"I really appreciate it, dork," she smiled, finally pushing her hand away, "You should go to sleep, there's still a long flight ahead and I know you haven't slept well."
"I'm not sleepy, if I'm honest," you sighed, "I'll wait until I get to the hotel."
"Do you want to watch a movie then? I think I have Forrest Gump saved," she started searching for it on her laptop.
"Aight, good for me," you nodded, sinking into your seat and crossing your arms to watch her movie with her.
The landing in Miami was almost as calm as the departure from Dallas, this time there were some flashes, but nothing that was not tolerable for you and the girls, who were already replenished thanks to the four hours of sleep extras they had between the flight and all the road trips. You and Noze were the only ones who still had dark circles under your eyes, but luckily you were going to have a day off before the concert, that left you with tonight and the entire next day to be able to sleep at some point.
"Hey, would you do the check in?" Noze asked you as you all entered the lobby, "I have to go put some things in order with the staff."
"Sure thing," you nodded, heading towards the reception. Doing the check you realized that there were not enough rooms reserved for the 6 of you. There were only 4 Deluxe Bay View Rooms, "Sorry sir, I just don't understand, it must be a mistake. We didn't reserve a damn presidential suite."
"I'm sorry sir, but that's how everything was registered this morning," the good-natured-looking guy told you, "I'm afraid it's not a mistake," you took a deep breath, trying not to get hysterical.
"Listen to me carefully sir, this is unacceptable. I will need to change the reservations immediately," just as you said that Noze stood next to you and pinched the flesh of your waist without the receptionist noticing. You winced.
"The reservations are correct, sir, there is no problem," she assured with a smile as she continued to pinch you, you tried to get away but when you pulled it became more painful.
"Understood, miss," the receptionist looked at you with some annoyance as you continued to grimace in pain and proceeded to hand out the corresponding cards, "Have a pleasant stay."
"Very kind, thank you," Noze bowed slightly, taking the cards and then pulled you away from the reception desk, "Sometimes it surprises me how brainless you can be sometimes, damn it," she reproached you, finally letting you go.
"Why the fuck did you book a presidential suite?!" you squeaked in confusion, rubbing where she had pinched you.
"Do you remember the favor Jimin said I owed her?" she asked you, "Well, it was about getting you that suite and covering you for tonight and the entire next day."
"Oh," you remained silent with a lost look, everything was finally clicking in your momentarily slow head, "Of course," you looked towards where the girls were gathered, finding Jimin's gaze on you all this time. She shot you a wink, and you were stunned thinking about what she had in store for you.
The six of you went to the elevator and got inside, in a normal elevator it might have been somewhat uncomfortable, but that one was the size of your bathroom. When it arrived at the Deluxe Rooms floor the door opened wide and all the girls except Jimin got out.
"Huh? Why don't you go out?" Minjeong asked with a frown. All the girls were equally confused.
"I'll explain it to you later," Noze sighed, looking at you. Jimin pulled out a mischievous smile, waved her hand to them and pulled out the suite's card, swiping it from side to side. She then pressed the button for the top floor and the doors began to close, the last thing you saw was the sad look on Ning’s eyes. You'd make it up to her later.
"Excited for the time alone?" Jimin asked from beside you as the elevator went up.
"I'm scared," you said without thinking.
"Perfect then," you noticed out of the corner of your eye how she smiled.
When you went up to the presidential suite floor and Jimin swiped the key card, your jaw almost dropped to the floor at the magnitude of the space you were going to have to yourself. The first thing you saw when you entered was the living room, with a palette of brown and khaki colors, which worked in perfect harmony with the warm light and furniture. To the left was a large wooden bookshelf, with multiple square spaces and a huge television embedded in the middle. In front of the bookshelf, a single armchair, a wide stool, a long curved armchair in the corner and a round coffee table in the middle.
"This is a whole fucking apartment, Yoo Jimin," you said dumbfounded, leaving your bags and hers on the couch, "And look at the view, oh my god," you walked towards the sliding glass door that led to the huge balcony, which spanned the entire width of the suite. The views of Miami Bay were worth framing, with the open sea to your left and the buildings in front on the other side of the water.
"Is there anything you want to do while we're here in Miami?" Jimin asked you, walking out onto the balcony with you. The evening sea breeze began to move your hair. She leaned on the railing with both hands as she looked out over the city.
"I'm here to do whatever you want to do, you know how this works," you responded, standing next to her as you looked to the left, towards the sea.
"Good answer," she said with a giggle, "then how about you unpack your things and go buy some Soju and beer?"
"Soju and beer?" You asked, somewhat surprised, you weren't expecting such a simple and down to earth plan from her.
"Yeah, I don't have a preference for any brand so just bring whatever," she nodded and gave you a peck on the cheek, "come on."
"Fair enough," you said, and walked back into the suite with her, still surprised by the fact that you were expecting more elaborate plans, or perhaps more refined tastes on her part.
Once you two unpacked only the necessary things other than clothes and took the suitcases to the master bedroom, you quickly went down to the lobby and approached the receptionist again. You asked where you could get Soju, and after clarifying what you were talking about he gave you an address that you knew was not around the corner, so you were forced to take a little trip. 
You found it necessary to let her know that it would take longer than expected.
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As soon as you read Jimin's answers you ordered an Uber as you went out into the street. It arrived in a matter of minutes. The nearest liquor store was about eight minutes away by car, when you got there you searched through the shelves until you found the aforementioned Soju, which apparently was not so popular there in Miami since there was only a small dedicated section. For the beer you didn't have to think too much, there was an entire aisle dedicated solely to Bud Light and all the presentations of it. You opted for a 20 unit box that you took out of the refrigerator. You also grabbed a few various snacks and a tub of pistachio ice cream. You paid and left with the same driver.
Upon arriving at the hotel again you thanked the driver for his patience and rushed back to the suite. Inside, Jimin kept pleasantly surprising you. She was sitting on the couch with a loose t-shirt and short shorts on, a Switch in her hands, and in front of her on the small round table were two pizza boxes, one closed and the other open. Two slices were already missing.
"Oh, hello," she greeted, staring at the screen, "are they cold?"
"Uh, the beers?" You closed the door behind you.
"Aha," she nodded.
"I think so," you put the bag on the floor and took out the beer box.
"Toss me one," she ordered.
"No way, they're bottles," you refused, taking all the things out of the bag before opening the beer box and taking out two, "Oh, they're aluminum..." she looked at you and you looked at her, "think fast," you threw it to her, and she caught it.
"Come on, you must be hungry," she patted the couch next to her, and you went to sit. She opened her beer and took a swig.
"What did you order the pizzas with?" you asked, opening yours. You took a sip which cooled your throat.
"They both have beef, pork, peppers, black olives, mushrooms, onion and pepperoni," she got as close to you as possible, her warmth comforting you.
"Fuck, that's delicious," you took a slice and took a big bite. The pizza was still hot and tasted amazing.
"Shall we have some Super Smash?" She took another slice as well, took a bite, and put it back in the box. You continued eating the one you had in your hand because in fact, you were hungry as fuck.
"Fuck yeah, let's connect the Switch to the TV. Do you have the HDMI cable?" you brought the last piece of slice to your mouth. You immediately grabbed another one.
"In my backpack, probably. Please don't judge me if you find a vibrator or some shit like that."
"I could judge you for many things, a vibrator in your backpack won't be one of them."
The night went drastically different than you first imagined. You and Jimin played video games for hours, eating pizza and drinking beer like two homies coming home from college after a stressful day of exams. You didn't feel any sexual desire from her on you at any time, nor any sexual innuendo, she was simply behaving as she would with some old friend with whom she had a close relationship. You noticed her close, and not only physically—that too, because she maintained physical contact with you in a friendly and affectionate way—, but also as a person in whom you could blindly trust.
"Have you ever heard of Beerio Kart?" she asked with her legs raised on top of yours. The blue JoyCon in her hand. You had the other one.
"Nope, never," you were in the top-down view of the Cuphead map. You had been playing it for an hour now.
"Well, it's playing Mario Kart, but every time you're about to finish a race, you have to drink a beer. Otherwise, you're not allowed to finish the race."
"Damn, that sounds like fun. I have a friend who is really fucking good at playing video games, I'll save the idea to tell him later. Although I don't know how much free time he has, last time he was doing private coaching to a guy who apparently didn't let him go."
"Coaching of what?"
"League Of Legends, bastard is GrandMaster."
"Pretty impressive."
"You have no idea what that is, do you?"
"Nope. Are you up to play or not?"
"Of course I do, Rina," you had been calling her that all night. She seemed to like it, so you didn't stop doing it.
"Aight, I hope you have enough tolerance then," you noticed a glow of pure excitement in her eyes as she navigated the Switch's menu looking for Mario Kart.
"We'll see about that," you sighed.
The two of you started playing, and Yoo Jimin's competitive spirit came out as the races went on. You won the first ones without much problem, but the alcohol was treacherous, and it began to take its toll on you. Jimin was no fool, she took advantage of your somewhat dizzy state to take advantage of you in the curves in which you crashed and win you multiple races. The intoxication levels grew, as did your friendship. She wasn't exactly a good loser, and neither were you, but you were sure that neither of you had laughed as much in a long time as you did that night.
"We still have the Soju bottles right? How many did you buy?" Jimin's voice was already leaning towards babbling, you didn't expect her to want to keep drinking.
"Only two," your speech was still perfect, but you already felt a little sleepy.
"We'll open them and play until they're empty," you didn't like the determination with which she said that, but you had no choice.
An open bottle of Soju, a new round of racing. It wasn't Berio Kart anymore, it was now Soju Kart, and you didn't like the speed at which those drinks took effect on your nervous system. By the time you finished the first bottle Jimin was already laughing like an idiot at absolutely everything, and you felt like you could fall asleep on the floor if possible. Another bottle of Soju opened, and now you moved on to playing Super Mario Party. You didn't know half of the things you were saying or doing, and you were sure that you never really accomplished the objective of the game. The bottle was half full when you had to stop.
"You know, sometimes I hate all this..." Jimin said in a clumsy voice. You and her were now lying on the couch, you on one side and her on the other. Your legs were intertwined so you could fit.
"What are you talking about?" You looked at the ceiling without blinking. You swore you could see little colored stars.
"To be the leader. It's exhausting..." there was heaviness in her voice, as if she were speaking of a burden, "everyone expects something from you... they expect you to be perfect, to be the standard."
"Well... I don't see that you've done wrong so far."
"I know not. But in this industry everyone is focused on the next big thing... I'm afraid that soon I will fade into the background."
"You do realize how pretty and famous you are, right?"
"That's not the problem. The problem is that every day a girl comes out prettier than me, and Koreans forget very quickly when a better product appears."
"Why do you care so much? You're fulfilling a dream, right? I mean, look around for a second."
"You're right, maybe complaining while lying in a presidential suite isn't the most logical thing to do."
"In Miami, you forgot in Miami."
"In Miami, yeah," she was silent for a few seconds, "But still... I'm exhausted."
"You don't think it's because you drank 10 beers and a bottle and a half of Soju?"
"It could also be," you and she laughed as if you had made the best joke in the world. The reality was that you just seemed like two old drunks, "But no, I'm exhausted from living in the public eye, it sucks."
"If it's any consolation, all successful artists live that way, but of course, Korean fans are completely different from Western fans."
"They think they own your life, yeah... I hate that," another small silence, "but I guess that's the price to pay for fulfilling my dream."
"It doesn't seem like a fair price to me."
"Not really, but seeing every venue we go filled with people singing our songs and showing us love... dude, that makes up for a lot of things."
"Honey, I would love to keep listening to you but I swear I feel like I have two bearskin blinds for eyes," you were falling asleep. She laughed.
"Don't worry, rather thank you. It's nice to feel like I have someone like you for me. A bro," her clumsy voice as she said that made you laugh.
"That's a nice way to friendzone me," you joked. She tapped her foot on your thigh.
"What nonsense are you talking about?" She laughed, "Hey, I'd like you to come to bed with me so we can cuddle... I mean, if you don't want to, it's fine."
"Are you kidding? Me sleeping with you while I'm drunk sounds like the best feeling in the world."
"Come on then, silly."
The walk to the master bedroom was clumsy and bumpy. The suite was gigantic and the bedroom was illogically far from the living room where you were. Arriving felt like the end of a painful odyssey. The huge king size bed was waiting for you, well arranged and comfortable. The lights were off, but the night lights that filtered through the sliding door that led to the balcony did the job perfectly. Jimin took off her shorts and jumped onto the bed face down while you turned on the air conditioning. Her t-shirt had ridden up to the middle of her back and her ass adorned by gray Calvin Klein panties was completely exposed, under other circumstances that would have turned you on, but at that moment you were more in Narnia than in the real world.
"Give me some space, Rina," you took off your sweatpants and the hoodie you were wearing, now you were on equal terms with her.
Jimin settled on the side of the bed and got under the covers. You joined her, and feeling your head supported by that soft pillow made you feel in the clouds. The mattress felt amazing too, but none of those things equaled the feeling of Jimin's body snuggling against yours. She had turned her back on you, inviting you to sleep on a spoon. You put your right arm under her head so she was lying on it, and then wrapped your left arm around her. Her entire body pressed against yours, feeling soft and warm.
"Rest well...thank you for being so real with me, I needed it," those were Jimin's last sleepy, sweet words before she fell asleep. Soon you followed her.
You woke up the next morning alone and panicked. Jimin wasn't by your side. As the morning Miami sun illuminated the side of your face you took out your phone to check your chat with Noze. There was nothing there. You stood up and were surprised again by the views you had from there, at that time the ships were already prowling the sea under the blue sky. You could have stayed there for a while just admiring the scenery, but you had to look for Jimin.
Turns out you were just being hysterical. While you were looking for her you saw her outside on the balcony, so calm and composed eating the breakfast that room service must have brought to the suite. You were still in a t-shirt and boxers, but you were so high up and so far from the other buildings that you didn't mind going out to the balcony with her like that. Besides, you noticed that she was still only wearing her panties underneath her as well.
"Good morning, handsome," she greeted you with a warm smirk, "Did you sleep well? Come, have breakfast with me."
"It's one of the best sleeps I've ever had in my life, yeah," you nodded, rubbing your eyes and approaching the table where she was sitting. When you looked at the plates of food you were stunned. Not only were there at least three fried eggs in different presentations for you, but also a plate of banana toast with peanut butter, a small bowl with pineapple, blueberries, kiwi and apple, and a small glass of Greek yogurt.
"You're going to need a lot of protein to get through the day," she must have seen your shocked face to say that.
"I mean, yeah, I imagine," you scratched your temple and had no choice but to sit down to eat. Jimin was already finishing her breakfast by the time you had just finished one of your fried eggs.
"You should hurry up, I told Noze and the girls not to bother us today," she stood up, "I have a lot of fun plans," just as she said that she took off her shirt and threw it into the suite. Her beautiful pair of tits were exposed to the Miami skyline, and you almost choked on a piece of toast. Making sure you had your eyes on her, she also took off her Calvin Klein panties and left them over your shoulder, "I'll wait for you in the shower, bon appetit."
She re-entered the suite, swaying her sexy hips from side to side. Your eyes stayed on her ass and lower back as long as they could until she disappeared from your sight. Never in your life had you devoured breakfast so quickly as you did that time.
After finishing your breakfast you rushed into the suite, brushed your teeth in one of the bathrooms where Jimin was not and went to where she was. The water was already on. You undressed in a matter of seconds and got into the shower with her. The floor was made of wooden planks with slight separations from each other, and the walls, which formed a wide circle around you with two small windows on each side, were made of black mosaic. The most notable thing was the giant rain shower head that hung from the ceiling like a lamp. Under it, Yoo Jimin letting the water run over her statuesque body.
"So? What's the agenda for today?" you approached her from behind her and put your hands on her waist. She didn't seem startled at all, she'd probably heard you come in. You noticed a mischievous smile while she had her eyes closed.
"Prove that I'm the best," she took a step back and pressed her ass against your cock. You pulled her with you out of the waterfall.
"Oh yeah?" You wrapped your arms around her fleshy frame and buried your face in her neck, giving her a few pecks, "and how exactly do you plan to do that?"
"I already told you I had a lot of plans," she murmured with her hands on your arms, "for now, help me take a shower, will you?"
"Fuck, you don't have to ask me twice."
Jimin extended an arm towards one of the windows and grabbed a soap. You subtly took it from her hand and got to work. You started by soaping her back, moving across her shoulder blades, her shoulders, and patiently moving down to her lower back, which was probably one of your favorite parts of her body. While down there you paid special attention to her hips and her waist, then you climbed back up to her arms, and then you squatted down to reach her ass.
"Treat it well, it's going to be your amusement park today," she said looking down over her shoulder.
"Well, in that case..." before placing your soapy hands on her ass you grabbed hold of her thighs and brought your face closer to her buttocks. You gave subtle kisses to both. Her flesh felt spongy against your lips, which traced a long trail of kisses up and down her ass. You soon found yourself immersed in worshiping that wonderful piece of food, but you had to continue.
“Fuck, you have really good lips,” she gasped as you began to soap her ass. While soaping you also massaged and squeezed each buttock gently.
"Wait until you feel them in that pussy."
You moved down from her buttocks to her thighs, to which you also devoted some special attention before moving down to the back of her knees and down to her calves. Soon the entire backside of her body was soapy. Now it was time for the fun part. When you stood up again and turned her around you couldn't help but feel turned on by her lascivious gaze, so you crashed your lips against hers. The steamy kiss lasted only a few seconds, but it was enough to make your cock rock hard.
You began to rub soap over her collarbone and her shoulders, her gaze fixed on you as you made to reach for her tits, but as you did previously with her ass, first you wanted to worship that beautiful pair of mounds. You slightly bent her knees and held onto Jimin's ribs, that was enough to immerse yourself in her tits. She didn't bother letting out an audible moan, as you took one of her nipples into your mouth and sucked on it. You didn't stop paying attention to any of her mounds at any time. You sucked, licked and kissed one, and the other you squeezed and massaged with her nipple being stimulated by your fingers.
"Fuck, you're going to drive me crazy..." she gasped.
A few more seconds of kissing her tits were enough to leave you satiated for the moment. You resumed your original work, soaping up her soft tits to work your way down to her sexy midriff. You squatted down again. Her belly also called you to kiss it, and you did exactly that for a few seconds, distributing saliva-filled kisses around her navel and on her lower abdomen, also including her pubis. More soap, more foam-covered inches of flesh. You omitted her crotch for a moment, instead you gave way to what you had left to soap on her legs.
For the main attraction you stood up and kissed her again. She greeted your lips with a moan, and you brought your hand to her crotch to run your soapy fingers along her slit. You moved your hand away from her pussy and now ran it along her inner thighs, applying full pressure as a small massage to which she responded with another moan.
"Stop," she gasped, pulling away from your lips, "you already soaped me up, it's my turn."
Jimin separated from you and got under her shower again. She removed all the soap on her body in a matter of seconds, and as she stepped out she took the bar of soap from your hand. Now the entire center of attention was you. Jimin soaped both of her hands well and began to run them over your body while she looked into your eyes. Just like you, she had saved the best part for last once your entire body was soaped up.
She gave her hands a final coat of soap before leaving the bar in its place, pressing her body against yours and bringing her hand to your cock. You gasped, and she began to fill every inch of your shaft with foam. She massaged your balls gently too, and rubbed the palm of her hand against the back of your cock, up and down multiple times. You bit your lip and stifled a small moan, and against all odds, she put a firm grip with her fingers around your flesh and began to slowly jerk you off.
“Oh fuck…” you gasped. She had her tits pressed against your chest, and one of her thighs wedged between your legs. You felt her pussy rubbing against your thigh.
"You were looking forward to it huh?" Her sexy, teasing voice prompted you to kiss her. She began to move her hand faster, it sliding smoothly along your shaft. Her other hand didn't stay still, it went from rubbing your abdomen to caressing your balls.
"Since last night," you admitted, giving her complete control over you as you let your head fall back and let out a moan.
"I would have gladly sucked your cock if you had asked me," she took advantage of the exposure of your neck to fill it with kisses and bites. Her hand moved even faster on your cock and the other squeezed your balls gently.
"It would have been anti-climactic..."
"But it would have been nice to choke on your cock with several beers in my system..." she murmured against your neck.
"You can do it right now," you lowered your head and met her lips. Your previously quiet hands now moved into action. With one arm you surrounded Jimin's body, that hand went to her ass, while the other was dedicated to massaging her tits crushed against your chest.
"Don't be too hasty, cowboy," she smiled into the kiss, and now she moved on to using both of her hands to give you a slippery, deadly double handjob.
You moaned against her lips, and squeezed her ass and one of her tits harder. She was using all the strength of her wrists to drive you crazy with pleasure, and you certainly didn't last long before melting in her hands.
"I'm cu- oh fuck!" She didn't even give you time to warn her before you exploded. She pressed the tip of your cock against her sexy belly, while multiple thick jets of hot, thick cum began to paint her milky skin.
"Shit, a heavy load to start with huh?" She smiled, not stopping moving her hands for a single second while you still shot cum against her abdomen. It was a painful overstimulation that made you squirm between moans, but it didn't bother you at all.
"F-f-fuck! Stop!" you screeched just as the overstimulation became unbearable. She stopped immediately with a giggle.
"Look how you left my abdomen, you liked that didn't you?" She took a small step back to let you see her belly full of cum, which slid down her skin to her thighs and her crotch.
"Let's go outside right now," you said with heavy breathing.
"I don't think that's possible if you keep looking like a snowman," she laughed, pointing to your still soapy body.
You went under the waterfall and quickly removed all the soap from your body. Once finished you turned off the faucet and took Jimin by the hand to guide her out of the bathroom. You didn't even bother to dry off, which was quite irresponsible considering that the wooden floor was somewhat slippery and you could fall. Finally you came out onto the balcony, your bodies and hair dripping with water.
"Natural drying?" she giggled when the hot sun was over your heads.
"You could say that, yeah," you wrapped your arms around her still wet body, pressed it against yours and kissed her again.
Kissing her in that passionate and carefree way with the sea breeze hitting your bodies lit a small spark that you needed for the rest of the day. Of course neither of you moved from your spot while you were kissing for fear of slipping up and falling into the sea, but the groping didn't stop for a second. Your hands went from her back to her ass to massage her ass, and then to her front to grab her tits.
After almost a minute of just making out you separated from her lips and grabbed her waist to slowly take her towards the railing, you turned her around, and made her lean against it.
"Are you going to fuck me for all of Miami to see?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at you as she leaned on the banister.
"I'm going to eat your pussy and then I'm going to fuck you for all of Miami to see," you corrected, kneeling behind her.
You had already kissed her ass minutes ago, but when you had it in front of you, illuminated by the sunlight and shining thanks to the layer of water, you couldn't help but worship it again. More kisses on each buttock, this time combined with licks and subtle bites. Firm grabs and massages, and a small spank that she thanked with a squeal.
You spread her buttocks with your hands, seeing her pretty shaved pussy and her butthole, which was your first target when you dipped your face in there. Jimin had a little shock when she felt your tongue against her butthole.
"Hey, that's not my pussy," she gasped, arching her back and pushing her ass toward your face.
"Yeah, I know," you smiled, giving her ass a few long seconds of attention in which you sucked, licked, and used the tip of your tongue to tickle her entire body.
"I hope you're doing that knowing you have to fuck it later," she moaned. Her body was starting to dry out, faster than you imagined. Yours the same.
"Don't worry, I plan to do the grand slam with you."
After giving her butthole enough attention you moved on to what you were longing for. Without a second thought you planted your tongue flat against her wet slit, slowly licking up and down. You noticed Jimin's arms tense against the railing, she let out small moans that became louder as you used your mouth to eat her pussy from behind.
Her delicious pussy felt silky and perfect against your lips. You could have stayed all day with your face buried between her buttocks, which felt like two soft clouds pressed against your cheeks. You placed wet, passionate kisses between her folds, also using your tongue to slowly stimulate her clitoris. Your hands resting on her thighs served as support to sink further, almost suffocating you against her slit.
