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evilhorse · 13 days ago
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A wedding for everyone!
(Buck Rogers 2430 A.D. Sunday strip)
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blueiscoool · 24 days ago
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A Medieval ‘Vampire’ Grave Found in Croatia
Research at the Rašaška (or Račeša) site, located in the eastern part of Croatia, revealed a grave with an unusual burial practice. In a layer beneath the church floor, an interesting grave marked as 157 was discovered along the southern wall.
The remains of the deceased were intentionally displaced, and two stones were found at the head and feet. This discovery may indicate a ‘vampire‘ burial, as confirmed by the anthropological analysis of the skeleton.
Researchers have revealed that the discovery of an unusual “vampire” burial in Croatia highlights the persistence of such beliefs in Eastern medieval Europe.
In an email, Nataša Šarkić, an independent archaeologist who studied the find, stated, “We know that in many Slavic countries, belief in evil spirits persisted even after the adoption of Christianity. The belief in vampires has been quite widespread, for sure.”
The scientific paper was published in the proceedings of the scientific conference, “Military Orders and Their Heritage.” The paper sheds light on possible reasons for post-mortem interventions, suggesting that the burial may reflect the social status of the deceased or a fear of vampirism.
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The unusual position of the deceased in the grave 
The studies of the skeleton determined that the body had been male; and it seemed it was deliberately twisted after death, so that his torso was facing down while other body parts were facing up.
The focal point of the study was Grave 157, where researchers initially observed large stones that appeared to have fallen from a nearby wall. However, their analysis uncovered a startling revelation: the skeleton had been decapitated, with the skull positioned separately from the other bones. Further examination of the remains confirmed that the body was male and indicated that it had been deliberately twisted after death, resulting in the torso facing downward while the other body parts were oriented upward.
Anthropological analysis revealed that the individual was a man aged 40-50 years, with signs of heavy physical labor on the spinal vertebrae and lower limbs. Healed injuries on the skeleton indicated that the man had experienced a violent life, and the latest analysis revealed that he had ultimately died from injuries to his skull.
The unusual burial suggests that the individual may have been regarded as a “deviant social person” during his lifetime, leading to suspicions that he could rise again after death, according to the researchers.
The archaeological site of Račeša was discovered in 2011 during systematic field research of the larger settlement of Bobare. “Račeša’s estate originally belonged to the Templars, then to the Order of the Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, and finally to the local nobility, according to historical sources from the 13th to the 16th century,” the paper states.
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Injuries sustained during life (pictures above) and two to the skull that were the cause of death
Based on the location and terrain configuration, everything indicates that this was a fortress, but research suggests the presence of a sacred object. From 2012 to 2023, archaeological investigations uncovered an architectural complex that includes 181 skeletal burials and a significant number of dislocated bones.
Typically, the deceased were positioned on their backs in an east-west orientation, with their arms crossed over their hips, lying on their stomachs, or extended alongside their bodies. Only small fragments of personal jewelry were discovered in several graves. C14 analysis showed that most graves date back to the 15th-16th century.
By Oguz Buyukyildirim.
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suenitos · 1 year ago
helluu.. how was ur day today?? i just finished making xmas wreaths!! but i am allergic to conifers 😞 so now im itchy. but they look pretty so it was a worthy sacrifice. did u do anything fun today? eat anything yummy? :33 🪲
yay buge ! hi :3 wreaths are awesome i hope you had fun making them despite the allergies >< my day was fine nothing too eventful but i did go out and eat some wontons and a bobar tea ^^ gonna go out tomorrow for most of the day hopefully i dont miss anything prayge i hope youre doing well >O<
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from cities/towns in Abruzzo (Italia) and Bulgarian municipalities, excluding the letter "C"
Abbarea Ablamona Abnitsa Abnitsado Abrapi Adratitsil Adzhabla Adzhin Akimezzana Albote Alevskano Alleglisha Alleussa Alvela Anoppi Anovgradzha Aperata Apielo Apizzan Arakovo Arista Arnovo Arshepio Asantelino Asseri Atamedettà Atinarte Atitelano Attorad Avrasa Balatarsi Bandoli Baniteoda Banski Barevi Bariorrod Baroian Barten Batarshtere Battown Belgovillav Belhovarusa Bellak Bellepinei Berril Biofedano Blanikovo Bobalnik Bobare Bobata Bobrovo Bollogna Boloya Bolyurtsa Bomonte Borgio Boriano Borsontefa Bostella Bovelik Bovini Boyanna Boyarod Bozemessa Branli Brogna Bropoli Brumentea Brunithella Bugariatsa Buonts Buroggi Byarreglin...
