do-i-odair · 5 years
Finnick stayed silent as they traveled up to the First Floor suite. He was still trying to make sense of everything but more so was ashamed of his current condition and having to ask for so much from Opal. He didn’t want to be a bother or a burden. Finnick sat down as softly and quietly as he could manage with how weak he was. He kept his eyes cast down as Opal busied herself in the kitchen. He stared at the plate that the older female mentor sat down in front of him in silence. He knew he should eat and he knew, based on Opal’s tone, he had to eat but that didn’t make it any easier or enjoyable. After a few quick calculations in his head he reached out for the combination with the lowest caloric content and brought it to his mouth. Finnick wasn’t a crier, but he could feel tears forming in his eyes as he slowly chewed and then a single hot tear slip down his cheek, which he quickly wiped away. He forced an attempt at a smile onto his lips. “Sorry, it’s just been a long day.” He practically whispered. Still smiling he looked down at his hands which were freezing and the nails slightly blue.
For once when asked if he was alright Finnick shook his head no. He knew he was in deep trouble at the moment and needed help. He was just thankful it had been Opal to find him and not someone else. “Sorry.” He muttered softly in response to the Mentor saying that Finnick had startled her. He didn’t respond to her question about eating recently. Finnick didn’t know if Opal was reaching for him or what but he knew right then he needed someone to lean on, in more than one way. He reached for her hand and stumbled forward to put an arm around her neck to support himself. He nodded his head yes, he doubted Lincoln or Marina had woken since his late return to the Fourth Floor but what he was really worried about was Aggie, or worse yet Ronni, seeing him like this. “Tea sounds good.” He nodded still trying to remember getting dressed and coming down to the Training Center. “Thank you Opal.” He practically whispered.
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“it’s okay,” opalescence said, mildly confused and much more concerned, though she was trying not to show it. “let’s get you up to the apartment,” she added, letting the younger man lean on her as she slowly walked to the elevator, making sure that he wouldn’t collapse. she reached the elevator and pushed the button. he hadn’t answered her question about eating, which meant — she took a breath out, long and slow. she remembered these days, from when she was young and desirable — not that she wasn’t desirable now; it was just one of those things that slowed down as you got older. and with finnick’s win so recently, it’d be a while before he reached that point. 
she made sure that finnick was leaning on her as they entered the hallway that led to one’s apartment, and unlocked the apartment door, swinging it open quietly. it was late, and cashmere, gloss, and glitter were probably all asleep — and even if they weren’t, emmy and sterling were, and opalescence had no plans to wake them up. “come in,” she murmured to finnick, gesturing for him to sit down at the small table in the kitchen. she turned the kettle on, and pulled some cheese, jam, and crackers out of the fridge and began assembling tiny hor d’erves. she finished quickly, and sat the plate down in front of him. “eat,” she said, in her most mom-like voice. 
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do-i-odair · 5 years
Finnick closed the space between the pair before extending his hand for a fist bump and then moving to lean on the railing on the edge of the roof. Finnick nodded “I’m glad they’re working together well. They seem to be quite fond of each other. Although they also amp up each other’s faults, but we’ll see. They need to do their part and we’ll do our part and hope for the best.” Finnick reached into his jacket and pulled out what was now a fairly familiar object to Lincoln because of Finnick, as well as a lighter. He turned around and rested his butt on the wall as he leaned against it and grinned mischievously at the younger mentor. “I’m willing to share if you don’t mind staying around to hang and talk with little old me. I feel like we haven’t had a good talk in a while.” He laughed “Then again, lately Snow has had me busier than I’ve been in a long time.”
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Finnick had seemingly pulled his act together a bit ever since the ‘incident’ with Opal had occurred. He still didn’t look or act completely like himself to those that knew him best but he was more ‘normal’, enough that most could probably dismiss any fears they might have started to form. Or at least Finnick hoped that was the case as he went looking for Lincoln. The two young males had become close ever since Lincoln won, and with the younger male being in his second round of mentoring he didn’t need as much help from Finnick. In Finnick’s mind this meant the pair had more time to bond and hang out since they were going to be doing ‘this mentoring thing’ for quite some time to come. Plus, in Four, the Mentors were like family to one another. Finnick heard the door close behind him as he walked out on the rooftop garden and spotted Lincoln alone. A smirk tugged at his lips as he jerked his head at Lincoln in greeting. “Hey, my man. So far, so good, yeah?” He laughed. // @linconway
Lincoln needed some more breathing room, after witnessing the bloodbath. He opted for actual fresh air, which led him to the Tribute Tower’s roof. The young Victor could hear the excited Capitolites on the streets below, though he attempted to ignore them. Nothing, not even overeager Capitol citizens, would ruin his time to reflect on the Games so far.
