#bnha Emi x reader
eatingstringcheese · 2 years
"hey, listeners!" - hizashi yamada
in which radio show host hizashi yamada has had no luck in finding his soulmate, and neither has y/n
warnings: soulmate au, the words on your wrist are the first thing you'll hear your soulmate say, technically reckless driving, y/n pulls over randomly
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Flipping through radio stations, Y/n caught a glimpse of the words on their wrist. They'd seen the words everyday since they turned 20 but to no avail. Y/n was one of the few of their friends who had yet to find their soulmate. They were constantly complaining to their best friend, Emi Fukukado. Emi always laughed and told Y/n a joke to steer them from the conversation.
Y/n was always confused by the words on their wrist, "Hey, listeners! Get ready for another round of requests!" wasn't something you heard everyday. No one had ever had any ideas to help Y/n figure it out, so they were left to their own devices. Finally finding a radio station with their favorite song, Y/n settled down and began driving home, humming the familiar tune playing from the speakers. The song ended and Y/n frowned. A few songs later Y/n was caught off guard when they heard a man's voice speaking through their speakers.
"Hey, listeners! Get ready for another round of requests!"
Y/n choked and swerved to the side of the road, trying to catch their breath. Had they finally found their soulmate? Whoever this mysterious man was, he sounded loud. The man on the radio began reading off a phone number for listeners to dial in and request. Y/n fervently pulled out their phone, struggling to dial the number.
On the other side of Musutafu, Hizashi Yamada was waiting for people to call in and request music. The words on his wrist had puzzled him, "I think I'm your soulmate." was curious, what would he have said to make someone say that? He was pulled from his thoughts when the familiar ringing came through, picking up the phone and leaning into the microphone he spoke, "Hey caller! You got a song request?"
The caller paused, unsure of what to say. "I think I'm your soulmate."
Hizashi froze inside the listening booth, the crew outside waved curiously, confused as to why he'd stopped talking. "What?"
"I think I'm your soulmate."
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lmk if u wanna be added to the taglist :) like n reblog if u enjoyed <3
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tobegiggledat · 2 years
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To the One I Greatly Cherish
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✦pairings: Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) x afab!reader, Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke) x afab!reader
✦word count: 4.7k (this part only), 9.4k (total)
✦summary: A series of anonymous love letters fill your inbox days before the world's most notable romantic holiday, but who could possibly be your secret admirer? Will you be able to find out their identity in time for Valentine's Day?
✦warnings: slight angst, guilt, kissing, massages, mutual fingering, oral sex, clit-leashing, vaginal sex, dildos, praise, begging, pet names (angel)
✦a/n: A special fic for the folks that only got love from fictional characters this year (me)
This fic has different endings depending on who you think wrote the letters (you’ll have to choose a link at the bottom), but I’d recommend reading both for the full context.
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To the one I greatly cherish,
If you’re captivating eyes manage to stumble upon this message, then you must know how often you cross my mind.
And how there isn't a breath I take that isn't fueled by my desire to be with you one day.
Even from a distance, your presence will continue to consume me, although I'm afraid you won't understand.
Longing for you always,
Your Secret Admirer
It’s only been a day since you’ve discovered that someone wants to pursue you from afar.
The first message from this unknown sender was delivered with an eye-catching header to your school email address, one which you clicked with an urgency, zipping across the romantic lines before your cursor could keep up with you. The thought of it still sends a fresh rush of warm fervor through your system at the possibility of who it may be.
When was the last time someone yearned for you, let alone expressed it in such a heartfelt way?
A blaring bell chimes to interrupt your reminiscence. It's a signal for another day's work at U.A. High School, and as the Heroics Department’s Journalism teacher you mustn’t spend your time idly.
Dozens of students flock to their seats, some bright-eyed and eager to learn, while others give distant, dull gazes you’re certain wouldn’t falter even if the sky were to somehow collapse into your very classroom.
No matter, you’ll teach the subject with utmost enthusiasm as it’s one you’ve been passionate about since youth. Many of your teenage years were spent gathering first hand sources on heroic symbolism, the faults/benefits of quirk regulation, and more. You managed to garner a following for yourself on all socials—though whether you’re a good journalist or not has always been…up for debate.
Today’s lesson goes by swiftly, with you discussing privacy rights and the importance of examining a source’s background and potential interests. It's a lesson you could've used many years ago, nonetheless, you believe you'll shape your students into promising reporters even as you grow from your past mishaps.
The next period gives you an opportunity to collect your thoughts; an empty classroom makes for an empty mind, although your fingers itch to finally text your best friend about the whole “secret admirer” ordeal.
You: Gained a potential love interest today👀
Emi: Right, and it's not that one loser from the bar again is it?
You: Hmm, maybe. They're a secret admirer after all
Emi: So, secretly the loser from the bar?
You: I’d hope not, but the secret part does make that sound a bit more alluring.
You: Let's grab coffee later so I can tell you more.
Your phone slides from your hands and onto the desk in exchange for the stack of papers you were meant to grade. Your pointy, red pen taps against your bottom lip as you scan over the neat arrangement of letters at the top of the stack, checking and ticking along the margins then repeating this for the next page or until class ends.
The lunch bell inevitably releases you from your dreary task, and you're quick to align the correct stacks in their designated corners before gathering your lunch box and taking off toward your usual secluded spot.
Students line the walls in minimally chaotic rows, something you've come to appreciate as order is always upheld in U.A. despite how small.
You turn the corner into an empty hall, but your heart plunges into your ass upon looking to the very end of it to discover the long, violet strands and crimson lenses of Nemuri Kayama.
In an instant, you think to escape before she makes out your presence, but just when you turn on your heels to do so she gives you a condescending smirk while raising a palm to give a curt wave.
The controversy of your past always seems to linger.
“Afternoon, Kayama”, you keep your introduction brief upon clashing with her stark center amidst the path.
“Professor Kayama”, she corrects snobbishly. “Remember, this is a school environment, not one of your trashy articles.” Her shapely brows frown as she grits her teeth.
You give her a faux grin to appease her ridiculous standards of professionalism. “Trashy or blunt truths you chose to avoid?”
Her eyes nearly roll back into their sockets. “If you're the source of truth, then maybe the world is too incapable to seek it themselves.” Kayama whips her hair away with a pale hand, the click-clack of her heels echoing against the tile as she storms off.
You're just glad the whole thing is over with.
You stumble upon your destination; a quiet gated area outside the back of the school. The trees around it are ample of life, leaving shadowy freckles of shade across your skin as you sit beneath its thick heads of leaves.
Your head turns to and fro while you attempt to spot the signature dark wardrobe of your occasional accompanier, but it seems he hasn't arrived today.
Besides you and Aizawa, no one else has noticed this area's unusual privacy, but it makes things all the more peaceful.
You chow down on leftovers from yesterday's dinner then depart to begin teaching the last two classes; stringing together repetitions from the lesson earlier except with more exaggeration on the privacy aspect.
You head out to meet Emi minutes before the final bell rings, giving your class an early dismissal as long as they agree to go about it quietly.
You've known Emi since high school, although you ultimately decided to teach at U.A. for more newsgathering opportunities. Emi never lets you hear the end of it as she jokingly calls you the traitor of Ketsubutsu whenever you'd mention your experiences there.
While you weren't in the heroics program back when you were a student, you made notable achievements as an intern for a national website by investigating scandals of corrupt heroes and crafting opinion pieces on the ethics of hero society.
You met Emi at the beginning of your first-year orientation, with the two of you sitting beside each other at the assembly hall, playing off of each other's jokes in whispers and concealed giggles to keep yourselves entertained.
You could never bring yourself to admit that she's the funniest of the two of you, but you've always spoken of how you admire her approach to heroism as she brings smiles to civilian's faces even without the use of her quirk.
Sweet aromas of vanilla and herbs waft through the coffee shop air, with dim lights illuminating the rustic interior and dark wooden tables placed in all corners.
Emi’s seated near the end of the cafe and has already ordered you and her drinks. You make your way to her table, teeth gleaming and eyes bright while meeting her own eager, chartreuse ones.
“Hey, what’s the news?”Emi chirps, sliding a cup to your end of the table.
You hold the drink firmly before releasing a small sigh. “Not much to tell. I still don’t have the slightest clue as to who they might be.”
“I’m excited!” Her smile grows wider as she twists side to side with glee. “What’ll you do once you find out?”
“Probably marry them or something. I mean, no one has ever gone through this much effort for me”, you jape despite the depressing reality of your words, then take a sip of your drink, savoring the familiar flavors with each gulp.
She puckers her lips to give a playful pout. “Does this mean you’ll replace me?” She asks with fake weariness. “Does what we have mean so little to you?”
You reassure her teasingly, “Don’t worry, I’ll marry you next if things don’t work out this time.”
She taps her lips with her straw as if considering. “With such a good offer, I’m not sure if I want to help you with this anymore.”
“Oh, come on, Emi. You know I’ll always love you.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll help you”, she relents. “Maybe you should try picking a person close to you and observing them.”
“Hmm…funnily enough, I’m not that close to any of my coworkers. It’s weird I received a love letter through my school email at all.” You reach down to take another hefty sip.
“But there’s gotta be someone you know at least a little more than the others.”
You take a moment to ponder. “Sometimes, I sit with Aizawa during lunch, although we don’t talk often so we just enjoy each other’s silences.”
Emi’s brows raise noticeably. “Yikes…if anything I’d think he’s your least likely candidate.”
“I know, but there aren’t many options to choose from. Kayama hates me, I hardly get a chance to speak to Mic or Vlad outside of meetings, and All Might is…All Might.”
“Well, if Aizawa is your best bet there shouldn’t be harm in looking into him anyways, right?”
“Yeah, I guess so...”
You and Emi’s talk concludes with exchanged hugs before you take your train home, contemplating Emi’s suggestion and how to go about your approach.
When you arrive, you hastily discard your work clothes before putting on something more comfortable and lounging on your bed to reread the email you received.
Is this really something Aizawa would write, you hesitantly contemplate to yourself, scanning over the flowery words and recoiling at the idea of him putting them together—you ultimately decide it’s tomorrow's problem.
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
To the one I greatly cherish,
I hope you’re pleased reading my messages as much as I am while writing them.
