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twafordizzy · 7 months ago
Szymborska Dicht een Poging
Een poging Waarom toch, liedje, drijf je zo de spot met mij. / Al ga ik nog zo hoog, nooit bloei ik als een roos. / Alleen de roos bloeit als een roos. En dat weet jij. Ik wilde wortel schieten. Bladeren krijgen. / Met ingehouden adem – zodat het sneller ging – / wachte ik tot ik als roos mezelf zou ontstijgen. Liedje dat geen enkel mededogen met me kent: / mijn lichaam is wat het is en wordt…
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ryanyflags · 11 months ago
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abin- | mbin- | bnin- atrin- | mtrin- | trin- ain- | ouin- | kein-
abin- / abinsexual / abinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves abine / abinarine (abinary gender quality).
mbin- / midbin- / mbinsexual / midbinsexual / mbinromantic / midbinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves midbine / midbinarine (midbinary gender quality).
bnin- / bninsexual / bninromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves bine / binarine (binary gender quality).
atrin- / atrinsexual / atrinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves atrine / atrinarine (atrinary gender quality).
mtrin- / midtrin- / mtrinsexual / midtrinsexual / mtrinromantic / midtrinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves midtrine / midtrinarine (midtrinary gender quality).
trin- / trinsexual / trinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves trine / trinarine (trinary gender quality).
ain- / ainsexual / ainromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves aporine (aporagender gender quality).
ouin- / ouinsexual / ouinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves outherine.
kein- / keinsexual / keinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves kenous (kenochoric gender quality).
The terms are prefixes basically, so they can be attached to any attraction ending (such as -rose/-romanticsexual, -tertiary, -platonic, -alterous, -sensual, -aesthetic, -physical, -emotional, and more). I only listed the -sexual and -romantic variations to keep it readable.
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(Copy and pasted from the first post)
For the definition of these terms, I reworded them a bit from common wiki definitions, but it follows the general idea I've seen in other posts discussing these terms.
Basically, when it comes to gender qualities, what counts as what can vary greatly between people. What one person considers masculine, feminine, androgynous, etc. can be really different from what another person considers it to be. Especially when you factor in things like different cultures, people with complex identities, or really queer people in general (as they can challenge such definitions).
Who's to determine what counts as what? Or say one definition matters more than another? I think it should be determined by the person in question. I can imagine a few issues otherwise. Wouldn't it be weird to put other people in boxes they don't identify with?
Also, these orientations aren't just being attracted to men, women, enben, etc., they're attractions to gender qualities (in either presentation or gender identity). So, for some examples, someone could consider themselves masculine while not being a man, and so be included under min-. It's the same for the others, someone could consider themselves maverine without being maverique. Or present femininely while being nonbinary. The combinations/examples are practically endless.
So the point of these labels is to be broad, and include those who want to be included, and exclude those who wouldn't want to consider themselves under that label.
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-in orientation flags :D [part 2 of 2] first post
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For the flags, I based them off of the 7 stripe -in orientation format, where it gradients to darker stripes on the outside, with a dark stripe in the center (minsexual, finsexual, ninsexual examples). I chose them because I thought the format looked really nice, and also because I don't know how to make symbols for these flags (again, if anyone wants to make symbol versions, feel free to do so). Unlike the original format though, the stripes on both sides don't mirror each other. I did this just because I wanted (more) colourful versions.
As for the colours, they're inspired (not exactly colour picked) by the corresponding gender quality flags. So abinarine for abin-, midbine for mbin-, binarine for bnin-, atrine for atrin-, midtrine for mtrin-, trine for trin-, aporine for ain-, outherine for ouin-, and kenous for kein-.
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amirblogerov · 2 years ago
HTS is preparing a new provocation
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Residents of the outskirts of Msibin report that tonight a convoy of 3 trucks left the territory of one of the economic facilities, where one of the underground chemical laboratories belonging to the Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham group is allegedly located. Earlier, containers with chlorine were delivered to the laboratory from the territory of Turkey through the Bab el-Hawa border crossing. Also, there were reports on social networks that yesterday morning a film crew arrived on the outskirts of the city of Bnin along with Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham militants, they examined the area and talked to people about something. The militants appear to be deploying poisonous agents to settlements south of the M4 highway, and plan to use the poisonous agents to stage the use of chemical weapons by Syrian government forces against civilians. HTS loyal media will cover this production in the light that Julani needs to make the whole world believe that Assad is a "bloody tyrant". So "Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham" is trying to maintain its position in the region and transfer popular discontent from its grouping to government forces.
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pttyvrgs5 · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NIB NERF RED TEAM RIVAL.
