onarangel · 6 months
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Chamomile (Tripleurospermum perforatum)Bodenheim, Germany
By Vera Buhl
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torstenmolter · 1 year
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Nunnauuni #specksteinofen #speicherofen #kamin #kaminofen #schwedenofen #warm #winter #gemütlich #holzofen #wohnzimmer #mainz #wiesbaden #frankfurt #ginsheim #bodenheim #darmstadt #lieferung #montage #ofenhausmainspitze https://www.ofenhaus-mainspitze.de (hier: Ginsheim-Gustavsburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLpeoiMvK9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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evilhorse · 10 months
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In my experience, the more a warrior talks, the less stomach he has for fighting.
(X-O Manowar #11)
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
(JTA) — A public university in Switzerland is looking for its next Jewish studies professor, and one requirement on the job posting has drawn scrutiny from local Jews: all applicants to the position must be Catholic.
The opening, for a professor of Judaic studies and theology, is currently listed at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Lucerne, an hour south of Zurich.
Even though the university is public, that academic department is officially affiliated with the Catholic Church — which prohibits non-Catholic professors from teaching “doctrinal” courses such as philosophy, liturgy, scripture, Catholic theology and fundamental theology. That includes teaching about non-Christian religions such as Judaism. Non-Catholic professors may be invited as guest lecturers or visiting professors.
The Jewish studies and theology professor would be responsible for teaching and research related to Judaic studies, as well as leading the Institute for Jewish-Christian Research, according to the job posting.
Alfred Bodenheimer, who worked at the University of Lucerne from 1997 to 2003 in a Jewish teaching and research position, said the prohibition of non-Catholics hampered his career there.
“It seems to be the case that it simply doesn’t fit into our times anymore — that you say someone who teaches Jewish studies cannot be anyone else but a Catholic,” Bodenheimer, who now teaches at the University of Basel, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
“I really saw that as a Jewish person at this university, I would always be something like a subaltern, with no chance to have more possibilities, influence and so on,” he added. “I became aware of the fact that this whole situation was very asymmetric, that I as a Jew would always be not on the same stage as my Catholic boss.”
Like Lucerne, the University of Basel is a public university. But its theology department is Protestant, rather than affiliated with the Catholic Church. In total, Switzerland has 12 public universities, at least two of which have Catholic Church-affiliated theology departments.
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Medieval Bodenheim Castle in Euskirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
German vintage postcard, mailed in 1915 to Marseille, France
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classicartverso · 1 year
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Ryan Bondenheim - X-O Manowar
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poesiablog60 · 4 months
La poesia è l’impertinente tentativo
di dipingere il colore del vento
Maxwell Bodenheim
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gravalicious · 1 year
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“La invasión in Santiago, July 2005. Avenida Trocha is packed from sidewalk to sidewalk, and the throng of participants goes on for blocks.”
Source: Rebecca M. Bodenheimer - Geographies of cubanidad: place, race, and musical performance in contemporary Cuba (2015: 113)
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canyouhearthelight · 2 years
The Miys Ch. 211
Hey everyone, Canyouhearthelight was away from her computer all day and I, her beta reader, Baelpenrose, had to send it to her via submission so she could post it via mobile. ENJOY MIYS!
“All Council, please convene via video from a secure location within thirty minutes for emergency session.” Charly’s voice broke the quiet murmuring in my office as we sorted out housing assignments. “Repeat, all Council, please convene via video from a secure location within thirty minutes for emergency session.”
I arched an eyebrow and looked at Hannah and Alistair.  Over my assistant’s shoulder, Tyche and Parvati rushed into the room. “Anyone have an idea what this is about?”
“Nope,” Tyche confirmed, dropping into a seat with enough grace to make a cat look clunky. “But I figured we might as well join from here instead of messaging you from across the corridor.”
“Fair,” I conceded. “Nuh uh uh.” Alistair was standing and mid-stride to leave. “Sit your butt down. You’re still my assistant, so you’ll hear this anyway. Better that you hear it now than wait while literally everyone you have what passes for fondness of is in this meeting.”
