#bobi wine news now
laresearchette · 11 months
Friday, November 10, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
2023 FIFA MEN'S U17 WORLD CUP (TSN/TSN4) 6:48am: Spain vs. Canada
GRAND SLAM OF CURLING (SN) 11:00am: National - Draw 14 (SN) 3:00pm: National - Draw 15 (SN) 7:00pm: National - Draw 16
NHL HOCKEY (SNWest/TSN4) 7:00pm: Flames vs. Leafs (SN1) 7:00pm: Wild vs. Sabres (SN) 10:00pm: Sharks vs. Knights
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN/TSN3/TSN5) 7:30pm: Nets vs. Celtics (SN Now) 8:30pm: Clippers vs. Stars (TSN/TSN3/TSN5) 10:00pm: Lakers vs. Suns
AMPLIFY (APTN) 7:30pm: Anishinaabe electro-pop artist Wolf Saga draws inspiration for his music from a painting his grandmother bought, which connects him to his culture. This episode features Richard Gracious, Janis Monture, Elder Mary Lou Smoke and Betty Albert.
THE FATHER (CTV2) 8:00pm: A man refuses assistance from his daughter as he ages. As he tries to make sense of his changing circumstances, he begins to doubt his loved ones, his own mind and the fabric of his reality.
7TH GEN (APTN) 8:00pm: Matthew Monias - Mattmac: Many people know Matthew Monias by his stage name, Mattmac. Discover how this Oji-Cree blind recording artist from Garden Hill First Nation is taking the world by storm with his music and blazing a trail with his advocacy work.
PLANET WONDER (CBC) 8:30pm: How the language used about climate change affects the motivation to do something about it.
A DASH OF CHRISTMAS (CTV Life) 8:00pm: To apply for her dream job at a foodie startup, an executive must learn to bake. When she recruits a handsome baker to help her, she inadvertently ends up in a Christmas Bakeoff.
FRIDAY NIGHT THUNDER (APTN) 8:30pm: The inaugural NASCAR Pinty's race finally arrives at Ohsweken Speedway and Aaron Turkey proves to be a hometown hero in the historic event. Meanwhile, Joshua Hill hustles to get his car back on the track after getting into a wreck the night before.
THE FIFTH ESTATE (CBC) 9:00pm: The Girls Around Robert G. Miller: In partnership with Radio-Canada's investigative program, "Enquête," "The Fifth Estate" examines troubling claims that a Canadian billionaire had a long history of paying teenagers for sex.
TRANSPLANT (CTV) 9:00pm: Bash reconnects with the man who got him to Canada.
BEAT BOBBY FLAY: HOLIDAY THROWDOWN (Food Network Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Katie Lee Biegel cracks the wishbone with Turkey Day classics and makes this holiday reunion a surprise family affair. Chefs Darnell Ferguson, Bryan Voltaggio and Michael Voltaggio attempt to squash Bobby Flay with a new turkey tradition.
CATWOMAN: HUNTED (Cartoon Network Canada) 9:00pm: Catwoman attempts to steal a priceless jewel.
VIOLENT NIGHT (Crave) 9:00pm: An elite team of mercenaries breaks into a family compound on Christmas Eve, taking everyone hostage inside. However, they aren't prepared for a surprise combatant: Santa Claus is on the grounds, and he's about to show why this Nick is no saint.
W5 (CTV) 10:00pm: The Mystery Bomber: "W5" investigates the identity of a would-be bank robber who exploded in a dramatic heist.
CRIME BEAT (Global) 10:00pm: Nothing is What it Seems: Part 1: A man walking his dog comes upon a neighbor's garage engulfed in flames; when the smoke clears, a woman is found dead with drug paraphernalia nearby; nothing is what it seems, and police are left combing through a web of lies to find the killer.
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mubahood360 · 4 years
EBIFAANANYI! Bobi Wine alaze ssente ku mazaalibwa ge, Kabiite we Barbie awuunze olw'omukwano gw'abantu ne bannadiini
EBIFAANANYI! Bobi Wine alaze ssente ku mazaalibwa ge, Kabiite we Barbie awuunze olw’omukwano gw’abantu ne bannadiini
Bya Nakaayi Rashidah Olunnaku olwaleero, Pulezidenti w’ekibiina ki NUP Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu (Bobi Wine) ajjaguza okuweza emyaka 39 ku mukolo ogubadde mu makaage e Magere mu Tawuni Kanso y’e Wakiso.Okusaba kukulembeddwamu Fr. Jude Makanga okuva mu kigo ky’e Gayaza. SK OMUZINNYI
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dispatchesfrom2020 · 4 years
What stories was I sleeping on?
So, what stories did I definitely miss before this project? Well, Atlantic Hurricanes and the Belarussian protests, for sure. Here are some of the other news I skipped out on during the year - or my recaps.
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Ben Curtis/AP
1. Locusts Swarm 
An unusually wet 2019 led to swampy conditions across the Horn of Africa and western Asia - giving rise to a nearly biblical swarm of locusts. There are photographs where they literally seem to black-out the sun. The culprit? Climate change. The warming waters of the Indian ocean led to stormier weather - essentially more and bigger cyclones. It’s the worst outbreak of the crop-devouring pests in a quarter-century and it threatens food security across the region. The pandemic grinds international trade to a stop - obstructing many countries efforts to buy pesticides, equipment or bring in expert help to curb the infestation. Throughout the year, these swarms ballooned in size, stretching deep into Asia and across the Pacific ocean to Argentina and Brazil. An estimated 20 million people could face hunger and starvation and the UN’s World Food Program estimates that recovery could cost upwards of $9b USD in Africa alone.
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Tyler Hicks/The New York Times
2. The Tigray War
For three decades the Tigray people held the balance of political and economic power in the country, tightly controlled through the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF), a Tigray nationalist party. In 2018 the Ethiopian election People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, led by Oromo Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali, won control of the country’s government.
Animosities boiled over when the Tigray province persisted with the 2020 election, despite government orders to postpone voting until 2021 due to the coronavirus. Prime Minister Abiy cut off funding to Tigray, incising local leadership. In November 2020, youth militias affiliated with the TPLF killed six hundred villagers in the border town of Mai Kadra - and allegedly attacked Ethiopian military bases. 
The government responded by shelling the Tigray capital of Mekelle. Ethiopia’s armed forces quickly took control of the city and surrounding towns, with the militias retreating into the mountains where skirmishes have continued. 
With Tigrayan people facing violent retaliation - they have faced furloughs from jobs, had bank accounts suspended, faced arbitrary raids on their homes, and been refused permission to board airplanes or travel overseas. Many have faced direct violence, especially from non-Tigray militias.
The conflict has seen incursions from Eritrean forces. Abiy was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for his work mending the relationship with Ethiopia’s former colony-turned-neighbour. They share a common enemy now - Tigray. Eritrean forces slaughtered church-goers at a religious festival in early December, killing children and elders indiscriminately. These shadow forces of Fano militias and Eritrean soldiers have committed war crimes - including extrajudicial killings and rape. They even looted the church that allegedly houses the Ark of the Covenant.
The Tigrayan refugees have only one option: Sudan. One journalist writes: “Several [Tigrayan refugees] told me that they saw dozens of bodies along the route as they fled their shops, homes and farms and took to the long road to the border... in stifling heat.”
