#bo asked me to draw the last one bc i was saying that out loud to myself lmfao
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crown snake form but its a tsuchinoko
tsuchinocrown !!
#my art#cotl#cult of the lamb#chirin au#bo asked me to draw the last one bc i was saying that out loud to myself lmfao
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Nin’s Matchup!
Matchup Profile: Sfw+nsfw matchup pretty pls! (1/5) Name: Nin>Female>5’4>Film & sfx/theatrical makeup freelancer>V athletic in MS-HS: ballet, was in volley ball, soccer &Basketball teams>Miss my prime days>Scared to start workout again b/c I’ll get lightheaded>If sum1 helps push me through initial fear, I’ll keep growing from there> Likes chilling in ballet stretch poses>paints, photographs&draws as hobby>draws a pic a day (mostly portraits)>writing a comic atm >Always plan contingencies.🦄
(2/5) >embarrassed of my loud laugh(it’s like Kuroo’s)>introvert>not afraid to lead a team tho> V shy & quiet most times>8/10 times, feels awk in public,like idk what i’m saying, but others told me I seem social>Once I’m comfy w/ u, i joke a lot(occasional mum jokes 2 annoy+Sassy dirty ones w/ S/O)>hides behind ppl who likes 2 talk, but not when they’re 2 loud>laughs @ mistakes/when embarrassed>Will stop mistreatment, even if I get in trouble>values communication&genuine discussions🦄
(3/5) Sings when home alone>competes @ Street Fighter tournaments, trains everyday 4 it>Sings “Hit Me W/ Your Best Shot” when fighting bosses in game&swears melodically when i lose>eats chips w/ chopsticks >make hats out of my cat fur when bored>Workahokic night🦉>likes 2 teach >full convos w/ my 🐱>LIVES in oversized hoodies & flip flops, regardless of weather>no pants@home!>Feels incompetent sometimes, but keep practicing 2 improve>Analytical fast learner>idk why ppl think i look innocent🦄
(4/5)>Forgets 2 speak eng when tired (Thai 1st lang.)>Headrubs 4 s/o every night b4 bed>will miss u but is bad@texting>yelps like puppy when I’m surprised>Unconventionally resourceful: Wire hangers’s fixes everything! >stress bakes & will gets pouty if it didn’t turn out well.>overwhelmed to water my 50+ 🌱 >Doodles on smt (always have a pen on me)when i feel socially anxious> 2 dance sober @ clubs> Wants a stable relationship where we work tgt like a team to bring out the best in one another🦄
(5/5) I like a s/o who is lovable, kind, genuine, mature, independent and caring, but can also joke & be silly with like best friends. NSFW: open 2 try new things>❤️restraints, blindfolds & sensual tickle sex (as lee+ler) but had always been too shy to share it with any1>occasionally self conscious of food baby+stretchmarks>🥰edging/teasing >has a thing 4 height differences (likes to feel smol lol!) & primal play.>Is a switch. I’m so sorry if it’s too much info! Thank you for doing this!🦄
A/N: HI LOVE @crushzone !!!! I SMILE WHEN I SEE YOU IN MY NOTIFS GIRL I WORKED HARD ON YOURS OF COURSE💖 But no matter whaaaat I’m going to be very authentic in my matchups bc they’re based on compatibility and therefore, without further ado, lemme introduce you to your NEW BAE:
so you’re a theatrical makeup artist.
Mind if I offer you a word of advice? :
Startled by someone’s loud booming voice, you smudged the eyeliner you were applying to your actor’s face all over their forehead. Whipping around to see who had disrupted your work you were faced with a beautiful black and grey haired owl. A rather tall... and very attractive ‘beautiful black and grey haired owl.’
He started walking around the dressing room like he owned the place, touching everything.
“Excuse me, you don’t have a badge. You can’t be backstage—!”
“Pretty obvious don’t you think, Miss ________?”
You didn’t take his bait, refusing to give this stranger your name. Bokuto shrugged.
“Well since I don’t know your name I shall label thee—Miss HOT GIRL of the 9 Kingdoms!” He nudged the knight actor who was sitting in your makeup chair with his elbow. “Did I sound 15th century ish or what??” The owl turned to you expecting to be praised. “I had to meet the person who made the medieval vampire look so scary in the last act. But that guy with the lights didn’t tell me anything about you being so hot.”
You were speechless because he was hot too
But he shouldn’t be back here so you tried to shoo him out anyway
He allowed you to try to shove him out but he was way bigger than you so nice try sis
When he yawned while you panted because you weren’t able to budge him an inch....
Bokuto wagered that he would leave if you agreed to make him look like the Hulk with your makeup skills for a Halloween party he had to go to
You didn’t really want to because you were a professional and you had no idea who this owl was but because you had 15 minutes until the second act and you needed peace and quiet if you were going to finish your job!!! ....
( This boy was not peace NOR quiet )
You agreed.... but because you answered so fast Bokuto kicked it up one notch
Prince of pushing his luck (king is reserved for Shōyo‘s extra ass)
He pretended to allow you to push him out of the makeup room a few steps but before you closed the door he stuck his foot between the door so it couldn’t close.
Smiling, he peered back in, looking down at you:
“AND...... you have to agree to go on a date with me. Tomorrow night?”
“Ugh FINE!”
Bo removed his foot and let himself out with a bounce in his step.
