#bobo melonham
thedmofarcanelore · 4 years
Names... (a second post)
So, as I look through my outline so far and my various notes I see a lot of [???] and [name this later] ...
As I said before I have a lot of trouble naming things.
A lot of this is because there is a dissonance between how I want the name to sound, and the feeling I want it to evoke. It's either hitting one or the other- very rarely does it hit both.
That's the main reason I can't effectively use name generators or roll on random tables for these things. Sure you get a few (in some cases very few) names that sound great... but theres no *fire* behind them.
Hopefully in writing a campaign, at some point, I'll sort this dissonance out and at long last come up with names that epic tales are sung about. Until then, long live Bobo Melonham.
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thedmofarcanelore · 4 years
An elf by any other name:
Names. Lord help me... names...
I have absolutely never been good at creating names for things as far back as I can remember... and I feel like this is problematic, especially now that I have embarked on this whole "writing a campaign" thing.
For comparison where others may say: "Before you stands the a high elf. He bows gracefully and introduces himself. 'I am Gaialus Laroneth of the kingdom Malronia' ..."
I feel like I would stutter out: "So behind the counter is a portly, smiling dwarf. ...his..his name? ...why it is ... Bobo... Melon... ham. Yup! Bobo Melonham the dwarf."
...and of course Bobo Melonham would be THE npc people latch on to and I'd have to face that shameful name until the campaign ends.
I really, truly need to sort out how to be creative with names.
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