#bo katan kryze x koska reeves
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lillththesuccubus · 2 years ago
Din Dijarin watching Bo Katan beat the living shit out of Axe Woves Like:
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agentscamander-romanoff · 1 year ago
Bo-Katan:My boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips.What should I do?
Koska:Punch him in the stomack,then,when he doubles over in pain,kiss him.
Sabine:Tackle him
Axe:Dump him
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godzillasfav · 1 year ago
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I’m back from the dead
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techsazalea · 2 years ago
din & bo katan: *intense arguing and stare offs*
axe: *whispers* 10 credits says they’ll kiss
koska: we shouldn’t bet on that, that’s wrong
axe: …
koska: …
axe: …
koska: *whispers* 20 credits
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qulrikkek · 1 year ago
This unnamed emotion was so similar to his love for Grogu... Yet it wasn't the same. It wasn't wider, nor deeper or bigger. Only the shape was different... but no less or more important.
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gif credit: @enidsinclair
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flilisskywalker · 2 years ago
Bo: *walks towards Din* I will kill the Moff and retake what's rightfully mine. With the darksaber restored, Mandalore will finally be within reach >:) Din: *pinned against a wall* Help me rescue the Child and you can have WHATEVER YOU WANT. Boba: What are they doing? Koska: Maybe we should leave them alone.
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sarcasticassian · 2 years ago
Koska: If you had to sleep with someone without any Mandalorian blood who would it be?
Axe and Bo-Katan answer at the same time
Axe: Ew, nobody.
Bo-Katan: Din!
Bo-Katan: I mean nobody, yeah ew.
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nedo21god · 11 months ago
The Armorer: Did you settle down successfully? Maybe you need something else? Koska: No, thanks. Everything is alright.
The Armorer: Did you get enough food? If you want, I can get you more. Koska: No, it's okay, thanks.
The Armorer: Were you injured? The fight looked serious. Koska: I'm fine, just a scratch.
Koska: I can't get why The Armorer treats me that way! She keeps some distance from everyone in our clan, but with me, she is so soft and caring. Axe: You really didn't get it? Koska: What are you talking about? Axe: Look.
*The Armorer and Bo-Katan do couple things *
Koska: Oh, are they- Axe: Yes for several months now
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swan-of-sunrise · 2 years ago
Taking Care of Business (Chapter Thirty-Eight)
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Summary: Bo-Katan and Clan Mudhorn track the Mandalorian mercenaries to Plazir-15, but they are recruited by the planet’s strange rulers to sort out an ongoing issue before they can meet them.
Pairing: Din Djarin X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: Originally, I was gonna write the entirety of the droid investigation into one chapter but by the time I wrote 4k words, I decided to split it up over two chapters instead lol thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Thirty-Eight The Malfunction (Previous Chapter)
“There they are.”
Looking up from the console’s buttons, Din’s brows rose in surprise when he caught a glimpse of the Nite Owl’s one-time stolen fleet; it was comprised of several Gozanti-class Assault Carriers, Kom’rk-class fighter transports, fang-class fighters and the Imperial light cruiser that once belonged to Moff Gideon. Seeing the light cruiser that (Y/N) had nearly died on and where they’d been forced to say goodbye to Grogu again sent a shiver down Din’s spine and although he knew that it was under the command of the exiled Mandalorian, he silently vowed never to set foot onto a ship that held such dark memories for his small family. “That’s quite a fleet.”
Bo-Katan continued to fly the Gauntlet across the clear skies of Plazir-15 as she spared him a brief glance over her shoulder. “It took me a long time to assemble it; most of it was captured from the Empire.”
“I knew they looked familiar.” (Y/N) got up from her seat and crossed the starfighter’s cockpit to lean against the console beside Din. “Could come in real handy taking back Mandalore.”
“Axe Woves is their leader now,” Bo-Katan replied with a small sigh. “It’s going to take some convincing to get them to join us.”
Din watched as the captain bit her lip and remained silent, the look of sympathy briefly crossing her beautiful features causing his heart to thrum in his chest. He was constantly amazed by his wife’s ability to empathize with the struggles of others, regardless of the language and culture barriers she’d often times run into; he remembered how kindly she’d treated the Tuskens and the Frog woman, how selflessly she’d defended the people of Freetown and Mos Espa, and how – despite the recent slew of confusing contradictions – she’d eagerly thrown herself into learning all that she could about the Way of the Mandalore. The conflicts and infighting amongst the various factions of Mandalorians was baffling to her, but that didn’t prevent her from spending their week of searching for the stolen fleet commiserating with the woman who already failed to unite her people once before and who was obviously fearful of failing once again.
Searching for any means of easing the nervous tension in the cockpit, Din asked, “I wonder what they’re here for?”
“This planet isn’t on the New Republic Registry, so I’d guess it’s an independent world that hired them for protection.”
(Y/N) cleared her throat and began fiddling with the frayed edge of her fingerless glove. “Can’t imagine Woves will be happy to see you…”
Bo-Katan absentmindedly nodded, clearly lost in her own ruminations ahead of their meeting with her former forces. “Yeah.” Disappointment filled (Y/N)’s eyes and Din placed a gloved hand atop hers for comfort as the Nite Owl continued. “I’ll land outside the fleet’s perimeter; it’s probably best if we go in on foot.”
Before either Din or (Y/N) could reply, a cheerful fanfare played over the starfighter’s communication radio and was accompanied by an equally-pleasant voice. “Welcome to Plazir-15, the Outer Rim’s only remaining direct democracy. You’ve been assigned a docking slip. You will be guided on the assigned path. Engaging automated guidance.”