You squeezed her thighs and then moved back up to her buttocks to give the right one a subtle spank. Jimin moaned louder, and you doubled your efforts on her pussy. You were having a most satisfying feast on that exquisite piece of flesh, but you planned to take advantage of every second of that day to give her pleasure in every way possible. You stopped and stood up.
"Huh? Why are you stopping?"
"Shhh," you shushed her, bringing your hand to her pussy to rub your fingers between her folds and then take two of them inside her.
"Oh fuck!" She turned her face to look at you, and you crashed your lips against hers as you began to stretch her pussy with your fingers.
You took it patiently at first, and after a few seconds you put your wrist into full jog. Her moans were muffled against your lips, loud and constant. The palm of your hand slammed against her ass harder with each passing second, which led to her tits starting to sway slightly. You grabbed one of them with your free hand, pinching her nipple and massaging the spongy mound.
Jimin's pussy was soon stretched and slippery enough, so you added a third finger inside her pussy. That made her separate from your lips, to now moan at the top of her lungs towards the Miami sky. She took one of her hands off the railing and brought it to your cock, stroking it as much as her trembling body would let her. You gave her a path of kisses from shoulder to shoulder, then kissed the back of her neck, and then dove down to her neck to fill it with hickeys.
"Cum, Jiminie, come on," you whispered in her ear as you fucked her with your three fingers.
Obediently, Jimin reached her orgasm within seconds of giving her the command. She removed her hand from your cock and brought it to the railing again, holding onto it tightly as her body began to shudder between spasms. The moans reached a higher peak. At that moment you looked down and looked at the ships passing through the canal. Anyone looking up could see you, straining their eyes, yes, but they could. You didn't give a shit about that.
"Move away, I need to suck that cock," she said between labored breaths once her orgasm passed. You stepped back and gave her space to kneel in front of you.
She took your cock with one hand and started licking it all over, from behind, from the sides, the tip and finally your balls. A kiss and a light suck on your tip made you shiver. Jimin now peppered kisses along your entire throbbing shaft, focusing for a few seconds on your balls before moving back up and swirling her tongue around your tip.
Her lips wrapped around your first few inches. She applied gentle suction on your tip and used her tongue to lick part of the back of your cock. She then pushed her head further, until she took half of your meat inside her warm mouth. You moaned and made eye contact with her as she slowly pumped her head, her fingers gripping the base of your cock and her free hand gripping your thigh.
You loved slow and sensual blowjobs, and you certainly noticed how she was an expert at doing them. Her tongue felt incredible, she never left it still on a single head pump, and her lips had a firm grip around your cock. When she took more inches of your cock her mouth opened slightly, making completely intentional gagging sounds as she reached the bottom. The slow and passionate pumps continued, and in one of those Jimin held onto both of your thighs to bring every millimeter of your cock to disappear inside her mouth.
"That's what I'm talking about, Rina," you groaned in pleasure, throwing your head back for a few seconds as Jimin kept you deep in her throat.
She finally pulled out after a few seconds with a deep gasp of air and a thick trail of saliva connecting your tip to her lips.
"Fuck my face, and show no mercy," she ordered as she looked you in the eyes.
Without thinking twice you brought your left hand on top of her head and with the other you grabbed your cock. She opened her mouth with her tongue stuck out, and you guided your shaft into it to start pumping your hips right away. She had clearly told you to show no mercy, and you had no intention of breaking a direct order.
You grabbed a handful of her hair and started fucking her face at full speed. Your cock moved completely in and out of her mouth with each thrust, and it didn't take long for saliva to start spilling everywhere. Her face scrunched up at the force you exert with each movement. Your balls were slapping against her chin, and she started moaning around your cock to make it more pleasurable.
No more than twenty seconds passed when you brought Jimin's nose back to your pubes, making her choke and cough against your cock, which was deep in her throat. You waited a few seconds until you took out your cock and let her breathe, but you felt feral at that moment, and without giving her a chance to rest you made her stand up so that she leaned against the banister again.
“Say hello to the boats again, honey,” that was the last thing you said in Jimin's ear before taking your cock and bringing it between her ass cheeks. You found her pussy and rubbed yourself against it a few times, and without further foreplay you impaled yourself deep inside it.
"Fuck!!" she squealed, clinging to the cold metal of the banister, feeling you completely inside her warm pussy.
You rested her hands on her waist, and after getting a good hold of your fingers on her flesh you began to pump your hips slowly, letting her pussy stretch around your cock and get used to it. Your shaft was filled with Jimin's saliva, so in a matter of seconds it no longer felt any friction. You had completely free rein to hammer her pussy.
You began to increase her speed second by second, until you reached a point of no return where you rammed into her milky ass hard. Jimin's body began to shake front to back, and her tits began to bounce wildly for any sailor or tourist to see if they paid a little attention.
You removed your hands from her waist and brought both of them to her tits, you stopped their bouncing, you squeezed them tightly and held on to them while you panted in Jimin's ear. Your cock moving completely in and out of her silky pussy.
"You love that I'm fucking you up here, don't you?" You growled against her ear, "You love the chance of someone seeing your delicious tits bouncing while I fuck you hard."
"I-I didn't know you read minds," she managed to say between moans. You took one hand from her tits to her neck to wrap your fingers around it, you applied some pressure, but not too much.
"That leaves you like a... slut," you smiled as you said the word, and her pussy clenched around your cock, "an exhibitionist slut."
"Shut the fuck up and cum inside me, fuck!!" Her screams filled your ears and gave you the urge to fuck her harder.
You stood up straight and gave her ass a dry, spicy spank. Her butt bounced like jelly, and you repeated the same with the other one. With both buttocks now red from your spanks you reached a hand to her hair, grabbed a handful and pulled it hard back. Jimin grunted in pleasure, her back arched and her head now completely thrown back.
Your grip point now was only her long black hair, which you held onto with both hands as if it were the reins of a horse. You were sure it made her scalp burn, but she seemed to enjoy it, especially since you were pounding her pussy so hard that each thrust took a breath out of her. It didn't take you long to find a sensitive spot to hit on her, but to do so you had to raise her knee over her railing. Quite dangerously, but also quite hot.
In that position Jimin soon gave in to the pleasure and came. She pushed her ass back and fucked herself against your cock, erratically but hard. You let go of her hair and grabbed her now by her neck, with both hands and with your fingers tightly held while she herself brought you to your point of ecstasy. When you felt the first drop of your cum come out of your cock, you grabbed her waist and made her stop so she could feel how you drained into her.
"Take that damn load, you little slut," you growled, and moved your hips slowly back and forth as you shot hot cum into her pussy.
"Oh fuuuuuuuck," she groaned too, "it feels so hot and thick inside me," she moaned and looked at you over her shoulder. You leaned forward and kissed her between gasps for a few long seconds.
"As much as I love fucking you with the open sea in the background, we can't stay here," you said against her lips, "we're being too reckless already."
"There's a jacuzzi inside..." she smiled and looked you in the eyes. You didn't even have to respond to her to let her know you were totally in for it.
You pulled out of her pussy and your cum spilled out in thick drops onto the wooden boards, you and her looked at the small pool of cum you had left, and you didn't care in the least about cleaning it up when you got into the suite.
"Where is that thing supposed to be? I haven't gone into all the rooms," you said as you walked behind her.
"I didn't find it at first either, but this morning I did a little detailed tour while you were sleeping," you passed the master bedroom, two bathrooms and a second bedroom before reaching the door where she stopped. She opened the door wide open, letting you see a magnificent relaxation room where the jacuzzi was, "Vualá"
It was a beautiful room filled with natural light from the large window behind the rectangular bathtub, covered by blinds that were open to let in the sun's rays. The jacuzzi in question was on top of a slope, where there were also four artificial bamboo plants decorating each corner.
"Damn, at some point I'm going to ask Noze how much that suite cost," you let out a stunned whistle, taking a few steps forward. Under your feet were four tatami tiles.
"I don't think you want to know, it would give you a heart attack," she walked past you, caressing your shoulder, and walked up the small slope to sit on the thick edge of the hot tub.
"Is it one of those smart bathtubs?" You said, going up with her to the slope.
"Oh yeah, the remote control must be over here," she turned and grabbed the small remote behind her, "hot water?"
"Enough to not roast us, yeah," you nodded, walking around the tub and running your hand along the marble edge as Jimin pressed buttons and you heard subtle beeps.
"Aight, 34 celsius and minimal vibration," she finally stood up, left the remote control on the edge and climbed into the bathtub. You get in with her, sitting at the other end. Your legs intertwined.
"Well? Are we here to chat or what?" you asked, clearly knowing the answer.
"Of course not," she gave you a sly smile and bit her lip, "just close your eyes and relax," she said as she closed her eyes and leaned her head on the edge of the tub.
You did so, imitating her posture and leaving your arms loose. The water temperature was starting to rise and get hot, and the massage panels on the walls of the tub were starting to do wonders for your back and buttocks. For a few minutes the only thing between the two of you was silence and the vibrations of the bathtub. But you soon felt something on your cock underwater, it was Jimin's toes.
"Hmm… I didn't know this bathtub had that function," you murmured with your eyes still closed.
You didn't receive any response from Jimin. She brought her foot further, caressing your balls with her fingers and then using her entire sole to rub you slowly. Your cock grew hard under the water, and she now brought her foot to your tip to rub it in circles with her toes. A moan escaped you as she rubbed the back of your shaft up and down, her sole feeling silky.
"That feature has a plus," you heard her say also quietly, and with that you felt another foot on your cock. She wrapped her feet around your shaft, specifically her toes, and started moving them up and down.
"Rina... oh god," you gasped, refusing to open your eyes and ruin that moment of esoteric relaxation.
Fueled by your moans of pleasure, she continued moving her feet up and down with your cock in the middle, giving you perhaps the best footjob you had ever received in your entire life. You didn't want to leave your hands still at a moment like this, so you took them to the part of her body that was closest to you, her legs. You caressed them as much as you could without stretching too much, running your fingertips over her calves and her knees.
After a few seconds, Jimin increased the speed, putting pressure on your shaft with her toe and occasionally rubbing your balls with one of her feet. Your moans started to get louder. She was doing wonders underwater, you didn't expect such skillful control of her feet, but maybe after that experience on the plane with her you should have expected it.
"Tell me... do you want to be between my tits and cum all over my face?" Despite having her in front of you, her voice sounded distant and magical, like a mermaid about to pull a sailor to the bottom of the ocean. Only this mermaid had feet, and they were stroking your cock up and down.
"God, yeah," you nodded between gasps. If she had been a real mermaid you were more than dead, you fool.
"Then open your eyes and sit up," her tone of voice remained low, not wanting to break the aura of false tranquility.
You opened your eyes, finding a deep, beautiful, lust-filled gaze fixed on you. You didn't want to keep the damn mermaid waiting, so you stood up in the bathtub and sat on the edge of it. The feeling of the cold marble against your ass was somewhat unpleasant, but it was made up for by watching Jimin crawl towards you and emerge from the water to kneel between your legs.
"You're so fucking beautiful, Yoo Jimin," was the only thing you could think to say as she placed both hands on your knees and stared at you.
"So much that you want to fill one of the most beautiful faces in Korea with your cum?" She asked in a husky, sultry voice, her hands running up and down your thighs. You could only see her eyes and her tits.
"Yes, that beautiful," you nodded with heavy breathing.
Jimin moved further between your legs and lifted her chest, taking your cock in one hand and placing it between her heavy tits, which she wrapped around your shaft making an incredible meat sandwich. With her tits now firmly held on either side of her she began to move up and down, making your cock disappear between her tits with each movement.
"Do you like it this slow?" she asked, and you closed your eyes again. Your hands resting on the outside edge behind you, "or do you want me to go faster..."
"Do as you please with me at this point," you gasped.
"Another good answer," you heard a subtle mischievous giggle as she moved slower now. At that speed you felt the softness and fluffiness of her tits in the best way. Two clouds of cotton around your cock, moving up and down.
Jimin gave your cock a thick spit, which served as lubrication now that she was gradually increasing the pace. She was also incredibly good at it, which didn't surprise you at all considering the blatant competitive spirit that girl had. She was completely determined to show you that she was the best at everything, and she certainly wasn't far from that goal.
Within a few seconds those soft and beautiful tits were moving at full speed around your cock, well lubricated by Jimin's saliva and at the same time warm from the hot bath you just had. One reason you had your eyes closed was so you wouldn't admire the lewd scene and cum too quickly, but at that point you didn't care anymore.
She was still looking completely fixed on you, as if she was delighting in your grimaces or the way you moaned. Watching your cock appear and disappear between her tits was an added bonus of pleasure, and it drove your brain completely crazy. Taking advantage of the fact that you were looking at her, she bit her lip in a sexy way, spitting between your tits again so that they would not stop being slippery for you.
"Fuck Rina... I'm so close," you announced with your mouth slightly open, your breathing becoming more labored.
"Paint my perfect face, baby..." she asked with a moan, "fill it with that hot load."
Her words and her constant pumping up and down were enough to push you over the edge again. With a loud moan to the ceiling of the room you began to shoot jets of cum that hit Jimin's face directly, while the remnant fell to her tits and slid down her body.
"Fuck fuck fuck!!" you growled, still letting out weaker streams. She slowed down, and when she raised her face, it was all painted white, from her forehead, her cheeks and nose to her mouth and chin.
"So delicious..." she gasped and moved her cum filled tits away from your cock, "I knew the protein for breakfast was going to help," your cum served as an appetizer for her as she wiped it off her face. with her fingers and brought it all to her mouth.
"I need to fuck you really fucking hard, Yoo Jimin," you said between pants, as you looked into her eyes.
"Let's go outside then, pretty boy," she cupped her hands together in the water and used it to wipe the goo off her face. Once her face was clean she stood up and got out of the bathtub to turn it off. You followed her.
On the floor next to the bathtub were some towels stacked on top of each other. This time you did dry yourself as best you could, and did not leave the room until your entire body was free of moisture. Jimin led you through the hallways and stopped at the suite space that served as the general dining room. There was a wide table, with three chairs on the sides and two at each end. There was a table decoration that you had no idea what it was, but it looked like a literal feather mini circular  bed for who knows what. Above it, a large cylinder-shaped fabric hanging lamp.
"Here?" you asked, not opposing the idea either as you looked at the exit to the balcony to your left.
"Does it matter?"
"Not at all," you shook your head, and wrapped an arm around Jimin's body to pull two chairs away from the nearest corner of the table. You also moved the table decoration aside, and with the empty space you lifted her onto it so she could sit up.
She spread her legs wide, and you stood between them so she could wrap them around your body. Jimin's arms caught your neck as well, pulling you in for a steamy kiss. 
During the kiss you no longer cared about skipping the teasing completely, so you brought one hand to one of her tits and the other between her legs, to rub your fingers between her folds continuously from top to bottom. Jimin returned the favor, latching onto your neck now with only one arm to grab your still slightly sensitive cock and rub it carefully knowing this.
Her pussy began to get wet again, you felt her folds become slippery around your fingers as you rubbed non-stop. Your cock returned to full hardness again, and she wasted no time in pulling away from your lips, spitting onto her hand, and bringing it to your shaft to lubricate it well. You played along, and in a matter of seconds you were inside her. You had already felt her soft pussy engulf you minutes ago, but she felt just as incredible as the first time.
"Give me everything you've got… don't you dare hold back," she moaned, leaning back to rest her hands behind her.
"Believe me, I wasn't planning on doing it, Rina," you buried your face in her long, attractive neck, and with your hands attached to her waist you began pumping quickly from the start.
Luckily the table was of excellent quality, otherwise it would have broken from how hard you and Jimin were shaking it. You filled her neck with kisses and slightly excessive bites, but neither she nor you cared about the damage you did to each other, you were so immersed in pleasure that you transformed the pain into something hot. You would soon confirm that.
Your hands went to her thighs to pull her legs back, pressing them closer to her body and keeping them wide open while you hammered her pussy without any control or care. Her tits bounced hypnotically in front of your eyes, and as a weak man that you were, you couldn't help but take them to your mouth to suck them and fill them with kisses. Jimin tangled the fingers of each of her hands in your hair, pressing your face closer to her breasts as she moaned loudly.
"Oh shit, fuck fuck fuck fuck!! Yes!!" she squealed as you slammed into her pussy at full speed. You separated yourself from her breasts to straighten your back and look at her.
"You like this way huh?" You growled, your jaw tensing as you watched her face distort with pleasure.
"Fuck yeah!! Yes!!" She opened her eyes, crystallized and weak, to look at you too, "slap me, choke me, treat me like a whore!!"
As soon as she said those words you gave her a hard slap on her right cheek. She squealed with pleasure and her pussy clenched around your cock. Another slap, this time with the back of your hand on her other cheek. Same reaction, only this time she stuck her tongue out, and you, upon catching her clear message, spit directly on it. Another slap on her cheek, and now you brought your hand to her neck to press it hard.
The agitation of the moment did not allow you to fully control the force with which you squeezed her neck, but judging by her face when you pressed, you were doing enough to stop her breathing. She grabbed onto your wrist with both hands, and she wrapped her legs around your body to fall back onto the table. You lost your grip on her neck, but she now wrapped her arms over yours, burying your face in her breasts as you fucked her with all your might.
"I'm gonna fucking cum Rina," you moaned against her bouncing tits, a bead of sweat sliding down your forehead and landing right on top of one of her nipples.
"Yes! Give my pussy another hot load, yes!!" she begged between desperate whimpers, and she didn't have to wait long before you exploded inside her.
Just as if your cum was the spark that the fuse inside her needed, as soon as she felt the first drop inside her she came with you. She shuddered like crazy, desperately searching for something to hold on to as she screamed with pleasure. You wrapped your arms around her body and pressed it against yours, breathing heavily against her tits, which crushed your nose and brushed against your mouth with every shudder of her body.
It took you both a few long seconds to recover from that intense discharge of energy, you were both lying on the table, one on top of the other with heavy breathing and without any words to say. When you felt somewhat composed you straightened your back and very slowly came out of her pretty pussy. The cum began to flow through her slit, and fell directly onto the table where another pool of white liquid began to form, which you wouldn't bother to clean up right now either.
"I still have energy left for one more round..." you said breathlessly, "and that ass hasn't been fucked yet."
"Let's do it," she said without thinking, "let's go to the bedroom."
You were gentlemanly with her, and knowing that her legs were probably weak you carried her in your arms to walk to the bedroom. Once inside her you released her onto the still unmade sheets.
"You brought...?"
"Lube? Yeah, it's in my handbag," she told you while lying on the bed.
"Why there?"
"Because no one ever checks it. Come on, look for it."
You found Jimin's handbag next to her suitcase, when you opened it you searched a little until you found the small tube.
"Astroglide Ultra Gentle Gel Lube," you read aloud, her cheeks flushing, "how specific."
"I told you not to judge me."
"I don't, I just find the name funny," you smiled, climbing into bed with her and giving her a peck on the forehead and a peck on her lips. She smiled, looked at your semi-flaccid cock and stretched out one leg to touch it with her foot.
"A few minutes ago this made you rock hard... will it work again?" She asked, using her foot to rub your cock and slowly make it hard again, "You love my feet huh?" She teased, and with a giggle she turned around to position herself on her hands and knees, spread wide and her ass perfectly arched for you.
"The truth is that you have a special way of making me hard with anything you do, Yoo Jimin," you said, kneeling behind her, "do you want me to go slow this time?"
"Are you kidding?" She looked over her shoulder at you with a challenging look, "Destroy my ass like your life depends on it."
"I just wanted to make sure."
You opened the small tube of lube and began to pour it onto her buttocks, you didn't skimp on the quantity, you made sure that her ass was as slippery and shiny as possible. Then you moved on to her butthole, where you took two fingers full of lubricant inside her to stretch as many centimeters as possible before the main attraction. It was evident that her butthole was not virgin, but you were still always careful.
"Mmmgh, fuck," she moaned softly, feeling your two slippery fingers go in and out of her already prepared butthole.
You took out your fingers, and now poured a significant amount of lubricant on your cock, which like her ass, was perfectly slippery and shiny to reflect the sunlight coming from the balcony. Without anything else to do you took your cock in one hand and guided it to her butthole. Jimin looked at you over her shoulder, eyebrows furrowed and biting her lip. You pressed your tip against her rim, and began to slowly push forward. Surprisingly, her butthole engulfed too easily every inch of your cock halfway.
"What the fuck Rina," you gasped, "how often do you take things up your ass?"
"Aeri and I are playmates sometimes, we love playing with our asses," she admitted with an evil smile and then moaned at the imminent arrival of your cock deep in her butthole.
"I wish you could see this... fuck," you moaned, "my cock completely disappeared inside that beautiful ass," you gave her a hard spank, which slipped thanks to the lube.
"Take a picture," she said, reaching under the pillow she had slept on for her phone to hand it to you. You quickly took a few photos from different angles. Then you locked the phone and tossed it aside.
"I'm not Aeri, but I hope I can do it half as well," you said with a sly smile, and the show started again.
You didn't feel it necessary to go too slow at first, and you certainly didn't feel it necessary to go slow at all. Jimin took every inch of your cock into her butthole as if it were her pussy, giving you free rein to go as crazy as you wanted. You also wanted to have some fun, and just like she had done in the jacuzzi, you fucked her slowly on purpose.
"Fffffffuckkk," she moaned, loving how your cock was moving completely in and out of her tight butthole, "you're a bastard for going so slow on purpose, but it feels so fucking good anyway," she admitted, clutching the blanket under her.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you said, and soon made a drastic change of pace.
Her ass was now bouncing against your pelvis hard, producing a loud clapping sound with each powerful thrust you made. As the seconds passed these sounds became louder and faster, as did the squeals of pleasure coming from Jimin.
"Oh god!!" She moaned, "Yes baby... just like that, fuck that ass, it belongs only to you, fuck!!"
More spankings to her milky, soft ass, which served no purpose other than watching it bounce in hypnotic waves. You brought your hands to her hips, holding on tightly to them as you thrust as hard as you could. At that point your lower body was completely destroyed and short of energy, but you could allow yourself that last inhuman effort.
Remembering her words while you were in the dining room, you grabbed a handful of her hair again with your right hand and pulled it back. Jimin screeched, her head now thrown back and her chest slightly separated from the bed. You used that fistful of hair, which you tangled around your hand and the top of your wrist, as a leverage point to ravage her butthole between frantic thrusts.
With your free hand you grabbed her slippery ass and also her bouncy tits, but finally you left it on her waist. You felt like you were pulling her hair too hard, but again she didn't seem to mind in the slightest. She was being so destroyed and fucked so well in her ass that even the words were forgotten.
Hard incessant thrusts, back and forth, every inch of throbbing flesh going in and out of one of the best asses you had ever had the joy of fucking. Her ass bounced so hard against your pelvis that even that bed sounded like a cheap, flimsy bed. Jimin's moans, so loud and constant that you feared Noze would receive a complaint from the residents downstairs—if there were any.
Another long seconds filled with moans, grunts and loud sounds of flesh hitting flesh were enough for Jimin to have one last intense orgasm. This time you didn't let her take control at all. You let go of her hair, and placed a hand on the back of her neck to push her face into the mattress to assert your dominance. Even though she was screaming like crazy into the blanket you didn't stop fucking her ass until you felt close to orgasm as well.
By the time you felt the tickling in your lower abdomen, Jimin's orgasm had already dissipated. You quickly pulled your cock out of her ass and began to stroke it quickly, aiming for her back, which soon began to fill with cum. You felt your whole soul escape from your body in that load, which fell along her entire back and left her skin stained white.
"Mother of fucking god," you gasped already exhausted once you shot all that was left in your balls at the moment.
"Why didn't you cum inside?" she asked, almost as exhausted as you. Her eyes were closed and the side of her face was crushed against the mattress.
"I'm sorry, I had and needed to see that back full of cum," you swallowed thickly and sat on the bed.
"Take another photo then... and send them all to your chat," you didn't hesitate for a second to pick up her phone to take new photos and send them to yourself.
"Can we sleep for a couple of hours? I feel beat up right now," you sighed.
"Yeah, but find something to clean me up, dork," she said with a tone you couldn't help but associate with Noze. Then you also realized that you hadn't stopped thinking about Noze all day. God knows why.
