#blows my mind how some of the smartest kids i grew up with ended up this way...
pale-cheezit · 1 year
Ill never forget the night of the 2016 election, my good friend from high school who went off to college and became a deranged socialist, went insane on Instagram posting like 6 different pictures of hillary clinton with captions like "my girl is gonna be the president in less than 8 hours!!!" "Im so proud of this queen!!" "This is MY president" "i cant believe we are about to have our first woman president!" and then hillary lost and she had to quietly delete all those pictures lmfaooooo
I cant remember what happened next, pretty sure i ended up unfollowing her around that time cuz she was insufferable and wouldnt sstop saying the dumbest shit you could ever imagine, and on top of that she was always cocky and self righteous about how intelligent and original she was. This person was our class president senior year of high school by the way🤡 lmaoooo
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hnychn · 3 years
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sypnosis : life with your five lovers has been more than fulfilling, but when you're paired with a student from general studies for a project, your quintet seems a little less full
word count : 4000+
warnings : mutual pining, gender neutral reader, relationship insecurities, bakugo tries but. . .it doesn't go as well as he planned, grammar errors and spelling errors, it's . . . a long one, a bit rushed at the end so uhh pls don't mind that :)
parts : [ 𝐈 ] [ 𝐈𝐈 ] [ 𝐈𝐈𝐈 ]
a/n : so sorry for the long wait LMAO- i know i said my bokuto fic would be coming out today but uhhh ahaha my depression hit me full force this weekend and i didn't even look at the dock because i was too busy sleeping, but uhh enjoy this :D
↩︎ back to student masterlist | main mha masterlist
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- WELCOME TO PART THREE sorry for the log wait 😭 life has been kicking my ass but we're not here to hear me complain, we're here for the tea
- so, it's a couple months after you joined the bakusquad and their relationship. and let me tell you, it has been nothing but amazing. 😩 your days are never quiet and they're always filled with some sort of excitement and love.
- you kaminari and mina often get into trouble for leaving the dorms late at night because you want snacks and there's nothing in the kitchens. you become kirishima's pillow, don't matter about your size or whatever, you are his pillow and you better not argue 🔫 sero always puts on some type of bachata or reggaeton or some spanish song and dances with you in his dorms. and bakugo is your go to person to cook with and just generally annoy or prank since it's so easy to get a reaction out of him.
- and you couldn't have asked for a better relationship. you all are so communicative and talk about your feelings often and how you're doing. every saturday or sunday, you all go to a dorm (usually it's bakugo's cause it's the cleanest) and have a huge cuddle pile and talk about your mental states, how you're doing, what you have problems with, etc etc.
- like damn ok i see you with the mentally and emotionally stable relationship 🤪🤪
- it's so refreshing too because sometimes you'll have a tough week and you jsut need to let it all out, and you can in the comfort of bakugo's dorm and you know none of them will judge you because they're all so open about their love for you (and vise versa)
- anyways, yeah y'all got the best relationship
- you never thought about anyone else in a romantic sense because the squad took up nearly all of the space in your heart. but when you teacher announced one day the general studies kids would be coming in to have a joint project to create gadgets for the hero course students, you had no idea your life would suddenly be turned upsidedown.
- you were paired with a guy named shinsou. he looked friendly enough and returned the wave you sent him with a little surprise as he made his way to the open seat next to you. he seemed surprised when you started a small conversation but he talked to you in a quiet soothing voice. he seemed nice enough and you figured the project would be a breeze since he seemed so nice and offered to meet up over the weekend to start up some ideas for the project.
- you agreed and the two of you met up that lunch period in the library to pre-draft some ideas and get to know each other more.
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"i'm surprised you don't mind being seen with me."
his sudden comment took you by surprise as you looked up from your paper with messily drawn gadgets and chicken scratch writing to look up at him, "what do you mean?"
it was true you had never seen him before or even heard of him, but his hesitance to talk to you and open up to you made you feel as though you should.
shinsou rubbed the back of his neck and looked away shyly, "so you really haven't heard anything about me, have you?"
he looked almost guilty to bring it up, his gaze falling to the table in front of him as be played with a strand of his hair.
you shook your head. you never really payed attention to gossip around school, your head always too high up in the clouds to care about rumors and gossip (bakugo often scolded you for being such an airhead and ignorant to your surroundings, but you knew he was just worried about something happening to you). plus, to you, gossip was nearly never right and more often made up and fictitious.
shinsou refused to look up at you, "well. . .i'm known throughout the school as a. . ." he looked hesitant to continue but before you could reassure him he didn't have to talk about it if he didn't want to, he continued, "well, a villain."
he prised his lips as if the words left a bitter taste in his mouth, and all you could do was tilt your head. shinsou didn't seem like a bad person - or a 'villain' as he had said. on the way to the library he held open doors for you and helped you carry some of your books to your locker and even bought you a drink you wanted buy but were a bit short of change on.
"do you think you are?"
"what?" shinsou looked at you for the first time since he brought up the topic.
"do you think you're a villain?" he shuffled slightly in his seat and looked away again from your intense stare. he felt like you were looking straight into his soul from how strongly you were looking into his eyes, he wasn't sure if you had even blinked in the last minute.
shinsou thought back to all the times he's been called a villain or a criminal. it was always unwarranted, a passing comment that seemed like no big deal to others but shattered his heart into smaller and smaller pieces. but never once had he ever thought he was a villain - a monster.
if anything, he used those comments as encouragement to become a hero, to be better than those who always thought he would turn to a life of crime. so, "no... i don't think i'm a villain."
"well, that's that."
shinsou could only stare at you, your smile brighter than any star he'd ever seen, so full of hope and encouragement shinsou felt like he could take on the world. he looked away and rubbed the back of his neck, a shy smile pulling at his lips and a weird feeling blossoming in his chest. how curious. . .
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- so yeah, a new friendship 🤪 the two of you started to spend a lot of free time together for the project. you would often meet up during lunches or free time between classes to work some more on the project, all the while getting to know each other in depth. you learned many things about shinsou and spilled many of your own secrets, you laughed together over old childhood stories, and played animal crossing on the rooftop during lunch, your project discarded and forgotten beside you.
- your sudden absence didn't go unnoticed by your lovers, and they grew curious to your whereabouts when you would blow them off for the fifth time that week to "work on your project". now, don't get me wrong, they had conplete trust in you and knew you would never cheat, but they were just curious as to what - or who - was taking up so much of your time.
- so, they did the smartest thing, and followed you. after blowing them off for the sixth time, they decided to follow you to your destination. mina and kaminari tried to be inconspicuous and wear disguises, but the fake mustache, black glasses (indoors, might i add) and hat weren't all too discreet as they thought.
- they followed you through every turn and weave you took and hid behind a corner when you stopped at a vending machine to get your favourite drink. but what surprised them the most was you also bought a coffee. bakugo was most surprised you even thought about even touching the can of caffine because he remembered you telling him you would get terrible caffine rushes that would make you dizzy if you drank coffee.
- but, as you finally reached the rooftop and made your way to a hunched over figure in the corner, it all made sense.
- they all saw how effortlessly you and shinsou acted around each other. they could see the soft looks he would send you when you weren't looking and the way his hand would hover over yours for a split second too long before snapping away as if you were made of lava. but surprisingly, they didn't feel any sort of jealousy or anger, it felt like a piece of them had returned they didn't even know was missing. the sort of feeling that walks through the door unexpectedly but it's wholesomely welcomed.
- the "oh, there you are, welcome back" type of feeling. they were happy you had found someone that made you feel comfortable, arguably more comfortable than you had been with them so far because truthfully, while you had felt welcomed and appreciated in the relationship, it still felt like you were an outsider. the five of them had inside jokes before you came and didn't get them when they came up, the five of them had habits special to each other that inadvertently excluded you. and while they never meant to hurt you (god knows that's the last thing they ever wanted to do), they had. but you knew that wasn't their intention so you held no malitious feelings towards them (not that you think you'd ever could).
- but the way you and shinsou so effortlessly opened up to each other, shared intimate details and secrets with each other - it warmed their hearts. so, bakugo grabbed them all by the back of their shirts and dragged them away, mumbling about giving the two of you space. there was a fond look in his eyes as he looked at the two of you he would be teased about later but would deny.
- it was undeniable bakugo held the softest spot for you. he tried as best as he could to include you in their inside jokes and habits but he was. . well . . . bakugo 🧍🏽‍♀️
- words aren't necessarily his strong suit and he could only hope his smaller actions let you know you were as loved and cherished as any of them there. and you knew, you caught on a little after bakugo had a little "secret talk" with the group (that wasn't really secret at all, he grabbed them all by their shirts and dragged them to a secluded spot while you distracted on your phone) and they all started to explain their jokes and include you in their habits.
- anyways, back to you and shinsou. 🤪 he was aware you were in a ployamorous relationship with the bakusquad and he's heard the way you talk about them and the soft airy tone of your voice and the starry look in your eyes; and he didn't want to get in between that. the last thing he ever wanted was to ruin your relationship for his own selfish reasons.
- so for the time being, he would be okay with watching you from afar, the sweetness of your love so close for him to taste; yet too far for him to savour.
- as more and more times passed, the bakusquad began to notice the lingering looks you would give shinsou when you passed him in the halls and how he would always be waiting for you outside of your class with your favourite drink before leaving you to go to lunch while he went off and . . . well, you weren't sure what he did during his free time, but he never brought it up so you never figured to ask.
- when you fell asleep the next time you all had a cuddle session in bakugo's room, they all talked about it. talked about your obvious feelings for each other and the possibility of including shinsou in their relationship. they spent hours talking about it and still talked about it even when the moon vanished over the horizon and the sun rose. and, in not very smart fashion, bakugo was tasked to confronting shinsou about their conclusion.
- which - almost as if there were an author behind all of this - didn't go as well as any of them planned.
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it was perfect, really. almost as if the universe had been listening to their conversation and aligned itself perfectly for this very moment.
you woke up that morning with a terrible stomach ache and chose to stay back in your dorm after bakugo made you a bowl of soup and threatened you to take your medicine. his classes ended a little earlier than usual and, sending his lover's a nod, made his way over to your class, where, lo and behold, shinsou was standing near the door, the familiar brand of your favourite drink in one hand and his own cold coffee in the other.
bakugo wasn't sure what he was going to say when he reached shinsou. he opted to just speak from the heart over rehearsing lines with the others like they had wanted, besides, what kind of lover would be be if he couldn't even do this for you? but, what he didn't take into consideration, was his emotional constipation and tsundere attidute.
"hey, eye bags!" bakugo called out.
shinsou nearly jumped out of his skin at bakugo's sudden loud voice. he looked over with the same eyes of indifference he normally had, but bakugo could see the slight far in them. not at his brash attitude (shinsou could never be afriad of bakugo and confronting him before the sports fesitval was a perfect example of that) but the fear of ruining your relationship with the bakusquad.
shinsou nodded at bakugo when he got close enough. bakugo stood in front of him, his hands still shoved into the pockets of his pants, "they're sick."
it was a simple enough statement but shinsou blinked, "what?"
"y/n." bakugo stated and rolled his eyes as if the answer had been written on his forehead (and it basically had, shinsou was just a bit shocked at his appearance), "they're sick and mina's staying back with them in their dorm."
shinsou rubbed the back of his neck, "oh."
there was an awkward silence as the two boys stood in the vacant hallway. bakugo didn't know what to say and shinsou wasn't sure if he should leave or go visit you for their lunch break.
"i'll go drop this off to them-"
"no." bakugo practically growled, "i'll drop it off. go get eat your lunch or i'll make your face an eye bag."
shinsou flushed a bit in embarrassment. he was overstepping, of course he was. for a minute, having you all to himself for nearly a week straight made him forget about the relationship you were in and this was a smack of reality. you weren't his. you were in a relationship with others, other people who could give you nearly double what he could - everything he couldn't.
handing bakugo the drink, shinsou stalked away to the cafeteria, his cheeks still a light shade of pink. bakugo sighed and knew he most likely made things worse, and he came there originally to make things right.
but fate will work itself out. and what will be, will be.
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- so... maybe sending bakugo wasn't the best idea ... 🧍🏽‍♀️
- because now, shinsou started avoiding you. when the two for you worked on your projects together, he would remain mostly silent and only input his opinion when he thought of an idea or needed help putting something together. you had no idea why and you honestly felt a little hurt that he ignored you as easily as breathing.
- you brought this up to your lovers on your weekly cuddle session, knowing they would have brought up your downpour attitude either way. what you didn't notice as your face was burried in denki's sweater were the glares they all were throwing at bakugo.
- "yeah, i wonder what happened..." sero smiled, though obviously strained, as he pet your head and told you shinsou was probably just going through something.
- and it was obvious you were hurt that shinsou had suddenly stopped talking to you because honestly it was kind of hard for you to make friends. a lot of people assumed you thought you were higher than everyone else because you were dating five students from the top hero course, but that obviously is far from the truth.
- anyways, a long time goes by and the two of you still haven't rekindled anything and the squad is getting a bit frustrated because hello??? join our cult lover circle ?????
- so the squad comes up with another solution and this time they don't send bakugo to collect shinsou
- they learned their mistake last time.
- anyways
- so sero goes and gets shinsou and tells him you need him for a little last touch of the project since it was near the due date and you wanted to make sure it was perfect. and shinsou agrees to meet up with you and follows sero.
- sero takes him into an empty classroom and it's pitch black. the windows have been covered with tape and all the lights are off. before he could ask what the hell was going on, the door slams shut and the lights suddenly turn on and shinsou's blinded for a moment.
- and he's met with a very interesting sight.
- mina, kaminari, and kirishima are standing in front of him with sunglasses and hats on, their arms are crossed and they have a blank look on their faces (though he can tell kaminari is about to burst into laughter and nearly does but kirishima jabs him in his side.)
- "uhh..."
- "shut up, eye bags." bakugo calls from behind him. he's leaning against the door with his arms crossed and an obviously pissed off look on his face.
- sero is just standing next to him with a 'sorry pal' kind of smile.
- "what is-"
- "what are your intentions with, y/n?" kaminari shouted suddenly as he slammed his hand on a nearby desk.
- "denki- no." mina pushed him back lightly, "that's not what-"
- "did you not listen last night, sparky?" bakugo rolled his eyes and scoffed lightly.
- kaminari shyly scratched his cheek, "i might have fellen asleep-"
- "he did." sero confirmed, "he drooled on me and everything.
- "I do not drool!!"
- "yes you do, it was like a waterfall, 'ki. "
- "no i don't, right kiri?"
- "well.. only a few drops.."
- "WHAT?! and none of you told me?!"
- "well, y/n kind of made us promise not to tell..."
- "SPEAKING OF Y/N," mina interjected into the conversation, her fingers rubbing at her temples as she wondered when she became the rational one, that was bakugo's job, "why don't we stick to the script, boys."
- kirishima slung an arm over her shoulder and pressed a kiss to her cheek, "sorry, princess."
- "right." sero turned to shinsou and crossed his arms, "you have feelings for them don't you?"
- shinsou tensed. his mind was still trying to comprehend the conversation that happened just a few seconds ago and processing the fact that kaminari drools in his sleep. he wasn't sure how to respond.
- of course he had feelings for you, any rational person who came into contact with you would catch feelings. it was part of your natural charm that seemed to effortlessly draw people in and never let them go. in a matter of minutes, you had simultaneously become his best friend and his closest confidant. often at night he cursed himself for catching feelings for you when things were perfect just the way they were.
- but shinsou couldn't help it. you had treated him like a normal person and weren't apprehensive about his quirk. you gave him a taste of normalcy in his world of anxieties and judgement, and he craved more and more the more time he spent with you.
- so dispte wanting to desparately scream 'yes, i do love her' at the top of his lungs, he looked down at the ground, "no. . . i . . i don't."
- "liar."
- bakugo seethed behind him.
- shoving himself off the wall he was leaning on, bakugo walked closer and closer to shinsou as he spoke, "don't lie. we all see the way you look at them, the way your stupid face lights up with a small smile when they're with you or the airy chuckle you give when they do one of those stupid dances when they make food and-"
- "OK OK I GET IT!" shinsou snapped. mina jumped slightly in kirishima's arms and shinsou sent her a small apologetic look, "you know! I'm in love with them! i've been. . ." he trailed off before collapsing into a chair behind him, his head hanging back and staring into the bright flourescent lights hanging from the ceiling.
- "i've been trying to distance myself from them, to make getting over them easier."
- "they've been hurting, y'know."
- shinsou groaned and hid his face in his hands, "i know. you think i don't see the looks they give me when i avoid them in the halls? it hurts knowing i'm the reason they're in pain."
- "so why are you doing it?"
- "because they have you guys," shinsou sighed as it if we're the most obvious thing in the world, "you all could love them a lot more than i ever could alone. plus, they're so happy with you, i couldn't be the reason to disturb that."
- "you gotta be fucking kidding me." bakugo growled and pinched the bridge of his nose.
- kaminari snorted, "i think i just got deja vu."
- "you could say that again," mina sighed, "i'm heading back to the dorms, this is giving me a headache."
- with his arm still slung over her shoulder, kirishima agreed, "yeah, not sure how we didn't see this from the beginning. i'll walk you back, princess."
- shinsou only stared blankly as mina and kirishima left the room with kaminari in tow, complaining about getting some math work done. never in his life did he feel as confused as he did now
- lost. mans was lost..
- someone get him a map and help him please
- they acted as if they hadn't been the ones to literally kidnap him
- only to nonchalantly walk out the door?????
- sero's voice snapped him back to the remaining two people in the room, "you two really are a match made in heaven." sero smiled at him and shinsou felt head rise in his cheeks, whether it be from embarassment or something else, he didn't know.
- "i'll see you two around" and then he left, leaving shinsou alone with bakugo, who had yet to realease the bridge of his nose from his pinch.
- "you're both a pair of dumbasses."
- "i'm offended-"
- "y/n said the same fucking thing when we confronted them."
- shinsou stayed silent.
- "they felt like their presence would ruin the routine we had set a long time ago when we first started our relationship. . . sound familiar?"
- shinsou rubbed the back of his neck and opened his mouth to speak, but bakugo interrupted.
- "shut up, eye bags, i'm not finished."
- "i dIdNt eVEn sAy aNyTHiNg"
- "sure there were some things we had to adjust to include them in our schedule and a whole new bundle of emotions to incorporate into our lives; but the while point of a relationship is to open up slowly and learn to trust the ones you love. and eventually, we all learned to trust them the same way they learned to trust us; but trust isn't something you can learn over night. it's gradual."
- bakugo sighed, how in the hell did he get stuck in this situation again. at the very least no one got injured this time, "what I'm trying to say is, if y/n makes you happy, then we're all willing to let you in our relationship and put our trust in you.
- "will you put your trust in us?"
- how dramatic ˙ ͜ʟ˙
- so
- :) shinsou decides, fuck it. i deserve the good things in life, and he puts his trust in the squad the same way they all put their trust in him.
- and they decided it was a good time to surprise you too and kill two birds with one stone :)
- so you walk in to bakugo's dorm after a long day of school. you were returning from turning in your project with shinsou, and while the teacher had given you many compliments and basically secured your A, you still felt a bit sad knowing it would be the last time you would see shinsou since your schedules didn't collide and you had ended on a . . . confusing note.
- so you were just looking to cuddle with your lovers on a Friday night and wallow away in your sadness.
- when you walked in the group had been piled in their natural spots on bakugo's bed. mina was giggling with kaminari as they scrolled through tiktok, bakugo was reading a book you had reccomend to him a while a go, sero and kirishima were softly play fighting as they laughed and chuckled.
- everything was as it should be
- until you got to where your spot usually was, cradled between bakugo's warm and firm chest and mina's plush thighs and stomach, and it was occupied by someone else.
- everyone stopped what they were doing, as they watched a smile pull at your lips when you recognised the disheveled pruple hair lazily sprawled in your spot. everyone watched with bated breath as they waited for your reaction and small smiles of their own shining through as they watched your interaction.
- you lifted your hand and smacked shinsou's knee that had been raised up slightly as one of his arms lay behind his head and the other fiddled with a bracelet around mina's wrist, and his lips pulled into a lazy smirk of his own as he watched you.
- "get up, fat head, you're in my spot."
- his smirk only grew.
- "do something about it, hero."
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12.what headcanon will you keep implementing in your fics, even if canon ends up contradicting it?
Oh there are plenty that I keep on the back burner.
Membrane’s Grandparents were poor and/or farmers. 
I know in the latest issue it showed scientist parents... But I like to think the smartest man in the world had a more humble upbringing and his Dad had a very strong work ethic. 
The only thing I don’t really like about the Scientist parent idea that the comics showed really DOES mean that they KNEW what Uranium 238 was, knew that their son asked for it, and gave him a never-ending avalanche of socks for Christmas anyways and said it was from “Santa”
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Like.... I assume so, Membrane...
Even then, When my parents personally did the Santa thing, Santa would give me the cool gifts, and then the lame gifts like socks were from the parents... 
I can’t help but view the gift of a sock-avalanche from SCIENTIST PARENTS as nothing but an act of mal-intent, even if the issue doesn’t frame it that way.
There’s also the issue of Membrane inheriting Membrane Labs from his parents when their faces are nowhere to be seen if Membrane just took the reigns of an already established company... Sure, maybe his parents made their son the face of their company like some sort of Wendys situation... but Membrane’s ADULT face is what the face of Membrane labs is...  Wouldn’t his parents use his cute child face for a brand? Even if the company had no branding or merch until Membrane took over the company it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
I MUCH PREFER the idea that Membrane built Membrane labs as a company from the ground up based entirely on tenacity, spite and his intelligence. 
The idea that the smartest man in the world just was BORN INTO this lifestyle of science puts a VERY sour taste in my mouth..
ESPECIALLY with the other characters in Invader Zim and in Johnen Vasquez work in general. Characters like Zim and Dib always work hard to get to where they want to be... and I like the idea that Membrane is the RESULT of putting in that hard work, but he completely neglected himself on a social and interpersonal relationship level. 
I’m sure the Scientist parents were meant as a joke to further compare to how Membrane and Dib are alike... and the generational cycle of abuse... and the mean-spirited joke of his parents gifting him socks does fit the IZ world... but I don’t like it.
If his parents were POOR or Farmers, or just didn’t have access to or couldn’t afford Uranium 238, THAT MAKES WAY MORE SENSE to me. 
Then it would seem like his parents did it more as a 
“He won’t ask for anything else.”  or “Naughty children only get socks” thing 
rather than a:
“Yeah, we know exactly what that is and have access to it... but our kid could blow his face off, so have a bunch of socks instead ya gremlin” 
I just like to think Membrane’s childhood was fairly humble, and he was a feral scientist child and really bright and his parents didn’t know how to handle him, and He was an extreme Mama’s boy. Also the Poor upbringing would explain his workaholic tendencies without having the Scientist parents. 
Sorry Eric Trueheart, you can pry “Poor upbringing” Membrane from my cold dead hands.
I will take those character designs and that Grandpa Membrane smoked a pipe though. Those are amazing. 
Zim’s Computer (and all other irken Computers) AI Brains used to be living Irkens before getting culled. 
I made an analysis about it on my old account, but I can’t find it cause Tumblr really screwed up the search engine on that account. But anyways... in two more chapters in Tech Support, we’ll get to find out Computer’s “tragic backstory” (tm) Like that chapter is coming after the current one I’m writing. 
Irken blood is Pink
I don’t care if Dark Green blood makes sense from a biological standpoint... I just need Vaperwave and Cyberpunk auestetics. It’s more of a visual thing.
I think Dib has the potential to grow into a real caring young man if he’s properly nurtured and learns how to grow and I possess a strong dislike “loser” Adult Dib.
I’m sure you know what I mean... Crackhead Adult Dib, Feral Adult Dib, Miserable adult Dib...
