#blood theurgy
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Ooc: Ritual Casting
Holy crap, my wrist is killing us. But we like what came out.
Anyway, here's Finn doing magic. Mixing Vampire and Theurge stuff, as they do. Edit: I fucking love community resources, while the figure is my work based on a model, I could not have done this without the help that ibis paint offers.
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arcsin27 · 5 months
Putting this in its own post
The actual let’s play series is nowhere near caught up to this recording we did last night (keep forgetting to edit lol) but this was so funny and intense and genuine I had to clip it lmfao
I’m the high pitched one that’s straight up screaming btw
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epitomees · 5 months
@ochazos replied to your post “Shinjiro has appeared! What to do? Run away Caress...”:
Caress cheek... "You have something here. I'll get it off"
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"Could'a jus' told me I had somethin' on my face." He brushed Makoto's hand away, and wiped off whatever substance smeared against his face. Probably a bit of blood by the looks of the color.
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arachnixe · 3 months
The Apex Predator
(Part 6 of Night’s Longing - Previous: Older And More Powerful)
Tears. I wondered if there would be tears. A bloodbag, a human girl—a vampire hunter by blood—dies. What does that mean to the vampires who called her sister?
I guess it means tears. That’s something.
“You can’t die,” Liz says. “Not already. Not like this.” Her tears streak through mascara and eyeliner, though she pays no heed to the mess.
Vicky’s cheeks are damp too, but her hands are balled in fists as she paces back and forth. “I’ll fucking kill them. They won’t get away with this.”
“Vicks, you can’t.”
“Like hell I can’t.”
“No, you really can’t! Ylio is stronger than us, and their allies will leap to their aid in an instant if they’re attacked. You can’t. I can’t. We can’t.”
“I bet Carmen could.”
Liz considers this proposal in silence.
“I’ve got her number.”
Liz sighs. “I don’t trust Carmen. You know, I checked the clan records, and I found nothing about her. 400 years old, and nothing in there? That’s suspicious.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time someone’s updated their name over the years. Not everyone wants to try moving through the modern world with a name like ‘Eberhard’ or ‘Milburga,’ right?”
“I asked Eberhard too, actually. Gave him her description. He doesn’t know her. 400 years is old enough to have known the Nine and all the other big players. Hell, everyone that age is a big player with deep political connections and rivalries going back ages. Vicks, she’s old enough to have potentially worked directly for Dracula and nobody has heard of her.”
“If she actually met Dracula, she’d be dead.” Vicky scoffs. “Unless she’s secretly one of the Nine.” After pausing to think for a moment, she muses, “or maybe that’s why nobody knows her. She could have fled the purge, hid for a while, changed her name. Could be why she was so keen to hear about his cult.”
“Hell of a trick to manage that when nobody else did,” Liz replies. “So maybe she’s interested in Dracula because she’s loyal to him, and maybe because she hates him, or maybe none of the above, but whoever she is, what reason would Carmen have to help us get revenge on behalf of a bloodbag, anyway?”
“She was really intent on learning about Hanna’s… the Boltman thing. You know.”
“Right. The Boltman thing.” Liz lets the topic hang in the air without further comment.
Vicky resumes her pacing, increasingly working herself up as she fails to find an outlet for her anger, which builds into a frustrated growl of outrage. “Stupid bitch. You stupid, beautiful bitch! You said you were durable! You said you could survive—” Her voice cracks.
”…a lot.” I finish her sentence with a weak groan, barely mustering the strength to speak. Ugh. My everything hurts. Did I fuck up that last-ditch lifeward, or is this really better than it could have been? I should have paid more attention to my theurgy lessons.
“No way.” Liz’s voice is a whisper of incredulity. “No fucking way. Your heart stopped.”
“Got better, didn’t it?” With embarrassment, I catch myself whining involuntarily with each exhalation. My ribs don’t feel right. Scratch that, none of my bones feel right. Neither do my organs. Nor my brain for that matter. “It does that when I die, but it eventually remembers how to do its job as long as I’m mostly intact.”
“Shit, is that why you butchered those hunters so excessively? Huh. I thought you were just being…” Vicky trails off, then shakes her head and kneels next to me. “You know what, never mind. Is it okay for us to move you?”
“Uh, I just set you down on the floor of the apartment when I brought you here, so the bed, maybe?”
“You don’t move someone with a neck or back injury, Vicks.”
“Okay, yes, Liz told me that after I carried you here, which is why I’m asking this time. But also, in fairness to me, your heart had stopped.”
Yeah, okay.
“Probably can’t hurt me any worse then. Sure, let’s see if the bed makes me feel less like I’m made out of broken glass.”
My sisters carefully pick me up together and carry me to the other room. They’re as gentle as can be, but the pain still inspires me to scream and pass out about it.
“Let them think I’m dead.”
For once, I feel appreciative of my bloodline’s curse. Every last one of my bones healed correctly without anything like proper medical attention or real first aid. Two days after the fall, I’m able to stand on my own again, though not yet entirely without pain.
“For how long?” Liz asks.
“Until I kill them.”
“You can’t,” my sister objects, just as she did with Vicky, but I’m not in the mood to argue.
“I can.” My voice is firm. “Lizzy, I know it’s easy to forget, but I have specifically trained my whole life to do exactly this.” I stretch my arms in the air and lean forward to touch my toes, triggering some disturbing pops from my joints while I try to get my muscles to wake up. “You just need to smuggle me out of here without letting me be recognized. Let Ylio think the Hanna problem is solved, and Hanna will make sure the Ylio problem gets solved.”
“I won’t let you!”
“Liz.” I turn my whole body to face her head on. I want her to look at me. Really look at me. Read the outrage in my eyes and the determination in the set of my jaw. I stand my ground. But what I see on her face isn’t a mindless need for control, it’s just fear. She came close to losing me once, and I can see her doubt that she’ll ever see me again if she lets me go now. My voice softens. “Lizzy, please. If you don’t help me do this, things are only going to get harder. For all three of us.”
She weighs the options in silence, until, with a sour twist of her mouth, she provisionally accepts my point. “What are you planning to do out there?”
“Not planning,” I shrug. “I do my best work improvising. All I need from you is to keep an eye on them and message me when they next go out for a meal.”
“Ylio doesn’t leave all that much. They spend most of their time down here. That could be weeks, and you have nowhere to stay.”
“I’ll find somewhere.”
Vicky, who’s been looking increasingly unsettled during this conversation, butts in. “You’re giving us nothing. You’re shutting us out. Who are you exactly, and what have you done with Hanna?”
Ouch. I realize I’m going full vampire hunter mode here, practically acting like my father. It feels gross to notice, and I grimace in disgust with myself.
But it’s Liz who responds. “You ever need to wear a mask to get something unpleasant done, Vicks?”
“No.” She sighs. “I guess I really haven’t, I can only imagine.” Vicky rubs the back of her neck. “But I know how you get sometimes, Lizzy.” She softens and after a moment, she too relents. “Alright. I’m sorry. I think I’m just scared that you’ll get a taste for hunting vampires again or something.”
That’s too much. I can’t keep up this persona around my sisters. “No, Vicky, please don’t believe that.” Tears sting my eyes. I cross the room and sweep her up in a tight embrace. “I won’t. You’re my family. This is just revenge, I promise.” I pull away to look her in the eyes and hope the look of hurt on my face proves my sincerity. “And when I get back, you can make damn sure to remind me of the pleasures of being on the right side, okay?” I turn to Liz. “Both of you.”
