forgettingmenot · 2 years
closed starter for Billy Batson - @bloodofsalt​
❝i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. i just have a lot on my plate. ❞  Vic apologized after snapping at Billy. He knew the younger boy was just trying to help. But paired with be hungry and tired Victor was stressed. He had to figure out what was going on with Konner's sphere. The machine had been acting odd, well odd for a machine anyway. But he promised Conner he'd find out what's wrong. And a promise from victor was set in stone. Ba dum tss.
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corruptedarkness · 2 years
Jaime often felt like ghosts of the dead were surrounding him once he’d made his return to this life after death. If he believed in such things he’d be sure this would be some form of great suffering on his part but either way for some this seemed like a second chance to reunite with love ones. Rickon Stark not much was known about him since everything went to hell for the Stark family but it was easy to see the kid suffered much when he left this world. ❝Look, kid, in life, sometimes the monsters win, its as simple as that…takes this for what it could be a second chance to see the people you missed. ❞
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smoslilguys · 2 years
@bloodofsalt​ -Starter for Hunter&Willow​
For as long as he could remember- he followed his uncle Belos’s orders. So when Hunter received the text that he needed to come home for something important, he felt conflicted. He stared down at the phone. Reading the message over and over again. A direct order. He couldn’t possibly disobey it, but his gut churned uncomfortably and his gloved fingers carefully reached up to the long scar that marked his cheek. Now white from it’s age but still a feature that was incredibly pronounced. He said he’d meet Willow at their favourite spot, overlooking her street on a rooftop and there he was. Waiting for her. Knowing that he should be heading to his Uncle’s mansion instead. The last thing he wanted to do was upset him... but he’d made a promise to his friend. He only tore his gaze from his phone when he felt someone sit down beside him. “Oh... Hey, Willow.” He offered her a gentle smile before putting his phone away.
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dancingwithghcsts · 2 years
“I’d like to hear your version.” Bill smiled softly at his wife, looking at her over the top of his laptop screen. He’d just been telling her about the story idea that he was currently working on, although it was in such early stages that it could easily be altered -- if not scrapped altogether. When he got stuck so soon, he had a habit of asking Audra what she thought. Just like he was doing now. “What would you change? Anything?”
@bloodofsalt​ -- prompt from here
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reincarnatehqs · 1 year
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disastri · 2 years
𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @bloodofsalt 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐡 - 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐝
         “Don’t worry about it, okay? No apologies necessary; just breathe, everything’s good.” Stephanie tried helping Cass through the perceived panic. It wasn’t until she calmed down a little that the blonde pulled her hand away from its spot on her adoptive sister’s back. “Are you okay?” 
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Bev knocked on the large oak door tapping her shoe, a nervous tick. In times of distress, Bill had always been able to steady her. She let out a breath too early in relief when the door opened and Bill’s wife Audra appeared. “Hi, Audra...is Bill home?” she felt like she was a kid again knocking on his door to ask his mom if he was able to come play with her. @bloodofsalt​
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icefiire · 2 years
location: winterfell time: one year before traveling south with: @bloodofsalt​ from: eddard
ned sat with the younger man, looking over at him. theon was far more than a ward. or even a prisoner. the boy felt like an extension of his own children, and judging by the way theon and robb were thick as thieves, well. how could ned not welcome him?
as robb trained and sparred with ser jory cassel at the demand of rodrik, ned sat next to theon, quiet and pensive for a moment before turning to theon.
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“robb will need you, you know. he trusts you, and you trust him. the iron islands and the north have one thing in common. they are not easy to govern. you will both need each other when your father and i are gone.”
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gysellas · 2 years
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𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  :  eel  alley,  visenya’s  hill,  king’s  landing,  the  crownlands. 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞  :  third  day,  second  seed,  300  a.c. 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡  :  theon  greyjoy  (  @bloodofsalt​  ).
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the  crew  of  the  leviathan  had  expressed  their  intentions  to  set  sail  from  the  iron  islands  almost  immediately  after  the  royal  missive  had  arrived  on  the  shores  of  pyke,  eager  to  wet  their  blades  and  fill  their  pockets  with  the  pickings  that  could  be  found  along  the  stretch  of  sea  that  led  from  the  islands  to  the  crownlands  but  before  she  could  voice  an  affirmative  to  their  demands,  knowing  that  the  journey  would  take  them  through  the  redwyne  straits  in  the  reach,  which  were  always  bountiful  with  wine  merchants  ferrying  caskets  of  the  sour  grape  from  the  arbor,  she  had  been  called  into  a  meeting  with  asha  greyjoy,  pacing  the  length  of  the  room  as  the  plan  to  form  an  alliance  with  the  north  was  shared.  she  had  never  thought  fondly  of  the  northerners  owing  to  the  disappearance  of  her  elder  sister,  gyda,  some  years  back.  her  ship  had  last  been  seen  at  sea  dragon  point  and  any  letters  inquiring  about  her  whereabouts  with  house  mormont  and  house  glover  had  been  sent  back  without  a  response,  leaving  gysella  to  assume  the  worst  but  in  comparison  to  the  other  greenlanders,  the  northerners  were  worthy  of  a  begrudgingly  respect.