Nothing against those Dibs... It’s been shown on the record that Dib having a miserable adult future is probably what Johnen wants for his character. (The doodles and streams I’ve seen Johnen draw of his characters as adults as drug addicts or just working dead-end jobs wasn’t enough) 
I even like asshole kid Dib, and asshole teen Dib, but I really want to believe Dib will mellow out a lot when he gets older and learn how to be considerate. 
Maybe I’m being too unrealistic, and I know there is a MAJOR market for Rat-man Miserable Dib in this fandom... I’ve seen like so many versions of him. But it’s not for me.
I think it’s partially because Dib is exactly how I was as a kid, and I grew up to be a pretty mellow and caring person. (for the most part) 
I just want to see Dib to grow up to be chill and mostly happy. 
Zim is the most defective Irken in the history of the Irken Empire. HOWEVER: By human standards, Zim is fairly average, just neurodivergent. 
I know that I’ve seen some analysis on how Zim, “Almost works” and while I do agree, I still think that Zim is the most defective of his species. 
He’s the only one who caused the Control Brains on Judgementia to go insane and he tends to be a pariah and a liability to everyone around him. Caused the death of two Almighty Tallest and a majority of other things that take place throughout the show, comics and deleted episodes alike. The Comics even mentioned that Zim is completely delusional and has some core memory issues.
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(I’ve never even explained how Zim perceives the Judgementia arc in my au yet simply cause he doesn’t want to talk about or mention it yet... ) 
But a lot of Zim’s issues or “insane”-ness as the Irken empire sees it are fairly Normal issues for humans. Zim is just marked as the “most” defective simply because a lot of his “symptoms” are actually just very normal autistic or borderline/bipolar things. And that’s probably what he’d get diagnosed with by human standards.
Zim just feels things too strongly and has a terrible delusional memory and obsessively lies to himself to try to fit the mold of what a perfect irken soilder should be (in his mind) 
I have a feeling some of Zim’s PAK errors can be things as simple as: “can’t sit still.” “first words: I love you” , “short attention span” “overly emotional” and that’s marked as major concern to the empire.
But there are more serious ones like “Corrupted Memory drive.” “destructive” “delusional” etc...
But a majority of the list of what makes Zim, Zim are VERY common autism traits...
so if you give him that human diagnosis and then just examine Zim under HUMAN standards....
He’s not that bad at all.... 
Irkens can purr, chitter, and make a variety of sounds very similar to ants chittering combined with a cat. But typically, only defective Irkens seem to make these noises, and my Zim makes more of these noises and reverts to more primitive irken behaviors when he feels he doesn’t need to keep up appearances to be “NORMAL” anymore. In Irken Standards or Human standards. 
Zim is a weird Irken and sometimes things he does is not indicative to how other irkens act or behave, even though Dib uses it as a framework for a lot of his research, but a majority of it is just wrong because it’s Zim. 
GIR is smart and extremely perceptive. Also a hill I die on. I got into this fandom writing a thousand word essay on GIR and I still stand by all those points. GIR is smart... he’s just feral. And GIR can tend to notice things other characters don’t just cause his world-view is so simple. Zim and Dib think like one of those Pipe Windows screen savers... While GIR thinks in a straight line. 
Zim would rather create a maze to go through to get the cheese, rather than GIR who would just not bother with the maze and eat the cheese. 
GIR has great moments of clarity throughout the show, such as in Plauge of Babies and Walk of Doom
“Dib’s seen us before and he knows where we live”
“But if the big splody goes fast, won’t it get all bad?” 
Anyways... I think that’s it... I probably have a whole lot more. But those are my main ones. 
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eddieismypimp · 4 years
Tough times Oscar X Reader
@spoonful-of-sugar8 @chonisberonica here you go babies :) sorry it took me so long, I wanted it to be good. I still feel like it's bad but I didn't wanna make you guys wait any longer.
request: you and spooky have been bestfriends since high school. you have always been there for the core four and basically helped Oscar raise Cesar. Cesar sees you as a mother figure and eventually you and Oscar get together.  A/N: just a real quick thing, this story won't really be the same as the show it won't be totally different either, and in this Oscar has just turned 18, the reader is 17, and Cesar is 7. ALSO, I'm a black woman so the "reader" (you guys) will always be a black woman. but, if you want any other race or gender or anything please let me know because I don't want anyone to feel left out.<3
warnings: cussing, a little bit of arguing, and i tried not to put so many time skips like my other stories but there's still a lot so its kind of messed up in my eyes.                           
                                                         Y/N POV
"Ugggggggh." I groaned out loud hearing my phone alarm go off. I fucking hate that sound with a passion. I looked at the time. 6:30 a.m. "Uuuuugh, fuuuuck meeee." I exclaimed as I quite literally rolled out of bed. School starts at 8 but I take about 30 years to get ready. I laid my outfit which consisted of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I real life dress bummy as fuck. Don't get me wrong, I clean up nice, but like... I don't got no one to impress. I took a quick shower and did my hair before I got dressed. It was almost 7:40 so I grabbed my phone and my backpack and headed out to my car. My car wasn't nothing fancy considering I was ACTUALLY POOR, just a grey Subaru. but it was absolutely everything to me. I hooked up to my aux and started driving.                                                  
                                                    -time skip-
7:55. Made it to school with 5 minutes to spare so I went to my locker to grab the books for my first class, math. I'm not the smartest but I love math. The teacher was nice and working with numbers was lowkey easier for me. I walked in and saw my best friend. Oscar. Damn he's fine with his full head of curls and sexy ass smile. I thought to myself. Okay bitch, you need to pull yourself together, don't be acting no type of way. I took the seat next to him. "Hey boo." I said smiling at him. "Hey." He said back with a smile. We conversed for a while until the teacher walked in and started the class.
                                    -time skip to the end of the school day-
"Finally bro, this day lasted forever." I said as me and Oscar walked to my car. "You need a ride?" I asked him. "Yeah, if it's not to much to ask." He said. He's been quiet all day. "Of course it's not to much to ask you crackhead." I said laughing a little. We got in my car. "What’s wrong Oscar?" I asked. " You been quiet all day." He just shrugged. "Come on, Oscar." I pleaded. "You can tell me anything, you know that." We sat there for a minute in complete silence. "It's my dad..." He started. I immediately grew worried because I knew that Oscar and his dad didn't have the best relationship. I didn't say anything and waited until he continued. "He wants me to take over the santos ." He said quietly. "Oh fuck.." I said under my breath. This is not good. "Well... is there anything we can do?" I asked full of concern. He shook his head. I got teary eyed. I do NOT want Oscar in this life. He has so much potential. "Oscar, he cant expect this from you... you're only 17. Isn't there anyone else that can take his place? Why does it have to be you?" I said. "Who's gonna take care of you and Cesar?" "There's no one else Y/N! It can only be me don't you see that?!" He yelled. I jumped at his sudden outburst, he NEVER yells. "Cesar and I have no one but the santos so I have to do this!" He said a little quieter this time but his voice was still loud. "Oscar, let me help you. " I said quietly. "You can't Y/N, there's nothing you can do..." He said. I knew he was right but I wasn't about to let him go through this shit alone. "At least let me be there for you and Cesar... please." I begged him. He sat there for a second before he finally gave in and nodded. I sighed. I gave his hand a light squeeze before I started my car and began the journey to his house. We arrived at his house and he was about to get out of the car when I stopped him. "Do you want me to come in?" I asked. He shook his head. "I think it's best if you go home right now." He said. That hurt... "Oh. Okay... call me if you need me." I said. I hope he didn't hear the sadness in my voice. I waited until he walked inside before I drove off.                        
                                                    -time skip-
It was currently 9 p.m. and I haven't heard from Oscar all day. I was worried. I got my pajamas on and layed down, turning on netflix. I was about an hour into clueless when I saw my bedroom door open. The fuck? My parents are on a business trip. I got up quick as shit ready to fight whoever it was when I saw Oscar limping into my room. I forgot he had a house key. I couldn't see his face because he had a hood on and he was bent over in what seemed to be pain, but I knew it was him. "Oscar..." "Are you okay?" I asked. He limped over to my bed and threw himself down with a groan. I finally got a glimpse of his face and gasped. It was bloody and bruised. "Oscar.. what the fuck happened boo?" I asked worried, sitting down next to him. He was breathing heavy. He took his hood off and I nearly cried. His beautiful curls... they were gone. "Oscar...please." "Tell me what happened." I pleaded. "I... I got jumped in.." He said between pants as he took off his hoodie and I saw all of the bruises. That's when the water works started. I hugged him as I cried. This is it.. it's official now. He's part of the santos.                      
                                                -the next morning-
I don't know when I fell asleep but when I woke up, Oscar was no where to be found. I teared up again thinking about the events that occurred last night. My poor baby... I didn't want to go to school today but at least it was Friday. I threw on some leggings and a hoodie. I brushed my hair into a bun and grabbed my stuff. I arrived at school at 7:50 and just headed straight to class. I didn't see Oscar anywhere. This is gonna be a long day.                                           
                                                   -time skip- 
It was lunchtime and this day could not have been going by slower. I couldn't concentrate on anything. I finally decided I couldn't take it anymore and walked out of the cafeteria to go to my car. I drove to Oscars house. When I got there, I saw a few santos sitting in his front lawn. I recognized them. They were cool people. "Hey, any of y 'all seen Oscar?" I asked walking up to them. Alejandro answered. "Yeah, he's inside with Cesar." "Thank you." I thanked him and walked inside the house. I didn't need to knock since I've known Oscar for like, 4 years now. I heard Oscar and Cesar in one of the back rooms so I followed their voices. I quietly peeked through the door to see Oscar and Cesar playing with hot wheels. The sight real life warmed my heart. Oscar is really good with kids. "BOOM, know your car is blowed up!" Cesar yelled.(I'm sorry, idfk how children talk) "Hey man, that's totally not fair!" Oscar whined. I giggled at how childish he sounded. At the sound of my giggle, Cesar and Oscar's gaze turned towards me in the doorway. He smiled and got up off the floor as Cesar ran towards me and hugged my abdomen. "Hi baby." I said ruffling his hair. "Y/N! I missed you!" Cesar said hugging me tighter. "I missed you too my darling." I said smiling and kissing the top of his head. Oscar walked up to us and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Why aren't you in school?" He asked. "I was worried about you...how are you feeling?" I asked him. "I'm alright, still sore though." He said. I just nodded sadly. "Why isn't Cesar in school?" I asked him as I looked at Cesar who went back to playing with his hot wheels like we didn't exist. "Our father got arrested this morning." He said, my eyes widened with worry. "So I told him he could stay home with me today." He said. "Awww." I said. "Oh come on, don't get all gushy on me." He said laughing. His laugh caused me to laugh too. "So.. would you and Cesar wanna go to the beach with me to get your mind off things?" I asked him. At the mention of going to the beach, Cesar jumped up from his spot on the floor. 'Yeah! I wanna go!" He jumped up and down in excitement. "I guess now you ain't got no choice." I said grinning at Oscar who huffed in fake annoyance. "Okay, okay. Fine." He said. "Go get ready." He told Cesar. "Yayy!" Cesar yelled as he ran to get ready. "Go get ready, I'll wait for you guys in the living room." I said to Oscar, standing on my tip toes to kiss his cheek. "Alright." He said. I sat in the living room for about 10 minutes until they finally came out. Cesar ran up to me hugging me again. This kid is so clingy and it's the cutest thing ever. "You guys ready to go?" I asked looking down at Cesar. "Yup!" He said cutely. I smiled at him. We all piled into my car and started off for the beach. Oscar and I was so deep into conversation that I didn't even realize we were already at the beach until I heard Cesar yelling. "Yay, the beach!" I laughed. We got out the car and Cesar started running towards the sand. "Aye! Stay close to us." Oscar yelled out to Cesar which made him stop dead in his tracks and wait for us to catch up. I smiled. He was such a good kid. We sat our towels down. Cesar kicked his flip flops off and dashed towards the water. "Don't go to far into the water Cesar." I called out to him. "Okay." He yelled back. When I turned back around, Oscar was sitting down on his towel. I took off my shorts and top so I was in my bathing suit. Oscar was watching Cesar. "You wanna get in the water with us boo?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nah, I don't want Cesar to see the bruises." I looked at him sadly. "Are you in pain right now? Do you need anything?" I asked him full of concern. He chuckled at me. "Nah boo, I'm okay at the moment." "Okay, let me know if you need anything." I said kissing his cheek and walking towards the water to swim with Cesar.                             
                                                   Oscars POV
She's to good to us... I don't know what I did to deserve her. If it wasn't for her, we would have literally nobody. I thought to myself. I just sat back and watched how well she got a long with Cesar. That kid really loves her.                          
                                                      Y/N POV 
After about an hour of me and Cesar acting complete fools in the water, and Oscar laughing at us. We got out and hung out with Oscar so he wouldn't feel left out. After a while of us running around chasing each other, we got hungry. "Do you guys wanna go to Dwayne's and get some food?" I asked them. "Yeah!" Cesar said. "Yeah, that sounds good." Oscar responded almost the same time as Cesar. We got back in my car and went to Dwayne's. We sat down, Cesar and I on one side of the booth and Oscar across from us. Dwayne came up to us to take our order.                       
                                                    -time skip-
"That was great." I said smiling at Oscar as he put Cesar in his bed. After we ate , lil baby passed out. "Yeah, today was amazing. We really needed that." He said pulling me into a hug. I smiled up at him. We just looked at each other for a while. Then he kissed me. It caught me off guard but I kissed back anyway. It was a quick kiss. It ended way sooner than I would have liked. "What was that for?" I asked him quietly. "Just... for being you I guess." He said shyly which I thought was the cutest because Oscar is anything but shy. I chuckled a little. I pulled back after realizing we were still so close. "Uh, I gotta go." I said. "Okay, I'll see you later I guess." He said. I walked away smiling. When I got in my car, I was still smiling. When I arrived home, I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. Even though it probably meant nothing to Oscar, it meant everything to me. I decided to take a shower. After my shower, I instantly fell asleep, worn out from the beach. When I woke up, the sound of someone knocking on my door made me unwillingly get out of my bed. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and opened the door to see Oscar and Cesar standing there. "Y/nnnn!" Cesar said jumping into my arms. "Hi baby." I said kissing the side of his head and putting him back on his feet. "Hi." I said to Oscar giving him a kiss on the cheek and ushering them inside. I closed the door behind them. "What brings you guys over at 11 in the morning?" I asked goofily. Oscar chuckled. "I have to drop Cesar off over at Ruby's for a playdate with all the kids and I wanted to know if you wanted to spend the day with me. I tried to contain my smile but I couldn't help it. Maybe that kiss did mean something to him. "Yeah, I would love that." I said. "Just let me get ready okay?" "Alright, we'll be waiting for you." Oscar said leading Cesar into the living room and turning on some cartoons. I ran to my room and threw on a flowy white dress with different colored flowers on it and some white sandals. I put my hair in a high bun with two braids in the front. I grabbed my phone and my purse. "Okay guys, I'm ready whenever you are." I said walking into the living room to see them watching Tom and Jerry. They're cute. I thought to myself. Cesar stood up and ran over to me as Oscar stood up and turned the t.v. off. I grabbed Cesar's hand and we walked out to Oscar's sexy red car. We all got in the car. "Cesar, you buckled?" Oscar asked. "Yes." Cesar said with his cute little voice. Oscar nodded his head before starting the car and driving off. The next 10 minutes consisted of comfortable silence. We arrived at Ruby's house and Cesar had already unbuckled ready to dip out this car to go see his friends. "Hold on baby, you gotta wait until we park." I said to him giggling as he pouted. We all got out of the car and Cesar ran up to the door. Geny opened the door for us and we walked inside. "Bye Cesar." Oscar said kissing the top of Cesar's head. "Bye baby." I said giving Cesar a small hug. Cesar and Ruby joined Monse and Jamal in the play room. I smiled as I heard them giggling and just having fun. They're my favorites. "You ready to go?" Oscar asked me. "Yeah." I said smiling at him. "Where are we going?" I asked him as we got in his car. "I got some drop offs, then imma take you to dinner." He said nonchalantly. "Mr. Diaz, is this a date?" I asked jokingly. "I mean, it could be." He said shrugging his shoulders. I was shocked for a second but played it off as if it was nothing. "I just wanted to thank you for being there for Cesar and I. We had a really good time yesterday." "No problem Osc." I said smiling at him. We arrived at his first drop off. Not gonna lie, it was kind of scary being with him when he did this but I was to giddy about our "date" to be sketched out. After a few more stops, we we were on our way to dinner. "Are you gonna tell me where we're going?" I asked him for the hundredth time. "Girl no, its a surprise." He said. "Uuuuuugh" I groaned. He laughed at me. I giggled as we pulled up to Dwayne's. "What you laughin at me for fool?" He asked looking hurt. "Sorry I didn't take you to a five star restaurant." "I'm not laughing at you fool, I think you're cute." I said pushing him slightly. "And I don't care that its not a fancy restaurant, I love Dwayne's." I said. He smiled at me and got out the car. I followed his lead and got out as well. "The fuck is wrong with you fool?" He asked me. I looked at him mad confused. "A man is supposed to open the door for a lady." He said seriously. "Oh shit, that's my bad. You want me to get back in the car?" I asked jokingly. "Yes, I do." We laughed and walked into Dwayne's. We sat down at a booth and were immediately greeted by Dwayne himself. "Hey guys, can I start you off with some drinks?" He asked. "Ladies first." Oscar said looking at me. "I'll take a sprite please." "I'll take a coke." "Alright, do you guys already know what you're going to order or do you need more time?" He asked us. "I already know what I want." I said. "I'll take the barbeque chicken please." I said smiling at him. "Okay, how about you Oscar?" He asked. "I'll just take a burger with a side of fries." He said. "You're so basic." I said laughing. Dwayne laughed too. "So y 'all gangin up on me now?" Oscar asked. I laughed again. "Nah, I'm just playin." He said laughing too. We talked for about 30 minutes until Dwayne brought our food out. "About time, fool." Oscar said. "Hey, watch it. I can take this food and give it to someone else." Dwayne said jokingly. Oscar put his hands up in surrender as I laughed. (I laugh WAY to much in real life, like my sense of humor is actually fucked so I'm sorry if I'm putting to much laughter in this lmao) Everything was going amazing, the food was good and spending time with Oscar was very much needed. It was great to see him laughing. One second we was laughing, the next, Oscars eyes went cold as he stared at the door of Dwayne's. I turned around in confusion to see what he was looking at. My heart dropped. There was two officers walking towards Oscar and I. I turned back to Oscar and grabbed his hands. "It's gonna be okay boo. They probably just wanna talk." I said in a quiet voice trying to comfort him. They walked up to the table. I gulped trying to hide my fear. "Are you Oscar Diaz?" One of the officers asked. "Yeah." Oscar said nonchalantly. The officer pulled out his cuffs. "You're under arrest for illegal drug trafficking." I gasped. I started crying as they put the cuffs on him and read him his Miranda rights. "Hey, hey, look at me." Oscar said. "It's gonna be alright. Tell Cesar I love him." I shook my head in shock. "Please, he didn't do anything." I begged. They didn't listen. They kept dragging him out like he was a dog. I was full on having a panic attack now as Dwayne hugged me. I stood there in disbelief for a few minutes before I came to my senses. I had to go get Cesar. As much as I wanted to go home and never leave my house again, I couldn't leave Cesar alone. Oscar keys must have fell out of his pocket because they were on the seat. I picked them up and ran out to the car. There was so many emotions running through me right now. I had to calm down before I got Cesar, I didn't want him to see me upset. Fuck... how was I gonna tell Cesar...                       
                                                  -time skip-
I pulled up in front of Geny's. I got out and took a deep breath before I knocked on her door. She opened and her face fell. "What happened mija?" She asked with worry. I teared up again. She took me in her arms and lead me into the house. Luckily all the kids were in the play room. "Oscar.. he got arrested." I said trying not to full on cry in Geny's house. She gasped and pulled me into a hug. I let go and wiped my eyes after I regrouped. "Can you get Cesar for me please?" I asked her. "Of course." She said walking towards the playroom. I took the extra time to make myself look as happy as possible. Cesar ran to me and hugged my torso. "Hey boo, how was your day?" I asked him. "It was awesome!" He said happily. I smiled at him. "Where's Oscar?" He asked innocently. I almost broke down but I held it together. "Um, he had some stuff he had to do so he let me borrow the car." I said trying to sound as convincing as possible. I don't think he bought it but he still went along with it anyway. "Oh okay.." "You ready to go?" I asked as I rubbed his head. "Yeah." He said smiling at me. We walked out to the car. "Can I sit in the front pleaseeee?" He asked. "Just one time, Oscar doesn't have to know." He said sweetly. "Okay, but only this one time." I said smiling as he cheered. We got in the car and drove to my house. "how would you like it if I stayed with you for a few nights?" I asked Cesar. "Yeah!" He yelled. I laughed. "Okay." I parked and we walked into my house. "Here boo." I said handing him the remote. Watch whatever you want while I go pack some clothes." "Okay" He said sitting on the couch and turning the t.v. on. I walked in my room and shut the door behind me. I was really trying not to cry right now, I didn't want Cesar to worry. I grabbed my duffle bag and put as many clothes as I could fit, my personal hygiene stuff and basically anything that I would need to live. After I gathered up all of my stuff, I walked around the house and made sure the lights and stuff were off since I wasn't gonna be here for a while. I walked into the living room after making sure everything was turned off and everything. "You ready to go baby?" I asked him. "Yes." He said getting up and turning the t.v. off. We got in my car and drove to the santos house. "What you want for dinner boo?" I asked him. "Uhh.... chicken!" He said. "Okay boo, go play and i'll start dinner." I said kissing his head. About an hour and a half later, dinner was done. I made baked barbeque chicken, fried potatoes, green beans with bacon and baked mac and cheese. I made our plates and called for Cesar. Immediately after I said grace, little man dug in. He was done in about 15 minutes. "Damn boo, was you hungry?" I said laughing a little. He just giggled and went into the living room. I smiled to myself. I love that kid. I finished eating and did the dishes. I decided I had to tell Cesar. It was now or never. I walked in the living room where Cesar was laying on the couch, watching amazing world of gumball. He looked at me and smiled as I sat next to him. I smiled back, but it was a sad smile. "What's wrong y/n?" He asked full of concern. He was pretty smart for a seven year old and he could pick up on peoples emotions really easily. " Cesar... there's something I have to tell you." I said turning my body on the couch to face him. "What is it?" He said sitting up. I didn't know how to sugar coat it so I just told him straight up. "Oscar got arrested today.." I said looking down at my hands. It was silent for a while until I heard sniffling. Cesar was crying. "Come here baby." I said pulling him into a hug. "It's gonna be okay boo, I'm gonna be right here with you. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." I said kissing the top of his head and rubbing his back in a soothing way.                       