“Of course.” With me losing my nerve for cold, calculated planning, Liz picks up the slack and puts on her own mask of professionalism. “But for right now, let’s find you a disguise and sneak you out of here.”
Plenty of safehouses to hole up inside while I wait for the notification. The weight of my old, familiar gear is a strange comfort, for all I loathe the people who taught me how to use it. The training equipment inside helps me knock off the rust, hone my reflexes again.
A meager bookshelf holds a few yellowed copies of classic hunter texts. Here I find Professor Van Helsing’s On the Nature of the Vampire and His Weaknesses, thoroughly hand annotated with notes and corrections. It’s an old edition, published in the 70s, without the forward mine had by Helga Vordenburg which warned the reader about exaggerations, mistakes, and straight-up lies and therefore also missing all her footnotes correcting the old fraud. I think the only reason anyone still teaches from this book is a misplaced sense of respect for the historical value of such an old piece of hunter lore.
More useful to me is Practical Theurgy: the Hunter’s Primer, a book that begins by belaboring some academic point about the distinction between theurgy and thaumaturgy and how the notion of practical theurgy really belongs in the latter category. I’ve never met a hunter who cares about that sort of thing, but after skipping past the author’s preoccupation with occult taxonomy, I find a fairly well-written refresher that even teaches me a few new tricks.
Still the wait is an agonizing, painfully dull slog to endure alone. I have been biding my time for days, and Ylio has yet to visit the surface. It might happen tomorrow night or six weeks from now. There’s no way to know for sure. What if they never do? How long should I be willing to wait before I decide on a back-up plan?
It’s no wonder that the message I receive presents an irresistible temptation.
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I have my phone notification set as loud as possible, so receiving this message at three in the afternoon wakes me from a sound sleep. What the hell is Carmen doing up at this ungodly hour?
Wait, never mind. Is she asking me on a date? Is a four-century-old vampire with more charisma in her little finger than I’ve mustered in my whole life asking me on a date?
I should ask. Hold on. No, not like that Hanna, you idiot. She’s old and fancy. I can’t type like a slob at her.
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Is it… okay to say yes? Will Ylio ruin this for me if I say yes? Will saying yes put my revenge at risk? My fingers are already answering before my mind catches up. No, no, fuck, at least delete the keysmash first. I don’t want to totally overwhelm her with the gay flirting conventions of the modern era.
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No emote or anything, but I can easily imagine Carmen winking at her phone as she typed that last line. At least I hope I’m reading her right. It’s hard to gauge tone when someone’s typing like they’re from another era altogether. Which she is.
I can’t get back to sleep. Instead I get dressed in the best I have to wear: a black t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and my hunter’s boots. I give my shirt the old sniff test, and, well, it could be worse. I guess.
…No, I can’t go out smelling like this. I’ve got a sink, some dish detergent, and hours of time for the shirt to air dry, which I think should be plenty if I wring it out enough. Should I polish my boots? I’m going to polish my boots. Should I polish the sword? No, no, who brings a sword to an expensive steakhouse? That’s stupid. Oh, I hope Carmen doesn’t expect me to pay my half of the meal. I definitely don’t have the money for that. She probably doesn’t right? She knows I’m poor, probably, and she’s one of those old-fashioned Lady Gentleman types who will definitely insist on paying. I think.
Aaaa, I’ve never been treated to a fancy dinner date like this before. I never learned the etiquette for this stuff!
Breathe, Hanna. You already thought you fumbled her once, and look where we are now. I’m sure she’s not expecting me to be a perfect picture of a 17th century Victorian lady. I’m at least more sure of that than I am what century the Victorian era was.
It takes me most of the next four hours to calm myself down and feel at least as presentable as I can possibly make myself under the circumstances. My shirt is still a little damp, but I can deal with it. It’s time. I’ve heard the beep of her car horn. I just have to step outside and meet up with my date.
Ohmygod the suit Carmen’s wearing today is even fancier than the one I last saw her in. I don’t even know suit stuff, but I can tell that there’s extra tailoring happening there and a whole vest under the coat and a handkerchief in her front pocket folded in some origami-like design. Her smile is even more handsome than I remember as she opens the passenger door for me.
The car is just like her suit, way fancier than I know the words to describe and probably Italian. It’s a convertible, I know that much, and when we take off, I’m thankful that the wind finishes drying my shirt. You’d think inside the city there wouldn’t be much fun to get out of a sports car, but traffic seems to part for her the same way as the crowds did back in the club. She blasts through the streets as though there were no obstacles at all, and even the lights turn green just in time for us to scream through each intersection at top speed, or what I imagine top speed to be. Though I suspect any speed Carmen does is “top” speed, honestly.
Dinner is surprisingly chill. As promised, nobody bothers me about the dress code. One look from my date, and humans bend over backward to accommodate her every whim. It even makes me feel powerful just being in her company. The two of us enjoy light and flirty conversation that stays away from the topic of Dracula or murder. With the aid of some nice wine, I eventually manage to loosen up around Carmen and even forget to worry about which fork is which.
Vampires don’t eat much, and when they do, they tend to only have an appetite for meat, but Carmen surprises me. We split a massive porterhouse cooked black and blue, and she doesn’t just eat her fair share, she also samples each of the sides, commenting approvingly on the mashed potatoes, even. I surprise myself by devouring an entire salad, and I start to think maybe my body has been craving a lot more greens than I’ve had access to lately. I should really tell my sisters I need more veggies in my diet.
As if inspired by that thought, Carmen brings up the topic of my family. “May I ask about the nature of your relationship with Victoria and Elizabeth?”
I giggle at the question. It’s a fair one, though, if Carmen’s genuinely interested in dating me. “They’re my sisters,” I answer simply, though I soon realize that needs some clarification. “At least in private. Publicly I’m just Liz’s personal bloodbag.”
“Quite the age gap between you sisters,” Carmen observes.
“Well, I guess I’m an honorary sister, like I’m an honorary vampire. I drink blood with them, you know.” I waggle my eyebrows flirtatiously at my date. “Also we do fuck, which is probably not very sisterly behavior, but…” I let the sentence hang with a shrug.
Carmen appears puzzled. “Is this some sort of initiation rite before they turn you properly?”
“No, they’re just being— Oh, you don’t know.” My mood sinks at having to confront this topic. “You can’t turn vampire hunters,” I explain. “Cursed bloodline. Believe me, I’ve tried.” I don’t cry. I shed no tears. I refuse to. I’ve mourned my fate enough for one lifetime. “I would give anything to be able to join this family for real, but it’s never going to be in the cards for me.”
My last few words are quiet, practically a whisper. Try as I might, it’s impossible to fully hide my heartbreak.
“Never say never.” My date reaches across the table to put her hand on mine. “The world is full of mysteries and powers beyond your knowledge. Far fewer things are beyond mine, and even I do not know everything. Nevertheless, what I do know is this: Morris Boltman does not get to have the final word in the book of your life. There is hope for you yet.”
The tears well up and fall down my face against my will. I can’t look her in the eye right now, but somehow when Carmen says this, it doesn’t feel like the cruelty of false hope. I want to believe her. I want a future I can look forward to.