Needless to say, after a few dates, mans won you over like he wins EVERYONE over
It surprised you how comfortable you became with him but he just has that affect on people
In terms of your athletic relationship Bokuto does many things:
He pushes you to go to the gym with him for one
He signs the two of you up for impromptu Beginner 30-day challenges that you both must stick to
So every morning for 30-days straight he jumps on you in bed to wake you up:
“Kōtarō, please shut up.”
he doesn’t
He drags you there and eventually you get back into the swing of things.. killing it in the weight room with your supportive man cheering on your every rep!
You don’t even need him to wake you up during the second challenge!
Your volleyball player boyfriend also signs you up (without permission) for the neighborhood soccer team that Akaashi’s girlfriend is already on
You hated it at first because it was uncomfortable going back after not playing for so long but you soon realized that all the girls there were ex-athletes too and not stars
You formed amazing new girl friendships (especially with Akaashi’s gf) and double dates with them were one of your favourite nights of the week!
You owed that happiness in your life all to your Owl 🦉🥰
He and Akaashi came to every soccer game y’all had and you and the three of you went to all of Bokuto’s games, obviously
Btw you all were FITTTTTT OML
In addition...
You already know that your man finds your artistic talents insanely fascinating
On your first anniversary together Bokuto gifted you with a new paint set and new French stand:

Because he admires you Bokuto also tries to draw and paint seriously just like you
You stand over his shoulder and give him corrections and baby owl learns so fast it’s amazing
You two make ‘paint night’ a thing when you move in together and it’s always the most fun event!!!!
Bokuto CONSTANTLY and I mean CONSTANTLY asks for you to add him to the comic you’re writing but you say no because he wouldn’t fit in
He sulks but one day you surprise him by showing him that you drew a cute soaring black and gray owl in the background of almost every outdoor scene in your comic,
you pointed out that it was him
He called Akaashi right away and almost cried tears of joy hahahahaha
Your contingent based lifestyle has saved your reckless boyfriend’s life and career many-a-times
It’s one of the things he loves most about you.
Also, it is important to mention that he is in LOVE with your laugh
Bby owl does anything to hear it and showers your face with kisses when you laugh to draw it out
He loves you so freaking much
When you don’t make sense and speak gibberish in public because your awkward side randomly comes out......your boyfriend loves to make fun of you:
“Huh? Nin, that wasn’t Japanese, that wasn’t Thai and that definitely wasn’t English. What planet is my adorable baby girl from, again? And how do I return her in exchange for a floating space car instead?!”
suh cute
All of Bokuto’s teammates really like you because you work in conjunction with Akaashi which means you actually have the magic ability to get Bokuto out of emo mode even faster than his best friend 🤯🤯🤯
When he’s at an away game in emo mode his teammates will literally FaceTime you and point their phone in his general direction
“Hey, Kōtarō!!!! Look, Nin’s on the phoneeee!”
Bby owl turns around slowly when he was sulking in the corner and when he sees you on the screen he’s running and jumping on whoever is holding your phone.”
“Kōtarō baby. You’re going to stop this emo mode right now. If not I won’t let you paint me nude like we discussed.”
mans was like: 😨😨😨😨🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
YEP the next second you see him hitting his best practice spikes and his teammate thanks you profusely
You do this several times until Kōtarō just knows to not go into emo mode anymore because you won’t be happy
A year into his professional volleyball career The Black Jackal’s coach sent a surprise fruit bouquet to your work one time:

With a note that read:
To Nin,
Thanks a lot.
The Team
I know you don’t really like people who are considered “too loud” and Bokuto is like...... “MEGA LOUD 🎙 “ but you and Akaashi work together to quiet your boy down as he gets older
He’s perfect
And you love him
You know how you like standing up for people (even strangers) and stuff?
Well one day, you and Bokuto get caught on a show called WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

Where the two of you cussed out this cat-abusing actor on the show in a convincing scenario!
Bokuto literally tells everyone that y’all are movie stars because of it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
More in the relationship:
Bo is always singing with you 💞 when y’all make breakfast it becomes a national sport to sing at the top of your lungs!!
And when he sees you eat chips with chopsticks he’s pulling a Hinata “🤩🤩🤩” face .
He begs you to teach him how
So you try
......and try
..................and try
He can’t do it bruv 😞
You see bby Owl’s emo mode return for the first time in like a year when the chip shatters between his sticks again
This time, you have to enlist Akaashi as the FaceTime saviour and Keiji just tells him:
“Bokuto. You should prefer eating chips with your hands anyway. It gets to your mouth faster.”
cue Bo’s 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 face
........And all is well again
There’s more:
So you’re a workaholic?
Bokuto is fine with that. He just makes you promise that he gets to take you out on your lunch breaks a few times a week or whenever he can
He’s so sweet and your coworkers are BIG jealous of your relationship
Your man BEGSSSSS you to teach him Thai but you find it too hard so when he’s travelling on a long flight he spends the time learning the language on YouTube (and actually get decent at it) so that he can understand you when you’re sleepy😴🥺💕
When Bokuto surprises you by wishing you goodnight in Thai before he falls asleep (while you’re giving him head rubs), your heart explodes BECAUSE why is he the cutest thing in the world ?!?!?!
You don’t text/you’re bad at texting? That’s fine, mainly because bby owl is so busy with volleyball anyway, but if you don’t text him back when he is feeling needy the boy will call you 20 times in a row
When you finally pick up, your heart is beating like thinking it’s an emergency
But he will answer saying:
“Oh, no emergency. I just want booty pics. Please, Nin babyyyyy?”
you’re like: 😑
It’s cringey but.......
