#blue and pink combo they are unstoppable
ehiiehn · 1 year
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a BeBe icon to match my Rubi one !
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tellmmorg · 2 years
Natural lip colors for black women
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Natural lip colors for black women skin#
Natural lip colors for black women full#
The fun thing about the ombre effect as it relates to lip color is there are so many different lip liner, lipstick and lip gloss colors that you can use to blend together. Blue and purple ombre lips Blue and purple ombre lips/ via The dark eye is smoldering and the pink lip is inviting. This is another wonderful nighttime date look. Dark eye and light lip Dark eye and light lip/ via
Natural lip colors for black women skin#
Silver metallic eyeshadow is beautiful on brown skin and magnificent complement to brown eyes as well. But when you’re looking for a “makeup face” for the summer season, it’s a color combo that’s truly hard to beat. You might not have ever thought to put pink and green together. Green eyes and pink lips Green eyes and pink lips/ via It will have a way of making your face gleam and sparkle like the stars. But if you’d like our humble opinion, our recommendation is during the evening hours. So where would you wear a silver metallic lip? If you pride yourself in being a super confident woman, you can wear it pretty much anywhere. Metallic silver lips Metallic silver lips/ via If you’re a black woman, so will you if you decide to take the “less is more” route. This season when it comes to makeup, the nude face is getting quite a bit of attention. Full lips are unstoppable in a matte violet lip stain. Violet is a popular color for clothing and cosmetics right now. Smoky eye Smoky eye/ viaįor nights out on the town, brown (or even hazel) eyes are so mysterious and alluring with the help of a smoky eye. One way to showcase them is with a classic red lip color.
Natural lip colors for black women full#
Classic red lip Classic red lip/ viaĪ lot of black women have naturally beautiful full lips. So, whether you are a black woman, you’re a make-up artist who works with black women or you have a friend you’d like to pick up a few cosmetics for as a gift, here are some colors that will create extreme radiance. Yet as with women of all ethnicities, there are some colors that are more complementary than others. The variety of skin tones, plus the full yet distinctive features make it possible for her to wear a variety of different makeup colors in a myriad of ways. There are so many things that make a black woman’s face so beautiful.
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asksubmas · 3 years
gotta ask, what's your headcanons for the submas twins, mun?
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Hello! I decided to whip up a quick ref for this, because there's kinda a lot going on!
Transmasc (top surgery and ovariectomy, a couple years in T)
Albino. This gives them photosensitive eyes and very delicate skin. This is why they are always wearing the big coats, hats, and enjoy the subways. It was really the best train-related job when sunlight is your enemy.
ADHD + Autism. I could make a whole post explaining this, but in sure it'll come through clearly through my asks! At least, I hope it will ^^; writing from experience hah
They are mirror twins! Which means they are identical, but flipped. I was silly and labeled them wrong. Emmet is the left-handed one and Ingo is the right-handed one.
Also take an eye reference. Their eyes are very clear. Depending on the lighting they can look purple, pink, blue, or gray. Because of these usual outfits, they are usually gray.
26 (Pre-PLA)
Emmet is intense and blunt. He is either scripting his speeches or has NO filter. Seen as intimidating and persistent. NEEDS to deliver the safety speech. Unstoppable force.
Ingo is loud and enthusiastic. While he does not express emotion on his face much, he conveys it clearly through his tone and body language. Keeps his brother in line so he doesn't essentially maul players with his desire to battle. He also spends a lot of his free time studying battle strategies and combos. He likes to stay prepared for anything. Immovable object.
27 (PLA)
Emmet, refusing to believe something bad has happened to his MIA brother, starts to get a little unhinged. He has his villain arc. At first he tried to do all the work on the subway by himself, but this wore him down quickly and he became burnt out and jaded. Their friends, especially Elesa, were very worried for him.
Quieter, somewhat distant. Very kind and noble. Basically just PLA Ingo.
28 (Post-PLA)
Emmet, reunited with his brother, has calmed down a lot. Very tired, but truely happy again.