The Gauntlet suddenly jolted and began flying towards the planet’s domed city, causing (Y/N) to stumble and Din to wrap a steadying arm around her waist as Bo-Katan slapped a gloved hand on the console’s unresponsive buttons. “What happened?”
“They’ve taken control of the ship.” With a huff of annoyance, Bo-Katan flopped back in the pilot’s seat and looked at Grogu seated beside her. “I guess we’re going for a ride.”
Grogu cooed in delight and bobbed his head along to the music still emanating from the radio, causing (Y/N) to giggle and Din to smile beneath his helmet. In no time, the Gauntlet touched down on one of the city’s landing pads and the ramp lowered on its own accord; they bid R5 goodbye and after exchanging wary looks with one another, the four of them walked down the ramp and began crossing the landing pad. “This is…interesting,” Din commented, forcing himself not to reach for his blaster when he caught sight of the Imperial Death Star and astromech droids positioned by the monorail platform.
“Welcome to Plazir-15.” The RA-7 unit gestured towards the occupied track at the top of the raised platform. “Please proceed to your hyperloop pod.”
As they passed by the Imperial droids, (Y/N) shuddered and looked over at Din and Bo-Katan in discomfort. “Why do they have Imperial droids on an independent world?”
“It’s the Outer Rim,” Bo-Katan replied with a shrug as they ascended the platform and stepped into the empty pod. “Your guess is as good as mine.” Din and (Y/N) sat on one end of the pod while Bo-Katan and Grogu’s pram sat opposite them and once the doors slid shut, the Nite Owl addressed the hyperloop’s automation. “Bring us to the bay closest to the Mandalorian fleet.”
“As per Article Nine of the Coruscant Accords, permission must be granted from High Senate for access to self-defense forces in the peacekeeping zone. Do you grant permission to scan your chain code?”
(Y/N) stiffened while Din and Bo-Katan allowed the automation to scan their chain codes and when she made no move to produce hers, Din’s brow furrowed in concern. “Alor’ad? Is everything all right?”
“…Yeah, yeah, it’s just…” The captain trailed off and silently held out her wrist so that the automation could read the chain code emanating from her arm band.
“Din Djarin, Bo-Katan Kryze and Solia Corrik…” Din’s eyes widened in shock and (Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest as she avoided their questioning gazes. “Your presence has been requested by the leadership of the planetary democracy.”
Bo-Katan gritted her teeth in impatience. “I’m afraid we have more pressing matters. Perhaps at a later time-”
“Please do not attempt to leave the vehicle. This is not a request.”
Without warning, the hyperloop pod shot forward and raced along its track. They scrambled to brace themselves and when they finally succeeded, (Y/N) sighed and finally looked over at Din. “Solia Corrik is the name my mother gave me when I was born and when she died, Solia Corrik died with her; I started going by (Y/N) (Y/L/N) when I fled Naboo – it was safer that way, easier to avoid Imperial detection, and it was what she wanted for me – and I’ve avoided having my chain code scanned at every chance I could, but I never had the heart to officially change my name. I’m sorry that I never told you, Din-”
“You have nothing to apologize for, alor’ad.” Din reached over and held one of her hands while the other caressed her cheek. “If you say your name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), then that’s what I’ll call you. You respected my Creed without question and called me ‘Mando’ until I finally worked up the nerve to tell you my name, and you deserve the same level of respect.”
(Y/N)’s worried expression softened into a grateful smile and after giving the palm of his gloved hand a brief kiss, she took a glance out of the pod and bit her lip as she studied the domed city they sped through. “I’ve never been here before. Have either of you?”
Bo-Katan shook her head and Din removed his hand from the captain’s cheek to rest it on the handle of his blaster. “I haven’t even heard of it. Do you think we’re gonna have to blast our way out of here?”
“We’ll find out,” The Nite Owl replied, shifting in unease and exchanging a look with Grogu as the pod came to a stop and its doors slid open.
The three of them stood and exited the pod, slowly walking down the stark-white hallway while Grogu’s pram drifted along behind them; Din struggled to keep his hands hanging loose at his sides but he pushed through, his curiosity over the strange-looking planet only slightly overshadowing his cautious nature. The doors at the end of the hallway slid open to reveal a grand dining hall decorated with green ferns and woven tapestries, where beings of all shapes and sizes were seated around a sprawling table and enjoying a midday feast while musicians serenaded them with a gentle tune.
“Join us! Come!” A bearded man dressed in an opulent uniform exclaimed from the head of the table and beamed as he waved them over. “It’s a party, come! Everyone, special guests: Mandalorians! I hope you like secretions. Take a sip-sip! Come, please!” As they made their way around the long table, the bearded man sat back down beside a woman donned in an elaborate gown of blue, purple and pink. Din, knowing his wife’s affinity for fashion, glanced over at (Y/N) expecting to find an awed expression on her face, but his brow furrowed in confusion when all he saw was shock. “It’s truly an honor to meet such impressive warriors!”
Din and Bo-Katan sat on the man’s side of the table with Grogu’s pram while (Y/N) sat in the unoccupied seat beside the opulently-dressed woman, who gave them all a warm smile. “Welcome to our humble home. I am the Duchess of Plazir-15 and this is my husband, Captain Bombardier.”
While the Duchess spoke, Din’s eyes flicked over to Captain Bombardier and he pursed his lips in distaste when he spotted the badge pinned onto the front of his uniform. “Let’s address the bantha in the room,” The bearded man sighed and gestured towards the pin. “I was once a facilities planning officer during the war and thanks to the New Republic Amnesty Program, I was able to help rebuild Plazir-15.”