He turned away from the Capitol skyline upon hearing the roof’s door open and close. A genuine smile crept onto his face upon seeing Finnick Odair. Lincoln often considered Finnick the older brother he never had, particularly for how Finnick helped him adjust back to District Four following the Quarter Quell. Four’s youngest Victor knew he would be nothing without the help of the mentors that came before him.
“Hey,” he replied, noting the shift in Finnick’s demeanor since they last spoke. It seemed the Capitol pulled them in different directions after their arrival. “So far so good from what I can tell. Ronni and Aggie are both still alive, so I can’t complain.” 
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do-i-odair · 5 years
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Finnick hasn’t seen much of Enobaria lately. It was just easier to avoid her than it was to try and lie to her. But with hopefully ‘things’ more manageable and requests to see clients decreasing slightly now that the focus was on the current Games’ launch Finnick made the decision that he has spent long enough avoiding Enobaria. Based on how the Bloodbath had gone Finnick had a feeling he knew where she was. Finnick slid into the seat beside the female Victor. Finnick’s lips curled upwards “Good, I like it when you’re feisty.” He purred before leaning forward over the bar and flagging the bartender down. “Two doubles of your best whiskey please, my man.” The bartender nodded and got to work as Finnick turned back to Enobaria. He spoke so only she could hear him. “You wanna talk about it or just forget?” The bartender slid the two doubles to Finnick, who then placed one in front of Eno and then lifted his own glass up. “Happy Fucking Hunger Games.”
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enobaria resisted the urge to roll her eyes. great. the bloodbath wasn’t even over and both of their kids were seriously wounded. fuck, and she’d thought this year would be better for two. not that fiona hadn’t done well, but… last year had been such a rollercoaster of emotions, and enobaria had had nothing but (apparently misplaced) confidence in their kids this year. she downed the rest of her whiskey, slamming the glass down just as she heard someone slide into the seat next to her at the bar and resisted the urge to snarl at them. instead, she said, “i’d suggest finding another seat, because i’m just itching for a fight.”
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do-i-odair · 5 years
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Finnick had seemingly pulled his act together a bit ever since the ‘incident’ with Opal had occurred. He still didn’t look or act completely like himself to those that knew him best but he was more ‘normal’, enough that most could probably dismiss any fears they might have started to form. Or at least Finnick hoped that was the case as he went looking for Lincoln. The two young males had become close ever since Lincoln won, and with the younger male being in his second round of mentoring he didn’t need as much help from Finnick. In Finnick’s mind this meant the pair had more time to bond and hang out since they were going to be doing ‘this mentoring thing’ for quite some time to come. Plus, in Four, the Mentors were like family to one another. Finnick heard the door close behind him as he walked out on the rooftop garden and spotted Lincoln alone. A smirk tugged at his lips as he jerked his head at Lincoln in greeting. “Hey, my man. So far, so good, yeah?” He laughed.
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do-i-odair · 5 years
Romantic: These Sims tend to be Flirty and may become Sad if they don't have any Romantic social interactions for a period of time.
Self-Assured: These Sims tend to be Confident.
Perfectionist: These Sims take longer to craft items but tend to make them higher quality, gain powerful Moodlets after crafting a high quality item, and gain negative Moodlets after crafting a low quality item.
Renaissance Sim: This Sim wants to be good at many things at once
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do-i-odair · 6 years
Finnick went to wake Aggie but found her room empty so he headed to the dining room, hoping the male tribute had listened and would be there. Finnick entered the room and his eyes first went to Aggie and then Ronni, who was shirtless. Finnick took a deep breath, he was too tired to deal with the male’s defiance so his eyes went back to Aggie and he cleared his face of any of his true feelings as he plastered his classic charmastic expression on. “Yes, thank you for the concern though.” Finnick walked over to Aggie, not even glancing at Ronni. “Ahh, protein shake? Smart move.”