When you’re at work all day doing makeup and he’s home he will send you pics throughout the day of him taking care of your plants like they are y’alls newborn children:

His text:
Baby look!!! Ollie the Orchid grew to 7 inches today!!! Yesterday he was 6.8 inches!!!!! They grow up so fast 😭😭😭”
Your reply:
Not quite as long as your dick, Bo
His reply:
I hate when you get me horny when I’m trying to take care of the kiiiids 😭😭😭😭
Of all the factors you look for in a man, Bokuto has all of them
Like I said he becomes much more mature when you and Akaashi are his closest compadres
What people don’t know is that Kōtarō is actually very mature he is just a hardcore optomist (besides emo mode lmao) so people often mistake him as immature or dumb
But He’s far from it and you see that everyday
It’s why you fell for him
When dealing with serious issues that life has to handle, you see a different side of Bokuto, a real side, the side he shows in every tough volleyball game when he makes you metaphorically step behind him so he can deal with any problem that comes your way
He would literally withstand all your battles if that meant you’d remain happy forever
We stan a relationship like yours💞
okay so you know how you chill in ballet 🩰 stretches sometimes?
It turns him on so much and he is constantly testing how flexible you are in the bedroom
When you keep meeting his expectations he is POUNDING you cause he is so turned on
He fucking loves it
It also turns him on when you’ll be acting shy and stuff but then randomly you’ll lead your neighbourhood soccer team like a BAD BITCH
When he sees that he’s already asking Akaashi how long until the game ends because he’s horny:
Akaashi deadpans. “Too much information. And the game just started 3 minutes ago. Get a water and calm yourself.”
Bo is sad but it makes for one hell of a I’m-proud-of-you sexscape when you get home from your game!!
Your dirty jokes also turn Bokuto on.
A lot.
A lot a lot:
“Bo.....I was joking.”
“I know but if I hear the word ‘dick’ coming out of your mouth I automatically think of you blowing me so now I want us to go home.” He whines.
You sigh. He’s lucky he’s so fucking hot.
When you’re playing street fighter every night this boy will not leave you alone until you cockwarm him
“Nin can you pleaseeeeee warm my cock while you train? I miss you.”
Your concentration turns him on so he has to ask nicely 😊
You love his dick so of course you oblige
Bby owl is so happy just sitting there being in your company and in your warmth but sometimes or every time he ends up thrusting into you
Sometimes while he’s giving you deep slow thrusts he orders you to keep playing or he won’t get you off
Damn 🤤
Let’s not forget also that you drive your man wild by walking around the house in hoodies all the time and nothing else
Every day, another hoodie will be found in various RANDOM places in the house because Bo flings it off you before he makes love to you wherever, and they go missing
Finally, when you get all sad and pouty because one of your baker trials goes to shit (ruined chocolate brownies this time, boo 💔), your boyfriend is taking your hand gently in an instant, leading you to the bedroom:
“Don’t be sad my beautiful girl, you know how much I hate seeing you sad. It makes me sad.! Here, come in the room and sit on my face—I promise I’ll make you feel better.”
Maybe you should screw up brownie recipes more often.
A/N: do you know the show what would you do??? Watch it on YouTube if you haven’t haha I couldn’t stop thinking about you and Bokuto being on it after reading your matchup profile!!!! I hope you liked it bb! Give me all your reactions, I want all the smoke 💞💞💞
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Fire At My Feet Again (Tim/Cassie, post-Red Robin)
Title: Fire at my Feet Again Fandom: DCU, Teen Titans, Red Robin (preboot) Rating: PG-13 | Words: 4.6K | a03 link Summary: Tim and Cassie have been assigned to mentor the upcoming new version of Young Justice. Cassie isn’t drunk enough yet to process this turn of events properly. But if she has her say, with Tim’s help, she soon will be.
Set a handful of years after Red Robin. Contains miscellaneous comic references including 90’s YJ. Yet also borrows an element or two from the Young Justice cartoon. Bc I do what I want. Also unbeta’d. Bc impatience.
Note: Also using this fic to fulfill prompts/days 1-3 of Tim Drake Week (First & Lasts, Childhood & Adulthood, Dreams & Reality) bc this sucker took me long enough that I say it counts and I’d like to catch up.
The déjà vu was murder. Cassie wanted to scream at the Justice League that they had the wrong girl, she wasn't a MENTOR, if anything, she was still a MENTEE, but Tim was standing right next to her, giving his Serious Business head-nod, and Cassie realized that if she did, in fact, start screaming at the JLA, she wouldn't be screaming at strangers.