The New York Times series on Tigray was helpful in understanding more about the conflict and its historical and ethnic contexts. But I have to say - I feel unclear about what comes next. Will guerilla warfare between the Tigray militias and Eritrean-Ethiopian forces continue? Will the country face international consequences for their move towards genocide? I guess 2021 will decide.
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A SolarWinds banner hangs outside the New York Stock Exchange on the company’s IPO day in 2018 - Brendan McDermid/Reuters
3. The SolarWinds hack
I chose to write about icebergs rather than this story for a reason. I wholly do NOT understand cyber security. Like, at all. My eyes glaze over when somebody tries to explain Wikileaks to me. I tried. I really did - I read like three articles trying to parse the details and make sense of anything and here’s what I got:
Hackers - almost certainly Russian - got into the US government secure networks. For a lot of departments. For months. It’s really, really bad. The government has a pretty blasé response to the disaster. Trump blames China. Agencies are turning directly to Microsoft for answers rather than their own cyber security people. It’s a blazing hot mess.
I’m going to continue to not understand this one, sorry.
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Juan Carlos Ulate/Reuters
4. Civil Rights in 2020
The expansion of civil rights in Central/South America, with the legalization of abortion in Argentina in December and the introduction of gay marriage in Costa Rica in May, gave us something to celebrate in 2020. These new rights are the result of years - and decades - of organizing by activists in these two countries. 
Costa Rica is the sixth Latin-American country to legalize gay marriage. Argentina joins a short list of places in Latin America where abortion is fully legal - just Cuba, Guyana, Uruguay, and two Mexican states.
Some couples rushed to wed on the stroke of midnight - magistrates stayed up late into the night to marry couples. Marcos Castillo (L) and Rodrigo Campos (R) waited until the following morning - and celebrated with a masked kiss after their ceremony. 
Other notable moments in civil rights? New Zealand officially revoked their antiquated anti-abortion laws (which they’d been effectively ignoring for years anyway), Bhutan decriminalized homosexuality, Switzerland passed legislation that will allow people to change the gender on their government IDs, and Croatia struck down laws forbidding gay couples from fostering children. Albania banned gay conversion therapy - as did the Yukon, actually - and Barbados made discrimination on the basis of sexuality illegal.
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Nicky Kuautonga/The Guardian
5. Oceania crushed the pandemic
Virtually all of the countries reported to be COVID-free during 2020 were Oceanic nations and island territories. Turkmenistan says they didn’t have any cases but they’re lyin’. -Tuvalu Kiribati, Nauru, Tonga, and Palau all ended the year with no cases, while Samoa and the Solomon Islands reported a few isolated cases in quarantine facilities as they re-opened the border to repatriate their citizens abroad. 
Some combination of strict travel restrictions, new hygiene rules, curfews, and early lockdowns kept most of these countries relatively untouched. While New Zealand and Australia experienced several flare-ups throughout the year, their targeted lockdowns helped eradicate community spread quickly each time, returning them to schools, workplaces and boozy brunches quickly.
Honourable mentions to Vietnam and Thailand - with 100 million and 70 million citizens apiece both have charted under 100 deaths to COVID - and Taiwan with only nine casualties.
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Gulalay Amiri, a pomegranate farmer, surveys his slim haul. Fighting as worsened in many parts of Afghanistan after the United States announced they would withdraw from the country in 2021 - Jim Huylebroek for The New York Times
6. War in Afghanistan
In March the United States signed a peace-deal with the Taliban, promising to withdraw troops by May of 2021. The War in Afghanistan has lasted 19 years - the longest war in American history and the majority of my lifetime.
I don’t know how to feel about it.
During peace talks the Taliban refused to commit to recognizing the country’s elected government, disavowing Al-Qaeda or protecting women’s rights. They support limited education for girls - only up to the sixth grade.
I listened to a few podcasts by the Daily on the ground in Afghanistan with the current government’s security forces. Many of the young soldiers they interviewed were so young they’d never lived in a country governed by the Taliban - and they fiercely oppose the idea. It also appears that the Afghan government were often excluded from peace talks, finding out details of the American meetings with the Taliban through international news reports and Taliban statements on social media. 
Since the Taliban’s deal with the United States, Taliban bombings and attacks have continued, targeting both security forces and civilians. The Afghan government has pointed the finger at the Taliban for mass shooting at a maternity ward in Kabul that killed 24 women and infants. “They came for the mothers”, said horrified eyewitnesses.
For almost two decades, the western world has supported the ‘new’ Afghanistan - but it feels very fragile. Will a withdrawal lead those people that assisted coalition forces vulnerable to retaliation? It feels likely. The fighting between the Taliban and the Afghan government has been fierce - and come with high civilian casualties. The year is punctuated, nearly monthly, with news of new attacks in Afghanistan.
It reminds me of the end of the Vietnam war. America withdrew and two years later the south was retaken by the North. In the final days of the Vietnam war the United States evacuated around 150,000 civilians who had worked with American on the ground. Nearly a million others left the country by boat, seeking asylum at refugee camps in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese people who had collaborated with the US-backed South were sent to re-education camps where they were sometimes tortured or starved. Is this what Afghanistan will look like? 
There’s no 'good’ solution - and for now the future of the war in Afgahnistan feels very opaque. I think I under-reported stories in the region as a result - it feels too complex to boil down into daily recaps.
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Bobi Wine, 38, was detained by police for allegedly breaking COVID-19 restrictions while campaigning in Uganda’s upcoming presidential election - Abubaker Lubowa/Reuters
8. Ugandan election protests
Western media doesn’t seem to place a lot of importance on reporting in Africa - but what little attention they had for the continent focused on the anti-SARS protests in Nigeria throughout the fall. The attention on police violence in America raised the profile of these demonstrations - and the brutality of the government’s response, shooting at dozens of peaceful marchers gathered at the Lekki toll bridge.
But they were far from the only protests in Africa.
As Uganda prepared for an election early in 2021, the government forcefully cracked down on youthful dissidents - like presidential hopefuls Bobi Wine and Patrick Amuriat who were detained by police during the final campaign pushes in November. 
Wine, a young musician, has been arrested numerous times since he announced his candidacy. One occasion police beat Wine so badly he temporarily lost his vision - they also killed his driver. They raided his offices, confiscating election materials, and arrested supporters. His bodyguard will later be killed after being struck by a military truck while helping an injured reporter escape tear-gas during December protests.
Police record 56 casualties as they violently put down the large-scale protests - though human rights group have suggested the real number could be dramatically higher. 
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Ariana Quesada holds a photo of her father, Benito. He died after an outbreak at the Cargill meat-packing plant where he worked. She filed a complaint with the RCMP, asking them to investigate conditions at the plant - Justin Pennell/CBC
9. Meat packing plants become coronavirus hotspots
Meat processing plants become super-spreaders - these often rurally-located factories see massive outbreaks across the United States and Canada. Their floors are crowded with employees working elbow-to-elbow, forced to shout over the loud din of machinery. The refrigeration - necessary for keeping the meat unspoiled - may allow the virus to live longer in the air.
By September of 2020, nearly 500 meat-processing plants had reported at least one case of COVID in the United States. And 203 had died. 