He thought he was in the clear. His body had actually started to relax when he felt Finnick’s group tighten. Immediately, Ronni cursed himself for letting his guard down – a lesson a few of his instructors back at the Academy would scold him for had they seen it in action for themselves – and stared back into Finnick’s eyes with a mixture of aggravation and contempt in his own. 
He rolled his eyes; he simply couldn’t help it. Even when pinned against the wall, Ronni’s desire to enforce himself as the top-man was unable to be suppressed. He didn’t say anything, though, because he knew better at this point. If he said anything, Finnick would probably lay his hands on him again. Then again, he probably wanted that. It seemed most fruitcakes he had met in the Capitol thus far were very touchy with the male tributes.
As his hand clapped against his cheek, Ronni turned away and had to suppress the urge to spit. Disgusting, he thought as the older man walked out. He stared at a nearby hanger that contained a slate-blue tank top and, for a moment, contemplated putting it on. Then, with a wicked smirk, he placed his hands in his pockets and strolled leisurely out of his room wearing only the pair of shorts. He made his way into the dining room, grabbed a banana off a nearby counter, delivered a nod to a nearby avox, and sat down. 
God, he thought as he peeled the banana and broke pieces off before plopping them into his mouth, these bananas were good. “Hey, you,” he barked to a nearby avox, “bring me some grapes, man.” 
When mealtime came about, Aggie could barely pull herself away from the training center. Everything was just so perfect, she hardly wanted to spend a moment away from it (unless she was, say, drunk). Still, the basics of nutrition and energy had been drilled into her head since she could walk, and so she forced herself to bound up the stairs to the District Four apartments, which she found mostly empty. 
Aggie had been making herself a protein shake when Ronni had appeared looking like a swimsuit model. She couldn’t say she was surprised, honestly she was just suprised it hadn’t happened sooner. Unless they were in some sort of frozen tundra, Ronni’s shirt would probably be the first causality in the arena.  “I’m sorry,” she said, pulling a spoonful of peanut butter out of her mouth, swallowing hard. “Am I interrupting something?” 
She motioned to the avox, then back to Ronni. “You’re really getting some action, this week, aren’t ya, Ronni?” She rolled her eyes, returning to her peanut butter protein shake. She couldn’t decide if she found Ronni’s antics funny or aggravating yet, though neither of those emotions would matter much in the arena, she guessed. “Training going well, or have you been too busy standing around looking pretty?”
Before she finished her sentence, however, none other than Finnick Odair came in, trailing behind Ronni by only a few moments. Aggie hadn’t gotten to speak to him much, but she could tell he was angry about something.
Awesome, hilarious. Aggie smiled, laughed, nearly choked on her peanut butter. “Everything okay there, mentor dearest?”
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do-i-odair · 6 years
Finnick laughed genuinely “I can’t argue with that.” Finnick wolf whistled as Johanna spun around. When she sat down he put his arm over her shoulder and pulled her close to him. “Everyone already think I’m in love with anything that moves so I’m not too worried about them thinking I’m in love with you. Plus after what Sponsor Weekly said about me and Enobaria it’s not like they could invade my privacy anymore than they already have.” He shook his head as he thought about it. “Fuck Triton for that though.”
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“I always look stunning, Finnick.” Johanna grinned, but she spun in a neat circle anyway before throwing herself back onto the couch. “Don’t stare too hard, people might think you’re in love with me.” She chuckled, snatching the bottle back and taking a long swig from it. It seemed Finnick didn’t want to talk about whatever it was that was going on, and Johanna certainly wasn’t one to push such things, so she dropped it for now.
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do-i-odair · 6 years
Finnick shrugged “Touché, I’ll drink to that.” He replied before reaching for the bottle but snorting at Johanna’s comment about him looking thin and shaking his head slightly before sipping from the bottle. He lowered it and dried his lip with his thumb pad. “Yeah, right. Now, you on the other hand look absolutely stunning. Can we get a little twirl here to truely appreciate the beauty in front of us right now? Come on, give us a twirl.” He made a twirling motion with his finger before sipping the alcohol again and already beginning to feel the effects thanks to his empty stomach.
