#bobas missing codpiece
helpinghanikan · 11 months
Star Wars: Kinktober
Day 23: DP (Boba Fett and Din Djarin)
Kinktober Masterlist
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Mos Espa was still rubble when Boba and Din all but invited themselves into your bedroom. This wasn’t the first time you had them both, it was the first time they seemed to have discussed this without you. Both asked to speak with you away from anyone else after that Rancor got squared away.
“This is the only way to celebrate a battle, Like how old Mandalorians did it,” Din said, his hand in your hair. “Ravishing the willing while enemies still bleed somewhere else. It’s the best way to show the world we’re still alive.”
It was hard to focus on anything Din was saying right now. You’ve been on your hands and knees for the last few minutes. Being a good girl and sucking Din’s cock while Boba fingered your ass open. Every now and then Boba would reward you with a tease to your clit, not enough to get you anywhere but it was still nice.
“You’re making that up,” was all you could think to say. Your voice carries an authority that doesn’t usually come with sucking someone’s cock.
The deep chuckle behind you is followed by a swat to your backside.
“Except he’s not, Little one. Stand up for us.” Boba orders, his hands staying on your hips as you stand.
He turns you around to face him. Still most in his armor with only the codpiece missing. Din was the same behind you. They both knew what their armor did to you, what it did to everyone really. Nothing sexier than a wall of power dressed in metal.
As if to prove that you are a ‘little one’ to him, Boba lifts you from the floor. His gloves are a bit rough on the back of your thighs, pulling your leg around him and positioning you over his cock. He continues to speak as he slowly presses through your lower lips.
“This tradition is found in every kind of clan, it’s as Mandalorian as our helms and weapons. Plenty of willing men and women can be found at the end of battles. It’s not just Mandalorians who want to feel alive after death.” Boba tries to hide it but his voice changes while inside of you.
Din waits for your signal before pushing in your ass. Waiting for you to reach back towards him. He needs you to physically grab at him before being willing to do anything.
“Tell us if it’s too much.” He says, the cool of his helmet pressed into the back of your neck.
Boba had a thick cock that fucked your pussy with slow but deep thrusts. Barely was there any sound from his hips smacking yours. He cared more about the feeling than the showmanship of fucking fast.
Din, on the other hand, had a longer cock than Boba but wasn’t as thick. Instead, he reaches deeply inside of you. Passing by the regular sense of feeling and into the boundary of being almost too much. There’s no point in trying to get used to the feeling of him so far in, you won’t be able to when Boba is also fucking you.
Din and Boba fuck together like how they fight. Not a mirror image of one another but with a series of complimentary movements. When you think that maybe there is a rhythm for you to focus on it suddenly changes. The smacking gets louder and louder as Din forgets his position and can only think about his cock.
It was never spoken in front of you, but they seemed to have their own little rules about these trysts. The most important rule seemed to be that you needed to get off before they were allowed to.
You weren’t going to question this. Their hands seemed to be everywhere, and there seemed to be a million of them. Squeezing your breasts, holding up your thighs, rubbing gentle circles into your clit, and tilting your chin towards the ceiling so Din could nuzzle into your shoulder.
It’s not a growing warmth but a gasping explosion when you cum. Heat through your core escaping out of your mouth in a barking shout. Din groans behind your ear while Boba’s eye-line is locked onto your face.
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saradika · 3 years
I'm sending you another headcanon. Feel free to ignore this of you're done doing them. But I think Tech pops a boner at the drop of a hat. Say his name a little breathless? Boner. Compliment his skills? Boner. The light catches your face a certain way when you're looking at hi? You guessed it, boner.
Tess I would never ignore an HC from you. 💖 This is amazing, I love thinking about Tech like this - just so enamored that’s he’s constantly hard around you.
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(Send me a NSFW headcanon & I’ll write a 5 sentence ficlet💕)
Tech x F!Reader
Tags: gentle teasing & groping
You find Tech standing by his desk, his head bowed as he studies his datapad, too deep in thought to sit while he peruses.