Once you helped Jimin clean up, you slept for two hours and woke up with your stomach growling. You ordered lunch, and after proper digestion and a good rest you resumed the lascivious activities. You fucked in every corner of that damned suite—you didn't go back to the balcony—, in every way, position and mood possible. The whole day went by like this until when you least knew it, it was 11 at night.
"You know? Uh... I wanted to apologize to you," she said as you lay on the bed, which was a mess. She was cuddled against the side of your body while you smoked a more than necessary cigarette. You had opened the balcony door to let the smoke out.
"Why?" You took a drag on the cigarette, held the smoke for a few seconds, and then released it into the air.
"For what I said on the plane, I didn't really need to bring in Itzy's girls," she took the cigarette from your hand and took a drag, then leaned over you and tapped it to loosen the ash in the ashtray. She blew smoke upwards as well, "As a leader I sometimes feel like I have to play a role in front of the other members. You know, not showing weakness and shit."
"You have nothing to apologize for," you took the cigarette back from her, "You have friends to feel vulnerable in front of, and I'm one of them," she smiled.
"Damn, thank you for all the time you spent with me, seriously," she gave you a peck on the cheek, "I'd love to hang out with you more often, you know, without the porn movie part," you laughed.
"Well, anytime you want to drink a beer and play games I'm a text message away," you smiled and took another drag on the cigarette.
"I'd like that, yeah," she agreed with an adorable smile.
"Besides, you're better than any bro I've ever had. I can fuck you any way I want, whenever I want," you laughed and took one last drag on the cigarette before putting it out and leaving it in the ashtray.
"God, you're so stupid," she laughed and leaned her face against your chest, "Hey, we better sleep now... tomorrow we have to go back to harsh reality."
"Unfortunately," you sighed.
You stood up, went to close the balcony door, turned on the air conditioning and got under the blankets with Jimin. Below them, your two naked bodies were in a warm embrace that you maintained until the moment you fell asleep.
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nouearth · 4 months
the boy next door.
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pairing. alan ritchson x male reader headcanon.
summary. with his profile brewing in hollywood, projects are consistently lining up for alan, and the last thing he needs is a new roommate getting in the way of his stress. unless, reader finds himself becoming alan's personal stress-ball?
content warning. camboy!au, camboy!reader, top!alan, bottom!reader, food!play (cucumber as dildo), muscle worship, size difference, spitting, oral (r!giving on dildo), dirty talk, verbal, masturbation, alan and reader are roommates.
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moving in.
roommate!alan who surprises you with his massive stature when he greets you on move-in day.
it was jaw-dropping. well, almost so. you were luckily aware enough to catch the slack of your jaw from relaxing any further. any second longer, and you would've been hypnotized into submission by the man's brawn physicality; massive chest, bulging arms, and thick fingers—traits you would find yourself drooling about.
"hey, uh... (m/n), right? is that how you say your last name?" "spot on! and... alan. man, your name already sounds like a celebrity, i'm jealous." "haha, hopefully the casting directors feel the same way."
roommate!alan who helps you with your luggages without a single request from your end.
aside from being eye-candy, alan utilized his muscles for the greater good and brought your belongings from the trunk of your car, to the front of your door in a matter of minutes. even when you pleaded him not to, he went on ahead while urging you to take a rest after the long drive across the city.
you complained, though half-heartedly because your ass was sore from driving all day. his massive arms were a distraction as the veins surged through every muscle of fiber like lightning.
"you really didn't need to do all of that—" "hey, you're saving me from shelling out an extra thousand by being my roommate. plus, you seem... normal? that's the least i could do." "normal? pft, i don't know about that. but i will say, your kind gestures have put you on my 'no-kill' list." "let's backpedal a bit. is it too late to kick you out?"
roommate!alan who has already taken a liking towards you in the few hours you two have spent together to unpack.
saying that people 'stared' at alan would be underplaying what they've actually done. it was a daily occurrence to catch people gawking at his stature. whether it was with astonishment, intimidation, lust, or hostility, all eyes were on him, collective eyes and gasps piecing together how a man could look the way he does. some whispered 'steroids', others envied his dedication.
as uncomfortable as it could be at times, he liked the attention knowing he'd be the subject of one's conversation to another friend.
with you, it was no different. he'd caught you several times staring at his arms from across the room. or maybe it was his shoulders? how they perfectly filled his shirt out from seam to seam? either way, you were enchanted, especially when he'd nonchalantly flex his muscles every now and then in hopes he'd catch your eye.
and he could say the same about himself when he'd catch you bent over, ass raised high while you dug inside of your boxes to unpack the remaining decor you had brought with you.
until that moment, he never noticed how much smaller you were compared to his, the top of your head barely meeting his chin if he was to line you up. how much of a desire had awakened to have you in his arms, just to see how you perfectly fit into his body.
getting to know each other.
roommate!alan who has already learned of your habits, likes and dislikes, and hobbies within a few weeks of you moving in.
it was the small stuff that you found yourself gushing over. you two almost always had dinner together on the couch. condiments on the side for you, ketchup over his fries for him.
whether it was homemade or takeout, the best memories being made between the two of you were simply eating in front of the tv and watching alan's roles despite his reluctance.
you would cheer whenever he appeared on the screen, the camera somehow making him seem smaller than he appeared to be in real life. it was impressive, and once again, you found yourself drawn to the sheer size of muscles beside you.
throbbing, even at the simplest touch, as he gave your shoulders squeeze amidst passing by you to collect your plate.
"have to head to bed early. got an audition in the morning." "awesome! was this the one you were telling me about earlier?""yep. i worked with the director once, so fingers crossed?"
roommate!alan who can read your body language early on, and senses that you're hiding something from him.
it was that one question that either turned you into stone, or a babbling buffoon as you would try to avoid the subject.
your occupation.
he didn't know much other than the fact that you worked from home, which was why your bedroom was so intricately set up like a tech start-up.
four different types of cameras, a gaming chair, several monitors for one pc; it was intricate and honestly, alan didn't really understand it.
"so, you don't have to say yes or no, but..." "hm..?""are you a youtuber? like, one of those tech guys who reviews new phones and stuff?""something like that, i guess?" "is it mentally draining?" "more so... physically?"
roommate!alan who asks about your day after coming home from a shoot.
you looked exhausted, drained, wrecked—images of you that he never thought would rile him up. yet, as you groggily came out of your room with flushed skin, and a thirst that needed to be quenched, alan was equally parched just watching you recover your breath in between gulps of water.
cluttered state of mind.
roommate!alan who merely offers you a look of annoyance when you greet him after he arrives home.
you've recognized that look by now, and all you could simply provide was his dinner plate, and a sympathetic pat on the back.
"listen, i know a friend and he has a mutual that can help you—" "not in the mood right now, (m/n).""just trying to help, alan."
roommate!alan who ends the night early, leaving you on the couch with his plate left untouched.
it was awkward, to simply put it. the show you put on happened to be the one he was auditioning for, and then ultimately flunked because he forgot his script. from the corner of your eye, you could see his jaw tightening, straining, fork scraping against the ceramic plate as he pushed the fried rice in a corner, and then eastward, because that corner was empty.
though, is it wrong to say that you found it hot? if only there was a less forward and awkward way of saying, 'hey, i'd love to take your mind off of things right now. let me suck you off.'
secret unlocked.
stressed!alan who spends half-an-hour in the shower contemplating whether this career was worth it.
countless of potential roles never making it pass the call-back stage; he was growing exhausted from it. driving from city to city, filling his car with gas that would amount to nothing in the end. he could only stretch his royalties out for so much longer, and—
no, he wasn't a quitter. the last time he felt like this, the next audition was a success. if predictions are right, he'd consider this madness a sign of luck, at least for the meantime.
stressed!alan who needs something to take out his frustration on.
maybe he should head to the gym? no, he already showered. and it was already getting too late for his liking to drive back and forth at this time, even if he wasn't tired.
at the corner of his eye, his laptop glinted with a sparkle.
some good porn would fix him.
stressed!alan who has one hand down his sweats, and the other calmly scrolling through his favorite cam site.
his lips grew chapped, licking them from time to time as he watched the page load without the decency to sugar-coat its offerings. his sight was immediately assaulted with moving thumbnails of women, and men under the spell of their own lust. some squirmed from the uncontrollable feeling of being filled, while others preferred talking to their patrons, touching themselves to the pixelated smut sent through the chat.
stressed!alan who has you on his mind despite the options to choose from, and he squeezes his large balls in his hand.
the cursor maneuvered respectfully around one performer’s breasts and another’s erection in its journey to the filter list. the drop-down menu pulled open and alan checked off the men within his age range. 
with a quick load, the website refreshed with a new assortment of performers, and his cock began to sprout at the moving thumbnails. his hand immediately began to feed his growing bulge with gentle squeezes and rubs as he scrolled what seemed to be endless cycle of camboys.
the sudden warmth of his clothes stuck uncomfortably to his skin. alan removed each article within seconds, yet the flush of his skin remained, ached as it yearned for the physical touch of the seductive men beckoning him.
stressed!alan who felt the world had stopped. the heat frozen in his cheeks, his hands equally mirroring as he hovered over a familiar face. strained, orbs dilated and wandering, and holy shit—so fucking inviting.
it was you.
stressed!alan who watches your stream for a few minutes to decipher if it was truly you before shamelessly stroking his cock after he confirms that it was.
sweat dribbled over your neck and body in diverging streams. your legs were raised on their own accord, thick thighs shaking from the muscles working overdrive to keep you still and perfectly centered before your webcam.
stressed!alan who couldn't believe what he was seeing. it all made sense now, why you were so reluctant to tell what you truly did.
you were a fucking whore. a whore for the internet for everyone to goon to, to cum to. he can imagine it now, how much pleasure you'd given these men as he watched you fuck yourself with a cucumber.
and he was one of them. alan's large cock was manhandled by his hand, stroking sloppily with an ample amount of lube squeezed over the flesh of throbbing muscle.
all those memories of you looking so wrecked came fluttering in. you looked wrecked because you were fucking wrecked.
by a fucking cucumber.
and alan has never been so envious of a vegetable despite eating them on a daily.
you were plunging your tight hole with a long cucumber, slickly lubed from the condom over the girth of the green plant. with every push of your wrist, your legs caved into the pressure to set themselves down, but every time the crown of the plant pressed into your prostate, you were reminded of the viewers who had been donating, their pop-up messages urging you to keep them up 'like a good boy.'
stressed!alan who jerks himself off to the rhythm of your wrist.
every time you sank the thick cucumber inside of you, alan paced himself to match your tempo, plunging himself into his closed fist, mimicking your refusing hole by opening his fingers one-by-one, until he had fully breached through.
stressed!alan who mutters to himself, who mutters words that you couldn't hear because you were busy pleasuring yourself for hundreds of men watching you.
"fuck yeah, take that dick..." "too big for you?""fuck, we'll make it fit."
stressed!alan who imagines himself fucking into you.
he knew his cock was big. he'd been told countless of times, by men and women, and lots of time, they would quit a few minutes in because it was just too much.
but you, he was certain that you were able to take him. because—fuck—alan was bigger than that cucumber you were fucking yourself open with. it needed a glorious amount of lube, like what you had displayed before him, dripping heavily from your abused cavity, but luckily, you had experience in handling big sizes, right?
you'd take him, like the 'good boy' the users were spamming in the chatbox. you'd take him with your eyes forced shut from him stretching you out. from alan's impatience and reluctance to wait for you to adjust to him, because he's fucking furious at you.
why didn't you tell him sooner? why were you hiding this from him? how could you be so selfish and leave him blue-balled whenever you'd come out in those shorts of yours? teasing him with the smallest glimpse of your inner thighs?
if he could ever lay his hands on you, he'd show no mercy. fucking your ass doggy-style till your cheeks clapped. plunging you with his cock as you spread your legs open for him. locking your throat with his arm while he's under you, your back pressed to his chest, rendering you trapped within his embrace. you'd take his cock in every position, in every state, whether you'd like it or not, because you were a good, fucking, boy.
stressed!alan who spits on his cock because you began simultaneously filling your mouth up with a dildo.
spit. god, there was so much spit coming out of your mouth. you loved pushing yourself to the limit, alan could see it. the light leaving your eyes whenever you pushed the dildo a little too far to the back of your throat. that could be his cock, if you let him.
he imagined how warm your mouth would be. how perfectly shaped it's made for his thick, meaty cock. he had the perfect curve to make it a struggle to swallow him down, but like he noticed, you loved a challenge, didn't you?
alan's cock was plump, and beaten red in his hand. noises similar to the sound of you sucking off the dildo were made with his hand, his spit and lube sloshing together in a lewd symphony that could be heard from your room if you'd learn to shut up.
"choke on it, gag on that fucking dick..." "fuck yeah, spit on it.""good fucking boy."
stressed!alan who's nearing his climax from watching you tease the camera with your hole.
you repeated countless of profanities after every plunge of the cucumber flushing deep inside of you. you made sure to buy the girthiest one; they loved seeing your asshole gape at the end of the stream. twisting your wrist, you could feel the subtle ridges of the cucumber, violating your guts with its nature, and it was all-so glorious. the size, the texture, the viewers, the sound of donations coming in, the ‘thank you’ messages after for making them come; you were a true star within this community and it evidently showed when you finally hit your donation goal for the night.
alan fucked his fist, nearly coming to the sight of your gaping hole when you yanked the cucumber out of you like a sword-wielding knight ready to slay a dragon.
it was beautiful, watching you desperately hold onto the physical being of the cucumber, but all there was to it in the end was the memory of its girth. your hole was perfectly molded it, clenching and pursing, blowing fluttering kisses to the camera, to alan.
and if it was up to him, he'd ram his cock into you by now, not letting a second to spare in fucking you until your muscles felt like jelly, because fuck, you were so enticing like this. head lolled back, mouth open with your tongue hanging out as if you had a dripping cock to catch its cum above you.
the sound of donations kept chiming in, and alan knew he wasn't alone in this enchantment.
one more hit to your prostate, and you came undone in seconds. thick spurts of cum shot at your chest from your current position, then at your face when you raised your hips a little higher and pumped your cock with a ravishing fist. the sound of donations rang like a police siren. if you were being profiled for a crime, it was because you couldn’t hold in your cum any longer like one user had begged for you to.
stressed!alan who perfectly aligns his orgasm with yours and blows multiple loads on the screen on his laptop. his moans came out in hushed stutters, countering your choked whimpers that would then break out into begs for cum.
"fuck, fuck, fuck. i need your cum, i need it. give me all of it, fuck. all over my body. in my ass. on my face. i need that load."
his cum came out in thick, pulsating ropes, flying forward to land on the image of you resuming to fuck yourself to your audience's collective orgasm. this time, at a closer view, as you centered the camera to fill the stream with a screenful of ass and a gaping hole. it was your fans' favorite part of the stream, the chat exploding in several fire emojis and astonishment as you showed your pretty insides blooming for thick, endless spunk.
it was hypnotizing, almost as if you were really there before him.
with one hand, alan brought his laptop in between his legs, and smeared his own cum over the blooming resolution of his screen. feigning a breeding, he slides his cock over his cum, over his laptop screen, while you moaned in the background, begging lewdly for cum, to be filled, to be bred, to be dripping, to be fucked, and alan doesn't know what came over him, but another load automatically came out of him like some kind of spell.
"h-holy shit...""fuck, yeah... give me that load, all your load... are my fans breeding me right now?"
alan painted you until you were practically hidden beneath the layers of his orgasm. translucent white blurred the screen, but he could still make out your silhouette. sitting now, exhausted, wrecked, evidently too tired to be bothered to clean up the mess you made on your body.
and just like that, his head felt lighter. all of his worries had left with every dump of load over your pixelated hole, and yours as well, as you leaned back to catch your breath with your eyes closed. his breathing matched the pace of yours, together, collectively, and all he could do was shortly laugh at the situation before him.
roommate!alan who greets you in the morning with a strange smirk as you made yourself breakfast.
"i can see why your job is physically draining now." "hm?" you yawned. "what are you talking—"
roommate!alan who pulls out a cucumber from the fridge, and cuts it into thin slices for his morning smoothie.
"i-i can explain—""you can make it up to me tonight."
he popped a slice into his mouth after.
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nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. and if you like this story, please reblog and leave a like!
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hurtspideyparker · 3 months
Avengers Beach Day !
Tony is under a large beach umbrella, sat on a comfortable chair in bright red swim shorts and a flowy floral cover up. He has a large cooler with drinks, sandwiches and pickles. Also chips. Pepper is beside him reading a book about sustainability.
Natasha is in a simple black two piece swimsuit with large sunglasses, soaking in the sun.
"If anybody stares at my ass I will drown you and make sure your body never washes ashore," she warns as she lays out a towel and stretches out in the sun.
Peter and Thor are the first in the water, but only after Steve makes sure everyone has sunscreen on. "The water actually amplifies the harmful UV rays, so you should reapply in an hour. Don't worry, I'll remind you."
Peter and Clint tell Thor about chicken fighting, which delights him, and they are able to convince Steve to join so they can play. Peter sits on Thor's shoulders, and Clint on Steve's. It takes 4 rounds before Clint realizes Peter is cheating by sticking to Thor so he won't fall down. Peter and Thor switch places, but Thor still wins every time because well... muscles.
Bruce sets himself up on a blanket with a book but ends up falling asleep within twenty minutes. He sleeps for 2 hours and gets severely sunburnt.
Sam and Bucky sit down in two matching chairs a respectable distance apart, sunglasses on. Bucky is completely still for so long that Sam peeks over to see if he's asleep, his body casting a shadow over the soldier.
"Sam, I swear to god."
"Alright alright just checking, don't get your panties in a twist!"
Steve ends up floating around in the water peacefully, spread out like a starfish, while Clint and Peter show off their underwater handstand abilities to Thor. When Thor tries one for himself he ends up kicking Steve in the face. Peter and Clint can't stop laughing while Thor apologizes.
Natasha eventually joins the boys in the water, in which Clint begs her to play chicken with him because "all these guys are cheating super freaks!"
Natasha gets on Steve's shoulder and Clint on Thor's.
Natasha wins every round.
Clint grumpily complains about losing for the next half hour until he's distracted by food. (Tony makes fun of him for being such a loser on the ride home and Clint doesn't stop talking about how all his friends are freaks for the next 3 days).
Tony calls everyone in for some snacks and drinks, and Peter shakes his wet hair out all over Tony.
"Hey, hey! Watch where you shake that thing, I will hold your sandwich hostage!"
"You can't go to the beach and not get wet Mr. Stark, you're so spoiled. I barely talked you out of bringing that big ugly tent, it was practically a house."
"That's it. Thor, have another ham and cheese," he says as he tosses the sandwich to the god.
"No wait I take it back! Thor stop that's mine!"
Afterwards Peter finds a spot with damp sand to start building a castle.
"What are you, five?" Sam asks.
"Hey! I just found these old buckets on the shore and thought it would be fun."
"Mhm, keep telling yourself that boy scout."
"Like you could do any better!"
They stare at each other for a moment.
"Imma 'bout to whoop your ass so hard kid," Sam says as he snatches a bucket from Peter and gets to work a few feet away.
Bruce rolls over in his sleep like a gas station hot dog. His other side gets sunburnt.
"Kid, I'm ready for a swim. Kid?"
"Not now Mr. Stark, I'm in a sand castle building competition!"
Tony stares down at the teenager with his wild curls covered in sand, filling up a neon pink bucket.
"... move over. Where's your moat? You can't expect to win without a moat."
"The water just absorbs back into the ground," Peter says with a frown.
"Hm. We need insulation. Go back into the water and get stones and kelp. And driftwood for the drawbridge. How much time do we have? Can I get my tools?"
"Hey!" Sam yells, "you can't have help! And definitely no genius engineering toolkit."
"Fine, no tools. But I'm allowed Mr. Stark! Just get someone to help you too," Peter replies as he runs off into the water.
"Son of a- Barnes! Get your ass over here! We need to teach this spiderling some manners."
"You should reapply your sunscreen," Steve says while hovering near Natasha lying on her towel.
"Touch me and lose your hand."
"Tony, the sun's going to set soon, let's go for a nice walk down the beach."
"Not now Pepper, I gotta finish this brickwork," he says with his face millimeters from the sand as he chisels.
"I wanna go for a romantic walk with my partner. The sunset doesn't wait for anyone, even you Tony Stark."
"Mhm, sure after I finish this battlement."
Pepper huffs.
"Whatever, I'll just go with Natasha."
"Wuh- ow, OW OW OW OW OW OW-"
"Okay, times up!" Peter announces.
Tony, Bucky, Peter and Sam all stand up. They step back, scrutinizing each other's work.
"Well obviously ours is better. We have a functional drawbridge," Tony is the first to point out.
"You guys are such freaking nerds. Ours is prettier, and taller. Buck found these beautiful baby conch shells," Sam points out.
"We need judges. Thor!" Peter calls out.
"Let's stop here for a second, I need to buy some aloe vera," Natasha points out as she and Pepper pass by a small street of local shops near the beach front.
"Oh, are you feeling burned?"
"No it's for Bruce."
"Now that I think about it, I haven't seen him much today."
Natasha keeps her smirk to herself, purchasing the soothing lotion before heading back out to the street.
"Maybe on our way home we can get some ice cream," Natasha says as she points out the shop. "Bet Cap would like some butter pecan."
Pepper giggles.
"Ah, finally, Nat! We need a third judge for our sandcastle competition," Sam waves her over as she and Pepper rejoin the group.
"You have Bruce, Thor, and Steve, what do you need me for?"
"Steve is corrupted!" Peter chimes in.
"He's a partisan of the veteran best friends party. For all we know Bucky used his secret Cap knowledge to rig their castle to the ice pop's liking," Tony explains.
Peter sets his glare onto the man in question, "bet you just go crazy for conch, don't you Steve."
"I'd really rather not be apart of this conversation," Steve tells them.
Bucky turns to the women. "Thor voted for us, and Bruce voted for them. You're the tie-breaker Nat."
Natasha hands the bottle of lotion to Bruce who thanks her sheepishly as she steps up to the castles. She circles them slowly, ducking her head and taking in every crevice.
"Functional?" she asks, pointing at the drawbridge.
"Yes ma'am," Tony smirks.
She steps up to the opposing castle.
"You buy these?" she points to the sea shells adorning the castle.
Bucky lifts his chin, "nope, swam for em. All the work was my own, just short of evicting the previous tennants."
Natasha nods before stepping back.
"I've made my decision. The winner..." they all hold their breath, even Pepper and Steve who have no stakes in the the competition.
"Is Tony and Peter."
Cheers errupt, along with the very loud complaining of the two losers.
"Oh come on man! Ours is bigger, and prettier!" Sam protests.
"Oh really Sam? Is size all that matters? Stark's is functional. I don't know about you but I like a little personality beneath the pretty pretty decorations."
Peter pumps his fists in the air with a "woohoo!" before launching himself at Natasha in tight hug.
"I knew I liked you," Tony interjects as he joins the pair's hug, placing a kiss on both Natasha and Peter's temple.
Bucky rolls his eyes at the gesture and hides an affectionate smile.
"Yeah yeah," Natasha chimes, "let's get out of here so you can buy us ice cream."
"What are you gonna go for Rogers? Butter pecan?"
Natasha and Pepper snicker at Tony's comment as they collect their own ice creams from the worker; a chocolate peanut butter cone and a raspberry and lemon sorbet respectively.
"No, no, I got this. Butterscotch? Rum raisin? Pistachio?"
"I'll have you know my taste buds are very modern. Peter showed me this Thai place and now I'm a regular."
"I'll believe it when I see it," Tony says while grabbing his coffee ice cream.
"Kid you're making it too easy. You are genuinely a freaking toddler," Sam says when he spots Peter licking a bubblegum ice cream cone.
"If having a personality is childish then it's no wonder you got cookies and cream, ahembasicbitch." Peter coughs the insult out.
"How dare you, you overgrown Little Tikes ad-"
Bucky licks his mint chocolate chip ice cream contentedly in the back of the shop while he watches the others fight.
"What do you think they're on about now?" Clint asks from his left.
Bucky glances at the bubblegum cone in the archer's hand.
"No clue."
"What! Vanilla is the best flavour!" Steve tries to argue, although Tony's own laughter rings louder than all other conversation in the room.