At a Tyson Foods factory in Waterloo, Iowa, staff allege that management placed bets on how many workers would become sick - and die. Supervisors began avoiding the floor, relegating their responsibilities to untrained workers. 
The plant reluctantly closed - by the time they re-opened two weeks later over a third of their 2,800 workforce had tested positive. Five workers died - including Isidro Fernandez, whose family is leading a lawsuit against the company.
In Canada, Cargill faces a similar lawsuit after an enormous outbreak in their High River facility that resulted in three deaths - two employees and one staffer’s 71-year-old father. They were: Hiep Bui, Armando Sallegue, and Benito Quesada. The company offered a $500 “responsibility” bonus for workers who didn’t miss any shifts - and discouraged employees from reporting any flu-like symptoms. Many of the factory’s workers are temporary foreign workers or new Canadians. 
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10. The Nazca Lines
I forgot about this and am shoehorning it in now, but Peruvian archaeologists discovered another ancient line drawing in the desert outside of Lima - this time in the shape of a kitty cat.
Of all the archaeology finds this year - remains at Pompeii, a mammoth graveyard in Mexico, and a wealth of sarcophagi in Egypt - this is my favourite.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Trump Threatens to Send Federal Law Enforcement Forces to More Cities (NYT) President Trump plans to deploy federal law enforcement to Chicago and threatened on Monday to send agents to other major cities—all controlled by Democrats. Governors and other officials reacted angrily to the president’s move, calling it an election-year ploy as they squared off over crime, civil liberties and local control that has spread from Portland, Ore., across the country. With camouflage-clad agents already sweeping through the streets of Portland, more units were poised to head to Chicago, and Mr. Trump suggested that he would follow suit in New York, Philadelphia, Detroit and other urban centers. Governors and other officials compared his actions to authoritarianism and vowed to pursue legislation or lawsuits to stop him. “I’m going to do something—that, I can tell you,” Mr. Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. “Because we’re not going to let New York and Chicago and Philadelphia and Detroit and Baltimore and all of these—Oakland is a mess. We’re not going to let this happen in our country. All run by liberal Democrats.”
Chicago restaurateur joins mission to feed America’s hungry (AP) Before coronavirus arrived, Manish Mallick’s trips to this city’s South Side had been limited to attending graduate classes at the University of Chicago. Now Mallick is a South Side regular—and a popular one. He regularly arrives bearing food for the hungry from his Indian restaurant several miles to the north, in the city’s downtown. “Thank you, sugar, for the meals. They’re so delicious!” one woman recently shouted to Mallick outside a South Side YWCA. “God bless you!” she added, raising her arms for emphasis. Mallick has personally delivered thousands of meals cooked and packed by his staff—among them, chickpea curry and tandoori chicken with roasted cottage cheese, sweet corn, peas and rice. Volunteers from neighborhood organizations then take them to children, retirees and the multitudes who’ve been laid off or sick during the pandemic. “We all need to help each other,” Mallick says. “That’s the best way to get through a crisis.”
American tourists are banned from the Bahamas as coronavirus cases spike (Washington Post) One of the few countries to welcome U.S. tourists has changed its mind, citing soaring infection numbers. The Bahamas will close its borders to most visitors from the United States starting Wednesday, Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said Sunday. While commercial flights from Canada, Britain and the European Union will still be allowed to land, all visitors must show proof that they tested negative for the coronavirus at an accredited lab in the past 10 days. Other international flights will be banned.
More and more countries are making masks mandatory (Washington Post) As countries around the world reopen their economies amid ongoing novel coronavirus outbreaks, governments are increasingly embracing what remains in some places a divisive public health measure: mandatory masks. In France, face coverings will be required in all public enclosed spaces as of Monday. England is set to begin enforcing new rules that make masks mandatory inside supermarkets and other shops, effective Friday. In the U.S., there is no national mask requirement. But at the state level, a growing number of mask requirements have come into force.
EU agrees on $2.1 trillion deal after marathon summit (AP) After four days and nights of wrangling, exhausted European Union leaders finally clinched a deal on an unprecedented 1.8 trillion-euro ($2.1 trillion) budget and coronavirus recovery fund early Tuesday, after one of their longest summits ever. The 27 leaders grudgingly committed to a costly, massive aid package for those hit hardest by COVID-19, which has already killed 135,000 people within the bloc alone. “Extraordinary events, and this is the pandemic that has reached us all, also require extraordinary new methods,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said. To confront the biggest recession in its history, the EU will establish a 750 billion-euro coronavirus fund, partly based on common borrowing, to be sent as loans and grants to the hardest-hit countries. That is in addition to the agreement on the seven-year, 1 trillion-euro EU budget that leaders had been haggling over for months even before the pandemic. “The consequences will be historic,” French President Emmanuel Macron said. “We have created a possibility of taking up loans together, of setting up a recovery fund in the spirit of solidarity,” a sense of sharing debt that would have been unthinkable not so long ago.
Breached levees trap thousands as flooding in China worsens (AP) Breached levees have trapped more than 10,000 people in an eastern Chinese town as flooding worsens across much of the country, local authorities said Tuesday. High waters overcame flood defenses protecting Guzhen, a town in Anhui province, on Sunday, the provincial government said on its official microblog. Flood waters rose as high as 3 meters (10 feet), the official Xinhua News Agency quoted Wang Qingjun, Guzhen’s Communist Party secretary, as saying. About 1,500 firefighters were rushed to carry out rescues in the province, where weeks of heavy rains have disrupted the lives of more than 3 million people, Xinhua said.
Britain suspends extradition treaty with Hong Kong (NYT) Britain on Monday suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong amid worries about a new national security law that Beijing imposed on the former British colony. The suspension comes as London and Beijing find themselves at increasing odds over a variety of issues, including Britain’s move to bar Chinese tech giant Huawei from its 5G wireless networks and growing public anger in Britain over the treatment of the Uighur minority in Xinjiang, an autonomous territory in China.
Japan helps 87 companies to ‘exit China’ after pandemic exposed overreliance (Washington Post) Japan is paying 87 companies to shift production back home or into Southeast Asia after the novel coronavirus pandemic disrupted supply chains and exposed an overreliance on Chinese manufacturing. Alarm bells started ringing in Japanese boardrooms as soon as the virus emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan, a major hub of the auto parts industry. Japanese automaker Nissan was forced to temporarily halt production at a plant in Japan in February over shortages of parts from China, while a Japanese consumer goods company, Iris Ohyama, found itself unable to meet surging local demand for masks after supplies to its factory in China were disrupted and export controls out of China were tightened. In March, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the government wanted to bring production back home and diversify into Southeast Asia. The following month, the government set aside $2.2 billion in its coronavirus economic recovery package to subsidize that process. China is Japan’s largest trading partner, but Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has been trying for several years to reduce the country’s dependence on its giant neighbor. The 2008 global financial crisis, the 2011 northeastern Japan earthquake and the coronavirus pandemic all disrupted supply chains, while U.S.-China trade tensions are also a factor.
