diannabridden · 1 year
@itsvinzenzdarling The vampire followed her in her lead, swinging the bottles gently as he strolled leisurely. Dianna’s nerves were strong enough to cause a knot to form in his gut. Or was it his own emotions? At times like this, when one is more overwhelming than the other, it was hard to differentiate which was his and the other’s. By now, he had gotten so used to being smothered by unsolicited emotions and moods, it was like second nature to him. But on the occasion that he might be feeling the same, or it’s so intense that he simply can’t focus, it felt new to him. He hoped she would at least enjoy herself tonight.
“A place that I had scoped out before on one our many outings as teams. I’ve been to this place a few times and narrowed it down to ‘which establishments are appropriate for a first date.’ That’s why I’m….partially thankful you dressed for the occasion. The other partiality is that I think you look cute. Ahem–It’s B-Y-O-B, which is why I brought a little something along,” he said, rattling the bottles a bit for emphasis. “You don’t seem like a wine person, so I went with something general. If it’s not at all to your liking, I can pick up something else. T’is no trouble.”
Alright, it’s a little bit of trouble because then he’d have to run and get another brand which would delay their date, but he wasn’t going to admit that and make her feel bad. He can count on one hand how many dates he had in the past that ended awfully. Practice makes perfect. Tonight was supposed to be fun, not worrying about the right thing to say or do.
Walking most likely was the best way for the pair of them to get to where they were going simply because it was in an environment that Dianna was familiar with, seeing as she often would climb on top of her camper or go hang out in her keep whenever she was stressed or feeling some kind of way, just enjoying the smell of the trees and the quiet around them. With them being on the cusp of spring it was nice enough out that she wasn’t dying from the cold, and the smell of everything on the verge of blooming was enough to help smooth down a little of that anxious edge to her emotions. Though no amount of trees could stop the quick flush of pink that shot to her face when Vin explained he was thankful she had dressed for the occasion, and then so casually threw in that he thought she looked cute, making her fingers spin the strand of hair she played with around her fingers with anxious speed. Needless to say taking a compliment wasn’t her strong suit.
“Ha....yeah, I’ve neveh really got inta wine.” She agreed softly as she stepped right over his previous statement to focus on something she could handle at the moment. “‘Course mostly everyone I know doesn’t really drink it either. So maybe it was just shit wine.” Yep. Talking about alcohol was a lot safer than talking about her looks and what he thought of them. Or worse, his looks and what she thought of those. “No, no. It’s fine. I’ll drink just about any kind. An’...thanks for bringing some with us. ‘Course if ya were wantin’ ta get me drunk, Whiskey would be a betteh bet.” Her laugh was soft and low and just a little awkward as she realized what she said, and how much that statement was actually true, or the possible outcomes if he had decided to bring that instead of beer. She really should have had more to drink before he arrived.
“So....uh, ya look like yer tha wine kind of person. I mean with just tha way ya usually dress, I’d guess that.” When it came to looks Vinzenz for sure looked like he was some top shelf wine or some other fancy drink that people would spend a lot of money on for just a glass, while she felt like she looked like that can of beer that got stuck in the back of the fridge that people forgot about. “Or are ya one of those champagne people? That stuffs pretty fancy right?” Giving the medic a small half teasing glance as she questioned him on his tastes, though the huntress was more or less rambling a little at this point to try and fill the silence to attempt to keep things from feeling more awkward. 
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