#blood upon snow
My AU versions of Daryuns parents are done!
Yay, I finally figured out a design for the two!
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I loved @tired-reader-writer suggesstion for Chabiks hair so much (a different hair texture)! So thank you for that! But I did struggle with Irsias entire colour scheme and Chabiks cape.
Also, a little quiz for all of you: What did Daryun get from each parent? (I wanna see if I have good character design lol)
Close ups under cut
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coldbrewarts · 2 months
To all things housed in her silence
Nature offers a violence
Blood Upon The Snow // Hosier & Bear McCreary
I worked really hard on this so Reblogs are appreciated!!
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banal-isenatha-nsfw · 24 days
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Lazy Mornings
Lady Dimitrescu/OC
Uncensored version here
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saminadorazahi · 1 month
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bunny-stereo · 2 years
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heavensghost · 2 years
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The ground walked here is a wonder. It ceases never to hunger
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starry-bi-sky · 2 years
Au where one day Daniel Thomas Fenton, 16 years old, retired ghost vigilante finally decides to tell his parents about the Accident when he was fourteen.
It… doesn’t end well. To say the least. Physically? Danny’s fine. But it blows up into a huge argument that ends with Danny getting disowned. And Danny, sick and tired of the years of neglect and fear and hate that’s radiated his house for years. Well, he just leaves. He doesn’t want to be part of the Fenton Family, he wants nothing to do with it.
He changes his name. Daniel Thomas Fenton to Thomas Nightingale. Before he was born, his parents asked Jazz what she thought her brother’s name would be. Two years old, she said Tommy. So when Danny was born, he was named Daniel Thomas Fenton.
Danny might not wanted to have been connected to the Fenton family, but he still wanted to be connected to his sister. He leaves town, but they keep in contact. And he stays in touch with Sam and Tucker too. They, along with Jazz, helped him change his name.
For the sake of continuity, I’ll keep calling him Danny.
A few months after Danny leaves Amity Park, he catches news from Eli. His little sisterdaughterclone contacting him to let him know that she snuck into Vlad’s to cause some mischief, and discovered that he was at it again.
He’d cloned Danny again. And this time it looked like it might be a successful boy. He was a baby. Danny rushed over to Vlad’s as fast as possible.
It wasn’t hard to break into the lab. Vlad was as cocky as he was stupid, and Danny had long since learned his tricks. The baby was being cared for by the vulture henchmen that Vlad used. Who were about as competent at taking care of a baby as the three fairies were in Maleficent.
Danny stole all information about the clone — how he was made, what Vlad did. Everything.
Turns out, the baby was more Danny’s son than he was a clone. Vlad had somehow rubbed two braincells together hard enough to have an epiphany of some sort. Rather than use Danny’s unstable DNA to make a clone from scratch, he used Danny’s DNA and an unnamed girl his age to make him.
(Safe to say, Danny was seriously creeped out.)
He also, somehow, figured out why Eli came out as Danielle rather than Daniel. It was the same reason that Danny’s suit went from white to black and his hair black to white when he went ghost. It was the ectoplasm’s weird inverting properties. Vlad had tried to make a male clone, but the ectoplasm he used inverted to make a girl. So, he tried the same thing, and instead tried to make a girl. The ectoplasm made the baby girl into a baby boy.
He had also, Danny seriously bet it was unintentional, somehow made the baby completely, utterly human. Well, almost completely human. The little boy was liminal in the same way Jazz was, with the minuscule changes to match. Sharper canines, a small ghostly sense, and eery eyes.
All in all, the baby was useless to Vlad. He didn’t have the powers Vlad wanted. Which Danny bet dollar to dollar was the biggest drawback to the egomaniac.
Well, what one crazed maniac found useless, Danny found he adored. It didn’t take long to dispatch the vultures, and Danny found himself hovering over the baby’s crib, unsure of what to do as the little boy’s bright blue eyes stared up at him with innocent wonder. He didn’t even know to fear strangers yet.
“Hello,” he said softly, and lowered his feet to the floor, changing back from ghost to human. “I’m Thomas.” He’d developed a weariness to his original name after Dan, and after his disownment, disliked it entirely.
The baby latched onto Danny’s finger with a gurgle, and that was it. Close the book, the end. Danny’s heart squeezed itself in his chest, a low coo trapped itself in his throat. And with hands that had never held something so small before, he picked him up.