“You were Imperial?”
“He was,” The Duchess confirmed, resting a comforting hand on her husband’s shoulder before continuing. “Plazir suffered greatly under Imperial rule. My husband came here as part of his rehabilitation; he oversaw the rebuilding of this planet on which my family served as nobility since it was originally settled, and…” She held her husband’s hand and gave him a sweet smile. “We fell in love.”
Captain Bombardier chuckled and reverently kissed his wife’s knuckles. “We fell in love. We did fall in love.”
Watching the happy couple shamelessly revel in their romance, Grogu cooed in delight and the Duchess’ brown eyes lit up as she looked up at Din. “Could I perhaps hold the baby? Please?”
“He doesn’t take kindly to strangers…” Din carefully replied but before he could say another word, the child leapt through the air and landed neatly in the Duchess’ lap; while the royal couple laughed in delight and Grogu happily ate the small fish that the Duchess bribed him with, Din sighed in exasperation and sat back in his seat.
“Pardon me if I speak out of turn, Your Majesty, but was your gown designed here on Plazir-15?”
The Duchess gave (Y/N) a smile while she continued to feed Grogu. “The gown was but my petal parasol was imported all the way from Naboo many cycles ago, an anniversary gift from my father for my mother. When I inherited the royal wardrobe, I had my favorite pieces converted into holograms and the originals put into storage so that their beauty would never fade.” The Duchess quirked her brow as she assessed the surprised captain. “Your surname is Corrik, is it not? Any relation to the House of Corrik?”
“My mother was Lomiya Corrik,” (Y/N) replied, her eyes roving across the elaborate parasol while a melancholy smile formed on her lips. “She kept a record of every piece she ever designed, and this was one of her favorites.”
Beneath his helmet, Din couldn’t help but smile for his wife while the Duchess excitedly raved about the House of Corrik, who had nothing but her memories to remind her of her late mother; it must comfort her to know that her mother’s legacy continues to live on through her artistic creations, he thought to himself, ignoring the twinge of guilt as he recalled how her mother’s treasured journal had been lost in the blast that destroyed the Razor Crest so many months ago.
“In fact, Naboo helped to inspire Plazir’s transformation!” The Duchess explained as Din refocused his attention on their conversation. “You see, it was time for our planet to move into a new age. We held direct democratic elections for the first time in our history.”
Captain Bombardier nodded. “We are both royals and elected leaders.”
“And the Mandalorian privateer warships docked in your fields?” Din inquired.
“Oh, we hire them for protection; our charter forbids us from having a military because of my husband’s Imperial past.”
“But because of this, all of our resources go to growth and the people,” The bearded man added and gave (Y/N) a smile. “We also take great pride in preserving our planet’s history.”
Bo-Katan, trying her hardest not to lose patience with the eccentric couple, sat forward in her seat and clasped her gloved hands together. “I’d like to speak to these ‘privateers.’”
Captain Bombardier exchanged a brief glance with the Duchess. “That can be arranged…there is just one condition.”
Din rolled his eyes at the not-so-subtle way the bearded man gestured towards the balcony and cheerfully announced, “You really must see the view. Right this way!” The other guests curiously watched them stand and Captain Bombardier waved them off. “We’ll just be a moment! Enjoy your meal, don’t get up! Let’s show our guests the view.”
“We have a problem,” The Duchess lowly explained as they walked towards the balcony overlooking the domed city.
“A droid problem.”
Din’s brow furrowed at the mention of droids. “What kind of ‘droid problem’?”
“A coordinated malfunction-”
“We think.”
(Y/N) frowned in confusion. “What makes you think that?”
“The planet’s Imperial droids were reprogrammed for peace.” The Duchess’ words were tinged with a subtle accusatory tone as she gave her husband a knowing look.
“I can assure you they were completely rehabilitated for peaceful purposes exclusively.”
“We thought.”
“They were, my love, I personally oversaw the program!”
Din interrupted the couple’s light squabbling to ask a clarifying question. “What kind of malfunction?”
“I mean, nothing too serious at first. Unexpected power cycles, deleted task stacks…”
“Then it got worse.”
“Traffic accidents, heavy equipment failures leading to injury-”
Din stiffened while (Y/N) raised an incredulous brow. “Assault?”
The Duchess nodded and Bo-Katan shifted her weight as she addressed the royal couple standing before them. “Respectfully, what does this have to do with us?”
“Our constables are ill-equipped to confront battle droids-”
“Battle droids?” Din’s heart dropped into his stomach, the only things keeping him from spiraling into the painful memories of his parents’ deaths being the sound of Grogu’s worried coos and the weight of (Y/N)’s hand resting on his bicep.
Captain Bombardier hastily shook his head. “Uh-uh-uh-uh, former battle droids. They’ve been rehabilitated for civic duty.”
“We thought.”
“They were.”
“Obviously not.”
Bo-Katan’s jaw clenched in annoyance. “The Mandalorian garrison outside your city walls can make quick work of your battle droids.”
“That’s just it. Our charter forbids any standing army from entering our city,” The Duchess explained as she gently caressed Grogu’s wrinkled head. “Our constables aren’t even allowed to carry blasters.”
“But you allowed us to be armed.”
“Exactly!” Din and Bo-Katan exchanged a look as Captain Bombardier continued. “The people have voted that we are a pluralistic society. You are Mandalorians; weaponry and armor are intrinsic to your culture, are they not?”