His muscles tense and then relax as your arms wrap around him from behind, your breasts pushing against his back as you lean against him. Pushing yourself on your tiptoes, your lips meet the back of his neck, pressing soft kisses into his skin as he hums appreciatively.
Your hand drifts lower, lower, until your fingers brush over the curve of his cock, straining against the fabric of his blacks, “Just from a kiss, my love?”
“Ah-,” he moans as you cup him in your palm, fingers gently squeezing his bulge, “O-Only from you, cyar’ika.”
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zinzinina · 3 years
Sam, you know who I'm gonna ask for lol
✨Can I please request Poe Dameron when he's convincing the reader to let him help the reader "practice" 😏 In Directions?✨
I'm so curious as to what was running through his head during that conversation.
Hi Tess, thank you so much for playing! I really loved hanging out in Poe's head for a little bit x
Pairing: Poe Dameron x F!Reader Word Count: 1.7k Rating: Explicit 18+ Warnings: Indirect mentions of vaginal fingering and squirting
This is reworking of a scene from this fic, told from Poe's POV.
from a certain point of view ask game ✨
He can’t think of a single word to say, the inside of his mouth as flat as the warm, slightly bitter-tasting ardees sitting on his tongue. He watches, struck absolutely dumb as she frowns and shifts uncomfortably. Her lower lip sticks out; an expression he’s positive she has no idea is as adorable as it is, and he fights the urge to reach out and press his thumb to the middle of her pout.
“What?” Her eyes skate his face nervously, a tiny muscle beside her mouth twitching downward. He forces himself to swallow before he answers, not wanting his voice to crack under his incredulity.
“You think that’s normal?”
She’s joking, he thinks. She has to be; there’s no way in hell—
She glances down at her hands, that familiar little line of consternation appearing between her brows, and the realisation feels like getting shot in the guts. She isn’t joking. She looks anything but amused. If he had to try to identify the expression on her face, he’d be leaning towards mortification.
He can’t keep the horror out of his voice. “Wait, wait, wait. Baby. Are you saying you’ve never had an orgasm?” He briefly entertains a vivid fantasy of standing up, strolling down to the mess and smacking Kip clean across the back of the head.
She drops onto the flat of her back with a quiet little huff. The warm rose light of dusk bathes her upturned face in warmth, and he tries very hard not to stare at the way her skin glows in this lighting, all the way down to the yanked-open neckline of her flightsuit, showing a sliver of her loose flight tank. “Of course I have. All the time. Just… y’know, on my own.”
Several things fight for dominance in his mind at once. First is an image of her doing precisely as she’d said, on her own. She’s in her starbird-stamped flightsuit, but it’s rolled down to her thighs, the orange sleeves hanging empty as she rocks up into the feeling of her fingers between her legs. He shoves the thought away, but not before he has time to register the fact that his brain has conveniently conjured her laying in his bunk for this undertaking.
“How is that even possible?” he manages. “Who’ve you been hooking up with?”
More pressing than the intrusive thought of her stretching out and sighing in pleasure is an odd, prickling compulsion that he can’t put his finger on. It’s not just built from indignation on her behalf; he already knew Kip wasn’t the most considerate sexual partner in the galaxy. Poe remembers all too well from his own experience with him, even though it hadn’t felt like a total catastrophe at the time. Poe’s used to people leaning on him; relying on him to take care of them. It works most of the time, because—and he’d never say this out loud—he likes feeling needed.
No, the gathering sense of wild, panicked frustration he feels has more to do with the thought that other people have been given the chance to see her—to touch her, and taste her, and make her thighs shake so hard she can’t even think of a wiseass comment to throw back at them, and they’ve fucking squandered it. That’s the conclusion he reaches: Assholes. What a terrible waste.
She’s still talking, oblivious to his silent meltdown. “Does it make any difference? If I get blown into space dust tomorrow, it’s not like it will’ve mattered. And anyway, maybe it’s just me, maybe there’s something wrong with me.”
