#blue lock chris
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luckyhrls · 3 months ago
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First off! I just found out that Julian Loki is fucking 17…😀 ?
Anyways, these are all of the mainstream leaders in their area of Japan ofc, and i decided to try a new simpler coloring technique! You’ll be seeing me draw snuffy more often bc I LOVE his nose. Everyone in the canon teams are under the same mafias still too.
Charles Chevalier is going to be Julian’s adopted son, and I decided to age him down to around elementary school age, but he’ll still be an absolute menace trust.
I will probably start the ao3 project next week due to it currently being finals week, but keep an eye out for “Project Blue Glock” (LMAOAOAOAO)
Some lore headcanon drops in this universe:
- Michael Kaiser and Noel Noa are cousins (like 2nd-3rd tho)
- Michael Kaiser is a illegitimate potential German heir
- FC Barcha are just massive party wild animals that occasionally do some smart things
- Chris Prince is eager to reach the notoriety level of PXG and BM but Julian just laughs at him while Noel ignores him
- Noel begrudgingly sees Julian as the closest to his equal right now, especially for his age
- Chigiri, Bachira, Kunigami, Isagi and Rin are all childhood friends (acquaintances for some), where they were “mentored” by a man named Ego
- Two years from the present time of the story, Kunigami disappeared.
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milaisreading · 10 months ago
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marcysdreamydays11 · 2 months ago
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aninipanin1 · 2 months ago
The Blue Lock players were expecting a lot from the Neo-Egoist League, but what they did not expect was the fact that their manager would attract the eyes of their masters enough for them to ask them about her.
Notes: Reader is implied a female and is in her mid-20s (25 to 27, but whatever age works for you guys). The Blue Lock boys loves Reader platonically, almost like their older sister. The love interests are of course the Masters (except Loki)
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"Coach-! Ehh..?"
Bachira stopped in his tracks as he entered the door to the field. Unfortunately for him, Otoya and Kitsunezato followed suit and bumped into the boy.
"Ow man, what's wrong with you?"
Otoya, who got the brunt of it due to hitting his nose on Bachira's head, complained. Meanwhile, Kitsunezato just tilted his head as to why Bachira just stayed in his place.
"Bachira-san? What's wrong?"
Bachira then slowly tilted his head. His golden eyes looked at the scene in front of him where you, their manager, talked quite amicably with the Spanish Coach.
This was not much of a surprise to any of them, for you always tried your best to get involved in the boys' training to make sure they were improving while also having ample time to rest. You always reasoned how they were still in their teens and needed proper guidance with a proper and mature adult (since Ego can't really be trusted on that part), so you talking to the masters were no surprise.
What got Bachira, and in turn Otoya and Kitsunezato, raising eyebrows was the fact that for the first time in, like, forever since they met him, Lavinho was quiet. His mouth was zipped, zilched, as he just looked and listened to whatever you were saying.
Lavinho was a man very passionate in his craft, and there are many times where he would say his own input when it comes to the sport, with cheerful countenance too. But, at that moment, he was as quiet as a stone.
"The hell is up with him?"
Bachira asked quite curiously. Kitsunezato just shrugged while Otoya formed a small smirk, seeing how not only was Lavinho quiet in front of you, but the man was also a little too close to you. Adding to that, Lavinho's eyes were literally ogling you, which the white haired striker did not like.
Otoya was all too familiar when it came to flirting and the look of attraction, and man, was his coach making it quite obvious he found you, their manager, attractive.
"Oh lord, not this again."
Bachira turned to Otoya, completely oblivious.
"Can't you guys see? Coach is making goo-goo eyes on our manager. He's too obvious, geez."
Kitsunezato only let out an "oh" of understanding. Meanwhile, it took Bachira a while to get what Otoya was saying, and by the time he realized, you were already gone from the field.
The two other players jumped at Bachira's sudden outburst, as the boy sprinted to where Lavinho was still stuck on his position, standing up, hands on the Football basket as if it was his only support.
"What? Yo, Bachira-"
Lavinho was taken aback at the sudden frowning face of Bachira. He got what the boy was talking about as he pulled up a mischievous smirk.
"Hey, you don't know that, blondie. I can treat her well ya know?"
But Bachira was not having it. He loved you like a sister, and there was no way he would allow you to date someone who can not make you happy.
Otoya sighed and held the scruff of Bachira's sweater as the boy tried to struggle like a feral cat. Kitsunezato then spoke out.
"Didn't you just meet her, coach?"
"Yeah, but can't I appreciate a beauty? Especially one with brains like hers. Beautiful women are attractive, yes, but when they're smart and have their own original opinions, they become hotter in my eyes."