As the time passes, I find my days to be progressively trivial without you.
My most profitable successes are worthless as they’re void of your companionship. My biggest fear overlaps with my inability to have you.
Will we ever be united? It’s up to fate to decide.
Continuing to be blessed by you,
Your Secret Admirer
Today’s letter creates new waves of violent jitters along your spine, coupling with the preexisting dread that’s already palpitating through your system at the thought of approaching Aizawa about it.
You’re unsure how you’d feel if you found out he truly had feelings for you, and while you told Emi you’d probably reciprocate them, you can’t say that for certain.
You've grown to respect Aizawa to some degree after investigating his days as the underground hero, Eraserhead, but nothing more as of yet.
Only time will tell, for now you’d just like to get to the bottom of who’s been plotting to romance you, once and for all.
The lunch bell eventually stirs to life, and with your steeled resolve, you hurriedly pace along the halls, toward the back of the school.
The dark blue doors feel heavy against your palms as you press on them to finally arrive at the shaded area. Its lulling atmosphere is as undisturbed as you expected, you spot Aizawa’s rugged form on a bench, faced away and gazing at the limited scenery of the campus.
“Hey, is it okay if I sit here?” You ask upon approaching him while awkwardly hovering outside his range of sight.
He nods slightly but makes no effort to turn your direction.
You take a seat beside him, picking at the prints of your fingers to occupy yourself and the silence. “It’s beautiful weather for February, isn’t it? I honestly expected a little more snow”, you finally attempt to break the tension.
He hums softly in agreement but nothing more.
“Valentine’s day is right around the corner, but I’m not one to usually celebrate it”, you pause, clenching your peeling fingers into a snug fist. “What about you—”
“You’re awfully chatty today”, Aizawa interrupts, his voice gruff with irritation as his hands hook along the sides of his scarf.
Your words are nearly caught on your tongue. “I’m sorry?”
“If this is for one of your news columns or something, I have no interest in gossiping.”
You sneer, turning fully to face him, but only his stoic, disinterested profile can be seen. “That’s not my field of work and you know it. Haven’t you read any of my reports?”
“Possibly, but it’s not like I’d remember those kinds of things.”
“Whatever, it’s nothing. Sorry to have bothered you.” You defeatedly rise from your seat, throat and eyes stinging from the heat that grows with each step you take toward the door.
This isn’t the first time your work has been reduced to pandering nonsense, but for some reason it hurts way more than usual.
“Fuck”, you mutter quietly, sniffling away in the nearest bathroom stall as you try to collect yourself.
Has it really been that long since you’ve written something that deconstructed the masses view on heroics? You must’ve grown too complacent at this school—in fact, this is where it all went wrong.
Choosing to become a teacher instead of risking your comfort to uncover hidden truths wasn’t what you initially planned.
But is it so wrong to change paths even when your prior choice was deemed more impactful?
Is it so wrong to write proposals about a hopeful, nonexistent future than to expose more darkness of a knowingly ineffective society? You’ve long realized the corruption runs deeper than you ever could’ve hoped to shed light on. You journal about the new era of quirks, searching for an ability that’ll make the old way of things seem outdated.
Is that too foolish to look forward to?
Your phone vibrates along your clothes’ seams, and you swiftly remove it from your pocket as you swipe away the last of your tears.
Emi: Soo, is Aizawa dying to be with you or what???
A small smile creeps up your cheeks at her overwhelming interest.
You: Nope. It was a complete shut down.
Emi: It’s okay. I’ve been there too, Aizawa’s tough.❤️
A hefty exhale escapes you before you finally make yourself presentable enough to return to your classroom and finish teaching for the rest of the day.
Once classes end, Mic summons all of the heroics teachers into the teacher’s lounge to invite everyone out for drinks in celebration of his podcast’s growing success.
You: I was invited to go to a club with my coworkers tomorrow night, should I go?
Emi: Yes!! How else will you find your true love?!
You: Yeah, but with Aizawa and Kayama it'll be awkward :(
Emi: Aizawa doesn't go out on school days so you should be down at least one problem
You: Fair enough, I’ll just try to avoid Kayama the whole night🥲
Now, the only thing left to do is prepare yourself for another long day of hardships…
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
To the one I greatly cherish,
Come find me on Valentine’s Day so that I'll be rightfully yours. Let your heart guide you to the correct choice if you feel the same as I.
Thinking of you fondly,
Your Secret Admirer
Unlike the emails from before, today's love letter arrives a half hour after school ends rather than before it starts, and is much briefer in length.
You’re expected to somehow discover the identity of your admirer within a few days and without much to go off of.
It’s almost like they never wanted to be discovered in the first place.
Sharp pin-pricks zip through palms and into your twitching fingertips as the nervous chill that’s pervaded your body attempts to find an outlet through your skin.
If only they knew their longing is being reciprocated…
You aid your shudders with disordered breaths, mentally counting each dry pant before drafting a text to update Emi on the state of your situation.
To pass the time before meeting with your coworkers and to get your mind off the whole letter ordeal, you spend the rest of the evening formulating your lesson plans for the next week.
It’s tedious but necessary work as you ultimately decide on journalism ethics and informed opinions for the topics.
Emi still hasn’t responded to your texts since before classes ended, although you know she’ll want you to persist with going out anyways.
Nighttime arrives and you promptly put together a casual yet tasteful look then exit your home with the weight of the world seemingly trapped in your chest. The ride there is even more disorienting with clammy passengers cramming all corners of the train and bracing themselves for each turn with the lack of space.
Luckily, the trip is short as you find yourself standing before the glowing green lights of the club’s name etched in neon, with purple hues also trailing the rim of it and leading down to the snowy glass doors.
You tug at the elongated handles, breath caught in your throat as you take your first steps toward the source of your unease.
Ambient music sweeps through your ears, its vibrations jolting enough to stir the hairs on your skin and rattle the depths of your bones. Your eyes drift across the arrangement of floundering civilians to spot the bright yellow of Mic’s hair as he’s seated on a stool closest to the front of the bar.
His hands flail outwardly to make exuberant gestures while he speaks to a hooded man beside him. Kayama also sits near Mic, slender fingers cupped around a glass with a salted rim and lemon. Her glossy lips meet the edge of it as her gaze passes between Mic and the unfamiliar man as they speak.
How long will you continue to watch from a distance?
Your hands cup the sides of your arms for comfort—but suddenly, as if Kayama could feel the force of your stare, her intense blue irises spot you in her periphery before promptly shifting away.
Your body moves backward mechanically to leave until you feel your phone chime against you.
Call me, the message from Emi reads, and you take off toward a dark, empty hallway at the end of the club to do just that.
Thankfully, the area is quiet and private enough for you to make the call.
“Hey, have you reached the bar yet?” Emi cheerfully answers after the first ring.
You press the phone tightly to your ear. “Yeah, but I’m not sure if I can do this anymore. I feel so out of place here”, your voice drifts as you speak, tone shaky and uncertain.
“I get what you mean. It must be exhausting to perform in front of people you’re not really familiar with.”
“Right. I just never expected having a secret admirer to be so…stressful.” Your head falls back against the wall as you shut your eyes gently. “How will I ever find out who they are if they never plan to reveal themselves?”
“I’m not sure, but if you really want to find out this may be your only chance.”
“Yeah, then I should probably get back to it... Thanks, Emi.” You take a last sigh of relief before reluctantly hanging up to go back to the rest of the group.
As you turn the corner to retreat, a dizzying force crashes into you and sends your heels tumbling backward, scrambling for a tidbit of balance.
Before an apology could form on your tongue, you recognize the passerby as no one other than Kayama and begin to pull yourself away.
“ ‘m sorry, just came to check up on you”, Kayama’s words are slightly slurred as she speaks. She clumsily swipes her purple wisps from her deeply stained cheeks. Her eyes are glassy, pupils blown as they examine you with an intrigue you’ve never witnessed from her.
“Are you drunk?” You ask hesitantly, but she only blinks at you slowly.
“Just tipsy, but come on.” Her hand locks around your wrist as she pulls you along the halls to lead you back to the bar, and for some reason you don’t pull away. You opt to be dictated by her impulse despite the conflict that’s always existed between you.
Mic and the stranger have gone off somewhere by the time you both return. Kayama pulls herself to the counter and orders another round of shots after awkwardly pointing along the lengthy menu provided to her.
Three clear glasses are slid in front of you with a smirk passing over Kayama’s lips.
You question if her actions are a drunken whim or a genuine attempt to mend your strained dynamic, but you don’t think it matters much.
This’ll make things easier, right?
Fuck it. You gulp down all three shots consecutively, jaw tightening as the burning liquid courses down your throat and through your chest. Heat seeps into your nerves while the alcohol begins to conquer your judgment.
Kayama’s smile grows wider, a giddy hum passing through her lips. “Let’s have some fun!” She redirects you once more, except to the dance floor as the next song begins to play.
Her body begins to sway delicately to the thrums of each beat, a series of synchronized yet hypnotic movements possessing her limbs as her piercing eyes remain on yours.
She shuffles a little closer then places a soft palm on your shoulder, trailing down along your sleeves then grasping your hand again tightly. She twirls away on the tips of her feet, free hand extended outward, before pulling into you and pressing her back firmly against your chest, while her hips curve into your own.
As quickly as she spins into you, she turns back to face you with her features no more than a breath away from yours. She stills for a moment, quietly taking in each ridge across your cheeks and the delicate shape of your lips.
“You’re really hot, y’know that?” She speaks tenderly against you, although there’s an underlying sadness as she utters it, one her facial expression seems to mimic as well.
“Buut…I still haven’t forgiven you”, she winks without any trace of her earlier gloom present. The heat of her closeness disappears to leave you cold and aching as she turns away to leave the club without another word.
Her words still echo across your synapses while the clarity of her silhouette slowly fades until gone completely.
You've wronged her but have yet to atone even though the guilt of your actions continue to fester and swell in your chest to engrave rotten, pus-filled holes in the walls of your heart. It oozes and drips into your veins as it spoils you, body and mind.
Would she ever accept your pleas of forgiveness if you were to give them to her? Does she too believe that the tight-walk around the conversation has gone on for too long?
You anxiously text Emi on the way home.
You: I think I may have found my secret admirer
Maybe the letters were a ruse to finally address things once and for all…
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
The very next morning Emi sends a message to your school email.