He scowled at the breach in protocol, but retook his seat nonetheless. To quell his urge to rule-abide, he made final notations on the file we had been working from before sending copies to each of us and closing out.
“This can’t be good,” Hannah suddenly blurted out. We all stared at her, but kept silent. “Charly is the last person to call an emergency session over something she can handle, and that covers…. A lot.”
“By a loose definition of ‘she can handle’, but true,” Parvati agreed.
“And to not go through Huynh for this…”
Tyche snorted. “Can’t blame her for not going through her boss. He’s competent as hell, but nothing is an emergency to that man.” She glanced off toward the ceiling thoughtfully. “Though… Charly would have still checked with Sophia or Xio.”
“Or with Noah, and had them point it out to one of us,” I added before checking the timer. “Five minutes, everyone ready?”
“Water,” Alistair muttered before standing again and waving over his shoulder for us to go ahead and connect.
Swallowing hard, I nodded and signalled to join the secure channel. “Councillor Sophia Reid, Engagement and Resources, online from my office. With me are Administrator Tyche Reid, Mentees Parvati Fletcher and Hannah Bodenheim, and Assistant to Council Alistair Worthington.”
“Assistant Worthington is not cleared to be on the call,” Eino’s voice responded.  As snotty as the comment was, his tone was far from reproachful and much closer to sounding worried.
“He can stay,” Charly asserted. “Information to be shared is need to know, and for him to support Councillor and Administrator Reid, he will need to know.”
“Your show,” Eino conceded, relieved. “Knowing Worthington, he will be taking notes furiously throughout the meeting, am I correct?”
I nodded for Alistair to answer for himself as he distributed glasses of water. “Preposterous notion. Of course I will be.”
“Might I request that Administrator Worthington’s notes be distributed afterward as supplementary material? As much as I know we all do our best to cross check ourselves, I will never refuse documentation taken by an Archivist.”
“That’s a good idea,” Charly added, her tone weary but slightly frantic. “Is that okay with you, Alistair?”
His indignation at Eino’s request immediately softened when Charly added her support. “Of course, Miss Harper. I would be glad to.”
“Hate to break up old home week, but Councilor Giang Huynh, Engineering, online from my office. Took me a while to get here.”
Quickly, the rest of the Council confirmed their attendance and waited on pins and needles for Charly to drop her bomb.  After a couple minutes of silence, Eino prompted gently. “Miss Harper, the floor is yours.”
“Crap. Yes, thank you,” she blurted out before taking an audibly deep breath. “For some background: as we are all well aware, Teeth is on the Ark as something of a liaison to the pirate fleet.  One of those conditions is that they are not prevented from contacting or being contact by Queen Ix’al, Captain Brol, or the So-k’nor known as Xale.”
Xiomara’s voice seemed to steady her. “Teeth was on one such signal with Xale today, everything was normal, chatting about school and how strange human customs are, apparently. Anyway. At the end of the call, Xale was asked to pass along a secure message from Queen Ix’al to the Human Council. I can confirm that Teeth has not opened the message, because it is still encrypted.  However, the request included that we listen to it, and I quote, ‘as soon as possible, and sooner than polite’.”
“I believe I have the encryption key, Miss Harper.” Pranav’s voice was patient but excited. “You may upload the message to the channel.”
Once she confirmed the upload, Grey had a question. “How are we certain we have the key?”
So that Pranav could focus on the decryption, Xiomara fielded that one. “After Miss Harper’s negotiations with the S’crirs, Queen Ix’al agreed that anything urgent to us would be sent directly and encrypted using an Eko-mari key. Kind of thumbing our noses at our escorts, while also not placing the responsibility of such information on a fifteen year old.”
“Done,” Pranav announced before anyone could ask anything else. “Clear to play?”
“Clear to play,” Charly sighed.
“Terran Council,” came the alto voice that the translation software used for Ix’al. “In our recent maneuvers to remain out of range of the Galactic escorts, we intercepted a transmission that has been deemed valuable and essential for both your colony and our fleet.” Not even a meek pretension that they hadn’t been spying on the Eko-mari. Good. “The flightless demons of idiocy have formally requested that the Galactic Council assign them to quarantine patrol around the planet that is to be designated Von.”