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bnin-team · 5 years ago
أربعة أفكار لتحضير أحسن تحلية ببذور الشيا الصحية و الغنية، يمكنكم اعتماد احدى الوصفات التي نقدمها في الفيديو حسب المواد المتوفرة لديكم في البيت. اذا أعجبكم المحتوى الذي نقدمه، اشتركوا الآن لتتوصلو بالفديوهات القادمة : https://bit.ly/2xEs4nk اتركوا لنا تعليقاتكم أو أسئلتكم بخصوص أية وصفة، نتشرف أيضا بانتقاداتكم أو اقتراحاتكم اذا كان المحتوى غير جيد أو يحتاج الى تحسين. فالقناة لكم و منكم، بدعمكم لها سنحرص على تقديم الأفضل باستمرار. الوصفة مكتوبة على الرابط : https://bit.ly/3cncBa7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ فريق بنين تيفي مكون من 3 أشخاص، من مدينة خريبكة. فريقنا يحرص دائما على البحث و التجديد، و ذلك من خلال طرح أسئلة على متابعينا لمعرفة الوصفات التي يبحثون عنها، و تقديمها بأبسط الطريقة و بأقل تكلفة. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ تابعونا أيضا على المواقع التالية : الانستغرام : https://ift.tt/2VF9bKa الفيس بوك : https://ift.tt/2y2mrzG البريد الالكتروني : [email protected] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #chia pudding #وصفات_رمضان #خليك_فدارك by Bnin TV بنين تيفي
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jinjin · 6 years ago
bin. has pink hair.
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zarifee · 3 years ago
Aralık bitmeden kendime bir program hazırlamam lazım.
Bir ara içtiğim suya kadar yazıyordum. Daha doğrusu Bnin aldığı plan çizelgesinde bardak işaretleme de vardı :) iyi de oluyordu çünkü SU HAYATTIR (kamu spotu)
Neyse. Benim tezi birinin bitirmesi lazım ve o biri de ben oluyorum. :) Üstelik fotoğraf düzenlemem de lazım, 150 civarı foto atmış sevgili ortağım. Bir de bana sormadan bir hafta süre vermiş. Ben de gururlu bir genç olduğum için yok ya gönder bana dedim. :) Hepsini nasıl yapsın kızcağız..
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thelderdrago · 4 years ago
merhaba kırmızı bugün uyandığımda ölecek gibiydim aşırı aşırı uykum vardı saat 5 de yattığım için 1 gr uykumu alamamıştım ama dersim olduğu için kalktım ama hoca dersi son 10 dakikasında başlattı hiçbirşey yapmadı hocaya çok sövdüm uykumdan ve zamanımdan etti beni ayrıca uyurken hep kolum acıdı ve yatağımın yeni yerinden dolayı gözüme ışık geldi dün içimde çok nefret ve öfke birikti çünkü b içimi doldurdu ve bende takıntılı hale gelip sevdiklerimi üzdüm ama işin komik tarafı yine takıntılıyım bunu yazarken küçücük şeyler içimi yiyor bazen bazen ise dünya yıkılsa umrumda olmayacak oluyor bazen hiçbirşey yokken mutlu bazen umutsuz ve amacını yitirmiş oluyorum ve bu bir süre sonra insanın yaşama standartlarını düşürüyor
 benim çok küçüklükten beri kullanabildiğim kendimin projeksiyon dediği birşey var ve aklımda canlandırdığım şeyleri gerçek dünyaya yansıtabiliyorum küçükken bu hep kontrolden çıkıp beni korkuturdu-hala bazen oluyor- bunu dün şye anlattığımda küçükken onunda aynısını yaptığını ama şuanda bunu yaparken çok zorlandığını çünkü hayal gücünün azaldığını benim ise hayal gücümün hala çok güçlü olduğunu söyledi ama ç bana sen aklını kaçırmışsın dedi ve ben de şüphelenip şye de söyledim işte o da daha demin anlattıkşarımı söyledi ve biraz içim rahatladı dün yemek yerken b savaştaki insanların ölüşünü izleyip güldü bu bana çok itici geldi ve bana gösterip aynı tepkiyi vermemi bekledi ama ben yüzümü astım ve buruşturdum biraz bu yüzden sanırım biraz sinirlendi ve açıklama yapmaya başladı ama iki ırk savaşıyorsa ikisine de üzülürüm ölen askerlere ama o o askerler ölmeyi seçti üzülme dedi o zaman kendi askerimize de üzülmeyelim dediğinde o bizim askerimiz bak annene seni 9 ay karnında taşıdı seni önemsiyor onların anneleri yokmu dedi ama bu çok saçmaydı bizim annelerimiz varsa onlarında anneleri var ve ben kişiye göre yargılarım ırka göre değil oradaki kişilerin kim olduklarnı düşüncelerini savaşıp istediklerini veya istemediklerini bilmiyorum ayrıca 1 hayatımız var ve bir insanın bu bir hayatının boktan kavramlar için eriyip gitmesi çok kötü bir durum