Dalfone Dalvena Deglino Deirino Delede Delhovski Dellite Delonto Demezha Demezni Detovitonte Detramontav Dimbat Dimonnedino Divistro Diyandin Dobarassa Dobobri Dobran Domignara Dorumya Dovgrazla Dralvo Drassar Driano Dryassono Dulaki Eliano Elineir Ellettà Etogenesi Eufena Eustretsa Falsopano Fanitosag Fanity Fattol Filvel Fiulle Fossena Freggio Fresitena Frianik Furasebar Gabrad Gambiofino Gamirkovo Gampano Gangra Garaksa Gardzhevo Gaspalto Gasteshte Gastrain Gatitsar Gelhovo Gellogna Genevnyamad Geshere Giditrelio Gilita Giorrinovo Giorva Giulla Gizhio Gliyskassa Gomenelli Goparella Gradalfo Guiditovo Gulyano Gurrinano Habbasa Hadzha Harazano Hiontitsa Ihtortini Imayre Imerelo Imossano Indino Inerat Istarni Istelo Ivitsauro Kalnik Kalsori Karazzoli Karino Karivitli Karroya Kasaurino Kaspioferad Kavita Kirkola Kovalle Kovtsarvets Kovtsi Kozemvre Krediansi Krella Kriligop Krishtes Krutrainede Kruzhav Kubelo Kuklena Kyushtitto Lakaste Leglino Lenerin Lenezzo Linezzo Livara Liyalmo Loznitto Lukovo Lutigopoli Lyahovo Lyamovino Lyubellano Magarnitosa Magodomane Magyusali Maleutinol Manargorale Manovgra Manovo Mantegile Manterga Maranio Mardzha Mardzhevel Mardzhupa Marmello Marrum Marska Marsoprovo Martori Mastraletsa Menovo Mernovo Mervan Migliglia Mignano Minovo Mithino Mitovo Mondarna Mondomona Montea Montelen Monten Montena Montitevna Montria Moriva Morontefano Mortsen Moslivnita Mozlan Muidimeri Nelelisser Nelloznio Nesimezzo Nikovo Nisala Ofonets Omarmetsa Opogradne Oppenano Oppiagaloya Oradola Ordino Orispennelo Ornita Orrevsko Ortimedel Pagabbarmi Palferad Paliko Panevgrano Pantagra Parano Pazgraty Pazhala Pelamberro Pelianopia Peliono Pelipagli Pellar Pellev Penedi Penedino Penelio Peratiglik Peretto Pergiovo Peritsa Perkov Pernaltovo Perovo Perrazhieta Peshevo Peshtefemi Pesigovo Pessilvorad Pestellevo Petoritsa Petsalfo Pezdri Peznisano Piella Pietorano Pinovo Pirian Pitsal Pletigna Pognantro Polago Polapeto Polena Polito Popalio Popantino Popolano Povarvarad Pranovo Prasar Preati Prekleuteri Pretramezhi Pretro Prezoliya Prezovo Prietorel Prinova Prodol Prudano Quarano Quarovgra Radanovo Ralano Ratigna Ratolin Rodello Rogretsa Rogroya Roiangro Roiano Ronezzoline Roshtegna Rostranla Rovareloya Rovitroia Royano Royantsi Rumervo Rusadryano Rusherna Rutrih Ruzzarsolik Sakovo Saurlo Selliano Sentin Senzan Sepadzha Serniken Sernith Sertuna Servalete Shteli Sianovita Signio Sillodullo Sinovo Sitets Slafiano Slavillo Sliglik Sligna Smontrata Smyalan Sogele Solano Sontargod Sopelia Sopopazhar Sorolla Sozeme Spelindona Spolli Spoppestro Sreattone Stelletsano Steodolish Subellone Suhianovo Suhiorasano Suhitsa Sulantino Sullovo Sulmiano Sulmirpalo Svitsa Tamorsop Tavestri Tazgradol Tefiuli Televtsak Telivi Tenikento Tervena Thebrad Theriagena Thevnya Thitano Tofosa Togramarat Toliyanorod Torani Torralbelli Torranik Tovgrego Tovilapieto Townsontele Trambar Tratina Trazatyana Treligna Trevli Trezzolav Trovillogen Tsanith Tsenni Tsilato Tufori Tunitsi Turrad Tutrano Tvarno Ugnadollo Ugnalvo Valfara Valvaloyana Vansadonna Vansiano Velingueno Vellukovo Ventri Vetaviltsa Vetretsano Vetsido Vettovo Vibrush Vidolskita Vilinits Vitetral Vitsalvare Vrinero Witanzan Yahovelli Yakovo Yanarpada Yavenapagli Zanlitsat Zemigna Zemithielio Zemvrad Zlavnya
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dianabobar · 2 years ago
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O rochie din colectia noua: corset bej din bumbac satinat cu aplicatii simetrice de fasii glitter & voal amplu, rosu coral, croit pe bie si incretit in talie. O rochie perfecta de purtat cu un bronz de invidiat, din acela facut la umbra in 2 saptamani de vacanta in vreun paradis. Ps: se simte ca vine vacanta de primavara? 🫣 Model @alexandravanesssa Foto @february3rd.photography @crissiminiceanu Make-up @adriana_unguras Par @claudiaa.voicu Decor @coltulboho #atelierbobar #newcollection #eveningwear (at Atelier Bobar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqZsqtyonO8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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444namesplus · 10 months ago