“I bet he was gonna name you Daniel, wasn’t he?” He asked, trying to remember what the safest way to hold a baby that couldn’t keep its head up was. He cradled the baby to his chest. “He’s crazy. Don’t worry, I’ll take you with me.”
The baby just stared up at him, one chubby hand crushing his shirt. Danny couldn’t help but smile, now he knew why people always got so mushy around babies. There was so much to love about them. “I’ll come up with a better name.” He said, and walked away from the crib — there was probably something in Vlad’s lab that helped the baby. Some kinda diaper bag or something?
As he looked, he wracked his head for names. As well as that, he tried to think about what to do moving forward. The baby wasn’t like Eli, who was independent enough that she traveled the world and did whatever she wanted. He was a baby. Tiny, vulnerable, dependent. And legally, he didn’t exist.
“Why don’t I call you Bruce?” He said aloud, looking back down to the baby. Bruce. He liked the name. Bruce just looked up at him, and then tried to eat his shirt.
Danny didn’t think it was possible to fall in love so fast. “Okay, Bruce it is then.” He was smiling ear to ear. “Hi, Bruce.”
He found a diaper bag soon enough, it was near Bruce’s crib, tucked on it’s side under a chair. Danny slung it over his shoulder, switched forms, and flew out of the mansion
First thing to know about taking care of babies; it was hard. Danny flew miles from Vlad’s house, intangible and invisible, before he finally stopped at a gas station. He switched back, and then called Jazz
Who… immediately tore into him for making such a reckless, impulsive choice to go willingly into Vlad’s house
(Eli was a snitch)
(But not a big enough snitch apparently, she left the surprise baby to Danny to talk about)
And after the subsequent tearing into, Danny told her about Bruce
“What are you gonna do with him?”
“I’m not sure. I can’t just *leave* him. He’s so small Jazz.”
“Are you gonna keep him with you little brother?”
“…Just until I can figure something out.”
“I’ll send you some articles about taking care of babies then.”
Danny undeniably gets attached
He swore he’d figure something out by the end of the week. One week stretched into two. Two stretched to a month. And then a few months. And then Bruce was learning how to crawl, and he was babbling.
And he was just as attached to Danny as Danny was to Bruce.
Danny was all the way northeast by then, finding himself in Gotham. He was seventeen now, almost an adult in the eyes of the law. He was going to stay a week, if even that long, in Gotham.
And then he saved an eccentric elderly couple from being mugged. And by the end of the week he was staying in the elusive Wayne Family Manor as a special guest.
The Waynes were childless. They’d had tried for years to get a son, until eventually they gave up on it. But if you looked at their younger portraits, you’d think Danny was theirs by birth.
Days turned to weeks to months to nearly a year. And then more. Bruce was walking now, and he called Danny ‘daddy’ and he was still just as clingy as he was when he was on bottles.
Danny adored him.
And the Wayne couple were so kind to him. Danny had waited for weeks for the other shoe to drop. Nobody this rich was this kind, at least not anyone that Danny had encountered besides Sam, and Sam’s family were guppies in a pond compared to the behemoths that were the Waynes.
There was no other shoe drop. The Waynes never expected anything from Danny other than he ate well and slept well and that he stay as long as he like. They didn’t force him into attending anything, not their rich people parties or events, nothing. They bought him clothes and let him decorate his room, and spoiled Bruce positively rotten.
Danny quietly, where no one but his thoughts could hear, started to think they were better parents than the ones who gave birth to him. It changed things.
On Danny’s eighteenth birthday, the Waynes gifted him adoption papers. Danny couldn’t have grabbed his pen faster.
Danny Fenton became Thomas Nightingale, and Thomas Nightingale because Thomas and Bruce Nightingale.
Then, finally, Thomas and Bruce Nightingale became Thomas and Bruce Wayne.
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banal-isenatha · 20 days
"So I Showed My Teeth" (1/3)
Lady Dimitrescu/OC
The time for you to be formally introduced to Mother Miranda and the other Sires of the region has finally come. As preparations are made, you and Alcina face the biggest challenge yet: having the Priestess recognise you as the Countess's official consort and let your families finally join.
Will you succeed or will Alcina's family prove too strong for you?