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do-i-odair · 6 years
Finnick had been napping on a couch on the Fourth Floor when he heard his name being called. He groaned as he rolled over and rubbed his eyes sleepily before opening them and seeing one of his best friends. He sat up and yawned as he stretched, his shirt coming up and showing his protruding hip bones and concave stomach where much of his muscle had been eaten away by his body. “You don’t have to ask twice.” He chuckled before patting the spot beside him. “I’ve missed you, Stranger.”
Johanna was the first to admit that she had been somewhat… reclusive, the last few days. She’d been plagued by migraines for the better part of her time in the Capitol so far, and had spent the rest of it sulking about still having to be here despite having brought home a Victor just last year. 
Still, the Capitol wasn’t all bad. Friends weren’t exactly something that Johanna occupied herself too closely with, but Finnick Odair was probably the closest thing she had to one. Not that she’d ever tell him that. The times that they were both in the Capitol were the only times they were able to actually see each other – the whole being in different Districts thing really made it difficult – and she’d only managed to see her fellow Victor in passing since arriving here this year.
“Finnick!” She called, strolling onto the Fourth floor as though she belonged there, “I’m bored and I brought a bottle of Jack, don’t let me finish it all by my lonesome.”
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do-i-odair · 6 years
Finnick had been resting against a wall in the Training Center watching tributes try their hand at Day Two of training when the new Victor from Secen appeared and ran into him. He reached out to catch her by her shoulders should she lose her balance. Finnick smiled warmly at the young girl “Happy Hunger Games, Jules.” He dropped his hands from her shoulders and gave a concerned look. “Are you alright? You seem frazzled.”
Jules walked into the training center frazzled. She had stepped outside for just a moment and immediately found herself surrounded by a crowd of photographers waiting outside as they leave the building, and they had pounced at her, cameras flashing to get pictures of fresh meat, popular after the last Games. She had smiled and waved and laughed at them, but she felt like a child, still not used to it yet. 
She was still trying to shake off her nerves as she walked back into the training center and right into the living legend himself. Even those who ignored the games would recognize him on sight, and Jules had only seen him in the flesh a handful of times, with the both of them usually being swarmed by capitolites at every event they went to. 
“Finnick Odair.” she says in lieu of a greeting. “Happy Hunger Games.”
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do-i-odair · 6 years
For once when asked if he was alright Finnick shook his head no. He knew he was in deep trouble at the moment and needed help. He was just thankful it had been Opal to find him and not someone else. “Sorry.” He muttered softly in response to the Mentor saying that Finnick had startled her. He didn’t respond to her question about eating recently. Finnick didn’t know if Opal was reaching for him or what but he knew right then he needed someone to lean on, in more than one way. He reached for her hand and stumbled forward to put an arm around her neck to support himself. He nodded his head yes, he doubted Lincoln or Marina had woken since his late return to the Fourth Floor but what he was really worried about was Aggie, or worse yet Ronni, seeing him like this. “Tea sounds good.” He nodded still trying to remember getting dressed and coming down to the Training Center. “Thank you Opal.” He practically whispered.
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do-i-odair · 6 years
Finnick had to give it to the boy, he was either pretty tough or good at putting on a facade. But he could slight fear in his eyes. Finnick started to loosen his grip but then Ronni spoke again and his hand tightened again. He leaned in until he was an inch from the boy’s face. “You need to get handle on your attitude before it gets you killed. Do you see any Victors acting like you?” He paused “Exactly.” He released the boy’s airway but kept his hands pinned. “I swear to fucking Poseidon if you try to put your hands on me when I let you go I will make sure you die one way or another. Also, if I hear from any of the mentors or trainers or hell even the avoxes that you’re being an issue I will make you wish you had never volunteered.” Finnick smiled “Now, breakfast is waiting as is the training center. Put on a shirt and I will see you and Aggie at the dining room table.” He patted Ronni’s cheek before releasing his hands and stepping back before turning his back and heading out to the dining room.
Finnick rolled his eyes as he let out a sigh, tired of the boy’s attitude and defiance but didn’t let up on the boy’s airway. “I said you’re going to agree to my terms. You know if I crushed your airway the Capitol will just tell everyone that you had an unfortunate training accident. After all, you’re an expendable tribute. I’m not only the pride and joy of Four and the Golden Boy of Panem, I’m a killer, a survivor, I’m a Victor. I’m not about to take shit and be insulted by some eighteen year old ecocentric brat that is so self conscious that he would insult and challenge his mentor that ultimately can be what separates them from life and death. Also, word of advice…if you really want to win…you better get used to kissing guys and not punching them for it.” Finnick pressed down harder, closing Ronni’s airway further and cutting his air supply more “Now, am I understood?” He asked as sternly as he looked deep into Ronni’s eyes with his exhausted but fired up ones.