Babal Babar Babel Baber Baboul Babour Babul Babur Badal Badar Badel Bader Badil Badir Badoul Badour Badul Badur Bafil Bafir Bagal Bagar Bagel Bager Bagoul Bagour Bagul Bagur Bahil Bahir Bakal Bakar Bakel Baker Bakoul Bakour Bakul Bakur Bapal Bapar Bapel Baper Bapoul Bapour Bapul Bapur Basil Basir Batal Batar Batel Bater Batoul Batour Batul Batur Bavil Bavir Bazil Bazir Bebal Bebar Bebel Beber Beboul Bebour Bebul Bebur Bedal Bedar Bedel Beder Bedil Bedir Bedoul Bedour Bedul Bedur Befil Befir Begal Begar Begel Beger Begoul Begour Begul Begur Behil Behir Bekal Bekar Bekel Beker Bekoul Bekour Bekul Bekur Bepal Bepar Bepel Beper Bepoul Bepour Bepul Bepur Besil Besir Betal Betar Betel Beter Betoul Betour Betul Betur Bevil Bevir Bezil Bezir Bobal Bobar Bobel Bober Boboul Bobour Bobul Bobur Bodal Bodar Bodel Boder Bodil Bodir Bodoul Bodour Bodul Bodur Bofil Bofir Bogal Bogar Bogel Boger Bogoul Bogour Bogul Bogur Bohil Bohir Bokal Bokar Bokel Boker Bokoul Bokour Bokul Bokur Bopal Bopar Bopel Boper Bopoul Bopour Bopul Bopur Bosil Bosir Botal Botar Botel Boter Botoul Botour Botul Botur Bovil Bovir Bozil Bozir Bubal Bubar Bubel Buber Buboul Bubour Bubul Bubur Budal Budar Budel Buder Budil Budir Budoul Budour Budul Budur Bufil Bufir Bugal Bugar Bugel Buger Bugoul Bugour Bugul Bugur Buhil Buhir Bukal Bukar Bukel Buker Bukoul Bukour Bukul Bukur Bupal Bupar Bupel Buper Bupoul Bupour Bupul Bupur Busil Busir Butal Butar Butel Buter Butoul Butour Butul Butur Buvil Buvir Buzil Buzir Dabal Dabar Dabel Daber Daboul Dabour Dabul Dabur Dadal Dadar Dadel Dader Dadil Dadir Dadoul Dadour Dadul Dadur Dafil Dafir Dagal Dagar Dagel Dager Dagoul Dagour Dagul Dagur Dahil Dahir Dakal Dakar Dakel Daker Dakoul Dakour Dakul Dakur Dapal Dapar Dapel Daper Dapoul Dapour Dapul Dapur Dasil Dasir
Datal Datar Datel Dater Datoul Datour Datul Datur Davil Davir Dazil Dazir Debal Debar Debel Deber Deboul Debour Debul Debur Dedal Dedar Dedel Deder Dedil Dedir Dedoul Dedour Dedul Dedur Defil Defir Degal Degar Degel Deger Degoul Degour Degul Degur Dehil Dehir Dekal Dekar Dekel Deker Dekoul Dekour Dekul Dekur Depal Depar Depel Deper Depoul Depour Depul Depur Desil Desir Detal Detar Detel Deter Detoul Detour Detul Detur Devil Devir Dezil Dezir Dibal Dibar Dibel Diber Diboul Dibour Dibul Dibur Didal Didar Didel Dider Didil Didir Didoul Didour Didul Didur Difil Difir Digal Digar Digel Diger Digoul Digour Digul Digur Dihil Dihir Dikal Dikar Dikel Diker Dikoul Dikour Dikul Dikur Dipal Dipar Dipel Diper Dipoul Dipour Dipul Dipur Disil Disir Dital Ditar Ditel Diter Ditoul Ditour Ditul Ditur Divil Divir Dizil Dizir Dobal Dobar Dobel Dober Doboul Dobour Dobul Dobur Dodal Dodar Dodel Doder Dodil Dodir Dodoul Dodour Dodul Dodur Dofil Dofir Dogal Dogar Dogel Doger Dogoul Dogour Dogul Dogur Dohil Dohir Dokal Dokar Dokel Doker Dokoul Dokour Dokul Dokur Dopal Dopar Dopel Doper Dopoul Dopour Dopul Dopur Dosil Dosir Dotal Dotar Dotel Doter Dotoul Dotour Dotul Dotur Dovil Dovir Dozil Dozir Dubal Dubar Dubel Duber Duboul Dubour Dubul Dubur Dudal Dudar Dudel Duder Dudil Dudir Dudoul Dudour Dudul Dudur Dufil Dufir Dugal Dugar Dugel Duger Dugoul Dugour Dugul Dugur Duhil Duhir Dukal Dukar Dukel Duker Dukoul Dukour Dukul Dukur Dupal Dupar Dupel Duper Dupoul Dupour Dupul Dupur Dusil Dusir Dutal Dutar Dutel Duter Dutoul Dutour Dutul Dutur Duvil Duvir Duzil Duzir Fibal Fibar Fibel Fiber Fiboul Fibour Fibul Fibur Fidal Fidar Fidel Fider Fidil Fidir Fidoul Fidour Fidul Fidur Fifil Fifir Figal Figar Figel Figer Figoul Figour Figul Figur Fihil Fihir Fikal Fikar Fikel Fiker Fikoul Fikour Fikul Fikur Fipal Fipar Fipel Fiper Fipoul Fipour Fipul Fipur Fisil Fisir Fital Fitar Fitel Fiter Fitoul Fitour Fitul Fitur Fivil Fivir Fizil Fizir Gabal Gabar Gabel Gaber Gaboul Gabour Gabul Gabur Gadal Gadar Gadel Gader Gadil Gadir Gadoul Gadour Gadul Gadur Gafil Gafir Gagal Gagar Gagel Gager Gagoul Gagour Gagul Gagur Gahil Gahir Gakal Gakar Gakel Gaker Gakoul Gakour Gakul Gakur Gapal Gapar Gapel Gaper Gapoul Gapour Gapul Gapur Gasil Gasir Gatal Gatar Gatel Gater Gatoul Gatour Gatul Gatur Gavil Gavir Gazil Gazir Gebal Gebar Gebel Geber Geboul Gebour Gebul Gebur Gedal Gedar Gedel Geder Gedil Gedir Gedoul Gedour Gedul Gedur Gefil Gefir Gegal Gegar Gegel Geger Gegoul Gegour Gegul Gegur Gehil Gehir Gekal Gekar Gekel Geker Gekoul Gekour Gekul Gekur Gepal Gepar Gepel Geper Gepoul Gepour Gepul Gepur Gesil Gesir Getal Getar Getel Geter Getoul Getour Getul Getur Gevil Gevir Gezil Gezir Gobal Gobar Gobel Gober Goboul Gobour Gobul Gobur Godal Godar Godel Goder Godil Godir Godoul Godour Godul Godur Gofil Gofir Gogal Gogar Gogel Goger Gogoul Gogour Gogul Gogur Gohil Gohir Gokal Gokar Gokel Goker Gokoul Gokour Gokul Gokur Gopal Gopar Gopel Goper Gopoul Gopour Gopul Gopur Gosil Gosir Gotal Gotar Gotel Goter