“Nope.” The word’s out faster than he can temper the fervour of his response. “That’s a lie. Not even a good one. Trust me, there’s nothing wrong with you. Drink.”
He props his arms under his head, his mind racing. Shitty sex is one thing. He should know; he’d had plenty before he realised that his talent for taking the lead extended to all facets of life. It’s another thing entirely to have had such consistently inconsiderate, unappreciative partners that she’s now doubting herself. It’s bullshit. Unacceptable.
What in the fuck have they been doing to her? How could anyone fail to see the way she should be touched? Isn’t it obvious? Every expression in her face, every movement of her hands when she’s speaking, the way she flexes and points her toes when she crosses her legs… the language of her body couldn’t be clearer to him. He knows it intimately, almost better than he knows himself. Even the parts he knows he probably shouldn’t, like the soft parts that she’s pressed unconsciously against him every time she’d fallen asleep after some dumb ‘vid, eyelids flickering, hands curled against her face.
After years of closeness and comfortable, unfiltered trust, there’s nobody else in the galaxy he can imagine wanting to spend his nights off with. He can’t even remember how many times he’s been hanging out with her and she’s said something seemingly plucked clean from his own thoughts, somehow articulated better than he could have managed himself. She now seems more like another part of him than anything else… albeit a part he occasionally finds himself daydreaming about while sitting for long hours on arduous recon assignments. He realises uncomfortably that maybe, just maybe part of the reason he’s so pissed off at the thought of someone else taking her for granted is because he’s begun to worry that he’s doing the very same thing.
The sound of her voice doesn’t quite pierce the bubble of his thoughts, and he’s distantly aware she’s asked about his briefing, and then of his mouth unconsciously offering some kind of response. He realises belatedly that he wasn’t supposed to repeat a single detail of his meeting with the General, but somehow he’s too distracted to care.
Poe’s been accused of impulsivity plenty of times. And sure, he’ll unthinkingly throw his X-wing into the kind of spin that’d scramble a greener pilot without waiting to consider the consquences, but he’s never had the urge to actually hit someone as badly as he does right now.
“You gonna see Kip again?” Not that he fucking deserves it.
“Hard not to, considering we’re both in the next rotation.”
“Not like that. You know what I meant.”
She wrinkles her nose, and he watches as the light from the rings above softly outlines every single one of her eyelashes. “Probably not. It’s... embarrassing, you know? Getting dressed up, trying to be witty and cool and sexy.” You don’t have to try, he silently interjects. “It’s so much stress for so little payoff. And I’m tired of being left so… ugh, frustrated.”
She wouldn’t be worried about any of this if somebody made her come hard enough to have her nearly biting through her own lip. If her eyes were rolled so far back in her head that she’d forgotten her own name. If her legs were too weak to do so much as twitch. She wouldn’t be worried about anything at all. Somehow, his next thought grows air and climbs out into the space between his body and hers.
“I can help you with that.”
Her reaction would be funny under any other circumstances, but he doesn’t even feel a twinge of humour as he waits for her to stop choking for breath, clutching dramatically at the grass beneath her.
“Wow. That’s not funny, you blurrg.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be.” Something in the back of his brain is yelling at him to shut up, despite the fact that he feels absolutely calm. What is he doing?
“It wasn’t a challenge for you, Poe. I know your ego can’t resist the chance to prove that you’re somehow better than every other man on base, but I’m not here for that. Sorry.”
Well that hurts. Surely she knows him better than that. “That’s not fair—and what do you mean, every man on base?”
“It’s a figure of speech. Like you can talk; you probably got to them all before I did!”
The yelling in his head is growing louder, and he can’t ignore it any longer. He sits up, gaze fixed distractedly to a turned-over clod of earth next to his feet. This is fine. Of course it is; what’s the big deal? Since when does it matter to him who he hooks up with? It’s just sex. It’s fun, and easy, and he’s really fucking good at it.