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bangtanloverboys · 1 year
life support // knj
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summary - namjoon likes to think he’s the embodiment of the perfect example of a theurgists: positive and enthusiastic. however when his professor asks him to help tutor one of her secondary students, only then is that pushed to the limit
pairing - tutor!namjoon x neurodivergent!reader
genre - fluff; wizard 101 au
word count - 4.0k
warnings - dip’s made up lore, namjoon says one mean thing, thoughts of fraternization 
guide - theurgy = life magic, divination = storm magic; marlybonian = british dog people; pigswick = another wizarding academy; 
author’s note - last names for reasons. and this was a bit personal for me as i do have adhd and i struggled a lot with theoretical teachings. this is based off my own personal experience with school and having adhd, not everyone’s is the same
the seven schools of ravenwood
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Best in class. That is how Namjoon has always been described ever since he was a novice theurgist. It came easy to him, with a glance at a textbook he could perform the spell in an instant. Life magic was simply in his blood. So when Professor Wu asked him to tutor some of her less than stellar students, he wasn’t surprised. It took a while for each of the other students to catch on, but one by one, he helped them understand the material and soon enough, they raised their grades. Namjoon’s track record was stunning, there wasn’t any student he couldn’t help.
That was until he met you.
Normally Professor Wu only offered tutoring for her novice primary school students; young theurgists that either did not grow up where magic was practiced or simply fell behind a few lessons and needed a bit of help to get back on their feet. Never before had he had to tutor a secondary school theurgist. But he was willing to step up to the challenge. 
Pushing open the heavy oak doors of the Life School, he was greeted with the familiar sight of Professor Wu standing at the top of the platform. Standing right at the bottom of the stairs before her, was you, dressed in purple and gold. A diviner, Namjoon thought to himself. Life magic sat in between Storm and Fire, so one normally would expect a student of those primary schools would easily understand and excel at theurgy. He wondered what could be the problem. 
“Ah, Namjoon!” She smiled as he approached you both. “Y/N, this will be your tutor; Namjoon Jadeshield. Namjoon, this is Y/N Raindreamer,” she introduced.
“Pleasure,” he greeted, holding out his hand for you to shake. You don’t shake his hand, only giving him a tight lipped smile. “Okay. . .” he dropped his hand. “What exactly are you struggling with so that I can help?”
You opened your mouth to speak, but Professor Wu cut you off. “Everything, really. They’re supposed to start their initiate program, but unfortunately they must repeat their apprenticeship.”
Namjoon tried to hold back his shock. Failing the apprenticeship class?  You’d have to repeat the whole two year process, probably never catch back up to your primary school level. “Okay. So how often shall we hold tutoring sessions?” He glanced between you and Professor Wu.
“Ideally every day after class,” the professor answered.
Your head snapped in the direction of her. “No!” Turning to Namjoon, you began to plead with him. “Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. I need Wednesday and Friday free. I have-“
“You know very well that any or all after school activities are suspended until your grades rise, Raindreamer,” Professor Wu tisked.
But you didn’t acknowledge her, only keeping your eyes trained on Namjoon. “I’m sorry, but Professor Wu is right. Until you have sufficient grades to prove it, no after school activities.”
As the words left his mouth, Namjoon watched in slow motion as your face fell. Like the world had crashed around you. Quickly, your face steeled and a frown was etched onto your features. “Fine.”
“Alright,” Namjoon nodded, wanting this meeting to be over and done with. “We’ll start tomorrow. Meet me outside the Commons Library? Sound good with you?”
“Yeah, fine. Whatever,” you huffed as you shouldered your book bag and left the school building, leaving Namjoon and Professor Wu alone. 
“I swear, with a name like Raindreamer, it’s no wonder they have grades like this,” she sighed. “But thank you again, Namjoon. I know you’ll be a great help.”
“I’ll do my best.” 
The following day, Namjoon waited for you just outside the Commons Library. He was there a full 10 minutes before you finally arrived. He opened his mouth to berate you for being late but words failed to come out at the sight of you; fresh scrapes and bandages covering any exposed skin. 
“What?” You raised a brow at him.
“Are you- what happened?”
You looked down at the bandages before shrugging. “Fell.”
Whilst that didn’t feel like the full reason, Namjoon didn’t push any further, simply wanting to get the tutoring session along. You trailed behind him as he climbed up the final steps to the library, pushing open the doors. Namjoon waved hello to Harold, the old Marleybonian that served as the librarian, as he scribbled away in his ledger. 
“This way,” Namjoon said to you as he walked down the theurgy wing. Other life students, dressed in robes of greens and browns, were seated at the tables that were strategically placed alongside the tall bookshelves. He made his way over to his usual table, it sat right between the initiate and journeyman textbooks. Granted those might be a bit out of your range, but perhaps it could serve as a bit of motivation to help you move forward. 
Placing his book bag down, he looked at you, straggling along still. A bit further than he would’ve liked, but you were soon catching up. Your eyes were trained on the books as they flew across the shelves, rearranging and reorganizing themselves. There was a small smile etched into your face as you watched the books and scrolls float about, reminding Namjoon of a child on Christmas. Clearing his throat to gain your attention, he watched as that smile faded away, back into a look of displeasure. You picked up the pace, taking the seat beside him.
“Professor Wu didn’t give me any specifics as to what you need help with. So are there any particular parts that you need help with?” Namjoon asked as you pulled out your scrolls and text books. 
“Everything, I guess. It just. . . doesn’t make sense. I can’t figure out how to get from Point A to Point B,” you explained. 
“So conceptualizing it?”
You blinked at him. “I- uh, I guess that is one way to put it.”
“Okay, that gives us a starting point then.” He smiled at you. “So let’s go to basics. See if that can help.” 
“Alright,” you muttered, learning forward as he began writing.
“So theurgy is a bit different than the other schools, when using magic we don’t summon or coerce the creatures into appearing. We breathe life into them through the Song of Creation. Are you familiar with that?” When he turned to look at you, you were staring blankly at the paper. He waited a few moments for you to respond, but you didn’t. Namjoon snapped his fingers twice, you jerked back to attention.
“Sorry, I- uh. . . what did you say?”
It was then when Namjoon realized how you were able to fail your apprenticeship so miserably and how you earned your last name. 
You could not focus at all.
Every time Namjoon was going over spell casting and or creation, he would turn to you to check to see if you were following, only for you to have a blank look on your face or your eyes to be trained on the floating books again. Every time he would have to snap his fingers to regain your attention. On some occasions, he saw you scribbling away into a notebook. At first he thought you were actually taking notes, but anytime he tried to take a look at it, you shut the book in his face.
By the end of the second hour, when your session was coming to a close, you had finally managed to understand one spell. It was just a shield spell, so it wasn’t too complicated, but not enough for Namjoon to be satisfied with your progress. 
As the two of you left the library, you were about to make a break for the right, no doubt returning to your dorm room in Ravenwood, but he quickly grabbed onto your wrist. 
“I want you to read over the History of Life Magic, chapters one through four. Just the basics, that should help at least a tiny bit.”
“You’re giving me homework?” 
He blinked at you, caught off guard by the question. He’s always asked the students he tutored to reread certain materials, and they did so without question. “It’s not really homework, just helps to go over the material again,” he sputtered out in response. “I want to see you succeed and catch up in your secondary school. And reading helps.”
“Yeah, sure,” you huffed with a roll of your eyes, then walked down the pathway through the Commons.
