ckret2 · 4 years
so what are your thoughts on the comic itself?
Anonymous asked: Okay, same anon from before: what did you think of the comic? (I agree with you on the lettering btw. It was hard to figure out the order of the bubbles too.)
Two asks for the price of one!! Okay here we go.
- Fat Nuggets is adorable.
- Between the comic and the pilot, Angel, Vaggie, and Charlie spend the majority of their three-way discussions in Charlie's limousine. I hope this becomes a running gag. I hope they only ever have serious conversations in the limo.
- Angel's box of toys that's had "for fun ❤️" crossed out and replaced with WORK SHIT breaks my heart.
- Why does Charlie as Lilo and Angel as Stitch work so well? Angel's even got extra arms he can extend and retract. Plot twist Hazbin Hotel was secretly an extremely elaborate Lilo & Stitch AU all along.
- I'd been hoping for a dynamic between Angel and Valentino that's closer to the common patterns of real world abusive relationships: where the abuser cycles between cruelty and kindness to make the victim think the abuser's gotten better and/or to make the victim think everything can be fine if only the victim tries harder to be perfect, and where the victim often has some affection for the abuser based on how charming the abuser was before he started showing his true colors. So based on that hope I'm a little let down by having seen Angel's full interaction with Val, because I didn't get a sense that there was much going on beyond flat one-dimensional constant cruelty and Angel uniformly having negative feelings toward Val for it. BUT this could have been a scene that happened at the apex of the "cruelty" side of the cycle, and it could be when Angel finally got pushed so far that any prior affection has finally been smothered, which could mean that cycle is still present somewhere in the backstory—and the fact that at the start of the comic Angel was probably trying to impress Val suggests that his feelings might not be universally negative (or at the least some part of him wants to get back to the “honeymoon” phase where they weren’t negative). But! It remains to be seen how it’ll be played out!
- I wonder what other people in Hell make of the fact that Hell’s biggest porn star—maybe biggest star, period—is also, like, available on a street corner from time to time. Not even for high-end limousine-and-five-star-hotel gotta-arrange-an-appointment-ahead-of-time style service. I’m assuming they don’t know it’s because his boss is being an asshole, since making those kinds of professional grievances too public would probably be bad for business for both of them, so it’s just... a thing that happens.
- I saw another post that pointed out that by the end of the comic Charlie and Vaggie have no idea Angel was out there as a punishment, they probably have no idea what his dynamic with Valentino is like, and like, that’s true, that could lead to some juicy drama.
- I kind of wonder how much Valentino knows, if anything, about Angel’s being at the Happy Hotel. He clearly doesn’t mind Angel living outside the studio, so did Angel just tell him he moved to a different place? Did he tell him he’s living in a hotel now and Valentino went “oh lmfao so you’re THAT broke”? Or has Angel not told Val his new address? Or did Val get told about the whole redemption shtick but get sold on it by a reassurance that Angel’s only going there for the free rent and Valentino’s own confidence that Angel can’t possibly straighten out his behavior in any meaningful way?
- Vaggie does marker drawings and that’s cute, I thought it was Charlie’s art until someone pointed out that Vaggie had signed it. Do Vaggie and Charlie just, like, illustrate their hotel plans in crayon and marker together. Is it a mutual tendency toward cute doodly art to illustrate their ideas. I choose to believe they both do this.
- Someone in one of my discords asked if Angel just sat there while Vaggie drew these illustrations of him getting redeemed, and I love the idea of him waiting in the limo like “I’m getting paid for this right? I’ve got an hourly rate—”
- Based on the fact that Angel taking out a whole gang is presented as him trying to be better than his current self, the thing that he aspires to as a step up in life, we could conceivably get an Angel “redemption arc” that’s like “I’ve wrested control of my life back from my asshole pimp boss! I’ve reclaimed my dignity, my self-esteem, and my ability to choose my own life path! I’ve decided to leave behind sex work... and become a MOBSTER!” and the idea of “mobster” being presented as a sign that he’s turned his life around for the better is hysterical to me.
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sirdust · 4 years
loona x octavia = octoona/loonavia (idk which one i like better)
i think octavia is supposed to be a teenager while loona is a young adult so i can’t get on board with shipping them romantically but i DO want them to be snarky sisters
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bunabi · 4 years
Found you on the radar! I love your artstyle! Have a great day :)
Same to you; have a nice day
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your-pal-crow · 4 years
Kinda random but I wanted to note this down
The Gang: wesparklebitch, eccentric-deer, yngwtasfour
Sightly different group but still dope: boabec, paintys-pallete
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catboy-joyfriend · 4 years
I'm just leaving this here to let you know that somebody loves you and thinks you're pretty neat. Pass it on if you want, no pressure 💗
Aww thank u anon 🥺🖤✨
I’m not gonna pass it on via ask box because. I’m lazy so.
@doggo-cryptid @irrlicht-ghostfront @boabec @maditheanimaniacuwu
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05-lives · 4 years
new icon who dis
Yeah I changed it a few times, it was Travis for a hot second :/
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ckret2 · 4 years
Not a question, but I just wanted to say how much I really love you and your blog. You’ve been a huge inspiration to me, especially with hazbin hotel stuff. Keep being awesome
Thanks so much! :D
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your-pal-crow · 4 years
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Moth Squad
Top row
@eccentric-deer , @mothy-moth , @wesparklebitch
Bottom row
@boabec , @yngwtasfour
Pictures kinda suck on this phone but I hope you guys enjoy!
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your-pal-crow · 4 years
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@wesparklebitch @yngwtasfour @boabec @eccentric-deer
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your-pal-crow · 4 years
The Gang (usually sparkles): *validates me*
Me, giving it right back with twice the excitement because I am a puppy sometimes:
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@wesparklebitch @eccentric-deer @boabec @yngwtasfour
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your-pal-crow · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
@eccentric-deer @boabec @wesparklebitch @yngwtasfour
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your-pal-crow · 4 years
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@eccentric-deer @boabec @yngwtasfour @wesparklebitch
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your-pal-crow · 4 years
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@wesparklebitch @yngwtasfour @boabec @eccentric-deer
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your-pal-crow · 4 years
baby mothy cute,,,want,,,want baby moth,,,
Okay who wants a moth bb
You know what I'm gonna draw us all as moths and you can't stop me
@eccentric-deer @wesparklebitch @boabec @yngwtasfour
These ppl ^^^
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your-pal-crow · 4 years
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@eccentric-deer @boabec @yngwtasfour @wesparklebitch
I'm making the nicknames slowly get worse and worse
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your-pal-crow · 4 years
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@eccentric-deer @boabec @wesparklebitch @yngwtasfour
How accurate is this
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