Culture shock. Has to relearn how to live in modern society. Still doesn't remember everything, but his memory is steadily coming back.
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secret-engima · 5 years
Okay, so there have been a lot of galahdian reactions to various colors across your various stories, and I know you've mentioned a Galahdian Color Code. Do you mind sharing or does that fall under spoilers?
... No? Not under spoilers I just like to hoard some bits of my world building. I mean, people are free to be inspired by it an in some cases use it ‘cause I can’t exactly stop them and its fun to inspire people but like- I dislike the thought of my world building being used without crediting me cause I’m really proud of it and worked really hard on it and stuff but- gffhgfd it’ll come out anyway so I guess?
Black - Undaunted. Not courage but something fearless and wild, by itself can bear connotations of callousness but when combined when other colors means determined and fearless.
Blue - Protection. Of others, self or ideals.
Purple - Loyalty. To the death and beyond, there is a reason the Kingsglaive wear black and with traces of purple, because they fight for Hearth and Home and in this they are unshakably loyal and unquestionably fearless.
Green - Watchfulness, not necessarily caution but it can be. More of the alertness that is needed to survive the green jungles. It also blends in in said jungles.
Red - Wrath. This is the color traditionally associated with War and the more vibrant the red the more you lean toward just screaming fury. Dull scarlet like what Titus wears speaks of a simmering, controlled Wrath that lingers for years and slowly eats away the target of said fury until nothing is left but ash.
Pink - Poison. Negative associations like woo. Pale pink indicates someone who cunning in their poison, someone who uses it for a good cause, the brighter the pink the more negative the connotation tho. It can also be seen as the color of treason. Traitors are often forced to wear it before they die.
White - Purity, but not the good kind. This is the kind of purity that comes from razing the world to the ground and standing in amid the floating ashes as the last of your kind, alone and abandoned and scrubbed clean of all you once knew. None of Galahd understand why Lucians wear this on their wedding days.
Orange - Freedom. Like the dawn over the ocean waves, a mix of yellow and red that means you are unstoppable.
Yellow/gold - Love. Different shades of yellow can indicate romantic, familial or friendship love.
All the shades of those colors all have different connotations and color combos can drastically change the meanings (tip- to NOT put pink and yellow together, you will be stabbed on sight) and there are other colors I don’t think I’ve categorized yet but those are what I have so far.
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Cloudchaser and Flitter Spoil: Defenders of Equestria
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Yeah, she was at Sugar Cube Corner drowning herself in a Super Special Sundae ranting something like “no way those could be real.” She seemed real angry.
Oh no. I hope nothing serious happened.
I tried talking to her about it, but she just glared at me until I left...
Well, maybe she just needs to calm down a little bit until whatever’s troubling her blows over? Hope she feels better soon…
In the meantime, we’ve got something awesome today! Spoilers!
Spoilers? We do? Awesome! Tell me all about them!
Hehe, I haven’t looked at them yet myself yet. I was waiting for you so we could show them to everypony together! That way everypony would see them for the first time ever at the same time!
Oh, yeah. That makes sense.
Hi everypony! We’ve got some Defenders of Equestria spoilers for you all today! I’m sure they’ll be amazing too!
Like always.
Didn’t you say you had one spoiler that you thought would be good but wound up being pretty bad?
Okay, like almost always.
Now if you’re done teasing me, howabout showing everypony some spoilers.
Oh, I’m never done teasing you.
But we should probably showcase the spoilers anyway. Here’s yours.
Alright! Let’s take a look at our first spoiler for the day.
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Huh. For some reason I was expecting something… splashier.
Still very good, though, wow.
Cider, cider, cider, cider, cider, cider!
The flavour text, silly! It just makes you want to chant.
Cider, cider, cider, cider, cider, cider!
Anyway, I’m more concerned with the actual text. Borrowing friends is usually pretty good, and this only costs you 1 AT and 2 req. Compared to Hoops, that’s actually a good deal.