Otoya chuckled at that, Bachira became even more feral, like a child in Otoya's hold while Kitsunezato sighed at this.
"Sheesh, what did she even say to you?"
"I asked her about many things and suggestions in your guys' training, and well, her answers are very fun and interesting, to say the least. Do one of you have her number? I didn't get it from her earlier."
Bachira just shook his head violently, for he had your number and refused to give up your info to his coach.
"Yo, Reo. Have you seen Prince?"
Reo turned to Chigiri, who had just entered the training field. It was yet another day of training in the English Stratum. Most of the players are scattered in the facility to do their own training from the regime given to them, leaving Reo, Nagi, and now, Chigiri alone in the field.
Nagi laid out on the grass of the field as him and Reo rested for a bit. The purple-haired player tried to recall where he had seen the English Master.
"Hmm, I remember him saying that he had a meeting with Ego along with the rest of the masters. Maybe he hasn't come back from it yet?"
"Really? Hmm, I guess I'll just wait for him here."
"Go on."
The three remained in the field, Nagi slowly snoring away in the grass as Reo and Chigiri watched a recording of their previous plays on a tablet. It was all quiet until the door to the training field opened, revealing Chris Prince, who probably just came from his meeting.
"Oh, good thing you guys are here! I actually wanted to ask you guys something!"
The blonde man grinned as he put his arm around Chigiri and Reo, one for each player as the two raised an eyebrow at him. They knew he was eccentric and a bit...touchy, but he never did this before. Reo then decided to speak.
Chris pulled out his phone, whistling innocently.
"What is it?"
"Do one of you know or have your manager's number?"
"Yes, we three have it. Why?" Chigiri responded, and that made the grin on the professional player's face widen.
"Great! Can you put it in my phone?"
Now that made the two blink as Chris threw his phone in Reo's hands where the phone app was already open. Reo grew a bit more suspicious of this.
"And why do you need Y/n-san's phone number? You two just met in the meeting, I'm sure of it."
The man shrugged, but it was obvious to the two that he was hiding something.
'Weird, I feel like I'm having deja vu...oh wait-'
Chigiri suddenly remembered one certain group of professionals asking him the same thing back in the second selection. The redhead's once curious expression turned into a bored and rather done expression. He then raised his arm and pulled a way from his master's hold.
"Nope, I already know what you want Y/n-san's number for."
"Oh, come on, Hyoma. Don't be like that! I'm not that bad-"
"I'll be the judge of that. Besides, don't you have fangirls? I don't want Y/n-san to be with someone who'll be a hassle to be with."
Reo added, finally getting the implications. He wondered what the coach heard or saw from you for him to immediately ask them for your number. Reo always knew you were beautiful, kind, and responsible. That's why most, if not all, the players in the facility trusted and are quite attached to you, viewing you as some sort of maternal and comforting figure that Blue Lock can not provide alone.
But, he was interested in how you managed to reel in the attention of the second best striker in the world. And, so he did ask, and boy, did he, along with Chigiri who listened regretted. Chris just started to tell them about how not only were you a sight for sore eyes, but absolutely smart and egoistic in your own right even as a manager. About how, even if you had that side to you, when you were not talking about football, you were very kind, caring and very open.
Chigiri responded, his words made a hollow, almost bitter chuckle from the professional player's mouth.
"Yeah, Y/n-san is amazing, but you rave about her like it's your first time meeting a genuinely good person."
"When you are in the spotlight, most people you meet tend to have ulterior motives, and even, different personalities. It's attractive to see a woman both passionate about her craft yet still serious about her morals."
Reo sighed, agreeing to what his master said. But, he was a bit miffed that there was another guy they had to watch out for. He could not help but let out a sigh.
'Y/n-san, you attract the most troublesome guys around here.'
"Is it just me, or does he look quite distracted with Y/n-san?"
Niko innocently commented as he, Aryu, Barou, and Oliver, watched their master and manager talk from afar while doing their stretching. It has been a few days since the Neo-Egoist League commenced, and everyone in the facility became busier than ever.
You, being the manager, of course, were one of the busiest as you tried your best to take care of all the 5 stratums with only a little help from other staff members due to their own jobs. It was hard, but you always managed for the boys. So that is why you find yourself currently talking to the foreign coach, asking about the improvements of the Blue Lockers who are under his wing currently.
"Hah? So what? She's talking to him, so of course he'll listen."
Barou said in his usual rough tone, with a hint of confusion as to why Niko had to point that out. Oliver on the other hand, just smirked.