You stood in front of the tall mirror as you adjusted the cuffs of your sleeves, your movements practised, albeit a bit slow. Alcina had organised a small gathering to introduce you to her family, and while you were confident in your position as her companion, you couldn’t help but feel the tension rising within you, especially considering who was going to be in attendance.
“The four Sires control different areas of the region, each one with- Iulia, are you listening?”
You glanced up from the book in front of you, stopping your doodling on the corner of the page.
“Yes, mother. The four Sires.”
Your mother hid an exasperated sigh under her breath, shaking her head.
“You’re going to be introduced at court soon. The least you can do is to pay attention.”
With a huff, you turned your eyes back to the book, your fingers tapping against the pages.
“Remind me again why we need to do this?”
“It is customary for a noble House to introduce publicly the latest members of their clans. Especially considering the influence our family has.”
“Why go all the way to Miranda and the other Sires then? Shouldn’t the Dimitrescus suffice?”
“Because, while we do live under the Matriarch’s rule, our clan has also ties to other families and as such is seen as a valid asset.” your mother let out another small sigh, closing her book, “And do remember to address Mother Miranda properly, Iulia.”
You refrained yourself from rolling your eyes, flipping through the pages of your book absentmindedly, the family trees and dynasties in there mildly interesting if it weren’t for the constant overlapping and repetitive names.
“You remember your history lessons, yes?”
“Yes, yes, the Black God gave Mother Miranda her gifts, which she then divided amongst the four strongest families, blah blah blah…I remember.”
“And why is the Montescu family in such a prominent position?”
“Because our ancestors broke from the Dimitrescus and started their own clan, passing down their gift without their Sire approval, thus starting a war with the ancient House.” you replied, stopping at the page depicting the Montescu family line, “Which ended when grandfather made a truce with the current Matriarch’s father, before she took her seat as heir of House Dimitrescu.”
“Correct. But why didn’t Mother Miranda strike us down?”
You looked up at your mother, mulling over her question before shrugging.
“Because she had better things to do?”
“Your sarcasm is going to land you in trouble one day, Iulia.” your mother tsked, shaking her head, “And no, it wasn’t because of that.”
“It was because we showed a potential that the other, lesser Houses lacked and still do.”
Your father’s sudden voice made you straighten up in your chair, his imposing figure coming forward until he was standing behind your mother, his hands folded behind his back.
“Because our gift grew beyond the control of the Dimitrescus and we seized that chance, but we also recognised the Sires’ power and, most importantly, Mother Miranda’s.” Adrian’s amber eyes looked down at the books on the desk before flittering to your own, “Your lessons are boring you, child?”
“I’m interested in history, father. But I don’t see the purpose of me learning them for a ball.”
The vampire Lord hummed, nodding to your mother who stood up from the chair and left the library, a warning look thrown in your direction before she closed the door. You and your father stood in silence for a moment longer before he spoke, his voice not exactly “gentle”, but not unkind either.
“Are you concerned about your ceremony?”
“I don’t understand the pageantry of it, to be quite honest.” you leaned back into your chair, looking up at him, “I’m not even the heir.”
“You are my daughter, which means your position is still a prominent one.” he raised an eyebrow then, “Speak plainly, Iulia. What troubles you really?”
You hesitated for a moment before letting out a quiet exhale through your nose, looking up at him.
“What are the four Sires like?”
“Powerful and, most importantly, dangerous. You don’t want to make them your enemies.”
“…a bit hypocritical, don’t you think?”
Adrian chuckled, the sound resembling a deep rumbling, and took a seat in the chair in front of you.
“Our feud with Alcina is not as furious as it once was, though she never forgets to remind us of who the controlling Sire of this part of the region is.” the vampire lord shook his head, “Don’t worry about her, Iulia, our family is strong and she knows it. Your job will be to show the Matriarch and her ‘siblings’ that we are still someone to be reckoned with.”
You looked down at the book once more, nodding slowly at his words.
“And…Mother Miranda?”
His expression turned solemn then and you watched as his fingers tapped against the desk top rhythmically, something you knew meant that whatever he was going to say, you needed to listen to carefully.
“Mother Miranda is not to be trifled with. The same way she has given us power, she can take it away. She is shrewd, charismatic and knows how to turn any situation in her advantage. Never underestimate her.”
“You fear her, father.”
It was a statement more than a question, and you quickly lowered your eyes as you saw his darken.
“Only a fool wouldn’t, child.”