He can already see it. He can practically taste it. The way she’ll look down at him when he curls his fingers inside her; those eyes he’s used to seeing flashing with amusement instead blown wide with desire. She’ll probably be shy; trying to close her legs even as he has her cunt gushing over his hand. And he will. He knows for a fact that he will.
He’s still thinking about it as his mouth starts moving again, not totally sure he knows what he’s saying. This’ll be good, he rationalises. It’s just a confidence booster. It’s for her benefit only—just something to help her adjust her fucked-up concept of what sex should be like. A favour between friends.
Even after she cautiously, skeptically agrees, he continues to reaffirm it to himself.
It’s for her. It’s just for her. He doesn’t want her ever questioning whether there’s something wrong with her again. Not after he’s taken care of her the way she deserves. Whatever she asks from him tonight, he’ll do his best to give it to her. It’s not about him. No ulterior motives; none at all. Doesn’t matter how he feels. He’s never had a problem keeping things in clean, unproblematic, emotionally neutral territory with sex and he’s not about to change that now.
And as he starts the walk back to the barracks, he almost manages to convince himself. Even as an extremely quiet voice in the back of his mind produces this singular, selfish truth: he's going to make sure nobody else ever compares to what he’s about to do to her.
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rexsjaigeyes · 3 years
Divs! I'm coming to you with this thought today 💖 sorry if it's a bit much lol. So I've been thinking about Echo and Fives as one does 😌 and about cucking one while they watch. But instead of riding them or anything like that. You use the strap on them 😏 So maybe you're fucking Echo with your strap while jerking him off at the same time, while Fives is tied down to a chair just begging for you to fuck him and how he be so good for you.
Tess... I am speechless
"Sorry if it's a bit much" BESTIE ARE YOU KIDDING ME, this is a fucking galaxy brain thot and I'm gonna be thinking about it forever now 🥴🥴
Fives would probably make such a damn noise with his whimpering and begging, you'd have to gag him just so you can focus on making Echo feel good (and also because you like the sound of Fives's begging when it's muffled by your panties).
And oh god, could you imagine drawing the whole thing out to really torture both of them? Edging Echo while Fives writhes in his chair, impatiently waiting for his turn. And Echo is trying so hard to buck against your strap, but you slow down both your thrusts and your stroking enough to pull his pleasure away from him each time he's close. He can only take so much before he turns into a trembling, begging mess too, and then you finally take pity on both of them since they look like they could cum with just one touch.
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boys-of-the-gar · 3 years
Turns out I'm really good at flipping someone over and pinning them down. Any takers on helping me practice?
I know you are, ad’ika. I’ve seen the way you whip my vode into shape. Do you have any idea how hard it fucking gets me, watching you wrap those beautiful thighs around my brothers’ bodies and then dropping them to the mat? Shab, ner Tess’ika. Ni ganar draar haa'taylir dala guuror gar; bid kovid, bal mesh'la.
Lucky for me, I’m not like those boys. I was made differently. I’d like to see you try your hardest to pin me down, Tess’ika. I won’t be stopping with you until your entire body is trembling and soaked with both of our exertions, those pretty cheeks stained red. I want you fucking ruined underneath me; ad’ika, until you think you can’t take any more. You’d be surprised just how much you can take, Tess. I’m all for helping you stretch your limits. And maybe then we’ll start training.
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bacarasbabe · 3 years
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First I want to you to know that I appreciate every single one of you. Thank you for sticking around even though I'm an extremely slow writer. I promise I'm still working on requests and have plenty of wip's. But in the meantime I thought we could have a little fun to celebrate all of you! This little game was inspired by the lovely and talented @zinzinina.
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Bobas-Missing-Codpiece Dating Service™️ promises to not only match you with a partner that's out of this world, but also send the two of you on the perfect date night out! We only require very minor intrusive information to guarantee that your date will be the most memorable one you've ever had. How could love not be in the air?
See below on how to apply!