Sure, you only get 1 power, instead of 2, and you lose out on the chaos text... But these two let you borrow a friend from anywhere, not just the problem you play them to like Hoops does. And with both the req and cost halved, the fact that you only get half as much power isn’t as big a deal.
I bet they’ll be especially fun if you pair them up with Minuette: Schadenfruede or something, since she can retire the friend you borrow and these two for nice profit.
Don’t you mean triple them up since they’re already a pair?
Yeah, I like ‘em. Good effect for the cost, and you get a friend attached to it too. And cheap req. Not as good as Sonata Dusk, but still very good.
Little concerned that they’re common, though. Expect to see a lot of these at the prerelease, wow.
My turn! My turn! Let’s see what we’ve got!
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Hehe, together again!
And this time your name comes first.
Huh, yeah. Weird. You’d think they’d both be named the same way.
By Celestia, look, Cici!
Huh? What’s wrong?
Oh I love it! It’s perfect!
What? The ability?
No, silly!
The flavour text! It’s perfect! It describes us so well.
I am going to get as many of these as I can, I love it!
Heh, okay, yeah. That is pretty sweet.
We do make a good team, don’t we?
The best!
Anyway, now that you’re done freaking out about the flavour text—
You mean the bestest flavour text ever!
Maybe it’s time to actually talk about what we do?
Oh, that’s easy.
We do 2 of everything.
2 AT, 2 power, 2 req of 2 colours, calming 2, and move when someone else with 2 or less power moves.
Not to mention we’re two pegasi, hehe. And the “two” in the subtitle.
Huh, yeah. That is a lot of 2s.
We’re twobular!
No. No we are not.
It’s the twooth and you know it.
Please stop.
Aww, Cici…
We need to work on your attitwode!
I hate you.
No you don’t. We’re the bestest team ever, remember?
Anyway, let’s actually talk about the ability, okay?
Moving for free is generally pretty good, and Blue and Yellow tend to have a lot of small friends to move, some with their own great movement abilities. Like Wildfire, or anything with Swift. So you can get a lot of mileage out of these.
Though I’m a little worried that having two of these lets you move them both as many times as you like. That’s just asking to be used in some combo or another. But, uh, I have no idea what.
Hehe, well it makes sense, Cici.
If one team of us is amazing, then two teams of us should be unstoppable!
Okay, you got me there.
The weirdest part to me, though, is you don’t have to move another one of your characters. If you move an opponent’s 2 power character, with a Frozen in Magicite for example, you can move us too. That feels weird.
Huh. That is weird.
Maybe it was an oversight in wording or something? Guess we’ll have to see when the actual card comes out, and not this fake one.
But yeah, we’re a pretty sweet card!
The only thing weird about it is why put us on it? You’re usually Pink.
I’ve been Yellow before.
Flitter: Sitter. Got a critter? Just had a litter? Don’t be bitter. Hire Flitter! The bestest sitter!
Should you really be advertising your foal and pet sitting side business while we’re doing this?
Hey, it never hurts to advertise.
Still weird, though… Pink is usually the colour of “having fun” isn’t it? And that’s what the flavor text mentions…
Any colour can have fun, silly!
Stop overanalyzing it. You like the card remember?
Yeah, I do.
Then don’t worry about it!
Oh Cici, I almost forgot!
there’s a note in here too! It says that there are a lot of cards with two ponies on them in this set.
That’s pretty neat, don’t you think, Cici? Lots of besties get to be shown together having fun!
Yeah, that’s a neat idea. Wonder if that has any mechanical purpose, or if it’s just flavour. Either way, it’s a nice touch.
The best!
Anyway, both of these cards are pretty awesome. I’m glad we got to show them off to everypony. Makes me excited for the new set.
Yes! I need to collect all of the besties!
So I guess that’s all for now. Later, everypony.
Bye! Hope you enjoyed the tworrific spoilers!
Oh come on, that’s too much of a stretch,
I guess it was pretty tworible.