Over the next two weeks, the two of you had fallen into a routine; every few days you’d be late by no more than 10 minutes to each session (how he had no idea, considering the initiate divination class would get out around your scheduled time) with fresh bandages, he’d try his damndest to help you understand the material, and then you’d part ways, heading off towards the right. And it was agonizing for Namjoon. You read at a snail's pace, mixing up the pixie and fairy spells, scrambling words and wand motions together. It wasn’t by lack of effort either, Namjoon could see you were trying, genuinely, but no matter how much reading he assigned you, nothing seemed to stick. You got one spell for every ten he went over with you. He simply could not believe how you managed to even get enrolled into Ravenwood in the first place.
When he expressed his frustrations towards Professor Wu when it was time for a follow up, she finally told him that you were a new student, only coming in within the past 6 months, after being kicked out of Pigswick for poor performance. He was shocked at the information, but it made sense. You were a troubled student and needed a firm hand. So he went to work, putting together another lesson plan that was more strict to try and see if that would help you at all.
It didn’t.
Barely a full session in, he watched as you failed to recite the proper incantations to summon a leprechaun, something you nearly had the day previous. 
“What isn’t clicking for you?” He found himself asking you at the end of the session.
“I’m sorry?”
“I mean, why can’t you do this? This is basic theurgy, and you’re a storm student! This should come easy to you, right? So why are you struggling so much?” He felt like he was at the end of his rope. If he couldn’t teach you, then what hopes could he ever have about being a professor?
“I mean, it just. . . doesn’t. It’s hard to explain. . .”
“Well if you don’t figure it out, you’re gonna get kicked out from another school,” Namjoon muttered under his breath.
He froze. He cringed to himself as he turned around to look at you, regretting even thinking the words. Once he laid eyes on you, he saw that same broken look he saw when Professor Wu said you couldn’t continue with your afterschool activities, only worse. Your shoulders sagged, and Namjoon swore he could’ve heard your heart break, shattered by him. Then your face hardened as you tightened your grip on your bookbag.
“Then I guess there’s no reason for us to really continue these sessions, considering I’m just gonna get kicked out anyways.” Then you turned on your heel and stormed off.
“Y/N, wait- I’m sorry!”
He wanted to follow after you, but he couldn’t find it in him to. He watched as you disappeared into the crowded Commons area, wishing he never even opened his mouth. 
The following day after class, Namjoon made his way over towards the Storm School. You deserved an apology, Namjoon knew that. What he said was mean, and something he never should’ve said as your tutor. It was just his luck that his mastery class ended at the same time the Storm initiate class ended, giving him the perfect opportunity to find you and apologize. He eyed through the students as they made their way past him, on their own way towards their next class or any after school club. But he could not find out. He knew he had the right year, you were supposed to go into the initiate class this year, you were the proper age for it. Where were you?
Perhaps you stayed inside to talk to the professor, he thought to himself as he approached the heavy oak doors. Thunder boomed overhead from the gathering storm cloud that resided inside the classroom. It had been years since he’d ever stepped foot in the school of storm, the first and only time being from when he was trying to find a secondary school, all those years before he finally landed on balance. 
Namjoon glanced around the room, trying to catch a glimpse of you but you weren’t in the room. Only Professor Balestrom resided in the classroom, standing on top of his desk as he gathered papers.
Taking a deep breath, he entered the school, clearing his throat to gain the frog professor’s attention. He turned on his flipper as the sound of Namjoon and bounced up to his full height of three feet. 
“Ah! How can I be of service to you?”
“Hi, I’m tutoring one of your students. Y/N Raindreamer? They would be in your initiate class.”
A frown etched itself onto Professor Balestrom’s face. “Raindreamer is my student yes, but they’re not in my initiate class.”
“Raindreamer advanced into the adept class about 3 months ago! They’re a brilliant student, one of the best diviners I’ve seen in a while,” he explained.
The information shook Namjoon to his core. You were an advanced student? But how could that be, considering your grades in theurgy? It didn’t make any sense. “I-I didn’t know that.”
“First time in my class, they struggled though. Came in on a reading day, which is everyone’s least favorite part of the curriculum. But as soon as we got to spell casting, they nearly blew the roof off this place!” The professor continued, leaping up in the air for dramatic effect. “They weren’t even here a week before I took them to the headmaster and demanded they advance to the journeyman course, only that was also too easy! They’re getting a real challenge in adept, I’ll tell you that.”
Namjoon couldn’t believe his ears. Here he was, thinking you were a walking failure, doomed to be kicked out of a second school. Only to learn that you were nearly two years advanced in your studies! “Oh. . . well, do you know where they might be? I do need to talk to them.”
Professor Balestrom looked at the clock on the wall. “Should be in the arena by now.”
“The arena?”
“Yes. The arena! They’re a duelist, did you not know that?”
Only then did it dawn on him that he never did ask what you wanted to do so badly that you wanted to schedule your tutoring sessions around it. Then he remembered what days you were late on, the fresh bandages you always had on. . . You were still dueling. Under the school’s nose too.
“Thank you, Professor Balestrom. I appreciate it.”
“Of course, of course!” The frog man called out to Namjoon as he all but ran out the door. As fast as he could, he made his way through the tunnels to the Commons and then to Unicorn Way. He pushed open the doors of the arena, the snapping of puppets and growls of different summoned monsters filled his ears as he approached Diego, the dueling master.
“A newcomer? Are you interested in learning the art of the duel?” The unicorn asked, raising a brow at him.
Namjoon shook his head no. “Sorry, I’m actually looking for someone. Y/N Raindreamer?”
“Ah, yes! They’ve been short on their dueling practice lately, but they’re in the next dueling chamber over. Come, I shall show you.” Diego led Namjoon down a hall towards an empty arena, where sure enough you were, dueling against a puppet. 
He was blown away with the sight before him. You waved your wand with practiced ease and the creatures you summoned did your bidding with little to no struggle at all. It wasn’t at all how you were when he was tutoring you. How could you manage to do so good in one class that you advance two classes, but struggle to advance in your secondary?
“Pretty good, eh? Came in from Pigswick, good school and all but they don’t actually teach magic there. It’s all theoretical. But as soon as Raindreamer was enrolled here, and with a little help from your’s truly, they advanced in no time!” Diego explained as he and Namjoon watched you battle the puppet. “They come in here as often as they can, practicing all the spells they learn in class. See the scrolls?” He pointed off to the side of the dueling sigil where sure enough, were piles of spell books and scrolls, mainly of storm magic, judging from the purple lining. But Namjoon could see some greens in there. 
You weren’t just practicing.
You were studying.
Raising your wand again, this time the life symbol appeared. Up until the last wave of your wand, it was perfect. You had twisted your wrist in the wrong direction, causing the spell to fizzle completely. You let out a curse as you stepped away from the sigil, the puppet standing still. You pulled open the life scroll, reading over it again, no doubt trying to find your mistake.
“You’re supposed to twist your wrist towards the right, not the left!” Namjoon called out to you. Your head snapped up in his direction, mouth open to probably yell at him. But you didn’t say anything, your eyes focusing on Diego behind him. 
“He’s right, you were perfect up until that last move,” Diego confirmed as he trotted down the stairs towards you, Namjoon following after. “He was looking for you, I hope you do not mind I brought him here.”
“It’s alright, thank you, Diego.” You gave the unicorn a slight smile, who nodded before stepping away, giving the two of you some privacy. Once your attention was fully towards Namjoon, your lips pressed into a thin line. “What is it, Namjoon?”
“I wanted to apologize, what I said was out of line. As your tutor, it should’ve been my priority to build you up, not to tear you down.”
You regarded him cautiously. “Doesn’t change the fact that what you said really hurt. I did try, but studying like that just. . . it doesn’t work for me. Sitting there and telling me how to cast spells, I have to see and do it to fully understand. Do you get that?”