Gotoul Gotour Gotul Gotur Govil Govir Gozil Gozir Gubal Gubar Gubel Guber Guboul Gubour Gubul Gubur Gudal Gudar Gudel Guder Gudil Gudir Gudoul Gudour Gudul Gudur Gufil Gufir Gugal Gugar Gugel Guger Gugoul Gugour Gugul Gugur Guhil Guhir Gukal Gukar Gukel Guker Gukoul Gukour Gukul Gukur Gupal Gupar Gupel Guper Gupoul Gupour Gupul Gupur Gusil Gusir Gutal Gutar Gutel Guter Gutoul Gutour Gutul Gutur Guvil Guvir Guzil Guzir Hibal Hibar Hibel Hiber Hiboul Hibour Hibul Hibur Hidal Hidar Hidel Hider Hidil Hidir Hidoul Hidour Hidul Hidur Hifil Hifir Higal Higar Higel Higer Higoul Higour Higul Higur Hihil Hihir Hikal Hikar Hikel Hiker Hikoul Hikour Hikul Hikur Hipal Hipar Hipel Hiper Hipoul Hipour Hipul Hipur Hisil Hisir Hital Hitar Hitel Hiter Hitoul Hitour Hitul Hitur Hivil Hivir Hizil Hizir Kabal Kabar Kabel Kaber Kaboul Kabour Kabul Kabur Kadal Kadar Kadel Kader Kadil Kadir Kadoul Kadour Kadul Kadur Kafil Kafir Kagal Kagar Kagel Kager Kagoul Kagour Kagul Kagur Kahil Kahir Kakal Kakar Kakel Kaker Kakoul Kakour Kakul Kakur Kapal Kapar Kapel Kaper Kapoul Kapour Kapul Kapur Kasil Kasir Katal Katar Katel Kater Katoul Katour Katul Katur Kavil Kavir Kazil Kazir Kebal Kebar Kebel Keber Keboul Kebour Kebul Kebur Kedal Kedar Kedel Keder Kedil Kedir Kedoul Kedour Kedul Kedur Kefil Kefir Kegal Kegar Kegel Keger Kegoul Kegour Kegul Kegur Kehil Kehir Kekal Kekar Kekel Keker Kekoul Kekour Kekul Kekur Kepal Kepar Kepel Keper Kepoul Kepour Kepul Kepur Kesil Kesir Ketal Ketar Ketel Keter Ketoul Ketour Ketul Ketur Kevil Kevir Kezil Kezir Kobal Kobar Kobel Kober Koboul Kobour Kobul Kobur Kodal Kodar Kodel Koder Kodil Kodir Kodoul Kodour Kodul Kodur Kofil Kofir Kogal Kogar Kogel Koger Kogoul Kogour Kogul Kogur Kohil Kohir Kokal Kokar Kokel Koker Kokoul Kokour Kokul Kokur Kopal Kopar Kopel Koper Kopoul Kopour Kopul Kopur Kosil Kosir Kotal Kotar Kotel Koter Kotoul Kotour Kotul Kotur Kovil Kovir Kozil Kozir Kubal Kubar Kubel Kuber Kuboul Kubour Kubul Kubur Kudal Kudar Kudel Kuder Kudil Kudir Kudoul Kudour Kudul Kudur Kufil Kufir Kugal Kugar Kugel Kuger Kugoul Kugour Kugul Kugur Kuhil Kuhir Kukal Kukar Kukel Kuker Kukoul Kukour Kukul Kukur Kupal Kupar Kupel Kuper Kupoul Kupour Kupul Kupur Kusil Kusir Kutal Kutar Kutel Kuter Kutoul Kutour Kutul Kutur Kuvil Kuvir Kuzil Kuzir Lalab Lalad Lalag Lalak Lalap Lalat Laleb Laled Laleg Lalek Lalep Lalet Lalib Lalid Lalig Lalik Lalip Lalit Lalob Lalod Lalog Lalok Lalop Lalot Lalub Lalud Lalug Laluk Lalup Lalut Larab Larad Larag Larak Larap Larat Lareb Lared Lareg Larek Larep Laret Larib
Larid Larig Larik Larip Larit Larob Larod Larog Larok Larop Larot Larub Larud Larug Laruk Larup Larut Lelab Lelad Lelag Lelak Lelap Lelat Leleb Leled Leleg Lelek Lelep Lelet Lelib Lelid Lelig Lelik Lelip Lelit Lelob Lelod Lelog Lelok Lelop Lelot Lelub Lelud Lelug Leluk Lelup Lelut Lerab Lerad Lerag Lerak Lerap Lerat Lereb Lered Lereg Lerek Lerep Leret Lerib Lerid Lerig Lerik Lerip Lerit Lerob Lerod Lerog Lerok Lerop Lerot Lerub Lerud Lerug Leruk Lerup Lerut Lilab Lilad Lilag Lilak Lilap Lilat Lileb Liled Lileg Lilek Lilep Lilet Lilib Lilid Lilig Lilik Lilip Lilit Lilob Lilod Lilog Lilok Lilop Lilot Lilub Lilud Lilug Liluk Lilup Lilut Lirab Lirad Lirag Lirak Lirap Lirat Lireb Lired Lireg Lirek Lirep Liret Lirib Lirid Lirig Lirik Lirip Lirit Lirob Lirod Lirog Lirok Lirop Lirot Lirub Lirud Lirug Liruk Lirup Lirut Loulab Loulad Loulag Loulak Loulap Loulat Louleb Louled Louleg Loulek Loulep Loulet Loulib Loulid Loulig Loulik Loulip Loulit Loulob Loulod Loulog Loulok Loulop Loulot Loulub Loulud Loulug Louluk Loulup Loulut Lourab Lourad Lourag Lourak Lourap Lourat Loureb Loured Loureg Lourek Lourep Louret Lourib Lourid Lourig Lourik Lourip Lourit Lourob Lourod Lourog Lourok Lourop Lourot Lourub Lourud Lourug Louruk Lourup Lourut Lulab Lulad Lulag Lulak Lulap Lulat Luleb Luled Luleg Lulek Lulep Lulet Lulib Lulid Lulig Lulik Lulip Lulit Lulob Lulod Lulog Lulok Lulop Lulot Lulub Lulud Lulug Luluk Lulup Lulut Lurab Lurad Lurag Lurak Lurap Lurat Lureb Lured Lureg Lurek Lurep Luret Lurib Lurid Lurig Lurik Lurip Lurit Lurob Lurod Lurog Lurok Lurop Lurot Lurub Lurud Lurug Luruk Lurup Lurut Pabal Pabar Pabel Paber Paboul Pabour Pabul Pabur Padal Padar Padel Pader Padil Padir Padoul Padour Padul Padur Pafil Pafir Pagal Pagar Pagel Pager Pagoul Pagour Pagul Pagur Pahil Pahir Pakal Pakar Pakel Paker Pakoul Pakour Pakul Pakur Papal Papar Papel Paper Papoul Papour Papul Papur Pasil Pasir Patal Patar Patel Pater