#blue fashism
rjalker · 2 months
the blue fascists now crying "Chinese spies!!!" alongside "Russian psyops!!!" because they somehow think that adding more racism to the mix will make their racism lessen somehow sure is something.
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describe-things · 3 months
Homonationalism will not save you. You cannot fucking threaten Queer people with being put in concentration camps unless we vote for your favorite genocidaire and call yourself an ally to anyone except white supremacy and genocide.
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[ID: The progress pride flag, with white outlines overlaying it showing the sillowet of a leopard leaping through the air, with text reading, "Vote blue no matter who - vote for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party". The progress pride flag has horizontal stripes of light purple, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, medium blue, dark blue, and violet purple. On the Left side are chevrons of black, brown, blue, pink, white, and gold, with a dark purple ring inside the gold chevron. End ID.]
Do not fucking vote for the man literally comitting genocide right now and then pretend you're doing it because you care about Queer people. You are literally just a white supremacist who only cares about yourself and other privileged white Americans.
If you vote for the man literally comitting genocide right fucking now, you are a fucking fascist pig, and no excuses will save you from this truth.
If you're willing to stand behind the US Govermnent's fascism when it's targeting people who aren't American, you are literally dooming any fucking hope of liberation for anyone. You cannot fucking support genocide and wash your hands of the consequences.
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dazedasian · 2 months
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describe-things · 2 months
notfriendlyhougen said 2 hours ago
not reblogging to feed the trolls or whatever but @describe-things please get those pride flags the fuck off of your profile if you actually care so little about queer people and the like by not voting in support of them
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[ID: A screenshot of the reply showing the text above. End ID.]
@notfriendlyhougen "stop letting people make their art accessible if you don't support genocide"
ok fascist. You really think you can use Queer people as an excuse to support genocide. You're really that dedicated to pinkwashing genocide to uphold white supermacy you're gonna get mad that I provide people with accessability tools. Do you not understand how pathetically racist and queermisic this is?
You cannot fucking claim you support Queer people if you're going to use our existance to uphold genocide. You are not supporting Queer people by using us as a bludgeon with which to uphold white supremacy and genocide.
Legitimately what has to be wrong with you to make a statement like this. "stop providing people with accessibility tools if you won't support genocide"
Yeah, no, that's not how this works. You do not get to use Queer people to support genocide.
None of us are free until all of us are free. You cannot fucking sacrifice Palestinians or anyone else to win "freedom".
You racist fascist shitheads do not get to pinkwash genocide and pretend that Queer minorities are the "real villains" when we refuse to play your fascist racist genocidal game.
What part of "Queer as in free Palestine" do you not understand.
I am lesbian and transgender. I am a working-class, secular Jewish socialist. So let my first words be these: I stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Arab and Muslim people in this room and around the world in the battle against the real axis of evil: the White House, Pentagon and Justice Department. And with every breath and every sinew, I fight for Palestinian liberation.
-Leslie Feinberg at the Al-Fatiha international retreat in Washington DC in the spring of 2002
@notfriendlyhougen you will never get Queer liberation without Palestinian liberation. White Supremacy and Genocide will never pave the way for Queer liberation.
Don't you fucking dare tell actual Queer fucking minorities that we're harming ourselves by giving a shit about people suffering literal gods damned genocide. Don't you fucking dare try to use us as a weapon to silence opposition to white supremacy and colonization.
Voting for Genocide is never voting for the rights of Queer people. And the fact that you want to pretend otherwise just goes to show how despicably fucking evil you've allowed yourself to become.
You want to pretend you care about Queer people but you really only mean Privileged White American Queers. You don't give a single shit about anyone else.
Just fucking say you want to go back to brunch and leave fucking Queer people who actually have morals out of your fucking excuses for why you think it's okay to uphold colonialism, white supremacy, and literal out and out genocide.
There is no Pride in genocide. You cannot fucking weaponize us to support genocide.
I hope you spend every waking moment of the rest of your life suffering in shame for what you've done and what you're going to do.
Don't you fucking dare pretend you care about Queer people when you're fine with them being slaughtered on live TV as long as you think it'll benefit you.
You are not taking a stance for Queer rights. You are willingfully and proudly supporting genocide and white supremacy. And you do not get to fucking weaponize Queer people to justify it.