No service right now but email me back if you need anything :)
A wave of relief washes over you now that you’ve been given the reasoning for Emi’s lack of responses.
You’re eager to give her more juicy details on your valentine, but you’d rather discuss with her in person once classes end.
Today is a typical Friday, with students excitedly whispering discussions of their weekend plans, and teachers assigning the appropriate amount of coursework for the next two days off.
Despite the upcoming weekend, you won’t be at ease as Valentine’s Day will be on the approaching Monday and you’re still dissatisfied with your “investigation”.
You’ve yet to see Midnight, even after intentionally passing her classroom, but other than that classes go by swimmingly.
Emi receives your email begging her to let you come over to her apartment so that the two of you can chat and she obliges.
Still dressed in your work attire, you give a few taps on the beige door to Emi’s apartment, which opens the moment your knuckles retreat from its smooth wood.
"Hey, come on in”, Emi greets, swiftly turning so that you'd follow her into her lavish living room, adorned with patterned wallpaper and two lime-green suede sofas at the center.
She sits on the farthest end of one of the couches and you join right beside her. The small coffee table before you is already decorated with snacks and drinks, you smile at the thought of having another movie night or sleepover with her.
“So tell me about it already”, Emi says, eyes wide and fingers clasped together as if she’s pleading.
“Emi, you're not going to believe me when I tell you who it is”, you begin as you reach passively for a bottle of water to occupy your hands.
She gasps. “No way, is it Kayama?”
You nod with a smug grin. “I think so, but I'm not one-hundred percent sure yet.”
“What makes you think it's her? She totally hates you.”
“That's what I thought too, until she started dancing with me at the club the other night.”
Emi claps her palms over her mouth as you continue, her emerald brows nearly touching the soft hairs of her hairline.
“We were both a bit drunk but I still think it was odd she tried to initiate anything with me at all.”
“Did you get a chance to talk with Mic or the others?” Emi asks with undeviating attention.
“No, not once. I doubt they had anything to do with this otherwise they would've made an attempt to reach out to me.” You focus on the feeling of the cool condensation on your fingers as you speak, rolling the thin plastic bottle between each hand.
Emi hums in agreement. “Good point. And going by the emails, this person must really-really like you. They're not just someone who passed you by and thought you were cute.”
“Yeah, putting it that way means Midnight is the only one I’ve had a history with, even though we’ve…drifted apart.” You let out a deep sigh before finally taking a few gulps of water. “Emi, things would’ve been so much easier if you were the one behind this.” Your pouty eyes meet hers, and for a second her expression is unreadable.
“What if I actually was?” She asks softly, but her features are stern as she awaits your reply. Her body unconsciously shifts closer to you while yours goes rigid.
“You mean, you’re my secret admirer?”
“Mhmm.” Her stare slowly trails to your lips and lingers there for what feels like an eternity.
You swear your cheeks are searing to the touch as warmth spreads beneath your skin from the intensity of her look.
“I’m just kidding!” Emi suddenly beams then playfully taps your shoulder. “You should’ve seen the look on your face.”
“Don’t joke like that Emi. My heart was racing.” You can’t bring yourself to look her in the eyes.
“Good, that means you’ve fallen for me.”
Shortly after talking with Emi, she puts on a romcom that she's been wanting to see for ages, but you can hardly pay any attention to it.
Are you overthinking what she said earlier?
It feels like you’ve known Emi forever, but it’s still hard to tell when she’s being serious at times.
Maybe you shouldn’t brush off the possibility of there being some truth to what she suggested, after all, she could’ve easily sent you those emails at any moment.
You decide not to sleepover at Emi’s house that night due to the unusual nervousness that accompanies you at the thought of sharing a bed with her.
Under the comfort of your duvet, you look into the pitch-black darkness of your room, silently meditating on what you’ve gathered while looking into your admirer's identity.
You vividly recall Kayama’s fleeting interest in spending time with you and how it correlates with the sudden letters. Do her feelings for you remain despite all that’s happened?
You also begin to ruminate the feel of Emi’s harsh stare as she spoke with you earlier. When she entertained your misled thoughts about the emails, was it merely façade?
After deliberating, only one conclusion seems most sensical to you. The orchestrator of it all has to be
Emi ✦ Kayama
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trashland-llamas · 2 years
Opposites Attract
Pays attention
Listens, offers questions here and there, genuinely likes her stories
Can cook a certain array of food
Gets them into trouble with the media
Laughs then asks if she’s okay
At most, pays for the gas. At worst, critiques the hell out of Emi’s driving
Reads 10 books a month
The moon to Ms. Joke’s stars & Mic’s sky
Purposely puts her favorite mug on the highest shelf
Loves his personal space
Minimalist; really sticking with the bachelor pad if it weren’t for Ms. Joke
Takes the longest amount of time to get ready
‘Your mom’
—Ms. Joke—
Pretends to pay attention
Can talk about anything and everything
Loves to eat, burns everything she tries to cook
Somehow makes it even worse
Immediately asks if he’s okay, bringing out the first aid kit even if it’s unnecessary
Happily drives Aizawa everywhere, him being her passenger prince
19, Jared, never learned how to read
The stars to Aizawa’s moon & Mic’s sky
Climbs the counter to get it
Also loves Aizawa’s personal space
Maximalist; trinkets everywhere but not as much as she’d like
Asks if they’re ready to go every 5 seconds
‘Your dad’
—Present Mic—
Tries to pay attention but eventually zones out
Equally talks and listens, tries to get Aizawa’s opinion/input on a lot of thing
Is the one that gets his hand smacked cause he got caught trying to sneak a bite
Gets them out of trouble, usually involves a lot of ass-kissing
Tells Emi not to be such a worrywart while also scolding Aizawa for not letting her take care of him
Forever stuck in the backseat, giving directions or looking up needed intel
Has to reread the same page a million times to understand anything
The Earth to Aizawa’s moon & Emi’s constellations
Picks Emi up whenever she wants to be taller or ‘have the high ground’ in her words on Aizawa
‘NO FUCKING WAY!’ Runs to whatever room they’re in
Also loves Aizawa’s personal space
In-between, is the one that got Aizawa & Emi to comprise
Helps Aizawa with his daily makeup routine, his beauty routine being just as long
‘Shut up, both of you.’ They’d go for hours if he didn’t say anything
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itzkingbo · 2 months
<3 random texts with bnha / mha !! X READER VERSION LETS GOOO
this is my first x reader text post so please be gentle :]
[Warnings: cussing]
[Includes: Denki Kaminari, Shouto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya, and Katsuki Bakugou]
[Note: If you like this and want more x reader versions lemme knooowwww]
- denki kaminari
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- izuku midoriya
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- shouto todoroki
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- katsuki bakugou
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- honorable mention! emi fujikawa (my oc)
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yandere-x-reader · 9 months
➼ Dividers done by @/cafekitsune
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Color Code: Romantic, Platonic, Either
Mezo Shoji, Koji Koda, Rikido Sato, Tenya Ida, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Mashirao Ojiro, Yuga Aoyama, Denki Kaminari, Izuku Midoriya, Mina Ashido, Fumikage Tokoyami, Ochaco Uraraka, Kyoka Jiro, Toru Hagakure, Tsuyu Asui, Hitoshi Shinso, Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, Hizashi Yamada, Present Mic, Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead, Enji Todoroki/Endeavor, Keigo Takami/Hawks, Rumi Usagiyama/Mirko, Yu Takeyama/Mt. Lady, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fat Gum, Emi Fukukado/Miss Joke, Nemuri Kayama/Midnight, Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King, Nezu, Eri Aizawa
Sun, Moon, Roxy, Monty, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica, DJMM, Vannesa/Vanny, Gregory, Map Bot
Luisa, Mirable, Isabella, Delores,Camilo, Alma, Pepa, Bruno, Julieta, Felix, Agustin, Antonio
Gravity Falls ♡
Bill Chipher, Stanley, Stanford, Mable, Dipper.
OCs ♡
To be added
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Anonymous asks
I am perfectly fine with anyone using anonymous asks, I personally use them a lot. However if you use anonymous asks, please put a emoji(s) or a letter(s) as your signature. Just put it at the bottom of your ask and I'll add it to the list
Used Letters:
Used Emojios:
I will write
Different AU's: I can do all diffrent types! Pirate, mafia, hybrid, fantasy, royalty, mermaid, soulmates, mall workers, vampires, ghosts, ect. Or if you have your own AU and would like me to do somthing with it I can tolltally do that to.
Omegaverse: I know not everyone likes this trope but i'm a absaloute sucker for it. I can do Alpha, Beta, or Omega for charecters or Reader. I do write heats but not in a sexual way, i personally write them kinda like a human period but replace the blood with increased body tempetures.
Any Gender: I am personally genderfluid and AFAB so those are the two that I would have the most experience with. However if you want me to do somthing like a trans reader or AMAB reader than I can try my best. Don't be afraid to make it specific to you, everone is diffrent and I understand trying to look for something that fits you more than the stereotypes.
Crossovers: I don't see a lot of creators in any fandom doing crossovers a lot. I see like *Insert charecter* x reader with *insert other character* personality but not really crossovers. So feel free to request a crossover with a diffrent show.
Any skin color: I love having variety in my writing so I will do any skin colors. I can do basic skin colors, from pale peach to dark brown. I can also do exstream versions like skin that is nearly paper white from how pale it is or skin that us nearly space black from how dark it is. I can also do unnatural skin colors, like Mina!
Alterhuman Reader: Ok so I see absaloutly no alterhuman reader fanfics out there so i'm here to change that. I'm not personally a alterhuman but I do have a few freinds that are. If you want me to do a specific one instead of basic I can also do that. Like instead of a dragon kin I can do a dragon kin with space wing and starts eyes with claws that glow in the dark ect.
Body Marks: I personally have stretch marks, moles, freckles, and odd placed birthmarks so I can do any of these or others if you would like. If you are specifically extra self-conscious of your body marks than I can add extra levels of love to specific part if you would like :)
Feel free to requests anything as long as it's not in my will not write list!
I will not write
Abuse: I will not do the character inflicting pain on the reader or the reader inflicting pain on the charecter. I can do mentions of past abuse, such as a charecter or reader flinching at touch or loud noise.
