atlasofthestaars · 10 months
I wonder what geras informed liu kang taht made his bloodturn cold?
👀 who knows! (i know)
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rabbitprose · 3 years
@bloodturn   /   sc.
                            “———is  it  ever  difficult,  muzan-sama?” douma  comes  to  ask,  “—perhaps we’re  more  similar than  i  originally anticipated…  rulers  over  countless  lives, the  only  one  able  to  guide  them.”
he  asks  again.
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“—is  it  hard  on  you?”
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dobushira · 5 years
@bloodturned | plotted starter!
The demon was lucky that she didn’t deem him to be much of a threat. She knew she should dispatch him as quickly as possible, but she was already tired from hunting down many demons recently and just wanted to rest. That is how they wound up in this situation.
Tazz watched the demon as the two were on opposite sides of the room of an abandoned house, an awkward silence hanging in the air. The room was dark, though a few rays of sunlight filtered through some holes in the wall as the morning arrived. While Tazz didn’t necessarily have to rest before returning to headquarters, she wanted to observe the demon and make sure he didn’t try anything funny.
She propped her chin in her hand as she sat cross-legged, her elbow and other hand resting on her knees as she was slouched over a bit. She made sure to keep her weapons right beside her, though she hoped she wouldn’t have to use them.
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wieldgun · 5 years
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@bloodturned​ said: " hey, you. beanpole. are you the kid who eats demons? hot-air-pillar's younger brother? "
          oh great.
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    he’d heard about this new ‘good demon’ that had started helping out the slayers due to kagaya’s orders, but he really didn’t want to end up face to face with him, let alone apparently searched for.            he’d just gotten used to nezuko, and now this?
           “yeah, why?”
          might as well see what he wants and get the conversation over with.
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oykta · 5 years
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               “my dear friends, this ( @bloodturned​ ) is my new demon son.           please treat them kindly.”
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galebreath · 5 years
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     “ Give me one reason why I shouldn’t end your miserable life right now. “ 
@bloodturned​   /   one-liners. 
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thatbassistbitch · 5 years
alright dad, tell us about vampires
YES MY CHILD OK so vampires? In most lore, they drink blood, yeah? Ask yourselves, WHY would a vampire need to drink blood? It's not very nutritious, a person wouldn't be able to survive on a diet of just blood. Well folks, here's the thing: they aren't drinking the blood. They're taking it directly into their own bloodstream.
 Vampires need to take in blood because they're very anemic. The whole lot of them. They have a hard time making their own blood because of the virus that they're all infected with. As a result, they take in the blood of a human using their fangs. Their fangs are hollow, and there are tiny muscles inside of them that, when contracted, act as suction to suck in the blood, which then goes directly into the vampire's bloodstream. This LOOKS like the vampire is drinking it, but they're not. Some of the blood may be ingested simply because it ends up in the mouth, but it's unintended.
Why are vampires so often depicted as monstrous? They look like people. They are people. They can be quite civilised. So why is it that when a vampire gets down ti business and takes in blood, they seem almost animalistic? The answer is simple: most depictions of a feeding vampire are actually of a bloodstarved vampire. A bloodturned vampire will often be reluctant to feed on humans because they were once human themselves. To combat this, the virus has evolved a mechanism to force the host to feed by turning them feral when they are in need of more blood. They will no longer have a say in the matter, nor will they be able to handle the feeding in a civilised manner. The vampire will turn to pure instinct and feed upon the nearest healthy human if they determine that there is no immediate danger in doing so.
A bloodstarved vampire can rarely be reasoned with, as they are not aware. There are exceptions, although these exceptions can hardly be seen as reasoning. An allurer, such as a nymph or a siren, can disarm the feral vampire by soothing them with their voice. This isn't exactly reasoning, as allurement is more sedating. It works though.
There are two classes of vampires: bloodturned and bloodborn. The bloodborn vampires are born with the virus. They were never human, and they often look down on the bloodturned vampires for their connection with humanity. Bloodturned vampires are seen as outcasts in both human and monster communities. Vampires have to be registered on a list to receive bloodpacks on a weekly/monthly basis. Bloodborn vampires only have to feed once a month, bloodturned vampires have to feed once a week. The longest a bloodturned vampire can go without feeding is 2 and a half weeks. Any longer than that, and the vampire becomes bloodstarved and turns feral.
The first sign of bloodstarvation is the usual symptoms of anemia. When the vampire turns feral, it's a quick and sudden shift. Wings out, fangs extended, animalistic behavior. If you're human or a human hybrid, hide. Do not run, you cannot outrun a vampire. Bloodstarvation lasts 3 days without feeding. Day one, the vampire is pure instinct and brute strength, but still very intelligent. They will try to trick you and trap you, and they will predict your actions. Do not assume that the vampire is a mindless animal. They may not be themselves, but they are extremely intelligent, desperate, and will do whatever it takes to feed. Day two, the vampire becomes lethargic. Will attack if possible, but not as dangerous. Day three is the danger zone for the vampire. They will be too weak to feed. Barely conscious, hardly able to move. Only a blood transfusion will have a chance at saving them, and even then the vampire may be too far gone. If there are no clear signs of improvement 3 hours after a transfusion, the humane option would be to put them down. Nothing could save that poor soul at that point, and not putting them down would drag out their death much longer than necessary.