"M-modern taste buds AH haha-"
Bruce watches with awe and slight concern as Thor happily licks his 3 scoop tall rocky road contentedly.
"You hungry man?"
"Aye, I do enjoy the mallow."
Bruce watches the tower lean in every direction, almost falling several times and looking more dismal with every lick.
He almost says something, but Thor always angles the cone perfectly just in time to save it. Instead, he watches silently while scooping a spoonful of cookie dough from his cup.
It seems they got the rest of their bickering out at the shop, as with tired and heat-soaked limbs they pile onto the jet for the ride home.
Tony looks back like a mom driving a mini-van.
"The baby's asleep," he smirks at Pepper who looks back at Peter.
The teenager is dead asleep, mouth wide open and head resting on Natasha's shoulder. She glares when she catches Tony's eyes on the pair and he looks away, glancing at the other passengers.
"I could've sworn Bruce's whole schtick was green. Is he rebranding to red?"
Steve looks over at Tony with a shameful pout, "he forgot to reapply."
Tony quirks an eyebrow but doesn't comment, settling back to cuddle with Pepper.
"Mission success," he whispers into her hairline with a soft kiss.
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kaiijo · 10 months
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characters: aomine daiki, midorima shintarou, hanamiya makoto content: gn! reader, reader has implied tieable hair in midorima’s, toxicity (it’s hanamiya, no one is surprised) notes: scenarios inspired by prompt list here
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aomine daiki ✶
aomine yawns again as he reclines against your pillows, sitting up only to peer at you. you’re working on homework that’s due in a couple of days, headphones covering your ears. you promised that you’ll order in food and play super smash bros with him when you finished, but it’s nearing eight and you’re still hunched over a problem set.
aomine groans loudly, “are you even close to being done?”
you move one headphone cup off. “i would be closer if you didn’t interrupt me every ten minutes.”
“i didn’t ask to hang out just to sit around.”
you roll your eyes. “you can go if you want, daiki.”
he sits up fully now, moving to the edge of your bed. “why’re you even doing this? s’not due ‘til friday.”
“some of us want to be good students.” you slide your headphones back on and turn back to scribbling out complicated equations on paper.
a couple of minutes pass again and instead of asking you anything, aomine stands up and shuffles behind you, reaching around and snatching the paper from underneath you. “hey!” you protest, shooting up from your seat and tearing off your headphones. “give it back, daiki.”
“no, you said you’d be done, like, two hours ago.”
“i swear i’m almost done!” you make a lunge for it and aomine just holds it above his head, his long arm adding to his already-massive height.
“no.” he smirks at the way your eyes furrow and your cheeks puff out. your head tilts to the left, and he knows that you’re thinking. he’s sure you’re going to try and jump of it again, so as a show, he stretches up further, the hem of his shirt lifting slightly. he swears he catches your eyes flickering down and something in his body sings a song of triumph and satisfaction at the motion. he can’t say why.
what you do next though is nothing that he expects. you stand on your toes, rest your hands delicately on his shoulders, and gaze up at him through your lashes. he startles; there’s something so… heated about your expression, about those half-lidded eyes.
“daiki,” you say softly. it’s almost hypnotic, the way you say his name, and he’s watching you with one raised eyebrow. the tips of his ears feel like they’re on fire.
he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing as his arm lowers, heading for the dip of your waist. he only snaps out of it at your victorious cry. “ha!” you take advantage of his still half-dazed state and push him firmly out of your bedroom door, closing it. the lock clicks into place and he hears you call on the other side, “one more problem, daiki, i promise. be a dear and set up smash in the living room?”
he walks down your hall automatically, the fire-like feeling spreading to his neck.
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midorima shintarou ✶
takao holds up a porcelain statue of a cat. “what about this?’
“takao, what about that screams ‘midorima shintarou?’”
takao shrugs. “i don’t know, maybe it’ll be december 25th’s lucky item. does oha asa put out horoscopes ahead of time?”
“no, that’s why he listens every morning when it airs,” you reply, setting down a teapot from a bigger set. you thank the tired-looking cashier, who just waves drowsily as you two exit the shop.
the two of you have been shopping all day for midorima’s christmas present, wandering all over japan and into various tchotchke stores to look. he’s a notoriously hard person to please, especially with gifts, and neither of you want a repeat of the ‘grey’s anatomy incident’ where four people got midorima the same book last holiday season when he announced his intention to go to medical school. nor do any of you want to get that look from him that struggles to look somewhat grateful while being very, very obviously displeased.
“we’ve been walking all day!” takao whines, clutching his stomach as it lets out an ungodly rumble. you check your watch; you two have been out for at least four hours. you point at a small diner boasting american food. “would you be okay with that?”
“i’d eat you right now if you’d let me.”
you snort, “hard pass. come on.”
the hostess sits you two at a booth and you shrug off your heavy winter coats. you pick up a menu and glance over it, but when you go to ask takao what he’ll be getting and if he wants to split a large order of assorted fries with you, you see he’s not looking at the menu.
you definitely do not like the way takao is eying you right now. “what?” you ask defensively, hands flying to the top of your head to try and pet down at hair you presume has been ruined by your excursion. “do i look bad or something?”
“is that shin-chan’s sweater?”
fuck. you had forgotten about pulling on one of the sweaters midorima left at your house the last time you studied together. it’s insanely soft — a mix of gray wool and cashmere — not to mention extremely cozy and warm. you tried to return it to midorima before but he just pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and huffed, “wear it until you get proper sweaters. no, sweatshirts don’t count.”
you internally groan. you don’t need takao on your ass again about whether or not you’re sure you and midorima aren’t dating or if you like him like that. honestly, the only reason you haven’t given him a certain yes or no is because… you don’t really know yourself.
you don’t have proper time to answer before the bell to the restaurant chimes and you see very recognizable green hair. of all the time and places he has to show up. (well, he did text you this morning that your zodiac sign was the least lucky and to wear a blue watch in order to improve your fortune; you should’ve found the watch.)
“oh! shin-chan!” takao waves him over, giving you a sly look. “we were just talking about—” takao’s stupid hawk-eyes zero in on midorima’s wrist as he tugs off his gloves. he looks way too please with himself as he asks, “shin-chan, is that their hair tie?”
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hanamiya makoto ✶
hanamiya steps out of the locker room shower, cracking his knuckles as he makes his way to his locker to dry off and change. he rolls his shoulders, toweling off his hair as he changes back into his school uniform. yamazaki and hara are prattling away, snickering under their breaths about the injuries they inflicted: sprained ankle, a hairline fracture, a minor concussion.
hanamiya doesn’t even turn around as he growls, “can you two shut up?”
to just bug him more, hara pops his gum. loudly. “who pissed in your cereal, captain?”
furihara drones, “you were sloppier today. almost got fouled by the ref.”
hanamiya doesn’t reply, yanking the knot of his tie down furiously. “fuck off.”
hara lets out a low whistle and seto asks, “does this have to do with your little friend? they got a boyfriend, right?”
hanamiya lets out a long breath through his nose and he spins around to face his teammate. “for now,” he says, slamming his locker shut.
“you got a plan, captain?” asks yamazaki as he digs through his duffel bag.
“when do i not?”
you greet hanamiya’s mother with a thin smile when she opens the door. her face lights up when she sees you and she pulls you into a warm hug, telling you that hanamiya’s in his bedroom and that you could go right up.
you wonder if she can see the glossy film to your eyes or if she was polite enough not to comment on it.
hanamiya’s sitting at his desk, head propped up on his knuckle. he languidly flips through pages but you know he’s not really reading the material. he’ll get away with it too and get an a anyways, the bastard. he glances at you. “you look like shit.”
usually, you could banter with him. it’s why your friendship works; you have a thicker skin than most and you give just as good as you take, especially when it comes to hanamiya’s sneering, half-joking insults. normally, you would have replied with something like “still better than you,” but instead, your frayed nerves snap and you feels the hot tears start rolling down your cheeks.
hanamiya’s simpering expression sobers up and he sighs heavily, ushering you to sit on the bed. “why’re you crying?”
you sniffle and tell him that the guy you’ve been seeing from your literature class broke up with you. just out of the blue told you that you two wanted different things and you were going to colleges in different areas and that wouldn’t work and he was sorry and… that’s all you gleaned because his words were so rushed as he scurried off as fast as he could.
hanamiya’s brow furrows sympathetically and he draws you into a hug, saying, “i told you i didn’t like that guy. fuck him.”
you sink into his arms. “yeah,” you mutter, “fuck him.”
as you relax against him, hanamiya can’t help but smirk to himself in satisfaction. someone who runs off after a little confrontation doesn’t deserve anything from you.
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 11 months
lover, you should've come over - m. schmidt
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a/n: you guys should have seen this one coming! as always i appreciate any likes and reblogs and hope you enjoy :) warnings: suggestive themes, big angst, lots of talk about tattoos and pain and needles, mike having horrible anxiety and commitment issues, reader is mostly gender neutral except for one thing ! tattoo aftercare, hurt/comfort, kissing word count: 3.6k summary: you get a tattoo, and it terrifies mike. mostly because he realizes how much you love him. pairing: mike schmidt x gn!reader now playing: lover, you should've come over - jeff buckley "my body turns and yearns/for a sleep that won't ever come/it's never over/my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder."
Penny has done almost all of your tattoos, save for the stick and poke star you gave yourself while you were way too high to be handling that sort of equipment, and a few flash designs you’ve gotten for holidays. And usually, you keep it simple and easy, pitching a design idea and getting a finished stencil a few hours later.
But this time, you go into the shop a few months before you plan to get the tattoo and describe to her what you want. She’s shocked that you want a half sleeve—It’s a big step, she tells you, and it’ll mean sitting for a few hours while she does her work. It’ll be painful, and the design will take a few weeks to get made, because she wants to give you the best possible design.
She does good work. When you visit again in about three weeks, you put down a deposit and make an official date to get it done. October 9th.
You go home that night to your small, but warm home to find your boyfriend trying to make chicken parm. His goal all year has been to learn how to cook, not just to make things out of a box. You know a bit better how to cook, but you let him improve his skills, always providing helpful, gentle critiques.
Abby is worse at being gentle.
She’s brutal with her brother’s cooking, and even though Mike loves your gentle words, he appreciates Abby’s feedback, and just wants her to eat a full plate of food before bed each night.
Tonight, his food smells good. You mentioned about a month ago how you missed your mom’s chicken parm, and since then, he’s been reading and researching different recipes at work. Ever since he quit working at Freddy’s, he’s put down the book of dreams and has picked up cookbooks, working his way up slowly.
You tell him he’ll be making Thanksgiving Dinner in no time. You kiss his jaw when you say that, and later, he returns the favor by placing a kiss to your shoulder.
You go to him, standing in the kitchen, as he squints at the recipe book in front of him. He wears washed blue jeans, an old Foo Fighters tee shirt and a pair of blue fuzzy socks. A towel hangs over his shoulder as he mutters to himself, as he gets ready to put some garlic bread in the oven.
You’re still in your work clothes, though, it’s not as if you’re wearing anything fancy. Just a different pair of jeans, and a tee shirt with your shop’s logo on it. Your hair is messy, and you smell vaguely of dirt. The smell has become comforting to him in his time knowing you.
You step closer to him, a hand resting gently on his shoulder. He relaxes at your touch.
“Hey, Mike.” You say softly, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Hey, how was your day?”
“Not too bad. The food smells pretty good.”
“You think so?” His voice is hopeful, especially since he’s trying to live up to your memories of the dish as a kid. It’s his way of thanking you for being so good to him while he’s gotten his shit together.
“Mhm. I’m gonna go wash up and have Abby help me set the table.” You tell him. You kiss his jaw quickly before heading off to the bathroom to scrub the dirt from beneath your fingernails. You wash your face and arms too and begin to realize how domestic this all is.
You never saw yourself having kids, and never thought of yourself dating someone who did.
And you still never think about having kids, but you did find yourself treating Abby as if she is your own. This has nothing to do with how much you adore her brother. Abby is just easy to love. You wonder if anyone’s ever told her that.
When your work boots find themselves at the end of your bed, you change into a muscle tee. You’re awfully fond of them. You find a pair of Mike’s fuzzy socks and slip them on too. You take a moment to stare at your shoulder in the mirror, imagining how it’ll look when ink covers it. Most of your tattoos are on your legs, and for a long time, this arm has been bare of any ink. You’ve been saving it for this project for years.
You go to Abby’s room and knock gently before entering. You find her painting at this aisle you got for her birthday. She’s been working on this painting for a few days now, and it’s turning out quite nice.
“Hey, Abs.” You say softly, and she puts her paintbrush down to give you this big, toothy grin. “Go wash up and help me set the table?” You ask.
“Sure.” She hums and starts to skip along to the bathroom, but you stop her at the door.
“And remember, even if Mike’s food is bad, what do we say?”
“Mm, this food is so good and not horrible at all!”
She sighs.
“This is unlike anything you’ve made before, and I appreciate the effort?”
“That’s it.” You let her go wash up, and then go to set the table.
When Mike eventually serves dinner, you’re starved. You don’t care if it’s bad, or if it’s burnt, you know you’ll like it because you weren’t able to take a lunch break that day. But it genuinely looks good.
He cuts up Abby’s food and puts the plate in front of her before sitting down and looking to you two for a reaction. You take a bite, and you have to pause.
Did Mike really cook something not just edible, but… good?
Not fine, not decent, really good.
“Mike, this is—”
“Amazing!” Abby gasps, going in for another bite. His cheeks flush.
“You guys don’t have to pretend, it’s alright—”
“No, Mike, we’re not pretending, it’s really good!” You defend, going in for a second bite yourself. “Try it!”
He does, and he even looks shocked at the quality of the food he’s produced. And it sets the mood for the whole dinner, until you eventually blurt out,
“I booked a tattoo appointment for next week.”
“What are you getting?” Mike can’t ever admit this to you, but he adores your tattoos. He thinks the placement of them are all wonderful, even if they’re smaller. He likes to kiss them, to trace his fingers over them, to just admire them in the summer.
“It’s a surprise.” You tell him. Owning your own shop and being your own boss has its perks. You have no worries about people judging you for your half sleeve, deciding that you can just ban them from your shop.
Your conversation drifts off and you focus on other things. When you’re done, you and Mike begin to clean up with him, letting some of the pan soak in the sink. You sit on the counter, drying some of the plates as Mike rinses.
“Thank you for dinner.” You tell him.
“I’m glad you liked it.” Comfortable silence fills the room. “You’re really not gonna tell me what you’re getting?”
“I told you, it’s a surprise.” You smile softly. He dries his hand and steps between your legs. His hands land on either side of you, caging you in.
“Tease.” He mumbled, leaning forward, and kissing your shoulder. A hand goes to his hair, your fingers tangling in his locks.
“I’m not teasing, I’m just being a little secretive.” You tell him, playing with his hair. You’re a fan of the scruff he’s been growing out lately.
“Isn’t it gonna hurt?”
“Yeah, but I’ll take breaks and remember to eat.” You tell him. “This isn’t my first tattoo, Mike.”
“I know, baby.” He says softly, “I just get worried—”
“You get worried about me? And yet, when I’m worried about you, you ignore me but—” He cuts you off with a kiss, and your hands land on his jaw, the scruff tickling your face.
• • •
The ink swirls around your shoulder, a moth wrapping around your shoulder and reaching to the top of your arm. Vines wrap around the moth, as flowers bloom in different places. Your birth flower is one of them, as well as your mother’s. You also place Abby and Mike’s around the moth, maybe protecting it. Thorns poke out of some of the vines, and the ink covers your shoulder, and down to just above your elbow.
You got it done on a Saturday afternoon, leaving late enough so Mike could sleep in without having to deal with Abby, but being able to give them some time to relax together.
It takes a few hours, and by the end of it, you’re exhausted. As with all your other tattoos, you’re sore, but this is a new type of sore. You ache for Mike’s hands on you, to hold you and kiss your shoulders, even though he can’t kiss your left shoulder for a few days.
The second skin will remain on your arm for a day or two, and then you’ll have to go through the process of moisturizing your tattoo.
You have Penny take lots of photos of it before you head home, Mike and Abby both waiting in anticipation for you to come home and show them your new ink. You’re excited to show them, since there’s a connection to them in the art. 
When you open the door, Abby runs to you and immediately starts to look for the ink in question. She gasps when she sees it, all wrapped up on your arm.
“It’s a moth,” You tell her, “With my favorite plants.” You crouch down to point out different plans in the works. “These are my mom’s birth flowers, they’re carnations.” You tell her, “Do you know what these are?” You point to another flower.
Abby shakes her head, resisting the urge to reach out and touch the fresh, raw flesh of the person she considers to be her caregiver.
“They’re lily of the valley flowers. They’re your birth flower.” You reach out and tuck hair behind her ear. Then, you point to the third flower. “And these? They’re honey suckles. They’re Mike’s birth flower.”
Mike watches your interaction, listening to your explanation of the tattoo. Suddenly, this anxiety pools in his chest. You’ve been living together for a few months, but somehow a symbol of him and Abby being engraved on your skin makes things all too real.
He could cry.
“Did you get the flowers because you’re a flower person?” You grin, knowing she doesn’t remember the title of your job.
“Botanist, you mean? Sort of, but you two mean a lot to me, and I wanted to tribute something to you guys.” You confess.
She grins and turns to look at Mike.
“I wanna be a tattoo artist when I’m older.” Mike is pale with anxiety.
He wants to tell you it looks good, that it’s brilliantly done, but he doesn’t find it in himself. He wants to run, to abandon this relationship at the door, to never speak to you again to avoid the fact that he wants you desperately and thinks he might marry you one day.
He walks off to the bathroom, and he’s unsure if it’s to throw up or to cry.
You’re disappointed, because you wanted him to like it desperately, since this tattoo is now on you forever, and you wanted it to be a tribute to him. It almost hurts you that he doesn’t love it. Or at least pretend to. Instead, his disdain is visible on his face, and you do your best to turn your attention back to Abby.
“Wanna help me make dinner?” You smile softly, and she nods.
“Did your tattoo hurt?” She acts gently.
“Yeah, but with a good artist it goes quickly, and they don’t aim to torture you.” You explain, as you begin to make mac and cheese.
As she sets the table, you turn back to her and ask, “Can you go get Mike for dinner?” She nods and skips along to your bedroom, where Mike sits on the bed, frustrated with himself.
“Mike?” She asks gently. “We’re making mac and cheese.”
“I’m not hungry.” He says softly, and Abby can just tell something isn’t right.
“Are you okay?”
“I don’t feel well..”
“Oh…” she suspects this is a lie.
“I’m sorry. Tell them I said sorry.” Tears prick Mike’s eyes. He’s unsure why he’s like this, and why he can’t just admire your tattoo and love you and tell you how much you mean to him. But he can’t. He gets the words out. He wants to love you so badly but something in him demands to not let him be happy.
He lays on the bed and tries to stay quiet as he cries.
• • •
Hours later, you sit at the table anxiously, your hands tapping on the wood, a cold bowl of Mac and Cheese on the table. You decide to get up to clean up dinner, and just as you do, soft steps creep out of the bedroom and into the kitchen area.
Mike stands and stares at the cold dinner that he feels bad for rejecting. He should just tell you what’s bothering him. Instead, his gaze turns and looks at you, doing the dishes.
“You didn’t have to make dinner.”
“You didn’t seem well, and Abby needed to eat.”
This comment sparks a much larger fire in Mike, and he isn’t sure why he’s angered by how much you care about his sister, his world.
“You aren’t her mom, you don’t have any reason to make her dinner or put her to bed—”
“Yeah, Mike, well, You’re not really her dad.” You glare. “I’ve taken care of her for months, fed her, made sure she’s taken care of, I’ve picked her up from school, and now suddenly, you’ve decided I have no right to just care about her? Fuck you, if you don’t love me anymore, then don’t take it out on your sister, talk to me like a god damn grown up and stop acting like a child.” You spit, angrily turning back around to keep doing your dishes so that Mike doesn’t see your red face or your tears.
With your back turned, he can see the moth on your shoulder blade, and he aches to trace the lines of your tattoos, kissing the skin around it. But cotton fills his mouth every time he tries to sew the gap between you two.
And your words strike him. He knows why you might think he doesn’t love you anymore, but he does. He loves you deeply and finds himself enamored with you, and yet he can’t even compliment this tattoo that you have obviously put a ton of time, effort and money into.
“I’m sorry—” You start, but he cuts you off.
“I think we should give each other some space.” The words hit you like a ton of brick, and you’re ready to get on your hands and knees and beg him, beg him to not leave, beg him to forgive you (for what, you don’t know), beg him to touch you, beg him to want you.
“I just think I need some space.” He said softly, leaning against the kitchen doorway. You want to ask if he’s hungry, to kiss away all the sadness in the worry lines of his face.
You nod, bite your tongue. He wants to hold you and tell you he doesn’t mean it.
“I’ll sleep on the couch.” You mumble, sighing softly. You also plan to leave early before Mike gets up.
Mike steps towards you, maybe to apologize. You step past him to go get pajamas from your dresser, not letting him grasp onto you. You don’t want him to apologize now. You want him to sit in his regret and you want to sit in your anger.
As you attempt to fall asleep that night, you pray Abby didn’t hear your conversation with him.
Both of you try to drift to sleep and salt streams from your eyes and into your ears.
• • •
A few days pass. Your tattoo starts to heal, and you take the second skin off your shoulder and arm and begin the process of aftercare.
You and Mike exchanged a total of about thirty words over the next few days. Abby noticed your angst towards each other and tried to get the two of you to make up. She figured that Mike was being an idiot, and just needed to apologize.
She was right, but he didn’t want to admit that to his kid sister.
It’s hell. You have to pretend that you don’t want to beg for his forgiveness, but you know that neither of you are blameless. Your pride tells you not to be the first one to cave. His anxiety tells him that you hate him.
When he gets home one afternoon from work, you’re napping in bed. He knows the couch isn’t that comfortable and he’s sure you’re home because you’d mentioned to Abby that you weren’t feeling well. You probably didn’t expect to still be asleep when he got home.
But you’re wearing one of his shirts. He kisses your head and leaves a glass of water and cold medicine on the nightstand, before going to make himself busy somewhere else, as if not to disrupt your rest.
He takes one last glance at you before he leaves.
One night, he comes home from work late. You take it as an opportunity to take a hot shower after putting Abby to bed and taking a few minutes to sit in the bedroom that you missed while sleeping on the couch.
Besides, your bones ached from that uncomfortable couch while you were spoiled, used to Mike’s warm bed.
You barely hear the front door open as you continue your nightly routine. You need to apply lotion to your tattoo, to keep it moisturized as it heals. But you find yourself struggling to reach your shoulder.
Mike watches you from the doorway of the bedroom, biting his lip. The bags around his eyes have grown darker since your fight.
He takes off his boots first, and then strips his top down to an undershirt, then takes off his jeans. If you weren’t so busy, you’d acknowledge how handsome he looked in just his boxers and a gray tee shirt.
The bed dips behind you, as he sits behind you. You stop what you’re doing.
“Give me the lotion.” He says softly, and with a sigh of defeat, maybe even a bit of relief, you hand him the lotion. He squirts some lotion on his hands, then begins to rub it into your skin. You shudder at the contact, and he feels tears in his eyes again. He missed you. “I’m sorry I didn’t say I liked your tattoo. I love it.”
“I’m sorry I said you didn’t love me, and I’m sorry I said you weren’t Abby’s dad.”
“But I’m not—”
“But you are her parent.”
“So are you.”
A silence fills the room.
“What happened on Saturday?”
“I got anxious when I saw Abby and I’s birth flowers on you. Like how much I loved you was just engraved in your skin, and I didn’t know what to do with it. I didn’t mean to push you away, I was just terrified. Terrified that you’re going to leave. Terrified that I won’t be able to protect you.” His voice cracks at the end, and he leans his head against your shoulder that isn’t inked.
Your head turns to kiss his head.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“I know..” he says softly, but a part of him doesn’t believe it. You and Abby, you’re the only ones who have stayed, the only ones he’s been able to save. He doesn’t know who he is without the two of you. “I’m sorry, I was such a dick.”
“Yeah, but so was I.” You tell him.