Jordan to reopen airports to tourists in August (AP) The Jordanian government says it will begin reopening airports to international travelers in August after sealing its borders in March to help halt the spread of the coronavirus. Travelers from a list of approved, low-risk countries must pass a coronavirus test at least 72 hours before departure and will get a second test upon arrival in Jordan, Transportation Minister Khaled Saif says. Jordan will require incoming tourists to download Aman, the government’s contact-tracing mobile application, for the duration of their stay in the country.
Swapping the stage for a deli: Israel underemployment rises (AP) A year ago, Cijay Brightman was doing sound and lighting for a Madonna performance in Israel. Now, after the coronavirus wiped out live events, he’s making sandwiches, slicing cheese and serving customers at a Tel Aviv deli. Brightman spent the last 15 years perfecting his craft and doing what he loves as a stage technician. But in the wake of the pandemic, he has been forced to abandon his passion and profession—like thousands of others in Israel—and find any job that will pay the bills. Underemployment is plaguing workers around the world. Although there are no global statistics yet, the phenomenon is expected to grow as the economic crisis around the world deepens, said economist Roger Gomis of the International Labor Organization.
King Salman hospitalized (Foreign Policy) Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz has been admitted to hospital with gallbladder problems, state media reported on Monday. The 84-year-old monarch is the second aging Gulf leader to seek medical attention recently, after 91-year-old Kuwaiti ruler Emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah underwent surgery on Sunday for an as yet unnamed ailment.
Uganda’s Museveni seeks re-election to extend rule to four decades (Reuters) Uganda’s long-serving President Yoweri Museveni has collected papers to seek nomination as the ruling party’s candidate in next year’s presidential election, the party said on Tuesday. Securing a new term would potentially extend the 75-year-old former rebel fighter’s rule to four decades. Though no date has yet been fixed for the 2021 vote, it is typically held in February. The strongest opposition presidential aspirant is pop star and lawmaker Bobi Wine, 38, whose music endears him to the young. In power since 1986, Museveni’s tenure is only surpassed in Africa by Equatorial Guinea’s Teodoro Obiang, who has ruled since 1979 and Cameroon’s Paul Biya, who has ruled since 1982.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Hollywood Reporter, November 20
Cover: Spotify’s Daniel Ek and Dawn Ostroff unveil a plan to harness Hollywood talent and exclusive podcasts to become the world’s #1 audio platform 
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Page 10: Contents 
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Page 14: Contents 
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Page 21: The Report -- Star Wars Uncertainty Extends to Disney’s Lucasfilm Leader Too 
Page 22: What the End of the Paramount Decrees Actually Means 
Page 24: Taylor Swift vs. Scooter Braun and the Imminent Rerecording War 
Page 26: More Joker -- Warners’ 1B Reasons to Say Yes
Page 28: Box Office, Broadcast TV, Cable TV, Billboard Hot 100, Billboard 200, Closer Look -- Apple TV + Audience So Far 
Page 30: Awards Season -- Best Picture -- Joker, The Good Liar, Ford v Ferrari, Best Original Screenplay -- Lena Waithe for Queen & Slim, Best Actress -- Jessie Buckley in Wild Rose, Best Supporting Actress -- Margot Robbie in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Zhao Shuzhen in The Farewell 
Page 32: 7 Days of Deals -- It’s Showtime for A24-produced Features on Television, $500M Price Is Right for Sony’s GSN Takeover, Rights Available -- The Districts by Johnny Dwyer, Revelation by Bobi Gentry Goodwin, Film -- Nicolas Cage, Spike Lee, Mark Wahlberg and Tom Holland, Sam Worthington and Russell Crowe, Michael De Luca 
Page 33: Television -- Sarah Michelle Gellar, Vanessa Bayer, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Nick Cannon, Clive Owen, Jenni Konner and Sarah Treem, Digital -- Joe and Anthony Russo, Riley Keough, Bill Murray and Alyssa Milano, Eddie Murphy, Gary Oldman, Real Estate -- Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Rep Sheet -- Mia Maestro, Valerie Weiss, Drake Doremus, Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins, Victoria Mahoney, Julia Fox, Next Big Thing -- Jonah Hauer-King 
Page 37: About Town -- Cenk Uygur: ‘I’m Going to Maul Them’ 
Page 38: R.I.P. Retail Therapy: A Fond Farewell to Barneys, Mike Nichols and Sidney Lumet and Roman Polanski: Three New Reads on Larger-Than-Life Moviemaking
Page 40: Yes, I Did Say That! Taylor Swift, John Stankey, Elizabeth Banks, Byron Allen, Julia Wolov on Louis C.K., Gayle King, Alex Zhu, Jeff Probst, Flashback -- Courteney Cox in 2014 
Page 42: HFPA and THR’s Golden Globes Ambassador Party -- Kaitlyn Dever and Olivia Wilde and Beanie Feldstein, Daniel Kaluuya and Emilia Clarke, Jacob Tremblay and Rob Gronkowski, Kate Beckinsale and Jamie Foxx and Tyrese Gibson, Adam Scott, Will Ferrell and Paul Rudd and Robert Pattinson, Greta Gerwig and Amy Pascal, Ali Wong and Chrissy Metz, Florence Pugh and Joe Keery and Ginnifer Goodwin and Jameela Jamil, Natasha Lyonne and Jill Soloway and Shakina Nayfack, Dylan Brosnan and Pierce Brosnan and Lorenzo Soria and Paris Brosnan, Justin Hartley and Bonnie Arnold, Sam Taylor-Johnson and husband Aaron 
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Page 43: The Big Bash Gala -- Megan Colligan and son Lukas Roybal, Nina Jacobson, Mike Shumard, Susan Moseley and Priscilla Valldejuli and Sherry Lansing and Laura Lizer, Mike Daly, Michael Green and Rob Steinman and Dan Gardenswartz 
Page 44: Rambling Reporter -- Finding Jack’s directors originally wanted Elvis Presley to bring back from the dead but had to settle for James Dean, Noah Baumbach’s agent Jeremy Barber has cameos in three of his films including Marriage Story, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington finally won the top prize at the 1939 Cannes Film Festival, Idris Elba is now shilling for Ford but he used to work on their assembly line, Power Dining -- Dana Walden, Jeremy Zimmer, T Bone Burnett, Billy Porter, Halm Saban, JoJo Siwa, Bruce Willis, Olivia Munn, Michael Ovitz, Ben Stein, Bob Simonds, Roy Price, John Branca, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez, Common, Laura Dern 
Page 46: Hitched, Hatched, Hired 
Page 50: The Business -- Lisa Katz and Tracey Pakosta 
Page 52: Law & Policy -- The Streaming Wars’ Wild West: Programmers vs. Distributors 
Page 54: The Race -- Are Films About Slavery Good for African Americans? 