(  she  could  not  help  but  wonder  if  the  plan  to  get  theon  greyjoy  back  in  exchange  for  the  service  of  the  iron  fleet  would  backfire  on  her  lady,  especially  if  the  displaced  prince  had  learned  loyalty  at  the  hands  of  his  captors,  but  if  he  proved  to  be  treacherous  to  house  greyjoy  or  the  ironborn  cause,  gysella  could  just  drown  him  in  the  blackwater  bay  and  cite  foul  play.  the  starks  had  many  enemies  in  the  south  and  it  was  not  unthinkable  or  untrue  to  blame  the  lannisters  for  yet  another  death.  perhaps  asha  would  mourn,  but  better  he  die  a  martyr  at  the  hands  of  a  common  enemy  than  a  traitor  to  the  islands,  at  least  in  the  eyes  of  people.  )
by  the  time  she  had  been  allowed  to  set  sail,  any  thought  towards  pillaging  and  looting  the  bounties  of  the  reach  were  far  from  her  mind  and  she  had  set  a  rough  pace  to  the  crownlands,  ignoring  the  complains  of  her  crew  in  the  hopes  of  getting  to  the  capital  before  the  northerners  did.  still,  they  had  arrived  just  a  few  days  prior,  able  to  push  their  horses  quicker  than  she  could  will  the  winds  to  her  sails  and  gysella  was  faced  with  the  conundrum  of  how  to  approach  theon  greyjoy  without  startling  him  off  completely.  she  had  been  complaining  into  the  ear  of  her  first  mate,  the  man  rather  unhelpfully  suggesting  she  corner  him  to  see  if  his  stones  were  still  iron,  when  a  familiar  figure  walked  pass  the  open  tavern  door.  the  similarities  to  his  sister  were  uncanny  and  it  made  him  look  rather  pretty  from  a  distance  ─  rising  from  the  side  of  her  crew  with  a  coin  purse  left  behind  to  keep  their  grumbles  to  a  manageable  level,  she  quickened  her  steps  to  follow  after  him  through  eel  alley,  avoiding  the  grasping  hands  of  beggars  and  thieves  alike.
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❝  greyjoy  !  ❞  a  few  heads  turned,  including  the  man  that  she  hailed  and  gysella  caught  up  with  him,  panting  lightly  through  the  grin  that  stretched  across  her  features.  ❝  theon  greyjoy  ?  you  look  like  your  sister.  ❞  a  compliment  or  an  insult  and  much  could  be  said  about  what  he  thought  of  his  family  by  how  he  received  it.  ❝  i  wasn’t  aware  that  the  starks  took  their  prisoners  on  trips  with  them.  ❞  another  little  dig  ─  ironborn  saw  him  as  a  captive  but  the  greenlanders  called  him  a  ward,  as  though  putting  a  sweeter  title  on  the  kidnapping  made  it  any  less  cruel.
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forgettingmenot · 2 years
 Randomized Starter for Jane  - @bloodofsalt​
“ thank you. thank you so much, you’re the best.” Rapunzel hugged jane as she took the present from her. "I can't believe you remembered by birthday!"  she giggled.
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forgettingmenot · 2 years
Randomized for starter for Bart - @bloodofsalt​
  “ you might wanna see somebody to help you process all that.” Jaime said holding up his hands. “I don’t really think I’m qualified to....well....do any of that.” 
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forgettingmenot · 2 years
Randomized starter for Scott - @bloodofsalt -  how would she react?”
“Perhaps you should worry less about how others will react, and instead focus on why you want them to react a certain way.” Ororo said to him one eye brow raising. 
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forgettingmenot · 2 years
Randomized starter for - Kyrie - @bloodofsalt​
“ so there’s a problem with my attitude now? please.” Nox huffed as she was pulled away from the others. She knew she wasn’t exactly a team player but her attitude was....okay she couldn’t lie to herself. She was being shitty. But what else did they expected pulling a child of the night out in the middle of the day with no shade on the sunniest part of the year? It was torture.
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forgettingmenot · 2 years
Closed starter for Minthe  - @bloodofsalt​
Koa loved music, unsurprising considering he was the son of Apollo. But when he had his headphones in, everyone knew not to try and speak to him. He was in the zone and likely not to be bothered. Everyone...but whoever this was. He’d opened his eyes to see their lips moving, they must have been talking for a moment. With a huff he took of his headphones looking at them. ❝ i have zero fucking idea what you’re talking about. ❞ he said, a slight annoyance to his tone.
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forgettingmenot · 2 years
randomized starter for March  - @bloodofsalt​
“ seriously. what do you do in an emergency?” Mar'i asked March, genuinely concerned for his well being. She knew she had a tendency to have her head in the clouds but it was never on this level of delusion. Or so she hoped.
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forgettingmenot · 2 years
randomized starter for Will - @bloodofsalt​
  “ poor little [Will], grasping at straws.” Anton sang from in front of his shop, watching the tough time William seemed to be having.  "Need a hand friend?"
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