The fucking gall to demand I stop providing people with accessability tools because I refuse to support genocide. Do you have any fucking clue how absurdly racist and queermisic you are?
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describe-things · 2 months
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[ID :A screenshot of a tweet by sk / kirkxxs that reads: "No offense but many of you are just not equipped to talk politics with me when your worldview is decidedly American and driven by an overarching singular issue of 'protecting home' without realizing what that costs globally and how many at home also lose because of it.". It was posted on July 21st, 2024, at 2:31 PM. End ID.]
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describe-things · 2 months
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[ID: A photo of Kamala Harris, with alternating white and pink text overlaid reading, "You cannot pinkwash genocide". End ID.]
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rjalker · 3 months
if you vote for the man literally committing genocide as you are reading this post you're fashist. Sorry youre more offended by being called what you are choosing to be than you are of the knowledge that you're knowingly voting to continue genocide. Get some fucking morals anout it instead of crying about a hypothetical potential future White Genocide in my inbox.
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describe-things · 3 months
genuine question abt your don’t vote blue post, I’m asking in good faith:
the USA is a 2 party system. most people will vote republican or democrat bc that’s just how it works there. so if Biden doesn’t win then Trump definitely will and he is a Real, Actual Fascist. the Textbook Definition of one. and he’s got the entire republican party to back him up. like, just as examples, look up project 2025 and its policies. if Trump & the republicans win, what happens then?
again, I’m purely asking this out of confusion, I’m still forming my opinion on this and trying to understand your side, please do feel free to ignore this ask if you want /genuine
Assumedly in reference to this post. (Archived link)
Let's start here:
then Trump definitely will and he is a Real, Actual Fascist. the Textbook Definition of one.
Joe Biden is literally committing genocide right now as you read this response. Think about why you have decided Trump is a "Real Fascist" but the man literally, at this moment, comitting genocide, isn't.
Genocide Joe is literally comitting genocide as we speak. Do you think comitting genocide is only a fascist action when it's happening to privileged white Americans?
If so, how about...the Covid19 crisis? Which Joe Biden has actively allowed to worsen? Lots of Americans, both privileged, white, and not, have died as a direct result of Biden's refusal to protect the public from Covid19 by brushing it all under the rug as soon as he could to pretend it was all Trump's fault.
Genuinely sit and ask yourself why you consider Trump a fascist, but not Biden, even though Biden has been openly and happily comitting genocide against Palestinians for over a year now. Ask yourself why you only think Trump qualifies as a fascist.
if Trump & the republicans win, what happens then?
What's happening right now to everyone who's not a privileged white American?
Biden is committing genocide. He has poured billions into arming Israel. He has purposefully allowed eugenics practices to become normalized and has done nothing to slow or prevent the spread of Covid19, instead choosing the exact same tactic Trump did -- deny, deny, deny. Just like he denies the genocide that Israel is comitting against Palestinians.
Nothing good will be accomplished by voting for Genocide Joe Biden. The only thing that will be accomplished by voting for him is telling every single politician, both current and future, that you are okay with genocide.
You will be telling them all loud and clear that they can do anything they want, kill as many people as they want, commit as many war crimes as they want and be as blatantly fascist as they want, as long as they have a scapegoat on the other team to claim is "worse".
Palestinians are begging people not to reward the man comitting genocide against them. Indigenous people everywhere are begging people not to reward the man comitting genocide against Palestinians. Queer people, disabled people, poor people, every minority you can imagine in both the US and outside of it, is begging you not to reward Genocide Joe for comitting genocide.
Instead of asking what would happen if Trump won, ask yourself what would happen if Biden won.
What do you think will happen if the American public loudly declares for all the world to hear that genocide is perfectly normal and acceptable?
Do you think this'll convince politicians not to commit genocide? Do you think this'll convince politicians to be less fascist? Do you think this'll convince politicians to treat minorities like people with fundamental rights?
Telling politicians that you're going to support them unquestionignly even when they literally commit genocide for all the world to see is not going to do anything to protect you or anyone you care about. The only thing it will accomplish is encouraging politicians to keep playing this game of "well at least I'm not the other guy!" even harder.
You will protect no one by voting for Genocide Joe. Not even the privileged white Americans. The only thing supporting genocide accomplishes is ensuring that the world becomes a worse place for everyone.
