softbeeping-blog · 10 years
wow a tail would b so good please i want a real tail would curl up with it and it would curl up over my head how callming iwould tha tbe
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
im sorry i am postin gso much i am sad and tryin gto sdistrict myself
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
im mad and grumpy as he ll    but at least my thighs look good
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
I am a selfish I am told this I deserve My way or I grump am so selfish no wonder no friend
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
shout out 2 th cinnamon toast crunch advertisers for tagging it as #food
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
got rejected from a nother loan so guess im gonna be kicked outo f my apartment awesome
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
my followers r all Cool Beans!
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
I will play videogame while drinking Water and listing to Playlists I think
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
someone keesp makessingingi me on my otjere tumblr sending rlly grooss antifeminist MRA shit and its makeing me so upset y do ppl have to be so callous why do MRAs exist i dont
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
wow my followers/(frnds??) r so nice thank u for the suggestions! \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
im having a Bad Day and i think i need to self care um is there ideas that u all have for self care things that are from things around the house? i cant leav problabl ....like taking care of my body and mind?
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
am so bad at helping pp who r upset on tumblr bc i am so cscared that iwll say the wrong thign and make it worse so end up notl replying and feel bad when ppl get amd bc no one responded im srry i am listening frnd im sry
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
Tipsy on a mostly empty train is the way to travel let me tell you let me tell you
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
i think im going 2 make a page for my blog that is all about what horoscopes say about me (only the ones that accurately describe me) that way i can oblige my organization desire and also ppl can get 2 kno me wow excited!
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
hi frnds i have 27 followers (which is not a good # but we/e) and i was thinking that as a thank u i have a gaia online account, and if u do 2.........I will give u an anon cool gift!! i have many items so let me know if u want one, or kno someone who uses it!!!
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softbeeping-blog · 10 years
What is the most well drawn anime u have seen & recommend? I can't put a questionn but mm could reply or msg? Iwant to watch Anime
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