“I love your tattoo. I love all of your tattoos. All of them. I love kissing them. I’m desperate for this one to heal so I can kiss this shoulder again.”
“Thank you for helping me with it. It itches like a son of a bitch.” You tell him, a weak smile on your face. Tears stain your shirt.
“Can we go back to normal now? I’ve missed you.”
“I miss you so much.” You turn and wrap your arms around him, the warmth radiating from his body as he holds you close. You wonder if either of you will ever be able to let yourselves be loved.
You hope to let each other try.
You kiss him, salty tears mixing, as you hold him close. He’s careful of your tattoo, not wanting to scratch or hurt you. He’s gentle in a way that betrays him. He desires you in this way that transcends want or need, something that is vital, as if it were breathing.
Yet his hands remain respectful. Gentle. You’re the one that adjusts your position to be over him, as you gently push him back against the bed, kissing him deeper.
He decides he will marry you someday. That maybe the idea of being with you for the rest of his life isn’t scary.
Not when you kiss him like that.
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littleheartsong · 4 months
Laios x fem or gn reader where she also enjoys monsters but she also enjoys animals (in the mentally ill way). Which leads to them always chatting about them, like chilchuck will be walking by and he'll hear that female hyenas have a penis. He just walks away thinking "what in the fucking fuck was that!?" I imagine they would also stay up late talking about monsters. :D
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(↑The big little man learning that information)
i too am mentally ill about animals i could talk about biology for literal hours
laios/gn reader content: fluff. autism-to-autism conversation warnings: casual conversation about killing animals+monsters. mentions of animal genitalia. pretty normal!
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"So... what's your favourite monster?"
The sudden question prompted Laios to look up from the delicious aroma of simmering kelpie, probably the one thing to take his attention away from food, while both Chilchuck and Marcille grimaced at what you'd just unleashed.
"My favourite monster?" Laios ponders the question as you nod in confirmation, "Well, Basilisks are pretty cool since they have two heads, though it's thought that the snake head is the actual head." 
"Yeah! Since it's cut in half, the snake head lives longer." His smile widens at your interest.
"I wonder what would happen if you cut a two-headed animal in half. Would one head live longer or would they both die at the same time?" You wonder while tilting your head.
Laios thinks about that for a second; it's a pretty good question! He's only seen two-headed calves in his village, and they didn't live long after birth.
"I think it depends on where it's cut since two-headed animals aren't supposed to have two heads and Basilisks are born that way," he concludes with a nod to cement his statement.
"That makes sense! It probably depends on the animal too; it would be harder for a larger animal like a calf to live longer than something smaller; like a snake," you say.
It appears Marcille has since lost her appetite and absconded from the area to avoid any more of this conversation and tucked into her bedroll, praying to whatever spirits can hear her you will stop soon. Chilchuck is more morbidly fascinated by what you two are talking about. He didn't even know animals could have two heads, and he hopes he never encounters one. Two-headed monsters are enough for him.
"No one can seem t' decide where th' 'ead begins n' ends," Senshi chimes in while preparing dinner.
"So are Basilisks your favourite then?" you ask Laios.
"Huh? Oh!" Laios perks up, reminded of the original question, "They're cool, but not my favourite," He taps his finger to his chin, once again in thought, "I'd have to say Wargs are my favourite," 
You smile at that." Wargs are so cute! They remind me of hyenas or bears, with their big, boxy heads and bulky bodies.
Laios is stunned for a moment; never in his whole life has he heard someone describe Wargs as 'cute'. He'd sooner describe them as 'cool' or 'ferocious'; does that mean you think bears and hyenas are cute too? He could understand bears. They look fluffy, though they also have those big claws. What other things do you think are cute?
"Yeah, they kind of are; they remind me a bit of my dogs back at my village," he says. "They also have really soft fur,"
"Wow! I wanna pet a Warg!" You clap your hands together in delight. "It'd probably bite my hand off, but it'd be worth it."
Warm laughter falls out of Laios' mouth before he can catch it. "Maybe we can find one and pet it together sometime."
Your face breaks into a grin as you sit closer to Laios. "Sounds like a plan! Hey, maybe they're really social, like hyenas."
Laios has to clear his throat, so anything he wants to say doesn't get stuck in there, as a flush rushes to his face. "I don't know that much about hyenas... I've only seen pictures."
That moment is when you really light up. "Oh! They're so cool! Especially spotted hyenas; they're the biggest ones, and they're also called bone-crushing hyenas since can break bones with their bites," and off you go.
"The females are larger than the males, and it's a matriarchal society too! So even the lowest-ranking female is still higher-ranked than the male. Even their penises are bigger!" 
Laios watches you share this information with wide, wondrous eyes. "Wait, their penises?"
"Oh, well, it's not a real penis," you correct yourself. "It's just the clitoris enlarged, but it pretty much acts like a real penis. They mate with it, pee through it, and even give birth with it!"
A pause
"... How does that work?" Laios asks.
At that point, Chilchuck silently excuses himself to his own bedroll. He doesn't need to know the details. Birth is excruciating enough as is, but with a- no. No. He shakes his head to get rid of the terrible thought.
Senshi seems interested in listening, though.
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hirsheyskisses · 1 year
OP Boys: Special Hugs (#1)
Luffy & Zoro
(Short Scenario)
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Monkey D. Luffy
☆ Honestly, he's a hugger. Let's be real here, Maybe not like, the INSTANT he meets you, but the moment you are on his crew (trust me.. you'll get on the crew..) you are one of the many subjects of his physical contact
☆ a lot of times it may come off as way too energetic, arms being thrown around you or pulling you around, man's has no sense of a personal bubble
☆ but it gets (worse? Better? You don't know) when feelings get involved. If he didn't make it blatantly obvious he liked you, then you're either the densest person on the planet, or Luffy is horrible at flirting
☆ Let's be real here, it's probably both
☆ There is no escaping at that point.
"Hey! Where'd (Name) go?!"
Luffy questioned. He'd been searching on the Sunny forever, yet he couldn't find you! He'd checked the kitchen, your room, the pantry, the crows nest..
"(Name)? I think they're down in the medical bay with Chopper. They looked a bit under the weather." Nami didn't even spare him a glance: she was so focused on her map he was partially surprised she answered. But that was fine, because Luffy was focused too!
He threw open the door to the medical bay, only to find you on the bed and leaning against the wall. Chopper looked up frantically and put his paws up, "they're sick! You shouldn't come in here-" "hey, Luffy." You rasped, and offered him a weak smile. Luffy completely ignored Choppers advice and ran to your side, protectively wrapping his arms around you.
"You're sickkkk? That sucks.. Chopper will make ya feel better though! Should we give them some meat?!"
You chuckled as you attempted to remove yourself from his grasp while Chopper sighed, "no, they need soft food! And you should leave Luffy, or you may get sick too!"
As if for the strict purpose of defying Chopper, his grip only tightened. "No! They need comfort.."
It wasn't as though you were complaining, his warmth was nice..
So Chopper made you up some medicine, after having giving up trying to make Luffy leave, and left the two of you.
"(Name).. you need anything?"
"No.. thank you."
His voice held genuine concern and your heart ached, knowing just how much the Captain cared for you. After a moment, you snuggled in closer. "'S cold." You slurred, arms wrapping around his torso whilst your head buried into his chest.
He took the hint, arm stretching across the room to grab an extra blanket. His hands worked the blanket around your body until you were tucked like a happy burrito, leaving him and you satisfied.
"..thanks, Luffy."
"Shishishishi! Anytime!" He laughed, taking his hat off and plopping it on your head.
Luffy began to talk for hours, about adventures they'd had before you'd join the crew, excitedly re-telling fights and funny stories from the crew. For a while, you were distracted from the discomfort of sickness, until you and him both fell asleep.
...it's safe to say he'd demand more cuddles after that. (Somehow.. he just doesn't get sick..l
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Roronoa Zoro
♡ to be perfectly frank, he's not that much of a hugger. He's only hugged two crewmates, and that's Chopper and Luffy. Even for those two, its a rarity.
♡ but having been on the crew since the near beginning, your friendship with zoro was beginning to have a bit more connection than he ever intended to have.
♡ so came fourth of him asking (almost forcing) you to nap with him. At first, you just sat next to him, not really sleeping.
♡ honestly it was kinda funny. You'd both pretend to be asleep so the crew would give you guys some- half peace for a bit. You used to think it was dumb, but seeing as all the others (save for Nami) believed it, well..
♡ it became tradition
♡ sometimes when you both were a little down, he'd give you an awkward side hug, always looking so flustered afterwards, and it's just the cutest
♡ however, he soon finds a type of hug he really likes..
"That was some fight."
Zoro grunted, and you nodded in agreement. You two were the first to head back to the Sunny, to make sure it wasn't unattended for too long. Seeing as Zoro had no injuries and yours were very minor, you were best suited for the job.
"I'm beat, though. Those marines just kept coming.."
"You did good out there."
He replied, plopping on the deck and motioning for you to do the same, and you did. Sitting besides Zoro with a wince, "I let the one get a good hit on me.. need to work on that." You rubbed your side, and he glanced at you, "you can train with me later." He laid a hand on your head, smiling at you. Oh, that handsome swordsman has your heart, and you poked his cheek. "You better not go easy on me!" "Wouldn't dream of it, (Name)."
"I'm definitely going to be a sore fucker tomorrow, though."
He snickered and ruffled your hair, and you stuck your tongue out at him, "you won't let it happen again. That's all that matters- pain is a learning experience."
"Yeah yeah, ya old wise man."
"I am not old!"
"Yuh-huh, that's what an old person would say."
"Says the one complaining about aches in their bones-"
"I got hit by a very, very large stick-"
"...did you forget the word for staff?"
"...shut up, Mossbrain."
His mouth opened in a yawn, and you half followed suit. The bantering slowly subsided, and his hands unconsciously dropped to your shoulder, then slid down your back, holding you to his side.
If he did that intentionally, he didn't show it. His eyes had long since shut, and you were very familiar with how quickly he could conk out. A few moments of hesitation held you, before you wrapped your arms around his torso, a leg over his, and snuggled into his chest. His other arm moved to hold you, and,
"Ya better not plan on moving anytime soon.."
Lucky for him, you didn't.
So this became his favorite cool down after a fight.
Nami however, was not thrilled that the two people who were supposed to watch the ship fell asleep. RIP.
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permanentswaps · 7 months
Virtually Limitless
For as long as he could remember, Dan had struggled with dieting and exercise. This year, he finally decided to make a change and go all in on fitness. That was how he met Cole, a hunky 26-year-old trainer at the local gym. After training with Cole for a few months, he still wasn’t making much progress. But that was ok, he was happy to crush over Cole and to discuss their mutual love of video games.
Dan loved video games so much, that he had actually made a career out of them. Dan's workplace, WeTech, was all cutting-edge virtual reality startup. One day, without his bosses knowing, Dan got his hands on a yet-to-be-released prototype and a game titled "Dragon Slayers." Naturally, he asked Cole if he wanted to try it out.
"So, how does this work?" Cole asked, a mix of excitement and curiosity in his eyes.
Dan, grinning with anticipation, replied. "We pick our characters, put on the headsets, and say 'Start' followed by our player number. When we’re done, we just say 'Exit' and our player number again."
"Sounds pretty straightforward," Cole remarked, a playful smile on his face.
"Ready to go?" Dan asked, his enthusiasm infectious.
"Let's do it," Cole replied, the room buzzing with a shared sense of excitement. And with that, they plunged into the virtual world of "Dragon Slayers."
“Start Player 1,” said Dan.
“Start Player 2,” said Cole.
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The room filled with the soft hum of tech and the glow of screens as they launched themselves into the digital adventure.
Once inside, Cole marveled at the virtual landscape of impressive mountains and valleys. Meanwhile Dan found himself enamored by another “landscape,” the topography of his newfound, virtual washboard abs.
"So, this is what it's like to be in such great shape," Dan mused, his virtual avatar flexing his digital muscles.
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Spotting a beacon in the distance, Cole paid no attention to his comment. "Look, there's a beacon; we have to go this way!" he exclaimed, pointing towards the glowing light on the horizon.
Their journey reached a climax when they faced-off against a formidable dragon. After intensely battling for what felt like hours, the two sat down for a debrief.
Dan, catching his virtual breath, couldn't help but muse aloud, "That was incredible! Imagine having such a youthful and strong body all the time."
Cole, grinning mischievously, replied, "Maybe you could know," and without further explanation, initiated the process. "Exit Player 1," he declared, his voice echoing in the virtual realm, and his consciousness was abruptly pulled from the game.
Dan, still processing, hesitated for a moment. That was his player number. Then, with a hint of curiosity mixed with uncertainty, he muttered, "Exit Player 1." An error message flickered in the air in front of him..
Dan said with uncertainty, "Exit Player 2." In that instant, the virtual world around him warped, and he felt a sudden shift. Taking off his headset, he found himself looking at his own body, which had a playful smirk plastered across its face.
"This is so freaky; I didn't know if that would work," Cole confessed.
Dan, distractedly running his fingers over his new biceps through the fabric of his shirt, said half-heartedly, “We …. We have to switch back.”
"Hey, what’s the rush?" Cole asked. "Let’s stay like this for a bit. I can help get your body back on track with its diet, and in return, you might pick up some muscle memory from my training expertise."
Dan, still adjusting to the surreal experience of being in Cole's body, raised an eyebrow. "You really think that's a good idea?"
Cole chuckled, a twinkle of excitement in his eyes. "Think about it, Dan. You'll get firsthand experience of what it's like to live in a body like this, and I'll ensure your body doesn't go on a fast-food frenzy while you're in mine. It's a win-win!"
Dan, intrigued by the proposition, finally grinned. "Alright, let's give it a shot. But just for a few weeks, okay?"
Cole laughed, clapping Dan on the shoulder, or rather, where his shoulder used to be in his own body. "Deal, buddy! This is going to be epic!"
Over the ensuing weeks, Dan wholeheartedly embraced his new life as Cole. The gym transformed into a second home.
One night, he found himself cheering on a client during a challenging workout.
Dan grinned, offering encouragement, "Come on George, you've got this! Remember, pain is just weakness leaving the body!"
The client, panting but motivated, nodded appreciatively. "You're on fire today, Cole! What's gotten into you?"
Dan laughed, a blend of his own infectious enthusiasm and newfound charisma. "Just trying out some new tricks. Gotta keep things exciting, you know?"
"Haha, I getcha.” George replied, wiping his sweat with a towel. “Oh by the way, I’m hitting the bars later with some friends. Wanna come along?" he asked.
Dan hesitated for a brief moment. In his old body, he would have never been cool enough for a night out like this. However, with newfound confidence and the thrill of embodying Cole's persona, he grinned and replied, "That sounds awesome, dude. I'll be there."
Later, at the local bars, Dan found himself reveling in the attention he was receiving from both guys and girls. Feeling the gaze of a guy from across the bar, Dan playfully flexed his biceps, a cheeky grin playing on his lips. The guy, drawn in by the confident display, couldn't resist approaching.
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"Hey there, looking good," the guy said, initiating a playful flirtation.
“Not so bad yourself,” Dan replied. “What’s your name.”
“Bryan,” he replied with a smirk.
Before Dan knew it, he was back in Cole’s apartment hungrily making out with the twunk in his bed. As Dan ripped off his shirt, Bryan’s eyes grew wide looking at his muscles. Dan raised his arm and flexed his bicep at Bryan again before grabbing behind his head and holding Bryan’s face against his armpit.
Slowly, Dan reached down to unbutton his pants and slide down his briefs. Bryan quickly followed suit before straddling Dan’s waist. As Bryan shoved his face back into Dan’s pecks, Dan began to finger Bryan’s hole and cover his dick with lube. He thrust his hips upwards, slowly at first, but then picking up the pace.
As he pounded his hole, Bryan whispered “ugh I love your muscles. Please flex for me, sir.” Overcome with lust, Dan couldn’t help but flex as bear hugged Bryan and coated the inside of his hole. He’d have to do that again, he thought.
After enjoying a month in one another’s bodies, Cole and Dan returned to the virtual world for another quest. Following another climatic encounter, this time with a minotaur, the pair prepared themselves to exit the game.
Cole, eager to resume his life in his original body, confidently uttered the command, "Exit Player 2." However, the response was not as anticipated.
An eerie silence followed before an unmistakable voice echoed through the virtual space, delivering a message that froze the avatars in their tracks, "You can only go back to your original body."
Cole's avatar stood motionless, disbelief etched across its virtual face. "What? That can't be right," he exclaimed, trying the command again, "Exit Player 2!"
Dan, stifling a smirk, puts on a face of fake bewilderment. "Weird, I wonder why its not working," Dan said, his digital brows furrowed.
Panic seeped into Cole's voice as he desperately sought a solution. "We need to figure this out. I can't stay in your body forever," he muttered, his frustration palpable.
“Hmmm.” Dan said. “Exit Player 2.” The game ripping him back to reality.
Driven by desperation, Cole pleaded with WeTech to rectify the glitch that confined him to Dan's body. Despite his sincere appeals, the company's response was far from sympathetic, and in a cruel twist of fate, Cole found himself facing accusations of alleged theft of company equipment, resulting in his termination. The once-thriving fitness trainer now grappled with the harsh realities of unemployment and an out-of-shape body.
As Cole navigated the unexpected turns in his life, Dan reveled in the newfound freedom that he had secured. You see, a week before the anticipated swap back, Dan took it upon himself to email his former colleagues at WeTech, disclosing the glitch and urging them to patch it. Unbeknownst to Cole, this intentional act sealed Dan in his new, hunky body permanently.
Now, Dan looked forward to exploring life on his own terms. Particularly intriguing was the prospect of deepening his connection with Bryan. However, even if that path didn't unfold as expected, Dan wasn't concerned. With a body like this, the possibilities were virtually limitless.
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augustinewrites · 1 year
you should absolutely add naoya to the story!!!! i would LOVE some drama between gojo and that loserrrr i just know they hate each other so MUCH
useful context for this fic can be found in three conditions!
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"'salt to taste,'" satoru reads, already confused. "what the hell does that even mean?"
tuesdays are always his day to cook dinner - meaning the second you smell something burning, you kick him out of the kitchen to take over - but you'd left about left twenty minutes ago to pick the kids up from karate, so he's on his own.
shrugging, he pours a questionable amount of salt into the bowl of vegetables he's been attempting to season.
after tossing in the rest of the spices, the next step is to cook over medium-high heat. so he flicks the stove on, leaning against the counter as he waits for the pan to heat up.
that's when a knock sounds at the door.
he doesn't move, hoping whoever it is just gives up and goes away. he wasn't expecting any guests, and the backup food he'd ordered shouldn't be arriving for another half hour.
but whoever it is bangs on the door this time, clearly impatient and wanting to get on his nerves.
huffing, he flicks the stove off and stomps to the door, yanking it open.
"you've gotta be fucking kidding me."
"still as uncouth as ever, i see," naoya zenin scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"and you're still as ugly as i remember," he fires back. "no wait— uglier."
that gets the reaction satoru's hoping for, naoya scowling as he says. "seems the rumours are true. my dear relative's run away to become a gojo whore."
satoru barely manages to keep his hands off the blond's throat, because killing him would start an all out war with the zen'ins, and he isn't ready to make waves (yet).
it wouldn't take much force to just put his head through the wall, would it?
"just tell me what you want so i can say no," he says instead, voice fighting to remain steady.
god, he hates the smug look on his face as he asks, "how much do you want?"
"excuse me?"
"how much do you want," he repeats slowly, as if he were talking to a particularly stupid animal. "for her. and the fushiguro boy."
it takes satoru a moment to realize what exactly he's asking for, the request so outlandish that he can hardly believe it. "how much do i— you're insane."
he goes to slam the door, but naoya is quick to catch it.
"it's only right that they should be with their family, don't you think?"
"and that's you?"
"if we're being sentimental about it, yes."
"well, they're not for sale," he says firmly, removing his sunglasses and tucking them into his pocket. every molecule of restraint is quickly leaving his body. "nor will they ever be. now leave."
stupid as he is, naoya senses the thinly veiled threat and turns on his heel, satoru keeping his eyes trained on him until he disappears down the hall.
"naoya stopped by."
"what did he want?" you ask, lips already pulled down into a frown as you take another dish to dry.
"you and megumi."
"of course he does," you sigh, setting the plate aside and resting your palms on the counter "they want ten shadows."
"what are we going to do?" he asks seriously. "what if next time they don't ask?"
"there's not much we can do right now," you tell him grimly. "it’s the zen’in clan, satoru. we just need to keep our heads down and focus on getting megumi into jujutsu tech. at least he won't be so vulnerable with all of us around—”
“hey, hey,” he murmurs, pressing his forehead to yours. “i’m not going to let anything happen to you both. you know that, right?”
“i know,” you smile, kissing the tip of his nose. “that’s why i’m not suggesting we’ve halfway across the world.”
“that’s not a bad idea. we could move somewhere hot and tropical. i’d get to see you in a swimsuit almost everyday…”
“you’d get sunburnt,” you correct, laughing as he nudges his face into the crook of your neck.
“i’d happily let myself get sunburnt if it meant you were safe,” he murmurs into your skin. “the kids would probably eviscerate me if i let anything happen to you.”
“of course they would. they’d starve otherwise.”
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alotofpockets · 7 months
We've got you | Arsenal WFC
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Pairing: Arsenal x Teen!Reader
Request: Arsenal teen reader fic where they have an eating disorder and the team helps them through it.
Warnings: Eating disorders, passing out, talk of negative body image.
A/n: Thank you @catasha for proof-reading and your feedback & thank you @lessi-lover and @greynatomy as well for your help 💗
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | Words: 2k
As the youngest player on the team a lot of your teammates kept a close eye on you. They made sure you did your homework, helped you pack your bag, and in general were there for you for whatever you needed. There was one thing they hadn’t noticed though, and it was that you had started eating less and less. You were actively trying to hide it from them, so you didn't blame them for not noticing.
You had been diagnosed with an eating disorder when you were fourteen years old, and though you had been doing better the past year, your old habits started to reappear. Of course, something like that doesn’t really go away, but the voices in your head telling you that you shouldn’t eat have been quiet.
None of your teammates knew about your diagnosis, as you hadn;t struggled with it during your time with Arsenal. Well, not until now. In your plan to hide it from your teammates, you hadn’t counted on someone knowing the symptoms of an eating disorder, but one of them did. Alessia Russo, one of the more recent signings was keeping an eye on your food intake, unbeknownst to you. She had noticed you barely touching your breakfast. At first she didn’t think anything of it, but when she saw you only eating a few bites of your lunch, until you excused yourself, her mind started to wonder. She recognized patterns she had been stuck on in her highschool years, and hoped that she was wrong, but she couldn’t just let the thoughts go.
After training that afternoon, Alessia walked with you back to your bags, having placed hers conveniently next to yours at the start. The two of you are talking, when she grabs a protein bar from her bag. “Man, I’m full. Can I interest you in the other half? I would hate for it to go to waste.” You hesitated, but took the bar from her, not fully confident in denying food one on one. Alessia continued talking, but you didn’t hear a word she was saying as you were trying to convince the voices in your head you should eat the bar she offered. You don’t deserve to eat. You’ve gained weight, eating the bar will make it go up more. You tried to fight it. I already took the bar, I have to at least take a bite to show my appreciation. After fighting with the voices in your head for what felt like half an hour, you managed to move the bar up to your mouth with a shaky hand. Luckily Alessia was busy untying her boots, and didn’t see your hands shaking. One small bite is all you were able to eat before the voices in your head started to get loud again. You smiled to Alessia, “Thank you for this.” and head back to the locker rooms. Once you were out of sight from the rest of the team, you threw the bar in a nearby trash can. 
You were currently training in Portugal, so you didn’t have much time where you weren’t surrounded by your teammates. Each meal time was taken together, so you diverted to making it seem like you were eating by tactically moving around the food on your plate, putting a bite on your fork and moving it around while you were conversing with the people surrounding you. Trying to keep their focus on your words, rather than the lack of food actually entering your mouth.