Congratulations on deciding to take this leap of faith in trusting Bobas-Missing-Codpiece Dating Service™️ with your heart. Please send in the following information to complete your application. Every match and date will be completely personalized based off of your application.
Three personality traits you look for in a significant other
Two places you like to go to on dates
Your three favorite emojis
One or two things that you are afraid of
Apply Now!
Thank you for choosing Bobas-Missing-Codpiece Dating Service™️ where love might be an application away! Applications will only be accepted for a limited time so don't miss out on this opportunity!
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keravnos-kori · 3 years
Bail Organa, how hot is he?
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty |Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
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THE PRINCE REGENT OF ALDERAAN HIMSELF. give me a breaaakkkk dude. He’s literally the definition of a beautiful man. I think its the exuding dilf energy - i’ve always had a major crush on him for as long as i can remember. ROGUE ONE BAIL!!!!???? hits every time without fail. when he has his salt and pepper hair??? -chefs kiss- and he’s so tall and and and
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mandaloriandin · 3 years
Have a good night darling 💖
6, 9, and 20!
Ahh thank you Tess 💕💕
6. Do you have any ships?
Um does me x everyone count? Because I ship myself with almost everyone sjshsgsgvs
But lmao yes I'm an absolute sucker for Codywan. Love Blyla, Mandomera is so 🥺🥺 and can I ship Bail and Breha if they're already married? Too bad I am anyway. Oh also I am fully on team Cham x Eleni x Howzer power throuple lmao. Also I love Finnpoe and Finnrey. Also I love the headcanon that Lando and Han are exes (its basically canon lets be real), and that Han and Boba are exes hahaha
Okay I think I'm done now 😅
9. What food from star wars would you want to try?
Definitely a jogan fruit!!! Also I know the instant bread rey makes in tfa isn't supposed to be good but it looks yummy and I want to try it lol. And I wanna try all the alcohol lol, especially toniray and other alderaanian wines, and spotchka lol.
20. What type of pet would you have?
TOOKA!!!! 🐱 Also I wouldn't say no to a bogling lol they're so cute. And do droids count as pets? Bc I would love a little BD unit haha
Send me some star wars asks!
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saradika · 3 years
Jess! 💖 Here's one of my NSFW hc's for Paz Vizsla. He likes it when you take control. Give the man orders. Boss him around. Tell him exactly what you need, and not only will he be eager to please, but he'll be a puddle on the floor.
TESS my beloved 💖 God, I love this, what a great HC. I would love to boss him around. (And I am so excited for write for Paz - thank you so much!)
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(Send me a NSFW headcanon & I’ll write a 5 sentence ficlet💕)
Paz Vizsla x F!Reader
Tags: PiV, service dom Paz?
“What do you need, cyar’ika?” He only has eyes for you, his gaze mapping your features, soaking up each breathy moan from your lips.
There. Oh, there-
He keeps up with each command, his hips rutting against yours, one broad hand gripping the curve of your hip while the fingers of his other hand works circles at your clit.
“Like this, cyare?” You can hear the grit of his teeth, holding himself back until he can feel you clenching around him.
“Yes, Paz,” You moan, your fingers digging into his biceps, back bowing as you start to shake against him, “Fuck - just like that.”
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zinzinina · 3 years
Sam, I humbly present you with a thot inspired by our previous conversation 💕
You're in a, relationship, with Din Djarin. He's experienced, of course. But due to the nature of his creed and his bounty hunter lifestyle, you're the longest companion he's ever had. Queue Boba Fett.
"You've never made her squirt before, Djarin?" His eyes look at you apologetically for someone with two fingers steadily pumping in and out of your cunt. You'd blush if you weren't already completely flushed from Boba's attentions. His solid back and strong arms the only thing keeping you upright while he casually takes you apart on his throne. "You have a few things you still need to learn. Cock out, Djarin. Let's not keep her empty and waiting any longer."