Cheating: character doing it to reader or reader doing it to character is just a big no. I never understood cheating, if you don't love somone just break up with them. If you can't do it for safety reson than find a support system to protect you in dangerous situations.
Misscarage: I have lost three sibling to this and I still cry at night thinking of them, please don't ask me to do anything to do with this subject. If you do I will give you 1 warning and then I'm blocking you.
Abortion: I don't really have a side here but I don't like the though of writing it as it makes me uncomfortable.
Rape/SA: I don't feel comfortable doing this subject. I can not do mentions of it as I have not personally experienced it and don't want to miss somthing or do something wrong.
NSFW: I may be a yandere blog but I do not wish to do anything sexual on this blog, only romantic and platonic here.
Don't worry about being cringe with me! As long as your not hurting anyone than why should I stop you from having fun? Fell free to be your authentic self and request somthing super specific if you want.
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olivenight17 · 4 years
Emi Fukukado x F!Reader “Change of Plans”
Heya, everyone! Alrighty, I saw the contest made by @heroheads and I couldn’t help myself. We haven’t talked, so I’m sure this must be awkward and therefore I have to apologize, but congratulations on that 500 followers milestone! I hope you don’t mind me getting in on this even though you don’t know me.
With that said, I decided to do Emi because honestly there’s not enough love for her, and it popped into my head almost immediately so, here we are! It’s, kinda angsty on Emi’s part, and it takes a while before we even get to the love but it’s there. I hope it’s enjoyable!
Emi Fukukado x F!Reader Change of Plans
Find a guy, fall in love, get married. That had always been the plan.
For a while, Emi truly thought that was how it was going to go down. It was the expectation, it was how a woman knew she had reached the epitome of happiness. In her younger days, it was about all she could think about. Some guy coming in, sweeping her off her feet and towards happiness. She had been so ready for it all, but then it never came. None of the boys in her school ever seemed to really notice her. The few who didn’t turn her down… hadn’t quite met her expectations. There wasn’t a connection, there weren’t sparks, there wasn’t anything in any of the boys she had dated. Her stomach didn’t do flips when she saw them, there weren’t any fireworks going off when they kissed, and she never felt a single heartbreak when the relationship ended. For years she had been so confused by it all. Why was it that nothing clicked?
“Chin up, Emi. Just keep smiling, a nice boy will be sure to fall in love with you soon.” That’s what her mother always told her. She had always figured her mother to be right, she just had to keep trying. There was a man out there for her, she just had to find him!
But then, years had gone by. She put away all of the silly needs for love and doubled down on her hero work, she was young and she needed to get ahead of the game. The agency she had been accepted at was promising after all and it was the start of something spectacular, she could already feel it. She worked hard at her agency, at her job, and she was becoming incredibly successful. The public loved her and she often called home with a new story every week. Though it wasn’t long before the pressing question had jumped out at her.
So, when are you getting married?
Emi had been able to brush off the question at first, giving off hand remarks that her job had to come first, she had a good start and she shouldn’t squander it now by getting new priorities. But the question continued to be asked, and it was becoming harder and harder for her to laugh it off. The dating scene was starting to come back in her peripheral view. She started noticing all of the couples on the street, all of her friends talking about their own relationship. She found it hard to smile the day her friend told her about her engagement. All of the romantic holidays were suddenly becoming much more lonely and Emi found herself at a stand still.
This wasn’t like when she and her friends were younger. Even though they all tried dating, they always stuck together. And now, Emi stood, watching all of her friends go in different directions, arm in arm with the men of their dreams. Something tugged at her heart, not that she could place what it was. Despite her best attempts at dating again, she was left once more with the same empty feeling in her soul. Nothing had changed it seemed, and the frustration soon built up.
“So, have any boys entered your life yet?” Emi could practically hear her mother wiggling her eyebrows over the phone.
She rolled her eyes with a gentle smile. “Come on, mom. You only ask this question like, a hundred times a week,” she shot back.
“I’m just saying, honey. You’re starting to get up there in age, you’re going to want to find a man to settle down with. I found your father at the age of 21 and we were married by the time we were 22,” her mother sighed. “And yet you’re 25 and still single. You need to find a man-”
“Well, for your information, I already found one,” Emi interrupted, trying her best not to grip the phone too tightly in her hands. “He’s from the neighboring agency… Shouta Aizawa.” She wasn’t sure why she said his name of all people, but he was the one who stuck out the most. To be fair, he had always been kind to her, even when she could tell he would rather sleep.
Her mother paused, not expecting her daughter to actually have an answer, but the moment soon passed when a high pitched squeal travelled directly into Emi’s ear. “Oh, sweetie, I’m so happy for you! Tell me everything.”
That was how her infatuation with the underground hero began. She set her sights on him and became relentless in her affections, she sought hard to find every good quality about him. His soft looking hair, how clever he was, the small ways he showed affection. A lot of her energy was focused on how great he was, he would make the perfect husband and she would make the perfect wife. The image had been built before her, and she pursued relentlessly, it felt good to have at least somewhat of an answer whenever her mother asked her. And though the pressure had been somewhat alleviated, it was soon built back on as she entered her late 20s. Her pursuit for Aizawa wasn’t enough to appease her mother anymore and it felt like she was grasping at straws.
She sighed, as she downed her fifth drink in a row. It was late, she should have been calling it a night by now, but she didn’t have the energy to care. As of now, it was just her and her glass, until a dark figure sat on the seat next to her. She looked up to see none other than Aizawa and she giggled drunkenly as she reached her arms out to hug him. “Shouta~ it’s such a nice surprise to see you here!” She pouted when he dodged her open arms.
“Believe me, I’d rather not be here. But you seriously need to go home, you shouldn’t act like this in public,” he hissed quietly.
She giggled again, reaching to poke his cheek. “Aww, you do care! I knew you cared, deep inside,” she sung.
He swatted her hand away with a sigh, grabbing her by the shoulder and lifting her up. “Come on, you’re going home.” She didn’t fight him as he dragged her out of the bar.
The night air was chilly, and she sniffled as she stumbled through the street. She looked around her, seeing a couple ahead of them holding hands. She looked to her side and there was another one, laughing as they cuddled on a bench. Emi’s heart sank as her eyes travelled to the ground.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Shouta mused.
“...Why can’t things ever just work out, Shouta,” Emi asked. “Because I’ve tried so hard to make it work. I’ve given up so much to make things work between every guy I’ve dated, but it doesn’t feel right. Does...does that make sense? When you meet a person you fall in love with, it’s supposed to feel special and light and like your tummy is made of butterflies when they so much as say your name. But it doesn’t matter what I do because that never happens to me. Never.” She sniffed again, barking out a laugh. “It’s why I kept going after you so much. I thought if I just stayed focused on one guy, then it would have to work out, you know? If I didn’t give my heart any other choice I could just make it get feelings and not even that worked! I...I don’t feel the way I think I do about you… I don’t think I ever did. But, but I have to, because what else is left? If this doesn’t work, does that mean that’s it? Am I capable of being loved? Can I love? Because I’ve tried for years and it doesn’t work, I’m just unlovable and I’ll end up all alone with no one-”
“Hey.” Shouta abruptly turned her to face him. “Stop thinking like that. I…” He trailed off, occasionally opening his mouth and then shutting it before groaning and looking at her. “I’m only saying this once, so you better listen. Emi, you are full of love, you’re one of the most loving people I’ve ever met. You are kind and caring and make sure everyone else’s needs are met before taking care of your own. You are so selfless, you are capable of love, that I have no doubt of. Love isn’t something you can just force, it has to come naturally, and if it hasn’t, maybe you just need to start looking for that love in a different direction.” His eyes lost their hardened glare. “I’ll never love you the way you’ve tried to get me to, and I will certainly never marry you. But, for what it’s worth… you have my respect and my support.”
Emi looked at him for a long time, before smiling and hugging him tightly, letting little hiccups into his shoulder. “Thank you, Shouta. Thank you, thank you, thank you…” She smiled a little brighter when he patted her back.
“Alright, alright. Get off already, we’ve reached your building complex, anyhow.”
Quickly, she bounced off him, wiping her face of her tears and stumbling towards her apartment, only to land face first on the stairs and laughing.
A door was opened and a woman appeared, her mouth gaping as she looked at the scene. “Oh my God, Emi? What happened to you, are you okay?” She asked worriedly, rushing down the staircase to reach her.
Emi looked at her with a dazed smile. “Oh, it’s (Y/N)! Yay, hey Shouta, this is my neighbor (Y/N), isn’t she the best? Hehe, I’m fine though, really. Don’t worry about me at all,” she chirped.
She wasn’t buying it and looked towards Shouta. “She just had a little too much to drink, make sure she gets to bed,” were his only instructions.
The woman nodded as she managed to carry Emi back up the stairs, thanking Shouta and bidding him a good night, before looking back down at the hero in her arms. “You’ve been gone for hours without so much as a call, you really had me worried, Em.” She commented.
Emi waved it off. “Bah, I would’ve been fine! Besides, you’re so nice and pretty and you talk to me when I’m lonely and you bake me things when I’m sad. I have to come back or else I’d get sad and who would be there to bake me cupcakes? No one!”
She rolled her eyes with a grin as she opened the door to Emi’s apartment. “Fair enough, now come on, let’s get you to bed.”
Over the next few years, Emi took the words Shouta said to her to heart. She stopped chasing him at long last, and looked in a different direction, which is exactly how she did achieve her dream.
Indeed, she had reached the epitome of happiness, and she stared at herself in the mirror, twirling around in her wedding dress. After years and years of waiting, the day had finally come. Emi had fallen head over heels and nothing could stop the grin on her face on her wedding day. She had never been so happy. Her love had the perfect sparkling eyes, a melodic voice that always made her heart beat ten times faster, and she didn’t think there’d be a day when there wasn’t a full blown fireworks show in her mind when they kissed.