Because screaming at Aquaman and Superman and Batman was one thing, but the NEW Batman was once Nightwing and she didn't really like the idea of screaming at him. She would also be screaming at Vic, who was her friend. And--sweet Hera--she had FRIENDS in the JLA. You're a grown-up now, Cassie. You're a MENTOR now, Cassie. So is Tim, for that matter. Hell. She didn’t want to admit out loud how familiar it was. How, in the last days before she gave up the Titans, she’d had trouble remembering the names of multiple team members; they had come and gone so quickly. So playing chaperone to a bunch of kids she didn’t know was actually way more familiar of a feeling than it ought to have been. But they weren’t asking her and Tim to be team leaders. They were asking her and Tim to play Red Tornado to their new batch of kids. Not to lead. Just to make sure they didn’t break anything. To help them with reporters. To save their asses if things got out of hand. To be around if they wanted advice. "You start on Monday." Vick told them. "We start on Monday." Cassie repeated in a daze. When the rest had left, and it was only her and Tim, the feeling that it was real began to press on her lungs. "We start on MONDAY. Oh God." "Cassie? Are you o--Um. I can do it. You don't have to help. I--" "Do you remember what we were like?! You'll need my help. WE may need help. What if they have their own Kon? What if they have their own BART?" "Or Slo-bo." "Oh God." "It'll be okay. They're just as likely to have their own Secret, somebody they'll band around to protect. Or their own Anita, who can radiate reason. Or their own YOU, somebody smart who can represent the team and keep them in line. Ultimately, they'll be themselves and we can just give them the benefit of the doubt. It'll be okay." Maybe it was the truth of his words, or the blatant compliment, but Cassie did feel herself begin to calm down. This wasn’t history repeating itself. It was just a few parallels here and there. And the history wasn't all that bad anyway. When did she get so good at only remembering the rough parts? "I'm good. I swear I am, but I think I need a drink." Tim's smile was weird. Like he was about to be nostalgic, but it was 50/50 whether it was going to be a good idea or not. "I know just the place." She half-expected him to take her to the same zany hole-in-the-wall they went to for his 21st birthday years back, but he surprised her with a Gotham spot she had never seen before. It was kind of on the (conventional) sporty side, and kind of posh. Not really the sort of place she had expect him to go. "This was my dad's favorite place." Cassie shook her head to clear it. She could count on her hand the number of times Tim has talked about his dad with her, and four times out of five, he had been in tears while doing it. "Do you remember Klarion?" Tim asked. "Bum, bum, bum… The witch boy." She wanted to slap herself for completing the obnoxious little tune on autopilot, but decided not to be too hard on herself. It WAS catchy. "Well, when he had us stuck in adult bodies, I got the bright idea that I should go check on my dad in his natural environment." "There is no way that went well." Tim nodded, "He said I reminded him a bit of his son, and he invited me to sit down and have a beer with him." Cassie felt a smirk coming on. "And you had never had a beer in your life." "Correct. I spit it up all over him. And he never learned that the weird guy who chilled with him and wrecked his night was me.”
Cassie chuckled, “So, do you want a beer?”
“Hell, no. Can’t stand the stuff.” It might have been the funky lighting, but as Tim scratched the back of his head, she could swear he was blushing.
“Me neither. Good thing we’re old enough to admit it. Hey bartender!”
Cassie waved at the old man behind the counter. He seemed to be hard of hearing, as he kept cleaning the other end of the bar. She sighed, “Go over the new roster with me.”
“They haven’t got the official—“
“I know you know the biggest candidates for this thing, and I’d like to have a heads up, please and thanks.”
Tim nodded, as he waved his own hand in the old man’s direction to help her out, “Okay. So Lian has already said yes, and if there is a god, she will hopefully end up being team leader…”
Cassie smiled, “Roy Harper’s kid would be good at it. Though Robin will probably fight her for it…”
“Damian will be there under duress. Dick thinks it will be good for him, but the chances are that if he gets out of line…”
“He absolutely won’t listen to you, so I will have to do it. Uhgh.”
Tim gave her a pained laugh, “Thank you in advance?”
Cassie shrugged. She was already beginning to understand why the League was insisting on both of them. There had been some rosters of the Titans that were like that, some deferring only to Robin and some only to Wonder Girl. But by that time, she and Tim had mastered being in-sync to the point that it was a (mostly) doable nightmare.
“Who’s the heaviest hitter we’ll probably have to clean up after?”
Tim steepled his fingers thoughtfully, “That’s a toss-up between Damian’s friend Colin, who is actually an incredibly nice kid, and Jon Kent: our new Superboy-to-be.”
Cassie frowned, “Wait, I thought… what happened to Christopher?”
“You didn’t…?” Tim’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Um, a lot of things happened to Chris. But when he came home from the phantom zone a few months ago, he… well, it wasn’t like when a Robin gets replaced, but he told me it took a lot of adjusting to the fact that an entire time-line crisis had given him a baby brother that was already twelve years old. Last I’ve heard from him, he’s trying to decide on a new code-name and … well, he’s too old for the team.”
She felt her draw drop. “Chris Kent, who was like barely past my hip last I saw him, is TOO OLD for this team? What the hell?!”
“Cassie, the last time you saw him, I was babysitting him because he was ten. And with the phantom zone, well…”
“Well how old is he n—wait. Don’t answer that. Not until I’ve had whiskey, because this now officially calls for whiskey. BARTENDER. WHISKEY.” The time for being polite and patient had officially passed.
Cassie cradled her head in her hands as she listened to Tim placate the offended bartender, and modify her order. Apparently whiskey wasn’t specific enough. Apparently the brown-eyed little boy she’d last seen wearing little boy shorts and a cartoon character wristwatch was now too freaking old to join Young Justice 2.0.
“So help me, Tim, if you’ve ordered something crazy-expensive, you are buying.”
Tim sighed, and Cassie felt a twinge of guilt. This wasn’t any easier for him. Hell, it might be harder. She knew Damian always made things harder for Tim.
Cassie was both boggled and somewhat grateful that she didn’t have a new Wonder Girl to contend with. Though, now that she thought about it, it did seem almost a shame for one to be missing from the roster… No.
No, she was still too young to be getting mopey over legacies. Not that she hadn’t always dug the idea of an Amazon legacy, but it was supposed to be, like, a general legacy. Not hers. Not yet. And yet…
“I am buying, and you will like it. I promise. It’s only a little expensive, but trust me that you don’t want the default of anything in this place.”
The next thing she knew, she had a strong-smelling double-shot over ice in front of her. It tasted like honey. If honey weren’t made by bees, but instead made by kangaroos kicking her in the face. She decided she liked it.
“Cassie, you’re supposed to sip that.”
She smirked at him, “I’ll sip the next one. Better hope our tab’s on your platinum card.”
He snorted, but didn’t really protest, taking a taste of his own glass.