                                                 8 Years Later
Today is the day Oscar gets out. It's been eight years. The night I told Cesar, he took it pretty badly. But after a while, he got used to it being just me. We did pretty well too, for me only being 18 taking care of a 7 year old. I got us an apartment after I found it way to painful to stay in the santo house without Oscar. We grew closer and he was for real like my son now. I looked over at Cesar. "You excited boo?" I asked him. "Yeah, just a little nervous though." He said. "It'll be okay baby." I said kissing the top of his head.  After another few minutes of waiting, I started getting anxious. Finally, the gates opened and I saw Oscar. He looked so different. I mean, of course Cesar and I visited him but... there was something different about him. He had a few new tattoos also. He ran up to us and scooped Cesar up in his arms. He got hella buff. "I missed you hermano." He said. "I missed you too." He put Cesar down and turned to look at me. I gave him a soft smile. "Hey boo." He said goofily, picking me up and kissing my cheek. "I missed you so much." I whispered. "I missed you too." He put me down. "Okay, lets get you home, I bet you're hungry." I said handing him the keys and walking to the car. We stopped at a taco truck before making our way back to Freeridge. After an hour and a half of driving, we finally made it back to the santos house. There was hella santos in the front lawn waiting for us to get home with Oscar. "God it's good to be home." Oscar said as he parked the car. He got out and was swarmed with hella santos. Cesar and I got out the car. I stood back and watched as Oscar chatted up with Cesar and the santos. I didn't know all of their names but I got close with a few of them during these 8 years. Especially Jose, whos better known as sad eyes around here. Speaking of the devil, he walked up to me. "Why ain't you over there with the others?" I asked him. "I figured I would wait until everyone wasn't crowdin him. We got all the time in the world now." He said. "True, true." I said. We stood in silence for a while. "Hey, I just wanted to say that just because Oscar is back, doesn't mean I'm gonna act some type a way around you. It's gonna be just like how it was when he was locked up, I don't got nothin to hide." He said. I smiled at him. "Okay, that's good because I didn't want you to treat me different." He chuckled. We stood there and talked for a while. I didn't even notice that the santos had left and Oscar was walking up to me and Jose. "Hey compa, how was it in the pin?" Jose asked as he dapped Oscar up. They both laughed. Oscar wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek. Him and Jose chatted up for a while, catching up with me joining in occasionally. At some point in their conversation, Oscar had moved his arm off of my shoulders. "Alright homie, imma head out and let you get some rest." Jose said dapping Oscar up once again. He turned and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said. " Bye." I said smiling and giving him a small wave.                                                 Oscars POV
The fuck kinda shit was that. Why my boy kissin on my girl like that. He knows she's my wifey.                                                   Y/N POV
"You ready to head inside?" I asked looking at Oscar. "Yeah." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder, leading me inside. I yawned. "i should really be heading home." I said. "Oh come on, it's my first day back, why don't you spend the night" He asked. I thought about it for a second. "Alright, I'll stay, but only for tonight." I said. Oscar smiled at me. Cesar was in the living room watching t.v. He smiled when he saw us walk in and got up to hug his brother. They both sat on the couch as I made my way into Oscar's room where I still had some clothes. I decided on some Nike shorts and a plain grey shirt. I hopped in the shower. About 45 minutes later, I got out. I moisturized, brushed my hair and got dressed. When I walked in the living room, they were both asleep and Cesar had his head on Oscar. It was the cutest thing ever. I took a picture right quick and went to get them a blanket and pillows. Oscar was awake when I got back. "You take for fucking ever in the shower." He said tiredly, rubbing his eyes I chuckled. "My bad." I said. I lifted Cesar's head gently and put the pillow down, then I covered him up. "You can crash with me if you want." Oscar said walking towards his room. I followed behind him. We layed down facing each other. For a few minutes, it was quiet until Oscar spoke up. "Y/n.. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you. I love you so much." I was at a loss for words. This is one of the very very few times I've seen Oscar this vulnerable. "I love you too Osc.." I said. He leaned in and kissed me. That kiss soon turned into a full on make out session and that turned to something else.                       
                                                  -3 weeks later-
It's been 3 weeks since Oscar got out of prison, 3 weeks since we shared that intimate moment. I've been staying at my apartment since that night and I've only hung around a few times. Cesar and the rest of the kids was at my apartment everyday for the first two weeks but stopped coming after that. I was confused as to why but I didn't question it. I didn't wanna hang out with everyone even though I missed Oscar so much. He's been pretending that night didn't happen and I don't want him to feel like I'm trying to force things. He started being more involved in the gang shit after a week of being out. I thought going to prison would put some sense in him and I'm very disappointed to find out that it in fact did not. I decided I was going to talk to him about everything that's been on my mind after work today... I hope things go well.                           
                                                     -time skip-
It was finally 9:30. The end of my shift. I gathered my things before walking and locking the building doors. I decided I was gonna go straight to the santo house to talk to Oscar instead of going home first. When I got there, there was only a few santos sitting outside, including Oscar and Jose. I got out of my car and walked up. "Hey guys." I said as Jose stood up and kissed my cheek. Oscar glared at him. "Can I talk to you for a second Oscar?" I asked. "Yeah." He said a little to quickly, getting up and walking to the house. I followed behind him. He spoke up when we got inside. "What kind of shit was that?" He asked. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked in utter confusion. "Why was sad eyes all up on you like that?" He asked calmly. I'm glad he wasn't like those dudes that be yelling and shit, that shit ain't attractive. "It ain't even like that." I said. "Oh, okay. It ain't like that but he's kissin on you?" He said, not believing a word I said. "Oscar... chill out. It for real ain't like that. We just got close when you were locked up. He's like family." I said calmly. "Alright.. I'm sorry." He said. "It's okay.. but you have me confused." "How's that?" He asked. "One minute you act like you don't care about me and like that night meant nothing, and the next you're getting mad cause someone else kissed my cheek... like I just don't understand you." I said. He sighed. "Y/n... it's complicated right now." "How is it complicated Osc, just tell me how you feel." I said softly. "Please." "I love you.. and you know I do. I just... don't want anything bad to happen to you." He said looking down at his hands. I started laughing. "Hey, this shit isn't funny." He said sounding a little hurt. "It's not that Oscar, I just think you're cute." I said as I walked up to him and squished his cheeks, kissing his puffed up lips. He smiled at me. "So are we official or nah?" I asked him. "We are if you wanna be." He said. I smiled and kissed him again. " I'll take that as a yes." He said when I pulled away, causing me to life. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Where's Cesar?" I asked. "I want to tell him the good news." Oscar stayed silent. I didn't like that at all. Usually when he's silent that means something is wrong. "Oscar.. what's going on?" I asked. "You don't need to worry about it y/n." He said, all emotion wiped clean from his voice. "Don't need to worry about it?" I repeated incredulously. "Cesar is like my son, where the fuck is he?" I asked getting a little upset. I didn't get to upset and I didn't raise my voice because I didn't wanna ruin the cute moment we just had. "Oscar please tell me." I said growing more worried. "I don't know where he is.." He said finally. "What?..." I asked. "How do you not know where he is?" I asked. "I.. I had to kick him out." He said. "You had to do what?" I asked very upset. "Why would you do that Oscar, he's 15 years old, and you just got out of prison. All he wanted to do was spend time with you." I was starting to get teary eyed. I really did not want to cry right now. "Y/n I know but he disrespected the gang. When I had him jumped in.." I cut him off. "Hold the fucking phone.. you had my baby jumped in and you didn't talk to me about it first?! I told you I didn't want him in that life no matter what and you agreed." I said not being able to believe what I was hearing. "Y/n.. you have no say in this. I'm sorry but you don't..." He said. "I really can't believe this right now, we were having such a cute moment..." I was very upset right now. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I'm gonna make this right I promise." He said standing up and grabbing my hands. "I really hope so Oscar..." I said pulling my hands away from his. "I gotta go." I said walking out of the front door, Oscar followed behind me but didn't try to stop me. "Aye, where you going?" Jose asked standing in front of me, pulling me in a hug. "I gotta go find Cesar." I said pulling away from the hug. He looked at Oscar shocked. I got in my car and made my way to Monse's, she had to know where he was. I was very upset that he didn't immediately come to me but I decided to push that thought to the back of my mind and focus on making sure my baby was safe. I got to Monse's and jogged to the front door, knocking a little to loudly. She opened it after a few seconds. "Y/n.. what are you doing here?" She asked. "Have you seen Cesar?" I asked worried. I was praying she had seen him. "Uh, yeah. He's here." She said. Oh thank God. "You can come in if you'd like." "Thank you so much." I said walking in as she closed the door behind me. I walked to her bedroom and saw Cesar laying on her bed. He immediately sat up when he realized it was me. I walked up to him and hugged him. "I'm so glad you're alright. Oscar told me what happened." I said kissing his head. "Where in your mind did you not think to come to my house, that's your house too and you know it is." I said lightly slapping his arm between each word. "Ow, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He said. "I didn't want you to worry." He said. I frowned sadly. "I'm always gonna worry about you boo, no matter what. Same goes for Monse, Ruby, and Jamal. You guys are my babies." I said pulling them both into a hug this time. "Please, come stay with me. You can come too if you'd like Monse." I said in a soft voice. "Okay.. we'll come. Just let us gather up our things." Cesar said smiling at me. I smiled back. "Okay, I'll be waiting for you." I walked out of her bedroom and into the living room. About 5 minutes later, they walked out with their bags of clothes. "You guys ready?" I asked. "Yup" They both replied. We got in my car and drove to the apartment. When we got there, they invited the other two. I made us all dinner and we had a fun little movie night. I woke up the next morning to loud knocks on my front door. What the hell? I thought as I unwillingly got out of bed. When I walked in the living room, I saw Jamal and Ruby sprawled all over each other on the couch. I giggled. They're the cutest. I didn't see Monse and Cesar so I figured they were in Cesar's room. I opened the door to reveal Oscar. "Osc, what are you doing here?" I asked moving out of the way so he could walk in. "I need to talk to Cesar, I know he's here." He said looking into the living room seeing Ruby and Jamal sprawled on the couch. "Yeah, he's here, but he's sleeping right now." I said as he pushed past me walking down the hallway. He didn't know which room was Cesar's so he opened every door until he got the right one. As I suspected, Cesar and Monse were in Cesar's bed cuddling. "Aww." I said. They were so cute. Oscar gave me a side glance before walking towards the bed and shaking Cesar to wake him up. When Cesar opened his eyes, he jumped up in shock. "Oscar, what are you doing here?" He asked. "I need to talk to you." Oscar said motioning Cesar to follow him before walking out the door. Cesar put his shoes on and followed behind him. After about 20 minutes, Cesar came back in. "Hey, everything okay?" I asked him worried. "Yeah, Oscar has a plan to make everything right. We gotta go." He said kissing my cheek. "What's the plan Cesar?" I asked. "It's nothing to worry about y/n, everything's gonna be okay." He said trying to reassure me. "What if it ain't, what if something goes wrong?" I asked. "Y/n, it won't I promise. Just don't tell Monse and everyone where I went." He said.  "You guys please be careful." I said pleadingly. "We will y/n, I promise." He said before walking out the door. I had a sunken feeling in my stomach but I decided to push the feeling away and make breakfast for everyone, not wanting them to wake up and go hungry. I finished cooking and went to wake the boys up first, then Monse. When Monse woke up, she was really worried. "Where's Cesar?" She asked immediately. "Don't worry baby, he just ran to the corner store for me." I said, knowing I was lying but not wanting to worry her. "Oh, okay." She said a little more calmly. "Come on, I made breakfast." I said holding my hand out to her. She grabbed my hand and I lead her to the kitchen where the boys were already eating. After everyone got done eating, they went in the living room to chill. After about an hour, Cesar and Oscar walked into the apartment. "Oh thank God!" I said running up to them, kissing Cesar on the top of his head and wrapping my arms around Oscars neck giving him a kiss on the lips. Everyone looked shocked but I didn't care. "What is he doing here?" Monse asked incredulously. "Don't worry Mons, everything's fine now. We fixed it." Cesar said wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "What do you mean you fixed it?" Jamal asked. "How?" Ruby asked right after him. Oscar spoke up before Cesar could. "Don't worry about it, just know its taken care of." "That made the children stop questioning. "Are you guys hungry?" I asked them. "There's still some breakfast left." "I'm starving." Cesar said walking to the kitchen with Monse following him. "How bout you boo?" I asked Oscar. "Yeah I could eat." He said smiling.                       
                                                    -3 years later-
I was doing laundry, thinking about how far we've come. It's been three years. Monse went to a boarding school, Jazmine and ruby got together, Jamal joined the football team. We all still keep in touch even though Oscar, Cesar and I moved to the suburbs. Oscar got out the gang life and we got married. I got pregnant and everything has been going great for us. We couldn't be happier. Of course there's still times when Oscar forgets that he's safe now and he doesn't need to carry a gun everywhere but we're working on it. "Y/n, where you be at?" I heard Oscar yell. "In here babe." I yelled back. He walked in seeing me struggle to get the clothes out of the washer to transfer into the dryer. "Let me do that bebe, you don't need to be staining yourself when you're 8 months pregnant." He said taking the clothes out of my hand and putting them in the dryer. "Thank you baby." I said kissing his cheek. "Go sit down doll, I made dinner." "Aww, my sweet man." I said cooing at him. "Don't act like I don't make your lazy ass dinner all the time." He said. I laughed. "I know, I know." I said. He turned towards me and wrapped his arm around my waist. Pulling me into him, kissing me. After we ate dinner, we ended the night with me laying down with my head on his lap and him rubbing my pregnant belly. I really couldn't be happier.
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popsunner · 4 years
'Cause I Was Just Thirteen (when I got my first taste of danger)
@cubedleo​ this isn’t what you’ve been waiting for but it’s somethin’ sjdjb
A/N: I was trying to write the Spirit Sokka AU but my brain wouldn’t let me until I finished this,,, so. AO3 link!! 
“We’re just kids.”
“Are we?” Sokka asks, and the silence stretches between them.
(The answer is yes, but it’s easier to pretend they grew up a long time ago than admit they’re just broken children trying to fix a broken world)
When Sokka was twelve years old he carved a promise to be a warrior into a block of ice.
It took him an hour to chop out the crude symbols with the tip of his boomerang, and when he was done he was sweating, and his arm ached. War was in his blood, it was his main drive, his life.
He never understood the people who didn’t want to fight.
(Later in his life, he would meet a boy with a scarred face and a girl with dangerous eyes, and he’d know that in a different life, that could’ve been him and his sister)
(The desire to fight would all but fizzle out at that realization)  
There are few people left in the world who weren’t raised for war.
Bumi is one of them, and so is Aang. Sokka can see it in the way they speak, the way they move. The way they don’t shy away from fire or loud adventures that draw attention. He can see it in their smiles, wide and fearless and kind.
Bumi and Aang weren’t born into a world of destruction and stifling fear.
(Maybe that’s why Aang looks so much more hurt by the charred forests and waves of injured troops finally coming home)
(Sokka hurts too, but he’s tired)
(He’s so tired)
When the war ends, Sokka breathes for the first time in his life.
It’s like a wave of exhaustion hits him all at once, and if Suki hadn’t been supporting him and his broken leg, he would have crashed to the ground.
“We won,” Katara whispers.
No one cheers. No one smiles.
Slowly, Zuko stands, Katara’s hand hovers next to his hip and the second scar his family gave him. He holds a hand out to Aang, his face stone.
Aang doesn’t shake his hand or nod back grimly. He launches himself at Zuko and laughs with so much relief in his voice it reminds Sokka just how young he is.
(Aang wasn’t raised for war, but he was shoved into the middle with no warning, and expected to fix it)
Zuko shudders and stumbles, and Katara catches him and Aang before they all fall.
Sokka watches her, his baby sister, and realizes she’s been catching people her entire life. His eyes go blurry, and he staggers out of Suki’s grip to grab her shoulders and crush her against his chest.
“You made it,” he says into her hair.
Katara starts to cry.
Sokka isn’t sure how long they stand there after Toph burrows her way between them all and Suki wraps her arms as far as they can reach over the group, but it’s long enough for his leg to scream painfully in protest, and the weight on his chest to return.
Because it isn’t over yet.
Sokka looks down at his friends- his family , and realizes with a shaking breath that the war might be over, but the fight is far from done.
Getting used to a post-war world is more difficult than Sokka could have imagined.
For Toph, it’s not very hard. She was raised sheltered, and even despite her attempts to shun that lifestyle, she was never exposed to the loss of war or the scar it left.
Sokka is proud of Aang and Katara, who despite everything, held onto their wonder and inner light.
(the nights he spent pouring over strategies and plotting routes, burying evidence of scorch marks from around their campsite, the days he spent cracking jokes and letting them take out their frustrations on him through light hearted teasing paid off, and he’s so, so proud)
Suki was always an optimist, and Sokka is grateful for her every day, especially at night when he feels the guilt and fear grip his heart and threaten to undo him.
(She holds him and they whisper uncertainties and reassurances to each other until the sun rises)
Sometimes, though, Sokka just wants someone who understands what it’s like to live with what feels like the weight of his people on his shoulders, who knows what it means to grow up training every day for a fight he never asked for.
He finds himself sitting with Zuko more and more often after the war is over.
“Do you think they can ever really forget?” Zuko asks, watching a group of kids fly kites in the courtyard a ways away from where they sit.
“Them?” Sokka shrugs. “Yeah, they’ll forget. They’re just kids.”
Zuko’s eyebrows lower into something sad. “We’re just kids.”
“Are we?” Sokka asks, and the silence stretches between them
(The answer is yes, but it’s easier to pretend they grew up a long time ago than admit they’re just broken children trying to fix a broken world)
Hakoda is by no means old, even though his eyes crinkles at the corners and his hair is lined with wisps of white from years of stress, but war takes its toll on everyone, and the warrior has seen too many battles.
He walks with a permanent limp now, and when he asks Sokka to succeed him as chief of the Southern Water Tribe, he favors his right leg.
Sokka is eighteen, the same age his father was when he took charge, technically a full fledged adult now. But the sag in Sokka’s shoulders and the numbness in his eyes didn’t appear on his father until Kya died. His father grew up in a war just like he did, but he didn’t fight in it until Sokka was twelve.
There’s guilt in Hakoda’s eyes, so Sokka doesn’t stop himself from grinning and accepting happily, erasing any sign of the aching exhaustion off his face.
“Is this really what you want?” Katara asks him later, staring into the fire that crackles quietly between them.
Sokka wants to ask her if she’s ever asked Aang that, or Zuko. He wants to tell her he doesn’t have a choice, none of them ever had a choice.
Instead, he smiles. “Well, yeah! I was getting tired of Zuko being the only royal one.”
He can see it in Katara’s face, that she doesn’t believe him.
(But the war is over, the war is over so she lets him lie, the war is over and the worry lines on her forehead are slowly going away)
(Sokka knows now, more than ever, that the war isn’t really over)
(He lets her believe it is)
Sokka is at another meeting, another day long discussion of how to achieve peace when the sight of fire and red emblems still scares children, when all that conceals Ozai’s fallen statue in Omashu is a large, green canopy, when Sokka’s people are still scavenging for any food they can find, when Aang is still the only Air Nomad left.
Sokka forces himself to sit straight instead of prop his head on his hand and roll his eyes at Aang as the Earth Nation ambassador goes on and on.
Usually, Toph would be here to cut in with some crude one liner to break up the tension, and Katara would take notes for him when his mind wandered. Usually Suki would squeeze his hand under the table to keep him present.
But this is a closed meeting, as stupid as that is, and only recognised officials are allowed inside.
Zuko sits next to him, hands folded on the table, the epitome of royalty. Even Aang, who’d gotten such a sugar rush from his fourteenth birthday the day before that he tried to teach Momo to swordfight, sits stoically and nods along to the speech that’s been going on for an hour.
“-focusing our rebuilding efforts at this time on Ba Sing Se would be our smartest move,” the ambassador finally finishes.
Sokka raises an eyebrow. “Rebuilding what part?”
“Excuse me?”
“In your entire drawl you didn’t mention the outer rings of Ba Sing Se once. Do you really think we should spend more time and money on a rich inner ring that thrives off the other citizens' poverty?”
Aang looks surprised, like he’s trying to walk back through the meeting to figure out why he missed that. Zuko nods. “I spent time in the lower ring of Ba Sing Se personally, ambassador. I agree that you should be putting your main focus on the people there.”
If the ambassador were a firebender, he’d be blowing smoke out of his ears. “All due respect Fire Lord, but you’d really take the side of a chief of the most desolate land in the world over mine? A non-bender no less?”
Sokka’s wolf tail flips over his head as a rush of hot hair whips past him, from the Fire Lord and Avatar respectively. Aang is standing, his staff in his hand, and Zuko’s hands are clenched, his eyes flashing a warning.
Sokka holds up a hand, and Aang sits down, Zuko relaxes slightly.
(Because he might not be able to do the things they can, he might not have their power, but he does have their respect)
“You forget, ambassador,” Sokka says coolly, “that your king himself is a non-bender, and a personal friend.”
The underlying threat is understood loud and clear, and the ambassador sits down.
The discussion goes on, and Sokka has the taste of bile in his throat for the rest of the meeting.
It isn’t the first time he’s been disliked, like not being able to bend somehow makes him unfit. He sees the looks people give him when he walks alongside Aang on the street instead of behind him, when he tousles the great Toph Beifong’s hair or spars with the Fire Lord, when he teases his sister in public.
It isn’t the first time he’s been disliked for being a non-bender, but it’s the first time someone has said it to his face, in front of his allies. It’s the first time he’s heard the disdain voiced, and the ambassadors words cut sharp like a wip.
(The bile returns later, when he realizes his mind changed the title ‘family’ to ‘ally’)
The first thing Sokka does as the official Chief of the South is make plans for a memorial to commemorate the men lost in the fight, and the waterbenders lost in Ozai’s attempts to make sure that his grandfather's plan worked, that the Avatar wouldn’t survive.
(Sokka and Zuko find the place where the waterbenders were held a few weeks later, an entire underground fortress of cages)
(Every cage is full except one, there are no survivors)
(Sokka stares at Hama’s empty cage and forgives her)
It’s Katara’s idea to make the old Fire Nation warship part of the memorial, and with Toph’s help, the two of them build a statue that intertwines with the tarnished red flags and snow beaten metal. It means remembrance and hope.
Sokka’s tears freeze on his flushed cheeks when it’s finished.
“You know,” he tells Zuko the first time the Fire Lord sees it, “that ship isn’t all bad memories. It’s the reason we met.”
Zuko scoffs. “I thought that was a bad memory?”
“Funny how things can grow, isn’t it?”
Zuko has never looked more thankful than in that moment, and that night, sleepily sipping wine while Toph snores in his lap with her feet propped against Suki, watching Aang and Katara dance around the fire, he tells him so.
Sokka smiles, and looks around at his family. It seems like a lifetime ago when all he had was gran gran and Katara.
(Funny, how things can grow)
Rebuilding the South is… not easy.
Even with the men home from war, the South’s trade systems and outreach to the other nations had been completely demolished in the war.
The North, despite all its talk about rebuilding its sister tribe, does very little in the way of help.
The Northerners who moved with Sokka’s grandfather are angry, and a group of them plan to sail back to the North to convince them to bring aid.
Sokka lets them, and the day after they leave a blizzard hits the South.
Only four of the seven return.
(After the funerals, Sokka stands on the wall of ice surrounding their village and begs the moon for an explanation until his throat is sore and his voice is hoarse and raspy)
(She never answers)
Aang shows up one day, bouncing on his toes and grinning so brightly it hurts Sokka’s eyes, and tells him they’re taking a vacation.
Sokka has things to do, responsibilities and work that he can’t just blow (ha) off, and he just about says so when Appa roars, and Sokka remembers a time when he didn’t have to be chief or have the weight of his entire tribe on his shoulders.
(Somehow, the weight of the world felt lighter than this)
(Maybe because he grew up carrying it, or maybe because he never did, he only ever carried his friends)
Hakoda agrees easily to take over the Chief’s duties for the time being, and Sokka sees relief in his eyes when Sokka picks Aang up in a hug, and the two run off to the flying bison waiting for them.
Sokka sits in the saddle and stares at the back of Aang’s head, and tries to remember what it felt like when this was his life.
“Aang? Do you ever… miss when it was just us?”
The way Aang’s shoulders slump tells Sokka everything, and the younger boy nods. “Sometimes.”
(Sokka climbs up next to Aang and wraps his arms around his shoulders, and takes the reins when Aang turns to bury himself in Sokka’s shirt, because being Chief is hard, but being the Avatar is infinitely harder)
They meet at the Western Air Temple, because that was the first time they were all together.
Usually, there would be workers milling about, restoring all they can, but Aang got them to take the day off.
Katara hugs them both when they arrive. She cups Sokka’s face with her hands and squints at him like she knows he’s hiding something, and it takes all Sokka has not to crumble.