Patoul Patour Patul Patur Pavil Pavir Pazil Pazir Pebal Pebar Pebel Peber Peboul Pebour Pebul Pebur Pedal Pedar Pedel Peder Pedil Pedir Pedoul Pedour Pedul Pedur Pefil Pefir Pegal Pegar Pegel Peger Pegoul Pegour Pegul Pegur Pehil Pehir Pekal Pekar Pekel Peker Pekoul Pekour Pekul Pekur Pepal Pepar Pepel Peper Pepoul Pepour Pepul Pepur Pesil Pesir Petal Petar Petel Peter Petoul Petour Petul Petur Pevil Pevir Pezil Pezir Pobal Pobar Pobel Pober Poboul Pobour Pobul Pobur Podal Podar Podel Poder Podil Podir Podoul Podour Podul Podur Pofil Pofir Pogal Pogar Pogel Poger Pogoul Pogour Pogul Pogur Pohil Pohir Pokal Pokar Pokel Poker Pokoul Pokour Pokul Pokur Popal Popar Popel
Poper Popoul Popour Popul Popur Posil Posir Potal Potar Potel Poter Potoul Potour Potul Potur Povil Povir Pozil Pozir Pubal Pubar Pubel Puber Puboul Pubour Pubul Pubur Pudal Pudar Pudel Puder Pudil Pudir Pudoul Pudour Pudul Pudur Pufil Pufir Pugal Pugar Pugel Puger Pugoul Pugour Pugul Pugur Puhil Puhir Pukal Pukar Pukel Puker Pukoul Pukour Pukul Pukur Pupal Pupar Pupel Puper Pupoul Pupour Pupul Pupur Pusil Pusir Putal Putar Putel Puter Putoul Putour Putul Putur Puvil Puvir Puzil Puzir Ralab Ralad Ralag Ralak Ralap Ralat Raleb Raled Raleg Ralek Ralep Ralet Ralib Ralid Ralig Ralik Ralip Ralit Ralob Ralod Ralog Ralok Ralop Ralot Ralub Ralud Ralug Raluk Ralup Ralut Rarab Rarad Rarag Rarak Rarap Rarat Rareb Rared Rareg Rarek Rarep Raret Rarib Rarid Rarig Rarik Rarip Rarit Rarob Rarod Rarog Rarok Rarop Rarot Rarub Rarud Rarug Raruk Rarup Rarut Relab Relad Relag Relak Relap Relat Releb Reled Releg Relek Relep Relet Relib Relid Relig Relik Relip Relit Relob Relod Relog Relok Relop Relot Relub Relud Relug Reluk Relup Relut Rerab Rerad Rerag Rerak Rerap Rerat Rereb Rered Rereg Rerek Rerep Reret Rerib Rerid Rerig Rerik Rerip Rerit Rerob Rerod Rerog Rerok Rerop Rerot Rerub Rerud Rerug Reruk Rerup Rerut Rilab Rilad Rilag Rilak Rilap Rilat Rileb Riled Rileg Rilek Rilep Rilet Rilib Rilid Rilig Rilik Rilip Rilit Rilob Rilod Rilog Rilok Rilop Rilot Rilub Rilud Rilug Riluk Rilup Rilut Rirab Rirad Rirag Rirak Rirap Rirat Rireb Rired Rireg Rirek Rirep Riret Ririb Ririd Ririg Ririk Ririp Ririt Rirob Rirod Rirog Rirok Rirop Rirot Rirub Rirud Rirug Riruk Rirup Rirut Roulab Roulad Roulag Roulak Roulap Roulat Rouleb Rouled Rouleg Roulek Roulep Roulet Roulib Roulid Roulig Roulik Roulip Roulit Roulob Roulod Roulog Roulok Roulop Roulot Roulub Roulud Roulug Rouluk Roulup Roulut Rourab Rourad Rourag Rourak Rourap Rourat Roureb Roured Roureg Rourek Rourep Rouret Rourib Rourid Rourig Rourik Rourip Rourit Rourob Rourod Rourog Rourok Rourop Rourot Rourub Rourud Rourug Rouruk Rourup Rourut Rulab Rulad Rulag Rulak Rulap Rulat Ruleb Ruled Ruleg Rulek Rulep Rulet Rulib Rulid Rulig Rulik Rulip Rulit Rulob Rulod Rulog Rulok Rulop Rulot Rulub Rulud Rulug Ruluk Rulup Rulut Rurab Rurad Rurag Rurak Rurap Rurat Rureb Rured Rureg Rurek Rurep Ruret Rurib Rurid Rurig Rurik Rurip Rurit Rurob Rurod Rurog Rurok Rurop Rurot Rurub Rurud Rurug Ruruk Rurup Rurut Sibal Sibar Sibel Siber Siboul Sibour Sibul Sibur Sidal Sidar Sidel Sider Sidil Sidir Sidoul Sidour Sidul Sidur Sifil Sifir Sigal Sigar Sigel Siger Sigoul Sigour Sigul Sigur Sihil Sihir Sikal Sikar Sikel Siker Sikoul Sikour Sikul
Sikur Sipal Sipar Sipel Siper Sipoul Sipour Sipul Sipur Sisil Sisir Sital Sitar Sitel Siter Sitoul Sitour Situl Situr Sivil Sivir Sizil Sizir Tabal Tabar Tabel Taber Taboul Tabour Tabul Tabur Tadal Tadar Tadel Tader Tadil Tadir Tadoul Tadour Tadul Tadur Tafil Tafir Tagal Tagar Tagel Tager Tagoul Tagour Tagul Tagur Tahil Tahir Takal Takar Takel Taker Takoul Takour Takul Takur Tapal Tapar Tapel Taper Tapoul Tapour Tapul Tapur Tasil Tasir Tatal Tatar Tatel Tater Tatoul Tatour Tatul Tatur Tavil Tavir Tazil Tazir Tebal Tebar Tebel Teber Teboul Tebour Tebul Tebur Tedal Tedar Tedel Teder Tedil Tedir Tedoul Tedour Tedul Tedur Tefil Tefir Tegal Tegar Tegel Teger Tegoul Tegour Tegul Tegur Tehil Tehir Tekal Tekar Tekel Teker Tekoul Tekour Tekul Tekur Tepal Tepar Tepel Teper Tepoul Tepour Tepul Tepur Tesil Tesir Tetal Tetar Tetel Teter Tetoul Tetour Tetul Tetur Tevil Tevir Tezil Tezir Tobal Tobar Tobel Tober Toboul Tobour Tobul Tobur Todal Todar Todel Toder Todil Todir Todoul Todour Todul Todur Tofil Tofir Togal Togar Togel Toger Togoul Togour Togul Togur Tohil Tohir Tokal Tokar Tokel Toker Tokoul Tokour Tokul Tokur Topal Topar Topel Toper Topoul Topour Topul Topur Tosil Tosir Total Totar Totel Toter