You let out a sharp breath, tilting your neck left and right to relieve some of the tension in your shoulders. It wouldn’t be long before the esteemed guests arrived and you had no intention of making a fool of yourself by cowering like a little girl.
“You look like you’re going to throw up soon.”
Chuckling, you looked up into the mirror, meeting Bela’s eyes in the reflection before you went back to adjusting your clothes.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to do that away from the table.”
The young vampire snorted, walking forward until she was at your side, her eyes watching you with interest.
“You got a new coat?”
“It’s a gabardine. Do you like it?” you smirked, the embroidery of the golden lion and red rose with twin swords complimenting against the black fabric of the coat, “Your mother seemed to appreciate it.”
“Believe me, I know. The whole castle knows.”
Bela deadpanned, her eyes filled with embarrassment and disgust, which pulled a small laugh out of you. She wasn’t wrong, considering Alcina’s reaction to you showing it to her for the first time had been…quite pleasant. And long.
“Oh, quit it.” Bela let out a disgusted noise at your expression, “It was bad enough to watch mother almost crawl her way out of your shared chambers.”
“She had a lot to recover from.”
Her annoyed grunt made you chuckle again, your hands wiping down your front one last time before you nodded to yourself, ready to leave. Bela tilted her head to the side, her eyes travelling up and down your clothes as she let out a small, appreciative hum.
“You look…nice.”
“Why, thank you cățelușă.” you turned towards the door, gesturing for her to make way, “Let’s see if your mother is ready yet, hm?”
“Doubt it. She almost bit a maid’s head off for picking the wrong necklace not even five minutes ago.”
You chuckled at the mental picture, Bela’s own lips pulling up into a small grin as she saw the affection in your gaze.
“That does sound like her. Come, we should hurry before she breaks her vanity. Again.”
The young woman’s chuckle echoed yours as the two of you made your way down the corridor, following the sounds of Alcina’s annoyed yelling.
As soon as you reached the door, you stepped back as it slammed open, two frightened maids rushing out with a yelp as a vase followed right after, the crushing of porcelain against the wall making you snort.
“Never really liked that one.”
Bela nodded slowly as she watched you move closer, a small grimace on her face.
“Want any backup?”
“Ah, I could never risk your life like that.” you walked inside, hand on the doorknob as you closed it behind yourself, “Check on your sisters, and have someone clean up the mess.”
When you closed the door behind yourself, Bela finally let out a breath, her eyes falling on the shards on the floor. With a huff, she gestured for the servants around to clean it up before walking away to join Cassandra and Daniela, mildly relieved their rooms were so far from their mother’s.
You looked around the room with a raised eyebrow, taking in the clattered desk, the dresses lying haphazardly on the bed, and the make-up strewn over the vanity Alcina was currently sat at, her fingers trying to wrestle a wild lock into submission.
“Well, aren’t you just ravishing?”
The Matriarch’s growl echoed in the room as she snapped her eyes up, her lips parting with a scathing remark before she saw you there in the mirror. She turned on her stool, looking you up and down in approval before letting out a tired breath, meeting your gaze.
“You certainly look the part, draga.”
“Why, thank you.” you moved closer, placing your hands on her naked shoulders, “Now, what has you so on edge, my dear? I’m sure the maids weren’t so careless to deserve a vase thrown at them?”
She muttered under her breath as she turned to face the mirror once more, one of her hands reaching up and covering yours on her right shoulder.
“And why did you start such a war?”
You smiled gently, rubbing the base of her neck and nape with your thumbs to help her relax, the soft purr escaping her lips making your chest flutter.
“It’s an important night…”
Letting out a hum, you lowered your lips to her neck, kissing the pale skin as her purrs became deeper.
“No need to stress so much, draga. It’s just your family after all.”
“And you’re not worried? Even a bit?”
You snorted as she raised a perfectly trimmed eyebrow, your eyes meeting in the mirror of the vanity.
“I consider the fact that I haven’t thrown up yet a success.”
Her resulting groan made you chuckle again, your hands scratching at the spot where her jaw met her ear.
“I’m jesting, my love. And you have nothing to fear.”
You took the time to properly look at her then, her skin almost pearly in the low lighting of the room, while her lipstick stood out beautifully, the red dark as blood and making you want to lick it away.
“You’re staring, dear.”
“How can I not when you look so perfect.”