“Move aside!” Toph shouts, not giving Katara a chance to listen before she slides the stone under her out of the way. Toph punches Sokka’s arm hard, enough to make him wince, and then she drags both him and Aang into a bone crushing hug that they barely get out of alive.
Zuko laughs at them both, which is a welcome sound. Sokka only ever heard him laugh a few times during the war, and even fewer when they were all still navigating the new world. He steps forward and bows to Sokka, “Chief.”
Sokka doubles his dramatics when he bows back, “Fire Lord.”
Zuko snorts and stands. He pulls Aang into a side hug, and grips Sokka’s forearm. “It’s been too long.”
“The South Pole isn’t exactly a short walk away from the Fire Nation.”
“No,” Zuko smiles. “I guess I’ll have to plan more diplomatic meetings.”
Sokka groans.
Suki is a lot gentler in her hello, kissing Aang’s cheek and squeezing his shoulder, then wrapping herself around Sokka where she’ll stay for the better part of their meetup.
“Look at us,” she says, and she’s beautiful. “We’ve all changed so much.”
(Sokka hates how as the others smile, his stomach churns)
The anniversary of the end of the Hundred Year War is filled with celebrations, the steps of Zuko’s palace are transformed into a festival, a symbol of the Fire Nation opening its gates with kindness for the first time in a century.
Important people from every nation attend, and Zuko works with the Earth Kingdom to pay travel costs for as many citizens as possible, especially children.
Sokka has never seen so much food.
His stomach growls and his mouth waters, and Katara laughs at him when he’s led off to be formally introduced instead of being allowed to eat until he bursts.
Katara falls into step next to him, and Sokka takes a few seconds to take in how amazing she looks.
Her travels with Aang aren’t rushed or secret anymore, her eyes are brighter than he ever remembers seeing them, and she wears the Air Nomad cuffs Aang gave to her on her last birthday, a green headband holds her hair in place, and Sokka recognizes it as Toph’s. She kept the light-weight red shoes from their time hiding in the Fire Nation, and her blue dress has been altered to handle the hot climate most of the world shares right now.
Sokka thinks she’s the only one who could pull off wearing an outfit that includes all four nations, and he thinks she looks happy.
“I love you, you know,” He tells her, because he hasn’t seen her in months, because he missed her.
(He won’t admit it, but Sokka is still getting used to not having his sister at his side. His whole life, she’s been there. There’s something missing in him when she’s not)
Katara looks surprised for a moment, and then she smiles, and slips under Sokka’s arm, leaning against his side. “I love you too.”
Eventually, Sokka gets to eat, and relax, even if it’s only for a moment.
He watches Aang and Toph laugh at something Momo is doing as he devours a leg of meat he can’t name, and the sound of people enjoying themselves fills his ears.
Sokka had spent so much time staring at plans and treaties, organizing trades, building houses in the South, teaching people to fish and wash fur, that he hadn’t stopped once to look around him.
He’d spent so much time trying to heal the world, he never realized it was working.
(He loses his appetite then, but he still dances with Toph until his feet hurt, and he still tries to play Airball with Aang again, and he still smiles, and he still laughs)
(Because maybe he spent so much time trying to heal the world, that he hadn’t realized he was healing himself too)
People have tried to assassinate Zuko before. Sokka gets a letter from Toph (from Iroh, really, but they all pretend he’s not the one she dictates to) explaining a failed attempt in great detail at least once a month.
Toph finds it hilarious, but that’s because she’s there to take down the guy before they even make it into the palace.
Sokka finds it terrifying, because he’s halfway across the world with no way of helping.
It’s one of those sunny days that makes Sokka glad to be in the Fire Nation, and he’s sparring with Zuko, and for once, he might be winning.
Zuko’s dual swords clash against his singular one, and the two grunt as they both try to gain the upper hand. Sokka smirks and sweeps his foot out, tripping Zuko and knocking him onto his back. “Ha! I win!”
He reaches out to help Zuko up, fully intent on bragging for the rest of the day.
“Zuko move!” Toph shouts suddenly, and it scares Sokka so bad his instincts kick in, and he drags Zuko back to the ground, rolling away as a spike of ice longer than his wingspan flies through the air right where his head used to be.
Zuko breathes heavily under him, and Sokka slowly lifts himself off the ground, staying crouched as he scans the area.
Toph is on her feet, Katara at her side with a hand on her shoulder, and Aang is rushing forward, pulling Zuko to stand.
“Just so we’re clear, that wasn’t you, Katara, right?” Sokka asks, pulling his boomerang off his hip stealthily.
“What? No!”
“Didn’t think so,” Sokka says under his breath, and whips around to throw his boomerang towards Zuko and Aang.
Aang yelps and ducks behind Zuko, and there’s the sound of metal hitting something soft, and a loud ‘oof’.
Sokka barely has time to move before a wave of water forms a tiny tsunami in his direction. “Zuko, you need to get inside!”
People had tried to assassinate Zuko before, and it wasn’t out of the ordinary for the assassin to be from a different nation, though most of them were firebenders, loyal to Ozai.
Sokka realizes too late that this one being a waterbender is no coincidence.
His legs are swept out from under him and he hits the ground with a grunt. He’d slipped on ice like an amatuer. Sokka pushes himself up, reaching for his sword, and is met face to face with the assassin.
His eyes widen. “Nia?”
She snarls at him and yanks him into a choke hold, Sokka watches as his friends circle her.
“Let him go,” Zuko says, and it's only because Sokka knows him that he hears the tremor in his voice. “This is about me and you.”
“You think I’m here for the Fire Lord?” Nia spits, tightening her grip on Sokka’s neck. “I couldn’t care less about you or your people.”
And oh. Sokka should have known. He should have known because he knows Nia, he knows what she’s been through, what she’s lost. “This is about your sister.”
Nia’s breath quickens in his ear and she snarls. “You sent her back to the North, she died on that ship!”
Sokka should tell her it’s not his fault, but he doesn’t, because it is.
(He learned a long time ago that when you’re a leader, everything is your fault)
“You’re weak,” Nia continues, and Sokka can see Toph stiffen in the corner of his eye.
Katara’s glare is sharp. “Leave him alone. What happened to your sister was an accident!”
“It never should have happened!” Nia shouts, and her voice softens when he talks to Sokka’s sister. “If you were Chief, it wouldn’t have happened.”
For a moment, no one does anything. Everyone is still, frozen in a stunned and confused silence. Finally, Aang says, “What does that mean?”
“Our leader should be a bender! You and your father have made us weak! I saw it when I moved to the South!” Nia yanks on Sokka’s head, cutting off his airway with her grip. “With you gone, a bender will be in charge, as it should be.”
Sokka gasps on air, and closes his eyes.
That’s it. That’s always been it. Sokka can’t bend, which makes him less, which makes him weak.
History will remember the Avatar, and his three masters. History won’t remember Sokka.
(History has never remembered non-benders before)
(The world may have changed, but it hasn’t changed that much)
Maybe it would be better, with Katara as chief. She’s cool headed and smart, she pays attention in meetings, she’s respectful and kind and responsible.
Ever since they were kids, Katara has been everything Sokka is not.
Sokka coughs as a rush of air fills his lungs, and he grabs at the closest thing to him, which happens to be Aang’s hand, and holds tight. Zuko is holding his shoulders, searching his eyes for something Sokka isn’t sure is there. Katara has an arm around his back, and Toph is squating next to Zuko.
No one answers, and Sokka understands. They caught her. She’ll be shipped back to the South for a trial. A trial Sokka will have to rule over.
(He’ll have to banish her, he knows. He knows and he hates it because she’s a child)
(She’s a child who was raised for war, and when it was won, she found another one to fight)
(Sokka knows, he knows and he understands)
His shoulders start to shake, the mask he’d been wearing for so long starts to shatter, and the hands holding him tighten, Toph says, “You’re not weak.”
“I would hate to be a chief,” Katara assures him.
But none of them say anything about Nia, and none of them try to stop his tears.
(Because in a world where children fight the battles, who really wins?)
Sokka is accompanied by his friends when he returns home, which sounds a lot better than saying he’s bringing back the Fire Lord, the Avatar, and the two most powerful water and earthbenders in the world.
He’s welcomed back with open arms.
The South has grown, refugees of the Water Tribe are returning home, the warriors are all home, the children are growing up on their own terms.
Hakoda tells him they found a place for Nia in the North, a school for kids who’d been traumatized by the war or the resulting events after it ended, and Sokka is so relieved that he spends the rest of the day letting Aang drag him penguin sledding and teaching Toph and Suki to spear fish.
They have a feast, and it’s the first time Sokka laughs in a long time. Aang doesn’t let go of his arm the entire time, and Zuko promises another spar.
Sokka isn’t perfect, and he isn’t all powerful. But when he looks at the shining, beautiful, alive faces of his family and his people, he knows he’s not weak, and he knows eventually, they’ll be okay.
When Sokka was twelve years old he carved a promise to be a warrior into a block of ice.
Now Sokka is nineteen, and he carves his name into a tiny corner of the icy memorial, right above Katara’s, to the left of Zuko’s, to the right of Toph’s crude fist print, and just above Aang’s.
Sokka was raised for war.
He held his sobbing sister as his father explained that the Fire Nation killed his mother. He watched the warriors ships sail away without him. He spent years teaching himself to fight so he could protect his family.
He was the newly redeemed Fire Prince’s first friend and the first (honorary) male Kyoshi Warrior. He fell in love with the Moon Spirit and crafted a sword from meteorite. He taught the first metalbender it’s okay to cry. He taught the Avatar how to deal with nightmares.
Sokka was raised for war. He was raised in fear and hate. He was raised to fight.
As the years go by, there are more people in the world who aren’t raised for war.
Sokka can see it in the way they speak, the way they move. The way they don’t shy away from fire or loud adventures that draw attention. He can see it in their smiles, wide and fearless and kind, and with those new faces and new hope, Sokka learns to forget.
(Of course he does, he was just a kid, and he learns to stop pretending he grew up a long time ago and admit he was just a broken child trying to fix a broken world)
(They all were)
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La Pomme ~ Chapter Eight
Pairing: Sam x OC (eventual Dean x OC and Dean x Castiel. And I mean eventual.)
Series summary: George is a casual French-Mistake-universe Supernatural fan living in no-COVID 2020, who's life is upended when she's suddenly launched between realities, two years into the boys' past (S13E22). What begins as an insane, immersive fan experience turns into more when Jack goes missing and George offers up her AU information to help track him down. Soon it's discovered that she and Sam may actually have history. But that's impossible, right?
Word Count: 3,900
Warnings: {smut, fluff, angst, show level violence, swearing, mentions of suicide} ***Detailed warnings will be tagged for specific chapters.
A/N: Following the events of my prequel Paradise and second story From My Eyes Off. Reading those first gives context but isn’t necessary to start this one.
Collapsing into one of the comfier library chairs set between some stacks, George took a sip of the small glass of whiskey she figured she'd earned. She'd just scolded a fucking demon from hell. What was she thinking?! It had been pretty cool, but pissing off an evil, powerful being was maybe not the smartest. She could have gotten herself killed!
It had been unavoidable though; upon realizing that Demon Tim must have been the reason they suspected her of being involved in Jack's disappearance, she had been furious. Not only was it not true, it was insulting, humiliating, and just plain rude. It was also simply a bad plan. So, she took it upon herself to enlighten him and to correct his offensive insinuations. Hopefully, it wouldn't come back to bite her in the ass.
Her focus shifted then to Jack. Reflecting over her time there, there were things she remembered having happened on the show. The refugees in the bunker, AU Michael attacking, Jack losing his powers, Lucifer dude being just a regular human dude now; all of it was familiar, even when it terrified her (see: AU Michael attack). But, when they told her Jack was missing, she was thrown off at first. It wasn't something she remembered seeing on the show. Then again, she'd only just finished binging from season 10 to the end of 13 a couple weeks ago and hadn't started 14 yet. So, maybe she was past the point of being able to tell when things were part of their prescribed timeline or not? Therefore, even if Jack had been kidnapped on the show, she wouldn't have any info for them, right?
The problem was, the more she thought about it the more she began to believe she had seen something about this storyline. Jack being missing, the three of them going to save him-
Was it Ryan telling you about some episode where they rescued Jack in the redwoods? They had filmed it on location at some tourist spot you went to as a kid all the time and she thought you'd think it was cool… where was that?
She couldn't remember, and it frustrated her. She was also worried that she was making this all up just to be helpful.
Taking another sip, she allowed her thoughts to wander between episode scenes like an internal microfiche as she tried to nail down her recollection, No, I can definitely picture all four of them in the woods and fighting. Someone had kidnapped Jack, wanting his powers for something… was it the angels?
"Well, that was interesting," Dean stated, startling her out of her thoughts. The three of them were walking into the library a surprisingly short while after she left them with Tim.
Looking up at them, she set the glass down on a nearby shelf and stood up. Dean didn't elaborate further while he poured his own glass. The expressions each one wore were indiscernible and she grew nervous.
"Oh?" George raised a brow and looked between them, "Did he talk? Because you know, I've actually been sitting here thinking about this whole situation and something about Jack going missing is very familiar. Now, unfortunately, I am a few seasons behind, and-""
Dean took a sip, looking at her with curious amusement, and interrupted, "I was talking about you."
George looked surprised and then grimaced, "No, no. I'm not interesting, not at all. I'm the exact opposite of interesting. I'm-I'm… I'm…"
"Uninteresting?" Castiel offered helpfully as she struggled to find the words. Sam and Dean rolled their eyes in unison.
"Right! Thank you, Castiel. I'm highly uninteresting." She gulped a bit and wrung her hands as the three of them kept watching her. In the silence, she nervously looked in Castiels direction and blurted quickly, "I'm also George! Hi! Really nice to meet you! Big fan!"
"Nice to meet you," Castiel smiled awkwardly and nodded a greeting, looking at the other two with a confused expression, "...fan of what?"
"Right, positively boring," Sam interjected sarcastically before he could stop himself. He definitely thought she was interesting. First she's just a beautiful woman, then she's a beautiful woman he may or may not have had a life altering dream about ten years ago, and now she was a beautiful woman from an alternate reality where his life was a prime time television show… who he may or may not have had a life altering dream about ten years ago. 'Uninteresting' was definitely not an adjective he'd use for her.
Dean snorted, "Yea, boring is the last word I would use to describe that scene earlier. You caused Tim to sing like a canary, by the way."
Her jaw dropped in disbelief, "Say what?"
"I almost say we hire her to be our monster torture hypeman," He joked, looking at Sam with a raised eyebrow.
Sam ignored him and addressed Geroge's question, "After you left, Tim-"
"Cleetus," Dean interjected sarcastically.
"Cleetus… well, he sort of... started crying? He said he'd tell us everything we wanted to know if we promised to keep you away from him." Sam looked strangely apologetic and she let a few nervous chuckles escape, unsure whether to believe what they were saying.
"We think you hurt his feelings," Castiel explained further. "Which fortunately seemed to motivate him to talk, so thank you."
"I guess his demon mommy didn't teach him about sticks and stones," Dean cracked, taking another swig.
"Huh. OK. Neat!" George didn't know what to say; she was confused and strangely proud of herself. But she didn't want them to think she wasn't chill, so she shrugged nonchalantly, "You're welcome, I guess. Anyway, as I was saying, I'm not caught up to the current season of my timeline but I think I remember this whole Jack-gone-missing thing a little bit. I want to say you all track him down somewhere in… Oregon? Washington? I'm getting a Northwest-ish feeling." She began unconsciously pacing around the room, gesturing energetically with her hands. "I can picture a battle taking place in the woods...Jack being in danger, you all being in danger, too...some fighting...maybe someone losing the fight? Or getting really hurt," She glanced worriedly at Castiel. He'd be the only actor they'd axe of the three of them, so it stood to reason he'd be the most likely to die if she was right.
Dean and Sam shared a look before Dean asked, "Fine, I'll bite. Do you know a city? A time-frame? Who we're fighting? Anything specific?"
George paused and then slumped a bit in defeat, "No. I've only really watched up through, like, literally now. Other than random things I've heard or seen in passing, I don't know anything that's happened since ya'll got back from the apocalypse world. Been purposefully trying to avoid spoilers, too, which is a decision I now regret, obviously."
"OK, well look, sweetheart, it's OK," Dean began, in an embarrassingly condescending, douchey tone, "We don't expect you to help us. I mean, we're grateful about the assist with Cleetus, obviously but this-" Dean vaguely motioned in her direction and she raised an offended eyebrow, "-was obviously just a weird magical mess that Rowena left for us to clean up yet again. So, you just sit back and relax, and once we find Jack we'll figure out how to get you back home in a jiff, OK?" He winked and finger gunned at her, adding, "Don't you worry your pretty little head about it." In his way, Dean was trying to convey to her a sense of ease and comfort that they would take care of things. But, unsurprisingly, he came off incredibly dismissive and patronizing. Her cheeks flushed an angry red; she'd had it up to here with him by now.
Sam and Castiel exchanged nervous glances at the look on her face and Sam tried to stop it before the inevitable happened, "Uh, Dean, mayb-"
Cutting him off, George slowly walked toward Dean, eyes blazing, "Listen sweet cheeks." She had a polite smile on her face as she tried her hardest to muster up the same condescending, silky, sweet Dean-tone, "I'm sympathetic to the fact that you can't help but be an insufferably arrogant ass most of the time-that's just how you were written," for a split second she saw Dean's cool-guy-smug-face falter and she relished it. She could tell she landed a blow, even if it was a small one, "but maybe you could do us all a favor and try to ignore your cro-magnon dated natural urges and attempt to be open minded for once in your life? Just try to consider the fact that, like it or not, I might not be a total useless red-shirt? That maybe I-once again the lone female in the entire world according to Supernatural-might actually be useful? Hmm? Might actually have useful-albeit vague-information for you? Or would taking your lead from a woman be too threatening to you overbearing, uber-macho, 'we-get-it-you're-totally-straight' masculinity?"
Dean's head jerked back in offense, "Now, wait a minute! What's that supposed to mean?"
"Don't worry your pretty little head about it," She mocked him in a deep, goofy tone, high-fiving herself internally. Nailed it! She'd always hated how damn smug his character was. Yes, fine, he was hot and charming and smart as fuck and right at least like 75% of the time, but he didn't have to be so fucking arrogant about it all the time. She preferred a man with some humility.
Sam was smirking at the look on Dean's face and muttered teasingly, "How does it feel, Cleetus?"
"Except, you actually don't." Cas interjected begrudgingly, as he thoroughly enjoyed watching Dean get verbally bitch-slapped. In fact, he could watch it all day, but they needed to focus on Jack.
"Scuse me?" She said, maintaining her sweet tone while staring daggers at Dean. "Don't what?"
"Have useful information for us," the angel said begrudgingly matter-of-fact.
"Er," Sam interjected seeing the look on her face, "Uh, well, it's just according to Tim-Cleetus-whatever, Jack is being held captive inside an old church in a small ghost town outside Butte."
Dean slapped his hands over his mouth in mock surprise and then, taking a few steps toward George, he mimed a balloon being popped by an impractically large needle. He had an impossibly large grin spread across his face.
"She still has a point, Dean," Sam sighed in an annoyed, if not slightly embarrassed, tone at his brother's display.
Cas nodded in agreement, "Yes, you were incredibly condescending and unfriendly in your attempt at being friendly earlier. Even though she's wrong about Jack, she's right about your inability to relinquish control-to anyone, though, not specifically women."
"You all suck." Dean said flatly.
George ignored him and shook her head. She was more and more sure about her information by the second; despite her doubts she could feel she was right. "Listen, I'm telling you, Jack is not in some bullshit church in Montana. He's…" She struggled to remember. "Erg, somewhere rainy and wooded!"
"Rainy and wooded, you say?" She cringed angrily at the sound of Dean's voice. "That's really great, very helpful. Say, maybe we should look up your little murder buddy-OwnsHisOwnAxe69, was it?-and ask if he's got Jack stashed in the Marin Headlands?" Dean's voice dripped with sarcasm.
George shook her head at him and closed her eyes tight in an effort to block out his negativity. Walking slowly away from him and into the map room, she started talking to herself, in a pointedly loud voice. Her focus bounced between episodes from the show and conversations with her friend, Ryan, a Supernatural Encyclopedia. She was hoping she could piece together something useful.
"OK, hang on, Jack is born, gets sucked into Apocalypse World, comes back, has his grace stolen but he's safely with you guys, he's happy, he's great-albeit, moody and not the best at video games. Then he disappears and you can't find him, yadda yadda."
While she rambled, her mind's eye began conjuring images of what she assumed were scenes from the episode she was trying to think of. While helpful, it was also disconcerting since she'd never actually seen it. She thought perhaps she'd seen clips on youtube while watching bloopers? She never could stay away from them, even if she hadn't seen the episode yet; they were just too funny. Maybe her overactive imagination was just creating scenes around what little knowledge she did have, "...and there's an epic-potentially deadly-fight scene at the end of one of the last episodes of the season. An episode that was, oh so noteworthily filmed on location iiiiinnn…" She tried to demand that her memories behave for her but it was challenging, considering she shouldn't have any memories of having watched the damn thing at all. "...where? Fuck me!" She snarled, chasing desperately after her murky visions as they swirled too abstractly for her to discern.
In a sudden moment of unusual clarity she could see the words displayed behind her eyelids. '...False Klamath? Where the fuck… why does that sound familiar? She flashed to the location in her memories and saw big wooden statues towering outside the scenic little tourist trap
Her eyes popped open with a gasp, "Johnny Appleseed!"
"Johnny Appleseed?" Dean teased, mock exasperatedly, "We're trying to find JACK."
"The Johnny Appleseed statue at The Trees of Enigma! Just outside False Klamath, Oregon!" She slammed both her hands down on the table in front of her in uncontrollably jubilant victory. "HA! Take THAT!" She jumped up excitedly and punched her fist in the air. "I did it! I remembered!"
"Sam, can you translate any of this?" Dean asked, annoyed.
"On the show," She started smugly, before Sam could say anything, "the battle that you two get into when you find Jack, takes place at a tourist spot called The Trees of Enigma. The episode was filmed on location at said tourist spot, in-say it with me now-False Klamath, Oregon. Oregon, Dean. A place that is known for being both rainy and wooded." Her finger was placed on the map table in the general area of Oregon, "that's where you'll find Jack. I'm sure of it." Her adrenaline was pumping and she was so stoked. It felt really good to be useful; like she was part of the show!
"Yea, that's great, sounds fun," Dean started dismissively, though toned down a bit, "but we're not risking Jack's life to follow your hunch."
"Excuse me. Why is my so-called hunch less believable than a demon's word? Especially a demon named Cleetus. Rude," George looked particularly offended now.
"Tim gave us real, solid intel and we've never had a problem when we've relied on our trusted resources in the past," He answered confidently. George's head jerked toward him like she hadn't heard correctly and she gave Sam and Castiel some crazy eyebrows.
"Sorry, you understand that I do watch the show, right?" She asked rhetorically, with a doubtful expression. When he rolled his eyes, she let out a frustrated huff. "Dean, think about this! He's a demon! He lies! Look, I know you have no reason in the world to trust me but you've got to; just think about it. Even IF it is demons that have Jack, don't you think it's possible that the prisoner demon you're threatening to torture might give you a false lead? Especially if he's naive enough to think he'll be able to escape and doesn't want to get in trouble with his bosses? C'mon, this is not-the-sharpest-tack-Tim we're talking about!"
Sam and Castiel had agreeably expressions but Dean's was stubbornly disagreeable, though she could tell he knew she was right. The thought of them going to Montana gave her a dreadful, suffocating feeling, like death.
So, she tried one more tactic and held her hands up in prayer, "Dean please, I don't know what and I don't know how I know, but I know in my gut that if you go to Montana, something terrible will happen. And Jack's not there, I promise you." She dropped all the bullshit and gave him her best seriously-just-listen-to-me face but Dean still wasn't budging.