"Ah-ah, you don't understand, though, Your majesty. The look in our dear master striker's eyes is something you can only see in the eyes of someone feeling something to someone whom they are talking to."
"That was just confusing." Niko quipped.
"What are you even proposing?" Barou raised an eyebrow.
"What if, Snuffy-san, over there...likes her?" Oliver smirked. His claim immediately made Barou roll his eyes before walking away, not believing it. Niko and Aryu only tilted their heads in confusion, not seeing their master as someone who would fall in love or even have a trivial crush on someone he just met a few weeks ago.
"You probably hit your damn head, dumbass."
"I don't think he's like you, Aiku." Niko commented, making the defender mutter an "Oi," before moving on with the topic.
"It's just, I've been hearing gossips from the other stratums that the master's have been...a little too close to our manager these past few weeks. Who knows?"
"And praytell, where the hell did you hear this from?" Barou asked.
"From Otoya and Chigiri-"
"Not surprised. You three are quite the gossipers." Niko added.
"Very glam yet not at the same time."
"Well duh, of course. Have you not seen their coaches? Childish as hell. Ours ain't all like them." Barou rolled his eyes.
"You have a point. But hey, I said it here. If you all are wrong, you owe me."
They turned back to you and Snuffy and saw that you were already bidding your goodbye to the master coach, your phone between your ear, probably another one of your managerial and staffly responsibilities, they didn't know, but it was quite common to see you run about the halls of the facility.
Snuffy soon joined them, waiting for the rest of the players on the field since it was still quite early and training was to start in a few more minutes. The other four Blue Lockers only being there due to a plan they formulated and wanted to reenact before practice.
They see the coach looking quite happily down at his phone, seemingly satisfied with what he was seeing as he typed away on it. With the four players feeling quite curious as to why he had such...an abnormally happy grin, they approached Snuffy to ask, and suffice it to say, they were a little bit surprised with what he said next.
"It's nothing, I'm just happy Miss Y/n finally gave me her number, although it is under the guise of talking about you, Blue Lockers, and your training. It's still worth it."
"Y/n-san's number?" Niko asked to which the coach nodded.
"Yes, I wanted to get to know her more, is all. I wanted to ask some of you about her, but I reckoned it's better to get to know her myself and at the same time, get closer to her. It's like killing two birds with one stone."
"That is glamourously...logical." Aryu commented.
"What do you mean by get to know her more?" Niko asked.
"Hm? I meant in a more personal level. Oh, by the way, I heard most of you are quite close to her, especially you, Niko, since she always talks about you. Can you tell me what the things she likes are? I would prefer to know it now, just to be advanced."
The boys were taken aback by the question, their thoughts running wildly, but all of them were all thinking the same thing.
'I didn't know he could be that smooth when it comes to women...' The Blue Lockers sweatdropped in their minds.
"So, was no one planning to tell me that our master is dating Y/n-san?"
Yukimiya entered the canteen where the rest of the Blue Lockers under Bastard Munchen were having their dinner. As usual, it was quite loud with Raichi yelling nonsense at Gagamaru, while Isagi tried to pull him away. Kurona, Hiori, and Kiyora were the only ones quiet in their own seats, eating their food away.
Isagi raised an eyebrow, his hold on Raichi loosening as his eyes were focused on Yukimiya, or rather, the brunette's words.
"Huh? Y/n-san and Noel Noa dating? Where did you hear that from? I didn't know."
It was not just Isagi who got their attentione peaked. The rest of Blue Lock players also were quite curious as to how and why Yukimiya thought that the striker was dating you, their manager.
"I saw him asking her about a restaurant in Tokyo. It kinda sounds like they, or mostly Noa-san were planning a date."
"Huh? Now that I think about it, Noa-san has been quite close with Y/n-san lately." Hiori said, thinking back to the past weeks ever since the Neo-Egoist League started.
"Whatever it is, I think we shouldn't really get involved. Their personal and dating life is none of pur business anyways." Isagi sighed as he started to eat his own food. After all, most of them had a lot on their plates already too.
With training, the League, Blue Lock as a whole, and the upcoming U-20 World Cup, it was a little hard to find gaps or time to care about trivial things not concerning them.
But, that mindset immediately vanished after a few days later, when they saw Noel Noa, the best striker in the world, known for his stoicism and cold logic on and off the field. A man who can keep his cool and straightforward attitude any second of the day, seemingly panicking inwardly as his eyes scanned his phone.
Turns out, he did not get to save your number, the one you kindly punched in for him the past week (he pretended to get it for the sake of the Neo-Egoist League and the Blue Lock players of course), and well, since you were kind of an elusive figure most times of the day, having so many responsibilities, he did not know where else to communicate with you.