She observed him.
He closed his eyes and tilted his head as he drank, though not with the speed of someone rushing a shot. It took the shadows off his face for a moment, so she could clearly see the tiredness around his eyes and the faint stubble around his jaw. She faintly recalled that said stubble had come very late in life to him. At the very tail-end of puberty.
She remembered that the first time she had kissed him—mourning Kon’s death in a sea of shattered glass in the Titan’s sublevel—the line from his cheek to his adam’s apple had been completely smooth.
Don’t go there, Cassie.
That was a long time ago, Cassie.
“So… um. So how’s Kon taking the whole codename thing?”
Tim shrugged, blinking his eyes open as he continued to hold the glass near his lips. “You know about as much as I do. He can’t decide what to pick. That is, he agrees that he’s years overdue to shelve “Superboy”, but replacing it is giving him conniptions.” Tim gestured the bartender back to refill her glass.
“That’s about what I know,” Cassie conceded, “But somehow, you always know a little more. So spill.”
As promised, she sipped the next glass. Sipping was like getting kicked by a baby honey-making kangeroo. It was still pretty damn good. She raised her pinky jokingly, which finally got a smile out of Tim that went up to his eyes as he spoke.
“He’s actually been trying to pick Chris’s brain on the matter. While Kon can hardly think of anything, Chris’s knowledge of Kryptonian language and mythology is giving him a ton of ideas and he just can’t choose.”
“Yeah, well. Kon’s gonna have to get used to choosing names in general. And soon.”
Tim’s puzzled expression stopped her cold.
“Oh Hera. He hasn’t told you yet.”
Tim similarly froze, “He… told me there was something he though he’d tell a lot of people in person. Said it wasn’t bad news. But with his new off-world mission, and how, um, busy we both will be… “
Cassie nodded. If Kon wanted to protest, he could blame her.
“M’gann is pregnant.”
It was always fun: managing to surprise Tim with something he’d clearly had absolutely no clue about beforehand. So fun. So rare. He was even choking a bit on his own drink.
“You’re serious. Kon’s going to be… a dad?”
“Wow. He’s got to be over the moon. Both in a happy and terrified way. I’ll be an honorary uncle. Heh…”
He went serious then, totally quiet. Sometimes Cassie didn’t dig the reminder that she didn’t really have the full specs of the brain of Timothy Drake. But then again, did anyone?
She held back a tiny flinch as Tim set down his drink and put his hand over hers…
“Are you okay?” he practically whispered.
“Yes…?” she mimicked his low voice.
“Because I know you’ve never liked talking about how things ended, but it’s alright to…”
Gears clicked into place.
“Omigod. Tim. I’m fine. Kon and I are both totally over each other. Promise. Seriously, have you been worrying about that for the past five years?”
His face didn’t turn red, but his ears did.
“Hey, you wouldn’t talk about it, okay? And Kon may be my best friend, but… he’s not my only best friend. You and Bart… you can’t think I love you any less. Do you?”
Holy shit. The L-word. From TIM. In a totally platonic sense, of course.
As it should be, Cassie.
She knew Tim had been trained to resist truth serum and torture since his Robin days. Apparently, his own taste in alcohol was considerably more effective if it could get talk of actual feelings out of him.
Focus, Cassie. He asked you a question.
“I know you love me.” She squeaked.
A distinctly fraught look pulled his eyebrows together, and it occurred to Cassie that her assurance didn’t sound very believable.
So she tried again, “I’m serious. I don’t mean that in whatever placating double-meaning Bat-way you guys usually communicate in Gotham. I mean it. I know. You love me. I love you too.”
Those burning ears of his were back, but at least the distressed twist to his forehead had gone away. And that… Cassie knew she’d said enough. Her brain knew, anyway. Her tongue didn’t. “If… if a burning building had you and my mom inside and I only had time to save one, I’d save my mom because she didn’t sign up for the life we did. But I’d be every bit as devastated over losing you as if I had lost her.”
What the hell, Cassie?! Dark escalation much?
She spared a glance at her drink as though it had betrayed her. Was she on glass number two or number three?
Tim just snorted with a smirk, “Me too.”
He took another sip, which seemed to oddly sober his face again, “Though… I’d probably be more devastated if it was you. I… I sometimes wondered if there was something wrong with me considering how fast I recovered from my mom’s death. We weren't close. I… I wanted us to be. So much. But we weren’t.”
Cassie held her breath. She… she had known that Tim’s mom was out of the picture. That when his dad died, that was it. Officially one of Batman’s orphans. But she’d never…
Apparently, it was Tim’s turn to look at his drink as though it were up to shady behavior.
“I’ve never admitted that out loud to anybody. Not in so many words, anyway.”
They both let the silence breathe a moment, before Cassie tentatively let her curiosity get the best of her.
“What was her name? Wanna tell me about her?”
Tim didn’t look her in the eye, preferring to keep his gaze pinpointed on the single oversized ice cube in his glass, but he nodded.
“Her name was Janet. She um…” A tiny strange grin quirked the side of his mouth and he finally looked up at her through messy black bangs, “Remember that time when your mom invited me and Bart to dinner with you, and she complained for half an hour about the ‘jet-set’ archaeologists who have all the money but half-assed dedication to historical findings? Who are all about the fun and polish?”
“Um, yes?” Oh gods. Helena Sandsmark’s fifth favorite rant topic. She had hours of material on the unfairness of wealthy socialites’ interaction with the archaeology scene. Cassie always died of embarrassment anytime someone she knew was exposed to even a fraction of it.
“My mom was one of those.”