Din nodded. “They are.”
“…You see where we’re going here?”
The Nite Owl smiled despite her obvious exasperation. “You want us to eliminate your droid problem.”
“Exactly!” The Duchess beamed at them. “I knew you would help us!”
“Hold on there, Your Majesty. We didn’t agree to help you-”
“Please, Princess Kryze, Your Grace. This is not intended to be a work of charity.”
Bo-Katan’s nostrils flared as she struggled to keep her emotions in check. “Unlike my brethren outside your city walls, I am no mercenary.”
Captain Bombardier bowed his head in deference. “Apologies if that is the impression I gave. What I intended to convey is that I would hope that this ‘excursion’ would be viewed as an act of diplomacy between our two planets. In fact, Plazir-15 would formally recognize Mandalore as a sovereign system and petition the New Republic to recognize it as such.”
“The mercenary captain, Axe Woves, indicated that he split from you because you had designs on ruling Mandalore once again,” The Duchess added.
“…Those plans have been abandoned.”
The bearded man merely shrugged. “The offer stands nonetheless.”
Pursing her lips, Bo-Katan turned to look at (Y/N) and Din. “What do you think?”
“That having the support of both Nevarro and Plazir-15 will reestablish Mandalore’s political influence throughout the Outer Rim and signal to the New Republic that it deserves to be recognized as a sovereign system,” (Y/N) replied, crossing her arms over her chest as she considered the royal couple’s offer. “Politically, it’s a smart move that will only benefit Mandalore in the long run.”
The Nite Owl, impressed by the captain’s diplomatic answer, turned her attention to Din. “And you?”
“You had me at battle droids.” Her lips twitched as he gave her a small shrug.
“Then it’s settled. The three of us will investigate and eliminate your droid problem.”
The Duchess beamed in happiness and Captain Bombardier clapped his hands. “Thank you, Princess Kryze! There’s just one small thing to address before you begin.”
Bo-Katan’s gloved hands briefly clenched into fists. “Yes?”
“You and Din Djarin are Mandalorians, but Solia Corrik here is unfortunately not; if she will be joining you on your mission, then our charter forbids her from carrying any weapons into the city.”
Flinching at the casual use of her birth-name, (Y/N) nodded and began to reach for her blaster but Din’s hand shot out to stop her. “Alor’ad, wait. I think you should stay here at the palace with the kid.” His wife opened her mouth to protest but Din took a step closer and lowered his voice so that only she could hear. “(Y/N), I lost both of my parents to Separatist battle droids. I don’t wanna lose you and Grogu to them, too.”
(Y/N)’s expression softened in understanding and she nodded as she holstered her blaster and the Duchess spoke up. “Rest assured, your companion and the baby will be well taken care of while you complete your quest.”
“Thank you for extending your hospitality to my family, Your Majesty,” Din replied, bowing his head in respect and reaching forward to pat Grogu’s head. “Be good for our hosts, kid. Bo-Katan and I will be back before you know it.”
The child released a quiet coo and when Din turned back to the captain, she rested a hand on the beskar covering his cheek and gave him a small smile. “K’oyacyi, ner kotep beroya.”
Din’s heart warmed in his chest at his wife’s traditional Mando’a farewell: Come back safely, my brave bounty hunter. He leaned his forehead against hers in a brief Keldabe Kiss and placed his hand atop hers. “Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, ner cyar’ika alor’ad.” After she gave him one last smile, he forced himself to step back and turn to a pensive-looking Bo-Katan. “Ready to fix a droid problem?”
Din and Bo-Katan were instructed by the Duchess to pay the city’s command center a visit so that Commissioner Helgait, the elderly head of security could brief them on the city’s ongoing struggles with their reprogrammed Imperial droids. The command center was filled with rows and rows of monitors displaying live security footage from all across the domed capitol city and from what Din could see, the people of Plazir-15 seemed content with their lives governed by direct democracy, albeit too reliant on their droids. None of them would be in imminent danger if they didn’t rely so heavily on droids to keep the city running for them, he thought to himself, a surge of the old familiar distrust of all droids causing his jaw to tightly clench.
“These droids were all reprogrammed to serve the community from the stockpile of captured Imperial robotics scheduled to be scrapped at Karthon.” Commissioner Helgait sat at his desk and pressed a series of buttons on its surface to pull up several archived security tapes. “The droid’s reprogramming was a complete success…until one day, an isolated event…” A garbage disposal droid was shown erratically flinging a rubbish can’s contents across an alleyway. “Then others. This is just a small collection of malfunctions that our security cameras caught.” The next footage to play depicted a B1 battle droid hurling a woman’s shopping bags, a chauffeur droid speeding through a crowded terminal and intentionally crashing a land-speeder into a wall, and a cook droid in a bustling restaurant attacking frightened patrons with knives.
“Turn them off.”
Commissioner Helgait looked over at Bo-Katan, who was staring transfixed at the monitors before them. “What?”
“Why not turn them all off? Who’s in charge of that?”
“I am,” The elderly man replied with a shrug. “There’s a fail-safe cutoff switch built into the system. However…”
In an incredible show of self-restraint, Din suppressed his frustrated sigh. “What?”
Commissioner Helgait chuckled humorlessly. “The citizens voted against any interruption in droid services. They can’t live without it.”
“And why’s that?” Din asked, already knowing the answer to his own question but allowing the head of security to speak.
“The citizens are no longer required to work and can spend their days engaging in recreation, the arts, and participating in our direct democracy. If we shut down the droids, our citizens wouldn’t know how to survive.” Commissioner Helgait sighed to himself and shook his head. “Our society would collapse.”