They WHAT?
“The logic being leveraged is the number of pirate attacks in the sector, especially those focused on refugee species in general and humans specifically.”
I could hear Xiomara groan softly. “What did you do, Ix’al?”
“To clarify, the number of both attacks in general and attacks specific total one. They are using our breach of the Ark hull as leverage, for which both myself and Brol extend sincerest apologies.”
No shit, lady-squid.
“We are in agreement that we should have endeavored harder to succeed in removing all humans from the Ark, though we do extend our deepest apologies to Miys and Yjq for the damage the vessel sustained.  Had we been successful in our attempt, your species and our child would not be facing permanent isolation on a marginally habitable planet.”
“Fortunately, there is recourse, as both myself and Brol are certain the human Xiomara Kalloe is no doubt researching at this moment.” An inelegant but inspired grunt told us that said Council had been caught red handed. “We have appended the relevant case law to this file, but shall summarize here:  Refugee species are not deemed capable of raising a case on their own behalf.  However, one can be raised, should said species be represented by another species who is a member of the Galactic Community and also in good standing.”
“Obviously, neither the S’crirs nor any of our member fleet can do this.”
Had to give Ix’al credit, she paused for a moment to allow time for the inevitable “why?” to be squawked by no less than seven people.
“Not only are Gluxnigoglangug rather unjustly considered to be criminals across the Galactic Community as a whole, the Shalt-kri’i are specifically an enemy species to the Eko-mari.  As such, any petition by Brol’s people will be discarded out of appendage under the assumption that it is being filed simply to spite the odious idiots.”
I scratched my scalp rather aggressively at that one, pretty sure the legality was nil but that it also didn’t change the fact.
“That’s bullshit,” Hannah swore softly as Iz’al’s message continued.
“As much as I know that my heart-daughter’s heart-sister would petition on your behalf, if only to keep Teeth safe and free, precedent also precludes Deathworlders from filing petition on behalf of each other. A very unfortunate yet pervasive belief that culturally bellicose and suicidal species will take over the Galaxy if not held in check by their milder peers.”
“We request, out of concern if nothing else, that you respond to us within thirty of your days with what action you prefer to take against the Eko-mari request.  Our aim is to support your species as best we can.”
As the message ended, Parvati shook her wrist painfully, a dead giveaway that Xiomara had been furiously venting to her via message. By stark contrast, Xio’s voice was even and calm when she spoke. “Pranav, I received the case law you sent, thank you.  Evania is already looking for loopholes.”
Even though she was voice only, I could hear Charly rubbing her face. “Not the kind of urgent message I wanted today… So, the pirates can’t speak up for us. Can Noah?”
Trust Charly to shut a room up with two words. I blinked hard and glanced around my office.  Everyone in the room was equally unsure, either shrugging or blinking.  My imagination extended that scene to the faces of everyone on the call as the silence stretched on.
Finally, she asked the mushroom themself. “Noah. If we want to file a petition not to have the Eko-mari run quarantine patrol around Von, could you file it on our behalf?”
“I would quite willingly do so,” they responded, their voice sounding through Charly’s channel. “However, I am not permitted. As your escorts for such a length of time, I am assumed to be non-objective.  Even if this were not the case, Hujylsogox are self-recused from such situations in perpetuity in order to maintain our neutrality and continue relocation and rescue efforts when necessary.”
Arthur’s voice laughed ruefully into the call. “You guys are Deathworlders anyway, aren’t you? No atmosphere on your homeworld and all that?”
“While technically correct, this is overlooked due to the same requirement. My species is permitted to provide legal testimony, we are simply not allowed to file the petition.”
A familiar whistle rang out. “Wowwwww…. The racism is real.”
Charly wasn’t giving up that easily, however. “What about the floaty sneezy thing that sounds like angels.” I heard her snapping loudly before she shouted. “ODVUB!  Sophia, what about Odvub?  Aren’t they a seriously good standing member of the GeeCee, for something close to forever?”