Cassie slumped in her chair, beginning to feel her own ears turn red.
“Oh gods, I’m sorry—”
And Tim giggled. Giggled. It was… stupid but nice and he kind of sounded like he hadn’t taken in quite enough oxygen at first to do it properly.
“Don’t be, Cass. Your mom didn’t say anything that wasn’t true. I wasn’t mad. It was… nice remembering her. She was spoiled, but in a classy kind of way. At least, that’s what my dad would say about it. But he might have been biased. Considering.”
“Considering.” Cassie let a relieved giggle of her own slip.
The silence that followed wasn’t a bad one. She eventually realized that Tim was faintly tapping on the edge of the bar to the tune of the music softly playing over he speakers, though she didn’t recognize the song.
At some point in their conversation, he had let go of her hand, and she tried not to overthink her awareness of that. She also tried not to overthink the fact that she was mentally listing the different ways she might get him to put it back.
She was startled from carefully not contemplating these things when his finger tips continued tapping, but this time against her own fingers lingering on the bar. She saw an expectant expression on his face, and it took her a moment to realize that the music had changed.
Cassie’s eyes widened. Was that.. Mmmm Bop? It was. The one hit from that stupid band that every member of Young Justice has solemnly sworn to hate into eternity was dancing over the speakers.
Some members, however, had been lying through their teeth when taking said oath.
Cassie had been one of them. Apparently, so had Tim.
Their moment of mutually tapping to forbidden tunes was interrupted as the old bar keep slammed a giant pink drink in front of Cassie’s nose.
“From th’ gentleman.” The man muttered, tottering away.
Cassie frowned. Tim seemed to be on the case, however, as he made a subtle pointing down the bar. She looked over her shoulder and saw the guy. He was tall and broad, with a lear and patch of scruff on his chin that reminded Cassie of Tim’s old Mr. Sarcastic disguise. Just… without the sarcasm. His target of choice hadn’t accepted the drink yet, and he was already elbowing his buddies and preparing to stand.
“He looks like the pushy type to me,” Cassie muttered, “Mr. Detective?”
Tim gave a small sigh, “I’m inclined to agree. How do you want to play this?”
There were a lot of correct choices. Not the least of which was taking the drink and pretending it meant nothing. Making eye contact and firmly pushing the drink away was a fair call too. If Mr. Pushy pushed, well… It would hardly be any skin off her back to return the favor. But a hero was always supposed to avoid escalating the situation or provoking it. Such was the correct choice.
You’re going to be a mentor, Cassie.
Meaning—she replied to the voice in her head— that if she was going to do something wild and on the side of crazy, it had to be tonight. So, she grabbed Tim’s hand and whispered in his ear.
“Pretend to be my boyfriend.”
His eyes went comically wide for a fraction of a second, but the next instant, he was giving her a succinct nod of the head.
She felt his fingertips slide up to her jaw, pinpricks of cold from the condensation of his drink. She barely registered the procession from one moment to the next as his lips were suddenly touching hers.
Barely touching. Very lightly.
But staying. Not a peck.
Rather, a quick brush followed by a very slow second brush.
Her eyes slipped closed, acknowledging that the feeling was nice, if unexpected.
She held still everywhere save her mouth, mimicking his movement until she could breathe in the honey-tang from his breath instead of her own.
She then set her icy fingernails against his cheek, as was only fair.
He gave a quick inhale that let her know she had startled him back.
“Two for flinching.” She chuckled against his mouth.
In an instant, she wanted desperately to see his expression, but he ducked his head to whisper in her ear again.
“Why go back to competing when we’ve gotten so good at teaming up?”
Tim thought he was so clever sometimes. She wanted to agree and roll her eyes at the same time. She was about to reply when something in the shift of his shoulders told her they had trouble.
“What is it?”
“Pushy Type has strolled out with his friends, but they went around the alley area of the building without grabbing a ride and none of them had car keys.”
Cassie hissed, “They wanna jump us? Are you serious? This neighborhood sucks.”
Tim pulled back far enough that could see his face. There was some uncertainty there that he was doing his utmost to hide, but Cassie was too familiar with it to be fooled by it anymore.
Goddess. He liked it. He liked it as much as I did.
And now he’s wondering if he messed up.
“I know the corner they’ve picked. No cameras, no witnesses. They’d be… very surprised to not have the advantage. We could change into uniform in the restrooms and sneak out the back of the kitchen. It’ll be fun.”
And… he was off. He even left the barstool he’d been sitting on spinning.
Stupid bat-birds and their emotional issues.
She’d let him get away with it for now.
Two hours later, they stumbled into Tim’s apartment dripping wet, with an unanticipated number of cuts and bruises.
“Fun, you said. We intimidate them and they’ll re-think their life-choices, you said.” Cassie scoffed.
Tim clutched his bruised rib, “I didn’t know C-listers were developing their own knock-off venom pills these days. It’s a recent development.”
His other arm was over her shoulder, keeping weight off his bruised ankle. If knock-off venom could punch her right into him, she didn’t want to think about what the original Bane could probably do.
But it probably didn’t help that they were both a little tipsy. While Tim might not have guessed that Mr. Pushy—who had wanted to be called The Dejector, of all things, yeesh—would be carrying supervillain steroids, they both would have resolved the fight a lot faster if they had both been sober and had their minds off… well.. The Thing they were avoiding talking about.
After they had the perps bagged and tied for the Gotham PD, Tim had decided to play it safe and not drive his motorcycle back. Cassie had similarly decided against flying.
So they had walked.
And then it rained.
Because Gotham.