Walking away…
I guess that’s fair. We already finished twotoring everypony about these spoilers.
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mondkendrick · 6 years
Meet Blithe. She’s an excellent new pop entity
Blithe Saxon’s single Mission came out this week, and jolly good it is too. The song first made its way to Popjustice alongside the rest of the tracks that will probably form her debut EP, and there’s some big stuff on its way.
What most stood out from listening to the new tracks was just how much personality seemed to be tumbling out of the songs. Blithe seemed like a new popstar worth getting to know.
So a few weeks ago we met in London for a fact finding mission disguised as lunch. An interview, is how some people would describe the whole scenario.
Here’s what was unearthed.
Blithe says she sounds contemporary and relatable and “very pop but with a dark undertone and a soulful influence” which, well, is the same as everyone else, but Blithe does do it very well. “The subject matters can be hard hitting but the music sounds quite fun,” she continues, explaining that artists she would be happy to see on the ‘Fans Also Like’ section of her Spotify profile include Billie Eilish, Troye Sivan, Khalid, Rihanna, Camila Cabello and Bebe Rexha.
Blithe’s first concert involved seeing Beyoncé, with her mum, in 2007. “The concert that changed me was Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream tour when I was 14: I elbowed my way to the front and cried my eyes out. I knew I wanted my pop career to look something like that — a spectacle, and beautiful, and amazing. I’d never seen anything like it in my life. It really changed me.”
Blithe grew up in Rugby. Her dad (“an arsehole … I don’t care if we’re related or not”) is out of the picture but Blithe’s mum brought her up on Mariah, garage, and mixtape CDs she got off her mates. “She’s super independent,” Blithe says. “She was piss-poor and moved from Coventry to Rugby with nothing, but she worked her arse off and eventually started managing cafés and restaurants. She’s the most inspiring person ever.”
Blithe’s releasing her music independently, which is what a lot of artists say when actually they’re secretly signed to a big record label, or are about to be. “It’s really independent!” is her comment on that. “I don’t think I do anything the right way, or how other people perceive I should do it,” she adds, saying that she’s using her independence to “release what I want when I want, and choose my team, and who’s involved.” So there you go. We’re saying Polydor by Feb.
Her Instagram feed 1 reveals that, yes, she’s been to LA, and, yes, she’s had a photo taken at the pink Paul Smith wall. The pink wall is strange, isn’t it? If Paul Smith had tried to create something Instagrammable it probably would have sunk without a trace, but simply painting a wall pink became something unstoppable. WHAT, ONE WONDERS, will be Blithe’s ‘pink wall’ — the thing about her persona that future fans obsess over? “I tried to manufacture things early on and I realised it’s so secondary,” she says. “Early on I really wanted that manufactured thing: I wanted to be perfect, I wanted it to be ‘oh my God she doesn’t do anything wrong’. I’ve scaled all that back and I’m trying to focus on what’s primary to what I’m doing: making music I like that hopefully other people will like. Everything else will come naturally. I’m still on an artistic journey and there’ll come a point where there’s a ‘thing’ I do, I’m sure, but I’m not there yet and I don’t have the energy to focus on that now.”
Sainsbury’s is Blithe’s supermarket of choice. She likes contactless payments. She is not collecting Lego cards, she does not have a Nectar card and no she does not want a receipt. “They do ask you a lot of questions,” she says, and she is right.
We all like an honest popstar, don’t we? But there are shades of grey here. Take Lily Allen and Jesy from Little Mix: both are straightforward people, but at the end of the day only Lily would be likely to tweet that they’d shat themselves. “There’s stuff I’m not ready to talk about,” Blithe says, mysteriously. “I’m not sure yet what it’s appropriate for people to know.” Is some of this stuff already in her songs, if we look hard enough? “Probably,” she laughs. “I’m more on the Lily Allen and Cardi B end of the spectrum than, say, Jesy from Little Mix, but I’m not totally unfiltered.”