Alessia stuck around until most of the room had cleared out, leaving just the two of you in the room. She moved over to your table, “Hey y/n, how are you doing?” You look up from your plate, “Oh hi Lessi, I’m doing alright. How are you?” She smiled at you softly, “I’m doing alright as well. I wanted to check in with you, to see if everything was okay, since I noticed you hadn’t really touched your food.” Your cheeks turned red, had she noticed? You quickly shake off the thought and shrug your shoulders, “Oh, yes, I’m okay. Just not very hungry, that’s all.” Alessia didn’t want to push you, knowing that that could make it worse, so she settled on talking about football instead, to bond with you, and not let you be on your own. 
The next day you were running around during practice, you loved drills where you got to show your speed. The team was split into two lines, as you would be competing against each other. One person from each team would go at the same time, sprinting to the finish line, the one that reached it first would earn the cone for their team. The team that got to ten cones first would win the exercise. 
Your team was currently at nine cones, while the other team was at eight. It was you running against Lotte, and if you were the fastest, you would get the victory for your team. “You’re going down, grandma.” The team knew you as a joker, so Lotte was used to your antics. “Yeah yeah, you just focus on not tripping over your own feet, kiddo.” You roll your eyes at her, “That was one time!”  
The two of you get ready on the line and wait for the countdown and the whistle to blow. You were running neck and neck, until about three quarters of the way, it was then that you got a step ahead of Lotte, but your lead didn’t last long, as suddenly you found yourself getting weak and dizzy. You divert from the straight line that you were running, and slow down your run. Lotte immediately noticed that something was wrong, and stopped her run to help you. “Hey kid, what’s wrong?’ She grabs your shoulders to keep you in place. “Dizzy.” Is all you get out before you collapse in her arms. 
You passed out for a moment, but luckily the medics were quick by your side. “What happened?” You ask when you see all your teammates standing around you with worried looks on their faces. “You passed out, kid. Do you know what happened?” Leah had your head laying in her lap. “Don’t know.” You say groggily, still not feeling well. “Let’s get you to one of the physio rooms to get you checked out.” One of the medics reached down their hands to help you up. 
Everyone was in the hallway, waiting to hear what was going on, a few of them pacing the hallway, and others sitting along the wall. “She was joking around just moments before, how could this happen out of nowhere?” Leah voiced the thought that most of the girls shared. “I might have an idea.” Alessia said softly. 
The medics walk out of the physio room once they are done examining you, “She seems alright now. We don’t know what happened yet, so we will have to keep a close eye on her. We advised her to stay in the room for at least another hour, just until she feels a bit stronger again. You can see her though.” 
After what Alessia had just shared with the group, just Alessia, Leah, and Kim go into the room first. “Hey kiddo, how are you doing?” Leah sits down on the bed with you, and wraps her arm around you. “I still feel a bit weak, but otherwise okay. You all look very serious though, what’s going on?” Leah looks up to Kim with tears welling in her eyes, not being able to do the talking without breaking. You were like a little sister to her, and it hurt seeing you like this. “It came under our attention that you haven’t really been eating, and we wanted to check in with you. You really scared us out there kid, you need to take care of your body. Can you please tell us how long this has been going on?” They knew now, so hiding was no longer an option. “I was diagnosed with an eating disorder when I was fourteen.” You could feel Leah tense beside you, as she came to the realisation just how serious this was. “I never mentioned it because it’s not been a problem since I’ve joined the team. It started playing up again a few weeks ago, I can handle it.” You were downplaying your wording, trying not to scare your teammates. Leah shook her head, “You’re not handling it though, you literally passed out!” You were shocked with the emotion behind her voice. “Leah, I’m fine.” Leah felt herself getting angry, “No, y/n, you’re not.” She said before she left the room, not wanting to get angry with you while she knew you were struggling.
It stays quiet for a moment, before Alessia speaks up. “I struggled with my weight and my body a lot growing up. I wanted to be skinny, but it ended up making me too weak to play. I learned that for football being strong was more important than my body fitting this image in my mind that society had created.” Kim continued where Alessia left off, “It’s important to give your body the right nutritions, it is for all of us, but especially for a growing body like yours. Skipping meals can harm your body, more than it will do good. We understand that this is a lot, but we really do not want anything like today to happen to you again.” Tears started to form in your eyes. Kim stands up and goes in to hug you, “It’s okay, sweetheart. We’ve got you.” 
Once you calmed down a bit, Kim continued the conversation. They wanted to do everything in their power to help you, because they understood how mentally challenging an eating disorder could be. “We’re going to set up a meeting with the dietitian and nutrition team tomorrow, and get you on a plan that will help you eat in a healthy way, that is based on your body specifically. Alessia is going with you, because her experience will help make sure your best interest is at heart. We are going to be there with you every step of the way. You’re a part of a team, and that means we don’t let anyone go through something alone, okay?” You nodded, “Okay.”
In the hallway Leah is crying into Lia’s arms, after she asked the rest of the team to give you some space today. “She’s acting like nothing is wrong, Wally.” The older girl rubs her hands over her best friend’s back in soothing motions. “I understand, but she needs you Lee. I know you’re angry with her for not telling anyone she’s been struggling, and with yourself for not noticing she was, but let’s focus on the fact that it’s out in the open now, and you can help her.” 
Lia’s words were convincing, so much so that Leah headed back into the room, and asked for a moment alone with you. “Hey kiddo, I’m sorry I ran out. I couldn’t handle my emotions in a way that would be fair to you, so I needed a moment.” You smile at her softly, “It’s fine Lee. I understand, it was big news, and I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner.” Leah steps forward and hugs you to her chest. “Let’s get you home, okay?” You had been living with Leah since you moved to London, probably the reason that you were closest with her. “Okay.”
The next morning Leah drove you to London Colney for your appointment with the dietitian and nutrition team. Alessia was already waiting when you arrived, she greeted you with a hug. “It’s good to see you, kiddo. Are you ready?” You returned the hug. “As I’ll ever be.” 
It was very helpful having the both of them there. Leah for reassuring you, and Alessia to make sure you answered all their questions properly. After an hour of talking with the team, they had set up the basics of the plan for you. In the next couple of days they would get back to you with a more elaborate plan, including meal options and recipes. 
You know that your journey with food and your body weren’t going to be easy, but you knew that you weren’t going to be alone. The team had always been like family to you, and yesterday showed you again that they would love you unconditionally, and that they would be there for you, no matter what. 
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 22 days
Sam and Dean & nephilim!reader, Cas & nephilim!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: Gabriel messes around and ends up creating a nephilim, and Cas is tasked with keeping the kid safe.
A/N: guys I finally finished a request! Hopefully the next one won’t take me so long, you guys have been so patient as I start up college again.
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“I need you to do something for me.”
Gabriel’s appearance at the bunker a month after Angel radio went nuts over a nephilim’s creation was unexpected and unwanted, to say the least.
“From us?” Dean narrowed his eyes at the archangel. “Don’t tell me you’re the one who—“
“Not you, Winchesters. I’m talking to Castiel.”
Castiel looked up in surprise at this declaration.
“My help? And why would I—“
“The nephilim is mine. And she’s growing fast.”
“She?” Sam asked. Gabe offered him a half glance.
“Yes, she. I can feel it. And she’s going to be born any day now.”
“What does that have to do with me?” Castiel demanded.
“I can’t keep her safe,” Gabriel admitted after a moment’s hesitation, his features tightened. “If I get anywhere near her, there’s a line of enemies that will follow. I need her somewhere safe, and I can’t take her there.” Gabriel swallowed, glancing at the brothers before looking back at Castiel. “This is the safest place I could think of.” Before Dean could interrupt, Gabriel raised his voice and continued. “The warding will keep out most enemies, and it’s nearly undetectable to angels.”
“We can’t just house a nephilim!” Dean exclaimed. “Not happening. No way.”
“I have no other options, no one else to go to,” Gabriel pleaded. “She’s just a baby—“
“A baby with power,” Sam added. “And we don’t know how much power.”
“She’s innocent,” Gabriel added. “She’s just a baby, and she doesn’t deserve to get hunted down like this. There’s nowhere else she can go—it’s either the bunker, or she’s dead.”
This time, Gabriel’s argument was met with silence. Castiel was the first to break it.
“You want me to retrieve her, and bring her here.”
“It’s her only chance.” None of the boys had ever seen Gabriel look so humble—so vulnerable.
“I’ll do it.”
“No, Dean,” Cas interrupted him. “I have to do this.”
“Let us come with you,” Sam spoke up.
“Sam!” Dean turned to his brother, thunderstruck.
“No,” Cas said. “I should go alone, it’s safer.”
“You shouldn’t be going at all!” Dean insisted. “We don’t know what—“
“This being deserves a chance,” Cas interrupted. “And I’m going to give it to her.”
Gabriel left quickly to go into hiding, and Cas left soon after. The address Gabriel gave him was only a few hours away, but when Cas got there he arrived to a surprise.
The mother—Cas had no idea who she was—was already dead. Cas was just beginning to panic when he heard crying, and he rounded the bed to see you—a little toddler, crying on the floor at the foot of the bed.
“Hey, hey it’s alright,” Cas soothed as he wrapped a nearby blanket around your shivering, unclothed body. “Hey, you’re safe now.” He had no idea how or why you were already a toddler, but he figured it didn’t matter—as long as he could get you safe.
You stopped crying as soon as you were in Cas’s arms, your big Y/E/C eyes blinking up at the angel.
“You’re going to be alright little one,” Cas said. “I promise.”
Considering the dead woman on the bed not three feet away, Cas felt that his promise was less than convincing, but you relaxed completely into him, your little arms wrapping around his neck and holding on tight.
Cas carried you out to his car—he wasn’t so sure about angel transportation with a newborn nephilim, so human transportation was his choice—while keeping his eyes peeled for any interference, of which there was, thankfully, none.
“I suppose I should get you some food and some clothing,” Castiel said, mostly to himself, although if you spoke up he’d be grateful. You didn’t, though; you just blinked up at him with those big eyes, and Cas felt more lost than ever.
He knew enough about humans—and you were at least half human—to know that babies only drank milk, and as they got older they gained an affinity for solid foods. But you were somewhere between a newborn and a toddler. Would milk be enough to sustain you? Would you even understand how to eat solid foods? It was all confusing for an angel who already felt out of his depth.
Castiel stopped at the first store he came across, and he carried you with him—you were still wrapped in that blanket he had grabbed from your mother’s house—as he started to grab anything he thought he’d need to take care of you, including a lot he probably didn’t need. As soon as he’d paid for everything, he carried you into the family restroom so he could get you into the clothes he’d picked up, as you still seemed too young to be capable of dressing yourself.
“Alright,” Castiel said after you were dressed, looking at you long and hard for a moment before sighing in near-defeat. “I don’t know why your father picked me for this mission, Sam or Dean would be much better at—“ a crash from somewhere outside the restroom had Castiel whipping around, prepared for a threat. But the door remain closed, and whatever had made noise was now silent.
Castiel turned back around only when he felt a tug on his arm. He looked down to see you—but he didn’t have to look as far down as he expected. Cas blinked in surprise, taking in the sight of you, now maybe six inches taller and a few years older, the clothes on you stretched and far too small.
“What…” Cas breathed, unsure what to even ask.
You just tugged at his hand again, gripping it firmly in your shaking hands.
“I’m scared.” It was the first words Cas had heard you speak, and they snapped him back into focus.
“I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. Now how did you get so big?”
You just blinked up at Cas, apparently unwilling to speak again.
“It’s ok,” Cas sighed. “It doesn’t matter, I just…let’s get you some bigger clothes and get you out of here.”
Cas led you out towards the clothing section, turning his back on you for just a second to find the right size. But once he turned around again, you were gone.
“Hey!” Cas realized just then that he didn’t know your name. He whirled around frantically, trying to catch sight of you between the racks of clothing. He rushed down aisle after aisle, freezing when he got to the third one and saw a girl that looked suspiciously like you, but was now three inches taller, being cornered by a large man whose eyes flashed black.
Cas didn’t speak, he just took four large strides, and as soon as the demon turned to look at him, he stretched out his hand and placed it against the demon’s forehead. There was a flash of light behind the demon’s eyes, and he dropped to the floor after only a second. You looked from the dead demon to Castiel in awe.
“Why do you keep getting bigger?” Castiel sighed, bending down slightly to look you in the eye.
“I wasn’t big enough to stop him.” Your voice came out in a quiet whimper—you were shaking in fear. “It was scary, so I wanted to get bigger, and…and then I just did.” Your big eyes were gonna be the death of Cas, he just knew it; especially when they were filled with tears like now. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Hey, no, it’s ok, it’s just…not many people can do that. Most people have to say the size they are until they grow.” You still looked concerned, so Cas waved it off. “It doesn’t matter, you didn’t do anything wrong. Now let’s get you into some bigger clothes and get you safe.”
At this point, you looked like a young teenager, so Castiel went to a different clothes section to find you something. You held his hand the whole way, which Cas was grateful for—he didn’t want to lose you again.
Cas picked up a size for you and sent you off to put it on, making sure he could see you entering and leaving the bathroom. While you were gone, he grabbed about three more sizes in case you spontaneously grew again.
“I’m ready,” you said as you returned to Castiel.
“Ok…” Cas stared at you for a moment. “Do…do you know your name?”
“My name…” you pondered the question for a long moment. “Yes, I…Y/N. I remember my mother calling me that…before I was born. She named me Y/N.”
Cas smiled.
“Ok then. Y/N it is.”
Once you were ready, Cas led you out to his car and the two of you were finally on your way again. The car went along in silence for several miles, but Cas could tell you were contemplating something, and after a while you finally got up the courage to speak.
“Are you my father?”
The question shouldn’t have surprised Cas, but he froze up the moment it left your mouth.
“I…no, I’m not,” he said finally. “Your father’s name is Gabriel. He wanted to be here, really, but it was too dangerous. He…let’s just say he has a lot of enemies.”
“Is that why my mother is dead?” Your voice was more subdued this time, and the question again froze Castiel.
“No, little one,” Cas began hesitantly. How could he tell you that your mother died giving birth to you? “Your mother, she…she chose to save you, rather than herself.”
“Save me?” You prodded. “Is it because I…I can do things, like grow?”
“Kind of.” Castiel ran a hand over his face, willing the car ride to end. “Your father is an archangel, and that makes you a nephilim. But your mother, she was just a human. She…she couldn’t bring you into this world and survive, her body wasn’t strong enough.”
Your silence was starting to scare Cas more than your questions.
“So…so I killed my mom?” It was with tears in your eyes that you finally spoke again.
“No,” Castiel insisted. “No, you did not choose any of this, this isn’t your fault. Your mother and father made their choices, you’re just the result of them. But your mother’s death is not on you.”
“It still feels like it is,” you mumbled. “How…how do I miss someone I’ve never met?” You blinked up at Cas, and he swore he’d never felt more out of his depth.
“Look, I…I know that you don’t have your parents here right now, but I’m going to look after you. I’m going to take you to a safe place, and I promise that you’re going to be alright.”
“Why are you helping me?” You asked. Cas barely had to think about the answer to this.
“Because I believe that you deserve a chance, the same as anyone else. You’ve got powers, little one. Powers that might scare some people. But I think that you’re good, and I’m not scared of you just because of your strength.”
“What if I’m not good?” Your gaze faltered, falling away from Cas’s. “What if you should be scared of me?”
“Good isn’t something that you’re born as,” Cas said. “It’s something you choose. You can choose good, if you want to.”
“I do,” you insisted. “I just…I don’t think I know how.”
A hint of a smile crossed Cas’s lips.
“Well I can try to teach you. And my friends, they will too.”
The rest of the ride to the bunker passed uneventfully, but Cas began to get nervous the closer he got to the bunker. He was all but forcing this nephilim onto Sam and Dean, so how would they react when he arrived? Would they be scared of you, or force Cas to leave? Would they not want to put themselves in danger to help some non-human?
It didn’t seem like the Sam and Dean that Cas knew, but then again they’d never been presented with a nephilim before.
“Your friends.” Your words startled Cas out of his thoughts. “Are they…like you?”
“You mean angels?” Cas had explained who he was to you. “No, no they’re human. But they like to help people. I believe they’ll help you.” Cas had to believe it—he had to.
“You’re back.” Dean’s greeting seemed less then happy as he stared Cas down. “Where’s the—“
Dean‘s gaze whipped around from Cas to you as you stepped up beside Cas.
“What the—I thought she was just born.” Dean looked back at Cas, questions swimming behind his eyes.
“She was, she uh…she grew up fast,” Cas offered lamely.
“Why?” Sam spoke up for the first time, eying you nervously, but he didn’t look as threatening as Dean.
“I got scared,” you said. “So I had to grow up fast.”
“What’s your name?” Sam asked before Dean could say anything else.
“I’m Y/N.” Sam noticed the way you were almost hiding behind Cas. He couldn’t tell if you were scared of him, or just shy, but either way he tried to make himself look as non threatening as possible.
“Well, I’m Sam and this is my brother, Dean. C’mon down here and we can show you where to sleep.” Sam pointedly ignored Dean’s glare. “Do you need anything to eat?”
“No, I’m not hungry,” you decided after a moment of pondering.
“Good, now you can explain to us what kind of powers you have and how you plan to use them,” Dean cut in, ignoring the glares from Sam and Cas.
“I…” the question froze you, and Cas jumped in.
“Dean, it’s been a long day. Just let her get some sleep.”
“Oh, sure, and while she’s sleeping, every demon and angel on earth is pulling out all the stops to get to her! I mean she could be working with any of them!”
“Why would she work with them?” Sam demanded. “They want her dead.”
“Yeah, or they want to use her powers! She could’ve cut a deal with them.”
“Dean, she’s just a kid,” Cas interjected.
“Yeah, a kid who was a baby a couple hours ago. She’s not normal, she’s a freak! Who knows what else she’ll do?”
“Dean, calm down—“ Sam’s attempt at keeping the peace just made Dean angrier.
“Calm down?! We have a nephilim in our house, and we don’t know what it can do!”
“She’s not an i-“ Cas’s interruption went completely unnoticed by Dean.
“And we don’t know what side it’s on! Gabriel was always switching sides, what makes you think this kid is gonna be any different?”
“Dean, she doesn’t even know Gabriel,” Cas argued.
“But he’s still the father. She could still—“
“Stop it!” Your outburst froze all three men, and it took you a prolonged minute to realize why; they couldn’t move. By just your word, you’d rendered them incapable of doing anything but stare at you—Sam and Cas in amazement, Dean in anger. “I didn’t…” your gaze focused on Cas, almost pleading with him to help you. “I-I didn’t mean to. I didn’t—I don’t know how to stop it.” You stared down at your hands, and then back up. “I didn’t mean it! Let them go!”
The three men moved simultaneously as their joints relaxed and their legs moved. Dean took a half step back from you, Sam stayed where he was, and Cas came up to stand in front of you.
“It’s ok,” he whispered as you started to shake. “I know you didn’t mean to, it’s ok.”
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered. “I don’t think I can control this.”
Cas knelt down, his blue eyes locking onto yours.
“I know you can. I’m going to help you.”
“Me too.” You hadn’t noticed Sam approaching you until his hand was on your shoulder. “I know a little bit about self control.”
Dean lingered in the corner, wariness etched onto his features, but the anger was somewhat dissipated.
“Come with me,” Sam continued—he was still ignoring Dean’s glares. “I’ll get you settled in.”
You let Sam lead you down a hallway. You could hear Dean start to yell at Castiel the moment you left the room, and Cas was yelling right back.
“Uh, this room is empty,” Sam said, stopping in front of a door. “So you can use it.”
“Ok,” you mumbled, standing in front of the door and rocking back and forth on your heels. “I’m sorry for being so much trouble,” you added, your head ducked low.
“Your dad has helped us out before,” Sam said. “So I’m glad you’re here—I want to help you.”
“Dean said my dad did bad stuff, too,” you said.
“Yeah, he…is a complicated man.” Sam shook his head, a wry smile on his face. “Well, anyway…” Sam opened up the door to your room, stepping back so you could go inside. You took a hesitant step inside before turning around and looking up at Sam, as if worried he was going to leave.
“What should I do if the demons or angels come inside?” You asked, your voice tight and high pitched.
“Hey.” Sam put a comforting hand on your shoulder. “You don’t have to worry about that, trust me. They don’t know where this place is, and it’s warded. They can’t get to you, we won’t let them.”
Your features visibly relaxed.
“Ok.” You found yourself wrapping your arms around the kind man before you’d really made the decision to do it. “Thank you.”
He was stiff for a moment, but quickly he reciprocate the hug.
“You’re gonna be ok,” he promised.
The next week passed about as Cas had expected, although even he was surprised at how eager Sam was to help you. Sam hung around the bunker the entire week, getting you used to life on earth and everything you didn’t know.
Dean however, remained fairly hostile. But things weren’t as bad as they’d been the first day, and Cas was even starting to notice Dean warm up to you in little ways; making a little extra food at breakfast, letting you join him in the Dean cave when he was watching something—things like that.
You might have gotten too comfortable around Dean based on his attitude, because when Dean announced to the general area that he had found a hunt you spoke up—
“I’ll help!”
The trio of men looked over at you with varying degrees of surprise.
“Are you sure?” Cas asked.
“No!” Dean insisted. “You’re staying here, I’m not babysitting some kid on the hunt.”
“I don’t want you to babysit me,” you argued. “I want to help.”
“Sam, help me out here,” Dean demanded. When Sam seemed reluctant, Dean groaned, “oh come on!”
“Well, maybe she can help!” Sam offered. “Give her a chance.”
Dean glanced from Sam to Cas, hoping one of them would break. When they didn’t, he huffed in annoyance, but his shoulders slumped.
The long car ride was going surprisingly well. Dean’s music was your first introduction to the art, and your enthusiastic response instantly gained you brownie points with Dean.
Each and every song that came on elicited the same response from you—
“Is this the best one?”
And every time the brothers would respond at the same time, Dean with a “yes!” And Sam with a “no!” All in all, Cas couldn’t have asked for a better bonding experience.
“Alright,” Dean said after a while, turning the music down. “We’ll be there soon, so we need to talk this out. From all appearances, it’s a vampire—a nest, actually. Now as soon as we locate it, I want Sam and Cas to be ready with the dead man’s blood, and…” Dean seemed to be rethinking his plan for a moment, before he made up his mind… “and I want the kid with me.” Dean’s eyes met yours in the rearview mirror, and his voice was suddenly more firm. “You need to be careful, and you need to not be in the way. Do you understand me?”
You were trying to hide your excited smile as you replied.
“Yes sir.”
You didn’t help. Or stay out of the way. In fact, barring lost limbs or lives, the hunt couldn’t have gone much worse, and you knew it was your fault.
Your first sight of a vampire scared you so much, that some of your nephilim energy came from you without you planning on it, blasting several vamps—and unfortunately Dean—away from you. Unfortunately, that blast of power had you thinking that maybe you could take on the vamps magically. This tactic just meant that you got in Dean’s way, and your magic didn’t respond the way you wanted it to—it didn’t respond at all.
Because of this, nearly half the vampires got away, and the ones that didn’t went straight for the easy target; you.
You were on the floor with a vampire drinking from your neck before Dean was even able to start swinging. He took out the two vampires that went for him before he able to get to you. He pried the vampire away from your neck before taking care of it with a single swing.
“Are you crazy?!” You were gasping for breath, blood mingling with sweat and tears as you tried to calm down while Dean yelled at you. “I told you to be careful! I told you not to get in the way! You could’ve—“ Dean cut himself off with a huff, turning to look for any remaining vampires. “I’ve gotta go find the nest before they get to Cas and Sam. You stay here.” The look Dean gave you before he left ensured your complete obedience to his order.
You slumped down onto the floor, drained and desperate to calm down. How could you have screwed up so badly, and right when Dean was finally starting to trust you?
You were finally able to breathe normally again by the time Dean returned with Sam and Cas in tow.
“A few of them got away,” Dean grumbled. “But they’re long gone now, and without their nest I don’t think they’re coming back.
“Dean, I didn’t—“ you barely got a couple of words out before Dean cut you off.
“Don’t! No, I don’t want to hear it. You could’ve gotten killed, you could’ve gotten one of us killed!”
“Dean,” Sam interrupted. “Dean, we should go. She’s hurt, and so is Cas—he’s too weak to heal, we gotta regroup.”