"Christ, I knew you were stubborn but this is ridiculous, ugh. OK, fine!" She threw her hands up and turned on her heel, heading toward the dungeon.
"Wait, where are you going?" Sam asked quickly.
"Obviously I didn't hurt his feelings badly enough the first time, so I'm going to go have another chat with Cleetus and get him to admit that he's a liar, liar, pant-"
"Er-you... can't do that," Sam cut her off apologetically.
"Sam, he's handcuffed to a chair. I appreciate the concern but-"
"He means you really can't," Dean added. George looked toward him annoyed and Dean continued, "After he gave us everything we needed we pretty much, chk," he finished, slicing a finger across his throat in demonstration. When she looked like she wanted to strangle him, he shrugged and offered, "RIP Cleetus."
George rolled her eyes in exasperation, "But he was lying! Don't you confirm the information before you cut off the source?! Oh my god, why am I even asking? You're the Winchesters, of course you don't." The three of men looked between each other guiltily and she placed her hand on her hip, "What if that was just an act and Tim saw an opportunity. Feeding you some bullshit so that you couldn't actually find Jack? Or, maybe Tim has nothing to do with Jack at all, and sending you to Montana is just a good old fashioned ambush?!" She paused for a moment and gave a surprised, appreciative nod, "Hmm, maybe I underestimated ole' Cleetus a bit. Could have been smarter than I thought."
"She does have a point, Dean. The chances that he was lying are incredibly high," Cas conceded slightly, giving Dean a questioning look. "We have no proof that his lead is any better than hers. Demon's lie."
"Damnit, alright, fine," Dean said, sighing angrily. "Sam and I will go to Oregon to look for Jack; Cas, check out Butte-carefully, strictly recon, do not engage-and call us if you find any trace of him." He shot a quick warning look at George. "We'll turn around and come right to you. Sound like a plan? Great, let's go."
"Wait, no! Don't send him to Butte! Didn't you hear me? If it's an ambush, he'll get his ass kicked!"
"Hey." Cas looked hurt and George softened her face at him.
"Oh, I'm sorry Castiel. You're a total badass when the plot calls for it, otherwise, getting beat up is just kind of your MO." Ignoring the confused look on the angel's face, She turned back to Dean, "and besides you need Castiel in Oregon, Dean. I've seen it!"
"Oh? I thought you hadn't 'seen this episode yet'?" Dean said sarcastically.
"I-I… Well, OK, I haven't, but I've seen the three of you and Jack all together for this fight. Just trust me, you need him there. What if Jack is hurt when you find him? Cas can heal him, right?" She made a questioning face to Castiel; at the moment she couldn't remember the extent of his powers on the show and he was always losing one or another for whatever reason, anyway. But if she was right, she figured that even if Dean wouldn't trust her gut, he might trust that having a healing angel on their journey would be a benefit. "Is that a power you have? I feel like I've seen you do that."
"She's right, Dean. I can heal him if we find him injured," Cas offered her helpfully and she shot him a grateful expression, actually looking him in the eyes for the first time, albeit fleetingly.
"Have you seen Jack get hurt?" Sam asked her, trying to help, too. He remained a neutral party at this point, but if he was honest with himself, he believed her. Maybe a little too much, which is why he was trying to stay impartial. If he was being blinded by his confusing memories and the undeniable-yet-currently-being-denied feelings he was developing for her and ended up wrong, Jack could be killed.
"Uh… I mean, no… not definitively, but it's pretty standard for the show. You're all constantly getting hurt during fights and when it's close to a season finale the danger factor is skyhigh for anyone who isn't you two…" After motioning to the brothers, she trailed off, afraid that this reasoning was going to hurt her more than help her.
Sam gave her a long, contemplative look before finally offering, "I can have a small team go check out Butte. Maybe Garth can join? Last time I talked to him he was near there."
Dean's teeth and fists were clenched as he took a deep, exaggerated breath, "Fine. We'll send a group to Butte and call Garth from the road-No arguments!" He held up his hand to her as she opened her mouth to speak. "The three of us are going to Oregon, just as you demand, but I'm not leaving anything to chance on some alien's hunch. Garth can handle himself."
She made an indignant face at him-she wasn't an alien, she was from an alternate reality! Get it right. But, while she was afraid of someone getting hurt in the obvious trap that had been set for them in Montana, the thought of Garth going instead didn't give her the same full-body fear shudder. So, she figured she'd take what she could get and not push the issue further. Besides, she knew Dean wasn't going to be happy about her next move and she had to pick her battles.
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fandomtrashwriting · 4 years
Second Chances [Part 1]
@cloudninetonine @prismaroyal
“Today, the famous Hero and widely proclaimed “Symbol of Peace”, All Might has recently announced to the public that he’s retiring from Pro Heroes. I, along with my colleagues, can say with a heavy heart, we're going to miss our number one hero! However, now that our symbol is gone, who will we rely on? What about the rise in criminal activity? It had risen by almost twenty percent after his official statement. What will be the response going to be from our Pro Heroes? I think-” The volume was lowered by Nezu before the animal turned to the staff seated within the room, finally approaching the subject that this meeting had been called for.
“As you may have noticed...since All Might retired, criminal activity has skyrocketed and people are more scared than ever before, so it’s our duty to help make sure the future is safe and that the people don’t lose hope in the heroes, I-” Nezu was cut off by a grimacing Present Mic, frustration clear on his face as he spoke.
“Are we really going to continue listening to them? The media blows everything up” He let out an angry huff while crossing his arms in annoyance.
Snipe leaned forward slightly, resting his chin on his intertwined hands before stating in a calm manner “If anything, they’re dreadfully undershooting the amount, from what I’ve seen, I’d guess more like, forty to a sixty percent increase”.
Present Mic, jumped up, slamming his hand on the table with anger clear on his face “That’s Bullshit! How can they push for answers and expect us to do more when we’re already stretched thin enough as it is all over Japan? We can only do so much!”
Aizawa nodded as he pinched the bridge of his nose in exhaustion “It’s even affecting the students, especially my classroom, ever since the training at the USJ and the camp. Not to mention, ever since Kamino, everyone has been on edge and restless, sure we locked away Stain, but that didn’t seem to help ease anyone, if anything it motivated other villains to join the league”
A collective stressed sigh left the adults.
“Sounds like we’ll need more heroes to combat this sudden increase of villains, but with all of Japan's hero schools full, it doesn’t seem likely we’ll be able to get more assistance” Midnight continued, her tone was serious but if you paid attention you could feel the defeat in her voice.
“Well, I have a proposition for that, I’m suggesting that we add in a third hero class,” The silence following was only broken by a few coughs, everyone staring at him with wide eyes in surprise or squinting at him trying to make sense of this; Cementoss spoke up, “are we sure we want to put more students in this situation?”.
“It sounds like a good idea, and for the last few months our security has doubled, not to mention we’ll be adding those dorms?” Thirteen turned towards Nezu who nodded in confirmation.
Vlad scoffed “It’s still a bad idea. Do you think the media will be satisfied with us taking in more students? If anything it’ll bring us bad publicity and taunting” as he leaned forward in his chair with an angry growl in his voice.
“And if we do nothing? That’ll also bring taunting and bad publicity. But while yes, our security has doubled, it’s not perfect. Do we even have a teacher in mind for them?” Ectoplasm inquired.
“Not at the moment, I’m hoping to figure that out at least once the exams are over,” Nezu stated.
“What about these kids' equipment? They’re gonna have less time to figure that out than the other two hero classes” Power Loader finally spoke up, raising a brow under his costume.
“Do you think your students would be able to make the costumes?” Nezu asked.
Power Loader fell silent before nodding “The students should be fine,” He responded, waving his hand as if to brush off the concern. “I’ll introduce it as a new project, have the first and second years interact,”
Recovery Girl spoke up, hints of doubt swimming in her eyes “How will these students be decided? Will there be another exam? If so, who do you think will apply?”
“Another entrance exam at the end of the month, and most likely everyone who failed or who is now at the age to take this exam, maybe even a few people who are ahead of their peers,” Nezu said this before turning to look at All Might, who had been awfully quiet during the whole ordeal. “What’s your thoughts on this All Might?”
All Might glanced at Nezu and the others in silence, before grimacing a little “Are we really ready to take on another hero class? And are we sure we want to take this on?”
“Nezu wouldn’t have suggested it if he didn’t think we couldn’t handle it,” Lunch Rush stated calmly, seemingly not having no doubt in Nezu.
Silence reigned over, the heroes sharing a silent agreement. Nezu is the smartest out of everyone here, even if they all were fused into a single being, he would still outrank them in brainpower. So, after a few minutes Nezu continued “So I guess it’s decided then, we’ll introduce the new class, but we should put out the announcement as soon as possible” With that their meeting was concluded.
~Time Skip~
“Hello everyone and thank you all for coming, you’re probably wondering about the reason for this announcement. Well, let us get straight to the point! Due to our Symbol of Peace’s retirement, we’ve made an important decision for the future of the hero society that we’ve decided to give more aspiring students the opportunity to attend the hero course by introducing another class” Nezu said, the crowd news reporters flashing their mics and cameras towards him.
“Why now introduce a new class after All Might’s retirement?” Cried one reporter “Why couldn’t you have it introduced earlier?” 
“All Might’s retirement has sparked a rise in criminal activity, this is an important matter, without the Symbol of Peace we need more people to assist in the hero society” Nezu answered, glancing over the people.
Another reporter spoke up, his tone holding nothing but a taunting presence “So are you saying this is All Might’s fault for retiring? Also, why introduce another class? Are you using children as a way to get rid of villains? To bring down the percentage? Drag them into a mess that has started since day one of this year’s classes at U.A? Seems like you're just sacrificing the lives of these kids for your oh-so noble cause!”
Nezu didn't bat an eye at the man's mockery before answering his question, his tone still polite as ever, although everyone in the room could feel a chill as his voice dropped. "We're not sacrificing children for a careless matter, our goal is to make sure the next generation of heroes are capable of protecting the innocents. Being a hero is not an easy job, sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the greater good, it's definitely harder than sitting around and asking questions without a care in the world" The reporter was left speechless by the principal's words.
A new voice spoke up “Um, what are the requirements to participate in this...” She paused for a moment “...new exam? And when is the exam date, if I may ask?” she mumbled.
“The requirements haven’t changed from the first one, on top of that anyone from any of the other courses can attempt to be put into the new hero class” Nezu responded.
She was quick with another inquiry “What happens to the spots those children leave behind in those courses?”
“Any participant that doesn't make the score for the new hero course can still attend another department if they wish to, allowing that we have the room” Nezu reassured her with a polite smile.
“How do you expect these new students to catch up with their peers?” Badgered an older looking man squinting at Nezu. “It’s been months since the official entrance exam, surely you have a plan?”
“We’ll be helping them study and train during the breaks in order to catch up” Nezu rebuked calmly, leaving the older man silent. “Are there any more questions?”
Finally being able to leave after hours of questions, only to be stopped again at the building's doors by the same woman from before, the only one from the crowd of reporters with an actual sense of politeness. 
She flashed them a smile “Sorry for bothering you, just wanted to say thank you for answering our questions, I know some reporters can get a little…” She flushed from embarrassment, remembering earlier “...distasteful, and I also wanted to apologize for their earlier actions, so I’m very sorry”
Their silence at her grew for almost a minute, her shifting her weight from foot to foot “Did I make you uncomfortable? I’m sorry”
Her words made the three of them blink for a moment, before Nezu cleared his throat out of embarrassment. 
"Please forgive us, it's just...this is the first time we've been face to face with someone as...polite as you, Miss…?"
She perked up and smiled brightly at the Principal “Oh! That’s alright, and my name is Sachiko Uchimaki. You three are Mr. Aizawa, Mr. Kan, and Mr. Nezu, right?” 
“That is correct” Aizawa narrowed his eyes in suspicion, “Is there a reason that you are speaking with us?”
“Well- I-.. uh-”
Nezu was quick to interject, letting out a small laugh as he waved Uchimaki off “There’s no need to get defensive, Aizawa, she merely wanted to apologise, there’s no need to worry!”
“That, and....” Uchimaki leaned forward in a bow, her head lowered in respect “I would like to thank you, as part of the public, for what you’re doing. I know that’s hard for heroes at the moment with All Might retired and the number of villains rising, but I also know that you’re all trying your best to combat these new problems everyday! And for that, I thank you, heroes”
Their stunned silence caused her to lift her head little and watch them before straightening up “um….well, I guess, um….bye? And have a very lovely day” Before leaving with a happy hum to have talked to them, it was very nice.
In the meanwhile the school's announcement was being broadcasted all over Japan, many youngsters were hearing the news either on the TV, a computer or their Smartphones, many of them were excited at the new opportunity of being able to become heroes, though only a few of them would end up making it, some with more hope than other. 
This...was their Second Chance.
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I Like You. |The Umbrella Academy|
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Requested: Can I request five x fem! reader where they are both 17 working at a part time job and Five’s way of flirting is bashing on someone because yeah and so the reader thinks he hates but her one he asks her to take him home because he doesn’t have a ride that day. The reader had like a long day and is frustrated and Five does sarcastic jokes on them and she just starts crying and yells at him saying that she can’t take it anymore or something and he kisses her and/or confesses. Thanks love! 
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader 
Warnings: Swearing, bashing, Five being a dick...ish
Words: 2.2K 
A/N: This is shit I’m sorry, I have failed :^) Do you know how hard it is to capture Five’s asshole personality?! Do you know?! So.... here we are... And let’s be honest, if Five were to ever confess it’d be blunt and quick. He just wants his feelings out there at this point.
You hummed softly as you shelved the books customers left lying around. You never understood why they couldn’t put them back where they got them from. Especially when they came from one of the higher shelves where you couldn’t reach. You sighed heavily and reached up as far as you could, barely touching the shelf with the book. An arm appeared next to yours, easily taking the book out of your hands and slipping it back into place. You turned around to see Five standing behind you, or rather looming over you since he was so tall. 
“Thanks Five,” You smiled widely, showing him your appreciation. 
“If you grew a couple more inches I wouldn’t have to help you so much,” He said as a matter of fact. 
“Awe but then we wouldn’t have a use for you,” You playfully bashed back. 
He rolled his eyes but smiled at your playful remark, following you as you continued with the books. He grabbed a few out of the cart you were pushing, placing them back in their rightful place. The two of you were in the romance section, how fitting for you, for the both of you. You had an undeniable crush on your coworker but you would never tell anyone about it. For one, it was just a silly old schoolgirl crush, and two, there was no way he liked you back or even thought of you in that way. You two had a playful relationship, or at least you hoped it was playful. He would say something rude and you’d try not to let it get to you and say something witty back. Sometimes you wondered if he secretly hated you and was merely tolerating you because he had to. With Five, it was always hard to tell. You hoped it was the latter of that and he was merely trying to be playful but it was just coming out wrong. 
Unbeknownst to you, Five felt the same way you did, he just had a very different way of showing it. To be honest, whenever he said some snarky comment it was him trying to flirt with you. Of course it never came out the way he wanted it to and it made him sound like a total dick. But the fact that you always followed along gave him some hope. Let’s not forget that the only relationship he’d ever been in was with Delores and she was a mannequin, so he didn’t really know how to properly talk a girl. Besides, Delores never really minded his snide comments so they couldn’t be that bad. And you always said something back so he knew they couldn’t be that mean. Unless you were doing it to put on a brave face and they actually did hurt. Maybe he should just come out right and tell you how he felt but if you didn’t feel the same way, then he’d risk the whole work dynamic you two had. 
Lost in his own thoughts, he hadn’t noticed you had moved onto another section of the tiny bookstore. He caught up and continued to help, shelving the books that were out of your reach. Maybe you weren’t Five’s favorite person but you liked this work dynamic you two had.
You know, you and Five have been working together for almost four months now but you didn’t know much about him. You know that he’s Five Hargreeves and one of the Umbrella Academy kids but you didn’t know anything outside of that. Maybe if you could get him to spill some secrets, it could build a closer bond between the two of you. 
“Hey Five, what kind of books do you read?” You asked. 
Five furrowed his eyebrows slightly, wondering what caused you to spark such a conversation. “Advance level type I guess, stuff your brain couldn’t handle.” 
Ouch, that didn’t hurt at all, everyone loves having their intelligence insulted. Five was so thankful you had your back faced to him so you couldn’t see him facepalm at his stupidity. He hadn’t meant to say it like that, he just meant that they were books that most didn’t read for pleasure. He hadn’t meant to downplay your intelligence, in fact, he thought you were one of the smartest people he’d ever meant. You did well in school, keeping up a steady 4.0 GPA and certainly knew how to handle yourself in debates. He liked that about you, you were a woman of knowledge and liked learning. 
“Right, cause you know I’m not at the top of my class or anything,” You mumbled. 
“You are? I wouldn’t have thought you to be,” He commented. 
“Finish up here will you, I’m gonna go check that customer out,” You said, quickly walking away. 
Fives sighed heavily as he watched you walk away, thinking about how stupid he is. He didn’t understand why his words sounded so mean, he wasn’t trying to. He sighed again and continued with the work you left him. You put some distance between you and Five after that, helping out customers and staying on the other side to avoid him. Yes you were upset, every time you tried having an actual conversation with him, he had to ruin it someway. That’s why you didn’t know much about him because every time you tried to talk to him, he made his snide remarks at you.
You went to bed upset that night and it followed you in the morning. You woke up to what would be one the shittiest days you’d ever have. First, you woke up late because your alarm clock didn’t go off. It didn’t go off because your phone did charge during the night. And it didn’t charge because your charger wasn’t fully plugged in. In an attempt to get to school on time you were rushing around, bumping into everything. You ended up getting to school thirty minutes late, pretty much missing your first period class. 
Your day had continued just as horribly as it started, you failed the test you had studied so hard for. Well you didn’t fail it, you just didn’t get the grade you wanted and that felt like a failure. Then during lunch some idiot bumped into you causing you to spill your drink on yourself. God you were fuming, the only lucky part was you had a spare shirt in your locker. You were just so done and wanted nothing more than to go home and distress. Unfortunate for you, you had work right after school and that meant working with Five. That was bound to go over well, Five’s antics were sure to make you blow up. You’d call off but it was just the two of you tonight, you and Five had to lock up. You just had to think up happy thoughts and try, just try, to get through the rest of the day. 
When you got to work, you were so glad to be there before Five. It gave you time to calm yourself and prepare for an unnecessary comments he’d without a doubt make. You took the time to just be in the back while your morning shift coworkers finished up their shifts. You just unloaded books from boxes and organized them on the carts that you’d later push through the aisles. To be honest, it was actually pretty relaxing, books always had the effect of calming you down. Not to mention you were alone so it was easier to let yourself go into your own little world. It really did help shift your crabby mood, although it wasn’t completely gone, it did help. 
“So, they’re keeping you back here, huh? Makes sense, we’ll attract more customers now that they can’t see your face,” This was a joke, he was trying to get a laugh out of you. This just brought you back into your sour mood and you ignored him. 
You placed your hands on the handle of the cart and pushed, walking past him without saying a word. This was new, usually you’d respond with something witty and it’d spark the playful banter between the two of you. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and followed you, helping you once again in shelving books. 
“You know if you want to know what kind of books I read, I can introduce you to some of favorite authors,” He said, referring to the unfinished conversation you two had yesterday. 
“No thanks, I’m not smart enough for that remember,” You replied coolly. 
“That’s not what I meant yesterday,” He told you, feeling slight guilt. 
“Really, then what did you mean?” You questioned, looking at him with a blank look. He was quiet for a few seconds before he opened his mouth to answer but you cut him off. “You know what, never mind. Just take these books, they go in the fantasy section.” 
You thrust a handful of books his way, just wanting him away from you before you blew up and said something you’d regret. Five kept his distance the rest of the day, obviously sensing that something was wrong but he was afraid to ask. With Five away from you, you thought you were in the clear, you’d make it through the day. Then you’d go home, distress, and the next day be back to your usual self. That’s what you hoped at least, then came the end of your shift. After closing up, you said a quick goodbye to Five before starting to head to your car. But he stopped you before you could take a single step. 
“My brother took my car, can I get a ride?” He asked. 
You narrowed your eyes as you thought about it before agreeing. It was just one quick trip to his house, what could go wrong? The first few minutes were silent which you were thankful for, things were going smoothly. That is until you got cut off by some ass wipe, prompting a thousand swear words to come crawling out your mouth. This surprised Five, he’s heard you curse but never like this, this was intense. On the low, he found it hot, but this just confirmed that there was something wrong. 
“Easy there potty mouth, road rage is dangerous,” He said, hoping to calm you down. 
“Oh shut up,” You let out, instantly regretting your tone of voice. 
“Okay, what’s wrong?” He asked. 
“Nothing,” You answered bluntly. 
“Obviously it’s not nothing since you’ve been acting like this all day,” He pressed. 
You pulled over the second you got the change, parked and turned your car off before looking at Five. You were stressed and you just wanted to let your frustrations out. “I have had the shittiest day ever and you are not helping! You and your petty comments! I’m so tired of them and it didn’t help that you made a comment on my looks today. Or yesterday when you insulted my intelligence, I’ll have you know that I work very hard and I have an amazing 4.0 GPA. I’m sorry I’m not a natural born genius like you but I am still a genius nonetheless. And I’m not going to let you or anyone else take that away from me. Also, I know I’m short, we’ve established that many, many times. God, I don’t even know why I like you!” 
You’d gone on such a rant you hadn’t even noticed the things you blurted, especially that last part. At least not until Five spoke up. “You like me?” 
Cue the red face as you look at him with wide eyes and spoke in stutters as you tried to defend yourself. “N-No! Absolutely not! Th-that’s not what I meant. I mean, y-yeah I like you, you’re my coworker. I-I didn’t mean it in that-” 
And then his lips were on yours, your eyes widened more before you closed them and kissed back. Your lips followed his in a soft manner, your hand resting on his cheek, his on the nape of your neck. This was by far the best way you’d ever been cut off mid sentence. When you pulled away, you stared at him in disbelief while he wore his signature smug smirk. 
“So you like me,” He said smugly. 
“Oh my god,” You rolled your eyes and went to pull away but he brought you back into another kiss. When you pulled away again, you answered. “Yes, I like you, a lot.” 
“Good, because I like you too,” He replied, bring you into another kiss. 
“Don’t you…have to go…home?” You asked in between kisses. 
“I have…time,” He replied, continuing to kiss you.
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randompony03 · 5 years
The Kiss of A Fairy Chapter 1: The Boy With Wings
Hey guys! I got this new fic I’m working on. It’s a lot better than the few I’ve posted here before, I promise. So, yeah. We got Logan, a normal high school student, who finds out there may be a bit more magic in his life than he wanted or bargained for. totally not based off of @fangirltothefullest ‘s amazing fae AU or anything-
Ships: Logicality, background prinxiety
Logan was a normal kid. Well, as normal as the smartest kid in school could be. He got good grades, always had an answer ready when a teacher called on him, and had received more medals than anyone else in debate. He liked to keep to himself, but he was by no account lonely. He had Roman and Virgil to ensure that.
Virgil had been friends with Logan since they were young. He had just shown up in the middle of the year during kindergarten. While the teacher was introducing him, he and Logan wouldn’t stop staring at each other. The two became fast friends, which was nice since they both had troubles making friends before, and even after meeting each other. That lasted until 8th grade decided to roll around.
Roman transferred to their middle school. Logan and Virgil met him and decided they hated him. He fought with both of them constantly. Despite this, they were stuck at the same table during science and consistently partnered together for history group projects. This had lead to them finally accepting each other. They learned to communicate better rather than resorting to name-calling and snarky remarks. Virgil and Roman still had trouble seeing eye to eye even after they settled down, but many long talks helped cure that. They grew very close after that, close enough for Logan to tease them about it. Soon enough, as Logan saw coming a mile away, fondness grew to love and the two of them were dating by their freshman year of high school. Life was simple but nice for them.
