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cheshiire-warper · 3 months ago
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Flag id: A flag with a diamond in the center, as well as a thin horizontal stripe extending from the corners of the diamond to the edge of the flag. The left side of the diamond and stripe is colored purplish grey, the right side of the diamond and stripe is colored dark purplish grey. The flag itself is segmented into four parts. The top left of the flag is dark cream and the bottom left of the flag is very dark red; these sections extend in the same direction as the sides of the diamond, thus taking up more than half of the flag. The top right of the flag is worn red and the bottom right is cream. /end id
Bite Holder / Bite Urge Holder — An Urge Holder (link) term where one specifically holds urges related to biting ( such as biting oneself / others or biting objects )
Coined on 12/11/2024 | Colors based on teeth and gore | For day 6 of Blorbosquared 3 (link) "A term related to your blorbo's best friend (or any character your blorbo gets along with)"
We do not engage in sys/course and ask that this isn't recoined / 'reclaimed'. This can be used by anyone
[Tagging] @radiomogai @obscurian @mousesquared & @system-term-archive
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epiceneandroid · 2 years ago
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i was WAYYYY to late to do the blorbo gender coining event by @mousesquared but: in honor of me wanting to coin genders that i both vibe with and also remind me of my highest endel, dan hibiki, i present my personal (xenogender and anthrogender focused)gender coining challenge...the dan hibiki coining challenge. using mousesquared’s rules for the blorbo coining event, i will coin genders that have dan vibes, that dan will relate to, that resonate with dan’s Themes, and even resonate with dan’s best friends and sworn enemies.
i swear unto takayuki nakayama, i will NOT let this challenge down.
so, for day one: a gender that gives dan vibes, is this gender i personally asked for help with between another friend who likes fighting games that i will not mention here because they do not wish to participate in the mogai scene, despite having microlabels themselves, due to some Experiences. but i won’t get into that. anyway, onto the gender.
the gender is called h20dium (pronounced “eich-too-oh-dee-uhm”) and it’s definition is as follows:
H20DIUM: a gender that can only be described as, has the sensation of, or has the vibes of pure sodium coming into contact with water, causing an explosion of new genders.
i figure it’d fit him because of his sheer reactivity, and ALSO because he seems like the kind of person who once he starts realizing he has one gender, it’ll spiral into billions and billions of other little genders in equal amounts behind the one or two main genders he identifies with.
the colors in this flag symbolize the color of pure sodium (silvery white), the color of water (which is a bluish tint), and the last two colors are supposed to resemble a fiery explosion, with the final color, firebrick red, being a reference to a mistranslation of the kanji in dan’s last name (which reads, oftentimes by google translate, as firebrick). the explosion symbolizes the explosion that the pure chemical of sodium has in reaction to water.
again, this is a personal coin (both a “me” gender and also a gender relating to my strongest endel, dan hibiki) but can use this gender as long as they respect these boundaries:
-do NOT use this gender if you are transmisogynistic or “reclaim” transmisogynistic terms or slurs while being tme (this is a personal boundary mainly because i have a transfem partner and quite a few transfem friends that have stated in the past they feel uncomfortable with certain lgbt and mogai communities that do certain things like that, and thus, i feel similarly uncomfortable knowing their boundaries)
-do NOT use this gender if you are pro harmful kink. i’m talking cnc, raceplay, ageplay, “brocon”, “siscon”, “ddlg/mdlb/ddlb/mdlg” (and any of its variants), that kind of stuff. i have certain traumas associated with certain types of kinks like that and i won’t get into them but PLEASE, for my sake.
-if you’re “transid/transx/trans-age/trace-disabled/trans-race”. why are you using terms that are meant to make the trans community look like predators, wtf. biid and xenomelia are fine, those are actual disabilities, as well as people who self diagnosed or are professionally diagnosed with proposed disabilities (obsessive love disorder, schizo obsessive disorder, stuff like that). schizo ocd and dissociative ocd and obsessive love disorder and stuff like that are REAL phenomenons and so is xenomelia and biid, not “legitimized” racism.
-i am fine with any sort of system using my terms. just don’t be a dick to other systems. i would prefer if people who are anti-endo wouldn’t use my terms but i don’t mind on this one.
image description under the cut:
[image description: the h20dium flag, as designed by teddy jean epiceneandroid. the top stripe is silvery white, the second stripe is ocean blue, the third stripe is flame orange, and the last stripe is firebrick red. on top of the flag is a stock clip art of an explosion: it is in a starburst shape and it is orange with red and yellow accents. end image description.]
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its-me-renmimi · 3 months ago
It's that time again ~!! Now that it's even day 11, it's time to play "Guess That Blorbo!"
Like most years, you'll have to specify which blorbo your're guessing for. Either G (1 charater) or H (group of 3 characters).