Sure, he can use the management system given to the masters to call for your assistance, but those are used in emergencies, and he did not want to disturb or scare you, thinking that something wrong happened when he just wanted to speak with you, in a more casual terms.
Nope, he was not illogical and irresponsible like that. So, instead, he finally let his pride down a bit and went to his players to ask something that shocked most of them.
"Can I get your manager's number?"
Nothing was heard except Raichi spitting out water from his water bottle on the grass the training field provided. Isagi, who was the one Noa asked, just blinked at his master's question or, rather, request due to the tone of his voice.
"Um, sure. I can put it in for you, Noa-san."
The albino man only nodded his head and gave the boy his phone. Isagi, meanwhile, was taken quite a back, his expression one of disbelief and resignation.
'Well, Its not like this is the first time someone asked us for Y/n-san's number anyways.'
Compared to Isagi, the rest of the Bastard Munchen players were less calm about it. Raichi's mouth, along with Kurona's were still wide. Yukimiya was blinking, eyes wide in disbelief as if he was hallucinating, and Hiori who had literal spirals for his eyes, the situation making him feel quite dizzy.
"I never knew, he can be like...this."
"Me neither." Hiori responded to the shocked claim Yukimiya said, not used to the master of the German team acting like this.
"Well, I mean, are we even surprised? This feels like the World 5 incident all over again." Kiyora, who just arrived, sat with them, remembering the ending of the 2nd selection where they met and faced international players, and needless to say, most of them were not even hiding the fact they found you attractive and wanted your details.
"Right, right, I forgot about that." Kurona muttered. But, Yukimiya just ended things with a shrug, watching Isagi give the coach his phone before running off to join the rest of them.
"Well, it is a shock. But, its not like we can do anything about it. Y/n-san is just like that, she attracts the most...um, diverse people to her. Probably, the reason why she also has a lot of fans worldwide."
The rest nodded, returning to their training, knowing deep down that, no matter how much they wanted to fight off the men who were interested in you, it cannot be helped when their manager was just someone like you, and they would never ever change you for the world.
After all, you are the elder sister figure they did not know they needed in this asylum-like facility and no professional football player who is attracted to you, can change that.
"Hmm, I think with the power of Y/n-chan alone, we can convince the rest of the World 5 players before to come again-" Anri tried to recommend only to be given a heavy glare by Ego, who found the idea less than appealing.
"No, these four are enough of a headache to be around her. I don't need Blue Lock TV turning into a dating show."
"I know you're jealous, but-"
"Just do your work, Anri-chan. That way, we can get this thing over with."
With that, the woman shrugged and left the room, heading off to find you to hopefully ask for your help in other work around the facility.
Y/n: Hello, I am the manager of Blue Lock-
The Masters and the World 5: Already off to buy the ring, prepare our future house, adopting 6 cats and planning our retirement days and building our coffins together. Anything else we're forgetting?
Blue Lockers: Yes. The fact that you literally just met her?
The Masters and the World 5: ...
The Masters and the World 5: I fail to see the problem with that-
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This is based off of that small headcannon I posted a few months ago (i think?) And well, this took me a while to post but I finally finished it lol. By the way, this Y/n is different from the other manager Y/n from my previous post. That Y/n is a minor (15, 16 or 17, depending on you, reader) and her lpve interests are the minor characters. While this Y/n is an adult and here love interests are the adult players and characters. Like I said, when I say Masters and World 5 in this, I only mean the adult ones, not Loki. Loki is the love interest of Minor Manager Y/n sooo yeah! Hope you enjoy!
Blue Lock is WRITTEN by Kaneshiro Muneyuki and ILLUSTRATED by Nomura Yusuke. All credits to the both of them.
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merlucide · 2 months ago
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notes: first post of the new year!! Happy new years!! <33 [Requested]
characters: Aiku, Sae, Sendou, Kaiser, Ness, Lorenzo, Snuffy, Loki, Noa, Chris Prince, Lavinho, Leonardo Luna
warnings: cursing probs, not proofread (again, idgaf) fem!reader in Lavinho’s
pt1 pt2
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You bundled deeper into your sweater hoping to savor some warmth, it might as well be snowing right now. As much as you wished you were at home, curled up under a blanket, you were happy to be here, watching your boyfriend’s game. Normally, you only went to home games, but this time you thought, ’why not?’. So, after a 4 in a half hour flight, a 30 minute taxi ride, you finally made it to the stadium. You’d go to his games pretty often, sitting in the VIP section. This go around, you wanted to sit closer, to get a better view of your lover of course. The whistle blows for halftime and you excitedly signal to him.