Page 56: Behind the Screen -- Finding the Revs and Roars of Ford v Ferrari 
Page 62: Style -- Wine for Everyone on Your List 
Page 64: Send Me the Same Stuff the Guys Get -- Don’t buy into antiquated stereotypes and assume women want wine as gifts
Page 66: Cover Story -- Spotify the Storyteller 
Page 72: Producers Roundtable -- Debra Martin Chase, Peter Chernin, Charlize Theron, Dan Lin, Emma Tillinger Koskoff and David Heyman 
Page 80: Awards Season Playbook -- Directing -- James Mangold of Ford v Ferrari, Taika Waititi of Jojo Rabbit, Destin Daniel Cretton of Just Mercy, Noah Baumbach of Marriage Story, Quentin Tarantino of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Bong Joon Ho of Parasite, Melina Matsoukas of Queen & Slim, Dexter Fletcher of Rocketman, Robert Eggers of The Lighthouse, Benny and Josh Safdie of Uncut Gems, Trey Edward Shults of Waves 
Page 82: Writing -- These screenplays might seem fantastical but the exploration of how a dad’s love (or lack of it) shapes a man couldn’t be more real 
Page 84: The making of A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood 
Page 88: Critic’s Notebook -- The “Plus TV” Era Is Upon Us 
Page 89: Social Climbers -- Actors -- Lili Reinhart, Tom Felton, Scripted TV -- Stranger Things, TV Personalities -- Jimmy Fallon 
Page 90: Backlot -- Hollywood’s Top 25 Marketing Masterminds 
Page 94: How Singapore Is Shaping Asia’s Digital Future 
Page 96: 90 Years of THR -- 1982 -- Tom Hanks Got His Start in Splatter and D&D Flicks
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Bobi Wine was rearrested at the airport on Friday after judges said he could leave the country for medical treatment. 
Witnesses describe him being thrown into the back of a police ambulance. Police justified this on the basis that Wine accused them and the army of torturing him while in custody. 
Following protests he’s now been released again with a promise that he can travel to the US for treatment. 
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laresearchette · 10 months
Sunday, November 12, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT?: LAWMEN: BASS REEVES (CBS Feed) CANDACE PARKER: UNAPOLOGETIC (Premiering on November 16 on TSN5 at 8:00pm) AMERICAN MONSTER (TBD - Investigation Discovery) GOOD COP, BAD COP (TBD - Investigation Discovery)
2023 FIFA MEN'S U17 WORLD CUP (TSN3) 3:48am: Venezuela vs. New Zealand (TSN5) 3:48am: France vs. Burkina Faso (TSN3) 6:48am: Mexico vs. Germany (TSN5) 6:48am: Korea vs. U.S.
BILLIE JEAN KING CUP (SN1) 9:00am: FINAL: Canada vs. Italy
GRAND SLAM OF CURLING (SN) 10:00am: National - Men’s Final (SN) 2:30pm: National - Women’s Final
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN4) 9:30am: Colts vs. Patriots (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 1:00pm: 49ers vs. Jaguars (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 4:00pm: Lions vs. Chargers (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 8:20pm: Jets vs. Raiders
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HEARTLAND (CBC) 7:00pm: Lou's forced to face the reason for her insomnia; Amy works with a new client who has a surprising connection to Katie; Jack wins over a prickly dude ranch guest….A GUEST HORSIE!
THE GREAT CANADIAN BAKING SHOW (CBC) 8:00pm: The four remaining bakers get fancy for Patisserie Week and the last chance to make it to the finale.
THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND: DRILLING DOWN (History Canada) 8:00pm: Matty Blake returns to Oak Island and gets an insider's look at the incredible challenges and triumphs the fellowship of the dig have experienced this year in their quest to finally solve the old Oak Island mystery.
BIG LIES IN A SMALL TOWN (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm: Young mother Rachel frantically searches for her teen daughter, Hannah, after their car crashes outside a small town; people die mysteriously in Rachel's wake as she gets closer to finding out that the local doctor kidnapped her daughter.
ETERNAL SPRING (documentary) 8:00pm: Members of an outlawed spiritual group hack China's state TV to expose brutal repression; celebrated comic book artist Daxiong tells the story of resilient activists fighting for religious freedom.
CRIMES GONE VIRAL (Investigation Discovery) 8:00pm/8:30pm (SEASON PREMIERE): A defiant victim refuses to give up even when a thief runs him over; an unarmed security guard saves the day when a gunman storms in; brave homeowners tackle flames after an unprovoked car arson; a crossing guard risks her own life to save a child. In Episode Two, a quick-thinking employee outsmarts armed thieves; a mother jumps into action when her son gets snatched off the street; someone attacks a woman in her own driveway; a burglar literally gets stuck, with comedic results.
SKYMED (CBC) 9:00pm: A sick patient hits close to home, leaving Crystal reeling; Hayley struggles to face the consequences of her actions when Wheezer discovers her secret.
BOBI WINE: THE PEOPLE'S PRESIDENT (Nat Geo Canada) 9:00pm: Ugandan opposition leader, activist and musical star Bobi Wine uses his music to fight the regime led by Yoweri Museveni, who's led the country for 35 years, and runs in the 2021 presidential election.
THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND (History Canada) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): As Rick and Marty Lagina and their team relaunch their quest to solve the Oak Island mystery, they make a number of the most historic discoveries ever unearthed in North America.
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mubahood360 · 4 years
A little too late? Police unveils Covid-19 isolation/ treatment centre 
The Directorate of Police Health Services has unveiled a Covid-19 isolation and treatment centre at Nsambya Barracks.  The centre was unveiled on Thursday at a function presided over by the Chief of Joint Staff AIGP Jack Bakasumba and AIGP Dr. Moses Byaruhanga, the Director Medical Services. According to Dr Byaruhanga, the facility will cater for the police personnel and their immediate families…
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Bobi Wine has been charged with treason as soon as allegations of firearm possession were dropped.
The military deny torturing him. Wine was unable to stand by himself in court and his lawyers say he requires urgent medical attention. BBC journalists in the article describe him as ‘visibly in pain’. 
The man was healthy before arrest and now he can’t stand. What on earth does it take for a torture allegation to be seen as credible? 
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williamchasterson · 4 years
Uganda's Yoweri Museveni overcomes Bobi Wine challenge - for now
Uganda’s Yoweri Museveni overcomes Bobi Wine challenge – for now
President Yoweri Museveni sees off another challenger despite the expectation surrounding Bobi Wine. from BBC News – World https://ift.tt/3c2qy0j via IFTTT
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yhwhrulz · 4 years
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Uganda says president wins sixth term as vote-rigging alleged
KAMPALA, Uganda – Uganda’s electoral commission said Saturday that President Yoweri Museveni won a sixth five-year term, extending his rule to four decades, while top opposition challenger Bobi Wine dismissed “cooked-up, fraudulent results” and officials struggled to explain how polling results were compiled amid an internet blackout.
In a generational clash watched across the African continent with a booming young population and a host of aging leaders, the 38-year-old singer-turned-lawmaker Wine posed arguably Museveni’s greatest challenge yet. The self-described “ghetto president” had strong support in urban centers where frustration with unemployment and corruption is high. He has claimed victory.
In a phone interview from his home, which he said was surrounded by soldiers who wouldn’t let him leave, Wine urged the international community to “please call Gen. Museveni to order” by withholding aid, imposing sanctions and using Magnitsky legislation to hold alleged human rights users accountable.
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Supporters of Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni celebrate in Kampala, Uganda, Saturday Jan. 16, 2021, after their candidate was declared winner of the presidential elections. Uganda’s electoral commission says longtime President Yoweri Museveni has won a sixth term, while top opposition challenger Bobi Wine alleges rigging and officials struggle to explain how polling results were compiled amid an internet blackout. In a generational clash widely watched across the African continent, the young singer-turned-lawmaker Wine posed arguably the greatest challenge yet to Museveni. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
Wine repeated that all legal options are being considered, including challenging the results in court and calling for peaceful protests.