He’s crazy.
Ronni’s eyes widened with each passing second but his mouth maintained that familiar scowl. He dared not switch up his expression for fear of being perceived as intimidated – although, it could have easily been because of the pressure Finnick was putting on his neck. Regardless, despite his best intentions, Ronni’s eyes could not hide the slight fear that appeared as a result of Finnick’s threat. He wouldn’t do it, Ronni thought. He would be punished severely if he hurt or… killed a tribute.
A choking sound threatened to erupt from his lips but the boy forced his mouth into a tight line. He refused to give this morph-head the pleasure of watching him squirm. Instead, as the long seconds began to ease into a single, solitary minute, Ronni nodded his head slightly. The fury in his own gaze matched that of Finnick’s.
“Let go of me, asshole.” he uttered as slowly as he could. If he spoke any faster it would reveal that he was struggling to breathe. Even though he had already nodded, Ronni, of course, had to get his disrespectful two cents in.
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do-i-odair · 6 years
Finnick rolled his eyes as he let out a sigh, tired of the boy’s attitude and defiance but didn’t let up on the boy’s airway. “I said you’re going to agree to my terms. You know if I crushed your airway the Capitol will just tell everyone that you had an unfortunate training accident. After all, you’re an expendable tribute. I’m not only the pride and joy of Four and the Golden Boy of Panem, I’m a killer, a survivor, I’m a Victor. I’m not about to take shit and be insulted by some eighteen year old ecocentric brat that is so self conscious that he would insult and challenge his mentor that ultimately can be what separates them from life and death. Also, word of advice...if you really want to win...you better get used to kissing guys and not punching them for it.” Finnick pressed down harder, closing Ronni’s airway further and cutting his air supply more “Now, am I understood?” He asked as sternly as he looked deep into Ronni’s eyes with his exhausted but fired up ones.
Finnick was confused by how the boy was looking at him with his jaw dropped and his eyebrows furrowed. Before he could ask words were spilling out of Ronni’s mouth and they just kept getting worse unfit Ronni repeated one of the words he had banned Ronni from saying. Finnick was usually cool tempered but today he had had too much bulllshit too fast. Before Ronni had even taken a breath after finishing speaking the boy was being slammed back against the wall harshly, Finnick’s right hand pinning the boy’s hand above his head and his dominant hand wrapped around Ronni’s airway tightly. He smiled one of his classic smiles, the charismatic and attractive but also calm and collected. “I thought I told you to stop saying fruitcakes? Now you’re practically calling me a fruitcake? No, I don’t think so. I’m not a fruitcake or trying to make one. I was trying to find out about your weapon training but you just had to go and be insecure about your own personal issue and take out your insecurity on me. Not gonna happen, Ronni.” Finnick’s fingers began to press closed Ronni’s airway. “Now, you’re gonna apologize to me, vow to never say fruitcakes or pussyboy ever again, and do everything I tell you to. If you understand I’ll put your short ass down. Blink twice if you understand.
A grunt escaped his lips as he was slammed against the wall before he even knew what hit him. The combined pressure of Finnick’s hand on his throat and another on Ronni’s hands was enough to cause the younger man to recoil as best as he could – which, in this specific instance, was just Ronni digging his nails into his own palms and kicking the wall with his heels. His body went limp, however, as Finnick leaned in close and began to speak to him from behind a veil of falsified charisma.
His canine teeth eagerly sought out the corner of Ronni’s lip and bit down hard. The immediate thoughts of how to escape the situation – which was what he had been trained to do in the Academy – turned into those of deepest regret. To clarify, he wasn’t regretful of what he said, he was ashamed at having been so caught up in the moment that he had been so easily pinned against a wall. Even though it was the Finnick Odair, his pride was bruised. 