“Yes, I can see that now.” Namjoon stepped toward the pile of scrolls and books that you had at the side of the arena. Picking up the one that was open, he flipped through it. There were a bunch of notes and scribbles in the margins, he recognized the chicken scratch as yours but what you wrote were what he would go over and teach you in your tutoring sessions. “This is why you wanted those days off, so you could practice your spellwork and could try to actually grasp what you were learning?”
Slowly, you nodded. “I will admit, I did continue dueling, but without the proper amount of dedication to practice and study, it just. . . I couldn’t do it.”
“Then we’ll hold our tutoring sessions here.”
You looked at him in shock. “What?”
“If this is what helps you learn, then this is what we’ll do to help you,” Namjoon started, “I’ll tell Professor Wu about the change and reserve an arena with Diego. We can meet here instead of the library, does that sound good to you?”
“I- yeah! That’s- that’s perfect, thank you!” You said, beaming widely at him. It was the first time you actually smiled at him, and he was going to deny the little flutter he felt in his chest. 
“Okay, so I’ll see you here tomorrow?”
“Yeah, tomorrow!”
Just as he said, Namjoon talked with Moolinda about having you study via dueling.
“I don’t know, Jadeshield. . . they’re failing, and the rules are no extracurriculars unless a student is of a passing grade.”
“I know, but this is how they learn! I didn’t understand it at first, and that’s my fault. But they’re actually really smart! Did you know they’re two classes advanced in divination?” Namjoon countered. 
Professor Wu was taken back by that knowledge, judging by the way her eyes narrowed down and focused on him. 
“Please, just give them a chance.”
She was quiet, before placing her hooves together and nodding. “Very well. You may hold your tutoring lessons in the arena.”
Namjoon was so ecstatic, he would have jumped for joy. But there was one more thing that he had to ask. . .
 Due to his meeting with the professor, Namjoon was running late to meet you at the Arena. He saw you were sitting on the grass outside the building, looking down at that book you would scribble in during your tutoring sessions, flipping through the pages. 
“Hey!” He caught your attention as he approached you. “I have great news!”
Looking up from your book, you furrowed your brows together. “What?”
“I talked to Professor Wu and she gave the green light for us to do dueling tutoring sessions and she agreed!”
You jumped to your feet. “Really?!”
“Yes, and she agreed to something even better.” 
“Spit it out then! Don’t leave me here in all this suspense!”
“If you test well enough on the next exam that’s in a few weeks, you can join the initiate program!” It took a lot of convincing on his part, and staking his whole career as a tutor on the line, but he was wrong to ever doubt you in the first place. He knew you could do it.
“You-oh my stars! Thank you!” Dropping your book, you threw yourself onto Namjoon, wrapping your arms around his neck and squeezing him tightly.
He stilled at the sudden contact, feeling heat rush to his cheeks. “You’re- you’re welcome,” he said, patting your back gently. He’d never been thanked in such a way before, usually a quick handshake or a smile. Never a hug. 
As quick as you hugged him, you released your hold on him, smiling brightly at him. “Come on! Exam may be a few weeks away, but I wanna be sure I have everything right so I can ace this test!” You said, before racing inside the arena. 
Namjoon stood back for a second, still feeling the heat on his cheeks. He took a step forward to join you, only to accidentally step on your book that you’d dropped. Kneeling down, he picked it up. Curiosity gaining the best of him, he took a peek inside. It was doodles and drawings of different creatures and spells, with little notes dotted along the sides. Still flipping through the book, he began walking towards the arena, but he stopped as he turned to a page that took him by surprise. It was a drawing of him, incompleted, but was very obviously Namjoon. He felt the heat on his face return, crawling up his ears too. Reading along the sides of the page, were your own personal anecdotes about him. Calling him all sorts of names, but also things he had said; Stuff from his lessons. You had remembered, you were trying. He just couldn’t see it.
Namjoon’s eyes broke away from the sketchbook, meeting Diego’s gaze. The unicorn said nothing, only winking at him as he tossed his head in the direction of the arena doors. 
Breaking eye contact, Namjoon pushed open the doors, hoping you wouldn’t see the embarrassment on his cheeks. He spotted you almost immediately, talking with some other students he could only presume were your friends. Taking notice of him, you smiled at him again, and he swore he could see a twinkle in your eye-
No. No. No.
You had an exam to study for and he was your tutor. He couldn’t fraternize with you like that. However, he wouldn’t be for long if you ace that exam. . . 
“Raindreamer, let’s go!” 
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Pope of Enchiridion's Memory improvement Spell.
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I am Happy to annouce that the spellwork I have conceived had a very successful result in improving the memory of the recipient and rectify any problem with recalling stuff in term of short memory. I hope to present it here in an easily readable/digestable format from the grimoire and give it a body, to encourage more exploration and practice of these techniques. Prayer to Aid a Failing Memory: By the will of God + the Almighty, leave from out of here + and fall to the ground, + spirits of poor memory + whether visible + or invisible, + the + body of this creature N. As fell the precious blood of Jesus + crucified. By the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. (This line is to be recited five times.)
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I hope that this is a bridge from grimoire to folk magic, from theurgy to practicalities and praying to breathing it into the manifest. Anyway let's get down to Business with the ingredients 1. A red pen/marker 2. A black marker 3. Paper 4. Dried/Fresh common sage 5. (Optional) a tea bag/earl grey tea 6.(Optional) Holy Oil
7.Flask (I mean where you gonna put it... lol)
8. Compass to draw
Once you got everything ready you will prepare by writing the prayer inside the circle drawn in paper and mark/draw the cross with red ink specifically. The last line of the passion of Christ you write in full RED, like this replacing the N with your name or the name of the person you want to improve their memory like your friend, brother, sister, partener, etc.
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After that you will put your flask/french press or whatever on top of the paper, and after pouring the hot water you will make the sign of the cross(you're the priest blessing this body of water) so top to down then lef to right. You can say it once, three, or nine times, the important thing is that you sign and direct the prayer AT THE FLASK/CONTAINER. You can add the extra layer where you bless the person if you're able with the holy oil or just your finger and do the cross on their forehead and toward their general body. After that you can enjoy the tea with your recipient or yourself and try to remember some old memory, something you did this past week, and just stretch the memory a bit. My personal experience with this spellwork is that the results are gradual and suddenly the person find themselves through few days getting more and more grasp on their memory...So it is a success! The translation/this prayer is taken from Tarl Warwick 's translation of pope leo if you're wondering.
Go out there and do it! if you're wondering why I choose sage it's because in Nicholas Culpeper's herbalism classic book: Sage is of excellent use to help the memory, warming and quickening the senses;
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lesewut · 2 years
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"Faust - In History and Tradition with consideration of occult phenomena and medieval magic" with additional attachment of the Wagnersage, by German occultist and theosophist Carl Kiesewetter. First press, published 1893, with several illustrations and graphics.
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For me, reading occult literature is another form of broadening the horizon. Like in other systems, it can be challenging to be fully capable of the meanings behind abstract terms, but how language must been experienced, also newly learned must get it's vibrancy through mental work. In this work Kiesewetter tries to present the tradition of Faust in regards to the particular Zeitgeist. An aim is also to take the reader into the occult atmosphere in which persons like Paracelsus, Agrippa von Nettesheim, Thrithemius and of course Faust (or to put in another way: The versions of the many Fausts, that are based on several historical persons...) have lived and which (Ancient) works influenced them.
