#bly manor ghosts
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myfakeplasticlove13 · 1 year ago
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You know I didn’t want to, have to haunt you, but what a ghostly scene
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hauntedbythenarrative · 7 months ago
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It's not grief, one woman posted, it's more like a haunting.
The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020), Mike Flanagan//Our wives under the sea (2022), Julia Armfield
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clandestinewhore · 1 month ago
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 months ago
Apparently Mike Flanagan is working on an adaptation of Carrie, and everyone is saying things along the lines of "I know he's going to be the one to give us a book-accurate Carrie" and that's insane to me because a) he has never worked with any plus sized actors as far as I can remember and b) the closest he ever gets to book accuracy in anything is looking at the book once, maybe
Carrie is thin and conventionally attractive. but she's gay! not for Sue Snell, though; that would make too much thematic and narrative sense. she's gay for [throws dart at board] Donna Kellogg, a character who never appears in person in the book, and who is actively friends with the villain. This Makes Sense! Representation Win!
(although the one thing I will say re: Carrie's size is that the book does pull a But Not TOO Fat on her at one point, mentioning that "her body chemistry won't let her get past a certain size" or whatever. And some people who see her in her prom dress think she's pretty, which in the 1970s came with a weight limit even more than it does now. So she's not thin, for sure, but as written she's probably more average-sized than actually heavy)
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varianwinchester · 1 month ago
I like shows about the supernatural and death rather than slice-of-life shows or drama shows.
I wonder what that says about me?
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parksnark · 1 year ago
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tragic dementia metaphor horror lesbians my beloved <3
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crem-briu-le · 2 years ago
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«It's you. it's me. it's us.»
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gray-paladin · 5 months ago
I think I made the mistake of watching Haunting of Bly Manor during a windy storm and now I'm jumping at every single creak I hear. However Bly Manor is one of my favorite Flanagan works so it’s worth it.
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polarprude · 4 months ago
actually I do not hate bly manor . reviews kept saying it was horrible
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fiestylittlebeetle · 5 months ago
Idea for a malware pre-trouble helix comic called "Home of the Lonely" that recaps his time from the start of his life through his abandonment.
Starts with Azmuth setting him up with his own home that other mechamorphs avoid, and has a lab and medical facility just for malware. And for a few years Azmuth does try to help him, and Malware is, receptive to him. Maybe even enjoys having the company since he has no peers
After a couple years, Gradually azmuth stops showing up, and when he does he's more distant and unengaged with Malware as a person, and makes him feel more like a problem
Gradually Azmuth's visits are replaced solely by a team of Galvan he left in charge of Malware, who exclusively view him as a problem child more then a person deserving of dignity, and when running tests or "helping" him mostly ignore his protests of discomfort saying "it's just part of the process"
Malware is constantly asking "When is azmuth coming back", and at first the Galvan reiterate the same tired "he's busy with something more urgent" and maybe malware actually tries to respect that at first, after all azmuth did tell him that a cure may take a very long time and he is a leader too after all
He messages azmuth almost every single day, sometimes to try to just talk, sometimes to try and tell him that his Galvan guardians have hurt him in some way, although azmuth does reply usually in an impersonal manner, he me also be ignored
After azmuth disappears he still asks when azmuth is going to return but now the answer is "he's gone and we don't know where too but probably somewhere important for something important" the Galvan are annoyed by the questions
Malware tries to contact azmuth more and goes completely unheard
Gradually the Galvan team stops spending time on malware. Seeing him as a lost cause, only offering more lief that keeps gradually failing. And Where at one point there was always a few around all day, gradually turns into only a couple once a day, to once a week, to a month, to a year, till none at all visit. (This covering a few hundred years)
Eventually malware is left alone to his own devices. He tries to contact Azmuth about his abandonment, nothing. He even tries to go get help from other mechamorphs and cannot even get them to talk to him like a person
He hermits himself away, rereads the same literature, over and over, tries to sooth his own pain. Message Azmuth nonstop. He ends up spending allot of time just sleeping his life away because he doesn't have anything to do, and no one to talk to. Roaming the labs, empty halls, and rooms of what once once a place of care for him now turned into a box shoved into Azmuth's metaphorical attic. Hoping above all else that someone will come for him.
He gets angry occasionally and destroys stuff out of frustration. He devours the tech left behind out of spite. Halls and walls covered in claw marks of frustration. And sleeping again.
(and if you're familiar with Bly Manor) He wakes, He walks, he sleeps.
Eventually when azmuth does return he gets a small spark of hope again, excitement even! Is it time? Will he see him again? Will he be fixed? He waits again. Weeks pass and he starts to become frustrated. Until he final FINALLY completely snaps and Trouble Helix happens.
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agentark · 2 years ago
a purely self indulgent whatever this is about a vibe I love
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there's just something about an eerie town, a few old friends, a slowly building sense of dread, radio static, an outsider, I think we're being watched, remembering
oxenfree 🤝 the fernweh saga
Aelsa Trevelyan - The Fernweh Saga, Book 1 // The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms // Oxenfree - Night School Studio // Paramore - Figure 8 // Aelsa Trevelyan - The Fernweh Saga, Book 1 // Oxenfree - Night School Studio // Trocadero feat. Meredith Hagan - Contact Redux // unknown // Aelsa Trevelyan - The Fernweh Saga, Book 1
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vampirebabeatthediscochurch · 2 months ago
I am having so many thoughts about the haunting of hill house and haunting of bly manor series oh my god. (for context I just finally finished bly manor lol) like I'm usually not very into ghosts, I think a lot of the time they're not used to their full potential and just for like cheap scares but this is like peak ghosts in media. the whole concept of the ghosts features fading is so so tragic, the way they're used in bly manor as more of neutral observers or loving forces is so impactful. they were used in this beautiful story about grief and love. the idea of being haunted by yourself and by manifestations of your trauma is so interesting. the bent neck woman episode of hill house recontextualizing everything was just so beautiful and sad. the way the red room was a part of each of the crains' lives, becoming a different room for each of them was so creative. the way steven was so adamant about having never seen anything in the house but he never questioned lukes tree house despite them only living there for a few months and like there was no logical explanation for him having one but despite writing a while book about hill house he never truly reexamined the events of their childhoods. and like oh my god the whole time it was questioned whether abigail was real and then the way we find out she was is her being poisoned by olivia like that is so crazy. mike flanagan you are a melancholy horror genius plz plz plz do more with your wonderful ghosts they are the best ghosts to ever ghost.
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novelconcepts · 2 years ago
I really don’t know if any ship will ever reach the emotional peak that is Dani and Jamie for me. I will forever be chasing the high of watching Bly for the first time and going, “Oh. Oh.”
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ghostbustermelanieking · 5 months ago
dani watching her poor wife sleep in a chair every night: jamie... jamie, baby... please sleep in a bed... i'll be right beside you i promise please go lie down for the sake of your SPINE
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lully-jo · 1 year ago
You know, the series itself doesn't really get into why it is that Hill House is the way that it is, but I find myself thinking about how people will often say some places have just had so much awful happen in them that they become like a black hole for darkness.
We know the house has a history of residents who either experienced horror or perpetuated it. And maybe, like Viola of Bly Manor, the house develops it's own gravity. Or maybe something more. Maybe it became sentient in it's own right, longing for more darkness to satiate it's unending hunger.
The house is haunted by the past and that past festers inside--like a black mold eating away at it's insides. And anything that comes inside is doomed to be eaten alive by that same mold.
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polarprude · 4 months ago
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