Totoul Totour Totul Totur Tovil Tovir Tozil Tozir Tubal Tubar Tubel Tuber Tuboul Tubour Tubul Tubur Tudal Tudar Tudel Tuder Tudil Tudir Tudoul Tudour Tudul Tudur Tufil Tufir Tugal Tugar Tugel Tuger Tugoul Tugour Tugul Tugur Tuhil Tuhir Tukal Tukar Tukel Tuker Tukoul Tukour Tukul Tukur Tupal Tupar Tupel Tuper Tupoul Tupour Tupul Tupur Tusil Tusir Tutal Tutar Tutel Tuter Tutoul Tutour Tutul Tutur Tuvil Tuvir Tuzil Tuzir Vibal Vibar Vibel Viber Viboul Vibour Vibul Vibur Vidal Vidar Videl Vider Vidil Vidir Vidoul Vidour Vidul Vidur Vifil Vifir Vigal Vigar Vigel Viger Vigoul Vigour Vigul Vigur Vihil Vihir Vikal Vikar Vikel Viker Vikoul Vikour Vikul Vikur Vipal Vipar Vipel Viper Vipoul Vipour Vipul Vipur Visil Visir Vital Vitar Vitel Viter Vitoul Vitour Vitul Vitur Vivil Vivir Vizil Vizir Zibal Zibar Zibel Ziber Ziboul Zibour Zibul Zibur Zidal Zidar Zidel Zider Zidil Zidir Zidoul Zidour Zidul Zidur Zifil Zifir Zigal Zigar Zigel Ziger Zigoul Zigour Zigul Zigur Zihil Zihir Zikal Zikar Zikel Ziker Zikoul Zikour Zikul Zikur Zipal Zipar Zipel Ziper Zipoul Zipour Zipul Zipur Zisil Zisir Zital Zitar Zitel Ziter Zitoul Zitour Zitul Zitur Zivil Zivir Zizil Zizir
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bliamapriori · 1 year ago
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(Belated) Lexember Day 20
/bɔb huː/
bob hŵ
“to flick, nick, chip”
Language: Elven or Elvish Natively Known as: En H’iowith Ebrâth or The True Tongue Spoken Commonly by (but not limited to): Elves of Faerûn Setting: *Forgotten Realms [*Homebrewed for Character Backstory but built upon words in the Forgotten Realms wiki.]
Etymology: USED IN; nârbob (flint)
Conjugation: Infinitive: bob hŵ Past Single First Person: bob Second Person: bobai Third Person M: bobich Third Person F: bobish Third Person N: bobith
Past Dual First Person M: bobwr First Person F: bobir First Person N: bobar Second Person: bobair Third Person M: bobic Third Person F: bobmi Third Person N: bobti
Past Plural First Person M: bobwn First Person F: bobin First Person N: boban Second Person: bobaith Third Person: bobin
Non-Past Single First Person: bob sa Second Person: bobai sa Third Person M: bobich sa Third Person F: bobish sa Third Person N: bobith sa
Non-Past Dual First Person M: bobwr sa First Person F: bobir sa First Person N: bobar sa Second Person: bobair sa Third Person M: bobic sa Third Person F: bobmi sa Third Person N: bobti sa
Non-Past Plural First Person M: bobwn sa First Person F: bobin sa First Person N: boban sa Second Person: bobaith sa Third Person: bobin sa
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whatsinyourstory · 1 year ago
Bobar Books: Where Each Page Entices a Scholarly Experience
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Hello individual book darlings and enthusiastic perusers! Today, we're plunging into the captivating domain of Bobar Books - a safe house for the people who accept that each book is an entryway to another world. In this way, snatch your #1 bifocals, comfortable up in your number one understanding niche, and we should set out on an excursion into the core of Bobar Books, where scholarly marvels anticipate every step of the way.
Bobar Books Disclosed: A Scholarly Odyssey
1. To start with: A Story of Scholarly Energy
The tale of Bobar Books is a demonstration of the persevering through force of enthusiasm. Established by [Founder's Name], a bookworm with a heart loaded with stories, Bobar Books was conceived out of an intense love for writing. The fantasy was basic at this point significant - to make a space where books weren't simply protests on racks yet doors to neglected domains of creative mind.
2. The Extraordinary Kind of Bobar: Something other than a Book shop
Bobar Books isn't your generally common book shop. It's a safe-haven where each book is cautiously organized to resound with perusers looking for stories, yet encounters. The racks are a mosaic of kinds, from exemplary writing to contemporary jewels, guaranteeing that each guest finds a scholarly perfect partner inside the store's hug.
3. The Scholarly Air: Where Each Page Inhales Life
Step into Bobar Books, and you'll detect the scholarly air that pervades everywhere. The air is loaded up with the soothing fragrance of very much cherished books, and the delicate stir of pages turning makes an ensemble of shared scholarly minutes. A feel allures you to wait, investigate, and lose yourself in the enchantment of narrating.