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Smirks and shakes his head hehe
Means tons you came!! :)
He rlly can’t believe you came lmao
Doesn’t yell back but makes hand signs to ya
You can just tell what he’s trying to say, benefit of The Charm™ (*AHEM..*👀)
Might blow you a kiss, might not, depends on which Aiku you get😙
If he does you ofc accept it and return it, which he cradles it to his heart hehe
*cue jelly and disgusted sendou*
🦢: ‘cringe tbh’
🐍: ‘Say, I don’t see your S/O in the stands’
🦢: ‘Low blow.’ bitchless HA
That’s it, thanks for reading.
….no like he’s so boring, no expression, no fun, no personality
Why are you with him bro
Sorry the Sae hater in me took over, let’s continue.
Happy? You came? Like
Hes indifferent to it 😭
I mean he recognizes the effort made to see him and appreciates that, YES!
Gives you a little wave :3 (if you’re lucky he’ll give ya a small smile)
He def scores a goal for you and kisses his promise ring looking in your area
After the game he Venmo’s you what you payed for the tickets— despite your retaliation lmao
I hate this hoe
Aiku thumbs to you in the stands and bbg lets out the BIGGEST OVERDRAMATIC gasp when seeing you
he could squeal
— Quickly goes back to ‘cool mode’, which lasts for two seconds before yelling back at you
The team give him the look saying ‘simp’ LMAO
Gets all blushy n embarrassed lol
Yells at you to watch him and tell you he’s gonna score for ya (he totally missed the net)
his face when he notices you: 😏
Fuels his ego by like, a gajillion times
—though he is conflicted between making it known to his teammates/fans that you’re here or not letting a single soul know of your existence lmao
Doesn’t wanna hurt your feelings by ignoring you tho 💀 especially since you came ALL the way to see HIM
(Rlly appreciates it)
Just rolls his eyes at you and grins
You kinda have a conversation with your faces LMAO
Bc again he’s trying not to attract to much attention to you!! (cus media, etc)
Ness sees you and waves ! :)
🪄: ‘I didn’t know y/n was coming! Hi y/n!!’
🥀: ‘Shut up you squealing maggot.”
🪄: ‘Oh okay’
turns exactly into “🥹+🤩” combined
So happy you came!!!!
Means so much to him that you’d take your time and money to see him play!
Gives you that big fat wobbly smile of his and yells ‘Hi!!’
Points you out to Kaiser ‘Look! Kaiser, y/n came!’
he doesn’t gaf LMAO
He gives you a nod tho!
Blows you many kisses 😌
BM is all giving him the biggest side eye LMAO His love for you makes everyone within a 20 mile radius uncomfortable
def gives you the biggest cheek kiss ever and hugs you HEHHEEEHHEHEHEHE
Ugly smiles hehehehheh
Two-finger point at cha’ yelling ‘HEYYYYYYY!!!!’
Laughing and smiling soo much
He’s literally BEAMING
He always wants you to come to his games, but understands you have a life of your own and can’t make it to them all
afterwards totally tries doing more showy tricks and plays for ya hehe
He’s just pumped af you’re here!!
Touched 🥹 
Fr tho, he’s touched af
Happy big smile!!
Waves back at cha :3
He called you earlier before the game and had no clue!! I mean he heard crowd at the airport but you just brushed it off as ‘oh I’m just at the mall’
Really appreciates it! :)
he’s like ‘😮!!’
Didn’t expect that!!!
Means so much to him!!
Gets all blushy hehe…,.
Doesn’t want to make a scene so he opts out for a small slightly hidden wave (not to draw attention to you)
rlly appreciates you supporting his career !! Esp since he’s so young starting off so strong
After game he goes to you and shakes his head and hugs ya hehe
Can’t believe you lmao
Surprised af
Like the thought of you doing this never crossed his mind literally once, E V E R
He knows you watch his games on TV when you don’t go (most of the time)
Soft grinning from him heh
Doesn’t do much bc he doesn’t want the media all over you
After the game he brings you closer (not touching bc he’s sweaty af) and kisses your forehead
——Whiiiich the paparazzi saw and it was over the internet for the next few days
So mission failed for Noa lmao
okay think Bokuto’s ‘HEY HEY HEY!!’ That’s him rn
Manically laughing LMAO
Starts F L I R T I N G  with you from the field
He’s just like yelling ‘HEEEEY MAMAS, YA FREE AFTER THISSSS?’
Def brags to any single teammates of his LMAO
Signature Chris Prince smile!!
