#blue razzby writing
lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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Screams of the crew rang out in the night air, drowned out by the torrential rain and waves crashing against the splintering vessel. Another bombardment of fiery orange cannonballs struck the hull of the ship, rocking the ship to and sending several grumps into the violet waves below. Captain Pommet cried out orders to fire back at their assailant only for it to r strike the ship with its tail, cracking the battered planks and allowing the ocean to pour in.
Sneed chanced a look away from the chaos of his crew fighting back this monstrous attack and towards the island in the distance. Snaktooth Island, the island rumored to be Grumpbeard's current hiding spot, and island for Sneed to confront the grump who stole everything from him. Enacting his revenge way almost within reach.
Another barrage hitting the ship snapped the captain back to the matter at hand. He grit his teeth and ordered another round of shots. Miss after miss, as the cannonballs shot at the beast below the waves, until finally a hit. The small cheer among the crew still standing was short lived as the monster charged the ship with more force than ever before.
Sneed called for another volley, but the command died in his throat. The beast rose from the sea, briefly illuminated by the distant strikes of lightning. The serpent glared the captain dead in the eye before slamming it's upper body against the bow, dipping the end below the water for a moment. Sneed and his crew clung to what scraps of wood remained nailed to ship. Soaked with rain, several more grumps lost their grip and fell to the ocean.
A deep roar bellowed out from the leviathan as it dove under the waves once more. Sneed's claws dug into the waterlogged wood, then he let out a breath. He ordered the last of his crew into the canoes for their retreat. The beast continued to knock against the ship, but no more shots coming from the pirate, it shifted its attention to the grumps already in the sea.
Captain Pommet and his crew seized advantage of the opportunity, fleeing the sinking ship and the poor souls trapped by the serpent. The journey back to the mainland would be long and push the grumps to their limits, but it was a better option then staying.
Sneed took one last look to the island sinking below the horizon. If a monster such as that makes its home on Snaktooth Island, then may whatever gods be out there have mercy on Grumpbeard's soul.
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
I've been working on a plot outline for a Sgt. Frog/Keroro Gunso story, and got the first half typed up. So, I thought I'd share what I got down so far for anyone interested in reading. I'd love to hear some thoughts on it or answer any questions about it!
Outline Summery Part I
♦ A strange old jar bound in chains gets found and the Keroro platoon get a hold of it
♦ When Keroro's alone the spirit trapped inside makes a bet with him to gain their freedom
♦ They get out, knock out Keroro, and mostly copy his appearance to sneak out of the base only to end up getting caught.
♦ A fight breaks out as the spirit tries to escape, and Keroro accidentally gets the chains from the jar stuck on them both
♦ They all try to talk things out but a fighting breaks out again.
♦ Fuyuki and Momoka get back to the house and see the living room a wreck, the copycat Keroro takes the opportunity to rope the humans into the situation. They demand a trial for their freedom with a human as judge, the platoon get to prosecute/question to varying success
♦ The spirit, calling themselves Kore, debates the terms of the bet made with Keroro and claims that he alone needs to come with them to Wonderland in order to unlock the chains
♦ Eventually gets worked out that everyone is going to go too, and Kore resentfully agrees
♦ While Kore preps means to get there, Kururu makes a pocket dimension for the chain allowing Keroro and Kore a larger range from each other (still limited though)
♦ After prep Kore gets the way open and guides the group to their old home where the means to unlock the chains should be
♦ However it's been built over by a church devoted to the Queen of Hearts, who is there at the time. She steals Kore's jar and kidnaps the humans with it, leaving the rest for her devotees to get rid of
♦ The Platoon, Mois, and Kore fight their way out of the town of eldritch horrors. Find a safe place to regroup but tensions are high and arguing breaks out, causing Kore to stomp off
♦ Dororo trails after them and finds Kore terrified and panicking over the situation. He manages to talk with them as they sit by narcissus flowers to calm down. Dororo also picks one of the flowers to place on Kore's head to help keep them calm as they head back to the others
♦Make a plan to rescue the humans and head out to the closest town on the main river of the land. Once there, they find the town under siege by nightmare monsters and begging for aid
♦ The group push back the monsters, rest in the town and find out the attacks started very recently. Locals believe this is divine retribution for going against the Queen's orders, and point out that the distortions seem to becoming from a nearby temple. Some of the townsfolk plead with the platoon to expel the nightmares to save the town
♦ Kore immediately agrees to help their compatriots, but that causes an argument with some of the others. They argue that given the timing, it could be related to the human's whereabouts, and thus worth looking into.
♦ Find that a Nightmare Natsumi is the root of the of the distortion. She is working on the Queen's orders to wipe out the town. Boss fight with her shadow monster self to break the Queen's control and get Natsumi back to normal.
♦ Town now at peace, and help the group on their quest by giving a spare boat to travel up river in
♦ Next place they find is suffering food shortages. The locals have a similar story to the last, nightmares coming in stealing all the food and destroying crops. The platoon is pointed to the source of these distortions.
♦ They find a nightmare Momoka causing this, and stop her with another monster fight to break her out from the Queen's control. Afterwards, they come back to town with all the stolen food.
♦ Locals hold a small feast as celebration and thanks. They also play a few games and put on a play of the local legend about the Jabberwock Hunter
♦ Next day the group heads further up the river, where they get stopped by Nightmare Fuyuki. He's got Kore's jar and attempts to kidnap Momoka and Natsumi to get them back under the Queen's control.
♦ The manage to keep the girls safe and get away, only to end up wrecking the boat and caught in a sudden snow storm.
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lazuli-bloom · 2 years
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I've been like buzzing with so much energy today, so here's Kore flapping their hands
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