Do not vote for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party and then be surprised when they turn on you.
Just because the Democrats and Republicans scream from the rooftops that it's impossible for any other party to win does not mean you need to believe them. Insisting that it's impossible for a third party to win is exactly what prevents third parties from winning. You'll never move forward if you refuse to even try taking a single step.
Trump is going to keep running for President until he dies. And when he dies, there will be another boogeyman in a red hat to take his place. This game of "vote blue no matter who, because the other guy is worse" will go on until this empire falls unless people refuse to keep playing.
You can vote third party. You can protest vote. You do not have to vote for the fascist in the red hat or in the blue hat just because they tell you they're your only options.
You have to choose whether or not you're going to support genocide. Any vote for Joe Biden is explicitly a vote for genocide, and it will go down in history as such. Everyone's actions now will be remembered. You will either be one of the people who voted to continue genocide, or you will be one of the people who did the right thing.
If you consider yourself antifascist, if you consider yourself a good person, if you consider yourself anti-colonialist and anti-racist, then you cannot vote for Genocide Joe. Voting to explicitly endorse genocide, which is what voting for Genocide Joe is, is completely and utterly incompatible with being antifascist.
Trump does not have some mystical quality innate to his soul that makes him "A Real Fascist" while Joe Biden somehow doesn't.
Joe Biden is committing literal genocide right now. He is fascist. And so is everyone who votes for him.
Do the right thing, and do not vote for genocide. Do literally anything else. Do not let this system keep you trapped in a loop of "but the other guy is worse, we promise" forever. Because it will never end.
You have to break the system, because it's fucked beyond repair. It was designed that way from the start.
Anything you're afraid of Trump doing, Biden is already doing and has been since day 1. Ask anyone who's not a privileged white person.
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rjalker · 2 months
blue fascists really think that they can redefine fascism to not include them even when they're screaming from the rooftops that we should all be happy to support and commit genocide, and if we refuse to support genocide, then we deserve to be publically executed and put in concentration camps and they'll laugh at us when it happens.
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rjalker · 2 months
the blue fascists going "these countries voted out fascism in just a few weeks!!! that's why we Americans have absolutely no choice but to reelect the man literally committing genocide for all the world to see, because it's just not possible to do something as simple as Not vote for genocide in just four months!!!!!!!!!"
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rjalker · 2 months
When Dr. Jill Biden spoke about Pride as a celebration and how LGTBQ rights in the US are under attack, we spoke up. We addressed Dr. Biden and our fellow attendees respectfully, introduced ourselves as queer Jews, and chanted our support for a permanent ceasefire, an end to arming Israel, and asserted that there can be no pride in genocide. Almost immediately, Abby was grabbed aggressively by a uniformed Secret Service officer. A White House staffer ran over and angrily informed us that we’d been formally disinvited from the event. We were escorted out and forbidden from returning to White House property that day. Our fellow attendees similarly displayed a surreal and dystopian shift in attitude towards us. As the officer held on to Abby’s arm and back and pushed us both out, some of the attendees started clacking their rainbow fans in our faces and booing us, chanting “four more years”.
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rjalker · 2 months
"Biden could win if he got a ceasefire in Gaza!" you really think gutting someone and then handing them a bandaid while they bleed to death would be something you should reward him for.
You people really think it'd be okay for him to commit genocide if he pauses it long enough to win an election?
You people would literally be willing to reward him for comitting genocide if he stops for five seconds?
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describe-things · 2 months
I couldn't make this up if I tried.
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[ID: A screenshot of a reply by lesbian-spider-drone from 19 hours before the screenshot was taken, replying to coffincorpse and saying, "Voting third party is purity politics. In a democracy you don't vote for the goodest boy (or girl), you vote against the biggest scum." End ID.]
Like. These people are so fucking close to figuring out the "trick". They're so close to realizing that literally all the Democrats have to do is point at the other guy and say "but he's worse I promise!!!" and these racist fucks will vote for them no questions asked, even when it means literally and explicitly supporting genocide.
Like. When are these people going to learn? You've literally just spelled out the Democrat's entire strategy!!! But you're still happy to fall for it because you care more about upholding white supremacy than you do the literal victims of genocide!!!