Hesitantly, I responded. “They function as the GeeCee network AI and fact checker, yes.  I would consider that to be in good standing, and pretty damned impartial.”
“Great! Noah, are they allowed to file petition?”
The pause that followed was longer than felt necessary from a hive-mind that basically functioned as a computer itself. “There is no precedent either way.”
“From what I’ve been able to find, most tend to forget Odvub is a species, not a computer,” I pointed out.
“But there’s a record somewhere! Soooo… doesn’t hurt to ask, right?”
In a dazed tone, Eino called the vote. Unsurprisingly, the response was unanimously in favor - apparently all of my peers were of the same mindset as I was:
Why the hell not?
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torstenmolter · 2 years
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#pelletofen #ecoforest #monaco mit verspiegelter #scheibe https://www.ofenhaus-mainspitze.de #mainz #wiesbaden #frankfurt #darmstadt #berlin #badkreuznach #ingelheim #oppenheim #bodenheim #alzey #rüsselsheim #grossgerau #wallau #nordenstadt #hofheim #laubenheim #stromberg #eltville #dexheim #ofenhausmainspitze https://www.ofenhaus-mainspitze.de (hier: Ginsheim-Gustavsburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8LWtUMjXr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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abramsbooks · 2 years
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RECIPE: Irish Goodbye (from Cure: New Orleans Drinks and How to Mix 'Em by Neal Bodenheimer and Emily Timberlake)
Matt Lofink describes this as a dry, not-too-sweet, “very crushable” whiskey sour. Fennel and peach is an unexpected but delicious flavor pairing that works amazingly well with the spice notes of the whiskey.
¾ ounce (22.5 ml) fresh lemon juice
1 medium egg white
1. ounces (45 ml) Tullamore D.E.W. Irish whiskey
¼ ounce (7.5 ml) Giffard crème de pêche liqueur
¼ ounce (7.5 ml) Fennel Syrup (recipe follows)
4 mint leaves
10 drops Peychaud’s bitters, for garnish
Mint sprig, for garnish
Combine the lemon juice and egg white in a shaker tin without ice and dry-shake for 30 seconds. Add the whiskey, pêche liqueur, fennel syrup, and mint leaves to the shaker tin, fill the shaker with ice, and shake until chilled. Double-strain into a double old-fashioned glass filled with ice. Dot the bitters on the surface of the drink, then use a toothpick or cocktail straw to swirl the bitters in an attractive pattern. Garnish with the mint sprig and serve.
RECIPE: Fennel Syrup
Makes about 2 cups (480 ml)
2 tablespoons fennel seeds
2 cups (480 ml) hot (190 to 200°F/88 to 93°C) water
2 cups (400 g) white sugar
In a small skillet over medium heat, toast the fennel seeds until fragrant, 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer to a bowl, add the water, and infuse until the water is cool. Add the sugar, stir until dissolved, then fine-strain and store in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks.
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From the foremost figure on the New Orleans' drinking scene and the owner of renowned bar Cure, a cocktail book that celebrates the vibrant city
New Orleans is known for its spirit(s)-driven festivities. Neal Bodenheimer and coauthor Emily Timberlake tell the city’s story through 100 cocktails, each chosen to represent New Orleans’ past, present, and future. A love letter to New Orleans and the cast of characters that have had a hand in making the city so singular, Cure: New Orleans Drinks and How to Mix 'Em features interviews with local figures such as Ian Neville, musician and New Orleans funk royalty, plus a few tips on how to survive your first Mardi Gras. Along the way, the reader is taken on a journey that highlights the rich history and complexity of the city and the drinks it inspired, as well as the techniques and practices that Cure has perfected in their mission to build forward rather than just looking back. Of course, this includes the classics every self-respecting drinker should know, especially if you’re a New Orleanian: the Sazerac, Julep, Vieux Carré, Ramos Gin Fizz, Cocktail à la Louisiane, and French 75. Famous local chefs have contributed easy recipes for snacks with local flavor, perfect for pairing with these libations. Cure: New Orleans Drinks and How to Mix 'Em is a beautiful keepsake for anyone who has fallen under New Orleans’s spell and a must-have souvenir for the millions of people who visit the city each year.