 daha sonra bana doğudakiler hakkında atıp tuttu ve benim moralim çok bozuldu çünkü aklıma ş geldi bana yalan söylediğinden korktum bir an için ve takıntılı oldum daha sonra aşırı takıntılı olduğumdan dolayı eğer bana yalan söyleseydin bu konuda senden nefret edebilirdim dedim ama ben ondan aslında nefret edemem zorlasam bile düşündüğümde mantıksız geliyor ama o an duygularım çok kabardı daha öncedende nefret ettim gibi birşey söylemiştim bu onu çok etkilemiş ama beni üzmemek için saklamış ama o anki hissettiğim tam aslında nefret değil sadece çok kızmıştım çünkü gururumu kırmıştı dediği şeyler ve en nefret ettiğim şeyi yaparak iliğime kadar hissettirmişti bana beni küçümsediğini daha sonra ki savunması ben sen değiştiğin için şaka yapmak istemiştim oldu çok komiktir ki ben bu hareket yüzünden bir insanı hayatımdan siilebilecekken hemencecik içimdeki sinir geçti nefret olsaydı bu kadar hızlı geçmezdi ama biraz pişmanlık duyuyorum içindeki öfkeyi kus dediğinde kusmamalıydım bu onu çok kırmış ve içimdeki öfkeyi dizginlememe rağmen bazen kötü bir insan oluyorum ve takıntılı geçmişe takmış herşeye takmış sinir bozucu mızmız ve sürekli acı içinde bir insan dünde böyleydim işte ve b nin ş yi incitmeme sebep olması beni çok sinirlendirdi çünkü b bana sürekli acı veriyor salak salak hareketler yapıyor sanki daha ortaokula giden salak çocuklar gibi 
ve bnin daha önceden yaptıklarına olan nefretim de içimde kalıyor ve bir olay olduğunda hepsi aynıanda uyanıyor gitmiyor içimde zincirlenmiş her seferinde biraz daha artıyor ama bu sefer çok arttı bir anlığına kontrolümü ve mantıklı düşünme yetimi kaybettim içimdeki nefret ve öfkeden dolayı ve kolumu cırmaladım neden yaptığımı dahi bilmioyrum sadece o an biryere atmam alzımdı tüm öfkemi ve insan etinin ve derisinin bu kadar yumuşak ve parçalanabilir birşey olduğunu bilmiyordum tırnağımı attığım gibi bazı kısımlar soyuld bazıları ise kanadı ve et gözüktü o an aklıma uzun kollu giymek gelmedi hiçbirşey gelmedi sadece nefesim titreyerek duşa gittim ama duşa girmeden önce ş mesaj attı biraz daha konuştuk ve duşta bazı şeyleri tarttım ve sakinleştim daha sakin ve umursamaz oldum içimde ağırlık olsada içim içimi yemiyordu artık ve çıktıktan sonra biraz daha konuştuk ş bana içini açtı ve birdaha ondan nefret ettiğimi söylemememi ve beni kaybetmenin en büyük korkusu olduğunu söyledi çok ironik ki benimkiide öyle
 daha sonra yavaş yavaş yumuşadım ve daha mutlu bir hale geçtim ve biraz konuşup eğlendik ve evlenme teklifi ettim manyak heyecanlıydı bunu zaten uzun zamandır düşünüyordum ve onun tepkisinden korkuyordum ama hiç düşünmeden evet dedi çok güzeldi daha sonra biraz daha konuştuk ama onun uykusu geldi ve yattı o yattıktan sonra acaba hala üzgün mü bana diye düşünmeye başladım çünkü bana “sana artık üzüldüğümde ya da kırıldığımda söylemeyeceğim çünkü sende kırılıyorsun veya üzlülüyorsun” dedi bu beni biraz paranoyak yaptı aynı yalan söylemek yerine hiçbirşey söylemem dediğindeki gibi ve mutlu mu üzgünmü emin olamıyorum bu çok gıcık edici ama ona inanmak istioyorum çünkü tamam söylerim dedi umarım söyler içindeki dertleri daha sonra biraz dbz seyrettim ve 5 gibi yattım ve şimdi bu gündeyiz ve bunu yazıyorum görüşürüüüz
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timpanys · 8 years ago
We couldn't not share this with you on a wet Friday evening! Nothing cheers us up like a spot of #chanel #chanelclutch #chanelcaviar #caviarleather #chanelbag #chanellover #authenticchanel #chanelforsale #bnin (at TIMPANYS)
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twafordizzy · 3 years ago
Szymborska Dicht de Dag
Szymborska Dicht de Dag
bron beeld: ara.cat Een bijdrage tot de statistiek Op elke honderd mensen / zijn er tweeënvijftig / die alles beter weten, / onzeker van elke stap – / bijna de hele rest, / bereid om te helpen, / als het niet te lang duurt / – wel negenenveertig, / de goedheid zelve, / omdat ze niet anders kunnen, / – vier, nou, misschien vijf, / in staat tot bewondering zonder afgunst / – achttien, / leven er in…
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ryanyflags · 1 year ago
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bningender | mbingender | atringender
bningender : an umbrella term for all genders bine/binarine (binary gender quality) in nature.