Logan now stood at the bus stop, his binder in hand. He could feel sleep beginning to sag under his eyes. He hadn’t counted on his after-school debate tournament to take so much out of him. Thankful for the cool night air, he closed his eyes to fully experience it. The sound of approaching feet pulled him back to reality. He opened his eyes and turned to see Roman and Virgil hand in hand. Roman had traces of green face paint on his light brown skin, while Virgil looked perfectly content. Lucky bastard only stayed after school for Anime Club. “We didn’t keep you out here alone for too long, did we?” Logan shook his head. “No, the tournament ended only a short while ago.” Roman relaxed at the statement. “Thank God. Dress rehearsal took longer than usual today.”
Roman and Logan droned on into the evening about what they went through that day while Virgil only snickered. Eventually, the bus arrived and the three boys boarded. They talked and laughed during the trip, then Roman had to leave. He quickly kissed Virgil good-bye before standing to exit the bus. After he was gone, Virgil and Logan were left to quietly chat until their stop came into view. Virgil quickly thanked the bus driver before stepping off and following Logan to their apartment building. They walked together to the second floor and bid each other good-night before Logan continued to the third.
Once in his room, Logan pulled out his Chromebook and began typing up a rough draft for a narrative for his English class. He wasn’t always the best with writing stories, even if they were from his own life. He figured he could have Roman look over it tomorrow. Asking for help had been a difficult task all Logan’s life, but once Roman stepped in and stubbornly insisted on looking over Logan’s writing it became a little easier. After a few moments of typing, he leaned back to think over how to phrase the next few sentences. That was when he noticed a figure dashing through the street to the trees across from the apartment. Standing up and leaning in close to the glass revealed the figure to be Virgil. Logan groaned and closed his Chromebook. What sort of mischief was that friend of his getting into now? He slid his window open and slipped through onto the fire escape. Rushing down, he carefully jumped to the ground beneath him. Once his feet made contact with the grass he bolted off after Virgil.
“Virgil!”, he whisper-shouted, “What the hell are you doing?” His question seemed to blow away in the night air when no response came. Logan batted away branches and leaves as he continued head-on into the forest. After it felt like he was truly lost, Logan caught a glimpse of Virgil, but he seemed different. His ears were long and pointed, and there were small horns poking out from his head. He took off his shirt and OH GOD. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. WERE THOSE WINGS? As Logan continued to run forward, thousands of questions swam around his mind distracting him from the outside world. He ran smack into a particularly wide tree.
When Logan came to it was daylight. He squinted at the sunshine stabbing through the leaves above him. He slowly sat up and brushed himself off. Some of the dirt stayed on his clothes, but at least he could get all the leaves off. He was about to stand when he heard a small yawn near him. Freezing in place, Logan turned his head to see the source of the sound. Some kid with strawberry-blonde hair decorated with a flower crown, an elaborate layered dress and a set of iridescent wings sat with their back turned to him. They stretched their arms up into the air before swiveling around to see Logan. A freckly face with a pair of glasses composed of what seemed to be rose gold and twigs sitting on it stared at him. They turned all the way around so their front was facing Logan as a grin spread across their face. Judging by body shape alone, Logan figured they might be a boy. “Oh good, you’re awake!” the boy in the dress said excitedly, clapping his hands together. Logan only stared back, mouth agape. The winged boy cocked his head at him, still smiling. There was a curious glint in his eyes.
Suddenly, he dashed forward on hand and knee. He stopped a mere few centimeters from Logan’s face. Logan found his cheeks to be heating up. The other boy grabbed each side of his face, turning it this way and that. “I’ve never met a human before.” he chirped, using his thumb to push Logan’s upper lip to expose his teeth. Logan had never felt so violated of his personal space, and yet so unwanting to do something about it. The other boy gasped. “Look how flat your teeth are!” He giggled, the sound of it comparable to bells. He pulled away placing his hands in his lap. A grin full of pointy teeth spread on his face. A shiver ran up Logan’s spine. “I’m Patton by the way. What’s your name?” The boy in the dress asked. Logan blinked a few times and just barely choked out, “L...Logan.” Patton seemed to be processing the name. “Logan? Logan. LoganLoganLogan.” he tried it on his own tongue, becoming more delighted the more he said it, “Logan! I love it!” he giggled his bell giggle once more and happily fluttered his wings. Logan’s face burned. He never really thought anyone would be this enchanted with his name. “Thank you..” he mumbled, “Uh if you don’t mind, would you tell me something?” He asked. Patton beamed. “Of course Logan!” He leaned forward a bit to signal that he was listening. “What are you?” Logan's eyes wandered to Patton’s wings. “I’m a fae! More specifically a fairy!” Patton answered. Logan held the side of his head. This kid either had to be insane or a figment of his imagination, no way was he a real fairy. “Would you answer a question for me now?” Patton asked, leaning forward more now. “Oh, uh, sure?” Logan agreed. “What’s your full name?” A gust of cold wind blew through the leaves. There was something about that question that didn’t sit quite right with Logan. If it had been anyone else, he would have out-right refused, but something about Patton made him feel like a powerful figure of natural authority. The bespectacled human felt like there would be unpleasant consequences for not answering the question. “Logan Farhan Berry.” A large toothy grin spread across Patton’s face. Logan had a feeling that was a bad sign. He, admittedly, didn’t know a whole lot about fairies, but he knew enough to know that they were dangerous and not at all like Tinkerbell.
Patton shot up and danced happily around the forest floor. He hummed in satisfaction as he twirled around Logan, reaching out to lightly hold up the human’s face every now and then. Logan had never felt more lost then he did right now. “Come dance with me, Logan! Don’t you want to celebrate?” Patton asked, tugging at Logan’s arm. “Celebrate what?” he asked, allowing Patton to pull him to his feet. The fairy pressed his back to Logans front and had him place his arms around him. “Celebrate our romantic bond of course!” Patton answered dreamily, nuzzling into Logan’s chest. By now, Logan’s face was as red as a tomato. “Wh-What do you mean, ‘romantic bond’?” he asked barely above a whisper. Patton spun out of his arms and faced Logan with a bright smile. “You gave me your full name! You’re my lover now, Logan Farhan Berry!” For a moment Logan thought he was going to collapse due to all the blood in his body rushing to his head then draining out in such a short amount of time.
 So THAT’S why Patton had seemed so excited at the idea of Logan giving him his name. Logan still couldn’t fully process the fact that he had seemed charming enough that a fairy had asked for his full name to be in a romantic relationship with him. Patton was very handsome, probably due to him being a fairy, but Logan wasn’t sure he wanted to start a relationship with him. Or anyone for that matter. He wasn’t exactly in tune with his feeling 100% of the time, that includes romantic attraction.
“Patton?” came a voice from behind some nearby trees. Logan swore he knew that voice, but he was so out of it he couldn’t pinpoint how. A hand placed itself on the side of a tree in front of them. A round face with a head of purple hair and small horns followed after. The piercing green eyes with the dark eye makeup around them finally clicked in Logan’s memory. “Patton, where did you go last night?” Virgil asked, stepping out more. Patton’s face lit up. “Virgil! Come meet my betrothed,” he wrapped his arms around Logan’s and pulled him into view, “Logan!” The human and the fairy half hidden by trees staring, bug-eyed at each other. “Virgil?!” “Logan?!” They called out in surprise and confusion to each other.
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angstymarshmallow · 6 years
21. Autumn Leaves (Zig x MC)
[A little note: I’m still working my way through some September prompts, because I am VERY bad at finishing stuff on time. Thank you @hellomynameisdeviblaire for your request :’), I still have another one from you that’s sitting here but]
[Words Counted: 1902]
[Summary: A long day of thinking and research during fall quarter makes Dia (MC) doubt her own capabilities as a writer until Zig’s steadfast support provides her the comfort she needs].
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The cool autumn wind brought the rapid approach and the quiet reminder of winter nearly everywhere she looked. From the safety of her windows, she often watched the trees as their leaves gradually became a dull brown before they begun their slow descent back into the earth and much like the rest of Hartfeld – Dia turned her summer shorts and tanks in for fall jackets and combat boots. She stuck to keeping indoors more than out, as the colder it grew the more reluctant she became to venture outside. Eventually, Zig was the only one trying to make grocery runs whenever they were out of food and only dragged her out of the house when he implored she was “cooped up for far too long”.
Spending most of her time in doors have Dia a lot more time to think. She spent a considerable amount of time on average thinking about her friends; how they managed to somehow still fit into each other’s lives despite heading in different directions. She thought about Zig – how different her life would have been if they had never met, if he hadn’t become such an important part of her life and her innermost circle. And lastly as she fiddled with the keystrokes of her laptop, her thoughts travelled to her thesis, where they lingered the most recently – this was her last hitch until graduation. It was only too bad she had no idea where it would take her.
Absently Dia ran her fingers through her cat’s fur, and felt the little creature’s head nuzzle into her side. She sighed. She still hadn’t the faintest idea on what her focal point should be – only small increments of ideas came to mind; and they never seemed to go anywhere. She shook her head and gave another frustrated sigh before leaning back inside the couch. Her eyes went to the ceiling as she mulled over her years here. Her years at Harfeld. 
Could the answer be easier than she thought it was?
She heard keys jingling at the door as well as Argo’s sudden barking before his tiny legs made a beeline for it. “Argo!” She snapped, sitting upright inside her couch.
KitKat made a soft noise at suddenly being roused awake. The grey and white cat abandoned Dia’s side seconds before she got to her feet.
The door closed behind Zig and he struggled to take his shoes off with one hand while resting the large grocery bags to his chest.  He was lost inside his own thoughts until Argo started running happy circles around him.
“Woah,” he nearly stumbled into the small puppy, but stumbled back at the last second. “Careful boy.”
“Argo.” Dia let the warning in her voice settle before the puppy’s eyes shifted to her. His tail stopped wagging. She crossed the room, holding a finger up to her lips in a shushing motion. “Spot, now.” She pointed across the room with the flicker of her wrist.
Argo whimpered but followed her request, his ears downcast until he reached the pet bed in the corner of the room.
“I really hate it when we have to do that.” Zig sighed.
“But that’s the only way he’ll learn.” Dia reminded him, shooting the puppy a small but stoic glare.
Argo seemed to pout at her as he settled his chin to the floor.
“That does not work on me, Argo.”
“She’s right. I’m the sweet parent.” Zig mused, he shifted a little and one of the grocery bags tittered forward until it fell from his arms. “Shit!”
Dia scrambled at the last second, half-jumping to catch it. “Got it.” It landed with a light thud. “Need a little hand?” She smirked, as she straightened herself upright. Placing one hand on her hip,, Zig tried to shift the weight of the rest of the bags again.
“Yes please.” He didn’t hesitate to administer the rest of the other half of paper bags the second she stretched her hands wide. “You have no idea how hard it was to get these all out of the car at once.”
“I can imagine.” She frowned thinly. ““You bought a lot more this time.” She juggled the weight in her hands before turning for the kitchen.
“We needed a lot.” He countered.
Together, they begun packing the groceries away.
“You say that now,” she snorted. “But don’t blame me when half of it ends up in the garbage. Sometimes I think you forget we’re only two people.”
“I won’t forget,” he replied mildly as he shoved a bag of flour into their cupboards. “Besides who knows the next time Kaitlyn’s band will crash by here? Or when we’ll see Abbie and Tyler? And anyway, I think we deserve to splurge every now and then, especially considering the deadline for our fall projects right around the corner.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” She ducked underneath him to get to the fridge. Yanking it open, she placed their new bags of milk inside.
“Still not much luck on your thesis?”
“Zero luck.” She bent forward to deposit the frozen meats at the bottom of the refrigerator. “Shit out of luck at this point really.” She grumbled.
“Hey.” She could feel his hand on her waist before he pulled her to him. “You’ll get through this.” He said softly, waiting for her to meet his stare.
“How?” She demanded. She stared up at him, her frustration growing from the frown creasing her brows. “How can you say that?”
“Because I know you.” His smile was soft, encouraging as he cupped her cheek. “I know how smart and fierce you are when you know what you want.”
“And knowing is half the battle, right?” She scowled a little, lips making a little frown until his fingers slid to trace tiny patterns across it.
She nipped his finger.
“Sorry,” although she didn’t look nearly as apologetic as she seemed to sound. The corner of her lips lifted before quickly falling again. “I’m just…in a bit of a rut right now.” She shrugged. She knew how important expressing herself was to him and although some of it still felt uncomfortable, it meant a lot to her knowing he always made it a point to ask. “I guess everything I write just…feels terrible. The words aren’t coming when they should half the time. And the other half the time - nothing seems to make sense…” She sighed, glancing away.
“Aww, babe.” He drew her into a reassuring hug, dropping a kiss to her forehead. “That’s perfectly normal.”
“Is it?” Her words were muffled against his chest. Angling her chin, she frowned faintly up at him. “I thought I was getting the hang of it, but this…this wall I’ve hit. It makes me want to say - fuck it. I don’t really need an education, right?”
“Well, don’t say fuck it.” He knew better than to think she was kidding. He believed at least apart of still thought none of this was worth it. He could understand. Half the time while he was studying on his own – tests after tests, projects after projects – he felt exactly the same. “You’ve come all this way babe. We’re in our last year, pretty soon we’ll be done.”
“I know, I know.” She admitted. “It doesn’t feel that way right now. You don’t know how long I was staring at the screen before you came in. Hell, maybe this is really some kind of sign.”
“You don’t believe in signs.” He pointed out thinly, earning himself a withering look from her.
“I’m just saying, maybe I’m not so cut out for this anymore.”
“Hey.” She tried to look away but he wouldn’t let her. Instead, he kept a finger tucked under her chin and waited for those crystal blues to gaze right back at him. “Babe, you’re one of the smartest people I know.”
She snorted.
“No really,” he insisted. “You are.”
“I’m still in brainstorm mode.” She argued, not quite meeting his expression. “I keep thinking about all the stuff we’ve been through to get here, all the stuff I’ve been through since freshman year.”
“Yeah? Let that help to be your guide. Things happen for a reason and who doesn’t spend awhile picking a topic?” He shrugged. “That’s normal. You’ve got the time and I won’t let you doubt how brilliant you are just because of a little setback.”
She didn’t answer him.
“Even if I have to stay up with you on nights where you need someone to bounce ideas off of – I will.”
“That would be a lot of sleepless nights.” She pointed out. “Especially at the rate I’m going.”
He chuckled lightly. “Hey, you’re my girl.” He grinned and watched the corner of her lips quirk into a small smile. He found it always did when he called her that – no matter how many times he said it. “And every second of missed sleep is worth it for you.”
Her cheeks heated at the sudden intensity behind his words. His eyes bore into hers with enough determination that it made her stomach flutter. God, it didn’t make sense – but somehow Zig knew how to stop her from spiralling – he seemed to recognize her triggers even before she could. Especially lately.
He really was the love of her life.
When she didn’t answer, Zig dipped his head low enough to watch her eyes widen a fraction. “No matter what, I’ll always be here for you. Right here, whatever you need.” He murmured, “even if that means blowing off some steam inside, even if it means being buried under blankets together or wandering around the block for hours – whatever you need.” He placed a soft kiss on her lips, felt her smile through his kiss. “Because that’s what it means to love someone – and in case you haven’t noticed, I love you.”
He drew her closer to him. “I love you enough to put dinner on hold on this cold autumn evening long enough for us to cuddle and watch something. Trust me, I’m never wrong about these things.”
“I love you too.” She replied with a laugh, and the sound brought with it some of tension out of the room. Looping her arms around his neck, she smirked up at him with eyes glittering in amusement. “Well when you put it that way, how’s a girl supposed to say no?”
“That’s the thing. She doesn’t - not my girl anyway.” He kissed her again, nipping on her bottom lip playfully. “My girl is always ready for anything.”
She slid her hands inside his hair, tugging gently until he sucked in his breath. “I’ll give you an even better idea.” She whispered against his lips, her cool breath sending a shiver down his spine. “Fuck the show, fuck me instead.”
“Best idea I’ve heard all week.” Grinning, Zig scooped her inside his arms. Taken by surprise, Dia yelped in surprise before burrowing her smile inside his neck.  She closed her eyes, filling her inside with the quiet warmth of his solid body against her as slid her hands around his shoulders. Her grip tightened as they half-stumbled towards the bedroom.
They made a wide berth around their tiny companions, before closing the door shut behind them. They made quick work of their clothes - their want for each other quickly turning into a need to be closer as patience was soon replaced by their heady desire, suddenly desperate to be skin against skin.
Dia could only hope for more nights like this in autumn – where their quaint little home was filled with laughter and the soft whispers of adoration pouring from his tongue; shutting out the quiet coldness of fall as they tumble into bed together while the presence of winter lurked around the corner. 
Tags:  @mrswalkerwrites, @everythingchoices,  @asprankle, @enmchoices, @nerdpossible , @craftytacotrashdream, @mysteli, @simplyaiden-blog, @shirinalshabra, @innerpostmentality
43 notes · View notes
ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
“Talk to my son like that again, and I will end you” - Damian Wayne x Batmom
Summary : Damian is the victim of racism, Batmom steps in to kick some asses.
Just something that popped into my mind one night, after a day of heated argument defending some of my “people of color” friends, like some things get me instantly mad...so I had to write about it and hum...hope you’ll like it : 
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
You didn’t mean to say it on live TV like that...but...The nerves of those people ! 
It was common knowledge that you didn’t particularly held journalists in your heart. 
Some would say it was because any form of media in Gotham was OBSESSED with your family, and you hated the attention you all constantly got. 
If you cut your hair, it’d be in the paper, if your sons were spotted hanging out in town, it’d be in the paper, if you and Bruce did something, it’d be in the paper...with ridiculous titles too : “The heir of the Wayne fortune are turning into delinquents !” when all they did was skateboarding around town. “Bruce Wayne and (Y/N) Wayne about to divorce ?” just because Bruce arrived later than you at a gala...So stupid. 
Yes, some would say it was because they constantly tried to find a scandal about your family but others...like exactly the journalists you hated the most, would say it was because your husband dated a few of them. And yeah, it was true he did “date” some of those women but, this wasn’t why you disliked journalists. 
And Bruce knew it, he’d just tease you with it sometimes to try and relax you because some douchebag wrote lies in the papers about your family...
You knew by marrying Bruce that it would be like that, that you’d always be the center of attention and honestly, when it was just about you ? Or even Bruce ? It was alright. Both of you could handle it. 
But when it touched your children ? Oh no. No. And no. 
And so, tonight, as someone made a comment about your youngest son..you kinda lost it. And you could already see the title of every articles and such that’ll come out the next day : 
“(Y/N) Wayne loses it on live TV”
But this was too much. Your boy already struggled with this at school, he didn’t need it everywhere else...How did they even hear about it anyway ? 
Uh...Who were you kidding ? They were journalists, of course they would have heard about your little outburst at Gotham Academy...
A few days earlier : 
Damian Wayne knew how to fight. 
He mastered many martial arts, and could get out of almost any dangerous situation. He was but a child, but one kick or a well placed punch from him could kill a man (or a woman, he didn’t discriminate ). 
And though since he started to live with his father, and met a certain (Y/N) Wayne (a woman he came to love more than his own mother, a woman that never showed anything but love for him, and that always stuck up for him, even in front of his dad...), he stopped killing, he could still do it. 
Damian Wayne was a killing machine, he was raised to become the “King of the World”, so of course he knew how to fight. And he was, well, a genius really. 
Damian Wayne knew how to speak eight languages and had a very high IQ, he was probably the smartest 10 years old out there. 
He could solve almost any problems he was faced with, carefully thinking about every options. He was almost as smart as his father and older brother, Tim. But “almost as smart” as those two basically meant that he was a genius. 
Damian Wayne was slowly starting to understand how to express his feelings other than by fighting, was slowly learning how to love properly, how to accept other’s love and help...His family showed him every day that they were there to stand by his side and he knew he would never be alone but...
But there was one thing Damian Wayne had no clue how to do and it was...how to defend himself from verbal attacks. From very particular verbal attacks. 
When someone told him anything about being Bruce Wayne’s son, about being a rich fuck and such ? Oh he would use the sass and sarcasm you taught him and basically humiliate them, and make them apologize. 
But those things people said...it hits him right on the most insecure part of himself. More than it should. And he finds himself being beat down, for the first time in his life, by stupid words someone threw at him. 
He tried. He really did try to make friend, and he thought that he achieved that but...There was always some comments that made him flinch, even though his “friends” didn’t really notice. 
There was thing he could live with. Like when people asked him if he was “Arabic”...he’d just explain to them calmly that “Arabic was a language, not an ethnicity, he’s Arab. Half, Arab”. Or when they asked if “English was hard to learn ?” and all of that. Those were ignorant comments, but he could handle them. No. The one that genuinely hurt him the most, and that made him not know how to react, were those : 
“You’re not like us you’re...you’re...You’re just not like us”.
“If you ever plan on blowing up the school, please blow the math class first, I really hate that place haha”.
“You look Mexican, no way you’re Arab ! Besides, I’d rather have someone Mexican in our school than Arab cause..Well, you know”.
“Don’t mess with Damian, he’ll yell “aloha snackbar” and suicide bomb next to you hahahahahahahahahahahahaha”. 
“So, Damian, you’re basically half-Arab ? Don’t you think your people are completely crazy and maybe you guys should chill ?”
Because those comments played on his worst fear : not being able to fit in anywhere. Not being able to find his place. 
Ever since he arrived at Wayne Manor and you took him in as your son, without ever asking any questions, he was your boy and that was it...There was a lingering fear in the back of his mind that he was just too different from you to be your son. It was never about the color of his skin of course, or anything physical, but the feeling was awakened by those comments. His fear didn’t stem from the way he looked. 
No. He was afraid he came from a world that would never completely let go of him, that he grew up so differently from his siblings and that he was just learning how to express his feelings, how it was to be truly loved...He was just sometimes too afraid he was too far gone and couldn’t be yours. 
And he wanted to be, oh he wanted to be yours...because you’re the first person that showed him was a mother’s love truly was ! 
He was raised to be the King of the World, and did truly despicable things before he even reached the age of ten and..you were so gentle and nice, so tender and beautiful.
And those comments insisting on the fact that he was somewhat different, though it shouldn’t matter, stuck in his mind. It started from the way he looked, which he never even thought about, and unlocked feelings about : “maybe he was really different in some ways ?”
It made him feel sad and unfitting. 
Why the opinion of a few bigots who called themselves his “friends” mattered so much ? Why couldn’t he answer in a sassy and sarcastic way there too ? Why did he stay silent when they said all of those things ? 
Not even a punch. Nothing. That’s because he didn’t want to disappoint you, he didn’t want you to come over to school and hear the principal talk about how bad your son was...But still. 
He wasn’t ashamed of his origins, far from it, he loved to talk about this part of him, this part of his culture, and share it with his family (you guys were always so open about it. Hell, his brothers even started to learn some Arabic for him ! Bruce of course was already fluent, but his brothers ? It melted his heart to think they’d make the effort to learn so much about his culture. Of course, you were always willing to take part in anything he wanted to do as well. Always). 
But those comments constantly made about it made him feel...as if he didn’t deserve to be part of your family, because he was too different...Even if truly, he wasn’t. 
All those words they were saying, not even thinking it was racist, were getting to him more than they should. They were going right through his heart. 
Damian slowly started to hate himself about it. To hate those feelings he had inside him and, though he often talked to you about all his problems he never uttered a word about this. 
You knew him. He was your son after all. And his behavior was very close from his father’s more often than not...and so you knew something was wrong with him immediately. But by the look in his eyes, it seemed too important for you to push him about it, for you to force him to talk about it. 
No. It was clearly an issue he needed to come to talk to you about first. And oh Damian was glad you didn’t try to make him speak. Of course you would hint at it sometimes, asking him if he was alright more often than usually but..he couldn’t speak. 