For more information, click here.
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abwwia · 1 year
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What a treasure! - with a special dedication to @dinahvaginaart
Women Painters of the World, from the time of Caterina Vigri, 1413–1463, to Rosa Bonheur and the present day, assembled and edited by #WalterShawSparrow, lists an overview of prominent #womenpainters up to 1905, the year of publication.
How is this NOT ?! a compulsory book at the each and every #artcourse?! #artherstory
Here's the list of the painters (this will keep me busy for some time :)
Louise Abbéma
Madame Abran (Marthe Abran, 1866-1908)
Georges Achille-Fould
Helen Allingham
Anna Alma-Tadema
Laura Theresa Alma-Tadema
Sophie Gengembre Anderson
Helen Cordelia Angell
Sofonisba Anguissola
Christine Angus
Berthe Art
Gerardina Jacoba van de Sande Bakhuyzen
Antonia de Bañuelos
Rose Maynard Barton
Marie Bashkirtseff
Jeanna Bauck
Amalie Bauerlë
Mary Beale
Lady Diana Beauclerk
Cecilia Beaux
Ana Bešlić
Marie-Guillemine Benoist
Marie Bilders-van Bosse
Lily Blatherwick
Tina Blau
Nelly Bodenheim
Kossa Bokchan
Rosa Bonheur
Mlle. Bouillier
Madame Bovi[2]
Olga Boznanska
Louise Breslau
Elena Brockmann
Jennie Augusta Brownscombe
Anne Frances Byrne
Katharine Cameron
Margaret Cameron (Mary Margaret Cameron)
Marie Gabrielle Capet
Margaret Sarah Carpenter
Madeleine Carpentier
Rosalba Carriera
Mary Cassatt
Marie Cazin
Francine Charderon
Marian Emma Chase
Zoé-Laure de Chatillon
Jeanne-Elisabeth Chaudet
Lilian Cheviot
Mlle. Claudie
Christabel Cockerell
Marie Amélie Cogniet
Uranie Alphonsine Colin-Libour
Jacqueline Comerre-Paton
Cornelia Conant
Delphine Arnould de Cool-Fortin
Diana Coomans
Maria Cosway
Amelia Curran
Louise Danse
Héléna Arsène Darmesteter
Maria Davids
Césarine Davin-Mirvault
Evelyn De Morgan
Jane Mary Dealy
Virginie Demont-Breton
Marie Destrée-Danse
Margaret Isabel Dicksee
Agnese Dolci
Angèle Dubos
Victoria Dubourg
Clémentine-Hélène Dufau
Mary Elizabeth Duffield-Rosenberg
Maud Earl
Marie Ellenrieder
Alix-Louise Enault
Alice Maud Fanner
Catherine Maria Fanshawe
Jeanne Fichel
Walter Shaw Sparrow
United Kingdom
English language
Art history
Hodder & Stoughton, Frederick A. Stokes
Publication date
The purpose of the book was to prove wrong the statement that "the achievements of women painters have been second-rate."[1] The book includes well over 300 images of paintings by over 200 painters, most of whom were born in the 19th century and won medals at various international exhibitions. The book is a useful reference work for anyone studying women's art of the late 19th century
Louise Abbéma
Madame Abran (Marthe Abran, 1866-1908)
Georges Achille-Fould
Helen Allingham
Anna Alma-Tadema
Laura Theresa Alma-Tadema
Sophie Gengembre Anderson
Helen Cordelia Angell
Sofonisba Anguissola
Christine Angus
Berthe Art
Gerardina Jacoba van de Sande Bakhuyzen
Antonia de Bañuelos
Rose Maynard Barton
Marie Bashkirtseff
Jeanna Bauck
Amalie Bauerlë
Mary Beale
Lady Diana Beauclerk
Cecilia Beaux
Ana Bešlić
Marie-Guillemine Benoist