The electoral commission said Museveni received 58% of ballots and Wine 34%, and voter turnout was 52%, in a process that the top United States diplomat to Africa called “fundamentally flawed.”
The commission advised people celebrating to remember COVID-19 precautions, but reaction in the capital, Kampala, was muted. At one point, hundreds of Museveni supporters on motorcycles sped by, honking and chanting. The military remained in the streets.
AP journalists who tried to reach Wine’s home on Kampala’s outskirts were turned away by police. Wine has said he is alone with his wife, Barbie, and a single security guard after police told a private security company to withdraw its protection ahead of Thursday’s election.
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Supporter of Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni celebrate, in Kampala, Uganda, Saturday Jan. 16, 2021, after their candidate was declared winner of the presidential elections. Uganda’s electoral commission says longtime President Yoweri Museveni has won a sixth term, while top opposition challenger Bobi Wine alleges rigging and officials struggle to explain how polling results were compiled amid an internet blackout. In a generational clash widely watched across the African continent, the young singer-turned-lawmaker Wine posed arguably the greatest challenge yet to Museveni. (AP Photo/Nicholas Bamulanzeki)
“I’m alive,” Wine said. After declaring “the world is watching” on the eve of the vote, he said “I don’t know what will happen to me and my wife” now. He said he won’t leave Uganda and abandon its 45 million people to the kind of treatment he has faced.
The vote followed the East African country’s worst pre-election violence since the 76-year-old Museveni took office in 1986. Wine and other candidates were beaten or harassed, and more than 50 people were killed when security forces put down riots in November over his arrest. Wine, whose real name is Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, was detained several times while campaigning but never convicted. He said he feared for his life.
This month, Wine petitioned the International Criminal Court over alleged torture and other abuses by security forces and named several officials including Museveni.
In response to his allegations of vote-rigging, Uganda’s electoral commission said Wine should prove it. Wine says he has video evidence and will share it once internet access is restored.
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Supporters of Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni celebrate, in Kampala, Uganda, Saturday Jan. 16, 2021, after their candidate was declared winner of the presidential elections. Uganda’s electoral commission says longtime President Yoweri Museveni has won a sixth term, while top opposition challenger Bobi Wine alleges rigging and officials struggle to explain how polling results were compiled amid an internet blackout. In a generational clash widely watched across the African continent, the young singer-turned-lawmaker Wine posed arguably the greatest challenge yet to Museveni. (AP Photo/Nicholas Bamulanzeki)
Museveni said in a national address that “I think this may turn out to be the most cheating-free election since 1962,” or independence from Britain.
The electoral commission deflected questions about how countrywide voting results were transmitted during the internet blackout by saying “we designed our own system.”
“We did not receive any orders from above during this election,” commission chair Simon Byabakama told reporters, adding his team was “neither intimidated nor threatened.”
While the president holds on to power, at least nine of his Cabinet ministers, including the vice president, were voted out in parliamentary elections, many losing to candidates from Wine’s party, local media reported.
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Supporters of Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni celebrate in Kampala, Uganda, Saturday Jan. 16, 2021, after their candidate was declared winner of the presidential elections. Uganda’s electoral commission says longtime President Yoweri Museveni has won a sixth term, while top opposition challenger Bobi Wine alleges rigging and officials struggle to explain how polling results were compiled amid an internet blackout. In a generational clash widely watched across the African continent, the young singer-turned-lawmaker Wine posed arguably the greatest challenge yet to Museveni. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
Tracking the vote was further complicated by the arrests of independent monitors and the denial of accreditation to most members of the U.S. observer mission, leading the U.S. to call it off. The European Union said its offer to deploy electoral experts “was not taken up.”
“Uganda’s electoral process has been fundamentally flawed,” the top U.S. diplomat for Africa, Tibor Nagy, tweeted, warning that “the U.S. response hinges on what the Ugandan government does now.”
Museveni, once praised as part of a new generation of African leaders and a longtime U.S. security ally, still has support in Uganda for bringing stability. He once criticized African leaders who refused to step aside but has since overseen the removal of term limits and an age limit on the presidency.
He alleged repeatedly that foreign groups were trying to meddle in this election, without providing evidence. He accused Wine of being “an agent of foreign interests.” Wine denies it.
The head of the African Union observer team, Samuel Azuu Fonkam, told reporters he could not say whether the election was free and fair, noting the “limited” mission which largely focused on Kampala. Asked about Wine’s allegations of rigging, he said he could not “speak about things we did not see or observe.”
The East African Community observer team noted “disproportionate use of force in some instances” by security forces, the internet shutdown, some late-opening polling stations and isolated cases of failure in biometric kits to verify voters. But it called the vote largely peaceful and said it “demonstrated the level of maturity expected of a democracy.”
Uganda’s elections are often marred by allegations of fraud and abuses by security forces.
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profjoelblog · 4 years
Social Media Roundup: Bobi Wine, #BussItChallenge and Other Trending Stories - Technext
Social Media Roundup: Bobi Wine, #BussItChallenge and Other Trending Stories – Technext
Happy new year guys! Trust you had a great week. While you’re going about your weekend plans, take a moment to sit back and relax as we bring you the many trends that have been making the rounds across social media. Uganda Shuts Down Internet As has now become the norm, the Yoweri Museveni-led Uganda government again ordered the complete shutdown of internet in the country ahead of the general…
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rauthschild · 4 years
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Feared “Grathwohl Prophecy” Fulfilled As Trump Supporters Begin Fight For Survival
By: Sorcha Faal, 
A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today expressing dismay on the final day of campaigning in the bloodiest election in Uganda's history, says long time American Deep State supported thug President Yoweri Museveni has followed the exact playbook used by socialist Democrat Party forces to overthrow President Donald Trump—socialist tactics to include his failure to stop the mass violence in Uganda as this election neared, and his having banned all social media stories favorable to his opponent Robert Kyagulanyi (aka Bobi Wine)—and in the past few hours, has seen socialist leader Museveni ordering the Uganda military to raid the home of his political opponent Bobi Wine.
Shocking events occurring in this once free African nation whose citizens have long fought for their rights against the socialist-globalist forces arrayed against them, and had allied with them President Trump, who bitterly fought back against the lawlessness allowed in Uganda by its socialist regime—a fight, however, President Trump is no longer able to continue due to his now total removal from all social media platforms after YouTube banned him a few hours ago—a mass censorship rampage against President Trump first begun by Twitter, then quickly followed by Facebook and every other major leftist social media platform because they claimed “he might incite violence”—the stunning and outrageous hypocrisy of which is being noted the world over after Twitter had the gall to condemn Uganda yesterday for blocking social media apps and censoring the internet before this key election—a condemnation coming at the same time Twitter still leaves up a dangerous post from socialist Democrat Party leader House Speaker Nancy Pelosi falsely claiming that President Trump stole the 2016 election—a false Pelosi claim that caused mass unrest and violence, even though it was thoroughly debunked by Special Counsel Robert Mueller—thus proving that these leftist social media giants care nothing about violence and only care about political power—and as further exampled a few hours ago when Facebook reinstated the Iranian regime’s main English language news service Press TV—the same Iranian regime that weeks ago vowed to kill President Trump, and last year released its “Final Solution” poster while vowing to exterminate Israel.