Alcina chuckled softly at your words, rolling her eyes before she reached over for her earrings on the vanity.
“Behave. It took me ages to put my makeup on.”
“Tragic.” you leaned down, your lips trailing along the side of her neck and down to her pulse point, “A good thing I know how not to make a mess, hm?”
Alcina’s words trailed off slowly as you kept kissing the spot, her eyes fluttering when she could feel the hint of fangs barely scarping the skin. You took her soft sighs as permission to go further, your hand trailing down to her front and pulling at the strings of her thin camisole.
“Iulia…we’re going to be late…”
“They won’t be here for another hour. Plenty of time, I’d say.”
The Matriarch huffed at your words, but it didn’t last as she felt your fingers play with one of her tits, squishing the soft mound and rubbing the pad of your thumb over the nipple.
“You…ah…make it very hard to focus…”
“I’m merely helping you relax, my love.”
You smirked against her shoulder at her ‘tsk’ of annoyance, both of you knowing you’d have stopped immediately if she had really been averse to your touch, and considering she had yet to do so, you kept going, both of your hands now caressing and massaging her breasts while your tongue lapped at her neck.
It wasn’t long before you could see the signs of her growing arousal – her lips parting slightly as she breathed faster, her body relaxing back in the stool…and of course the way her legs had uncrossed and started spreading inch by inch.
With a low rumbling noise that made her shiver, you let go of her breasts and stepped away from her, her disappointment brief before you knelt in front of her, your fingers already working at bouncing the soft material of her camisole up and over her hips. You didn’t hide your grin at finding her without undergarments, the sight of it making your mouth water until you felt her finger under your chin tilting you head up, her golden eyes filled with the same desire you had no doubt your own amber ones reflected.
“Please, mistress? I want to make you feel good.”
Your voice was barely above a whisper while your hands gently rubbed the pale skin of her thighs, and you certainly didn’t miss the way her eyes darkened at the familiar word.
“…very well. But you’d better not make a mess, pet.”
“Thank you, mistress.”
Licking your lips, you slowly mouthed along her left thigh before reaching her core, your nose taking in a big sniff of her scent, which caused you to moan lowly, the sound making the vampire above you shiver subtly.
“You’re gorgeous…”
Your words made her sigh, her eyebrows furrowing in mild annoyance as your lips kept on teasing her without never really touching her where she needed the most.
“Stop stalling, pet, and get- oh…”
Her gasped groan made you smirk, your tongue licking a series of long stripes along her folds and over her clit, the tip pushing and prodding at her entrance from time to time.
“Gods, you’re a brat…”
“I’m hurt…”
You chuckled, thumbs spreading her folds apart to give you better access before you slipped your tongue inside of her, her hips rocking against your face while she moaned.
You’d have preferred taking your time with her, maybe bend her over her vanity and take her from behind while she tried to keep quiet, but you were pressed on time and this was mainly to help her take the edge off.
Besides, nothing kept you from doing that just later on, once the guests had left.
With that in mind, you started trailing your fingers around her entrance while your tongue went back to her clit, lavishing it with attention before pushing slowly inside, the resounding moan above you making your own core clench.
You gave her a moment to get used to the sensation before you worked up a rhythm, your mouth open wide to allow your tongue to lap at her cunt while your fingers stretched her, pumping deeper the wetter she became.
Above you, Alcina was fighting very hard to keep herself from grabbing your hair and moving you however she wanted, knowing she couldn’t risk ruining your attire right before you were both supposed to leave for her siblings’ arrival-
The way your lips suddenly wrapped around her clit made her gasp, her hands scrambling to hold onto the stool under her, but it was when you started sucking away at her, your fingers curling against her walls, that she felt her breath stop in her chest.
“Oh…oh, good girl…”
Her words spurred you on, your eyes glancing up just in time to see her tilt her head back and arching her chest forward, her hands gripping the stool so tightly you were surprised the wood hadn’t splintered yet.
With a deep groan, you picked up your pace, feeling her peak approaching fast, and when you felt her hips canting up and the heels of her feet press down against your shoulder-blades, you knew you hade her right where you wanted.
“Come…” you panted, your tongue circling and lapping from her entrance to her clit, your fingers rubbing against her sweet spot, “Come for me, mistress…”
“Ah, pet…I’m going…I’m going to-”
Her words trailed off into a sharp moan as you pressed down on her clit and that sweet spot at once, her whole body shuddering with the strength of her climax.