Vampires are social creatures, much like humans. They form something similar to pack bonds, though they commonly refer to this "pack" as a coven. Most covens have one leader, simply referred to as the Alpha. It is the Alpha's responsibility to protect the coven. This vampire will take whoever they feel a connection with into their coven. The bond can be romantic, platonic, or familial, it doesn't matter. The coven is a family in its own sense, and not much can break that bond. It is rare to find a vampire living on its own, and most covens will take in a lone vampire if they encounter one. There is a big sense of connection between most vampires, even between bloodborn and bloodturned vampires, despite the fact that the bloodborn look down on the bloodturned. It's not uncommon to find a bloodborn Alpha vampire taking bloodturned vampires under their wing, so to speak. These bloodturned vampires may not be treated equally to their bloodborn counterparts, but most see it as much better than living on the streets, feeding on the less fortunate humans who may be riddled with diseases of the blood.
A lone vampire can be dangerous if bloodstarved, but a coven can be deadly. If one member of the coven becomes bloodstarved, it can be assumed that the rest of the coven is not far behind, assuming they haven't turned feral already as well. The coven will go to great lengths to protect and take care of their own, and in cases of blood shortages, it's quite common for people to go missing, as the covens will go above and beyond to provide for their family. Let's just say you shouldn't walk the streets alone at night after a disaster or accident has occurred. You may never return home again. 
 People are usually afraid that if they are bitten by a vampire, they will turn into one as well. This is not the case. In order to become a vampire, you must take a vampire's blood into your body. This can be achieved in a number of ways. Contact with mucosal membranes, ingestion, or contact with an open wound. Most turnings are accidental, but there are vampires who turn other humans on purpose. They are despised by the community, both bloodborn and bloodturned alike. There is no need for a full moon or anything, though the fanatics that turn people intentionally do prefer to do so on the night of a full moon for religious and/or symbolic reasons.
Freshly turned vampires are often pursued to be indoctrinated into an underground cult of vampires. Not much is known about this cult, except that it has been around for thousands of years. Ask any vampire who isn't a cultist about what the cult is, they won't tell you, but they will be extremely uncomfortable and warn you to stay far away from those people. The cult is vast and extremely dangerous, and once you're in it you will never get back out. Think scientology but even more secretive and with vampires and you'll kinda get an idea of what I'm talking about.
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bloodturned · 5 years
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   bloodturned ;          - indie + semi selective kamanue (lower demon moon six) rp blog         - mobile only, low activity         - 10+ years of experience         - nsfw may be present, read rules before interacting
rules | bio  //  please ♥/↺ if you’d like to interact
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❤ Dating Sim Tropes ❤
REPOST and fill in with details about your muse as if they were a character in a Dating Sim. (Inspired by Huniepop)
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Name: Momoi Sabito Profession: One half of the Water Hashira of the Demon Slaying Corps. Where they can be found: Water Estate, Butterfly Estate, training grounds, Wind Estate (when bothering Sanemi). Favourite food type: Deep fried tofu | peaches | anything with adzuki bean paste. Favourite alcoholic drink: Tries really hard to not drink often, but when he does he indulges in good quality sake. Favourite trait: The ability for someone to make him feel relaxed and comfortable. Where they would go on a date: Actually a pretty big homebody, would prefer to have dates at home, but wouldn’t say no if his date wanted to go somewhere else. Ideal gift: Any of his favorite foods or anything with a fox on it! It’s no secret that he loves them, since his whole aesthetic is built around them pretty much. How many dates until they go to bed: About three or four. He’s really down for sex once he’s gotten to know someone well.
tagged by: Plucked from the dash! tagging: @lulltides, @miloveshot, @tenthousandmusesmaybemore {for the toothpaste fox}, @bloodturned & anyone else who feels like stealing this!
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SYABM comic 44 “Hook ‘em, Danno”
According to Dan - and the people who post that screenshot on social media, nodding approvingly - America has no problem with people shooting kids - in Sandy Hook, Sutherland Springs, or the recent California -  as long as they use guns.
Or maybe “America” just doesn’t want to go with knee-jerk gun control laws that would restrict guns used in an overwhelming minority of crimes, which would hurt legal gun owners, and do nothing to stop most guns used in crime. Which are illegally-owned handguns.
Come to think, lots of people were went “We need to DO something! Can we talk about gun control now?” after the Texas church shooting, but then we learned how gun control failed. How >the System let a murderer acquire a weapon he wasn’t supposed to have, by law<.