Leftist social media and socialist Democrat Party hypocrisy further being displayed by Pelosi having demanded that Vice President Mike President immediately remove President Trump from power—a demand Vice President Pence refused to obey with his stating: “I do not believe that such a course of action is in the best interest of our Nation or consistent with our Constitution”—a demand refusal that caused an enraged socialist leader Pelosi to schedule an impeachment vote against President Trump for today—and in Deep State solidarity with Pelosi and her socialist forces, now sees Republican Party leader US Senator Mitch McConnell supporting this move to impeach President Trump—but in factual reality is a leftist media impeachment farce having no basis in law, as best explained by former top US Federal Judge J. Michael Luttig, who points out the truth that the US Constitution doesn’t allow ex-presidents to be impeached.
That means what the American people are actually witnessing is the reconsolidation of their Deep State, which former President Dwight Eisenhower most correctly branded as the “Military-Industrial-Complex” and warned was the greatest threat to their nation—a warning based on President Eisenhower knowing that the “Military-Industrial-Complex” actually cares nothing about the American people, their Constitution or their nation’s freedoms, as its sole purpose for existing is to generate massive war profits—a fact evidenced this past year as the American military did nothing to stop the wholesale destruction of their nation’s largest cities being destroyed by violent socialist terrorists—but today have flooded Washington D.C. with over 15,000 heavily armed combat forces to protect themselves against President Trump’s tens-of-millions of antiwar supporters—and are war weary supporters of President Trump that put him into office to stop their nation’s endless wars so that their sons, daughters, mothers and fathers wouldn’t keep coming home in body bags.
Though with a new warmonger socialist regime about to unleash them on the world again, yesterday saw the top American military leadership issuing a statement laughably saying they “support civil authorities to protect lives and property” when the facts show they did no such thing this past year—sees them comically saying “The violent riot in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021 was a direct assault on the U.S. Congress, the Capitol building, and our Constitutional process” while not even mentioning the hundreds of federal buildings attacked and federal officers wounded and killed by leftist terrorist forces—and while the Constitution was blatantly violated to steal the election for socialist leader Biden, and every court refused to even hear the evidence of how corrupted this election truly was, it nevertheless sees these top military leaders saying in their “Big Lie” statement: “On January 20, 2021, in accordance with the Constitution, confirmed by the states and the courts, and certified by Congress, President-elect Biden will be inaugurated and will become our 46th Commander in Chief”.
With the Security Council noting last week that what’s occurring in America today is a near exact repeat of happened when puppet leader Boris Yeltsin used brute military force to destroy democracy in Russia in 1991, and British historian Tom Fowdy noting the same thing in his article “The Parallels Between The Broken, Failed & Divided State Of 1990s Russia And Today’s America Are Fascinating”, left not being realized by President Trump’s tens-of-millions of supporters is that this history shows that the fight for their survival has now begun.
A fight for the survival of themselves, their history and their nation that now sees top socialist Democrat Party leader US Congressman James Clyburn proposing a new law to make the “Black National Anthem” the official US national hymn to “Bring The Country Together”—a nation “brought together”, however, that will not include the tens-of-millions of President Trump’s supporters, as socialist leader Hillary Clinton has just branded them all as “domestic terrorists” who need to be constantly tracked and surveilled—a branding now being put into grim effect, best exampled yesterday when top President Trump advisor Jason Miller was denied entrance into a television studio for a scheduled interview because he was “on the list of people not allowed in”—today sees Trump supporters breaking down in tears when discovering they’ve put on the no-fly list—sees PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller openly calling for Republican children to be kidnapped from their parents and sent to “enlightenment camps”—and now even shockingly sees Meghan McCain, the daughter of the late US Senator John McCain, declaring that all Trump supporters are “domestic terrorists” who need to be sent to GITMO and fed dog food—none of which should come as any surprise to anyone, as in the early 1970s, the FBI secreted their informant Larry Grathwohl into the radical socialist collage organizations those coming into power all belonged to—and who gave a beyond chilling warning prophecy of what would happen if these socialists ever took power, because he listened while they made their future plans to put tens-of-millions of Americans into concentration camps for extermination.  
All of which brings into shocking focus the socialist plans now being laid by District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine, who has just declared that he is considering arresting President Trump—further sees top President Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani saying he believes he and Trump’s family will be arrested, too—and most horrifyingly sees a US Department of Justice gleeful over socialist leader Biden’s stolen election win now saying it’s considering death penalty sedition chargers for over 160 people linked to the pro-Trump violent chaos at the US Capitol—death penalty sedition charges never brought or even considered against the socialist terrorists who destroyed Americas cities this past year, but is exactly what one expects to occur in a socialist system—a factual reality of socialist “justice” fully known to 53-year-old Trump supporter Christopher Stanton of Georgia, who when learning this past weekend that he was going to charged for what happened at the US Capitol, put a gun to his chest, pulled the trigger and ended his life—an act of suicide that joined him with the thousands of German citizens who chose to end their own lives rather then to become prisoners of socialist-communist Soviet forces at the end of World War II, where in one German town alone, over 1,000 of its citizens committed mass suicide—and brings to mind the Cold War battle between the slogans “Better Dead Than Red” and “Better Red Than Dead”, as the choice between them is where America stands today.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, while the Democratic Socialists of America are today celebrating a historic number of their movement’s members entering the US Congress, the rest of the world is watching in fear and dread as they know what’s soon come from these warmongers—is why no one expects socialist leader Biden to finish removing US troops from Afghanistan as this endless war enters its 20th year—and is why both Russia and the United States are rapidly building up their military forces in Syria—with thereafter soon to come an unending series of solemn ceremonies being televised as America’s sons, daughters, fathers and mothers begin once again returning home in flag draped caskets.
All occurring in an America, this report details, where top former socialist Democrat Party leader US Senator Barbara Boxer has just registered herself as a foreign agent for a Communist Chinese military surveillance company, and self avowed socialist “Black Supremacist” Kristen Clarke has been picked to lead the civil rights division of the Department of Justice—sees leftist social media giant Twitter giving cover for socialist atrocities as these by continuing its “Great Purge” of over 70,000 accounts to keep these facts hidden and suppressed—a socialist censorship rampage joined by Facebook not allowing anyone to even dare question this stolen election’s results—now sees even beloved former US Congressman Ron Paul being purged from existence—while being viewed by leftist Twitter overlord Jack Dorsey sees him openly mocking everyone questioning his censorship at the same time his company lost over $5-billion in value—after which then saw famed podcast host Dave Rubin telling Dorsey directly: “You are a pathetic weasel…Please unfollow me before you ban me…Oh, and it’ll come for you too one day…Read history instead of micro dosing all day”—but most ominously for these socialist censorship overlords, saw the world’s richest man Elon Musk directly warning them: “Hey, GOOD LUCK with that!...A lot of people are going to be super unhappy with West Coast high tech as the de facto arbiter of free speech”.  