Truly, her plan had come to fruition, and all that was needed was just one, tiny adjustment to it…
Emi walked out into the hallway as she looked at her future wife, already waiting at the altar. (Y/N) was grinning at her, with tears brimming her eyes and Emi knew her own expression was a perfect mirror. It felt like she was floating on a cloud as she took her hands in hers, planting a kiss on her hand before slipping the ring over her finger, and giggling when (Y/N) did the same. Her stomach was filled with butterflies that only stopped when their bond was finally sealed with a soft and loving kiss. Emi pulled away only to hug (Y/N) as tight as could be. “I love you, I love you so much.” Her grin widened as she felt her wife squeeze her tightly, picking her up and laughing before resting her forehead against Emi’s.
“I love you too. Now, I believe we have a honeymoon calling our name.” She winked and Emi whooped as she was picked up bridal style and carried off to a new life.
A life filled with laughter, love and happiness.
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emjiroki · 2 years
#2 from the smut prompt list with Deku please?
#2: "No Panties?" with our green haired Hero! Thanks for the ask anon 💕
18+ under the cut MINORS DNI
“Wha-” You started as he pressed you back against the cold brick behind you, one of his scarred hands moving up to cup your cheek and pull you in against his lips and effectively cutting you off. 
You knew fucking your coworker was wrong, went against every level of professional work environment code, but when it came to the number one hero you just couldn’t help yourself. Tall, handsome, and briming with enough thick muscle to move mountains, Izuku Midoriya consumed your brain the moment he was close enough to whisper sweet nothings in your ear. So who were you to deny a late night patrol with him? despite the fact that you were about to get off work and head home. You hadn’t even had a chance to ask him why he had asked you to go before he was gripping your waist and moving off the sidewalk out of view and into a shadowy spot of an alley way. 
“J-Just need to taste you, missed you” He said honestly, his emerald eyes glimmering in the faint shine of the street light a few feet away. He had been gone for a week on a mission and to say you hadn’t missed him too would be a lie. You nodded with a soft whimper, gasping as his quickly moved his hands to the bottoms of your hero costume, tugging them down to your ankles and flashing you a bright freckled grin. 
“No panties?” He asked, sighing softly as he brushed his nose against your inner thigh, “So good for me”. You squeaked in surprise when his hands gripped your thighs, lifting you until your knees were over his shoulders and you were resting with your back against the wall, his head between your thighs. the groan that rolled off his tongue against your clit as he buried his face into your pussy had your eyes crossing, fingers of one hand immediately curling into dark green locks and the other clamping over your mouth in an attempt to keep any debauched noises at bay.
“Come on now pretty, I wanna hear you,” He asked in a pleading whisper, the hushed tone still sounding so loud against the quiet around you, “Just a little? for me?” 
all i gotta say is i want to write more Izuku i think 🥵
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tired-teacher-blog · 3 years
Hi there I was wondering if you’d write a ~fluff~ with Aizawa and his wife reader, where even though they’ve been together since UA, and he loves her immensely and she’s also a history teacher/teacher’s assistant (basically inseparable), but she feels insecure still around the fact that Emi/Ms. Joke still likes Aizawa and flirts with him (even when Aizawa and reader are together) like at the student licensing exam arena.. :3
Sure thing love. Here you go and I hope you like it!
Title: Insecure
Characters: Aizawa Shōta/ fem reader/ Emi Fukukado aka Ms.Joke
Genre : fluff/ angst/ one shot/ no manga spoilers/ happy ending
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_"I'm waiting for you at the front gate sweetheart." You smiled to yourself reading your husband's message and immediately gathered your things and ran out to meet him.
It was a dreadful day, some of your students missed the deadline to deliver their assignments, and you had to sit there and listen to all kinds of excuses. You had a soft spot for them and were afraid they figured it out and were using it against you. But you were going to put that on hold for a moment because all you wanted then was to run out and see your husband.
Sure enough, there he was standing at the front gate like he told you he was, with a tired look on his face. Yours on the other hand lit up as soon as you saw him and you couldn't help calling his name from a distance:" Shōta!"
He immediately turned to meet your gaze and smiled at your figure running towards him. You jumped on him and hugged him tightly.
_" Honey we're still on school ground."
_" Oh right! I'm sorry." You answered shyly after stepping away from him.
_" ... Whatever, come here." He said before pulling you in for a kiss. You melted in his embrace and almost forgot where you were. But a loud laugh brought you back to reality so you instantly pushed him away and turned to meet the source.
_" Oh you two love birds are too much aren't you? Rubbing your happy married life on my face."
_" Oh.. you." Aizawa noted with clear annoyance in his voice.
_" It's so nice to see you again ms Fukukado." You greeted her while bowing your head down apologetically for your husband's remark.
_" Oh come on y/n don't be a stranger! I'm used to his silly remarks." She answered you enthusiastically and put her arm around his like it was the most natural thing to do.
You felt a pang in your heart and you didn't know exactly how to interpret it. Was it jealousy? You weren't even sure, all you wanted was to ask her not touch your husband the way she was, but you couldn't.
_" Why are you here anyway?" Aizawa asked her in a monotone voice.
_" Oh I'm here for business, and I thought I should come visit my Shōta while I'm in town." She responded cutely and got even closer to him.
Why was she touching him like that? Why didn't he push her away? And most of all, why were you struggling to keep your tears at bay?
Both of them were catching up and you were just.. there. You've never felt so out of place and all you wanted at that moment was for her to stop talking and just leave.
Having those thoughts made you feel terrible, Emi did nothing wrong after all.
It was awful of you to hang your insecurities on her back. And without even realizing it, you walked up slowly to your husband and hugged his other arm tightly. Doing so seemed to bring his attention back to you, and he swiftly freed his arm from his friend's clutches and said:" it's getting dark out here, maybe we should talk tomorrow."
_" Oh my you're right! I never realized how late it was! I still have some unpacking to do so I'll catch up with you guys later!" The ever so cheerful Ms Joke blurted out and left in a hurry.
_" Get there safely." You responded bowing.
_" Let's go babe." Shōta grabbed your hand and started walking. He barely said anything all the way home and you were wallowing in self pity. You hated yourself for the miserable ideas that kept fighting inside your brain, and you just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
You knew all too well that Emi liked your husband, and that her feelings haven't changed much even after he married you, and the realization only stabbed your self esteem further. She was still his friend though, and she actually did nothing wrong. Were You overreacting? You couldn't wait to get home and properly apologize to your husband for being so childish.
As soon as you stepped in the living room and opened your mouth to speak, Shōta pulled you into a tight hug. You didn't understand what was happening, and all you could do was burry your face in his chest and just... Cry. You felt so pathetic.
_" I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.. I really am.. I.."
He cut you off with a kiss, and your mind just went blank.
_" Don't say anything babe, you did nothing wrong, I get it." He reassured you between kisses. He really does get you, and same goes for you, you know all about each other's anxieties and insecurities and are always there for one another.
All your worries vanished at once, and you finally smiled.
Shōta leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, and another one on your temple, and then on your nose, until he reached your lips. You had your eyes closed waiting for the kiss that never came, so you opened them slowly and were welcomed by a smirking Shōta:" I love you gorgeous, only you, I always have and always will. If it's not you then it can't be anyone else, never forget that." He said while caressing your cheeks. His comforting words and his soft and warm touch were all you needed to feel secure. You nodded and nuzzled up against his touch before mouthing a soft "I love you". He finally leaned in and kissed you deeply on the lips melting what's left of your concerns.
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dearemilia · 3 years
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squishytenya · 4 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 - Ms Joke, Aizawa + Present Mic
Pairings: ms joke, aizawa, present mic x gender neutral!reader
Notes: did I write this in half an hour? Yes. Am I worried cause I’ve never written emi before? Yes. I hope you guys like it mwah!
Warnings: reader gets hit on a lot, pda but with this lineup did you expect any less, mentions of uncomfortable situations (people flirting really?), I did not edit this but I never do so
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Ms joke // Emi Fukukado
I feel like Emi isn’t one to get insecure jealous because she trusts you a lot, like a lot
Any friends night or family meeting is met with a have fun and a request for photos of your day out later (she likes seeing you happy even if it’s not necessarily her that made you smile)
The only time she really gets aggravated at all is when the person is not getting the hint and backing off or they��re coming on in a weird/offensive way
So when you guys go out on dates, she tends to keep an arm around you or at least her eyes on you at pretty much all times
Not because she doesn’t trust you or is possessive (she’s a little possessive) but because she knows people are really gross
Does NOT seem like the type at all but can be kinda scary to even the largest of men while having a smile on her face the entire time
She will come up to you just to kiss you straight on the lips and ask ‘who’s your friend?’
Continues to joke around and make you laugh so she can prove that she is in fact your partner and she can make you laugh like they can’t
Is a little mean if they won’t leave but does it with a smile, it’s tight and you can tell that she’s getting aggy with the person in front of you
We love her and here ability to be majorly passive aggressive while smiling, what a darling
Eraser head // Shouta Aizawa
Okay hear me out - he actually gets really jealous and isn’t great at hiding it but he’s grumpy pretty much all the time so nobody really notices except you
Of course jealousy does not equal lack of trust in any way but he’s kind of like an animal in what’s his is his and other people should keep their hands off
Can smell bad intentions from a mile away but he usually lets you fight your own battles
Usually it’s when you come back to wherever he is that he makes his feelings known (unintentionally) and maybe pulls you closer or wraps an arm around the back of your chair just to warn others
Will only step in once you’ve made it abundantly clear and they won’t leave or, god forbid, they invalidate your relationship
He knows you can take care of yourself but the moment someone says ‘oh he doesn’t have to know right?’ Man is behind you looking like a bat
He’s kind of intimidating himself but angry aizawa is very much so and I doubt someone will stay around long enough with him quirking his brow at them in the most unimpressed way
Generally just disgusted by their existence
Always makes sure to check on your afterwards even if they were being polite, it’s more to settle his own nerves and he appreciates that you pretend you don’t know
Present Mic // Hizashi Yamada
He is very vocal about your relationship tbh since he is one of the more famous pros I feel like most people know about you guys anyway so if someone is flirting with you while he is near it is almost certainly on purpose
And Hizashi does not like that, not one bit
Not only is it disrespectful to you but it’s disrespectful to your relationship too and he is rather protective when it comes down to it
Saunters up to you two, proper peacock kind of display, and does one of two things
Now if the person is being reaaal flirty and saying things like ‘well I don’t see him’ etc then he’s going to make it very clear that the person can see him now
Holds your waist, rests his chin on your shoulder and kisses your neck once or twice until he has a your complete attention, leaving the stranger in the dust
Gets a little pouty if you tell him off for doing that instead of just telling them to piss off but he doesn’t mind cause he knows you love it
If they’re just being creepy he can feel your uncomfortable from a mile away and does what he does best - talks
Slides between you and talks and talks and talks until the person is very confused and honestly just wants to leave because they feel uncomfortable meanwhile you’re making your escape across wherever you two are
Which is when he makes a comment about how they shouldn’t give people unwanted attention if they can’t take it in return and turns to find where you went when you went
We love one loud, respectful man
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I hope this made sense my loves!