“That’s it…that’s it, mistress…”
You cooed softly, your movements slowing down to allow her to ride it out while your tongue lapped at very drop of come dripping from her core and down your palm.
Alcina’s grip on the stool loosened eventually, her thighs still shivering as she clenched around your fingers from time to time, and when she had calmed down enough, you finally pulled out, a soft sound escaping her lips and making you smirk.
Looking up from between her legs, you made a show of licking your fingers clean, your eyes half-lidded as hers shone with barely contained lust.
“You’re a brat…”
“What? I made you relax, just like promised.”
She rolled her eyes at your quip, but the small smile pulling at the corners of her lips betrayed her. With a huff, she sat up straighter, her legs dropping from your shoulders, and watched as you rose from the floor, wiping down your trousers.
“Feeling better?”
You smirked, wiping your fingers on the hem of her camisole and chuckling faintly when she slapped your hand away.
“Don’t push it. And don’t think I won’t deal with you later…”
“I’d never.” you leaned down, placing your lips against hers in a brief kiss without smudging her makeup, “But how about you get ready first, hm? We’ll have plenty of time for that.”
Tsking under her breath, Alcina rose from the stool before dropping her camisole onto the floor, the sight of her standing in all her naked glory making it very hard for you to resist the urge to take more.
“You’re drooling.”
“I’m admiring. There’s a difference.”
“Of course.” snorting softly, she took your chin once more, her lips a breath away from your ear, “Behave yourself tonight…and I might even reward you.”
Her whispered words made you bite back a growl, your chest rising and falling with the deep breath you took in and let out.
“Yes, mistress.”
Rubbing her thumb along your chin, she gently nipped your lobe before pulling back, her smirk nothing but full of promise.
“Call back my maids, will you?”
“As my lady commands.”
You bowed with a flourish, pulling an exasperated chuckle out of her before you headed out of the room, your hand stopping on the doorknob when she called your name, making you look back at her.
“Your chin, dear.”
Reaching up, you wiped what remained of her come off and licked it clean, smirking back at her while she bit her lip.
“You love it.”
With that, you left the room and walked down the corridor, a few of her maids waiting around anxiously before bowing when they saw you approach.
“She’s all yours, ladies.”
Your wink made some of them giggle as they rushed towards their lady’s room, leaving you alone to go check on the last preparations for dinner.
Let the games begin.
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lookinghalfacorpse · 10 months
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blood upon the snow
READ HERE on ao3
“I can’t do it,” Phil answered.  His voice was weak.  “It will take me 50 years to figure this out, and another 50 for him to forgive me.  The lad won’t live long enough for me to make this happen.” “We don’t know for sure that he’s mad–” “Then why won’t he come home?”
(in the wake of sam and quackity's recent recapture attempt, philza and technoblade are seeking vengeance. dream is nowhere to be found.)
sequel to 'the trees deny themselves nothing.'
SO FAR: 4 chapters, 4000 words. plenty more to come.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of torture, Descriptions of Injury, Loss of Limbs(both fingers & leg), Amputation, Panic Attacks, Chronic Pain, Sam being a major weenie
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geminison · 10 months
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It’s snowing outside so here’s a quick Daud amidst Tyvian wilderness
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Currently trying to draw the character designs of Daryuns parents and his mom came out so good???? i just loove her hair!
But I am struggling with drawing his dad Chabik. Like I want him to look similar to Daryun but also still distinct? And I just don't know how to draw his hair...
This is how he currently looks (still sketching. I have highlighted his hair for visability):
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What do you guys think?
Also have this picture of my very first design of him!
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wewindondowntheroad · 8 months
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“I am sorry that I hurt you.”
a little drawing of last night's chapter from @sinkat-arts's Blood Upon the Snow
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banal-isenatha-nsfw · 24 days
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"We'll build a dynasty that shall challenge the gods themselves, draga."
Lady Dimitrescu/OC
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kassasnek · 2 years
-Its not my arms that will fail me, but this world takes more strength than it gave me-
Like blood upon the snow
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Merthur angst for everyone :D
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mangk0 · 1 year
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"The wolf that seeks always its own kind."
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carmen-berzattos · 2 years
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Favorite Hozier Lyrics [12/?]: Blood Upon the Snow 
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