In viewing this socialist hysteria, this report continues, famed political satirist C.J. Hopkins, in his just released open letter to the American people “Are You Ready For Total (Ideological) War?”, humorously points some of the most obvious truths stating:
It is going to be the year in which GloboCap reminds everyone who is actually in charge and restores “normality” throughout the world, or at least attempts to restore “normality,” or the “New Normality,” or the “Great Normal Reset,” or “The New Normal War on Domestic Terror” … or whatever they eventually decide to call it.
In any event, whatever they call it, GloboCap is done playing grab-ass.  They have had it with all this “populism” malarkey that has been going on for the last four years.
Oh, yes, you really did it this time!
You stormed the goddamned US Capitol.
No, do not try to minimize your crimes. You entered a building without permission!
The building where America simulates democracy!  You walked around in there, waving silly flags!
You went into the chamber, into people’s offices!
One of you actually put your filthy populist feet up on Pelosi’s desk … ON HER DESK!  This aggression will not stand!
But then sees him explaining about the genocide these socialists reallt want:
Actually, anyone who trespassed in the Capitol Building (which is like a cathedral), or just came to the protest wearing a MAGA hat, should be hunted down by federal authorities, charged as a “domestic white-supremacist terrorist,” frog-marched out onto Black Lives Matter Plaza, and shot, in the face, live, on TV, so that everyone can watch and howl at their screens like the Two Minutes Hate in 1984.
That would teach these “insurrectionists” a lesson!
Or they could shoot them in one of those corporate-branded stadiums!
We could make it a weekly televised event.  It’s not like there is any shortage of Trump-supporting “domestic terrorists.”
They could use a different stadium every week, deck the place out with big “New Normal” banners, play music, make speeches, the whole nine yards.
Everyone would have to wear masks, of course, and strictly adhere to social distancing.  Folks could bring the kids, make a day of it.
As to which side is winning this ideological war for the soul and future of America, this report concludes, it bears noticing that even after the chaos that erupted last week at the US Capitol, the popularity of President Trump has held steady at 48%, where it’s been for the past 5-years, while at the same time, the ultra-woke leftist Hollywood supposed to be blockbuster movie “Wonder Woman 1984” has become a worldwide box office catastrophe—an ultra-woke catastrophe now being joined by fake news CNN having just been kicked out of their nation’s airports—today sees millions of Americans abandoning the Facebook messaging service WhatsApp—sees Internet providers now blocking Facebook and Twitter due to their customers outrage over censorship—sees tens-of-millions of Trump supporters flooding social media with lists of leftist woke companies they will no longer buy anything from—and sees Trump supporters having crushed the ratings of Fox News to such an extent this network has just had to overhaul its entire programming schedule—all of which is occurring at the same time the free speech social media site GAB is gaining 1-million new users a day fleeing from the Twitter swamp—further sees the free speech messaging services Signal and Telegram Messenger becoming the #1 and #2 downloads in America—and sees the messaging service Parler coming back to life after it moved to the free speech platform Epik—and equally interesting to notice, are the hundreds-of-thousands of Americans who’ve already signed up to join President Trump’s virtual “second inauguration”—though for the greatest fear these socialist forces must be having right now, it’s in them noticing that the American people have just made George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984” the best selling book on Amazon—a sure sign that these American people won’t be as easy to fool in the next election these socialists try to steal—and as exactly happened in 1824, which was when the elite ruling class socialist forces of that time outright stole the presidential election from Andrew Jackson in what is called “The Corrupt Bargain”—an election theft Jackson spent the next four years vowing to avenge for the American people—and he did four years later to become one of their nation’s most powerful leaders—which is why it’s always been believed that President Trump kept President Jackson’s official White House portrait always overlooking him in the Oval Office as a reminder of the long battle he is fighting—and is the only logical explanation, because President Jackson wasn’t a Republican, he was the founder of the Democrat Party.
President Donald Trump (above) and President Andrew Jackson (above portrait) both had elections stolen from them as history always keeps repeating itself.
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diaspora9ja · 4 years
Bobi Wine: The pop star, the presidency, and how politics in Uganda can be a dangerous business | World News
In Uganda, operating for the presidency is usually a harmful enterprise – particularly for pop star turned politician Bobi Wine.
The 38-year-old, who’s the main opposition within the nation’s upcoming presidential election, has instructed Sky Information he has been focused with bullets and tear gasoline and “miraculously” survived a number of assaults within the run-up to the vote.
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Picture: Uganda’s incumbent president Yoweri Museveni has been in energy since 1986
“It isn’t out of vogue to placed on a bullet-proof jacket and a ballistic helmet,” he stated. “It was an effort to safe my life some extra. That’s after I survived gun assaults greater than as soon as, greater than twice, I used to be focused. My automotive was riddled with bullets, flattening previous tyres. And at one event, the army shoot into the windscreen of my automotive.
“Miraculously, I am nonetheless alive and no one was shot useless in my automotive. Nevertheless, lots of my shut allies have been shot useless.”
After making the unbelievable journey from the slums to the recording studios of East Africa, Wine – actual identify Robert Kyagulanyi – is now difficult the 35-year rule of Uganda‘s incumbent president, Yoweri Museveni.
His singing profession, a style he describes as “edutainment”, took off within the early 2000s, with lyrics decrying city poverty and political oppression, backed by catchy, feel-good beats.
Harnessing his musical fame to begin a political revolution, he’s promising equality, “a Uganda the place we’re revered and applauded on a global platform, not identified for poverty, illness, corruption, and for dictatorship – that is the Uganda we envision as a era”.
When Mr Museveni took energy in 1986, he was praised as a visionary. However 5 presidential phrases later, is he about to be unseated? In a rustic with one of many youngest populations on the planet, Wine is actually anticipated to do nicely.
Nevertheless, he has been arrested a number of occasions throughout his campaigning. Mr Museveni has deployed the army to stop what he sees as opposition makes an attempt to create civil unrest that might trigger regime change.
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Picture: There was unrest within the nation forward of the election
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Picture: Wine says his life is in peril however he’s undeterred
The election “is being stolen and rigged”, Wine claims.
“By the mere proven fact that I used to be arrested on the day of nomination, that I have been blocked from campaigns, that my posters will not be allowed to be there, that I am not allowed to have any billboards, that I am blocked from radio and TV stations, that I am a presidential candidate who’s not allowed to drive on major roads and even to deal with folks in cities – that is a rig.”
Wine says he’ll proceed, regardless of saying his life is in danger. “I dwell day by day as if it is the final day. My life is threatened, the lifetime of my spouse is threatened, my shut allies and all people that associates with me.
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Picture: Protests have taken place in Kampala, the nation’s capital
“However we maintain going understanding that our lives don’t finish with us. So many individuals have already paid the final word worth, and my life isn’t any far more useful than the lives of the folks of Uganda.”
So undeterred, he’s calling on Ugandans to vote and “change our nation ceaselessly” when the election takes place on Thursday.
“That is our solely alternative,” he stated. “We’re non-violent. So we’re utilizing this election as a protest to talk – and converse loudly.”
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from Diaspora9ja https://diaspora9ja.com/bobi-wine-the-pop-star-the-presidency-and-how-politics-in-uganda-can-be-a-dangerous-business-world-news/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bobi-wine-the-pop-star-the-presidency-and-how-politics-in-uganda-can-be-a-dangerous-business-world-news
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