Cassie carefully set Tim down on his couch. She then followed his directions to find the first aid kit as he began to check himself for damage.
“Just so we’re clear: I’m not actually mad, Tim. Just grumpy. I had plans for tonight. They didn’t involve this many scrapes.”
“I… Oh.” He froze, “I didn’t know I was keeping you. Sorry.”
“You’re not,” Cassie corrected, setting the kit down by his foot and she cinched up the leg of his jeans. (The nice thing about his crazy expensive wardrobe: there was some extra stretch to the denim.) “You were at the center of the plans.”
“Oh.” He tensed again, and Cassie worried for a moment that she had hurt him just by applying ice. But as she looked up, she realized his ears were red again.
Okay, Wonder Girl. Time to be brave.
“Confession time. So… you already know I love you. We got that out of the way. The big secret is that I also might… kinda like you on top of that.”
Tim snorted, but it was with a tiny hopeful smile on his face that quickly smoothed itself out to boarder-line sly.
“Oh really?”
If he was gonna be that way about it, there was no need to be delicate with the application of the ice. He flinched for real.
“Yeah,” Cassie muttered, meeting his eye, “Funny how that works.”
“Funny how it’s mutual.” He panted.
Cassie blinked. “Does this mean we…?”
“If you want.” Tim whispered.
She kissed him.
Sweat, rainwater, scrapes and all. She had wrapped her arms around his neck, and even when she bumped his foot and his leg tensed, he still clutched back.
It was hard to tell who’s idea it was to lean back into the couch. Definitely her idea to start lifting his shirt off. His hair was just long enough that damp tendrils lingered where his neck met his shoulders and she didn’t resist the temptation to run her hands through it. He rolled into the movement like a cat with his eyes closed, and something like déjà vu struck her for the second time that day.
For all that Tim’s everyday body language exuded a polite distance, actually touching him was so very different. Kind of like a sunflower desperate for a hint of light. As if no one had held him for years. Maybe no one had.
Rain still clung to her own hair as well, water droplets shaking loose from assorted strands of her blond hair. They splashed onto Tim’s chest, making him shiver.
She knew he could resist the cold, if he wanted. He could use a simple stretch of his own self control to curb his reactions, but he chose not to. Chose to let her see it, and the thought lit something warm in her chest.
She leaned in close again, feeling her own shirt slide up, enjoying the contrast of warmth where their stomaches touched and cold where their hair got in the way. Tim was the one doing the kissing then, returning to that slow brush he seemed to have perfected, only against her neck instead of her lips. His arms held tight, tighter. And she gladly returned the favor until—
His whole body tensed, but Cassie knew it was the foot.
The Achilles Heel, as mom would say.
“Guess it would be more fun to save the rest for when we’re both in one piece, huh?”
Tim sighed, “‘Rest’ implies a finite amount. Was going more for an indefinite sort of plan.”
Cassie grinned.
“I’ll remember that. Now where are your towels, Young Man Wonder?”
He scowled at her, but he gave up the location of the towels. And the location of his popcorn machine. And blankets. And spare pyjamas. And dvd collection.
I could get very used to this.
She was cuddled in his arms on the couch again, but this time calm and dry with antibiotics gently applied to her minor scratches.
“It’s different this time, you know. I can feel it.” She whispered.
Tim stirred beneath her, though he took a moment to speak.
“You mean… us?”
She nodded against his chest, “Us. The vibe of it. The… the kissing. It’s different. We’re different.”
She didn’t have the energy to lift her head, but she felt him nod all the same.
“Last time, we were in a bad place. Now we’re in a good one.”
She smiled against him and trusted that he could feel it, “Even if you have to face down the Damian squad on Monday?”
“It won’t be Damian’s squad. Not immediately, anyway. But yes. Even then. We can do this. Together.”
Cassie threaded her fingers through Tim’s as her eyes fluttered shut for the night.
She believed him.
#timdrakeweek#wonderbird#tim x cassie#tim drake#cassie sandsmark#fanfic#gidgeblog#it's midnight thirty and I'm exhausted and idk what to tag anymore#yeesh
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Do all evens!