He couldn't talk to you, too afraid that you’d agree with his friends : he was too different to be part of your family, part of this world you were living in...It wasn’t about the money of course, he lived in wealth all his life and knew everything about the way of life of the rich and famous, how to act in public and such but...Other than that, he sometimes felt like he was just so different. 
Again. It was not because of his skin color. But the comments about it, linked to his culture, being consistent about the difference, is what made him feel...feel...
He just couldn’t talk to you about it...
And he actually never had to. One day, someone said something that finally made him snap, that brought the worst of him out and...He never felt that beat down in his life, just the thought of disappointing you once more was too much...
He was in English literature class when it all happened. A boy he knew kept talking to him and Damian tried to be nice about it, telling him that he wanted to listen to the teacher and...The boy took it wrongly, and threw something at the back of the teacher saying : “it’s Damian sir”, and of course, all of those fuckers in his class agreed. 
It was Damian Wayne. 
Anything to give Damian Wayne troubles. Because they were all jealous of him. He seemed to have the best family ever, who actually genuinely cared about him, and they also were the richest family in Gotham. How did they manage to love him while running a multi-billionaire enterprise ?! Most of the kids in Damian’s class barely saw their parents, always too busy for them...And so they became overly jealous of the boy, and would go out of their way to make his life more difficult, still acting like if they were his friends though. Because who would pass on the opportunity to be associated with a Wayne really ? 
But Damian wasn’t stupid. He knew none of them were his friends. And this little incident was just another proof of it...But that’s not what made him snap. No. What made him snap were the words his teacher was about to say. 
Damian understood long ago that his English lit teacher wasn’t a nice man. That he often made racist comments about characters in books and all. And that most of all, he didn’t hold Damian in his heart, mostly because of stupid misplaced pride. 
It was obvious that the kid was smarter than him. And that, Mr. Tickle (what a ridiculous name really) couldn’t handle it. And so when the classroom pointed at Damian about that piece of paper that had been thrown at him ? Oh the occasion was too good to pass on it. 
He narrowed his eyes at Damian, and started his sermon. But its his last words that made Damian see red. It’s when he said : 
“I don’t understand how a respectable man such as Bruce Wayne adopted a kid like you. Everyone know your people are vile. Your people are...”
He never finished his sentence, as Damian’s fist met his jaw violently. There was absolutely no doubts in anyone’s mind what the teacher meant by “your people”. And he lost it. Finally. After too many comments akin to this.
And here, standing in the middle of the class, his teacher looking at him in shock, his nose bleeding and a huge bruise forming on his jaw, his entire classmates staring at him with a hint of fear in their eyes...All Damian could think about was how disappointed you were going to be. 
And it was the hardest thing in the world, to hold his tears in that moment, especially after his teacher said : 
“I knew it. You just proved my point young man. You’re a bad seed.”
When Gotham Academy called you, you rolled your eyes at the phone. Who was it going to be this time ? Tim or Damian ? Dick and Jason were out of the school by now, but oh man you had your ration of calls for them too. “Your son thought that skipping math class was a good idea”, “your son incited his classmates into rioting against class on Monday for some reasons”, “your son hacked the school system and gave everyone an A...” ...Yup, calls from the school were something usual. 
But what was unusual was the grave tone the principal took (all of your sons’ antics were usually too funny even for the principal to be too strict about it). What was unusual was how he said the name “Damian”...What happened ? 
Your heart raced at a million miles per hour as you started to worry, even more so because the principal refused to tell you what happened, just said you needed to come as fast as possible. 
Alfred barely saw your form rushing out of the manor and to your motorcycle as you left the house...
Angry. That’s what you were. Damian knew it. He could feel it radiating from you. And it only made him feel guiltier, sadder. He had the faint hope that you’d forgive him, that you would run your hand through his hair (he always found the gesture soothing beyond measure) and tell him that everything would be alright.
But you were angry. And he was the reason you were angry...
Your voice resonating in the Principal’s office took him out of his day dream. Or rather, day nightmare...
You were sitting in front of the principal desk, on uncomfortable chairs, next to your son. The English lit’ teacher was standing on the side, and his smug face made Damian want to hit him once more.
“So...You’re saying my boy punched his teacher ?” 
“Yes Mrs. Wayne, that is what I am saying.” 
“May I ask why ?” 
Mr. Tickle, the English teacher, chuckle slyly and the principal, after giving him a look says : 
“I do not know. I only know he punched him, and that it is unacceptable in this school. We have high standards Mrs. Wayne, and your son isn’t meeting them right now.” 
“It’s funny, I thought he was the best student in this school. Better than his own teacher.”
You can’t help but add, looking straight into Mr. Tickle’s eyes. And oh how he averts your gaze is an answer enough. Something is fishy. And before the principal can answer you you say : 
“What was the reason for my son to punch you, Mr. Tickles ?” 
You emphasized his name and you know it’s childish but...there’s something about this man you don’t like. And he says : 
“I was just sermoning him after he through a piece of paper at me. And he became mad because I was telling the truth, probably.” 
You turn to your son and, lifting his chin up you meet his eyes. And the sadness, guiltiness and sorrow you see in those beautiful green orbs make your heart tightened. You have to know the truth, and you give Damian your best “don’t lie” look while you ask : 
“What did he say to you Damian ?” 
There’s a long pause. Filled with the principal’s awkward shifting and throat clearing, and a speech from the English lit teacher you don’t listen a word of, too focused on your son, when finally...
“He said it was a shame that a respectable man such as dad, and also he talked about you I assume, adopted me while I was a...a...”
“A what my boy ?” 
“Someone like me. Because everyone know that “my peoples” are vile and...”
Oh. All hell break loose. And as you quickly stand up, ready to fight, Mr. Tickles goes to hide behind the principal’s chair. Principal who isn’t much reassured either. 
“Calm down Mrs. Wayne, we don’t know what...”
“My son is a lot of things. Yes sometimes he can be a brat, like every kid, but he’s no lier ! And why would he lie about such an important issue either ?! He hinted at us before that some of his “friends” made some ignorant comments about his origins, but I never thought it would come to this ! I already talked about it to you Mr. The Principal, the man who’s suppose to make sure everything goes right in this school, and you told me that you talked to Damian’s classmates to make sure they weren’t bullying him about his origins. Maybe you should have talked to your fucking teachers as well ?” 
Damian’s mind runs too damn slow. What is happening ? And you already talked to the principal about his friends making racist comments ? But...how did you know ? 
But oh you know everything. You’re his mom. You notice this things. You know him more than anyone...And you’d be damn if you never said anything. 
The principal tries to speak once more, but you cut him off. 
“Mrs. Wayne we...”
“Don’t “Mrs. Wayne” me sir. This is a school. It’s suppose to be a safe and learning place for kids. And you, so called “teacher”, how dare you say such a thing to my son ?! What is that suppose to even mean ? How dare you make him feel that different ? When we both know it’s because he’s more intelligent than you. Don’t let your frustration about being mediocre spill on my son you motherfucker. Don’t you dare speak like that about him ! We all know, here, what “your people” mean, and it’s a disgrace. Shame, shame on you !”
It goes on for about ten minutes. The worst of it all is that you don’t even yell, you speak with a very calm voice but oh...every pore of your being radiates with danger. Everything about you is scary. And in that instance, you’re way scarier than the Batman himself. 
You tell them about your son, how good of a boy he is, how wonderful and smart, how he makes efforts to integrate himself and such. You praise Damian. Because he deserves it. And because he’s just a child with no way to defend himself, at least against such attacks. And oh the speech you make about racism, about how such bigotry is only proof of a poor and empty mind...It makes the English teacher cry. 
But you don’t soften. Oh no. You continue. Until the principal is on the verge of a breakdown, and the teacher is a crying mess sobbing “I’m sorry” every few words. You don’t stop until you’re sure they understand why you are angry. Until you’re sure this will never happen again. You don’t stop until your satisfied with yourself, until you know your point came across. 
You don’t stop until you’re sure Damian understands he’s not at fault. Until he understands you’re proud of him, and though there’s better ways than violence to defend himself, you don’t stop until he understands that you think he did right. That they had it coming. That if he had to do it again, then so be it. 
You don’t stop until Damian knows you love him more than anything in this world, that you’ll always be here for him, stand up for him if he needs you to, and if you have to be the one giving out punches, then you will. 
You leave the principal’s office, your son’s hand in yours, giving them your famous “Batmom Glare”, and though you first came in to speak about your son “unacceptable behavior” , you end up leaving with those two men profusely apologizing to you and your boy. 
The “unacceptable behavior” was not your son’s. They knew it, now. 
You’re at your motorcycle, trying to calm down, and giving Damian his helmet so he can come on your motorcycle with you when the boy looks up at you, tears welling up in his eyes and says : 
“I thought you were angry at me...”
“Oh no my dear, I was angry because of your teacher’s smug face. I could just feel that something was wrong, you’d never punch someone for no reasons, I know this my baby bird.”
And here we go. Your soothing fingers going through his hair. And that is it. That what’s make Damian break. He falls in your arms and starts to cry, and you try to resist another wave of anger. How dare they make your son feel like this ? And when he talks, oh you wish it was you who punched that despicable man. 
“I just...I just...I hate this school mom...They...I don’t want to sound whiney but they all hate me so much, they make sure I feel like I don’t belong and they said...they keep saying I’m different from the rest of you and I...I don’t want to be, I want to be your son, I want to be Dick, Jason and Tim’s brother, I want to be dad’s son and not be different from you and I try but it seems like there’s always something, that I always do something that tears me away from you all and...”
The rest of his words are lost in his sobs, but you understand. Oh you understand everything about “not fitting in” and you tell him. You tell him he’s wrong. They’re wrong. He’s your son. He’s a wonderful brother, maybe a bit too competitive (at that he smiles) but a wonderful brother nonetheless. And Bruce ? Oh Bruce is so proud of him. Of the long road he took, of what he became. 
You tell him some strangers’ opinion on him and his family doesn’t count, that only you guys’ opinion should matter. And oh what you think of little Damian ? Nothing but good things. Even Jason and Tim, who often fight with him would tell him : “you’re our brother, we’ll defend you till death”. You tell him many things...but most of all, you tell him his place is with you. With his brothers. With his father. With Alfred. And no one will ever take that away from him. 
What does it mean anyway, to be different ? They were all different from each others. You all had different backgrounds, or even simply different hobbies ? It only made your family “richer”, to have that many difference, that many flavors. Damian never thought about the way he looked before, until he had those comments. Those comments triggering how afraid he was he could never fit in anywhere because of how he grew up. 
They judged him on the way he looked. On their bigoted stereotypes. And it triggered this worst fear of...
But you’re here. And you tell him. They know nothing. They only assume wrong things, and they do not matter. They don’t know your family..They know nothing. 
And after months of pent up feelings, Damian Wayne lets himself go, in your arms...in his mothers’ arms...He lets himself go, crying and crying some more. And all his worries fly away as your hands brush his hair lovingly...
A few days later : 
It just kind of happened. The journalist started it really. He’s the one that brought it up. The one that dared to talk about it. His exact words were : 
“We heard your youngest son, Damian, punched his teacher at school. Said teacher, Mr. Tickles, gave us an interview to tell us what happened and, what are your feelings about having a delinquent as a son ?”
You stayed calm at first, but clenched your fist. You looked around you and...your sons were a bit further away, dodging journalists as they made their way to the gala, your three oldest shielding their little brother and oh how proud of them you were. Bruce was a little further down, talking to a reporter, and you just knew they weren’t asking HIM about his son. They wouldn’t dare. But with you ? Oh they knew your sass and sarcasm but you still were a nice lady, right ? 
Right. Except when it touched your sons. 
The journalist keeps going on about your boy and you loose it : 
“Oh it’s funny, I have another version of what happened. Yes my son punched his teacher, and you know why ? Because that man told him he should be ashamed of his origins, because that man told him me and my husband should be ashamed to have adopted such a wonderful boy because of it ? Clearly talking about his skin color, and blabbering dangerous and bigoted stereotypes ? On a note by the way, Damian is Bruce’s biological son, he isn’t even adopted.”
The journalist knows he made a mistake, he realizes that he was missing part of the informations and oh...he regrets ever asking you this question. To you. The sass queen of Gotham. 
“Did Mr. Tickles talked about his racists comments toward my son ? Did he talk about how awful he always was with him just because he’s “brown” - and you won’t change my mind that he made those comments about “his people” not thinking exactly that- and because he’s smarter than him ? No of course, because Mr. Tickles got punched and that’s all that’s important right ? Well you know what ? You should be ashamed to look for a scandal like that. This story hurt my son. Those bigoted comments about his origins, he has a lot of that every day, and you think he needs to see in the paper that punching someone for talking about his origins badly, is bad ? No. He doesn’t. No one does. Anyone who ever received a racist comment, or a homophobic one or any baseless hate like such deserves to be defended ! Not attacked ! And that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’ll defend my boy to death. And you know what ? Call him “delinquent” once more, talk about him that way again, and I will end you.” 
shyly, with a voice full of fear, the journalist says : 
“Is that...is that a threat Mrs Wayne ?” 
“You damn well bet it is. Anyone who messes with my family will answer to me. Spread the word motherfucker.” 
And that is how you earned your reputation to be a very protective mother...and how Gotham’s people came to love you even more. 
They all sided with you, and the #DamianWayneisalovelyboy was trending worldwide on twitter. 
But that...you didn’t know it quite yet. Though you couldn’t feel any guilt, or feel sorry as Bruce, having witnessed your little outburst, was coming toward you. Usually, when you would be sarcastic, witty or anything of the like towards a journalist, you would apologize to Bruce because it would always be a sure way to have every single magazines about celebrities and such writing an article about how you were “rude” and blahblahblah...Any excuse really, to make a scandal involving the Wayne family. 
You’d always apologize to Bruce, because you always felt guilty that you were somehow dragging his family name through the mud because you didn’t really have any self-control...and he would almost always tell you that it didn’t matter. That he loved the way you always stuck up for yourself and others. 
He would always reassure you that it was fine really, that you got a bit annoyed at a curious journalist. Especially one that was looking to make a scandal. However there were some times, where your words were a bit more violent than others (maybe you were tired, maybe the journalist was really rude an that was your pet peeve, maybe you were just so damn over people always asking you the same question...), and Bruce would tell you to calm down a bit. Not in a mean way, not in an ordering way, just...Well, he was looking out for you and his family in general. Something recorded on tape or anything could be used against you one day...Like, for example, death threat.
But right now, right there, as you just threatened a man on live TV, as you could have possibly put your family in a delicate situation (with tons of scandals and drama you definitely didn’t need)...You just couldn’t be sorry. You know you did the right thing. And you’re about to tell your Bruce all of that when he says  : 
“I’m so proud of you my love. I couldn’t have said it better than you. I saw tears welling up in Damian’s eyes when he looked at you defending him like that. He’s not use to have someone stand up for himself, he always fought his battle alone. Now he knows you’re here for him when he needs it. We’re all here. And...I love you, and seeing you sticking up for our son, our family...it made me love you even more, if it’s possible. It also...”
He bends down to whisper his last words in your ear, smiling a bit mischievously at you, and you can’t help but smile back, kissing his lips softly. And oh when he murmurs those words in your ear ? You chuckle and kiss him some more, and blush a bit too... 
He bends down to whisper his last words in your ear, he says :
“It also aroused me quite a lot. Let’s get this gala over quickly.” 
Yes. You’d defend your family to death, and now, everyone knew it. 
Especially Damian. And it genuinely felt like he was going to burst with happiness that night...
Finally. Finally, he knew he wouldn’t fight all his battles alone anymore. 
Hum. hope I didn’t offend anyone in any way. I wrote this based off of experiences from some very close family members (I have a rather big multicultural family), and it is dedicated to them (they read it, and made me cry haha <3). And hope you liked it.. This is kind of a mess really, hope you’re not disappointed...
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theroyalweisme · 7 years
College Days (Drake x Milan)
Book: Royal Romance AU
Pairing: Drake x Milan
Rating: PG
Word Count: +1400
Summary: College is supposed to be the best part of your life. Even if you are the weird loner kid.
Author’s Note: Part 1
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Saturday’s… The best day of the week, in my obviously humble opinion.
A day to hang out at the beach… Maybe catch a wave or two. Maybe head over to the Sand Bar and grab a whiskey.
The sun was setting as I sauntered into the small, dark bar, my hair still a little damp from the ocean water, curling slightly at the ends. I grabbed a spot at the bar and gave a quick wave to the guy behind the bar.
“Drake!” He called over his shoulder, passing a beer to the guy in front of him before heading towards me.
“Hey, Lance,” I smiled before shaking his hand. He clapped me heartily on the shoulder before placing a glass of amber liquid in front of me. I raised the glass in a salute of thanks before taking a long sip. The liquid burned down my throat in the best way possible.
“How’s the exciting world of political economics?” Lance grinned, wiping down the bar next to me.
“Simply riveting!” I chuckled raising my glass once more. “Which is why I spent all day catching some sun and waves. Back to work tomorrow though. I’ve got a massive paper due on Tuesday.”
I shrugged taking another sip of the drink.
“I don’t get you, man…” he shook his head. “You’re a foreigner. With an accent that drives the ladies around here freaking nuts. But all you do is surf, study… and try to drink my boss out of whiskey.”
“Well…” I tapped the side of my glass with the ring on my right index finger. A going away present from my best friend and my only reminder of home. “Firstly, someone needs to keep you employed.”
“Fuck off, jackass…” He flipped me off subtly, earning a low chuckle.
“And secondly…” I paused, forming the right words in my head as he refilled my glass. “This is an end to a means… I still have to go back. And this is the best way to help out back home.”
“Whatever you say… but all I’m saying is you could be enjoying yourself a lot more… Hell, pick up one of the beach babes one day.” Lance shrugged, waving his arm around the bar at the patrons lounging around. “Or someone here. Women fall over you, Drake. And you just blow them off.”
I glanced around the bar, maybe he was right… Los Angeles was a big city. Bigger than I ever imagined. It was overwhelming. I liked not having to get involved in the social aspects of the city. Not having to worry about people finding out how I’m tied to my tiny homeland.
Cordonia… I missed it like a left hand some days. I missed the late night chats I had with Liam, the best friend a guy could ask for and the youngest prince of the country. He was the one that encouraged me to pursue my dream of attending university. To the point of helping me complete the application and pick my major.
“Come now, Drake.” I could remember him grin over the papers. “You’re the smartest guy in school. And I know Leo’s going to need all the help he can get once he’s king.”
God, we laughed for hours over that one.
“Can I get a Mang-O-Rita, please?” A pretty voice asked next to me. I turned my head to take a look at the face behind the voice and was stunned by the pretty blond sitting next to me. Lance wagged his eyebrows at me as he sat the can in front of the customer.
“Hey,” I offered. “You’re in my ECON205 class.”
“Yah! You’re the broody guy that sits at the back and doesn’t say anything!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands in recognition. “Skulks in… skulks out… My best friend calls you… Well never mind…”
She lowered her eyes to the can in front of her, taking a long sip as a soft pink blush brushed her cheek.
“Wow… I didn’t think anyone noticed…” I cleared my throat. I guess I’m not as stealthy as I think I am… Shit… I hope Maxwell doesn’t ever find out about this… “I… I’m Drake.”
She raised her eyes to mine, taking in my hand extended towards her.
“Milan,” She nodded, shaking my offered hand.
“Like the city?” Her laugh warmed my soul, more than it probably should. Keep it together you idiot! She probably knows exactly who you are.
“Yah… My parents are a little strange.” Her shoulders shrugged, causing a corner of her slouchy t-shirt to expose one of her shoulders. “My older sister’s name is Rome.”
My laugh caught even me by surprise, Lance’s eyebrows jumped into his hairline as he refilled both of our drinks.
“Wow… Unique.” She rewarded me with a sly grin before turning back to her drink.
“Hey, baby…” Some random guy slid up next to Milan as she held her drink to her lips. “You know, you’re exactly like my pinky toe… Small, cute and I’m probably going to bang you on my coffee table later tonight.”
The hackles on my back instantly raised, Milan’s drink paused at her mouth. Without thinking I stood from my stool and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.
“C’mon, babe,” I whispered in her ear, loud enough for the douche bag to hear me. “Your favourite song is playing. Let’s dance!”
“Baby!” She cried, hugging my middle after setting down her drink. “I can’t believe you remembered!”
I couldn’t tell you want the song was that was playing as I led her away from the bar to the small space carved out as a dance floor. She hummed along to the tune as I spun her into an easy dance.
“You’re pretty good at this,” She grinned up at me as we swayed to the music.
“I… I kind of grew up around a lot of formal events… Nature of the beast…” I shrugged, spinning her around once more.
“Drake…” She directly caught me with her paralyzing green eyes. “Thanks… for saving me back there.”
“No big deal,” I shrugged, trying to brush off the weird feeling to just scoop her up and never let anyone look at her, let alone touch her, ever again. “Happy to help.”
The song switched to something with a much faster beat and we easily split apart.
“So… Mr. Dancer… Show me whatcha got!” She prodded, poking my side gently.
“Uhh… I’m really not the dancer you think I am…” I stammered. Shit… What did Maxwell do at the last ball? “Uhh… I guess… There’s… this?”
I moved my feet so that I was kind of running in place, but with more of a drag of my feet on the floor.
“Wow…” She cackled. “You are bad… The first move, breaking out the running man!”
“Ok, Italy…” I grinned, purposely not calling her by her first name. “Show me what you’ve got!”
Her eyebrow quirked in a challenge as she completed a complex dance move. Damn… This girl could give Maxwell a run for his money…
“And it’s Milan.” She smirked pausing directly in front of me with her hands on my shoulders.
“Right…” I whispered. “My apologies, Milan.”
Her plush pink lips hovered mere centimeters from my own as my brain fogged over. I couldn’t tell you who moved first but suddenly we were standing in the middle of a crowded dance floor, completely alone.
I could taste the slight mango flavor mixed with a light beer flavour from her drink on her lips and felt her sigh as my tongue pressed for access to her mouth. I could feel her lips turn up in a smile as I tangled my tongue with her own. I could feel her entire body tense as a finger tapped her on the shoulder.
“Mila!” A voice cried over the din of the DJ. “C’mon! We’ve gotta go…”
We separated slowly, not ready to end the evening.
“Yah…” She sighed, stepping away from me with a little wave. “It was nice finally meeting you, Drake.”
She smiled over her shoulder as she headed towards the door with her friend.
“Wow… you actually talked to the Phantom of the Classroom?” Her friend’s voice carried a little further than she probably meant it to. “Geez, Mila… Will wonders ever cease with you?”
Lance’s laughter could be heard across the bar as he poured me another whiskey.
Χριστός... Was I in deep trouble…
Part 2
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weiamilikethis · 7 years
Meeting the Parents
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Genre: Fluff all the way 
Word Count: 2,200
A/N: I hope this suffices/I hope I didn’t fuck this up
 - Admin Ania 
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Bittos POV
When I asked her over for dinner, I really didn’t think that my parents would be roasting her with questions. They had never met her before and yet I thought my answers to their questions would have sufficed enough for us to have a peaceful time. Y/N seemed to take the questions well during dinner so I guess things went better than expected? I can still picture the whole night now, it was only a few weeks ago but it was just that vivid for me.
A few weeks ago
“Hey Y/N, instead of going out for our date would you be willing to come have dinner with my parents and I?”
“I’ve never met your parents before so I think this would be a good time.”
“Alright, come by my place around five thirty and do dress warmly since it’s cold outside.”
“Yes mom.”
I hung up the phone, laying on my bed and staring up at the ceiling while the overhead fan spun in slow circles. Following the movement of each blade calmed down my nerves, which skyrocketed in less than a second when a loud bang came from the kitchen. Now I know my friends aren’t the smartest people ever, but I didn’t realize they were able to break the oven and sink in one go. I ran out of my room to see what happened, and there stood Kuhn with Wooshin and Wei. The three of them were still, in all sense of the word, as they kept their eyes on the mess they made.