He wasn’t the least bit sorry – because, lets face it, Finnick obviously was a fruitcake – but he felt the words appear on his tongue. In fact, he had blinked once and opened his mouth to speak when Finnick’s comment on Ronni’s height registered. Suddenly, Ronni’s body tensed once again, his mouth closed, and his eyes remained open and fueled by contempt. 
“Huh?” he said sharply and defiantly. 
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do-i-odair · 6 years
Finnick was confused by how the boy was looking at him with his jaw dropped and his eyebrows furrowed. Before he could ask words were spilling out of Ronni’s mouth and they just kept getting worse unfit Ronni repeated one of the words he had banned Ronni from saying. Finnick was usually cool tempered but today he had had too much bulllshit too fast. Before Ronni had even taken a breath after finishing speaking the boy was being slammed back against the wall harshly, Finnick’s right hand pinning the boy’s hand above his head and his dominant hand wrapped around Ronni’s airway tightly. He smiled one of his classic smiles, the charismatic and attractive but also calm and collected. “I thought I told you to stop saying fruitcakes? Now you’re practically calling me a fruitcake? No, I don’t think so. I’m not a fruitcake or trying to make one. I was trying to find out about your weapon training but you just had to go and be insecure about your own personal issue and take out your insecurity on me. Not gonna happen, Ronni.” Finnick’s fingers began to press closed Ronni’s airway. “Now, you’re gonna apologize to me, vow to never say fruitcakes or pussyboy ever again, and do everything I tell you to. If you understand I’ll put your short ass down. Blink twice if you understand.
Finnick was in his own world as Ronni turned to start to leave but was pulled back as Ronni then went to get pants Fucking finally he thought to himself as he gave one of his classic smiles to the boy but snorted as he started humming a tune and then awkwardly saying so. “So I heard that you are well versed with your two handed pole?” He cocked a brow “You know…I’m pretty good with my Bill. Not many people know though so shh, our little secret?”
Okay, maybe there was something going on besides being a stressed out mentor. There were a few folk back in Four that exhibited signs of being crazy – not Aggie-level crazy, but still. He had just cocked his hip to the side when Finnick sputtered out some words that made Ronni’s jaw drop and his eyebrows furrow. 
“My–My what?” he instinctively took a step back and let his gaze crawl from Finnick’s head to the bottoms of his feet. Was he– no, he couldn’t be… but then he had just–
“Dude, I don’t know what’s going on here but, whatever it is, I���m not into it. I’m not a fruitcake,” Ronni practically spat, ignoring Finnick’s earlier warnings, “and I’m never gonna be one – so why are you doing this?”
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do-i-odair · 6 years
Finnick didn’t remember how he had gotten here. In fact he still wasn’t fully ‘here’. While everyone else was partaking in the first day of training for the Games Finnick had been scheduled with five different clients. He had been picked up by some high ranking Capitolites’ driver before anyone else had risen and had been dropped off by another Client’s driver long after everyone else had retired. Finnick has remembered returning to the Fourth Floor, shedding his clothes, and stumbling his way into his private bath. His usual feeling of exhaustion had been replaced with a disassociate numbness now that he wasn’t with anyone and having to pretend. He turned the hot water all the way up and steam quickly filled the room, but next thing he knew there was a coldness on his throat. His reflexes delayed and a few seconds after Opal had lowered the knife Finnick raised a hand to his throat. The feeling of his own finger touching his throat triggering an onslot of images from earlier in the night. Hands around his throat that he couldn’t push away or he’d risk someone he loved being hurt. He could feel his breathing becoming ragged and shallow as the movie continued in his head. His knees felt weak and not having eaten any solid food all day didn’t help. Was someone speaking? They sounded so far away. Finnick lowered his hand from his throat slowly as he tried to focus back on the figure in front of him. “H-How did I get here?” He asked as he look around the Training Center.
it was dark and late tonight; one of the capitol’s rare thunderstorms. she’d found herself unable to sleep because of it — she couldn’t stop remembering last year’s tributes, alexandrite and vega, trapped in that thunderstorm. she’d sat for a long time, staring out the big glass windows of the tribute tower (she’d sat for so long that her tea had gotten cold) but eventually she’d decided to head down to the training center. it was open year-round for mentors, though only open to tributes for the training prior to the games. it’d been a long time since she’d had a midnight workout like this. the last one she had was before cashmere’s games — she hoped that was a good sign — and she pressed the button in the elevator to head down to the training floor, swiping her identification card and waiting for the lock to click open before entering. she was wearing a loose tee shirt and a pair of soft grey leggings, easy to work out in (and quiet) and she slipped a set of throwing knives and turns on the holograms. they manifested, bright among the dull night lighting, and she hurled one into the heart of the hologram running towards her before pivoting on her heel and throwing one at one on the second level aiming a bow at her. she threw another into the heart of one to her right, as she spotted one on her left. she turned around, throwing a knife into the base of its skull, before the hum of the machine slowed to a halt and opalescence stepped down from the platform.