Marie Bilders-van Bosse
Lily Blatherwick
Tina Blau
Nelly Bodenheim
Kossa Bokchan
Rosa Bonheur
Mlle. Bouillier
Madame Bovi[2]
Olga Boznanska
Louise Breslau
Elena Brockmann
Jennie Augusta Brownscombe
Anne Frances Byrne
Katharine Cameron
Margaret Cameron (Mary Margaret Cameron)
Marie Gabrielle Capet
Margaret Sarah Carpenter
Madeleine Carpentier
Rosalba Carriera
Mary Cassatt
Marie Cazin
Francine Charderon
Marian Emma Chase
Zoé-Laure de Chatillon
Jeanne-Elisabeth Chaudet
Lilian Cheviot
Mlle. Claudie
Christabel Cockerell
Marie Amélie Cogniet
Uranie Alphonsine Colin-Libour
Jacqueline Comerre-Paton
Cornelia Conant
Delphine Arnould de Cool-Fortin
Diana Coomans
Maria Cosway
Amelia Curran
Louise Danse
Héléna Arsène Darmesteter
Maria Davids
Césarine Davin-Mirvault
Evelyn De Morgan
Jane Mary Dealy
Virginie Demont-Breton
Marie Destrée-Danse
Margaret Isabel Dicksee
Agnese Dolci
Angèle Dubos
Victoria Dubourg
Clémentine-Hélène Dufau
Mary Elizabeth Duffield-Rosenberg
Maud Earl
Marie Ellenrieder
Alix-Louise Enault
Alice Maud Fanner
Catherine Maria Fanshawe
Jeanne Fichel
Rosalie Filleul
Fanny Fleury
Julia Bracewell Folkard
Lavinia Fontana
Elizabeth Adela Forbes
Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale
Consuélo Fould
Empress Frederick of Germany
Elizabeth Jane Gardner
Artemisia Gentileschi[3]
Diana Ghisi
Ketty Gilsoul-Hoppe
Marie-Éléonore Godefroid
Eva Gonzalès
Maude Goodman
Mary L. Gow
Kate Greenaway
Rosina Mantovani Gutti
Gertrude Demain Hammond
Emily Hart
Hortense Haudebourt-Lescot
Alice Havers
Ivy Heitland
Catharina van Hemessen
Matilda Heming
Mrs. John Herford
Emma Herland
E. Baily Hilda
Dora Hitz
A. M. Hobson
Adrienne van Hogendorp-s' Jacob
Lady Holroyd
Amelia Hotham
M. J. A. Houdon
Joséphine Houssaye
Barbara Elisabeth van Houten
Sina Mesdag van Houten
Julia Beatrice How
Mary Young Hunter
Helen Hyde
Katarina Ivanović
Infanta María de la Paz of Spain
Olga Jančić
Blanche Jenkins
Marie Jensen
Olga Jevrić
Louisa Jopling
Ljubinka Jovanović
Mina Karadžić
Angelica Kauffman
Irena Kazazić
Lucy E. Kemp-Welch
Jessie M. King
Elisa Koch
Käthe Kollwitz
Adélaïde Labille-Guiard
Ethel Larcombe
Hermine Laucota
Madame Le Roy
Louise-Émilie Leleux-Giraud
Judith Leyster
Barbara Longhi
Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll
Marie Seymour Lucas
Marie Lucas Robiquet
Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy
Ann Macbeth
Biddie Macdonald
Jessie Macgregor
Violet Manners, Duchess of Rutland
E. Marcotte
Ana Marinković
Madeline Marrable
Edith Martineau
Caroline de Maupeou
Constance Mayer
Anne Mee
Margaret Meen
Maria S. Merian
Anna Lea Merritt
Georgette Meunier
Eulalie Morin
Berthe Morisot
Mary Moser
Marie Nicolas
Beatrice Offor
Adeline Oppenheim Guimard
Blanche Paymal-Amouroux
Marie Petiet
Nadežda Petrović
Zora Petrović
Constance Phillott
Maria Katharina Prestel
Henrietta Rae
Suor Barbara Ragnoni
Catharine Read
Marie Magdeleine Real del Sarte
Flora Macdonald Reid
Maria G. Silva Reis
Mrs. J. Robertson
Suze Robertson
Ottilie Roederstein
Juana Romani
Adèle Romany
Jeanne Rongier
Henriëtte Ronner-Knip
Baroness Lambert de Rothschild