Remember reblogging helps content creators! And ily all!
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edens-melodies · 3 years
- happier than ever (3.8k)
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warnings: none! (pt.1)
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crisp autumn air fills your lungs with a lightness that can only come from the changing of seasons, a content smile on your lips as you bask in the sunlight.
the early afternoon rays caress your chilled flesh as you sit on the oddly comfortable park bench, small box of fresh pastries tempting your nose with their buttery scent while a large apple cider nestled between your gloved hands, iced of course.
the park was lively as ever, joggers passing you by frequently while screaming children ran through the grass.
your gaze softened as you peered at smiling parents watching on with fond eyes as the future of tomorrow crunched the vibrant leaves underneath their feet, giggling in delight.
the future. you smiled to yourself as your gaze shifted from the endearing sight of prospering families in front of you to the humbling beauty of the blue skies above, not a single cloud in sight. the future, huh?
the concept of the future has always been a sensitive subject for you.
the future in your eyes was never certain, and the thought of it used to leave you squirming in uncomfortable silence, strained smile silently begging whoever had asked to change topics.
the future was uncertain because in all honesty, you weren’t able to think far enough into it to see what could potentially unfold; in all honesty, you feared it.
no matter how many times you’ve tried to put it into words, the rough but comforting hand of your therapist silently encouraging you to continue, you have never been able to fully explain the grand scheme of your fear.
to be fair, even now, the thought of putting every little reason as to why you dreaded waking up in the morning, why every time an attractive stranger offers you a kind smile sends you into an anxious mess.
why every time you saw yourself in the mirror the only emotion you could garner was disappoint and disgust, makes you tired before even opening your mouth.
a soft breeze picks up from the east, blowing the chilled air across your face and making you smile softly as your lips pull up from the frown you had unconsciously put on while thinking too deep.
with a soft sigh, you snuggle a little deeper into the soft cashmere scarf, the beige fabric smelling like your home, but with the faint undertones of grapefruit, jasmine, and musk.
at the hidden notes of a scent that didn’t belong to you permeated your senses, you couldn’t help but smile wider, a warmth unlike any other filling your chest.
yes, the future terrified you. it shook you to the core whenever the cursed question of ‘what do you plan on doing for the rest of your life?’ is asked, but that was before. back then, you had every reason to be afraid.
but now? now you had no reason to be afraid of the glittering promise of a happily ever after, especially when the cause of it is now no more than the remnants of a memory— the slightest taste of something once sweet now bitter on your tongue.
a ghost of the past— no more, no less.
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time seemed to freeze the moment those words left soft lips, hanging in the summer air as strangers continued to walk past you, unaware of the energy churning like waves between you and the man in front of you.
“who are you?”
aizawa’s mouth was parted in shock, onyx eyes wide in disbelief. you watched as he searched your face for any sign that you were joking, that this was all just a petty attempt to get back at him.
if you were joking, that means there was still a chance for him— that there was still a chance to make you his again.
but to his horror, he couldn’t find a single trace of it in your clear (e/c) eyes.
emi tore her eyes from your glowing figure, snapping her mouth shut as she whipped her head back to look at aizawa. there was no way that he was seriously planning on dragging this out—
she might as well have left her mouth open because it dropped right back down when she saw the sheer look of heartbreak dancing across his face.
the slight sheen that had been swimming in his eyes from the moment he laid his gaze on you again for the first time in years erupted into a fountain, distraught clear as day on his features.
“w-what do you mean… y-you don’t- what?!” he blubbered, hands coming up by his face as if he were about to begin pulling at his hair.
emi watched as (y/n) took a cautious step back, seeing the wariness on her face as she watched this strange man show the early signs of hyperventilating in the middle of the sidewalk.
as much as emi wanted to record this because she felt that this justice was long overdue, the whisperings of the crowd beginning to form decided for her that it was time to go.
you startled slightly when a familiar cold hand enveloped your palm, cheeks lightly flushing when she intertwined your fingers to begin pulling you forward again. “c’mon (n/n), we gotta get going before things get ugly.” emi whispered urgently as she continued to pull you down the street.
“who was that?” you questioned, brows furrowed in confusion as you tried to recall why that man seemed so familiar, but all that came up was an empty white canvas.
emi didn’t answer you, her whole body turned forward as she continued to try and tug you down the street before aizawa could cause an even bigger scene.
but due to their many years apart, she underestimated the lengths this man would go to try and salvage what was no longer his.
“i’m your boyfriend!”
your body froze in place as your eyes widened, stopping emi in her process of escape as your body rooted to the ground where you stood.
a heavy sigh left her lips as she brought a free hand up to roughly scrub at her face in exasperation, not caring if she was destroying her makeup in the process.
things are never easy when it comes to you, huh shouta?
aizawa stared at your frozen figure on the sidewalk, feeling lightyears away from you when you were only ten feet in front of him.
with a heart that was pounding in his chest so heavily it grew painful, he watched as you turned around in wonder, eyes searching his for something he couldn’t decipher.
“w-well, i was your boyfriend, but…” he trailed off as you continued to gaze deeply into his eyes.
hope blossomed in his chest so violently it was a little embarrassing, but his lips turned up into a wobbly smile as you began to slowly make your way back to him, hand still clasped tightly in emi’s hand.
aizawa blanched when he saw the murderous glare that emi was giving him, but his attention was immediately back on you when you finally stood before him again. he gazed lovingly at you, soaking up the wide eyes that he used to spend hours staring into in the comforts of the night when the days were long and hard.
“we used to be together?” you asked carefully, still trying to dredge up even the tiniest amount of familiarity in his eyes.
aizawa shuttered when you brought up your left hand to gently trace his face, fingertips gliding down a path they’ve painted onto his skin multiple times before.
“yeah, we were…” he left off softly, relishing in your touch as emi was practically ready to combust as she saw you gaze over this man in wonder.
emi wasn’t stupid— she had been with the company for too long to know that you truly didn’t recognize to sole reason of your decades long torment.
but a small voice whispered her worst fears in the back of her mind; just because you didn’t recognize didn’t mean you couldn’t fall back in love with him.
she didn’t want to admit that her fear had cause of concern, but the amount of times she’s had returning men and women come into her office with tear stricken faces as they beg her to wipe them again after falling into the same trap again.
a wave of nausea rolled over her in a heavy wave, and a fire was lit in her mind.
she won’t let you be taken advantage of, not again. emi can recall every moment over the course of two decades that she has been by your side, every time she helped you back on your feet when the world decided to test how much your kind heart could take before it shattered for the final time.
angry tears began to burn behind her eyes as she recalled the worst fear she ever felt in her life, voice caught in her throat when she found you in the bathroom the summer that they graduated.
the amount of tears that dripped onto your face as she held you in her arms, clothes destroyed from your blood as she waited for the ambulance to reach you in time.
the sudden realization that she could’ve lost you back then has never left her mind since, and she’ll be damned if she just sits back and watches you walk right back into the fox den without intervening.
next to her, you continue to trace aizawa’s face in awe as you took in his features. deep black eyes stared at you in wonder, chapped full pink lips slightly gaped as another shiver lightly racked through his body.
long, thick onyx hair swayed elegantly behind him, pulled into a high ponytail save for a couple of strands that swung tastefully in his face.
strong, lithe arms raised a shaking hand to cover your own against his cheek, cradling it against his cheek as he gazed at you with silent hope in his eyes, pleading you to remember him.
aizawa wasn’t stupid. he knew that he should’ve reached out sooner. he knew that falling under the temptations that nemuri had casted over his mind the moment you had left to attend classes in the summer was stupid and wrong.
but he was a young boy, and his mind was weak.
seeing your figure in the hallways was like watching a shadow dancing along the walls. your fire had been dimmed, an empty look in your eyes as you lied to everyone around you, saying that you were okay and that you’d get over it. but he knew you better than anyone, even emi.
at least, he used to.
he knew that the larger clothes were to hide your once full frame becoming a shell of its former self, the concealer under your eyes never enough to hide the bags from his observant gaze.
but fear kept him from reaching out, fear of you rejecting him, fear of the repercussions from your family and friends that truly knew what had happened.
so he stayed away, heart kept locked by nemuri when he knew you were the one. but when he heard the news of what you had done to yourself after graduation, all he remembers is speeding well beyond the speed limit to the hospital you were admitted to, thanking his lucky stars that he wasn’t pulled over.
with tears streaming down his pale face, he raced through the halls toward your room, the fear of god pounding in his chest as his heart was trying to climb up his throat.
your room was only ten feet ahead of him when he was stooped in his tracks by a dark eyed emi, her clothes still stained with your blood as the fire in her gaze reached a fever pitch.
“YOU DON’T GET THE RIGHT TO BE NEAR HER!” she had screamed at him, grabbing him by the loose collar of his shirt as she shook him.
there were no words that could’ve left him as he let her tear into him, his own tears continuously falling as hers began to stream down her grief stricken face.