it was the eeriest feeling, she thought. it felt almost exactly as though someone was watching her. she stepped out of the machine and began to walk over to the punching bags when she heard someone behind her. still armed with a knife, she pivoted on her heel and held it to the throat of the person behind her. 
upon turning around, however, she realized two things almost immediately — that she knew the person following her, and that he did not look well. she lowered the knife, took a soft step towards the man swaying on his feet. 
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// closed starter for @do-i-odair
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do-i-odair · 6 years
Finnick was in his own world as Ronni turned to start to leave but was pulled back as Ronni then went to get pants Fucking finally he thought to himself as he gave one of his classic smiles to the boy but snorted as he started humming a tune and then awkwardly saying so. “So I heard that you are well versed with your two handed pole?” He cocked a brow “You know...I’m pretty good with my Bill. Not many people know though so shh, our little secret?”
Finnick closed his eyes and focused on grabbing reality as tight as he could. Finnick swallowed and nodded his head before opening his eyes and sitting up slowly. “Yes, I’m fine.” Finnick looked Ronni’s still bare frame over and sighed defeatedly as he shook his head. If Ronni were to win he could already tell Snow would have way too much fun ‘renting’ the boy out.
Choosing to believe that he was just having a bad day, Ronni sighed and watched as his mentor began to sit up. The boy’s thoughts already began to support themselves with irrational logic. There, see, he was already doing a little better. Maybe he could go force an avox to bring him some juice or something? Ronni had just begun to twirl towards the door when he noticed that Finnick’s gaze was lingering on him for longer than Ronni deemed comfortable.
His eyebrows flew towards his hairline and his mouth got a little dry. What was he doing? Was he… checking him out? Without trying to draw too much attention to the fact that Ronni noticed what Finnick was doing, he walked towards a pair of loose fitting shorts on the ground. 
After snatching them up and quickly putting them on, he crossed his arms and averted his gaze again. Why was Finnick Odair checking him out? Did he… swing that way?  No, that was impossible. He was known as a ladies man in Four. The Capitol women went nuts over him – that’s what he had heard back at home, anyway. Was… was all of that a lie. More importantly – and this Ronni could not stop thinking about – was he staring at his junk?
It was really, really awkward. He began to whistle a tune to pass the time. That didn’t last long, though. “So…” he began but trailed off into silence. He didn’t know what to say.
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do-i-odair · 6 years
Finnick closed his eyes and focused on grabbing reality as tight as he could. Finnick swallowed and nodded his head before opening his eyes and sitting up slowly. “Yes, I’m fine.” Finnick looked Ronni’s still bare frame over and sighed defeatedly as he shook his head. If Ronni were to win he could already tell Snow would have way too much fun ‘renting’ the boy out.
Finnick was more than relieved when Ronni didn’t talk back or continue to try to explain himself. Sure, he hadn’t really replied that he understood but Finnick would take what he could get, especially nice now.
Finnick as the pre-passing our feelings increased he decided to lean the rest of the way back onto the bed so he was laying across it sideways but his knees hanging off the side down to the floor. “Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t you worry your pretty little head. I just wanted to see if they give the mentors and tributes the same beds.”
What on earth…
“Uh…” Ronni was, for the first time in a while, at a genuine loss for words. The sight of his mentor laying on his bed did something to Ronni. This was Finnick Odair? This was the golden boy of Four? This was the guy that had been sent the most expensive sponsor gift in the history of the Games? Surely, he was just having a bad day. Maybe he was hungover too and just didn’t want to admit it. There had been times when Ronni’s dad had done the same things he had told Ronni not to do and knew it, too. Maybe this was one of those times?
“Okay, cool. Cool, uh…” he let one arm fall and the other lift up to scratch his chin. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
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