1. selfie2. what would you name your future kids? Undecided??? I like the name Rayaan (not Ryan,, Rayaan which is the name of a river in the Islamic depiction of paradise) for boys? But undecided. 3. do you miss anyone?4. what are you looking forward to? Going home.5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?6. is it hard for you to get over someone? Surprisingly? Not really. 7. what was your life like last year?8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? Yes, always when I’m on my period 9. who did you last see in person?10. are you good at hiding your feelings? Not really but it depends on who I’m with.11. are you listening to music right now?12. what is something you want right now? Not to fail my exams. Sushi.13. how do you feel right now?14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? Yesterday. 15. personality description16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? Yes, many times. 17. opinion on insecurities.18. do you miss how things were a year ago? Not really. 2 years ago tho? Yes.19. have you ever been to New York?20. what is your favourite song at the moment? Yes I’m changing by tame impala21. age and birthday?22. description of crush. He’s very attractive all my friends are like damn girl good taste?? Curly dark hair and blue eyes. Pretty tall. Very artistic, he’s a photographer who’s well traveled because he wins in competitions that have travel ticket prizes. Likes physics god bless. Is Algerian and I love Algerian men. I have 0 chances with him though because he happens to be my brothers friend and his brother happens to be my brothers room mate and best friend. He probably has too much dignity to ever romance me lmao. 23. fear(s)24. height: 5'5925. role model26. idol(s) Harry styles is just very kind and takes such pride in being unique and just being himself? The rest of one direction too except maybe Liam and zayn no shade no tea I love them but they are dumb. Malala yousef is a girl who payed the ultimate price for peace without being a pacifist. Fatima bint Muhammed (the daughter of the final prophet in Islam and a woman nicknamed the most beautiful one with the most generous of hearts for how charitable she was). Fatima Al fihri (the woman who opened the first ever university) Asia imraat phiraon (the wife of the Pharoah in the Islamic telling of the story who was tortured endlessly but refused to give up what she believed in..her last words as she smiled in the face of death were ‘God build for me a house in your paradise’ and he gave her a castle instead). Mary mother of Jesus (in the Islamic telling of the story, of course the mother of Jesus who endured endless slander but stood firm and confident in the face of adversity. The only woman who served in the temple of Solomon despite the sexist views back in the day, a woman so highly revered that the Quran says she is favoured by God above all women). Rufaida Al Aslamia (the first nurse to ever perform surgery). Angelina Jolie. Galileo. Abraham. (In the Islamic telling of the story, I just greatly appreciate how when his dad shunned him he said 'may peace be upon you ill ask my lord to forgive you’. Also that man is iconic and basically created the 3 most major ideologies of today??). Jesus (in the Islamic and Christian telling of the story, this man is just a hipster who wants peace and love and hates hate. I love him) Muhammed Ibn Abdullah (aka?? The most iconic man to have ever lived?? My prophet??? I converted to Islam and I’m just really glad that we have this beautiful generous man as our final prophet)27. things i hate28. i’ll love you if… you’re easy to talk to and we vibe. Plus if you have gud food resources.29. favourite film(s)30. favourite tv show(s) The Simpsons. The office. Futurama. Seinfeld. Friends. Rick and morty. GOT. Monk. Dexter. Scream queens. AHS.31. 3 random facts32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? Girls tbh. although I have guy friends too, girls just get me and I love us.33. something you want to learn34. most embarrassing moment my literal entire existence but my uncle caught me scratching my ass once at age 7. During my phallic stage I was caught by my brother being a weird kid in front of the mirror?? I leaned back from my school principal trying to kiss me on the cheek and she looked so offended. In a debate competition (which I won first place in muahaha) I accidentally said we should give bullies drugs in front of like a100 people. I laughed in a play and caused a domino effect. I’ve crashed into multiple glass doors with too many confidence. I’ve eaten chips laced with sewage water. I pretended i knew the lyrics to Hannah Montanas theme song so I could fit in with the Kool kidzz and got put on the spot only to sing 'you get the best of both worlds hottest nannaaananan’. I yelled at a bunch of Saudis a very racist slur (listen i was 11) and got a slap to the face in the middle of the supermarket. Got caught giving my friend a back massage in a shady place at school,, she was moaning,,,I was on top of her,,,you can guess what they assumed. Got caught pretending to be a worm with my best friend in the audio visual room?? We were acting out the worm kink fic. lucky me though, I have about 0 shame??? Like wow I have a pee problem that my teachers say I’m way too open about. When I went to the doctor and he expected me to be shy but I was like yeah man I piss a lot and nah it doesn’t burn my urethra,, he was very surprised at my lack of shame. So there’s that.35. favourite subject36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? Live independently. Get a successful career. Do some research in my field 37. favourite actor/actress38. favourite comedian(s) fuck I do stand up so this is hard to narrow down. Louis Ck is a classic. Bo Burnham. Daniel Sloss. Russell Peters. David Chappell. Russell Howard. 39. favourite sport(s)40. favourite memory don’t really have one? Either playing in the snow in France? Visiting Disney for the first time? Playing with my brothers when our parents travelled? My first farawell party? Not sure tbh. 41. relationship status42. favourite book(s) A brief history of time. Energy the subtle concept. Astrophysics for people in a hurry. Everyday. Wonder. The complete works of Oscar Wilde. The Harry Potter series.43. favourite song ever44. age you get mistaken for: 22 lolol45. how you found out about your idol46. what my last text message says: my friend sent this 'My cousin’s aunts and grandma sent me a video where all of them talked to me personally in it and they reminded me of the memories we had and now im crying’47. turn ons48. turn offs: Loud eating. Loud breathing. Loud talking (even though it’s what I do). Talking over me. Being pompous. Being overly serious or stern. 49. where i want to be right now50. favourite picture of your idol. Can’t add that on phone.51. starsign52. something i’m talented at: I can sing (I’ve won a talent show!). I can draw although I’m not that great and it’s limited to Manga style drawings. I can write, specially targeted writing like articles and speeches. I can memorise things really fast bc eidetic memory so I’m always that fact bank my friends come to. Most importantly my number one talent is speaking. Sounds silly but talking is what I do best. Public speaking, stand up that makes people laugh and debates are always things I get first place in and it’s where I feel most confident in myself.53. 5 things that make me happy54. something thats worrying me at the moment: Exams. Exams. Exams. Exams. Exams. My future. Exams.55. tumblr friends56. favourite food(s) sushi and burgers 57. favourite animal(s)58. description of my best friend: she is 5'3. Has chestnut coloured hair and brown eyes. She’s pretty. Very Palestinian. Very funny. Very hard working. Like insanely hard working. Like teachers tell her to chill hardworking. Weird. A great listener. Secretive but I appreciate that about her since I’m secretive too. 59. why i joined tumblr60. ask me anything you want: go for it. Thanks anon! Hope my embarrassing feats don’t make you unfollow me.
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EAT IT so cute
crown snake form but its a tsuchinoko
tsuchinocrown !!
#cotl#cult of the lamb#chirin au#bo asked me to draw the last one bc i was saying that out loud to myself lmfao#cotl comic
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