Dean led the dejected group to the Impala, but as soon as the car was on the road the yelling started up again. Sam and Cas were too tired to stop Dean, so you curled up in your corner of the Impala and listened to Dean’s criticisms of all you had done wrong. Within minutes, the words seemed to blend into each other and all you could hear was the anger in his tone and the harsh beating of your heart. You could feel the adrenaline still pumping in your veins, but it only seemed to highlight your fear and the pain in your neck and the tears that were building behind your eyes. The toxic combination seemed to build up until it was all you could feel, and it felt like anything more would make you snap—
“I mean how could you be so stupid?!”
That was it.
“Stop it!” Dean looked taken aback at your outburst. “I know that I screwed it all up, and I’m sorry! I’m sorry that Cas got hurt, and I’m sorry that the vampires got away. But I can’t fix that now, and I’m freaking out and I’m bleeding and I don’t want to listen to you yell anymore! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’ll say it as much as you want to hear it, just stop yelling at me!”
It was a good thing that the Impala was nearing the bunker, otherwise the four of you would’ve suffocated on the silence in the car.
“Come with me,” Dean told you as you all stepped out of the car. Cas started forwards, but Dean waved him off. “Go fix that—“ he gestured at the wound on Cas’s side—it wasn’t deep, but it was long. “I’ve got her.”
Neither Cas nor Sam argued; they just went off to their own rooms to get cleaned off. You trailed behind Dean as if you were marching to your death sentence. He noticed this about halfway down the hallway.
“I’m not going to yell at you again,” he insisted. “So relax.”
The tension in your shoulders eased, but you still didn’t speak as Dean led you to his room and instructed you to sit on his bed while he disappeared into the bathroom. He returned a moment later with a first aid kit in hand, the anger on his face all but gone.
“Let me see it.”
You pulled your hair to the side so Dean could get at the bite marks on your neck. You weren’t sure why you couldn’t heal yourself the way Cas sometimes could—maybe you were just too scared to figure out your powers now—but Dean didn’t question it; he just got to fixing the problem.
“This is gonna sting,” he warned you as he soaked a cotton ball with alcohol before pressing it to your neck. You forced yourself not to hiss in pain, but you couldn’t hold back the way your face twitched and your shoulder flinched. Dean didn’t comment, though.
“I am sorry,” you mumbled as Dean quietly continued to clean your wound.
“I know,” he replied simply. “I don’t think I can trust you on hunts anymore, but I do get that you’re sorry. And maybe I went a little too hard on you, ok? So how ‘bout we just forgive each other and move on. Maybe…maybe start over.”
“Ok,” you said, your lips twitching into a smile. “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
Despite himself, Dean chuckled.
“Don’t be a dork,” he insisted. But after a moment’s pause he continued— “I’m Dean. It’s nice to meet you too.”
And the two of you lapsed into a comfortable silence as Dean finished patching up your neck. His concerned features each time you hissed in pain, and his gentle touch so as not to hurt you, had you thinking one thing;
This is one heck of a second chance.
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl @casmustdiee @987coley @deadlymistletoe @wayward-impala83 @whump-loverz
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oharababe · 10 months
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✮ main summary. . miguel has this crazy idea of having consistent sex with you for seven days - a whole week - of your time. could you survive that?
✮ chapter 01 summary. . it started with a crazy idea from miguel proposing to start the day of the week with a bang.
✮ cw. . explicit content (18+), sexual intercourse, mutual masturbation, missionary, mating press.
✮ tags. . modern + roommates au, situationship with miguel, forced proximity, unspoken mutual pining. divider creds: cafekitsune.
✮ wc. . 2,129
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Miguel: Could you meet me in the living room when you return for a few minutes? There’s something I want to talk to you about.
That was the text message you received from Miguel when you finished loading the car with groceries. He doesn’t elaborate anything further than that which has you curious. 
You begin to think of what Miguel possibly wishes to talk to you about. The two of you get along well as roommates, having shared the same house for a good two and a half years. Miguel is an attractive man and there were times when the attraction turned into temptation of lust. It’s difficult to ignore the attraction that’s been lingering between the two of you. The side glances from a distance, the proximity of skin and heat whenever a part of each other’s body brushes against one another. Both your patience snapped one night which led to the two of you ripping each other’s clothes and locked up in his bedroom for a long night of sex. 
You didn’t think in your life you would immediately get addicted to the way Miguel fucks you. But you did. You would feel empty, alone unless he fills you up to the brim. It embarrassed you initially because you’ve always held yourself back from being intimate with anyone. And you don’t want things to get awkward between you and Miguel, consider you get along with him before the hook-up. 
After discussing with him, you and Miguel come to a mutual agreement having a beneficial relationship of being roommates who fuck each other whenever it’s convenient. In other words, an arrangement of casual sex. 
You begin to unload your things from the car into the shared apartment. The house is still empty and most likely. Miguel would still be at work even though his working hours were over not long ago. Maybe he’s running late for the time being. 
You proceed to unload the groceries in the kitchen, putting away the dry and packed foods in the cupboards and the fresh foods in the fridge. And since you have time to spare until Miguel gets back, you de-stress yourself by taking a shower. 
When you’re done and freshen up, you head downstairs and ready to settle in the living room to watch something on the TV, when you hear the front door unlock. You know that he’s back and it’s roughly the right time he usually does.
“Hey, welcome home.” 
When he enters the living room, Miguel calls your name to greet you, then walks past into the joined kitchen. You follow him into the kitchen, seeing his muscles flex under his white-sleeved shirt as he opens up the fridge door. “How was work today?” 
“It’s a pretty good day, surprisingly,” Miguel responds. He unpacks his lunch box, cleans it up, and then puts it away. The way he does it feels so domesticating to you and it warms your heart a little. 
“I got your message,” you say. “You said that there’s something that you want to talk to me about?” 
Miguel stops to look at you. The corner of his lips curves into a smirk. “Si, hermosa,” he begins. “It’s about our arrangement.” 
The tone of his voice makes you pay attention to him fully. A part of you fears that he wishes to stop being beneficial roommates, possibly he could have found someone else more to his taste. Or maybe he’s in a committed relationship. You wish what he wishes to talk to you about is because of either. Your heart drums in your chest uncomfortably. You’ve had feelings for him for months and you don’t think that you’re ready to hear the news of spending less time with him. 
“What about our arrangement?” You ask. 
“It’s nothing bad, I promise,” Miguel says. He must have sensed your nervousness. “It’s a good discussion, depending on how you see it.” The man adds with a soft chuckle. 
His words puzzle you. It doesn’t sound like it would be as bad as you thought it would be, much to your relief. You feel your shoulders relax but you barely recover from the tension the moment Miguel tells you his reason for wanting to talk to you. 
“What do you think of us having sex together for a whole week?” 
It takes you a whole minute of silence for you to process the information. “You want us to do it… for seven days straight?” You say with a disbelief tone. “Are you out of your mind, Miguel?”
The smirk on his face tells you that he is serious. You’re someone who needs rest for a day or two to recover from an intense session of sex. But Miguel is someone who can go round after round in a day. Because sex with him is usually intense and leaves you a little shakier than you could cope. You don’t know how you could survive doing it for the whole week. 
“For seven days straight,” He repeats. 
You couldn’t help but laugh contemptuously at the absurdity. “That’s not what I signed up for when we hooked up.” You say. “In what world do you think that this is a good idea? Do we even have the time to do that?” 
Well, considering that you and Miguel have worked around the past several months, you know that the two of you can figure something out. More like, Miguel would find a way. Despite it sounds like it’s a sexacation (vacation of sex) that is too good to be true, your schedule and Miguel’s don’t always align. You both work and have other commitments not related to casual sex. It’s the reason why sex is usually reserved for Friday nights and weekends when you’re both free. 
“We’ll make time, chica,” Miguel smirks. “Come on, it’ll be fun.” 
You shake your head, still in disbelief. “Not so sure about that.” 
“You don’t think I can pull it off?” He asks in confidence. 
“I think you’re insane,” you say before leaving the kitchen to go to the living room. 
Miguel calls your name and he follows you behind. “It would only be just for one week. You think that you wouldn’t enjoy having sex with me for a week?” 
You turn to face him and he is right behind you. “Fine, prove it.” 
Miguel smirks and he doesn’t hesitate for a second. He pulls you by the waist and back of your head, taking you in a passionate kiss. It’s a little rushed and confrontational. His mouth moves in a slow rhythm whilst his hands roam your body, pulling and grabbing. It takes one kiss— a taste of his lips— and your head is spinning in a whirlwind. 
You’re moved to the sofa as Miguel carries you in his arms. “I’ll go easy on you, hermosa,” Miguel whispers against your lips. He goes forward on you again and deepens the kiss for a brief moment before he pulls away again. His tongue drags you to feel his heated mouth. You try to chase after his lips as Miguel hovers above you, teasing your mouth. 
“It’s Monday today, so let’s start with something easy first.” He says. “Masturbation rhymes with Monday, hm?” Miguel nuzzles his nose against yours. “Then missionary, mating…” 
“You’re unbelievable.” You whisper against his lips. Though it doesn’t stop you from clinging onto him. Holding him by his biceps. 
“Is that a yes?” Miguel smirks. He drags his hands from your sides down to your hips, moving his hand across your lower belly down between your legs. It makes your breath hitch when his hand touches over your shorts. His fingers tracing your clothed cunt. “To our first challenge?” 
You couldn’t help but chuckle, pulling him into a needy kiss. Miguel takes this as a yes and his fingers curl onto the band of your shorts, while your hand does the same to his pants. You return the favour by groping him gently, rubbing your palm on his semi-hard bulge, and you hear Miguel groan against your lips. Both your shorts and his pants are taken off and left discarded somewhere in the room, followed by the rest of your attire of shirts, undies and briefs. 
“Dios mío, would you look at that?” Miguel says with a smirk on his face. 
“Shut up.” You mumble. You don’t need to look at yourself to know what he’s talking about—you know that you’re already wet. When Miguel glides his fingers between your folds—all aroused and slippery–you groan softly at the feeling. One of your hands goes to his cock, thumb toying with the tip of its head as you begin to jerk him off. The other begins to start stroking his girth. 
“Fuck.” Miguel nips on your neck at the area below your ear. With his fingers rubbing your cunt and you stroking his cock, you’re both in a mess. Pleasuring each other in sync. The more Miguel rubs down your clit, the more you moan and the faster you move your hand up and down his length. The neediness grows in the room and every touch feels so good. Your body responds to his touch, making your toes curl and thighs tremble. 
“Mierda, that’s it, baby. Shit.” Miguel groans. He rubs your cunt faster as you get wetter that it squelches. You try to keep up with the pace and give as much pleasure with every stroke as he touches your clit and labia. The build-up pleasure creeps him out when you clutch one of your hands on his forearms. 
It becomes too much, both of you moaning and gasping against each other’s lips. The neediness shows when you feel close to orgasm and Miguel’s cock throbbing in your hand. You feel your lips brush against his lips in a heated kiss, his hand which was playing with your cunt, is pulled away and now holding your hips. He pulls away and stares at you before grabbing his cock and rubbing it against your slit, letting you feel the tip that sends the urge of needing him inside of you. 
“Don’t move,” Miguel tells you. He holds onto your legs by your calves, opening yourself up to him a bit more. Miguel almost loses his composure when he feels you engulf him with your warm heat because of how wet you’re already from the masturbation. All wet and perfect for him, making him groan when he bottoms out, and gasp from you. 
The two of you are still for a moment before Miguel starts thrusting. His cock fills you up so nicely and it hits your G-spot and rubs your clit with every stroke. You always clench around him with each thrust and Miguel loves it, seeing you writhing and moaning because of him. You’re clutching your nails on his back as his hips move continuously. Moaning and whining his name at how deep he thrusts into you. The way Miguel raises your hips and settles your lower body on his thighs angles him to fuck deeper into you. Making your back arch in pleasure and your body writhe. 
“Fuck, fuck, nena,” Miguel moans above you. Gripping onto the sofa cushion he feels himself over to the edge of orgasm. “Doing this with you for a whole week is going to be the best thing in my life.” 
“Miguel,” you whine. His stamina is greater than yours so you’re not surprised that he can keep up thrusting into you. You tighten with each movement, the room grows hotter as both you and Miguel move in a pleasant, constant wave. 
Both your legs are propped up in the air and placed on his shoulders. Miguel angles you a little higher as he holds onto your legs by your thighs. Feeling your ass cheeks on his hips. Your body tenses and back arches when Miguel doesn’t slow down his thrusts. Grunting as he speeds up and repeatedly hits your sweet spot. “You’re going to come so much like this,” Miguel pants. 
And he’s right. Because your body twitches the moment you feel a strong wave of orgasm coursing through you. Miguel doesn’t slow down when you release and his thrusts feel urgent. Slapping himself onto you and ramming in your cunt until his cock twitches, soon spilling his come inside you with a loud moan. 
The two of you are out of breath. Miguel gently puts down your legs onto the sofa though his cock is still nestled inside you. You’re both looking at each other, still feeling the effects of the climaxes. “Same time again for tomorrow?” He asks. 
You sigh and lean back against the armrest, feeling out of breath. Even then, you still manage to make a joke regarding the situation. “Same position tomorrow?” 
“A different one every day.” Miguel chuckles. “You’ll find out soon enough.” 
He smiles and leans forward to plant a kiss on your forehead and it sends a rush of warmth to your core. It’s not meant to be a tender display of affection, but it doesn’t help that it still makes your heart skip a beat. “Now, are you hungry for dinner tonight?” 
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undercovercameron · 11 months
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summary: you have a tiny bit of an issue that can only be resolved through intercourse. no, really.
notes: hello everybody i have returned after a month and a half and this one just simply popped into my head today! i would say i have no idea why but ive been watching clips of the other zoey on tiktok and they’ve corrupted me… cabin in the woods with drew starkey? till the walls crumble. features: choking kink, explicit language, degradation, oral sex (f receiving), masturbation, and generally rough sex. enjoy my darlings
tags: rafe cameron x fem!reader
word count: 2859
You don’t know exactly when it started, but your little problem had become a real nuisance.
You just know the first time it happened, however long ago, made Rafe Cameron finally fall in love with you. Hey, it took months of him fighting with himself about you and struggling with a multitude of other family issues, but the day did finally come. It was glorious, you remember that. But this long repeated issue was kind of impeding your sex life. Well, it was affecting your sex life that actually had been affecting your sleep and caffeine and food patterns. It was a big ole circle. You even had been feeling faint due to the excessive cardio.
The issue wasn’t as much an issue as it was one of Rafe’s favorite things about you, turns out. And he wasn’t afraid to show it. Well, make you show it.
You two had dozed on the couch for a little more than an hour, your head pressed to his shoulder and your body curled around the side of his. He had an arm caging you to him, fingers splayed across the curve of your abdomen. Turns out, some documentary his younger sister recommended wasn’t as interesting as you two thought.
The TV makes a loud beeping noise, and Rafe jerks awake at the intrusion. His hand not pressed to your (now exposed) stomach rubs at his eyes, blinking rapidly. Christ. It’s late.
The fire beneath your TV crackles, and he can feel the slight warmth from it on his cheeks.
This was his Aunt Meredith’s house, and she was letting the two of you stay in it for a little while as a makeshift fall break. You’d slept three nights so far in this big wooden mansion, but you could hardly say you felt rested. You always were taking futile catch-up naps throughout the day in front of this lovely fireplace.
Rafe’s movement makes you phase into consciousness, eyes coming into focus as your ears adjust too.
“Hey, baby,” he murmurs, stretching both his hands up above his head. The hem of his shirt lifts, just a little taste. You blink at him. “What?” His face splits into a grin and his eyes close as his muscles flex and relax.
“You know what.” Your lips twitch and you look teasingly up at him.
“Mm, I don’t think I know what you mean.” His hand brushes the hair from the side of your face not facing him, and he pulls away slightly to thumb at your chin. “Could you explain?”
“No,” you sigh, pulling yourself up slightly with a hand pressed to the seat cushions. Your leg curls once again around one of his as you turn towards him. You relax against the back cushions, eyes on his face. “No.” Your eyebrows raise, challenging.
“I don’t think you want me to have to make you explain,” he mutters, sliding down to a little above your eye level. His eyes stay on yours.
“I don’t think you could if you wanted to.” Your eyes snap back to the TV, pulling your legs away from his. “I’m trying to watch this.” You grab the remote from the ottoman and turn it up. Rafe just watches you earnestly.
You're about sixty long seconds into “watching the documentary” with your feet up until you feel Rafe’s breath on you. His lips meet your forehead, ghosting a kiss to your skin, before sliding down to your temple. You try your best to remain focused. But his opposite hand from you (always his hand) slides up your waist to settle near your collarbone, fingers lightly pressing into your shoulder. His lips migrate to your jaw, and then your neck. You fight a shiver.
You feel yourself tilting your head around to satisfy this position, eyes falling closed briefly before snapping back open. You grip his wrist.
“Rafe,” you say, but what you thought was confident just sounds weak.
He hums, mouth pressing to your neck and getting into dangerous hickey territory, and your eyes just close. It feels so good, this man leaving you breathless and pliant. It makes you so weak.
“You know you want to,” Rafe murmurs, eyes moving up to your face, and he relishes in your intake of breath.
Your fingers find his jaw and cheek and you pull his mouth up to yours, finally kissing him like you need. He makes a noise into your mouth, triumphant, and his hands grip your hips tightly. He moves you, sliding you onto the long part of the L sofa, and follows you with his forehead pressed to yours and his lips so close but so far. You pant up into him.
He slides further between your legs, parting them with a hand behind your knee, and you let out a content sigh when you feel the weight of him. The weight of that.
His hand finds your throat and then he’s leaning over you, hips pressed to yours and kissing away your sounds softly. His hips rock forward into where the seam of your sweatpants is, and your moan is swallowed. You grip tight on the hand on your neck, squeezing your eyes tight. It shouldn’t feel this good, this quick.
You cant your hips up into his, sloppily matching his rhythm, and your cheeks flush when your heart beats heavily in your throat. His mouth parts from yours and slides wetly down to your upper chest, the neck of your slightly cropped sweatshirt pushed away. You just gasp above him, hips picking up. The slide of his pants is so perfect on your clit, and you feel your blood pumps at the place he squeezes you around your middle.
You recognize what he’s doing, now. His fingers press into your abdomen, pushing it up and down and up and down, and you push your hand on top of your mouth to muffle the embarrassing cries you’re letting out.
His head raises from your collarbone, lips wet and pink, and he tugs your wrist down.
“I need to hear you, baby.” And then he’s pulling back to shove your sweatpants off of you and to the floor between the couch and the ottoman. He dips back down, mouth and hand insistent upon you, and he digs a hand into the crotch of your underwear. Your hands flail for a moment, useless, and settle on gripping his shoulder and the arm that pins you to the cushions.
“Rafe,” you sputter, head pushing hard back against the cushions. Your hair is messy and probably tangled with this friction, but you don’t have even half a thought to care. “Please, Rafe, don’t stop.” Your back arches, trying to push your body tight against his. He tries not to grin above you, watching your face contort at his touch. His fingers slide in your slickness, an embarrassing amount, and your throat catches a breath. The tension in your abdomen twists.
“I thought you wanted to watch the show, sweetheart.” Two of his fingertips push past your slit easily and curl. He bites his lip above you, loving the look on your face. You squeeze your eyes even harder, fist clenching in his shirt. Your heart beats louder and louder until—
“And we’re going to practice your stamina, too.” His voice is raspy when he pulls away.
There it is. The issue. Your not-so-issue-but-sorta-an-issue issue. Yes. You had been having trouble—well, stopping. Your libido was extremely high, you had a very sexy man at your disposal who liked to please you, you were confident in your body, so why not?
Why not is because your body was sore constantly. Between your legs was the perfect amount of sore, but still sore. You had trouble sleeping and drank more coffee and energy drinks. Rafe, ever the giver, obliged you always. He liked to fuck. He really liked to fuck you. So it was a terrible, terrible cycle. You were really starting to wonder about your self control. So it makes sense that maybe you should consider working on it.
But Rafe deciding that right now? The second he finally fingers you? It makes your head spin.
Literally, as when you sit up your vision is flooded with spots.
“What the fuck?” You croak, sounding miserable, and your eyes look up at him, almost teary. (Hey— you really like what he does to you.)
“You’re fine, baby, you’re fine. I just want what’s best for you.” He pulls away from your neck, instead smoothing a hand from your sternum to your hips.
“What are you, a fucking counselor?” You grump, eyebrows furrowed, and he just rolls his eyes.
“Better start being grateful, Y/N. You know how I get.”
He settles onto his stomach, keeping your legs loose around him as he bends to kiss you. You kiss back, still annoyed but also still wildly turned on, and you can’t help but curl a hand around his neck and up into his hair. His lips part from yours and start their trek downwards.
His hands push your sweatshirt up when he gets to right above your belly button, and his touch is light on your sensitive skin. You close your eyes in the nice feeling.
His fingers curl around where your thigh meets your ass, pressing tight into the muscle, and you reflexively lift them up and settle them down onto his shoulders. Sneaky. His mouth finds your inner thighs then, biting into the flesh, and you successfully fight a shiver. His breath is hot on the crotch of your panties.
His fingers find the hem of the fabric, eyes settling briefly on yours before tugging your panties to the side and getting his mouth on you.
You immediately moan— figures. You push your head up slightly, wanting to see, and his head shakes between your legs, hair tickling your thighs as you whine. So hot it should be illegal.
One of Rafe’s hands crawls up your flesh to your chest, fingers finding the underside of your tit and cupping it. He squeezes right as his tongue curls into your seam and he shakes his head again. You nearly shriek but slap.a hand over your mouth, no punishment in your future with his hand on your tit and the other gripping your outer thigh.
Well, you were wrong for the second time tonight. First, thinking your loving boyfriend would give you an orgasm when you wanted one, and second when you assume the same very boyfriend wouldn’t do things simply to piss you off or edge you. Rafe reaches up with the hand previously on your thigh and grabs your wrist. He snags the other one and presses them tight against your lower abdomen, eyes fiery. Your blood surges hot in your veins and the tension in your abdomen resurfaces.
You just flex your legs and bring them further up, wanting your seemingly increasingly distant misery to end.
He hums in approval at that, the feeling making your pelvis vibrate; and you try desperately to suck in a breath. It feels so good, you don’t know how to last longer. Your head slowly tilts to the side, a little tired, and your glazed eyes meet the TV screen again.
Your third folly. Thinking Rafe Cameron would let you live any mistake down.
“Oh, you wanna watch it now?” He pulls away, spitting at your pussy, and an eyebrow quirks. You just still, not sure of the direction here. “Okay. Watch it.” He licks you once, twice, and pulls away slowly. You turn your head, wanting to gauge his reaction, but he pushes your head back towards the TV with his hand. You see in your peripheral him pushing down the waistband of his pants. Your eyes flinch ever so slightly towards him, and he smacks lightly at your outer thigh.
“Watch it, since you wanted to so bad.” He pulls his dick out from his underwear and spits into his hand. His gaze is locked on your pink face, waiting for you to react. He moves his hand tantalizingly slowly, knowing you can see the movement. You pant, catching your breath, and he just watches your chest heave.
His heart rate catches when he gets the full sight of you, open and wide in front of him with dirty panties and your sweatshirt rucked up to expose your bare chest. It makes him even harder.
“What are they talking about right now?” His eyes bore into the side of your face, hand moving steadily still.
“Uh-h, whales.” Your voice cracks and you swallow. He doesn’t laugh like you think he will, he just bends down and kisses the corner of your mouth.
“Doing so good.” It’s so quiet you think you miss it. He kisses you full on when you tilt up to him, neck straining at the angle.
He finally, finally pushes his weight onto you, dick pressed tight against your pelvis. You meet his mouth again and groan at the feeling, moving your body in a way you hope feels good. His jaw clenches, which is a good sign.
“You do it, you want it so bad,” he murmurs, lips hovering over your cheek bone. “Since you can’t ever have enough, baby.”
You exhale through your nose, concentrating, and push your hand down. You fumble for a second but eventually get your hips angled in a way to where he can sink into you. He does, pushing against your hips, and slides easily all the way to the hilt.