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rexsjaigeyes · 3 years
Hey Divs 💖 I'm in my feels today and I was just thinking about how Wrecker, whose one of the more emotionally intelligent clones, would be so kind and amazing if he knew you weren't feeling well. I think we've seen a few examples where one of his love languages is acts of service. The way he made Omega her own room and takes her out for food after a mission (even if he puts it on Sid's tab). You know that he would try so hard to help you feel better. He also loves giving hugs. I'm a big hugger myself so just imagining the warm, enthusiastic hug he give you just to try and put a smile on your face warms my heart.
Tess my darling, it's like you knew I needed this today 🥺
He really is so emotionally intelligent and such a sweetheart, which is why I love him so much. I agree, his love languages are acts of service and touch because he really does give the most amazing hugs. God, he would do anything to cheer you up and help you feel better. 🥺🥺 why must y'all make me YEARN ugh, this is such a lovely thot, thank you so much tess
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boys-of-the-gar · 3 years
Hey Wrecker, baby. I've been thinking about cuddling up with you while we watch s holovid together. There's nothing I love more than being wrapped up in your arms as we cuddle up together 💕 But I know that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from kissing your chest and working my way up along your neck and jaw. Would you get hard for me baby? Just imagine me sitting in you lap while I take your cock in my hands. I'd rub up against you, Wreck, while I jack you off. Cock twitching between my fingers while we kiss. Stars, just thinking about the noises you make, and the way your face scrunches up while I make you come has me desperate to see you. Tell me you feel the same?
Osik, sweetheart - yah don’t know what it does to me to hear that. ‘Course, I’d be happy just bein’ with yah... but knowin’ that you want it, want me too - I’m hard just from yah talkin’ about it.
Thinkin’ about your perfect pussy pressed against my cock - kark, I’d do just about anythin’ to be with yah right now. Could I touch yah too, sweetheart? Yah always feel good rubbin’ up against me, but I want to feel yah myself. Feel how tight and wet yah always get for me.
I don’t think I could last long with your pretty little hand wrapped around my cock, but stars, darlin’... I’d make it up to yah. Fillin yah with my fingers - or I could pull yah up to my mouth if you’d let me.
Whatever yah want, mesh’la. I’m yours.
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dogmascutie · 3 years
What are your thoughts on Foxiyo?
ship it!
1. what made you ship it?
so i’ll be honest - foxiyo isn’t my all time fave, mainly because i used to think, “when did they even interact”? but similar to blyla, the fandom has turned me around! who doesn’t love the idea of a senator championing clone right and working with the grumpy head of the coruscant guard to do so? cute comics and art has definitely made me open to this duo
2. what are your favorite things about the ship?
like i mentioned before, their contrasting personalities and unique perspectives. also, the personal hc that they’re both fucking obsessed with caf
3. is there an unpopular opinion you have on the ship?
hmm, i guess like i mentioned before, they haven’t really interacted so i don’t alway “get it”. fandom definitely can create awesome stories out of characters who have never met! but i personally ship tend to more intently ship characters who i believe have chemistry in canon, which is hard to do in this case lmfao
send me a ship and i’ll answer some questions!
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bacarasbabe · 3 years
bobas-missing-codpiece -> bacarasbabe
Another url change! Thank you @saradika for coming up with it for me! 💕 I'll be fixing all the links on my blog later today.
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keravnos-kori · 3 years
Saw that rude anon you got. Just wanted to let you know that I think you're absolutely wonderful no matter who you like 💖 Aren't we all just trying to grow and learn more about ourselves?
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TESS HFKFLSHSKFKDHSKFHSG hi bb this message was so sweet! I’m not outwardly condemning whoever sent that since I don’t know if it was just one of my moots goofing around or not, but either way you’re an absolute angel💕💕💕 I have no idea what’s going on with myself lately, I’ve kinda been going through some ✨things✨ which has lead me to question other things about myself but I’m just vibing 😎 thanks for being an epic friend
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mandaloriandin · 3 years
37 and 38 for the handwriting ask game please! 💕
Thanks Tess! 😊💕
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From the handwriting asks
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