Of course can theosophic speculations be considered as borderline science, parascience or as a science "on the edge", but nevertheless, it is indisputable an interesting journey to the beginning of rituals and habits, based on superstition. Like understanding why blood is so important for the Deal with the Devil, can be found in Ancient Hebrew culture or if you ever asked yourself, why the money of the Devil is transforming into filth, the roots can be traced back to Germanic belief. How Theurgy was first defined by Philo and how neo-Platonists integrated Ancient knowledge into the Bible... Also very interesting are the different methods of foretelling the future, e.g. Scyphomancy is considered as the oldest form of forecast, the roots can be traced back to both Ancient Egypt and Persia.
If you have read the version of Goethe, it will be fun to discover, how many different aspects he has interwoven into his tragic play. It was instructive to read this substantial extensive research of 27 years, collecting the knowledge of centuries and to discover fields for extended research and read-worthy books, again.
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auredosa · 1 year
Whatre your thoughts on the whole Malistaire losing him limb, is kind of a starfish thing. what’s your take on it?
Heya anon! 
Personally, I think it’s a really cool ability! Although, when you get into the world building of W101 and start fleshing out how the magic system works, it gets a lot more interesting.
TW: injury description, blood mentions
In my interpretation of W101, both theurgy and necromancy have limitations in terms of healing capabilities. Anything beyond serious physical trauma like broken bones, blood loss, nerve damage, etc, is not fixable with magic spells alone, even amongst the best life and death wizards around. 
….Unless you’re Malistaire Drake. Malistaire Drake truly was the best of his time, and the feats he could pull off were unheard of.
When our favorite death Professor got a surprise amputation while out with some students, I imagine he did his best to hide the extent of his injury from everyone around him. Then they saw the bloody stump, how pale he had gone, and freaked. Malistaire didn’t have the ability to re-attach severed limbs, like some master theurgists do, but he did have the ability to make something of the necromancy in the air and in the undead creatures on the streets. The arm in question was probably lost or otherwise not salvageable. 
I also don’t think it was the entire arm clean from the shoulder down—if he lost that, he would have bled out in a matter of seconds. It was probably elbow down or less, and his students just drummed up the tale that it was much more severe. 
I headcanon that when a master necromancer regrows a limb, that limb is basically brand new. No definition besides what’s needed to fit the arm to the rest of the body, no muscle memory, nothing. The limb is also ghastly black and purple in color, and cold to the touch, almost like frostbite. For this reason, Malistaire started wearing his father’s old basilisk hide gloves so he wouldn’t frighten his students. 
After the whole ordeal was over, Malistaire definitely needed physical therapy for his new arm, but it was nowhere near as controllable as it was before by the time he died. His students thought he was the coolest Professor ever, but the reality of that injury wasn’t so fun. I headcanon both of the Drake twins as lefties, and Malistaire’s bad arm as his non-dominant right one. And Sylvia definitely provided the healthcare her husband required after he regrew part of his arm. 
TLDR: Starfish malistaire cool. 
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dubiousoracle · 4 months
Once again back with more Heroforge
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Dregan's got a redesign and a disguised form! but i've also got new characters I'll probably never play...
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Ivalyn Tellese: Drow, Chronomancy Wizard.
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Elvior Greyson: Drow, Oath of Devotion Paladin and Hexblade Warlock (Pact of the Blade).
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Another redesign- though this time from Campaign events (read: severe burns to the already dead man) Graham: Reborn, Wild Magic Sorcerer and Fiend Warlock (Pact of the Deck).
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Arishod, Mirror Bound: Changeling (more for simplicity than anything else), Bladesinging Wizard and Echo Knight Fighter. More of a concept than anything but I'm always a fan of odd character concepts.
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Nacht Thay: Mark of Shadows Elf, College of Lore Bard and Undying Warlock (Pact of the Tome).
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Arrazi of Crech Va'en: Githyanki, Dragon Rider (From the Game Master's Book of Legendary Dragons).
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Mercarion Corelius: Human, Theurgy Wizard.
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Keras Arzald: Dhampir, Way of Predation Monk and Assassin Rogue.
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Xeraz Bonemantle: Leonin, Order of Chimera Blood Hunter
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ancienttalisman · 11 months
The Enigmatic Origins of Ancient Magic and Beliefs
The origins of ancient magic and beliefs are shrouded in the mists of time, making it a fascinating and intricate subject of study. These practices, which have influenced countless civilizations throughout history, are a testament to the human drive to understand and interact with the unseen forces that shape our world. In this article, we delve into the enigmatic beginnings of ancient magic and beliefs, tracing their evolution across different cultures and epochs. Check their site to know more details ฝ���นเห็นช้างตกมันอาละวาด.
Prehistoric Roots
Magic and beliefs can be traced back to the earliest human societies, with evidence of shamanistic practices and animistic beliefs dating back tens of thousands of years. In these prehistoric cultures, shamans served as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual realms, harnessing the power of natural elements and spirits to heal, protect, and predict the future. These practices laid the foundation for the development of more elaborate belief systems and magical traditions.
Mesopotamia: Cradle of Civilization
The ancient Mesopotamian civilizations, including Sumer, Babylon, and Assyria, played a crucial role in shaping magical and religious practices. Cuneiform texts from these societies reveal incantations, rituals, and magical spells that aimed to control various aspects of life, from health to agriculture. The concept of gods and goddesses, with their unique powers and domains, further influenced the magical beliefs of these early civilizations.
Egyptian Mysticism
Ancient Egypt is renowned for its rich tradition of mysticism, magic, and belief in the afterlife. The Egyptian Book of the Dead, a collection of spells and rituals, guided the deceased through the perilous journey to the afterlife. Magic was integral to their religious practices, and priests held a significant role in performing rituals to ensure harmony between the physical and spiritual worlds.
Greco-Roman Syncretism
The Hellenistic period witnessed a fusion of Greek and Egyptian magical traditions, creating a syncretic system known as Hermeticism. The Hermetic writings, attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, encompassed a wide range of esoteric knowledge, including alchemy, astrology, and theurgy. The influence of these writings extended into the Roman Empire and persisted through the Middle Ages.
Ancient China
In ancient China, Daoist and Confucian beliefs incorporated magical practices such as divination, exorcism, and alchemy. These practices aimed to achieve balance and harmony with the Dao, the fundamental principle that underlies the universe. Chinese emperors sought guidance from oracles and divination techniques to make important decisions.
The Mysteries of Mesoamerica
The Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations of Mesoamerica developed complex belief systems that intertwined magic, religion, and astrology. Rituals involving blood sacrifice, celestial observations, and communication with the spirit world were fundamental aspects of their cultures. The knowledge of these civilizations, especially the Maya, continues to baffle researchers, revealing a deep connection between ancient magic and the understanding of the cosmos.
The Middle Ages: Alchemy and the Occult
During the Middle Ages, magic and beliefs took on new dimensions in Europe. Alchemy, the precursor to modern chemistry, aimed to transform base metals into gold and discover the elixir of life. The study of the occult sciences, including astrology, numerology, and the Kabbalah, became prevalent among scholars and mystics.
The origins of ancient magic and beliefs are a testament to humanity's enduring quest to comprehend and harness the mystical forces that shape our world. From the shamanic practices of prehistoric societies to the syncretic traditions of Greco-Roman times and the mysticism of ancient China, these beliefs have left an indelible mark on the development of human culture. While many ancient magical practices have evolved into modern religions and scientific disciplines, they continue to captivate our imagination, providing a link to our enigmatic past and the timeless quest to unlock the secrets of the universe.