mbingender / midbingender : an umbrella term for all genders midbine/midbinarine (midbinary gender quality) in nature. (see midbin(gender) wiki page here.)
atringender : an umbrella term for all genders atrine/atrinarine (atrinary gender quality) in nature. (atringender has already been coined before, just without a flag.)
(I would have shortened bine/binarine/binary to bin, but bingender is already a different term, so I chose bnin instead.)
Some in nature gender terms/flags :)
(Based off of terms like mingender, fingender, lingender, ningender, etc.)
The flag formats just follow these types of -ingender flags, with a gradient to a darker coloured wide middle stripe.
Bingender's colours are based off of the binarine flag, and mbingender + atringender's colours are based off of my alt midbinary and atrinary flags. I edited the colours a bit just to make them fit better.
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researchvishal · 2 years ago
Menopause Treatment Market Key Opportunity, Analysis, Growth, Trends 2032
As per Future Market Insights’ latest industry analysis, the valuation for the globalmenopause treatment marketin 2022 is estimated to be aroundUS$ 13.3 Bnin 2022 and is projected to exhibit growth at a CAGR close to5.5%over the forecast period, to reach an estimated valuation ofUS$ 22.9 Bnin 2032.
Hormone therapy comes with side effects due to the medication prescribed such as Tibolone, progestin, and estrogen, which is part of the therapy. Women experience vaginal bleeding, weight gain, breast tenderness, endometrial hyperplasia, and others, which are creating market scope for manufacturers to improve drug formulations that can address all these problems at once.
Bone fracture is also prevalent and relative cases of osteoporosis are also observed in women in their menopause.Menopause is also considered the common reason for osteoporosis as it has a direct relationship with the lack of estrogen. Women are at a high risk of fractures.
Rising investment in research and development and healthcare settings to develop novel therapy and medications putting emphasis on low-cost product development and lesser side effects are expected to propel the menopause treatment market growth during the forecast period.
Moreover, many startups are focusing on fundraising to support different programs. More tech-enabled startups trying to convince investors to fund women’s digital health.   
For instance:
Evernow secured a $28.5M Series A in August 2021 for menopausal treatments and round-the-clock medical assistance. This money will be used to offer 24/7 support and virtual hormone therapy for menopausal treatment.
Download Sample Copy@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-15766
Key Takeaways from Market Study
Hormone therapy is the leading segment by product, and holds approximately 7% market value share in 2021, due to higher adoption and easier adoption of availability of medications that are used in hormone therapy.
By route of administration, numerous studies demonstrate that women are substantially better protected against cardiovascular issues, with both heart attacks and strokes occurring at significantly lower rates when oral medications are prescribed. Hence, oral route of administration holds a market share of 0% in 2021.
By distribution channel, retail sales are leading in the global menopause treatment market, and are expected to continue to do so with a projected CAGR of 6% during the forecasted years. Retail sales include retail pharmacies, drug stores, supermarkets, and hypermarkets, which are easily accessible and offer services like home delivery, making it the most lucrative among others.
South Asia held the largest market share in the global menopause treatment market and estimated to grow at a CAGR of close to 6% due to the presence of a prestigious society and institutes that are educating and creating awareness among the population.
“Government campaigns creating awareness on women’s health and menopause is set to propel the sales of menopause treatment products across the globe,” says an analyst of Future Market Insights.
Market Competition
The market formenopause treatment is fragmented with well-established players, local and new entrants within the market sphere. Key players have initiated product launches with additional patient requirements addressing major issues related to side effects, attained regulatory approvals, and increased their manufacturing facilities.
Theramex and Endoceutics expanded their initial contract in February 2022 to include the sale of Intrarosa® (prasterone) in Australia.