Belly laughs too lmao— can’t believe you’re here! And that you didnt tell him
He would’ve easily arranged something easier for you to come, probs traveling with the team or smth
energized as crap and now will do everything at the tippity top of his game to impress you (he does this every time you go to his games, but like it’s 10x bc he’s so pumped)
Making ‘:o’ face lmao
So surprised !! But SO happy!!
Like wym his darling came to his away game?? Wym they took a 4 hour flight to see him play
Feels so special hehe
Blows you kisses with both hands and waves with both as well
Makes it known you’re here (if you’re comfortable with being public, but in this scenario I’d assume so)
Gives you a big hug afterwards
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help sorry for any ooc-ness for some I had a hard time getting creative juice
Made January 1st 2025
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galaxynajma · 8 months ago
This implications about these two pages are … interesting 
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Kaiser being shirtless being the third most viewed video clip at first glance is hilarious but like … that whole ass scene in the bathrooms was recorded…for live television? .. okay.. what else are they showing
The comments make me giggle though
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That’s pretty much how most of the fandom views Kaiser
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opalescentidiot · 8 months ago
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slowcatsworld · 5 months ago
Master Striker Kisses
Julian Loki kisses you innocently. His kisses start out chaste, with smiles breaking upon both of y’all’s faces as you part. His kisses don’t last long, but they en capture the bliss of young love within every second.
Lavinho kisses you passionately. This man puts his whole soul into his kisses, and you feel it too. They are hot, they are heavy, they are addicting. He always melds his mouth with yours and makes you want more as he pulls away to kiss along your jaw.
Marc Snuffy kisses you tentatively. He is focused, he is analyzing how you’re reacting to his approach. Snuffy ends up kissing the side of your mouth as he tilts his head to make room for his nose more often than not. (It became y’all’s thing as a go-to quick goodbye gesture.)
Chris Prince kisses you with vigor. He’s excited and commonly ends up breaking your kisses by smiling too much. He has a tendency to get lost in your make out sessions, quickly escalating the moment if you allow it to much more than smooches and caresses.
Noel Noa kisses you reverently. He doesn’t kiss you much in public, but in the depths of y’all’s home he locks his lips with yours in sacred solace. It’s sweet, it’s private, it’s familiar and juvenile. He found a way to bring comfort through his kisses; both to you and himself.
This biscuit is just for you, mwah 😽
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marikosfragrance · 2 months ago
"Who would be good with kids?"
Characters : Various characters
Content : which of the characters would be great with kids, or bad, and why?
Note : PLEASE UNDERSTAND I HAVE NEVER SEEN THEM INTERACT WITH KIDS, EXCEPT FOR SOME LIKE ISAGI. SO SOME CHARACTERS MIGHT FEEL OFF FOR YOU. Characters dont belong to me. Made this while keeping the canonical edge, enjoy reading, mwah.
Would be good with kids, kids would love him, and he would love them. He is open and is polite. I can see him even playing with them or knowing exactly what to do in certain situations involving kids. I can also imagine kids asking him for autographs, and he would gladly do it, smiling at them too. No complains on their parts when it comes to kids.
Isagi, Reo, Nanase, Kurona, Karasu, Oliver, Bachira, Hiori, Kunigami, Chigiri, Ness, Chris (maybe)
Kids would love him, but he wouldn't care either way. He is the type that kids look up to, but he doesn't necessarily seek their attention, for him kids aren't annoying but aren't exactly desirable either. They are just there.
Sendou (maybe), Sae, Michael, Noel Noa, Loki
He doesn't dislike kids, but kids are scared of him. It could be from the way he approaches them, or how he presents himself. Like from the first impression— his expression scares them away. Or perhaps its the way he handles himself on the field? He knows how to take care of kids and doesnt exactly hates them, but unless the kids are willing to give him a chance, they might be too frightened to come close.
Barou, Aiki (maybe), Rin (maybe), Dada
He doesn't like kids. Or maybe he does, but I doubt he would like it If they were all over him, especially if the kid is all annoying and stuff. He wouldn't outright hate on the kid, but he wouldn't want them near him. He might even scare them off. And kids are either afraid of him, or uncomfortable around him, so either way, it is a mutual thing.
Luna, Adam, Ego, Nagi (maybe), Otoya (maybe),
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n-fblog · 1 year ago
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who up blueing their lock rn
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f0ofishies · 5 months ago
first times w/ bllk men. pt.2
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To think you could pull the Italian soccer player was a far fetch, but no.. you've been dating Marc Snuffy for a few weeks now. Honestly, he's been such an upgrade to the past relationships you've had, considering you were only a few years younger than him.