Bo-Katan tilted her head in confusion. “Then what do you want from us?”
“To seek out and decommission any remaining rogue droids, until we can fix the problem.”
Exchanging a wary look with Din, the Nite Owl heaved a small sign and nodded. “Give us the list.”
“Well, for that, you’ll have to go to the lower level and speak to the Ugnaughts.”
Din instantly perked up at that. “Ugnaughts?”
Commissioner Helgait nodded. “Ugnaughts.”
After thanking the head of security for his assistance, Din and Bo-Katan stepped into the elevator and traveled down to the city’s lowest level; his past friendship with Kuiil gave him an insight to the Ugnaught’s skills as droidsmiths, recalling how Kuiil had managed to revive and reprogram IG-11 to act as a nurse droid instead of an assassin droid. Shaking off the wave of sadness he experienced whenever he thought about his fallen Ugnaught friend, Din clasped his hands and remarked, “See what happens when you rely on droids?”
Bo-Katan’s brow arched in curiosity. “Are you taking this personally?”
“Just pointing it out.”
“Let’s just finish this so we can be on our way.” The elevator stopped and when its doors slid open, they stepped out into a bustling workshop and watched several Ugnaughts hard at work performing maintenance tasks on decommissioned and reprogrammed Imperial droids. “I am Bo-Katan Kryze. Which one of you is in charge?” The Ugnaught droidsmiths kept their attention on their work, so the Nite Owl forced a patient smile and tried again. “We were sent on behalf of the Duchess and Captain Bombardier to help you with your droid problem. Hello?” Again, none of the Ugnaughts acknowledged her words or their presence in the workshop, and Din huffed a quiet chuckle at Bo-Katan’s growing annoyance as she turned to look at him. “This is going nowhere.”
Instead of answering, Din took a step forward and loudly addressed the workshop. “I am Mandalorian Din Djarin, friend of Ugnaught Kuiil.” The droidsmiths finally looked up from their tasks as he continued. “You will answer our questions and help us with our task. I have spoken.” The Ugnaughts left their work unfinished and gestured for the both of them to join them at one of the workshop’s tables; Bo-Katan shot Din an impressed look as they took their seats and nodded respectfully at the droidsmith who handed her a cup of broth, politely taking a sip while Din spoke. “Thank you for your hospitality and for sharing your table with us. We were engaged to hunt down and eliminate the malfunctioning droids.”
“There are no such droids.”
The workshop was silent until Bo-Katan set her cup of broth down and rested her elbows on the tabletop. “You may not have heard the news down here, but your droids are wreaking havoc in the world above.”
The same Ugnaught smiled wryly. “There is not much of which we are not aware; these halls are the central nervous system of the city. I assure you, the droids are not malfunctioning.”
The Nite Owl blinked in confusion at the Ugnaught’s flippant tone. “Citizens have been harmed by these malfunctioning machines.”
“This is not the case. I have spoken.”
Din bit his lip, wishing that (Y/N) were there to employ her more natural talent for diplomacy; since she wasn’t, though, he took a deep breath and followed his wife’s example. “We’re not in any way suggesting that your work is to blame. The stories of Ugnaughts’ skill with smithing droids are legendary. We know that Ugnaughts are considered the hardest working species in the galaxy and we, like you, have been engaged with a task to perform. We will investigate the dangerous incidents, but we would appreciate your help.”
After considering his words, the lead droidsmith made a gesture towards his comrade and when he handed him a holo-disc, the lead droidsmith placed it in Din’s open hand. “Here are the locations of the droids you seek.”
“Thank you.” Din bowed his head in respect. “We are in your debt. I have spoken.”
The Ugnaughts nodded and watched them walk across the workshop, where they entered the elevator and traveled back up to the highest levels; neither of them spoke until they were seated in the hyperloop pod, looking out at the darkened night sky and admiring the twinkling lights of the domed city as they sped by. “What was that back there?”
“I’ve spent time with Ugnaughts.” Din shrugged and sat back in his seat. “There’s a particular way to communicate with them; accusing their work of malfunctioning is an insult.” He looked down at the holo-disc and scanned the Aurebesh printed across its surface. “Now, they’ve indicated that there’s a likelihood that the next event will be at the loading docks.”
Bo-Katan hummed in interest. “How sure are they?”
“Hard to tell, Ugnaughts always seem sure of themselves.”
The Nite Owl chuckled. “Well, it’s the only lead we’ve got so we might as well have a look around.” They fell into a comfortable silence and after a short while, their pod slowed to a stop at a bay overlooking the crowded loading docks. Exchanging a look, they exited the pod and made their way down a series of staircases, and a chill went down Din’s spine at the sight before them; B-2 battle droids, the same ones responsible for his parents’ deaths, were carrying cargo boxes to and from various ships and transport speeders, and their labor was overseen by several B-1 series battle droids. Although Din was relieved that (Y/N) and Grogu were safe in the palace, he couldn’t help but long for their comforting presence as he struggled to keep the memories of that terrible day at bay. “I haven’t seen battle droids since the Clone Wars.”
Din gritted his teeth. “I have.”
“Any of ‘em look suspicious?”
“They all look suspicious.”
Bo-Katan didn’t reply, his cryptic words hanging untouched in the air while they stepped down onto the dock and approached the nearest droid foreman. “Halt. This is a restricted area. You are to vacate immediately.”
The Nite Owl gave the stern droid a polite smile. “We have a few questions.”
“Show me your identification, please.”