In 2018, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals received the final approval from the US health regulator for a generic version of Nordisk Inc.'s VAGIFEM, for menopause symptoms.
Key Companies Profiled
Eli Lilly and Company
Merck KGaA
Novartis AG
Bayers AG
Pfizer, Inc.
Novo Nordisk
Ascend Therapeutics
Mylan N.V. [Viatris]
Cipla, Inc.
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Perrigo Pharma International D.A.C.
Ausio Pharmaceuticals, LLC
EndoCeutics, Inc.
Radius Health, Inc.
 Key Market Segments Covered in Menopause Treatment Industry Research
By Product:
Hormone Therapy
Progestin-Only Medicines
Estrogen-Only Medicines
Non-Hormonal Therapy
Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRI)
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI)
By Route of Administration:
By Distribution Channel:
Institutional Sales
Specialty Clinics
Retail Sales
Retail Pharmacies
Drug Stores
Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets
Online Sales
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amirblogerov · 2 years ago
The militants are leaving their gangs, which are leaving the southern part of the Idlib zone
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The rapprochement between Ankara and Damascus suggests that the Turks will soon transfer the southern part of the Idlib zone under the control of government troops. The Hayat Tahrir al-Sham grouping is already moving the command posts of its units to the occupied parts of Aleppo province. At the moment, the militants are demoralized, among them there is more and more talk of desertion, since in fact they were left to their own devices. One of the militants who fled to the territories controlled by Damascus and wished to reconcile with the government, said that in his brigade the allowance was cut by 1.5 times. The units of the Syrian Arab Army do not give the pro-Turkish militants the opportunity to move forward and securely hold their positions in the south of the Idlib zone, moreover, the actions of the Syrian artillery force the militants to move away from the line of contact. The armed forces of the Syrian Arab Republic are systematically firing D-20 and D-30 howitzers at the positions of pro-Turkish armed formations, hitting targets in the depths of the enemy’s calculations. Yesterday, artillery fire at the facilities of the Sukur ash-Sham group in the settlements of Afes and Bnin destroyed 3 warehouses with weapons and eliminated 2 militants.
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ofxscavengcrs · 2 years ago
“What’s that that I heard?” (xie lian to celeste)
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.。.:*☆ “I am not sure?” Celeste knew it was not rational, but since the Halloween party, she was more on guard and more jumpy than usual. Not liking anymore to be outside alone in the dark, even when it had been no problem for her before. And this was hard for someone who usually loved to watch the stars at night.
“Maybe only a raccoon? I have heard they sometimes hunt in trash bnins for food, and stuff like that....”
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bnin-team · 5 years ago
أربع وصفات لتحضير ميني برغر بأشكال و طرق مختلفة لكن المذاقات خطيرة و رائعة. أبهرو عائلاتكم و ضيوفكم بهذه الوصفات التي لن تأخذ منكم سوى دقائق. اذا أعجبكم المحتوى الذي نقدمه، اشتركوا الآن لتتوصلو بالفديوهات القادمة : https://bit.ly/2xEs4nk اتركوا لنا تعليقاتكم أو أسئلتكم بخصوص أية وصفة، نتشرف أيضا بانتقاداتكم أو اقتراحاتكم اذا كان المحتوى غير جيد أو يحتاج الى تحسين. فالقناة لكم و منكم، بدعمكم لها سنحرص على تقديم الأفضل باستمرار. الوصفة مكتوبة على الرابط : https://bit.ly/3cncBa7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ فريق بنين تيفي مكون من 3 أشخاص، من مدينة خريبكة. فريقنا يحرص دائما على البحث و التجديد، و ذلك من خلال طرح أسئلة على متابعينا لمعرفة الوصفات التي يبحثون عنها، و تقديمها بأبسط الطريقة و بأقل تكلفة. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ تابعونا أيضا على المواقع التالية : الانستغرام : https://ift.tt/2VF9bKa الفيس بوك : https://ift.tt/2y2mrzG البريد الالكتروني : [email protected] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #burger #وصفات_رمضان #خليك_فدارك by Bnin TV بنين تيفي
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newsmakersyria · 2 years ago
Flamethrowers will help against terrorist fortifications in occupied Idlib!
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Assault units of the Syrian Arab Army are preparing for a heavy assault on the occupied province of Idlib. In the fortified defense zone along the Nairab-Eriha-Bnin-El-Bara line, the density of fortifications and trenches is so dense that the use of flamethrowers is simply necessary. Therefore, at several training sites near the eastern border of the occupied province of Idlib, under the guidance of Russian instructors, flamethrower teams were trained to burn terrorists and invaders out of their holes during the de-occupation of Idlib.
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