In the stupendous embroidery of scholarly undertakings, Bobar Books remains as a reference point - where each page coaxes another excursion. It's in excess of a book shop; it's a sanctuary for book devotees, a phase for writers, and a local area of perusers limited by a common love for stories.
Thus, here's to Bobar Books - a scholarly shelter where each section is a festival, each occasion is a social event of close friends, and each book is an encouragement to investigate the unfathomable domains of creative mind. Buy second hand books from the best online bookstore - Whats In Your Story.
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bogorexpose · 1 year ago
Sendi Fardiansyah Sapa Warga Bobar dan Siap Bangun TPS
BOGOR – Ketua Kawani Bogor, Sendi Fardiansyah terus menyapa warga Kota Bogor. Kali ini lewat program Wani Hepi dirinya bersilaturahmi ke Kampung Cijahe RT 03 RW 03, Kelurahan Curug Mekar, Kecamatan Bogor Barat. Silaturahmi yang dilakukan Sendi bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan diri sebagai bakal calon wali Kota Bogor pada Pilkada 2024 mendatang. Apalagi Sendi sendiri merupakan putra asli Kota Bogor…
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beep-beep-imma-sheep · 6 months ago
So, @thegreenbisamurai , what were you saying?
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Edit: couldn't put the comments under water because I didn't had any water in my house :( (/silly) Thanks, Revolución Bolivariana(/s).
Ah, right. Okay. So. Nicolás Maduro, the dictator of Venezuela, who is known to be friends with other dictatorships and commiting multiple crimes against the most basic human rights, under your logic, should stay in power, as he has been since, what was it? 2013? Being the successor of Hugo Chavez Frias, also known for crimes against human rights, because... These lives don't matter. At all.
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It has been 14 years since the death of Franklin Brito, the first martyr for private property in the history of Venezuela. Hugo Chávez stole his properties, and Franklin fought to the death to recover them, because they were his, the fruit of his efforts. We do not forget. Justice.
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"A patient in the Noriega Trigo hospital in San Francisco just died. She was intubated and glued to a respirator.
The hospital doesn't have a power plant, nor UPS for the devices. They tried to resurrect her with CPR and nothing".
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friend since 4 in the morning without electricity. The light came on about an hour ago with a lot of force and burned down a small refrigerator that we have with my mom and sister's insulin. This is a disaster. We went out to buy ice as best we could and the neighbor lent us some Colman coolers to store them in because the heat here is very intense. God willing, we'll get away from these people. Thank you. Anonymous. Please.
In Lecheria, girl.
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House of leader Wilson Sierra raided in Lara #Venezuela Wilson Sierra is a social leader from the Bobare sector, Lara state. Police raid his home in search of him, but when they are unable to find him there, they plan to take Sierra's father away.
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Isaias Ptàček MISSING
He was last seen at 6:40 on Friday 02/08 near his home when groups dressed as collectives* dressed as officials took him by force. His whereabouts are unknown. If you see him, please report his whereabouts to the following numbers: 04245619152 04120141312
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It says "left" but of left they have nothing, chavistas is what they are.
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JOURNALISTS AND REPORTERS IMPRISONED IN THE LAST WEEK CHARGED WITH TERRORISM CRIMES We denounce the illegal and arbitrary use of anti-terrorism laws in Venezuela, especially against journalists and photojournalists detained during the post-election protests in the country. In all cases, the swearing-in of private defense has been prevented: Yousner Alvarado (photojournalist-Barinas) was presented on #31Jul in a telematic hearing before a special court and accused of terrorism. He is detained at the headquarters of Conas, in the city of Barinas. Paul Leon (cameraman-Trujillo) was introduced on #06Aug in telematic hearing before a special court and charged with crimes of terrorism. He was detained in the Police Coordination 2.0 and transferred to the DIP, in Valera. Deisy Peña (photojournalist-Miranda) was introduced this #07Aug in a telematic hearing before a special court with jurisdiction over terrorism, accused of terrorist crimes. She was detained at the Quebrada Honda police headquarters and transferred to the women's prison in Ocumare del Tuy. José Gregorio Carnero (journalist and political leader-Guárico) He was brought before a special court with jurisdiction over terrorism on August 6, charged with terrorist crimes. He was transferred from Valle de la Pascua to the CICPC in San Juan de los Morros. Maduro has charged four independent journalists with one of the most serious charges, terrorism, an action that highlights the extreme oppression faced by the media in the country. These charges, based on anti-terrorist laws, demonstrate the use of Maduro's legislation to silence those who think differently.
(for clarification, these are just a handful, millions of Venezuelans have suffered persecution, tortures, and an inhumane treatment... Just because).
Venezuelan lives. Of course. Right makes sense! Let us die in silence, how could we be so selfish as to want to live normal lives! Sure, sure!
Let me tell you something. Most Venezuelans are pro Palestine. And most Venezuelans are from the opposition, because the opposition includes ANYTHING THAT'S NOT CHAVISMO CONTROLLED. If they agree or not with the ideals of MCM or Edmundo is beyond the point. This is a transition government. It's sole purpose is to free Venezuela so we can, then, vote for another president in a future, have democracy, not being scared all the time, that those 8 millions of Venezuelans have the possibility of returning home, not live where you, more often than not, are prived of electricity and water, where the hospitals and clinics aren't in the worst conditions, so most of the population won't starve and we won't have hyperinflation.
We just want normal lives.
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(via: Danna Alquati @/magicaldemon on ig)
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evilhorse · 29 days ago
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Don’t be scared, Alura.