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describe-things · 2 months
voting for trump is continuing the genocide too
your just sad biden wont kill lgbtq people too arnt you?
Thank you so much for saying this with your username attached for posterity.
This is blatant fascist white supremacist rhetoric.
You are literally trying to Pinkwash genocide and say that it's okay to slaughter Palestinians as long as you think it'll benefit Privileged White Queer Americans.
Because newsflash: everyone who's not already a privileged white person in America is suffering under Biden just as much as under Trump. Which you would know if you gave a shit about anyone except Privileged White Americans. Biden is doing absolutely nothing to protect Queer people of any kind, and has denied the existance and danger of Covid19 even more than Trump did.
Biden does not protect anyone. He has doubled down on every single thing that Trump did that you claim to hate. But the truth is, you're fine with fascism as long as the old white man doing it is wearing a blue hat instead of a red hat.
@the-mask-maker said:
ok ill admit i got a bit heated im sorry that was uncalled for lets have a full honest discussion address these points 1 trump is going to continue the genocide too 2 trump is going to also try and harm more people then you can ask points ill adress lets do this civil and properly ok?
any left wing third party will split the votes causing a trump win hence why there really isnt a third choice this is the way american democracy was designed to function sadly
Do you think you are protecting democracy by announcing to all politicians who will ever exist from now on that they can commit as many genocides as they want and they’ll still get elected because you literally don’t care what they do as long as they don’t do it to you?”
Put your defense of genocide in an actual reblog on your blog for all your friends to see instead of sending asks that mean you'll get to hide your support for fascism from your friends and followers.
@the-mask-maker said at 2:22 PM in an ask again:
you are actively trying to heat this debate further everyone here has made reasonable claims and you ignore them despite our differences i still do hope you recover from this discussion i wish you all the best
Still refusing to actually put this fascist shit on your blog for your friends and followers to see, because you know it's wrong.
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describe-things · 2 months
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[ID: Text that reads, "What do you mean I'm a white supremacist and fascist? All I said was that we should sacrifice Palestinians and other indigenous peoples to protect the feelings of privileged white Americans!". End ID.]
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describe-things · 2 months
Just fyi: I'm German. I have nothing to lose or gain from the election, and can't even vote.
However, Trump will kill *more* Palestinians than Biden. Trump is the right-wing guy that - first thing in office (January 27th 2017) tried to ban Muslims from entering the US. He is the guy that moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, thereby recognizing it as the Capital of Israel.
He presented a "peace plan" together with Benjamin Netanyahu that was widely criticized for requiring too few concessions from Israel.
The Ambassador to Israel under Trump stated that "that Israel “does not have to wait” to annex settlements in the West Bank and Jordan Valley."
Trump said that during the last debate about Palestine and Biden: "Actually, Israel is the one [that wants to keep going], and you should let them go and let them finish the job. He [Biden] doesn’t want to do it. He's become like a Palestinian but they don't like him because he's a very bad Palestinian. He's a weak one."
This is the man you want to vote into the White House? The one who wants to let Israel "finish the job"?
Obligatory friend tag (sorry y'all, describing-things claims I want to hide from my friends by using asks): @reboot-the-dog @kerri-the-skunk @catboybeebop @autistimnerdis @i-love-linux-and-reject-gender @nyateisback @vampire-bat-boy @whyredzero @yourlocalnerd07 @ill-steal-your-tea @martinwithagun @fluffylandshark
so you would Literally have voted for Hitler if this election were taking place in Germany in 1933 instead of the United States in 2024. Ok. Thanks for that info.
Why do you think admitting that is helping you prove you're not a white supremacist fascist.
So at any point are you gonna stop insiting that it's good and moral to sacrifice Palestinians for the sake of privileged white people in a country you've literally just admitted you're not even in?
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[Image description start. The three panel, “Do you think Margaret Thatcher had girl power” meme, now edited so that the first panel shows the TV host asking: “Do you think you are protecting democracy by voting blue no matter who?” The second panel shows someone responding, “Yes, of course.” Panel 3 has the TV host asking, “Do you think you are protecting democracy by announcing to all politicians who will ever exist from now on that they can commit as many genocides as they want and they’ll still get elected because you literally don’t care what they do as long as they don’t do it to you?”. Image description end.]
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