“We’re here on behalf of the Duchess to investigate the droid malfunctions.”
“Yes, I saw the reports.” While Bo-Katan and the droid foreman talked, Din strayed off to where the battle droids marched in a single-file line and studied their imposing forms as they passed him by; he waved a gloved hand in front of one’s face and saw no reaction, but he merely repeated the gesture with the next droid in line. “Rest assured, I’ve had the entire line of loaders undergo maintenance protocols as a safety measure. The, uh, certification is on file. I wouldn’t do that if I were you!”  
Din glanced over his shoulder at the droid foreman, unperturbed by its warning shout. “Why’s that?”
“Well, as a precaution,” The droid foreman carefully explained. “Their base function was warfare.”
“I thought they were just checked out.”
“They were-” Without waiting for the droid’s full reply, Din gave the next battle droid in line a hard kick; predictably, it merely staggered a little before returning to its place in line and carrying its cargo box to a nearby ship. “Uh, what are you doing?!”
“Then this shouldn’t faze them,” Din shrugged before kicking the next battle droid that passed them by, taking some pleasure in his rash and potentially dangerous experiment.
“Uh, sir? Excuse me! Sir!”
The next battle droid in line immediately stumbled when Din’s boot connected with its leg and dropped its cargo box but after it picked itself up, it suddenly back-handed Din across the dock and took off running. Groaning in pain, Din scrambled to his feet while Bo-Katan fired her blaster at the fleeing battle droid and sprinted after it, quickening his pace once he realized that they were dangerously close to the city streets; he could hear Bo-Katan running behind him as the battle droid knocked over a stack of rubbish and while he jumped over the makeshift obstacle, the Nite Owl propelled herself into the air to avoid the scattered mess. The alleyway opened up into a crowded street and frightened citizens screamed as the battle droid barreled through them, and Din and Bo-Katan were forced to shove their way after it.
Illuminated by the colorful neon lights of the various shopfronts, the imposing battle droid stopped to pick up a cargo box and throw it at them; Bo-Katan activated her jetpack to fly beneath the cargo box while Din dropped to his knees and slid on the smooth stone that paved the street. His body ached in protest but he pushed on, racing to catch up with Bo-Katan as she pursued the battle droid down another alleyway; the moment they emerged from the alley and stepped onto another street, they were forced to drop to the ground to avoid a power unit hurtling straight towards them, which exploded in a ball of fire as they scrambled to their feet and ran after the fleeing droid.
“Keep going!” Din shouted to Bo-Katan before peeling off and sprinting down the less-crowded adjacent alleyway; the battle droid passed the next opening before Din could reach it, forcing him to run into a cantina to continue his pursuit. Patrons shrieked in fright and darted out of his way as he charged through the cantina and when he caught sight of the nearest window, he seized the opportunity and dove straight through it; he tackled the battle droid and they landed on the street in a flurry of shattered glass, and he scrambled to draw his blaster as the battle droid jumped to its feet. But before it could attack, several blaster shots rang through the air and the destroyed droid collapsed onto the street to reveal Bo-Katan holstering her weapons.
“Are you all right?” The Nite Owl asked as she crossed the street and helped Din stand; when he gave her a breathless nod, her shoulders relaxed and they watched four constable droids surround them and the lifeless battle droid and project holographic crime scene barriers to keep any curious civilians away.
“This is a crime scene. Thank you for standing back. This is a crime scene. Thank you for standing back. This is a crime scene. Thank you for standing back.”
They both looked down at the battle droid’s sparking remains and Bo-Katan crouched to retrieve a rectangular object fastened at its waist. “I found a spark pad.”
Din’s brow furrowed beneath his helmet. “What’s it say?”
“‘The Resistor.’”
“Sounds like a droid bar.”
When Bo-Katan stood, she flipped the spark pad over and arched a brow before showing him the Aurebesh printing. “And there’s an address.”
The Nite Owl started down the street and with an exasperated sigh, Din ignored his aching muscles and followed after her. It was going to be a long, long night.
Mando-a Translations:
Alor’ad-Captain K’oyacyi, ner kotep beroya-Come back safely, my brave bounty hunter Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, ner cyar’ika alor’ad-I love you, my darling captain
A/N: Like I said last week, we’re having work done in the house and it’s been difficult finding time to write, but I’ll hopefully have the next chapter up on time! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! Oh, and I’ve created a Spotify playlist of all my favorite music from the world of Star Wars, so if you’re interested in checking it out the link is down below!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2KuSKJhVOPPvxdJ9YHeo4M?si=2977ff31bf0c4bdd
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Taking Care of Business Masterlist
Tagging: @remmysbounty​​​​​​ @sinon36​​​​​​ @seninjakitey​​​​​​ @thatonedindjarinfan​​​​​​ @ginger-swag-rapunzel​​​​​​ @mostclevermiss​​​​​​ @momc95​​​​​​ @welcometothepedroverse​​​​​​ @sarahjkl82-blog​​​​​​ @elinedjarin​​​​​​ @itsnottilly​​​​​​ @crowleysqueenofhell​​​​​​  @goldielocks2004 @wondergal2001​​​​​​ @groovy-lady​​​​​​ @impala1967666​​​​​​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​​​​​ @icee228​​​​​​​ @siimiasoi​​​​
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wanderingjedi77 · 2 years ago
Armorer x Fem!Reader x Bo (Wonder)
Summary: Six months after talking to Armorer and Bo about wanting a child, a pregnant reader adjusts to their new life.