“THIS WAS ALL OF YOUR FAULT, AND NOW THAT SHE’S IN PIECES YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO WALTZ BACK INTO HER LIFE LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED?” security guards and nurses rushed to pull her off of him, but their frantic words were like static in his ears as he couldn’t look away from the fire in her eyes.
you don’t get her back.
after that day, you had basically disappeared from his life. your phone number was changed, your social medias disappeared.
when he stopped by your house a couple of months after you had been discharged, a confused young couple answered the door and said that your family had moved a little over a month ago. where? they didn’t know.
but now you’re here, in front of his eyes for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. but something deep down tells him that even though he can see your chest rising with each steady breath, can feel your heartbeat under your skin, proof you were alive;
this will be the closest he’ll ever get again.
venom was on the tip of emi’s tongue, ready to unleash everything she’s wanted to say to aizawa since the last time she saw him in that hospital, but a gentle squeeze to her hand stopped her.
she hadn’t even realize she had tightened her grip on you in her anger until she relaxed her fingers, growing soft in your hold.
wondering eyes shifted sideways at you, taking in the gentle smile on your lips as an apologetic emotion swam in your gaze, never leaving your hold on aizawa in front of you.
when emi switched her gaze to the man in question, she realized she never had a thing to worry about.
you had always known how to take care of yourself, no matter how much you got hurt in the end.
fat tears were streaming down fair cheeks as aizawa smiled painfully back to you, his grip on your hand tightening a fraction as he leaned into your touch as much as possible, resignation clear as day in his gaze.
she watched as he closed his eyes, the tears still falling as he reveled in your caress, taking in your scent for the last time. as much as she wanted to deny it, a twinge of sympathy shot through her for the man in front of her as he realized that he really had been late, years too late.
“you’re really handsome, you know that?” you murmured, thumb gently caressing his cheek as you smiled kindly at him, paying no mind to the choked sob that escaped his lips before he could muffle it.
“you’re absolutely ethereal.” he managed to choke out softly, eyes still closed as he gave you another watery smile. a soft laugh left through your nose.
when aizawa opened his eyes, he vowed to forever engrain the shape of your face when you smiled into his memory until the day he died.
“thank you.” you replied, smile still kind. “and i believe you that somewhere in the past, we were once together because something about you just feels… right.”
another sob wracked through his body, only quelling slightly when you cooed at him in comfort.
“don’t cry sweetheart,” you murmured softly, watching as he opened his eyes to stare at you like you hung the moon and stars just for him. “maybe in another lifetime we’ll find each other again.” you patted his cheek affectionately.
“but not this one.” you gently squeezed emi’s hand, and another warm feeling flooded in your chest when she squeezed you back tighter, fingers never letting you go.
aizawa nodded his head, slowly releasing your hand as you gently pulled away from him, smile still on your lips. “i’m glad i got to meet you again…” you trailed off, still not knowing the name of the beautiful man crying in front of you.
“shouta.” he supplied weakly, hand that was cradling yours now wiping the tears off his face as they finally began to slow down, but never stopped.
“shouta.” you repeated, his name ringing like chimes in the air as you tested it out. “i like that name.”
aizawa clenched his eyes shut again in an attempt to stave off the tears threatening to come back, and when he opened them again, you were already walking away.
you turned a final time to him, to the man who unknowingly used to hold your heart in the palms of his hands, and smiled.
“i hope we’ll meet again.”
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that was three years ago. and to everyone’s genuine surprise, you did meet with shouta again. not as lovers, not as enemies, but as friends. you learned what he was to you in the past and what he had done, but even to his surprise, you choose to forgive him.
“why be angry over something that is no longer chained to me?” you had replied to emi one early morning a couple of months after your encounter.
you were in the kitchen making breakfast and she sat by the table, still clad in her pajamas.
she stared at you in disbelief, strawberry jam sitting on the corner of her mouth as she held her coffee cup in mid sip, english muffin forgotten on her plate.
“but so you’re just gonna completely bypass everything he did to you? he’s the reason you had to get the procedure in the first place!” she exclaimed in exasperation, brows furrowed as she aggressively sipped her coffee.
you hummed in agreement as you looked at her from the stove, clear (e/c) eyes swimming in amusement and affection. “that’s true,” you admitted, turning your gaze back to the food before you could see the heat that had erupted onto her pale flesh from your gaze.
“but you saw him, and the pain in his eyes. he’s suffering for the rest of his life now for the actions he caused, actions that no longer hurt me like you said they did.”
you turned the stove off as you piled fluffy eggs and seared salted salmon onto two plates before making your way to the dining table.
the heat in her cheeks came back with a vengeance as you sat her breakfast in front of her, a cheeky smile on your full lips as you swiped the jam from her skin.
emi swore you would be the death of her as you booped her nose with your index finger, a laugh escaping with your next words.
“besides, i can finally have my happy end, right?”
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you were knocked from your deep thoughts by another body sitting down next to you, thighs pressed right up to yours as an arm was slung around your shoulders to bring you in close with a side hug.
the small smile on your lips bloomed into a full grin as the familiar scent of grapefruit, jasmine, and musk invaded your senses completely now, no longer a lingering scent in the fabric wrapped snuggled around your neck.
“took you long enough.” you teased lightly, eyes warm and soft as they settled onto the familiar sight of emi, bundled up in a jacket and scarf a bit thicker than yours. she had always been more sensitive to cold weather than you.
a light laugh escaped her as she turned sideways to fully take you in, watching with fond eyes as you mirrored her stance at the same time. “you know as much as i do that i can’t control how long an appointment takes. if i could rush them, i would.”
you took a sip of your apple cider, pulling your scarf down to reach the straw at the same time you reached the box of pastries to your left.
bringing it up without breaking contact with your straw, you saw her eyes widen in surprise then delight as she excitedly took the box from your gloved hands.
“you made pastries again?! for me??” she gasped, eyes sparkling. you finally broke away from your drink, a smug smile on your lips as you nodded.
“of course i did, since i know that you damn well didn’t eat breakfast this morning, unless you’re still counting two cups of coffee enough to get you through the day?”
she gave you a sheepish smile before directing her guilty gaze back to the box in her lap, not wanting to see the stern look in your eyes.
you sighed in defeat, deciding to not push it any further. you know she didn’t mean to forget, but it still won’t stop you from worrying.
as you watched her open the box of baked goods, you noticed her pale hands reach into the box, not a single glove in sight on her. that, you won’t let slide.
so before she had a chance to pick up the strawberry cinnamon roll that she’d been eyeing since she opened it, you snatched her hands in yours.
quickly putting on the gloves you had just been wearing, the leather was still warm from your body heat and she shivered as she realized how cold her hands were before.
before she had a chance to question what you were doing, you grasped her now gloved hands in your bare ones, looking her dead in her eyes with that stern look she adores and fears at the same time.
“i’m not gonna have you losing your fingers to frostbite just because you forgot your gloves at home, again.” she shrunk under your gaze as you said again, sheepish smile on her lips returning. “damn, i just can’t win, huh?”
you scoffed at her joking tone before shaking your head, eyes softening. “nope, that’s why you’re lucky i’m here, or else you would be dead in a ditch by now.”
emi gasped offendedly, opening her mouth to retaliate. just as she was ready to argue back, you shoved the strawberry cinnamon roll from earlier into her mouth, efficiently silencing her. a muffled squawk left her in her surprise and you threw your head back with a laugh.
she bit into the still warm pastry and pulled it from her mouth, intent on really letting you get it once she could speak again.
but when she finished chewing and took another deep breath, she gazed at your perfect side profile as you had switched your gaze back onto the scene of the park goers in front of you, left hand coming up to brush a stray lock of hair behind your ear.
her heart melted as the sun's rays bounced off of the gold band that laid on your ring finger, and she felt whatever fight she had left in her dissipate into the air.
instead she chose to rest her head against your shoulder, soaking up your warmth as she held onto your hand tightly. a small smile graced her lips as she brought back the pastry back up to her lips.
even though the scent of strawberries was strong, with her nose turned to press into the fabric of your scarf, she could easily pick out the unique notes of sandalwood, vanilla, and home.
“yeah, really lucky.”
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☾ writing belongs to edens-melodies please do not repost without permission ☾
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takes1 · 3 years
e. fukukado (ms. joke) hcs
warnings. nsfw, minors stay off my lawn!!
details. gn!reader
notes. requests open!! / my ao3 as always
🤍 hc series. full list here. t. iida next!!
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- switch: she likes to dom most of the time and have her fun. but she's fluid and also enjoys taking orders.
- tickle kink: outside of using her quirk, getting people to laugh organically is how she connects. mostly used as a playful way to ease up your nerves at first, it would then escalate into a sexual habit-- the accidental brush of your side, while she's between your legs, is one of her favorites.
- overstimulation kink: also coincides with the tickling thing, she's always striving to get an intense reaction out of you. wants you begging for her to stop, and when she does, whine for her to keep going.
- power play: takes top/bottom roles pretty seriously. finds the expectations comforting, and likes to reiterate that you're all hers, nobody else's-- but likes it better when she hears it from you, unprompted.
- laughing/sensual sadist: laughing sadists find pain funny, sensual sadists find pain sexual. i feel like she'd laugh as a reaction, but find it really hot if you take what she inflicts, whether that be light taps or some super rough handling. liiives for your stalled breath and tears.
- crybaby: half of these kinks are only applicable to her s/o. she does not bear any kind of harsh 'funishments' well when she has to take them. really big on anticipation, so if you act like you're going to give her a firm ass slap, the flinch is just as rewarding, if not more so, than if you actually did it.
- pillow princess: if she bottoms, like previously mentioned, she likes getting spoiled and wants all the attention, all the love, and won't do much giving. she looks so pretty doing nothing, though, so she gets a pass.
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tobegiggledat · 2 years
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You're Meant to be Laughed At
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❀pairing: Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke) x GN!reader
❀warnings: unhealthy relationship dynamics, victim blaming, gaslighting, implied past rape/noncon, mild sexual content, implied kidnapping
❀word count: 1.5k
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To your surprise, disheveled appearances aren't enough to catch the sights of a large crowd. A makeshift gown of tattered linen is slung loosely across your shoulders, but remains tainted as it chafes at your bruises just as abrasively as when you were lying unwillingly against it.
It evades the grasp of your twitching fingertips, the unforgettable scent of blood and stolen sex still lingers within its threads, permeating your judgement even though you're way past the reach of her doorstep.
Dust coats your soles in a thin, chalky layer, feet singed by the sidewalk’s heat, you tiptoe through bypassing civilians, many who hardly turn their cheek to your shuddering form and practically scoff at the sight.
“Can someone help me please!”, you finally shout within the sea of the unbothered.
And for the most part, no one pays any mind to your panic-stricken sentences, dodging each desperate flail of your arms outwardly as you try to draw more attention to yourself, and the weakened state of your body.
Dread starts to seep through your aching muscles and into your bones, the crowd is thinning out the further you travel along this lonely path—it's hopeless you think.