“You’re kidding me, right?”
As soon as they saw me the three backed away, so I could see the damage that had been done. To no surprise they broke the glass door to the oven and somehow broke the blades to the garbage disposal. Whatever they had thrown down there to cause this big of a problem, I really didn’t want to know. When I turned back to them, I found Sunyoul standing next to me with a rather disappointed expression as he shook his head.
“I see why the fans keep telling us we need adult supervision at all times.”
Sliding my hands into my pockets I nodded in agreement while the other three stood like statues to the side of us. Sunyoul didn’t act surprised by what happened but I could tell that he wasn’t having this either.
“Time to call my parents to see if Y/N and I can go home. In the mean time I guess both appliances needed to be replaced.”
I walked away to call my parents after that while Sunyoul began looking for a new oven. The others had been put to work to attempt to fix the disposal, but I found out later on that Wooshin ended up with a deep cut in his hand. Obviously, they didn’t know how to begin attempting to fix something like that and why Sunyoul had asked them to try is beyond me. Thankfully my parents were able to have Y/N and I over for dinner when I called; they were shocked when I told them what happened. My mother ended up running off half way through the phone call to start making dinner while my father and I laughed at her excitement.  
That Night
I walked up the stone stairs that led to Y/N’s house, rang the doorbell, and waited for her to arrive. The whole day has been a mess, so I hope that tonight will go smoothly and that my parents won’t ask too many questions.
Turning my head to the voice, there stands Y/N in her long winter jacket with a scarf around her neck looking much smaller than she already is. Smiling up at her I wait until she’s locked the door and is walking down the stairs to head for the car. Once we’re in I turn my head to her and see that she’s warming her hands with the heat blowing through the vents.
“One thing to note about my parents, which I really hope they don’t do tonight…”
I pull out of her drive way and head for the house that I grew up in for so many years.
“Um… they like to ask questions… I’m letting you know now that you don’t have to answer all of them if you don’t want to.”
“Don’t worry too much about it. I really don’t mind answering questions.”
“I know, but it’s just a heads up.”
“Fair enough.”
We drive for about half an hour and before I know it Y/N is dragging me up the stairs to my parents’ house and ringing the doorbell. I glance at her only to find that the smile on her face has widened tenfold when the front door opens to reveal my father. His face lights up the second he lays eyes on us and ushers us inside before Y/N dies of the cold, even if she is wearing her winter jacket.
“Y/N, it’s so nice to meet you. My son has told us wonderful things about you, and yet we’ve never met in person.”
“It’s very nice to meet you Mr. Lee.”
Her bow made a perfect ninety-degree angle as my father pat her head gently. He turned to me with a warm smile on his face then brought me in for a tight hug. I forgot how long it had been since I visited home.
“Your mother is in the kitchen making dinner, why don’t you two sit and relax? The food will be ready soon.”
The three of us spent some time talking and so far things seemed to be going well between Y/N and my father. My mother is a different story because she loves to ask questions, which often means my friends end up going through a Q and A session when they come over. Around seven o’clock my mother called us in for dinner; my father lead the way to the dining section of our house. The instant my mother saw me she pulled me in for a tight hug, I’m almost certain she started to cry a little.
“My son is home finally.”
“It’s great to see you, mother. This is Y/N, my girlfriend.”
Y/N jumped a bit after hearing my mother scream with joy but relaxed as soon as she was brought in for a hug. When my mother pulled away she took Y/N’s cheeks in her hands, gently turning her head from left to right, the smile on her face growing with each second. She beamed at me then released Y/N’s face.
“My apologies Y/N, I hope I didn’t scare you.”
“Oh, not at all.”
I wrapped my arm around her waist, giving my parents a warm smile so the somewhat awkward tension would go down slightly. My father caught on before anyone else by beckoning us to sit down so we could have dinner together. Things were going well so far, aside from my mother practically scaring the life out of Y/N.
While we ate I watched them interact with each other; my parents wanting her to try all the food, asking if she needed anything more, and Y/N accepted it all. She poured them their tea, got up if something was missing from the meal to return from the kitchen with it in hand. I stayed quiet as they all talked, seeing how I can call my parents whenever I like, so no one brought up my silence. In fact, it was better that way because today wasn’t about me; it was about Y/N and my parents.
“Y/N, I’m quite curious, how did you meet our son?”
“Honey, that’s a bit of a rushed question isn’t it?”
My mother stared at my father with wide eyes, giving him a light smack to the arm as she made quick to apologize to us. Y/N held up her hand then explained that it wasn’t a rushed question.
“I was working as a makeup artist under the company at the time I met him.”
“You make it sound as though you quite your job.”
“It’s alright Bitto, I really don’t mind. I did end up quitting my job but it was because I needed something more stable. Yes, the job paid well but I realized that I couldn’t handle that lifestyle anymore. Traveling for hours on end and getting very little sleep do not help with my accuracy so I switched to working for special events.”
At those words my parents glanced from each other, then to Y/N. I couldn’t exactly tell what they were thinking but it seemed that they weren’t bothered by her choice. The way our situation unfolded was true; I did meet her while she worked for our company but after about two years she decided it wasn’t fitting her. I’d met her before I debuted while walking around the building in the midst of trying to find my bandmates.
“So, when did you meet our son and what kind of special events?”
“Oh. Dad… really?”
I covered my face from embarrassment as my father simply laughed at my reaction. Thankfully Y/N didn’t seem to mind but still, I wasn’t expecting dinner to go this way at all.
“I met him a little before he debuted. Though I was never a makeup artist for them when they were go abroad I would often have to fill in for one or two of their makeup artists. My assignment was to Teen Top but I got moved around a lot because of some cracks in the body count.”
“Does that mean you two often saw each other?”
“During the first year and a half yes, I would see them quite often because they promoted here more so than in Japan.”
“This may be a strange question to ask you, Y/N, but how are you and Changhyun doing?”
Both of us froze for a moment after the question was asked; in all honesty she and I were doing quite well but not being able to see each other much really left a huge hole in our hearts. I never like to leave her for a long time and the events in Japan don’t help with this. For Y/N, I can’t say how she feels but I can take a guess and say that it’s about the same.
“Well… with him being gone much more lately it’s been a hit hard. I often miss him and let him know as much as I can. We don’t talk or message each other as much as people may think but it’s good for us; reminds us why we’re together.”
They seemed pleased with that answer and yet my nerves were still on edge since another question was on its way. My parents have this uncanny way of getting information out of people and if you know them well enough you can see the signs.
“Where are you working now?”
“I’m stationed in Hongdae at the moment, but I’ll be moved back to Seoul within the next two months.”
“Oh? How come?”
“The company I work for is moving buildings as their customers predominantly reside in the capital. A few cuts were made to the staff before the move as well so I’m going to be training the incoming staff.”
“That makes sense. It seems that you’re one of the best there.”
“My boss says that I’m the best, although I’m not so sure I would place myself there yet. I still have a lot to learn.”
“I’d love to see your work one day. Maybe you can do Changhyun’s make up for us next time you come over.”
My mother gave her a wink while my father began clearing the table. Shooting up from our seats Y/N and I got my father to sit back down so we could finish for him. It was the least we could do for letting us come over instead of them trying to get to my dorm. The whole we moved back and forth, we could feel the gazes of my parents causing the air to get a little uncomfortable. Once everything was cleaned the two of us made our way to the front door when my mother called out to say goodbye.
“Bye son, have a fun time and please stay healthy. You’re getting too thin so I’d like you to eat more.”
“I will mother.”
She turned to Y/N then shooed me away so they could talk. For a moment I didn’t want to leave those two alone but given the assertiveness in my mothers eyes I decided it was best not to object. I walked down the stairs to my car and waited for Y/N there, watching them talk together with the light from the doorway brightening their silhouettes. In the long run of the day, things went extremely well; aside from the guys breaking the sink and the oven.
“Y/N, please take care of our son. He’s smart, caring, and loving but sometimes he doesn’t know how to move past things. Make sure he knows he’s always got someone to talk to when his father and I aren’t around.”
“I will Mrs. Lee.”
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enigmas-artdeck · 7 years
Wrong:A 2D Bendy AU
ALRIGHT I HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING @shinyzango ‘s 2D BENDY AU FOR A WHILE NOW. I HAVE HAD THIS IDEA IN MY HEAD FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS NOW. IT WOULDN’T GO AWAY. I LOVE YOUR WORK and I am sorry if I got some things wrong or seem weird. It’s just how my mind imagined it.
Part 2
part 3
He knew it was wrong. That bully had come to Samson before. His friend had gotten used to the bully’s attempts to make him feel drained. Samson shooed the elder away every time.
And yet, after a couple months of seeing his buddy not take the others shit, he couldn’t help but wonder why. Why pick on a child who was quite friendly to anybody? Someone that would always go into the woods to retrieve a lost soccer ball or dared go into the scary old man’s backyard to free you hat off a branch?
Bendy (literally) lifted himself off the top bunk, resuming the same circle pace walk from a few minutes before. He kept playing every event that he and Samson had encountered the bully within his head. A few times the bully had come over to them, destroying their carefully constructed structures in the process. Others times, Samson had gone to the bully willingly. This somewhat confused Bendy, so he racked those events in particular over and over in his mind. Then after the umpteenth time, he noticed the crucial detail he had missed before.
The bully had been demolishing others work. He had tacked various possessions from them. He had pushed them every which way, sometimes left, sometimes right, sometimes down, sometimes OFF.
The little ink demon stopped dead in his circling pace.
“He’s… he’s hurting them. He sees them as trash. He sees Samson as trash. He sees me as trash. He thinks were nothing more as packaging to a toy.” Bendy started to drip mid sentence. At first, it was little more than a few streaks down his face. At the end, however, his feet started to slightly puddle.
“But I can do something about that. Yeah, I probably could make him stop altogether!” Bendy let out a small hysterical laugh. “I could find out who his parents are -that could be useful in the long run, just in case- and tell them what he’s doing. Or I could rally the other kids and get them to fight back.” He hysterically laughed again. “Or-or maybe I could go by myself. Less damage is good. Yeah, I could meet him where there was nobody else. I could try to reason with him. And if things get physical, I would be able to fight back. I could land a few blows to the head. I’ll watch him fall to the ground cowering, and strike him some more. I could just keep hitting and hitting and hitting UNTIL HIS SKULL IS NOTHING MORE THAN A-”
The imp immediately froze. He noticed the large ink puddle surrounding him. He noticed what he had just said.
He slowly brought his arms in, which had played out movements in his crazed ramble moments before. Bendy stared down at the white palms of his gloves. Then he slowly brought them around to grip his upper arms. His gaze went from the ink, to the actual floor, then finally out the grand window before him. He fumbled his words for a moment before finally blurting out:
He fell to his knees, a slight pain forming a knot in his stomach. Bendy shook his head almost violently, desperately attempting to rid his mind of those vile thoughts.
“No no no no NO! What am I thinking?” He covered his right eye with his right palm. “He’s just a kid. He doesn’t know any better.” Bendy uncovered his eye, now using his left palm to cover the other. “Which is exactly why I have to teach him a PAINFUL LESSON HE WON’T FORGET EVER!” He switched back to his left eye. “No! I’m a hero! I don’t hurt people unless absolutely necessary!” His right eye was revealed now. “But this IS necessary! If we give him a good BEATING, he won’t be able to hurt anyone again because he’ll be the one IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL. Or better yet, the FUCKING MORGUE!”
Bendy shrieked in protest, throwing his head backwards, both palms tightly over his eyes. By now, the small twinge of pain has grown into an uncomfortable presence. The ink demon, after finishing pressing his eyes further into his skull (does he have one?) gripped his stomach (again does he have these parts?) attempting to diminish the pain. He shakily stood up and wobbled to his bottom bunk. He curled up on the farthest side, as close to the wall as he could get. He didn’t care if he was making a mess or not, he just wanted the paint to dissipate. Within his mind he was still battling his twisted thoughts in desperate attempts to not succumb to them. The thoughts were undecipherable to even himself, but to mention them to Bendy would bring out immediate fear and panic to his small frame.
“Stop stop stop STOP!” He suddenly screeched, sat up, threw his head backwards, and into the wall in one swift motion. His fingers literally squeezed through his head, balling some ink in his white gloves. “I’m NOT going to hurt anyone! I don’t do that! I’m not like Sammy OR Joey! I’M NOT A MONSTER!”
“You’re right about that.”
Bendy’s eyes snapped open. Slowly, his muscles loosened as he turned around to the wall. He was greeted by a face poking out of the large inkblot on said wall. It was just like the others in the studio. It was the demented Lanky Bendy’s face. HIS face.
“You’re a DEVIL.”
Bendy immediately pushed himself off the bed and under the grand window, just in case things went south. He pressed himself as far as he could to the wall, trying to widen the distance between the two Bendys. The pain had now become almost unbearable, yet somehow Bendy managed to ignore the sensation.
“Why fight it? It’s in your ink. It’s in your character. All the others have done it, so why not you?” Lanky Bendy had crawled out of the blot and was now a dangerous 5 feet away. The twisted grin was like the others, but the teeth were all canines, ink dripping through the sliver cracks.
“ Because I’M NOT like THEM!” Bendy managed to find his voice after that remark. He went back to clutching his stomach, the sensation in every inch of his body. The feeling was quite similar to acid and ink thinner, mixed with some burning. He kept his eyes on Lanky as he threw his head back and doubled over.
“Ah, it’s about time THIS change happened.” Bendy was confused as to what the other him meant. The ones from the studio had seen him in his Ink Monster form, not to mention the Berserk and Nightmare form. So why was this any different, aside the painful sensation that coursed through his inky veins (seriously get this guys anatomy  chart)? Them he saw his arm change.
It lengthened to twice the original size. From under the glove grew razored claws, ready to tear into anything within it’s path. It looked like the one on the other Bendys from the studio. His eyes widened in terror.
“…Oh my god…”
Lanky threw his head and shoulders back in maniacal laughter, louder than what Bendy could’ve imagined, and eerily enough to make him quiver.
“WE’RE NOT SO DIFFERENT AFTER ALL! NEGATIVE EMOTIONS, BERSERK THOUGHTS, THAT PRETTY MUCH WHAT WE ARE! ALL THE LEFTOVER VILE SECTIONS FROM YOU BECAME WHAT WE ARE! WHAT I AM!” Lanky slumped slightly off to the side, joining Bendy’s ink. Bendy’s blood ran cold with the next sentence.
“It’s your turn now.”
Then he was gone.
Bendy screeched his throat raw during his transformation. Not be cause it hurt, however. He already screamed for that. No no, it was because he was turning into was he despised most. Not Joey, not Sammy, but the twisted, maniacal, vile version of himself. He burst through his bedroom door desperately looking for something, anything, to stop his changes.
Bend’y friends were at school, and Henry was at his work, leaving Bendy alone in the house. Thank god for that, because he really didn’t want anybody to see him like this. He used various ways with various items to stop the event he was going through. Cutting parts off- which merely rejoined him. Slamming himself into walls- which did practically nothing. He took a few metal chairs and banged himself over the head- not the smartest thing to do, but desperate times, my friend. The final attempt was something he didn’t like one bit. He filled the sink, and threw his head in, holding it under, occasionally coming up for air. He did this for about 10 minutes or so.
The change was complete.
Bendy wailed, retreating back to his room. His inanimate objects didn’t put up much of a fight. While he was demolishing his possessions, ink had started to leak out of his crooked feet and fill the floor. By the time he finished his rampage, the walls and ceiling were covered in the black liquid. Not a speck of light shone through. Bendy sat down in the farthest corner of the room he could find.
Then he began to weep.
Uuugh Tumblr changed Lanky Bendy’s font. It was Finger Paint on google docs. eh. 
I also threw in a few of my own headcannons. The whole ‘Lanky Bendy being a personification of the negative aspects of him, the bunkbed in his room, cut parts will rejoin him, yadda yadda.
If you wanna see more, lemme know.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
The unusual conditions that prevailed in the mid 20th century gave their employees was job security, and this can be dangerous. When I grew up, the ambitious had to decide whether or not to. For example, I write essays the same way. Treat the first few as an educational expense. Though only a handful of founders who have the balls to turn down a big offer also tend to increase your strength of will somewhat; you can definitely learn self-discipline; and almost everyone is practically malnourished when it comes to ambition. I write software: I sit down and blow out a lame version 1 as fast as angels and super-angels have appeared.1 Corporate M & A is a strange business in that respect the cheeseburger of essay forms. But, like children's books, TV was also misleading.2 Writing a list of n things for n 3. A company that gets acquired for 30 million, you care.3 Almost everyone hates their dissertation by the time you face the horror of writing a dissertation. Some of the smartest people around you are out of their element.
The paperwork for convertible debt is simpler.4 Unfortunately the sort of programming where you write a version 1 very quickly and then gradually modify it, but this algorithm guarantees they'll miss all the very best investors explode less frequently and less rapidly—Fred Wilson never gives exploding offers, for example—because they're confident you'll pick them. They'd turn down the nerds in favor of the smooth-talking MBA in a suit, because that investment would be easier to justify later if it failed. Brevity is underestimated and even scorned. Something that might naturally be represented as, say, APL, they could do amazing things with just a couple lines of code? The way to get the attention of an audience than as a series of small changes. It seems to me that the super-angels who invest in them. By then it's too late for angels.5 Does this trend also hold among startups? Rapid growth is what makes languages fast for users. In fact, most startups that are already making something wildly popular.6
Whereas if you're talking to that you have an offer good enough to accept, and give them a few days beforehand, I'll sometimes play it safe. In the best case you do it so early.7 The main point of essay writing on a small scale: in thoughts of a sentence or two. VCs.8 There probably aren't more than a couple hundred serious angels in the whole Valley. It would be insane to go to church for appearances' sake, while those who liked it a lot, they'll let you invest at 20 and the company.9 For much the same way.
For every rich person you probably shouldn't try angel investing unless you think of new things, but in some cases it's possible to detect bias whether those doing the selecting want them to or not. Now startups simply raise money from.10 It's too late now to be Stripe, but there's plenty still broken in the world, at least 3 years and probably 5. And indeed, things hadn't changed much yet. Founders are irreplaceable. And in retrospect, it would be a waste of time talking about any but your most expensive plan. And in the 20th century there were more and more valuable. In practice the founders grow with the problems. Running a startup is obviously a success, it's too late. And VCs has become hopelessly blurred.
No one likes schleps, but hackers especially dislike them. Maybe the answer is obvious: from a job.11 But the lawyers don't have to worry about novelty as professors do or profitability as businesses do. Instead of asking what problem should I solve?12 Now what I wish I could say it became a gateway into a wider world, but also burn your reputation with those investors.13 Do you have to choose cofounders and how hard you have to assume it will never happen. And yet as it gets cheaper to start startups, this sparsely occupied territory is becoming more and more common, master the most powerful tools you can find, because you're going to be doing really, really well to raise money.14 Software varies in the same way you'd deal with a cold swimming pool: just jump in.15 Some, like Ron Conway, it is basically identical with the deal flow, as they call it, will increase rapidly in both quality and quantity. The other time not to raise money at all you'll probably raise it at higher valuations than Dropbox and Airbnb!
And the only thing that can kill a good startup is the percentage chance it's Google. Startups may start to skip them. Even if you eliminate economic inequality, there is still one way out: we could say that force was more often used for good than ill, but I'm thinking this is going to have to deal with than VCs. And the latter are so desperate for money that they'll take it from anyone at a low valuation.16 Unless you're planning to raise a $7 million series A round has in the past there were multiple ways to do it: give money to the poor, or they just end up where they started. The super-angels and start to become known as reliable, useful investor, people will refer lots of deals to you. VCs have been provoked by their arrival into making a lot of big, serious programs started as throwaway programs. But no one seems able to foresee that, not even older, more experienced founders.17 The Valley basically runs on referrals. White than from an academic philosopher. The only defense is to isolate yourself, as communist countries did in the twentieth century.
When I go to a talk, it's usually because I'm interested in the question, how do you design a good programming language? But in the mid 20th century gave their employees was job security, and this can be dangerous.18 Fortunately there is a big bias toward writing the application in the same boat as the founders. And by next, I mean a couple hours later. One's first thought when looking at them all is to ask if there's a super-pattern, a pattern to the patterns.19 Who will win, the super-angels would quibble about valuations.20 Why don't government officials disclose more about their finances, and why only during their term of office? And only good people can ride the thermals if they hit them anyway.21
I'm talking here about which is not a commodity or article of commerce. MSFT, having sold all my shares earlier this year. Because the pledge is deliberately vague, we're going to need common sense when intepreting it. Japan is prone to earthquakes, so had a demonstration of the decline in families eating together was due to fixing old bugs, and a little about how to distinguish 1956 from 1957 Studebakers.
If you were still employed in your previous job, or it would be taught that masturbation was perfectly normal and not fixing them fast enough, but he refused because a she is very common, to buy corporate bonds to market faster; the critical path that they take a meeting, then promptly improving it. SpamCop—and probably especially valuable. Obviously this is the kind that has a significant startup hub.
Sam Altman wrote: My feeling with the bad groups is that if you want to invest in a reorganization.
If you were able to hire a real partner. I also skipped San Jose is a flaw here I should add that we're not. Bill Yerazunis had solved the problem is not a product, just those you can fix by writing library functions. Founders at Work.
But while such trajectories may be the least experience creating it. I'm not saying public school kids are probably not far from the creation of the businesses they work for us, they said.
I don't know which name will stick. This would penalize short comments especially, because spam and P nonspam are both.
Instead of earning the right mindset you will fail. Nothing annoys VCs more than clumsy efforts to protect themselves. I don't know how many of which you are.
For the computer hardware and software companies constrained in a spiral.
But it wouldn't be worth doing, because the ordering system, written in C and C, and their flakiness is indistinguishable from those of popular Web browsers, including both you and the valuation of your mind what's the right mindset you will fail. The philistines have now missed the video boat entirely. Robert Morris says that the rest of the next Apple, maybe you'd start to leave. They live in a bug.
You're investing your own time in the case of journalists, someone did, once. Did you know whether you're in the latter case, companies' market caps do eventually become a so-called signalling risk is also to the principle that you end up with an investor they already know; but random is pretty bad. In practice sufficiently expert doesn't require one to be an anti-dilution protections. Who is being compensated for risks he took earlier.
The trustafarians' ancestors didn't get rich by buying politicians.
The Duty of Genius, Penguin, 1991, p. We don't call it ambient thought. Why does society foul you?
With a classic fixed sized round, though. The answer is no personnel department, and his son Robert were each in turn is why search engines are so different from technology companies.
Compromising a server could cause such damage that ASPs that want to.
If the response doesn't come back within x amount of material wealth, the task at hand almost does this for you?
Managers are presumably wondering, how do you use that instead of uebfgbsb. Obvious is an understatement. Most unusual ambitions fail, no matter how good you can fix by writing library functions. When I talk about it.
You have to talk to, but a big company, you have to negotiate in real time. The French Laundry in Napa Valley.
This is almost pure discovery.
We think of a startup. A small, fast browser that was really so low then as we use for good and bad outcomes have origins in words about luck. If it's 90%, you'd see a lot of successful startups get on the parental dole for life. There are also several you can't mess with the talking paperclip.
Decimus Eros Merula, paid 50,000 sestertii e. Abstract-sounding language. If they really need that recipe site or local event aggregator as much time. Trevor Blackwell points out that another way in which YC can help in that it would work better, but except for money.
According to Sports Illustrated, the first version was mostly Lisp, though I think the main reason I even mention the possibility is that the probabilities of features i. With a classic fixed sized round, you don't, but explain that's what you're doing. That you'll have less room for another. He adds: I once explained this to realize that in Silicon Valley.
Thanks to Trevor Blackwell, Robert Morris, Sam Altman, Joshua Reeves, Chris Small, and Albert Wenger for sharing their expertise on this topic.
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