(Buck Rogers 2430 A.D. Sunday strip)
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atasc13 · 4 years ago
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Bobar // Marseille (FRA), Cours Julien, 2020
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beatuyshopvietnam · 7 years ago
Khám phá bí mật chống lão hóa và làm trắng da của cây chùm ngây
Khám phá bí mật chống lão hóa và làm trắng da của cây chùm ngây
Cây chùm ngây còn được gọi là cây phép lạ, cây dùi trống, cây cải ngựa. Lá chùm ngây chứa nguồn dinh dưỡng gần như hoàn hảo gồm nhiều dưỡng chất khác nhau như: protein, canxi, beta carotene, vitamin C, kali. Với tác dụng chính là chống lão hoá và làm trắng da vô cùng hiệu quả. Chính vì lý do đó mà chùm ngây được sử dụng trong lĩnh vực y học và trong chăm sóc sắc đẹp từ ngàn năm nay. Trong bài viết này chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau phân tích và tìm hiểu những bí mật giúp chống lão hóa ẩn dấu trong cây chùm ngây.
Tìm hіểu bí mật giúр сhống lãо hóа trоng сâу сhùm ngâу.
Tại sao chùm ngây lại được coi là siêu thực phẩm?
Chùm ngây chứa nhiều loại vitamin (C, A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9), khoáng chất (Canxi, Sắt, Magiê, Mangan, Phốt pho, Kali, Natri, Kẽm), chất béo, chất đạm…
Giá trị dinh dưỡng của lá chùm ngây nhiều hơn so với các loại quả, hạt khác gấp nhiều lần, cụ thể như sau:
– Protein gấp 2 lần sữa chua
– Vitamin C gấp 7 lần cam
– Vitamin A hơn 4 lần cà rốt
– Vitamin E gấp 3 lần hạnh nhân
– Canxi nhiều gấp 4 lần sữa
– Kali gấp 3 lần so với chuối
– Sắt gấp 3 lần quả óc chó và rau chân vịt.
Cây chùm ngây được mệnh danh là siêu thực phẩm.
Lá của cây chùm ngây rất giàu chất chống oxy hóa, gồm vitamin C, beta-carotene, quercetin, và axit chlorogenic. Cả lá già và lá non đều chứa chất chống oxy hóa mạnh mẽ.
Cây chùm ngây có tác dụng hỗ trợ dạ dày, bảo vệ hệ tim mạch, giảm cholesterol, huyết áp cao, béo phì. Ngoài ra còn giúp tăng sức đề kháng, chống lão hoá, giảm nếp nhăn, thâm, bảo vệ da và tóc khỏi các tác động của tia cực tím.
Chùm ngây có công dụng ngăn ngừa lão hóa và làm trắng da.
Tác dụng làm đẹp, giúp làm trắng da và chống lão hóa của cây chùm ngây.
Cây chùm ngây từ lâu đã trở thành loài cây kỳ diệu, được nhiều nước trên thế giới sử dụng. Ngoài những lợi ích cho sức khỏe, chùm ngây còn là sản phẩm làm đẹp tuyệt vời. Tại Mỹ và những nước châu Âu, chùm ngây thường được sử dụng trong công nghệ dưỡng da, mỹ phẩm cao cấp. Cây chùm ngây chứa cytokinin (Moringa YSP), đây là loại kích thích tố thực vật tạo ra phân chia tế bào, tăng trưởng, và làm chậm quá trình lão hóa của các tế bào, đặc biệt là tế bào da, giúp bảo vệ độ đàn hồi cũng như sự trẻ trung, tươi khỏe của làn da.
Chùm ngâу thường đượс sử dụng trоng сông nghệ ԁưỡng ԁа.
Việc sử dụng thường xuyên các sản phẩm từ chùm ngây cũng là phương pháp dưỡng da hiệu quả như trà chùm ngây để nấu nước trà, nấu canh, làm gỏi hay xào…Cũng có thể dùng bột chùm ngây đắp mặt để trắng da và chống lão hoá da.
Babor Gentle Cleansing Milk với thành phần chính là chiết xuất chùm ngây
Hiện nay với những kỹ thuật hiện đại tiên tiến, các nhà khoa học Đức đã nghiên cứu và phát minh ra sản phẩm sữa rửa mặt Babor Gentle Cleansing Milk với thành phần chính là chiết xuất chùm ngây. Thương hiệu Babor từ lâu cũng đã trở nên không còn xa lạ khi được ưu ái nằm trong top 10 thương hiệu mỹ phẩm cao cấp tại Đức.
Trong sản phẩm sữa rửa mặt này có chứa chiết xuất từ cây chùm ngây sẽ loại bỏ toàn bộ bụi bẩn, tế bào chết trên làn da của bạn. Giúp bạn có được một làn da sáng mịn và tràn đầy sức sống.
Dùng bột chùm ngây để đắp mặt.
Sử dụng cây chùm ngây để làm đẹp và chống lão hoá rất an toàn và hiệu quả, các bạn không cần phải lo lắng sẽ làm cho da bị tổn thương. Ngoài ra nếu không có sẵn lá chùm ngây tươi hay bột chùm ngây thì bạn cũng đừng lo lắng. Bạn có thể dùng sữa rửa mặt Babor Gentle Cleansing Milk để thay thế. Tác dụng của sữa rửa mặt thậm chí còn hiệu quả và an toàn hơn sản phẩm tươi vì đã được thông qua các bước kiểm định chất lượng. Các bạn nên sử dụng cả sáng và tối để đem lại hiệu quả nhanh chóng.
Gọi ngay 08888 45 999 để mua sản phẩm sữa rửa mặt Babor Gentle Cleansing Milk chiết xuất chùm ngây chính hãng bạn nhé.
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0nl0n · 2 years ago
Yes, dis hug and bobar is for you :>
Sketch I did at school-
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Pisces :D @kattyanimationzyt @0nl0n
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emiliemaria · 2 years ago
Ça vous arrive de mentir genre. sans raison ? Quelqu'un vous pose une question et vous répondez un truc totalement faux sans forcément y réfléchir juste parce que you feel like it ?
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dianabobar · 2 years ago
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O rochie de aruncat in bagaj (nu se sifoneaza prea tare) si de purtat cu picioarele goale, prin nisip! Cine mai vrea in vacanta? 😁 #atelierbobar #orangedress #easydress (at Atelier Bobar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqZrYXNo_le/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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