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heatwa-ves · 8 months
ken is such a good character like. he was eight and his mother was killed in front of him. and he wanted to die but couldn't go through with it because his mother wouldn't want this for him. but he's gone through the next two years being pitied from afar he has no one and he's soooooo young. then suddenly he awakens to magic powers makes friends with a load of weird teenagers and joins their cause because he wants revenge. and he's been running off this hatred and the desperate hope that killing the man who took everything from him will be the end of all this and he'll be able to move on but then that man takes a bullet for him and ken is on the ground with someone dying in his arms and his hands are sticky with blood and shinjiro says isn't this what you wanted? but it's not what he wanted at all everything just hurts and he's scared and he's just a fucking kid. and he runs like he's been running for years except this time he realises he can't keep running anymore too many people have died for him already and that unlocks his theurgy divine intervention as a direct contrast to divine retribution and his persona grows from the god of revenge into a deity of fate
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demon-stomper9000 · 2 months
1. White Magic
White Magic, or Theurgy, is Channeled from Above. Associated with Esotericism, the Right Hand Path, Thaumaturgy, Invocation, Astrology, Abjuration, Mysticism, Ceremonial Magicians, Cunningfolk, and Faith Healers. Witch-Fire was given by the Gregori to the Witch-Mothers. Makes use of Angels, Saints, Blessed, and Olympick Spirits. Hymns and Psalms are common tools of the trade, with one's Holy Guardian Angel guiding. Clerical oaths and codes of chivalry are used to keep them in check. Apotropaic in nature, with power to heal and to bind and to banish.
2. Red Magic
Red Magic is Channeled from Within. Associated with Summoning, Hide-Turning, Fith-Fathing, Transmutation, Enchantment, Alchemy, and Animism. The Witch-Fire given by the Gregori to the Witch-Mothers transmuted their Blood, from them came the families of Hereditary Witches. Makes use of Animal Allies and fueled by the Caster's own inner power. Involving bones, fur, and most of all, blood. Shape-shifting and domain over the body, of others and oneself. Occasionally a fertility focused practice.
3. Green Magic
Green Magic is Channeled from Without. Associated with Conjuration, Hedgecraft, Rootworkers, Granny Medicine, Illusion, Divination, Druidry, and Folk Faith. Witch-Blood is carried through the Nephilim' descendants & Fire is kindled by their spirits fresh in new Witches not born of Blood. Makes use of Elementals, Elves/Fae, and Historic/Folkloric Heroes. Working with the Land, in harmony with nature, with geasa binding them. An ecstatic craft, with the use of entheogens and dreamwork.
4. Black Magic
Black Magic, or Goetia, is Channeled from Below. Associated with Occultism, the Left Hand Path, Maleficium, Evocation, Necromancy, Mediumship, Crooked Witchcraft of the Sabbat Cult, Luciferians, and Satanists. Witch-Blood grants ties to those who came before in one's lineage, and the Dead feed on both Fire & Blood as offerings. Makes use of Devils, Demons, the Damned, Dark Elves/Fae, Ancestors, and Ghosts. The Dark Arts are vampiric in nature, costing the Caster, or otherwise draining another dearly to fuel the desired spell. It corrupts the user over time. Often involving Infernal bargains and Faustian Deals.
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bcwritingjourney · 4 months
You can read this chapter and more for free on patreon! Supporting me and gaining access to early content costs as low as $3 if you join my Bound by Blood tier. I'm an aspiring fantasy author with two trilogies and several novels in the works, all set in the same universe. Read a bit of this chapter below or head to patreon for the entire chapter!
He strode through the dimly lit streets silently, though he avoided another three guard patrols, each of which passed by without noticing him as he slipped into the shadows of small alleys or within the occasional ornamental shrubs and trees. He reached an alley not to far from some of the more massive warehouses in the high commerce district, then kicked over a random, half empty crate and took a minute to relax, sighing as he sat.
He looked up at the stars again, this time running his eyes over the long streak of violet and crimson stars known as Ji-varun’s Tear. He took off his cloak, revealing a simple, if worn gray shirt that laced up near the top, and knee length brown trousers. He unlaced the shirt, pulled it off, revealing his dark tan warrior’s body, honed over years of training and protecting his homeland, and neatly rolled it up.
Idly he commanded his exterior bone to spread, widen and grow. The plate of osseous on his chest over his heart, the two long ridges upon both arms and legs, and the ridge running along his spine, each began to spread and connect, drawing bone from within. They sped along his skin, seemingly a slurry of osseous matter, hardening as it crept onward.
In quick order he was swathed in thin, yet tough armor, unlike any suit of armor any kingdom had currently. It nearly completely covered him, at a fraction of the weight of steel plate. His frame appeared somewhat larger, especially as he added some finishing touches.
He drew forth even more bone, the agony of it insignificant to him, and grew two long, curved and ridged pauldrons. The last additions were to his helmet, which had only eye slits, and he quickly fashioned it into a leering skull. It was the usual helmet he created, and would throw less experience warriors off.
The osseous matter of most of his armor had hardened into smoothly interlocking, rough bone plates and scales, with a large plate over his entire chest and the ridges of his limbs and back visible and even more pronounced than before. He retained much more of his range of motion than he would in similarly built steel armor. When he finished he sighed and had to shift his position slightly.
He needed to wait a few minutes, resting, allowing his body to regain it’s strength and heal. The bones left within didn’t truly heal, instead restructuring themselves to a usable form, aided by both his innate abilities and the ever present bone fragments of his ancestors. He wasn’t quite certain about the way it worked, having never studied as much as he should have, instead getting into antics or adventuring. He did, however, know that it was due to Kronesh physiology as well as theurgy, the energy that courses through the cosmos, the source of everything, living or not, the very life-force of divinities.
When he felt strong enough, he grunted and began to draw forth his bones again, this time to flow through his body and to his left hand. Slowly, carefully the bones in his arm and shoulder flowed as slurry through him, small amounts being drawn from each bone, to pierce and extend from his left palm until he snapped it, and was left with a seven foot long primitive looking spear.
He laid it across his lap, grasping it with two hands. As he focused and felt the theurgy within the separated yet connected bone of the spear, it began to change. Half of it widened, flattened itself and began to resemble a curved, intricate looking blade, while the rest remained as it was, a slightly rough to the touch haft...
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inaaontheskyways · 1 year
So I’ve this lil HC that, since magic can be interpreted in soooo many different ways, then magic-users will have a special ability that’s essentially a culmination of their interpretations! And so here’s what that looks like from all my OCs!