Sophie Rude
Rachel Ruysch
Eugénie Salanson
Adelaïde Salles-Wagner
Amy Sawyer
Helene Schjerfbeck
Félicie Schneider
Anna Maria Schurman
Thérèse Schwartze
Doña Stuart Sindici
Elisabetta Sirani
Sienese Nun Sister A
Sienese Nun Sister B
Minnie Smythe
Élisabeth Sonrel
Lavinia, Countess Spencer
M. E. Edwards Staples
Louisa Starr
Marianne Stokes
Elizabeth Strong
Mary Ann Rankin (Mrs. J. M. Swan)
Annie Louise Swynnerton
E. De Tavernier
Elizabeth Upton, Baroness Templetown
Ellen Thesleff
Elizabeth Thompson
Maria Tibaldi m. Subleyras
Frédérique Vallet-Bisson
Caroline de Valory
Mlle. de Vanteuil[4]
Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun
Caterina Vigri
Vukosava Velimirović
Ana Vidjen
Draginja Vlasic
Beta Vukanović
Louisa Lady Waterford
Hermine Waternau
Caroline Watson
Cecilia Wentworth
E. Wesmael
Florence White
Maria Wiik
Julie Wolfthorn
Juliette Wytsman
Annie Marie Youngman
Jenny Zillhardt.
#womensart #artbywomen #palianshow #womeninarts #greatfemaleartist
#greatfemalepainters #herstory #forgottenartists #mustread
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evilhorse · 10 months
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(X-O Manowar #12)
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euroadventure · 1 month
Rottach-Egern - Bodenheim - Doha (Qatar)
Maandag 12 augustus - woensdag 14 augustus
Yeeuuhhh ik ben jarig vandaag! 🥳 Het vierde opeenvolgende jaar dat ik het ergens in het buitenland vier. Puur toeval overigens, niet expres gepland. Tja, dat heb je als je in de zomer jarig bent 😁.
Ik begin de dag lekker relaxed. Heel leuk om alle lieve verjaardagsfelicitaties te lezen onder het genot van een lekker bakkie. Dank jullie wel!
De camperplaats was ook echt top! Voelt ook relaxed en de mensen waren ook erg aardig.
Vandaag wordt een 'rij-dagje' richting Bodenheim, waar ik ook op de eerste avond stond. Het is een fijne plek en vlakbij het vliegveld van Frankfurt waarvandaan ik morgen vertrek richting Kazachstan. De rit duurt ongeveer 5 uur. Maar ik heb bewust gekozen om te vliegen vanaf Frankfurt in plaats van München. Het voordeel is dat ik straks wanneer ik terugkom nog maar slechts 5 à 6 uur terug naar huis hoef te rijden. Dat is ook wel lekker!
Het is rond de 35 graden, erg warm wanneer ik vertrek. Ik heb gelukkig airco in de auto dus dan hou ik het prima vol. Met een koffiestop halverwege en nog een korte stop in Würzburg vermaak ik mij vandaag prima.
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Würzburg ligt op de route en leek mij nog wel leuk. Helaas valt me dat erg tegen.
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Paar oude gebouwen en een mooie brug dat is het dan ook wel.
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Na een uur heb ik het dan ook wel gezien en rij ik weer verder. Uiteindelijk ben ik rond half zeven weer in Bodenheim.
Ik zet mijn campertje op een schaduwplek, draai mijn luifel uit, pak mijn stoel, eet een prima salade en geniet van de rust.
Ik lees weer eens een magazine en begin in mijn boek wat al 2 weken klaarligt om gelezen te worden. Heerlijk!