Sequel to Always
You groaned as you sat in the chair, hand on your heavy stomach as Koska placed a pillow behind your back. You were grateful for your friend, always keeping to your side when Bo and the Armorer could not.
Your first pregnancy had been turbulent, and you were only five months along. You had your ups and downs, mood swings, sickness, generally feeling like an overinflated balloon. But they never had an unkind word for you. Always suggesting remedies to help you. Telling you how much they loved you.
"How is our Lady doing today?"
You looked up to see Ahsoka smiling at you, and you relaxed. "I feel like I'm going to burst. Can't you use some jedi trick to make this baby grow faster?"
Ahdoka laughed. "I wish I could. Unfortunately the force doesn't work that way."
You sigh sharply, and Ahsoka examines you more closely. "I know it hurts, but keep on your feet as much as possible."
"Okay." You look at Koska and she shrugs at you.
"She's the Jedi. I'm just moral support." Koska jokes. You swat her arm, and hear heavy footsteps approaching. No, you think. It's two sets of foot steps.
"Are we having a party on my balcony?"
You smiled as both Bo and the Armorer come into view, and Bo smiled back when she sees you.
"Good morning cyar'ika." The Armorer greets gently. "I was wondering where you ran off to."
You lean up and kiss Bo before looking at the Armorer, amused. "Maybe if someone wasn't such a blanket theif, I would have slept in longer."
Bo laughed.
"She's not wrong. I was cold too."
You lean your head back as Bo wraps an arm around you, tired. "I could get used to all this attention." You say suddenly, enjoying the company even though you don't really want to be fussed over..
Ahsoka smiles. "We all spent time with you before."
"Yes. But I feel...I don't know. I feel different. I appreciate how much all of you are doing for me." You say, embarrassed. Sometimes, the attention was too much though. You felt bad.
Koska squeezes your shoulder.
"Don't be stupid. Why wouldn't we help."
You shrug, and the Armorer tilts her head.
"You look exhausted, baby girl." She says, and looks at Ahsoka and Koska. "Could you leave us with our wife? I'd like to get her into bed."
"I bet you would." Ahsoka teases, and there's a collective groan.
"What? I was teasing." Ahsoka laughed. "Come on Koska, we can find more interesting things to do."
You watched them leave with a wave, and startled when the Armorer picked you up, making a noise of protest.
"Let me get you to bed." The Armorer lays you down gently in the bed, and you feel your aching muscles relax as Bo comes up and lays down next to you. The Armorer sits and pulls your legs into her own lap and runs her hands soothingly up and down.
"You know you don't have to do all of this." You tell them, feeling a little annoyed. "I can take care of myself. I'm not full term yet." You try to explain. You felt bad really, you didn't want to keep them away from their jobs.
"I know. But we love you." Bo explains. She reaches over and puts a hand on your stomach, curling on her side to loom at it better as you huff in protest.
The Armorer meets your gaze and takes off her own glove before copying Bo. You watch them for a few moments, their eyes so full of love. Maybe this wasn't a bad thing? They hadn't even met yoir baby and they wanted to be close to both of you all the time.
"Do you think it's too early to recite the creed?"
The Armorer looked at Bo. "They can't talk yet Bo. At least let our little one come out of their mother's stomach."
Bo sighed. "I know. I'm just excited."
"I know you are my sweet girl." The Armorer looked up at you, and you smiled at her.
"We love you too, baby girl." The Armorer adds, and you blew them a kiss. Bo winked at you and you laughed.
"I know you do." You answer. You reach down to pull them up, one on either side of you. Bo settles her hand on your hip and the Armorer around your shoulders. "I love you both so much, even if I think you fuss too much about me and the baby."
"We do it because it's our baby too. And you are our wife, my love." Bo replies, kissing you on the cheek, and you settle down more, the tiredness coming back.
Warmed by their words and their you relax, soothed and comforted. You just want to sleep.
And so, you do.
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milkcioccolato · 1 year ago
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Some sweet and tender koskatan for y’all, courtesy of @armoralor and her lovely commission!🥺💖
Thank you so so much, I loved working on this, they’re so soft🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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kalevalakryze · 2 years ago
I think I’m so funny
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Posting my Day 2 work to AO3 early bc I am old and I’m gonna wanna go to bed when I get home from work, instead of staying up to cross post and link
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jono723 · 1 year ago
Children of Mandalore
I have not died on this fic. I swear, it just took a while to finish to find the direction I generally wanna go. Don't worry it's still your choice but I get to play game master XD
Bo's admiration
Winner: Bo brings both of them to stop the fight
Bo-Katan puts on her helmet. “Let’s go end the children's quarrel,” Bo says as she heads to the entrance, both Koska and the Armorer following behind her, chuckling at Bo’s words. They break off into a sprint.
“Hopefully, these children haven’t destroyed anything.” The armorer quips back while running, “Maybe their jaws and fragile pride.” Koska jest, making the three women laugh.
When they arrive at the campfire, they see two Mandalorians fighting, both clad in blue armor. Bo observed the crowd's reaction, some watching silently, some wanting to join in with people trying to stop them, while the rest were cheering the two fighters.
“Sto-” Bo was cut off as the two fighters jetpacked into a wall of one of the buildings. “Alright, that's it. Stop all of you!” Bo shouts, drowning out one of the Mandalorians, complaining that their house just got destroyed. 
Everyone stops and snaps to attention except the two clashing Mandalorians. Bo motions Koska to restrain one of them with her grapple while Bo restrains the other. 