That is, until you're finally approached by a businessman just before your light dims completely.
“What’s the matter?” A deep but calm voice emits from the suited man before you, tall and with features too difficult to make out from the intense shadows that cast across them.
“You've gotta help me”, you gulp. “S-she’ll be here any minute, but I don’t know what to do. "S-She—"
“It's alright now. No one's coming to hurt you.” His collected tone almost borders on cold. “I’m gonna try and look for a hero, but first can you tell me what happened? Who’s she?”
“Emi! A lady with green hair, I was kidnapped by her, and-and…“
The man smiles.
Initially, those small curves at the corners of his mouth are something you brush off as a nervous tick, an unexpected, but common reaction to receiving such news so suddenly.
He wouldn’t find humor in your misfortune would he…
“Sorry about that, you were saying—”
You’d never guess that a sinister chuckle was capable of passing through kind lips, but it does—boisterous and loud as it attracts more confused looks than what you could've ever achieved with your shouting.
“What’s so funny?”, you ask awkwardly between his cackles.
Blood bursts in the veins across his cheeks, his laughs turn into near chokes and gasps for breaths while a crowd finally gathers near.
“Please, help me”, you take advantage of the surrounding people. “I'm in trouble! I was kidnapped by a woman with—”
But even more chuckles emerge around you; some high pitched and squeaky while others are deep enough to rattle your insides—yet all are of the same manic intensity.
“Why are you all laughing? I'm serious, she kidnapped me—the woman with a bandana and green hair.”
It takes a few more interrupting giggles for you to conclude that any further reasoning would be a fruitless endeavor.
Why doesn’t anyone ever listen? What more will it take for your struggles to finally be acknowledged? You’re unsure but these dizzying thoughts eventually shatter any optimism you may have had left.
“Hey!”, says a voice coming from the other way. “There’s my favorite jokester!”
Jokester? Jokester?
Your skin suddenly chills at the nickname and cheerful tone that says it.
A firm hand is placed on your shoulder and by its grip you don't need to meet her eyes to recognize Emi as she stalks behind you, proudly. “What did I tell you about making jokes like that?”
“I-I wasn’t joking though…”, you murmur, shoulders drooping at her touch as your limbs attempt to cocoon you.
“That’s enough. Look at what you’ve caused.” Emi points at the curled over businessman and the other gigglers. “It’s kinda distasteful, don’tcha think, joking about kidnapping and all that stuff? You shouldn’t make people laugh at things like that, yknow?”
“But, it wasn’t my fault. I was trying to—“
The sharp glare of mint irises cut you short.
“C’mon, let’s get back, I don’t want you to cause any more trouble.” She nudges you to take the lead back to her house, which you trail toward meekly under her watch; her eyes a suffocating thread that loops tightly around the base of your neck, and punishes you for movements outside of what she expects.
“Go and wait in the room for me”, Emi says quietly and with an unreadable tone upon reaching and entering the doorway.
You immediately do as you're told, walking briskly to your shared bed then sitting on its edge until she follows suit.
When she enters, she's silent, pacing along the tile to meet your knees as they dangle over the mattress. She stops to look at you closely, but it's difficult to tell what she's feeling when her stare follows the frightened twitches of your lips and the uneasy flickers of your eyes.
“Emi, I’m really sorry”, you begin in hopes of aiding the tension. “I just got overwhelmed this time, you know I love you.”
She slowly pulls at the covers on your trembling figure, without a word. It's a silence that's overwhelmingly thick and difficult to move in.
Not a single trace of her signature smile is present; the one she wears now is trembling, as if a crooked line etched poorly into a stone slab. Though, her face has always been much like that of stone, slowly cracking from the years she’s held a playful façade until her true sinister nature is revealed.
That same playfulness is what roped you into these circumstances, though her stone wasn’t as blemished when you met her initially.
Her cracks have multiplied tenfold since then, and you think your presence and the continuous disagreements that arose from it may have accelerated them.
“Emi?”, you desperately reach for her arm but she pulls away.
“It’s fine, it's fine”, she says, swatting at the air with the back of her hand. “You just wanted to pull a little trick on me, right?”
“R-right...I guess I thought it would be funny at the time.”
“Oh, you did?” Her brows raise a little at that.
You nod.
“We should really work on your humor then”, she continues. “I don’t like jokes at the expense of others, and you kinda scared me back there.”
“Yeah, sorry...”
She hums softly. “Anyways, enough with the gloomy talk. Let’s do something fun, like earlier, before you ran away.” Her fingers begin to swipe lightly across your shoulders, but you swiftly duck from her touch.
“Oh, I don’t know, I think we should try something else”, you hesitate while trying to inch away from her, but she doesn’t allow it. “How about we-we—”
“C’mon, you know you like it.” She's swift to close the distance, straddling your hips as your back is pressed against the sheets. “After a few minutes, you’re begging me to keep going. You’re always like Emi, don’t stop. Pleeease, I want to cum now, I'm sorry.”
Her hands clumsily reach down to swipe at your slit. “Look, it's already wet, see.” She holds the glistening tips of her fingers in front of you, before bringing them to her lips, and sucking on them obnoxiously until you squirm with embarrassment.
Once she’s finished, she stills, sharp eyes gazing down at you once more.
“Do you know why I like you so much?”, she eventually questions. “You’re always so funny even when you don’t intend to be.” Her body is warm as it rests on your thighs, and when you're calm enough, you could sense how she moves gently with each of her breaths. “I just wish you’d stop sharing that part of you with other people. That’s the real reason why I got so mad earlier, if you were wondering.”
“But I don’t know how to because I never get what’s so funny in the first place”, you say timidly.
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t talk as much about what’s going on between us, no one is ever going to take it as seriously as you do.”
The curt way her words leave her lips has you nearly recoiling, you quickly shift from beneath her, weight now resting on your elbows. “What do you mean? I’m telling the truth aren’t I?”
“No, I think you’re confused about our relationship. I wouldn’t do anything to you if I didn’t think you truly wanted it. I mean if I really kidnapped you, why did you walk back here with me so easily? It’s because deep down you realized you were being ridiculous—comical, even—and that being with me is the best place for you and it’s all you’ve got.”
Your jaw clasps tightly with her words repeatedly bouncing between your neurons, you stare blankly at the ceiling, along with its cracks, its dull and peeling paper, and its faint water stains…
You don't even notice Emi’s sorrowful glance until you finally turn toward her and she brings you into her arms. “I'm sorry. I hope I didn't take it too far”, she speaks into the crook of your neck.
“I don’t like being laughed at, Emi.”
“No, no. There’s nothing wrong with being laughed at. It just means you’re a natural comedian.” She pulls away to place a palm on your chest, her nose burrows into your cheek. “My natural comedian.”
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d0llygard3n · 3 years
how would ms joke react to her s/o telling her they’re suicidal?
pairings: ms. joke (emi fukukado) x reader
genre: sfw, angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: crying, reader is suicidal
a/n: hope you enjoy!
=+ MS JOKE with a suicidal s/o
i feel like she’d think you were joking at first
“[f/n].. if this is a joke it isn’t funny..”
you’d have to tell her that you weren’t joking
would say a joke to help break the tension
would save only her best jokes for you to make you laugh and forget about those thoughts
she’d ofc get you a therapist but until then
she’d just, try and make you happy
current request status: open
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itzkingbo · 2 months
i need some ideas for more mha / bnha smau texts.
wether it be more of Emi and the others, my other ocs texting mfers.
or i can do a lil x reader prompt. but my brain is friend :) send help actually
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Kiss Drabbles - Pro Heroes
... I caved.
I’m touch-starved.
I want affection - so I wrote these real quick...
Love y’all! Some softness in these trying times.
~ Dari
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Aizawa Shouta - eskimo kisses
"No... It's too early."
The slight roughness of Shouta's voice vibrated against his chest, his limbs heavy and still from their place around your waist.
"I'm sorry Shou, but I have to get up."
You couldn't help but laugh a little. He wasn't often this clingy, it was adorable to see him so needy. This was a rare moment, coming with his drowsiness.
"You don't have to."
Dragging your fingers through his dark hair, you leaned in and brushed your nose over his. "Mmm, now you're being illogical."
He buried his face in your neck, a squeak slipping from your lips when his stubble scratched your skin.
"It's six in the morning, I have right to be."
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Fukukado Emi - "stop talking" kisses
"Did you hear about the zoo animals that escaped out onto the highway?"
"Emi, no -"
"It was a real giraffe-ic jam!!"
Quickly, she fell into high pitched cackles as you moaned in despair.
You loved her more than the terrible abundance of puns that she spouts, but gods, this was painful to listen to. Especially being in the middle of an assignment that meant she should be working right now. Though she was head of the agency, the lovable queen of jokes was not exempt from papers and meetings.
An idea struck you.
"Oh, how about the one -"
Draping your arm around her hips, mouths meeting in a kiss that stalled the words in her throat and her breath. The tang of her gum lingered, it was lovely but tasting her sweet lips was not your intention.
"Papers. Right now."
"Yeah..." She giggled dreamily, plucking at the top button of your shirt. "Just... A second."
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Takami Keigo - back kisses
Over the dip his back...
Up to the scar that spanned over flawless skin...
Betwixt shoulder blades and vermilion wings....
"That tickles, birdie." Keigo slurred, muffled by the pillow.
With a small peck at the top of his spine, breaths laced with mint fell hot on his neck. Shuddering under your affections, he cracked open a gold eye and peered back at you. Mouth dry to see that intense gaze locked upon upon him, pressed flushed to him to make sure there was no room between you.
"... Do you want me to stop?" The croon was silky, tempting.
As if he could say no.
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Todoroki Enji - neck kisses
"Is this why you came to my office?" The timbre of his voice is soothing, making your head spin as you feel the rumble throughout you. "To distract me?"
Like a the bass of a song pounding in your chest.
Cheekily, you goaded him with a chirp, "You like it though."
Goosebumps covered your skin, head falling back to his ministrations. The graze of Enji's facial hair made the muscles in your legs turn to jelly whilst his hand came to drag you closer to the heavenly touch of his lips as they moved along the column of your neck.
You could barely think as the sensitive skin a lit under his touch, small gasps slipping occasionally between huffs of laughter.
He sighed, almost longingly, "....You have no idea." 
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