Each term I made was tagged with 1 of the two for easy categorisation. Guesses made / answered will be tagged with 'blorbosquared guess.'
Best of luck and hope you have fun guessing! For ease of guessing, here's a shortcut to the masterlist of all my terms from this year [ masterlist ]
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ashenwilting · 3 months ago
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Averagxan: A gender that is normal. Don’t worry about it :)
For Blorbosquared 3, day 2. Prompt was, "A term that your blorbo would identify with." Etymology: Average + ean but with an x, to signify this gender's normalness. :) A/N: All stripes had the exact same settings applied to them, I do not know why the green are so subtle. Taglist: @mousesquared, @radiomogai
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mousesquared · 4 months ago
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Anyone still here? Well Blorbosquared is here! It's the 3rd, return of the king babey.
Info / Rules:
The event is from December 10th - 20th!
The tag to be used is "#blorbosquared 3"!
Please tag me in your posts!
Feel free to tweak the prompts to fit your ideas!
I will reblogging all terms made in the event unless they are NSFW, trans-id terms, or terms that are inherently harmful.
Terms can be posted late by any amount of time but please do not post them early!
If you want your followers to guess your blorbo I'd recommend mentioning it at the end of every post so they know about it!
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Day 1 (Dec 10th): A term that gives your blorbo "vibes"
Day 2 (Dec 11th): A term that your blorbo would identify w/
Day 3 (Dec 12th): A term that is the exact opposite of your blorbo's "vibes"
Day 4 (Dec 13th): A term for your blorbo's aesthetic
Day 5 (Dec 14th): A term for lyrics/quote/etc that reminds you of your blorbo
Day 6 (Dec 15th): A term related to your blorbo's best friend (or any character your blorbo gets along w/)
Day 7 (Dec 16th): A term your blorbo would coin themself
Day 8 (Dec 17th): A term related to your blorbo's motif
Day 9 (Dec 18th): A term related to your blorbo's source
Day 10 (Dec 19th): A term that's like a love letter to your blorbo
Day 11 (Dec 20th): Guessing day! This is the day that if you would like, your followers could guess who your blorbo is! Make sure to keep your blorbo a secret if you want them to! Also I would recommend mentioning at the end of your posts that you want them to guess your blorbo so they don't forget!
Tysm to @gender-darling for help with the prompts!
Let's goooo Blorbosquared 3!!! Remember to use the tag #blorbosquared 3 and tag me in your posts!
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losergendered · 3 months ago
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ID: A flag with 9 stripes. they are black, brick red, red, pale red, cream, light purple, purple, indigo, and black. END ID
NARCVILEXEN: A gender related to having NPD, the "evil ex" trope, and villain monologues
For @mousesquared 's event! This one's for my second blorbo, which is also probably pretty obvious lol
Day 1: A term that gives your blorbo "vibes"
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voidcoining · 3 months ago
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[ID: Two flags made of seven diagonal stripes going down from the top right. From the top down, left to right, the colors are dark purple, faded purple, faded light purple, periwinkle, faded blue purple, dark purplish blue, and dark blue. The left flag has a diagonal line of small white stars over the middle stripe. End ID]
[PT: Destigender. End PT]
A gender that was destined to be, or a gender related to destiny
Notes: hmm what if i made a gender system out of this
coined by me, requested by no one
make-up for day two of blorbosquared 3 (link), a term that your blorbo would identify with
General Archive: @radiomogai @io-archival @the-mogai-archives @liom-archive
Other: @mousesquared
please let me know if this has been coined before!
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lawslinger · 3 months ago
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✪ 𓎟 Altvirhuman 。 𐚁⠀⠀⨟
Definition ◞ 𐚁 A term for when you identify as 'male' or 'masculine', but completely outside of typical male/masculine norms, due to being non-human !
Note ◞ 𐚁 Prompt 02 of Blorbosquared 3 – " a term that your blorbo would identify with ."
𐚁₊ ⁰¹ Coined By 𓂃 Bloodstained Angel 𓎠
    ⁰²   @radiomogai @mousesquared @scr-ppup。
⁰³   self - indulgent ☆
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[PT: Altvirhuman
Definition: A term for when you identify as 'male' or 'masculine', but completely outside of typical male/masculine norms, due to being non-human !
Note: Prompt 02(link) of Blorbosquared 3 – " a term that your blorbo would identify with ."
Coined By Bloodstained Angel
@radiomogai(link) @mousesquared(link) @scr-ppup(link)
self-indulgent /end PT.]