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De volgende dag kan ik in de ochtend nog de laatste dingen gereed maken voor mijn reis naar Kazachstan. De rugzakken zijn gepakt en ik vertrek rond 13 uur richting het vliegveld.
Ik heb het parkeren afgekocht. Mijn campertje wordt bij de terminal opgehaald en geparkeerd en straks bij aankomst weer teruggebracht. Fijn!
Om 17.15 moet mijn vlucht vertrekken, maar doordat het vliegtuig al met vertraging arriveert vertrekken we volgens de mededelingen een half uur later. Hmmm...als dat maar goed komt want ik heb maar een uur en kwartier overstaptijd.
Helaas voordat we echt vertrekken zijn we twee uur verder. Pas 19.15 uut vliegen we weg. Dit komt onder meer doordat er nog een passagier uit het vliegtuig wilt omdat die zich niet goed voelt...🙈.
Uiteindelijk kom ik pas om 2 uur aan in Doha, Qatar. Mijn andere vlucht is natuurlijk al lang vertrokken.
Het duurt uren voordat geregeld is dat ik, inmiddels is het woensdag de 14e, weet dat ik vanavond weer mee kan op een vlucht, dat er een hotel is geregeld en dat er een taxi klaarstaat. Eenmaal buiten het vliegveld overvalt de hitte mij behoorlijk. In no time ben ik zeiknat door een soort natte deken die hier over de stad hangt. Heel anders dan bij ons!
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Inmiddels heb ik ook begrepen dat een aantal dames, die ook meegaan op deze reis naar Kazachstan en vanaf Amsterdam zijn gevlogen, ook zijn gestrand in Doha. Helaas zitten zij 7 kilometer verderop in een hotel, dus maak ik pas morgenavond met hun kennis.
Ik lig om half zes lokale tijd (een uur later) in mijn bed. Tot 11 uur kan ik redelijk slapen, maar de airco, die ik absoluut nodig heb, maakt wel enorm veel lawaai.
Mijn kamer is luxe, lijkt wel een suite! Na een heerlijke douche ga ik naar de ontbijtzaal, of inmiddels het lunchbuffet 😂.
Ook dat ziet er top uit. Alles is wel netjes geregeld en iedereen is super vriendelijk en behulpzaam.
Als ik vraag of ik nog in de paar uurtjes die ik heb voor ik weer vertrek naar het vliegveld iets kan gaan doen in Doha, krijg ik het advies om naar een shoppingmall te gaan ivm de airco. Hmmm...daar heb ik niet veel zin in, dus ik blijf maar in het hotel.
Ik denk er nog even aan om heel stoer naar het tegenover het hotel gelegen park te wandelen, maar dat wordt niks. Te heet! 🥵 in de weersapp staat 41 graden, maar gevoelstemperatuur 53 graden!! Bizar.
Rond 16 uur vertrek ik weer richting het vliegveld, ruim op tijd. Dat is trouwens allemaal keurig geregeld 😃.
Het vliegveld an sich is al een hele ervaring van bonte kleuren, neon licht, luxe goederen en veel mensen. Ik vermaak mij hier nog wel even.
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Iets later, bij de gate, kom ik de anderen tegen die ook naar Kazachstan gaan. We maken even kennis met elkaar.
Ik ben erg benieuwd hoe Kazachstan zal zijn en heb er zin in om dit land de komende weken te gaan ontdekken! Ik heb niet vaak internet dus mijn berichten zullen met enige vertraging verschijnen.
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wausaupilot · 5 months
Wausau area obituaries April 19, 2024
Obituaries are a community service courtesy of Helke and Brainard Funeral Homes. James A. Bodenheimer James Bodenheimer January 1, 1955 – April 12, 2024 James Aron Bodenheimer, age 69, of Wausau, WI, escaped the impending doom of America, on Friday, April 12, 2024, leaving behind a half bottle of E & J brandy, his 12 string guitar, 86 Fiat Bertone, and a small bag of weed from 1973. James is…
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wir-in-rheinhessen · 8 months
Schwerer Unfall auf der B9 bei Bodenheim
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