He groans openly, eyes closed for a moment, and you choke on a moan. So deep, so fast that it steals the breath from your throat.
On second thought, Rafe’s hand finds its place on your throat as the other braces against your hip.
“So wet,” he says through his apparent awe, bottom lip drooping slightly. You revel in the look on his face. He’s all pink and dewy, it makes you sweat. He pushes forward, a bruising strength in his hips, and you feel yourself be pushed up an inch on the couch.
He follows you and lowers himself slightly, keeping you in place as he jerks sloppily into you, overwhelmed by sensation. You curl your leg around his waist, fingers interwoven in his hair as he dips to kiss you. He pants into your mouth, hot and demanding. You just arch your back, feeling him squeeze hard at the flesh of your waist as you clench around him.
You do it again, loving the reaction, and bite your lip as he chokes slightly in surprise. His hips slow, the sounds of your hurried panting slowing as well, but he goes twice as hard. With the intent to bruise, you think. Probably. He would love that.
His eyebrow arches slightly before he’s burying his face in your neck and really giving you his all. You feel the muscles flex on his back where you press your hands, mouth open and wide and silent. Your eyes roll back into your head as he lets go of your neck and fixes his grasp on your hip.
“Rafe,” you gasp, barely getting a comprehensible sound out. “Yes, shit, baby.” Your man, finally treating you so well.
“Let me hear you,” he says, hot in your ear, and reaches down to rub that one spot he’s memorized the location of. He’s a little too familiar, as we know.
You inhale and exhale shakily, and then you’re silent and your head is pushing back into the cushions. Your body floods with feeling, from the tip of your toes to the top of your head. Your toes curl. You feel like you’re floating.
It’s on the come down that you moan shakily and it turns into a bashful laugh.
“Fuck,” you whine, and his thrust turns into his last as he buries himself up to the hilt and groans in a staccato. You feel him catch your shoulder slightly as he bites the cushion, muscles slowing.
“Fuck.” He desperately tries to catch his breath. He peels himself slightly from you, sitting up.
His vision comes back into focus, and it’s then that he notices the marks on your neck. He thumbs an especially red one, eyes scanning your face.
“You’re an idiot.” But you smile.
“Hey, we traded,” he says, pulling away completely from you and standing up with a stumble. He winces as he pushes his shoulder blades to meet.
“How’s that?” You ask, thinking you’re humoring him. You sit up, bringing your now cold and damp panties back to where they should lie and pulling your shirt down. You’re just realizing how cold it is in here.
“My back hurts like a bitch, and you have hickeys. Plus I didn’t let you cum so we practiced that. Boom.” He gestures wildly and lets his hands smack back down to his sides. You just stare at him.
“You are the weirdest motivational coach I’ve ever met, young man.”
“Don’t call me a young man.” He turns towards the primary bedroom you’d been sleeping in and disappears into the darkness. “I fuck like I’m 35.”
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all i ever wanted, all i ever needed (not old enough ch. 8)
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pairing: leon x reader
cw: smut, titty-fucking (lol), pregnancy, dubcon for a min bc he is half-asleep for a min, fluff
word count: 4.5k
ao3 link
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Over the next week, you watched Leon become progressively more stressed. At this rate, he’d have a full head of gray hair before he officially became a father. The DSO was not keen on the idea of him quitting. It’s not like Leon had a formal contract with them because blackmail isn’t really a matter that concerns itself with legality. “Over my dead body!” he’d say if they told him he’d continue working there, but it wouldn’t be that funny since the death threat had never been redacted per se.
He did his best to keep it away from you, but you heard his phone conversation with Hunnigan from down the hall. Before he’d even begun to raise his voice, you awoke to the sound of him pacing his office. Leon carried his worries with him, and you could hear them in every heavy step that made the hardwoods creak wearily beneath him.
“Well guess what? It’s not your fuckin’ decision to make! It’s my life, not yours.”
You couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation, only Leon’s words and his huffing breath in between his sentences.
“No fuck that!” You heard his hands slam onto the wooden desk. “If you really care about me then you’ll let me leave.”
You walked down the hall to check on him, but the door was locked, so you knocked. He flung the door open, and he looked furious for about a second until he fully registered that it was you standing in the doorway.
“Hunnigan, hold on,” he said, much quieter, as he put the phone on the table.
“Hey, baby,” he said, leaning down to hug you, “I’m sorry I woke you up. Do you want me to put you back in bed?”
“No, I just wanted to give you a hug to make you feel better.”
His expression softened and his shoulders relaxed at your words.
“Thank you, baby.” He kissed you on the forehead. “Lemme finish this call and I’ll come see you, okay? And I promise I’ll be quieter.”
You secretly listened in on his conversation for a minute, but you had to press your ear to the door to hear what he was saying because he did actually try to be much quieter. It was funny to hear him talk so professionally after the way he’d spoken to you all cutesy.
“I’m not talking about it anymore today. I’m on vacation,” Leon said before hanging up without a proper ‘goodbye’.
Leon caught you outside when he opened the door.
“Is someone spying?” he asked playfully.
“No, just passing through,” you lied.
“Mhm,” he hummed and shook his head, but your cuteness succeeded in calming him. 
“Can I help you feel better?” you asked, grabbing at the fabric of his pants.
He took your little hands into his and kissed each one before saying, “not right now, sweetheart.”
“Why not?” you pouted.
“I’m going to do a lap around the neighborhood to get some of my adrenaline out and then I’ll come back, take a shower, and spend the rest of the day with you.”
You nodded, accompanying him back to his room so he could change into athletic clothing before leaving for a jog. At least you got to watch him change. Unfortunately, he did not put on a very entertaining strip show. 
You and Leon hadn’t had sex since he’d gotten home. He was perfect in every single way, more perfect than most men would be if their girlfriend got pregnant unexpectedly - he cooked for you, went out at odd hours to pick up food to satisfy any craving you had, gave you a massage any time you mentioned an ache in your body - except for that kind of ache. You wanted to have sex with him so badly, but he was too worried about you and the baby. You kept reassuring him that as long as he was gentle, nothing bad would happen, but he wouldn’t budge. You’d offered to give him a good-morning blowjob once, but he refused to let you put your knees to the wooden floor. You offered to move to the bed, reminding him that he couldn’t hit your cervix from your throat. His dick wasn’t that big. He wouldn’t accept anything sexual from you, and the frustration was boiling over. 
Whatever. Have it your way, Leon. 
He came back a half-hour or so later and headed straight for the shower. You were more than a little bit disappointed that you weren’t invited. No sex? No shower? Bullshit.
He had to want you, right? He was by your side constantly so you knew he wasn’t getting his rocks off with some other woman, and you hadn’t caught him jerking off either. At some point, his patience and determination to protect you at all costs would have to fall to his arousal.
You devised a plan the minute you heard the shower running. Step one: make yourself look sexy. Your options were limited, so you ended up just brushing your hair and putting on some lipgloss you found in your purse. You only had so much time. Step two: get naked. That one was incredibly simple. You threw your clothes across the room, missed the hamper - whoops! - and lied back in Leon’s bed. Step three: start touching yourself. You weren’t going to make yourself come, but you needed Leon to find you like this, and see how desperate you were for his help.
Seeing Leon with a towel wrapped around his waist, emerge from the bathroom, reminded you of that one lovely afternoon while he was gone. He smiled at you on his way to the closet to get dressed, but did a double-take and quickly backtracked once he realized what he’d walked into.
“Wow,” he said, utterly speechless at the sight of you.
Leon dropped his towel on the floor, not bothering with the hamper, and approached you on the bed.
“I wanna see you,” he said, urging you to open your legs.
Since you’d gotten pregnant, it became progressively more difficult to shave your downstairs area for a multitude of reasons - you were fatigued, and it was exhausting to stand up in the shower and bend yourself into a pretzel to get the razor at the right angle. Then, you started to get a bit of a bump, and even though it was small, it still hindered your ability to bend over as well and to see past your waist. Though you knew any hair down there was completely clean, you felt insecure knowing that you were getting close to a full 70’s-style bush. 
When Leon tried to take your hands away from their resting place, you resisted.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I don’t want you to see it.”
You hadn’t thought this part through. Generally, when you imagined having sex with Leon, you were thinking about his body, more than your own. He was too damn enticing. Unfortunately, if you wanted him to touch you, you’d have to show him the goods.
“Why not?” he asked.
“I haven’t shaved.”
“Okay? And?”
“It’s ugly.”
“I can assure you that you’re wrong.”
“Fine. Then I guess you’ll just have to finish yourself off here by yourself, won’t you?”
“Leon, wait!”
He turned on his heels and smirked at you.
“It’s just - you already don’t want to fuck me because of the pregnancy and once you see me like this, you’ll probably never wanna fuck me, ever again.”
You knew you were being overdramatic, but you needed to know that he really wanted you. You needed so badly to be needed, especially when Leon was so insistent on being your caretaker.
“First of all, I absolutely want to have sex with you. I just can’t let you get hurt. Second, you clearly don’t know how much I love you, so why don’t you allow me to show you?”
You removed your hands and his smile widened when he finally got a peek. He took the initiative to spread your legs and he didn’t even bother to kiss you on the mouth before he was making his way down to your cunt. You stopped him.
“You gonna let me have a taste of you or not?” he asked, and you sensed a genuine irritation in his voice. 
“But I haven’t shaved.” 
“And I don’t mind one bit.”
Realistically, you knew that meant it - Leon was the type of man to live and die for pussy - but why not fish for a little more flattery? 
“What if you get hair in your mouth?”
“I’ll keep going, happily.”
His mouth hovered just above your clit and he said, “Because this is mine.”
You’d heard of women getting more sensitive during pregnancy, but you didn’t expect it to be anything significant. You were so wrong. Leon’s mouth felt fantastic, like he was touching brand new nerve-endings. Every flick of his tongue had you moaning out his name and tugging at his hair. The moment his lips began to suck on your clit, you came. 
You’d never finished that quickly before. Leon was surprised too, but you wouldn’t have known that because you were off somewhere in oblivion, your consciousness ascended to a higher plane of existence. If only scientists could bottle an orgasm and sell it.  
After you returned to Earth, Leon was sitting back on his knees, still gazing at you with a smile. You could see the mischief lingering in his eyes.
“What are you thinking about?” you asked.
“What if we tried something new?” he asked.
“I’m listening…”
You noticed his eyes locking in on your breasts, and you had an idea of what he wanted.
“I wish there was a less vulgar word for it, but-”
“You want to titty-fuck me?”
“Can I?”
You couldn’t resist his baby blue eyes when he peeled them away from your breasts to plead you.
“Please,” he begged.
“Okay. Tell me what I need to do.”
It only took one look at Leon’s messy hair and puffy lips to convince you to do whatever he wanted. He deserved it all. 
But, he hesitated.
“Have you done it before?” he asked.
“No, but I’ve always wanted to.”
“I assume you’ve fantasized enough to know how it works then?”
His cheeks flushed and he nodded. You couldn’t help but think he looked cute when he was all embarrassed like this, even more so when you looked down and saw precum dripping from his tip.
Leon positioned himself so that his knees were on both sides of your torso. When your little hand wrapped around his dick, it twitched and you struggled not to giggle.
“Don’t laugh at me.”
“I’m not laughing at you. I think it’s cute.”
He pressed your tits together, and admired them for a moment, practically salivating over the sight. He scrunched up his face in contemplation before leaning over to the bedside table and grabbing a bottle of lube, which he rubbed over your tits.
“All I need you to do is keep them pushed together. Can you handle that?”
You smiled and did as he asked, earning a, “good girl” from him. He leaned over you and grabbed onto the headboard while he held his dick with the other. The sight made you wet. Unfair, you thought. You couldn’t touch yourself in this position. When you watched his cock glide between your tits, you understood his fixation.
“They’re so perfect,” he said in a sultry voice, “Can’t believe how big they’ve gotten.”
You were a bit insecure initially about how much they’d grown over the course of your pregnancy, and it was frustrating to have to buy new bras. Every shirt that was even moderately low-cut looked much more provocative now, so nothing seemed appropriate to wear out and about during your day-to-day. But now, knowing how much Leon liked it, you felt a lot better about your new cup size.
You didn’t feel embarrassed about coming so fast when you saw the way Leon was already throbbing and you’d just barely started. Well, you weren’t doing much of anything; Leon was the one thrusting rather erratically between your oiled-up tits. 
He began to babble as he got closer to the edge, “makes me wanna get you pregnant again, gonna give you so many babies, ah, fuck -” 
You leaned your head down and licked the head. It was just the tip of your tongue, but it made Leon’s eyes roll back. With a spew of curses, he came in thick white ropes all over your chest, your chin, even managed to get a bit on your face. It was actually quite impressive if you looked at it from a more analytical standpoint. But mostly it was just sexy, as were most things that Leon did. 
His eyes were wide when he saw your cum-covered self before he collapsed beside you. If you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought he’d fainted by the way he let himself fall down onto the bed.
With his eyes closed, he said, “Gimme a sec to catch my breath and I’ll clean you up”.
“It seems like you enjoyed yourself.”
“I think that might’ve been the best moment of my life.”
You laughed, “Really?”
“No, I think the first time you told me you loved me was the best, but this is up there.”
“Aw. You’re corny and horny,” you teased, leaning over and kissing him on the nose.
“I think you showing me the ultrasound was one of the best too.”
“You have no idea how happy that makes me. I was so worried you’d leave me or at least be upset.”
“Besides you, I think this little one is already my favorite person, and we haven’t even met yet.”
He gave you a kiss on the belly and whispered, “daddy loves you.”
“What about me?”
“Daddy loves you, too,” he said and gave you a kiss on the forehead.
At your 16 week appointment you were able to find out the sex of the baby. This was not your first time at this office, but somehow there was always one more thing you had to sign or one more card they had to swipe, so you were up at the counter talking to the receptionist while Leon took a seat in the waiting room. 
Another woman, who was much further along than you were, was sitting next to him, trying to reach her purse that was next to her chair, but she was struggling to bend over. Leon noticed and offered to help.
“Excuse me, ma’am, I can get it, if you’d like.”
“Thank you,” she said as he handed her the bag, “I assume you’re here with someone else?”
“Yes, it’s her 16 week appointment.” Leon gestured to you with his head to indicate who you were.
“Aw, that’s awesome. Is that your daughter?”
“Well, we don’t know the gender yet. We should find out today, hopefully, but yeah, son or daughter.”
“ Oh . Okay.” The woman looked mortified, realizing her mistake, though Leon hadn’t noticed what she’d meant yet. 
“Did I say something wrong?” He asked. 
“No, I misunderstood. I didn’t realize you were the father of the baby.” 
“Who else would I be?”
“I thought you were her father.”
“ Her father? Do I look that old?”
You walked over with your completed forms and sat next to Leon, smiling politely at the woman sitting next to him. You had no idea about their interaction until Leon told you later. You assured him that he did not look old enough to be your father.  
You’d met the staff before, but Leon hadn’t yet, so when they called your name and Leon got up with you, the nurse looked confused to see such a young-looking woman with a man in his 40s, but she didn’t say anything about it. 
You were given an ultrasound, but this time Leon was the one holding your hand as you looked at the monitor. 
“Whoa, is that the baby?” you pointed at a little blob on the screen. 
“Yep,” the ultrasound tech confirmed, “That’s the little one.”
“Do we get to know the gender today?” you asked excitedly.
Leon gave your hand a gentle squeeze when he saw your happy face.
“Mm-hmm. I’ll go get the doctor and have her tell you.”
The nurse left you both alone in the room together for a moment. 
“What do you want it to be?” you asked Leon. 
“I don’t care either way as long as the baby is happy and healthy, then I’m happy.”
“That’s what everyone says.”
“I mean it. How about you? Do you have a preference?”
“No, I just want the baby to be healthy, too.”
The doctor walked in with the results in hand.
“Do either of you have any guesses?”
“I think it’s a girl,” Leon said. 
“I think it’s a boy,” you said. 
“It’s a girl,” the doctor said. 
“Told you so,” Leon said, and you didn’t bother giving him a snarky remark because you were overjoyed imagining your baby girl. You hugged him as you began to tear up.
You didn’t have a gender reveal party like all those ‘perfect’ couples on social media did, but that moment in the doctor’s office, holding Leon’s hand was just as good, if not better. Those other girls, rich, popular, with flashy rings on their fingers and a whole flock of friends and family, would never be as lucky as you. Because you had Leon. You almost pitied them. 
Coming up with baby names was harder than you’d thought it would be. You had a list when you were younger, but that had long since disappeared. They’d probably sound silly to you as an adult anyway. You chose to wait until you knew the gender of the baby in an effort to make things a bit easier, but it didn’t seem to do much for you. You were scrolling through lists of names on the internet, listing them off to Leon while he gave some in return.  
“How about Ava?” you suggested.
“Sounds like Ada,” Leon said.
“We’re not religious.”
“So, I’m guessing Grace is out of the question, too?”
“Could be a middle name.”
“We need a first name, Leon.”
“Okay. How about Lily?”
“Lily Kennedy? I don’t like the way it rhymes.”
“You’re impossible. ”
“This is an important decision. We’re choosing the name she’ll have for the rest of her life.”
“How about Candice?” 
“No, she’ll get that stupid dick joke her whole life.”
“Dick joke?” “You know, ‘can dis dick fit in your mouth’?”
Leon laughed so hard that he got teary eyed. 
“It’s not that funny!”
“Okay, fine. What about Alexa?”
Before you could reject it, you heard, “ I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get that, ” coming from the kitchen. You gave Leon a look of amusement.
“Nevermind,” he said.
“ Okay ,” the robotic female voice responded.
“I’m not talking to you!” Leon shouted at her, making you laugh. He was such an old man. 
“How about instead of yelling at her, go turn her off,” you suggested.
“Sorry, I’m not very good at turning women off. I tend to turn them on.”
“You’re so stupid.” You playfully smacked him on the arm, pretending not to laugh at his joke.
“God, this is so hard,” you groaned, leaning back into the couch.
“Hey, babe?”
“Do not say ‘you know what else is hard?’” You mocked his voice. 
“I was not going to say that,” he said, but he was a terrible liar. He got this sheepish look on his face whenever he tried.
“Yes, you were.” 
“You’re no fun,” he pouted.
“I’ll be fun if you can be helpful.”
Leon’s phone vibrated in his pocket. It was funny to watch him struggle to operate a smartphone. He’d resisted getting one until his flip phone finally gave out.
After reading the text he’d received, Leon said, “I forgot. I told Hunnigan I’d turn in Matilda.”
“Matilda! What about Matilda?”
“My gun?”
“For a name. Matilda Kennedy? It’s cute right? We could call her
Tilly or Millie or May.”
He thought for a moment.
“I can’t deny that there is something poetic about it, bringing a life into this world and getting rid of the thing that I used to kill people…”
He trailed off, feeling guilty. It was obvious to you that Leon had to kill to survive in life or death scenarios, but the fact had always remained unspoken. 
“I hate thinking about that,” he said, much quieter now. 
“Don’t think of it like that. You didn’t kill people, you killed zombies . To save actual, living people.” You took his chin in your hand and tilted his face towards yours, making him look you in the eye when you reminded him of the most important thing, “You saved yourself.”
You watched a tear drip down his cheek. When you wiped it away, he took your hand and kissed it. 
“Up until you came into my life, I was living for others - for the people I couldn’t save, for the people I might be able to save. I was living because I felt guilty. I was living out of some duty to others, not because I actually wanted to be here.”
You tried not to cry, but you failed miserably when Leon said, “Now, I’m alive because I love you, and I want to be with you.”
You probably would’ve cried regardless, but the hormonal changes of pregnancy made you ugly cry. You were wiping snot on your sleeve, knowing that the whole box of tissues would be gone in a second if you bothered to go and get them. 
Leon kissed your wet cheeks and then leaned down and kissed your belly. “Most of all, I’m excited that I get to live to meet the much cuter Matilda.”
“So that’s what we’re calling her?” You asked excitedly.
“Yeah, I think it’s perfect, since I’ll need a new sidekick to carry around now that the other Matilda is going away.”
“She’s gonna be your sidekick? What if she’s a mommy’s girl?”
“Nah, she’ll be a daddy’s girl.”
“And I wouldn’t blame her if she was, you are a good daddy.”
“Is someone trying to get daddy’s attention?” Leon looked back up at you with a grin. 
You tried to hide your puffy eyes and red nose, but he pulled your hands away from your face.
“Don’t hide your cute face from me,” he said. He captured your mouth in a kiss with his hands gently placed on your sides. He was so gentle with you, spending the rest of the day cuddling with you on the couch, watching movies and talking about little Matilda. Your little girl was already stealing Leon's attention. You were almost jealous, but you imagined him holding her and just the thought was undeniably cute. She could have all of daddy's attention tonight because you'd get Leon tomorrow. 
The next morning you woke up with Leon pressed up against your back. You could feel his cock hard against your ass. He was sleeping, though. Would it be wrong if you just touched him? You decided it was too far to reach your hands into his sweatpants, but figured he wouldn’t be mad if you just placed your hand over the fabric. He gripped your wrist and it startled you, you were horrified, thinking he was pissed at you for touching him, but he held your hand there, brought it closer.
“Leon?” you whispered, unsure if he was awake or not, but he didn’t respond. 
Your tiny wrist was engulfed by his large hand and you couldn’t get out of his grasp, so you played by his rules and touched him the way his sleepy-self wanted you to. You’d barely done anything when you heard a groan escape his lips. Was he really asleep? “Leon?” you said a bit louder now.
“Mmm, yeah, babe?” he mumbled, eyes still closed.
“Are you awake?” He nodded slightly and murmured what sounded like a ‘yes’.
“Do you want me to keep going?”
“Uh-huh,” he said, clearer, eyes fluttering open.
“Then let go of my wrist.”
He let go and allowed his arm to dangle over you lazily, but you pushed him onto his back so you could get a better angle. Maybe Leon’s brain was fuzzy, but his cock was fully alert that morning. He opened his eyes to find your lips wrapped around the tip of his dick. As usual, Leon wouldn’t let you be the caretaker, so he took charge, peeling you off him - earning a hum of disatisfaction from you - and rolling you onto your side, so that he was spooning you again. You assumed he was going to try to cuddle you back to sleep, but much to your delight, his hands found their way to your panties, snatching them from your body and tossing them across the room. You were left in nothing but one of his old t-shirts, and as one might suspect, Leon’s hands traveled up under the fabric in search of your tits - which weren’t hard to find these days. 
He moaned into the back of your neck while he played with them. It was too bad that Leon only had two hands because he had to forego one breast in order to rub your clit. That was a short lived experience because once he realized you were wet enough for him, he had his dick lined up at your entrance. 
“Please,” he mumbled, as if there was a chance in hell you’d say no.
“Please,” you echoed. 
Leon tried to be gentle, you could tell he was really trying, but god it was hard - he was hard. Which was surprising considering the impressive facial he’d given you the day before. It probably made him more aroused, now that he had an accurate picture in his mind of his cock between your tits. He’d never get over it. Leon was a good man, but he was still a man. 
Leon’s hands were groping your tits again as he fucked you from behind, meaning that you had to do yourself the favor of playing with your clit. It was a small price to pay, and in fact, it was hot to see Leon act so unabashedly selfish that morning. His composure was spent on not knocking too hard at your cervix, so he’d given up on trying to hold back any of his moans. He was usually such a talker during sex, it didn't matter whether it was praise or something naughty, he said more words during sex sometimes than he did at the dinner table. But that morning, few words slipped past his lips, only moans, angelic and lewd all at once. 
“ I love you ,” he said when he came because he was a perv and a sap. 
You’d said something closer to ‘ Oh fuck, daddy! ’, which you hoped relayed the same message. 
You made sure to tell him later, seconds before falling back asleep, “by the way, I love you, too.”
“I know, but I love you more.”
You wanted to argue, but you silently agreed to a truce when your sleepy minds decided to get an extra hour or two of shut eye. You’d gotten a full night's rest, but it was Leon’s vacation, and the DSO was going to have to snatch him out of your arms if they wanted him that badly. 
Because Leon S. Kennedy was yours. 
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