[Main schools]
Vaino- “sacrificial flames”, to absorb heat and convert it into other forms of energy
Kreianos- “fire-up”, to enhance his strength and senses with fire
Nengmei- “will-o’-the-wisp”, to light up the vital points of an area
Mateja- “eruption”, to cause matter to spontaneously combust
Shay- to control a type of liquid that has the properties of fire
Epimetej- “lava flow”, to transform his body into molten rock
Kinna- to create and shape hot temperatures
Aroha- “icecarnation”, to transform her body into ice and snow
Yousef- to absorb the cold & convert it into other forms of energy
Yakov- “frostbitten”, to infuse ice and snow into any matter that he touches
K’ila- to draw on energy from the weather
Bisera- “glacial walls”, to summon and control force fields
Zayaa- “crystallization”, to create matter made out of ice and snow
Milagro- to transform their body into cold winds
Prokhor- “water weaponry”, to create any weapon out of water
Zãne- “lightning strike”, to summon lightning appendages from her own body
Uana- “pressuring”, to control the pressure of the atmosphere
Greko- to shape and change liquid into another form of substance
Fibruniyah- to transform their body into water
Spisene- “vaporization”, to control and manipulate water vapors
İnayət- to absorb electricity and convert it into forms of energy
Sestiva- “soul sense”, to perceive and manipulate the aspects of a soul
Carmel- to create constructs made out of ectoplasm
Resego- “exorcism”, to shift into varying degrees of undead
Ivan- “phantasm”, to use his own soul to possess other people’s
Meriful- to create a liquid or smell that’s poisonous to consume
Greeta- “contagion”, to create and manipulate diseases
Umklomelo- to produce ectoplasm from her own body
Dechen- “bloodletting”, to control the blood of himself and other people
Elise- to establish perception and control over the earth
Odalis- to summon and manipulate precious stones
Eldra- “floral design”, to create constructs out of floral material
Yeniel- to either heal or wither a target
Peritz- “natural voice”, to summon and rally all living beings under his command
Kem- to manipulate other people’s life forces
Goldie- “homunculizing”, to create sentient constructs out of any material
Alura- “narration”, to summon stories to life by reading them out loud
Qëndrak- “dreamwalking”, to bring his imagination to life
Isidora- to control and manipulate her surroundings with her mind
Théane- to utilize the abilities of multiple creatures
Jacinto- “mindscaping”, to see into and control other people’s minds
Fulki- to be able to detect any form of matter that is hidden or camouflaged
Haydée- “formulation”, to add or take away components of a spell’s formula
Ithal- “elementals”, to infuse a mix of all 3 elemental magicks into his physicality
Andrej- “neutralization”, to summon a perfect opposite to a spell
Wagguten- “replication”, to be able to copy spells just by looking at them
Nayeli- to store up magical energy and pass them onto other people
Yasmim- to infuse a mixture of all 3 spiritual magicks into her transformation
Sevastjan- “solar eclipse”, to overtake spells that’re being casted against him
Raymundo- “solar flare”, to bestow enhancements upon any object that he touches
Eranuhi- to absorb and convert light into other forms of energy
Heyra- to summon and shape light into any form of matter
Jiemba- to grant other people with all sort of enhancements
Tiena- “new moon”, to be able to transform one object into another
Luntian- to purify anomalies within both the body and soul
Rayner- to create a tangible form of moonlight
Shushana- to create illusions and hallucinations
Lázaro- to distort spells that’re being used against him
Nona- to mimic the properties of a star
Yadira- “shooting star”, to control the auras of other people
Cosme- to influence and plant suggestions into other people’s minds with his aura
Taysa- “horoscoping”, to utilize all 12 zodiac signs in multiple different ways
Liwliwa- to protect and heal other people with their aura
Prokhor- “abyssal creatures”, to create shadow creatures with his water ability
Priscila- “cardinal sin”, to induce and manipulate vices within other people
Līga- to create a darkness that’s tangible
Ku-aya- to transform into an entity of darkness
Kalpana- “laws of physics”, to shape and manipulate the physics of anything
Mikaere- “distancing”, to shape & manipulate distances into however he pleases
Wafae- to distort everything that’s within the vicinity of his space
Cherie- to perceive acute spatial distance everywhere she goes
Fielea- “cosmic forces”, to draw on energy from an astral plane
Eva- to create any and everything that she wishes out of astral light
Painé- to create portals in a space that’s within their vicinity
Meresamun- “sequencing”, to see into and control the process of a situation
David- to rewind or fast-forward any form of matter within his vicinity
Tlacelel- to shift into different tonal creatures
Zulekha- to see into the memories of any object that she touches
Choua- to manipulate different aspects of all 10 types of magic
Zinon- to create constructs out of all 10 types of magic
Jamilla- to have control over smaller forms of all 11 types of magic
Yuuto- to control and manipulate the components of all 11 types of magic
Exoriens- to enhance other people’s magic
Zeenat- to grant power to other people
Vontae: “fine motor skills”, to have enhanced mobility
Iina: “mastermind”, to possess a multitude of psychic abilities
Airam: “real ID”, to detect any form of power within their vicinity
Binna: to make sounds tangible and wield them however he likes
Melanie: to control the virus that’s mutated in their body
Zakhi: blessing; to always receive small blessings through a fae contract
K’ila: blessing; to summon the gods with her voice
Ariele: dualism; to channel Pamina’s twilight magic through his emotions
Kem: dualism; to absorb other people’s life forces for himself
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lintwizardly · 4 years
Tumblr media
Genesis, a dnd character I ended up never playing and never will because she was multiclass disaster held together by good stats. Also an excuse to draw ridiculous anime fashion/weaponry. 
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myths-of-fantasy · 2 years
The Farlands Masterlist
I know this says "worldbuilding masterlist" because this is where all the worldbuilding will go but I think I'll also make this a snippet directory - I'll just add the links to all the snippets here. Now, not all of these topics are written out and posted, so this also serves as a reminder for me. Also I tag everything with The Farlands for Aesthetic Reasons.
Chose to make a blog specifically for the Farlands - @creatures-of-the-farlands so I can eventually post a blog directory here lmao. It's still not completely set up but I'll delete this part when it's done
The Snippets on Ao3
Characters of the Farlands (Profiles)
The Farlands - Religion
The Mother - Rituals | Prayers and Swears | Places of Worship
The Altars - Rituals | Prayers and Swears | Places of Worship
Clan Myths - Mapleshade and Appledusk |
The Farlands - Kinbands
The Searbond - Sanctum of Fire | Current Allegiances
The Haibond - Garden of Snow | Current Allegiances
Haebond - Sanctuary of Blood | Current Allegiances
Alobond - The Ancient Bands | Current Allegiances
Travellers - The Moving Guard | Current Allegiances
The Sisters - The Mother Guided | Current Allegiances
Settlements of the Farlands
The Five Clans Sanctuary
Sunlight's Rest
The Midnight Inn
The Floating City
The Farlands - Language and Titles
Farspeech - Vocabulary | Grammar
Archaic - Vocabulary | Glyphs | Examples
Farspeak - Titles and Ranks | Roles
The Five Clan Sanctuary - Titles and Ranks | Roles | Timeline
The Farlands - Charming
Summoning - Types of Summon | Rarity | Dangers of Summoning
Elements - Basics | Fire Charming | Water Charming | Air Charming | Ground Charming
Runes - Types of Rune Style | Common Runes | Complex Runes
Theurgists - Origins of Clan Charmers | The Fall of Theurgy | Bearwhisker's Death
Warding - Overview | Common Wards | Long Runes
Laws and Rules
Clan Codes - General Code | Medic Code
The Farlands - Miscellaneous
Commonly used Terms
Artifacts - Altar Shrines
Technology - Suntellers
Technology - Satchels and Bags
Snippet Eras - Forged in Fire
The Final Exam - Part 1 | Part 2
Snippet Eras - Behind the Wards
Graypaw's Kindness
A Place to Call Home - Part 1 | Part 2
Snippet Eras - Journey for the Starshard
Squirrelpaw's Resolve
A Lesson Learned - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
A Little Comfort
Haebond - Part 1 | Part 2
Learning - Part 1 | Part 2
Making Friends - Part 1 | Part 2
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