He's such a well-spoken man. Speaking with such intellect could make you go haywire, might even turn you on. But, you'd never admit that, no no.. you couldn't let him think how sex-craved you are about him, considering how polite he is.
You'd been invited to one of the gatherings for Ubers, a plus-one with him. He even took the time to get you a new outfit on the ordeal, "Baby, I need to measure.. could you—" You looked up at him, then quickly held your hands up. "Oh right.." He did all the measurements for your body before you could get a new outfit tailored for it.
His calloused palm held the measuring tape across your hips, shit..! He was such a respectful man. He didn't know the effect his hands all over felt so nice, biting your lip in the process as his hand on your lower back guided you over somewhere. "Amore mio, are you okay?" He whispered into your ear, his words left a trail of shiver down your back.
"Don't worry, 'm fine.. marc.." You stare at those orange colored eyes of his— he proceeded to give you a small smile. "I promise you tonight is going to be great." He held your chin up, it was almost like he was holding back to kiss you.
As you were about to tiptoe– he'd pull away. The hushed voices of him and the tailor could be heard, but all you heard was the fast-paced beating of your heart.
The event itself was boring, most conversed in Italian.. not that you can't understand at all, you weren't fluent in the language at all. Marc was there with you, sticking close by knowing full well you had not fully met the rest of the members of Ubers. More small talk and more made you even more annoyed– at the second and the way your lovely boyfriend was caressing your thigh like nothing.
You bit your lip as you tapped his shoulder. He pulled away from talking and raised an eyebrow, squeezing your thigh. "Marc, don't do that.." You whispered close, only letting him hear your voice.
"Hmm.. but cuore mio..?" He slid his hand to your upper thigh as you trembled. "Don't you get it.. you're making me.." His eyes widened for a fraction of a second, then his eyes held a glint in them.
You swear you didn't mean to turn him on, you knew how much of a rational man he was. But the fact he had pulled you two back to your hotel– "Marc, love..?"
He crashed his lips onto yours, feeling his tongue slip past your mouth. "Mmph— what's gotten into you..?" The words echoed along the hotel room as he pulled away. "I can't handle it anymore, l'anima gemella.. I need you." You swear you felt yourself clenched around his words.
"Agh—!" The groan you let out as he was taking his time to prep you was making you go berserk. "Marc, baby.. I'm ready for you.. please just fuck me!" Words spewing out of you like you weren't about to climax the second time tonight. "fuck you..? don't ever call that.. we're.." You gasped once more as you felt his engorged tip pressing onto your hole.
"sshit– Marc..!" Your eyes widened as he pressed on further, fuck it was such a stretch for you. "we're.." another inch passed against your walls. "making.." another one– and when he finally bottoms out of you. "...love." Your legs on either side of your face as he thrusts slow and deep made you scream louder.
"Cazzo— mmngh.. la mia dolce metà.. you're being so sweet.. to me."
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The egocentric English football man? Chris Prince, the world probably already knew him.. but you know him best. You've been by his side for as long as you know, and yet– you weren't dating at all.
The white-haired male had invited you out of nowhere for drinks, you didn't mind.. but it did pulled you out of your work even earlier than ever.
You found him at the entrance of a private bar, not even realizing how much celebrities were even counted here. You couldn't help but be amazed.
"Damn, you dragged me out here.. for drinks.." You teased the man as he chuckled. "What can I say, I like to treat the women in my life with the utmost—" "Shut your mouth, dickhead." The way his mouth dropped so fast made you giggle at him. "Gee, you know I'm treating you right now?"
You did know that, the way you held a damn martini was way more expensive than what you'd even pay for a night out. "Yes, thanks, Chris.." Your voice cooed at him— "Now tell me why'd you drag me out here.."
You burst out in more laughter by the hours gone by, Chris was just updating you about his life– from his football team, Manshine City, then his family, even going as far about the blue-lock program. "Can't believe those kids could catch up to you, huh?"
The way his face shifted into a pout, like a sad golden retriever, made your heart skip a beat. "Hey, they've gone on a hell lot of training to be good." You just hummed at his words, then placed a hand on his shoulder. "Seems like your life has been chaotic as ever."
Chris lowered his arm, grabbing onto the stool leg– then he effortlessly pulled your stool closer to his. The way you turned a bit shy at that. Honestly, you've forgotten how he has no personal boundaries with anyone. "And yours, babe?" He called you out as you huffed.
Fuck, you didn't knew how long you've been making out with Chris. You'd never done this with him, maybe because of all the drinks you've drank. "Chris—" You pulled away as a string of saliva connected you both.