Both shot the fighting Mandalorians, restraining them before they could trade blows again. The two Mandalorians can be seen sporting bruises and cuts on their faces due to their fighting without their helmets. “Now, do both of you want to explain to me what started this? That you had to start acting like children interrupting everyone's dinner and destroying someone's house?” Bo asked in a cold voice as she removed her helmet. 
The two Mandalorians look around, looking at what their fight had done. A few plates of food were spilled on the floor while a few chairs and tables were broken, and behind that lay a pile of rubble and a massive hole in the wall.
Axe, being a brave fool, decided to break the silence. “I had to defend Ragnar from his words that insult his father's sacrifice for our people that sent the child running,” looking up at Bo-Katan with determination in his eyes. 
Bo then looks at the other Mandalorian, another niteowl. “What did you say to the boy?” Bo asks as she stares at the man. “ I was joking about how he was a Vizsla, yet he couldn’t even get off the ground properly without screaming like a princess and how he’s a disappointment,” the other niteowl said, looking down at the ground.
“YOU SAID THAT TO A CHILD!!” Bo shouts, narrowing her eyes at the man. “Where did he go?” The Armorer asks, cutting in. The people around pointed in the direction the child ran to, and she sprinted off. 
“Are you a child? Do you not know respect? You should know better than to say that about a child who has just started training, especially when he’s in the same vicinity and when his father sacrificed his life for our cause,” Bo spits with venom. 
“You two are to return home and tend to your wounds, and you are to report to my office in the morning to receive your punishments for this mess, and you are to apologize to Ragnar tomorrow, and I hope you prepare for what I have in store for you,” Bo ordered as she and Koska released the two, who hurriedly gathered their helmets and returned to their respective homes.
“I’ll send you a list of heavy labor projects that we need to do by midnight,” Koska says as she walks towards Bo. “Thank you. Can I leave the cleanup to you? I want to check on Ragnar.” Bo asks, pointing to the area. “Of course, this is easy. The boy would need you more.” Koska replies with a nod. Bo runs in the direction the Armorer goes with her helmet in hand.
Bo finds the armorer and Ragnar near the ravine of the Empire remnant base. The two didn't notice her walking closer. She can see Ragnar shaking while hugging the Armorer. 
"Why can't I just do the stupid drill properly?" Ragnar sobs under his helmet. “In due time, you will learn it like we all did at your age. The fruits of your effort will show that you will be a better fighter than me and your father.” The Armorer explains, rubbing Ragnar’s back. "Why did he have to go!?" Ragnar screams in anguish.
This is an interactive fic, so as always, choose wisely. This will affect the story.
It's time to vote!!
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THIS WEEK’S EPISODE OF NXTB (Next X-Treme Tumblr Blorbo)
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The Mandalorian Bloodline - led by Bo-Katan Kryze - is one of the more powerful stables in all of ABW. Not only do they have wrestlers in all sides of the company, they’ve maintained a high level of dominance. Even with the occasional losses - like the loss they faced against the Force Lads (Anakin and Obi-Wan) from last week - they always manage to reassert their standing in the company.
But now, Darth Maul has had enough. During this episode of NXTB, Maul has called out the Mandalorian Bloodline, hoping to embarrass them. Paz Vizsla, Koska Reeves, and Axe Woves have answered Maul’s callout, leading to the unnamed commissioner scheduling a six-man tag team match as the main event.
Maul, who doesn’t have a tag partner, then introduced the two people who’ve decided to help him out…
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godzillasfav · 2 years ago
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Yeah I ship cara w koska even tho they never had time together, Anyway enjoy bc I’m gonna be making more of these
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josephinekhawaja · 2 years ago
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I see you, Bryce Dallas Howard. I see you and I appreciate you.♟♟♟♟
(...as if the frantic "No, it's too far!" in Chapter 23 were not further proof of their canon relationship. I have subsisted on far smaller crumbs than that for dinbo. There are 3 couples in Chapter 22 in support of the dinbo agenda, not 2. I did say the Precise Moment. Also, when Bo-Katan needs volunteers from both tribes, Axe is the one that immediately follows Koska, just as after a beat Din is Bo's first-ever volunteer. Mandalorian men "I'll join you"-simp for their women and I love that for them. Y'allllll, my 2020 self is beside herself right now with my 2 ships👫👩🏿‍🤝‍👨🏾I keep winning.)
Moving on to the next thing the general public seems to take at face value, but I gotta call bullshit on -- Paz Vizsla is not dead. I do not have a complex case for this or whatever, and I am not gonna pull another all-nighter to feebly argue my position -- but I do not get any sense of finality from the scene either. I have no sad feelings at all from this episode. I am pretty damn optimistic. Like forget about the season finale -- *dinbo nation rise* again in August for a family trip to Lothal or whatever. The Clan of Three cameo is coming, we do not even have to wait for Season 4. I am manifesting this for my birthday.
Of course, I could be wrong. And I may or may not feel personally responsible for having theorised his death. Though go figure, once it has appeared to have transpired, I am unconvinced of it. Paz Vizsla is a big boy, even if not Force-sensitive; and I have seen all kinds of characters come away from all kinds of deaths as if it is Easter Sunday, including and especially in this galaxy. I do not trust any Star Wars death, in particular, anymore unless I see all the receipts or their Force Ghost. Fool me once, shame on you; fake me out how many nickels, shame on me. Though I would gladly take a nickel for this. We need our teddy bear. Ragnar needs his father. And I need Grogu's paternal uncle to be frenemy homies with his maternal uncle and keep the Force in balance between them. This is the way. (...This Is The Way x 2, for Paz.✊✊✊✊)
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