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gender-darling · 1 year ago
(⠀🎀⠀) : ❝ Despemoartiin ❞
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[ Image 1 ID: A rectangular flag with nine equally sized horizontal stripes. The colors are in a gradient from dark maroon to a pale pink in the center. There is a dark shadow around the border of the image /ID 1 end ] [ Image 2 ID: The same flag without the shadow /ID 2 end ]
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— ❝ Despemoartiin ❞ : ❝ An identity label that describes someone who feel as though their connection to their identity is "nulled" or "fogged over" due to being dead or feeling as though you have died. This could be due to Cotard's delusion, near-death trauma, being ghostkin, ect ❞
  — For day 9 of @mousesquared's blorbo coining event ! Based on the prompt "A term related to your blorbo's source" ^ ^ Don't tag as xenogender or xeneo !
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Please read my rentry before interacting ! Don't repost ! ♡
Like what i do ? Consider donating to my Ko-Fi !
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mimiscoiningcafe · 1 year ago
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[No Image ID due to low spoons]
Lovecorefreakbitch - A gender related to being a freak and a bitch who enjoys lovecore or whose identity is intertwined with being a lovecore freak bitch.
Lovecoremoth - A gender in the gendermoth system where your gender can only be described as being connected to moths and lovecore. This may be due to liking moths and lovecore, having a moth and lovecore hyperfixation/special interest, being a lovecore moth, etc.
for day 1 and 2 of @mousesquared's blorbosquared 2 event!!
gender systems/templates used (in no particular order): @revenant-coining, @cherrymogai, @epikulupu, and @begendered-mogai!!!
tagging for image id: @accessmogai
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cheshiire-warper · 3 months ago
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Flag id: A rectangular flag with 7 even horizontal stripes, colored from top to bottom; Very dark blue, dark red, bright orange, yellow, bright orange, dark red, and very dark blue. In the middle of both flags are a green five pointed star, with the star on the left flag having a lighter green glow. /end id
Radiationmaxxed / Radiationmaxxing — Gender under gendermaxxed (link) where your gender is radiationpilled and radiationmaxxed; you are radiationmaxxing
Coined on 12/11/2024 | Colors based on teeth and gore | For day 7 of Blorbosquared 3 (link) "A term your blorbo would coin themself"
[Tagging] @radiomogai @obscurian & @mousesquared
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svd-mogai · 1 year ago
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A gender in which one typically has masculine traits assigned to them (such as automatically referring to them by 'he/him', or 'a guy', etc), and while the user doesn't mind this assumption, they are actually apathetic to or beyond the idea of gender entirely, and do not consider themselves to be 'male'. This gender is a neogender, not a xenogender, tags are for reach.
Fem counterpart is Here.
For @mousesquared's coining event day 2: A gender that your blorbo would identify with. This one was a bit late since I was ill, sorry about that! I won't be revealing exactly who my blorbo is until guessing day, but feel free to speculate/send me asks with guesses! Additionally Tagging @radiomogai | @idem-obscura | @liom-archive
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its-me-renmimi · 3 months ago
Living Weapon Archetrope
[pt: Living Weapon Archetrope]
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Living Weapon Archetrope - An archetrope / alter human term for those who identify as the archetype or character trope of the living weapon.
Day 8 (Dec 17th): A term related to your blorbo's motif | @mousesquared Tagging: @thecoffeecrew404 @radiomogai @kin-flags
Think you know what character inspired this term? Feel free to send me your guesses! Any time from now until ~5 days after the end of the event (Dec 24th 2024) ^^
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ashenwilting · 3 months ago
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Surrealism Xenintation: A presentation based off of surrealism or having concepts related to surrealism. For Blorbosquared 3, day 4. Prompt was, "A term for your blorbo's aesthetic."
Taglist: @mousesquared, @radiomogai, @blood-moon-night-coining
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mousesquared · 3 months ago
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A gender related to everlasting friends/friendships &/or being/having an everlasting friend.
Sub-term for Genderfriend!
For day 8 of our Blorbosquared 3 event! Day 8 Prompt: A term related to your blorbo's motif
Feel free to guess our blorbos in our asks! (Guessing day is Dec 20th but you can guess before then!)
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[PT: Everlastingfriend. A gender related to everlasting friends/friendships &/or being/having an everlasting friend. Sub-term for Genderfriend! (Link) For day 8 of our Blorbosquared 3 event! (Link) Day 8 Prompt: A term related to your blorbo's motif Feel free to guess our blorbos in our asks! (Guessing day is Dec 20th but you can guess before then!) /End PT]
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losergendered · 3 months ago
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ID: two flags with 11 stripes. they are dark teal, teal, bright sky blue, sky blue, baby blue, white, yellow, orange, red, brick red, and dark brick. the first flag has a black square in the upper right hand corner.
Gxnderpixel: A gender that has a pixel missing from it; a gender with a dead pixel
For @mousesquared 's event!
Day 8: A term related to your blorbo's motif
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