In her first flat in London, when she was 16, she and her friends threw stuff off the balcony and accidentally hit a police officer. She didn’t get arrested, but she did have a ‘run in’ with ‘the law’ on another occasion, for WHAT SHE SAYS was being on the receiving end of a fight. “The police were nice actually,” she remembers. “They gave me a Vogue magazine and extra blankets in my cell and the police officer complimented my mugshot, but I didn’t get to keep a copy.”
Blithe’s worked in a lot of London nightclubs. She has, for example, worked on the door at atrocious venues like Mahiki. This leads to the inevitable question: how many ex-members of Blue has she encountered? The answer is: two.
If some of this is starting to sound slightly familiar, read on!!!
Blithe went to Sylvia Young’s school and was in the same year as Dua Lipa. Blithe was only a part time student at Sylvia’s — it’s not as expensive as the full-time option, and she used to catch the train down each week. “I made friends with the teachers and used to sneak into the adult classes,” she adds. “We couldn’t afford to pay for them. Sometimes you’ve just got to find other ways in haven’t you?”
A spell at Sylvia Young’s usually results in hilarious TV ads and appearances in Holby City. Blithe insists none of these exist but she did get some panto work, including Cinderella in Coventry. “It was my first paid performing job and I got fired on the spot for spending too long on my phone and bad time keeping,” she remembers. “I was young. It hurt at the time but then I was like, ‘oh fuck you’. They still paid me and I got Christmas off.”
She admits that things on the panto and theatre school scene probably weren’t helped by the fact that she would turn up “with a nose ring, highlights, tiny shorts with my bum hanging out, and biker boots”. Why did she wear that stuff for a panto? “I didn’t really care,” Blithe decides. “I felt comfortable like that. My singing teacher would make a remark every time but I was like, ‘send me home, except you can’t send me home because I’ve paid to be here’.” So why was it so important for Blithe to challenge authority? Was she wearing all that stuff because she wanted to, or because she knew teachers didn’t want her to? “I think I challenge everything I can,” she sats. “But it was an insecurity thing. I knew subconsciously that those things would bring me attention. Maybe not the most positive attention. But now it’s part of my being. If I tried to contain it I couldn’t.”
But things are better now, right‽ “I get fired a lot,” she admits, when she talks about occasional stints working in clubs. “I don’t really like authority or being told what to do or being treated ‘less than’, and I’ll tell people when that happens, which people aren’t a fan of.” An example, if you please? “Someone will say, ‘Blithe, can you do this thing?’, and I’ll say no, then I’ll go out for a cigarette for half an hour, and then I’ll get fired.” Right. “The last place I got fired from, I called my boss an arsehole. Actually it might have been cunt.” Who among us, etc etc etc.
Blithe believes we should all embrace each other for who we really are rather than some nebulous idea of of perfection. But what about the social media arseholes who ‘really are’ a load of bellends making lives miserable? And what if we think we might be psychopaths or something? “Well, don’t hurt anyone,” Blithe clarifies. “I’m a bit rough round the edges at times — I can be outspoken and trying to hold that in gave me anxiety. I hate being ‘nice’ and forgettable. I’d rather be remarkable, when it comes naturally to me. I don’t want people to walk away and go, ‘what’s her name again?’”
You can tell a lot about someone by how they respond to the question “have you ever fallen in a hole?” In this instance Blithe’s immediate response is to ask whether this relates to “k-hole or pothole?”; she has fallen in neither, she says. When asked what holes she has been in her response is: “Vaginal?”
And that, ladies and gentlemen, feels like an appropriate spot to bring this trot around the paddock of Blithe to an end. There is more to Blithe than meets the eye and there’s presumably more to Blithe than she’s letting on, but in summary:
Blithe is a good popstar.
Blithe makes good pop music.
And that’s just the ideal combo really isn’t it?
. Blithe’s Mission is out now, there’s an EP on its way and she’s all over ‘the socials’.
Note: this feed has undergone an EXTREME tidy up since we spoke, ie she basically deleted everything↩
from Popjustice https://ift.tt/2OMRiTW
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