Chris internally grunted at the way you've been straddling his lap. His big palm caressing your ass, grabbing the fat of it. You let out a small chuckle at his possessiveness. "Ffuck, doll.. so fucking sexy on my lap.." After that comment, a fire rose withing you as you rolled your hips down.
He was loud, groaning in your ear— "Baby, look at you.. all ready for me.." You've found yourself laying down at the backseat— the rich leather seats must've been stained from your previous climaxes. "Chris— agh..! not there..!"
You felt his pesky hands already under your underwear, touching you in all the right places. "You know.. I've been fantasizing about you for ages.." You didn't even properly listen to him, loving the pleasure you're experiencing.
"Fantasizing about this body— and nobody compares from you.." That's when your breath hitched as you gripped his neck. The feeling of your arms around him made his dick throb more than ever. "What are you saying..?" You huffed, wrapping your legs around his hips– your crotch angled with his.
"I'm saying I'm in love with you, you idiot." That's when you felt it, it led to your heart skipping another beat once more. "Really?" You heard the zipper of his pants slipped bringing, that fucking girthy of a dick he had.
"Just look at it, it's so swollen all because of you, my love.." Another clenched by you accommodating his girth– could you even fit him?
"Watch it, baby— I'm going to take what's rightfully mines from the start."
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oo-mi-ru-oo · 6 months ago
Blue Lock art~💙
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chevxyn · 2 months ago
you’re my, my, my, my lover
husband texts.
master strikers x fem!implied reader.
pairings : noa x you, lavinho x you, chris x you, snuffy x you, loki x you (all separate)
fluff, romantic, pregnant!reader in chris’ texts, engaged in loki’s texts.
translation; (german) liebling;darling, meine liebe;my love, (italian) marito;husband, miele;honey, (french), chérie;dear, je t’aime;i love you, mon amour; my love. correct me if these are wrong!
noel noa.
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chris prince.
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marc snuffy.
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julian loki.
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marcysdreamydays11 · 3 months ago
Was..this necessary to the plot.
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Yusuke was drawing this with one hand.
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softly-xiafei · 4 months ago
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i love charles and shidou’s relationship
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brainjvice · 7 months ago
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I am very insane about this pic so I'm gonna try to "break it down" (more like give my take on what's going on here apart from noa serving 85 kilograms worth of cunt) So yeah, more under cut.
God there's so MUCH going on here. Where do I start.
My take is that this pic may take place in the parisienne slums, where Noa was born. It would explain the graffiti, the broken pavement and the fact that noa is at the centre of the pic. The fact that he's sitting on a glass chair is making me froth. The pose. That's the pose of someone who stands on business.
Y'all know where else we saw glass associated to a character? Exactly. Kaiser's glass ego. Although I think Noa's glass chair represents something else. To me it's linked to Noa's status as the numer one striker. He sits on the throne but the throne is made out of glass. So one day he will inevitably lose his spot (and look who stands right behind him). Noa seems to know about it though, like look at his confident pose. He knows and he is Fine with it. He also lowkey looks ready to fight.
Yeah right behind him stands Ego motherfucking Jinpachi in all his slenderman-esque figure.
Ego: sit back down
Noa: I'm sat.
Before that I also want to talk about chris prince's tits sporty look. He is a vibe. Also I love how snuffy is designed after an eagle lmao the eyes, the hair color, the fact his headband covers his brows to give his eyes the peculiar cut prey birds have. Peak design. Love it. I also adore how Lavi looks like the Uncle who gets too drunk at your wedding and breaks havoc lmfao. His purple-looking eyes are so cool and his colorful hair as well, altho it's toned down.
Also. Loki. Loki is the youngest of them all, and he stands a bit more afar from them. He also looks so composed? Like he's new to the game, he's still not relaxed/confident enough to strike a more casual pose like the other coaches. I love this detail.
Back to Ego Jinpachi. I'm. [wolf tearing his shirt apart meme] LISTEN!!! LOOK AT HIM!!! The fact he is RIGHT BEHIND NOA. The fact he is the ONLY ONE not looking at the camera because he is not part of that world anymore. He doesn't play football anymore yet he's never given up on his sick sick dream. His jacket being a striking (lol) blue... ugh I love it. It's the only colorful note in the spread and it sits on the centre as well + they dulled everyone's colors for it to result more vibrant. Also not to be a yaoi lover but the black-white hair combination hits again ig.
Also. Also thinking about his volume cover. The four chains forcing him to sit on his chair. Makes me wonder how Ego may had been forced to leave football. There's still so much we don't know and UGH I need NEED to know what happened. Because now he's got horrible eating habits and is probably living driven by spite alone.
Anyway. I want to hear others' analysis on this!!!!!
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