So, of course, the narrative didn’t change at all. 
When we learned a random citizen with his gun (an “AR-15 style” rifle, to be precise) shot the attacker and chased him off, those people - if they even acknowledged it - went “wow, he only stopped him after he killed 26 people!”
There were about 50 people in First Baptist Church that morning. 26 fatalities. 20 injuries.
There was also the possibility that the shooter might’ve gone back inside the church and continued executing people in cold blood. Or gone someplace else and started murdering people there.
You know, like Elliot Rodger.
Or the more recent guy in California.
Now, I’m typing this on 2017-11-15, the day after the shooting. I figure there are already people making the usual knee-jerk posts. They’ll ignore how California already has some of the most restrictive gun control in America, of course. 
They’ll ignore the idea of cops in schools, and the simple locked doors that managed to stop a gunman. They’ll want something quick, something easy, something that makes them feel good. They’ll balk at the idea of letting teachers carry guns, so maybe - just maybe - they can protect students with more than good intentions, >their bravery in the face of terrible danger<, and, worst case, >their own flesh and blood<.
I just looked. >Turned out the California shooter had a restraining order, and couldn’t own weapons legally<. He had to build his rifles to get around it. And he had two handguns not registered to him, which is, of course, illegal.
And the wheel spins madly on.
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demonmoonrui-a · 5 years
What shape does your pain take?
A Picture
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A picture. A single image reminding you of someone or something you've lost, something you don't want to live without. You can't seem to move on, to accept life has changed, to live again. You're trapped in the picture, in the past. Maybe this was a lost family member or friend, maybe this was a sickness that isn't going away, maybe this was sinking into depression. But you can't help but remember how life was before, how life after will never be the same, and can't help but feel that nothing in the future will be able to fill the hole the past left. Nothing lasts forever... Right?
Tagged by: @kyoanikis​ {In a manner of speaking}
Tagging: @huboaris​ and @bloodturned​
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dobushira · 5 years
//Ship tag dump! I’ll probably add to this as they come
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resolutepath · 3 years
🍓 !!
give me fruit for compliments.
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five,you are truly a wonderful person and have such brilliant creative energy. i’m going to show my bias here and talk about how much I adore daiten because she is such a great character!!! I am forever intruiged, and adoring all the dynamics you can build, seeing the way she translates to different verses and just everything. and I love the dynamics we’ve built (and our special little type of dynamic) and I am so excited to see where they go. i honestly feel she’s so important to some of my muses (e.g. kny!bakugou would absolutely not be the same without their dynamic!! ) and then your take on other muses, both canons and ocs are absolutely amazing, I love seeing you take on Muzan and making him make sense!! you truly are one of my favourites to interact with, speak to and have around, I love discussing things with you and building lots of different dynamics across worlds together, and I can’t wait to see where things go!! i hope you’re having a good day!!
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oykta · 5 years
" hey, oyakata-sama, have you ever wondered what it would be like to eat a demon? "
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             bro he is so tired rn
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oykta · 5 years
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@bloodturned​ said: tumblr won't let me send asks right now and idk what's up w that and am too sleepy to figure it out but. listen, listen ... ur writings so superb. it's so good. i can't believe it ur entire blog makes my lifespan longer by existing ty for coming to my ted talk have a nice night || ✢ . ✢
           i know i already answered this to you privately but hgnrg rereading it really makes my heart soar. i beat myself up for only being able to write in small bursts sometimes and how quickly i can get burnt out, but  i know that my writing can be good here and there. seeing you say my blog makes your life longer is so dfhbgdsiuhgsi im so soft im bbaby this is what i wake up to ghgngfgh i love u
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dobushira · 5 years
//Since I’ve got a lot on my plate right now, I decided that I’m going to clean up my activity a bit and drop some threads and clearing out my inbox a bit. Below are the threads that I’m interested in continuing as well as a few in my drafts. If there’s a thread you’d like to keep going, let me know and I’ll add it to the list. Also any starters I get and replies to my starters will be added to this! I may have forgotten to add some to here, so if there’s a thread you want to check on be sure to ask me! The ones with * will likely be prioritized since most of my inspiration is gravitating towards those threads.
@galebreath - x x x x x * @kyoanikis - x * @thetattooedbutterfly - x @priceofpride - x x * @arrayofemotions - x @donneratem - x x * @faintflow - x x @moonlitshinobi - x * @onbashiira - x x * @pasttorn - x * @noctstate - x x * @fallesto - x x x x * @bloodturned - x @shuoshuzhe - x x @otoxtsuma - x @noyaiba - x @kokoshibou - x x @craneguard - x @timidplum - x x @tcrnscul - x @ragingfangs - x x @tears-love - x @aquxtic-beast - x x * @dragonsformed - x x x x * @formedwater - x * @holylies - x x x @devmnic - x
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