#blog name: olivias antics
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// both Olivia and Oliver are named after the characters from the game Paper Mario and the Origami King. Their personalities are slightly based on this fact.
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Hi names Clawthorne, I'm a zoroark that lives in Paldea. I'm a proud member of Team Star I'll be blogging about my life and other stuff I find interesting.
I accept all pronouns
Thanks 😊
// ooc stuff under the cut
// there is also a blog for their humansona @olivias-antics
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For 2024 I have a few wishes for the Jacob Elordi fans:
1. Create your OWN blogs. Yall pop into Austin, Z, and Tom focused blogs, say your insults and leave. If you have your own blog focused on JE you can say whatever (inults and all), quite simple tbh.
2. Im aware Jacob and Olivia have a private relationship but the way almost NONE of his fans mention her name (even casualy) and still focus on his past relationships is wild lol he is with her and him being with a woman with her background is very telling to how he is as well.
3. Z doesnt want Jacob now, I REPEAT Z doesnt want that man lol Jacob doesnt want Z either. If they wanted to be together they couldve lasted or got back together by now but havent. They didnt even last a year lol goes back to point #2 where they dont even mention his current gf bt love to ship him with Z. I guess cuz Joey is officially married they feel lik that shipped has sailed and nobody gave af about him/Kaia, but just cuz Z is THE it girl dont mean she gotta b shipped with him. She has her own mind as does he.
4. People dont care for Jacob becuase of some of his cheating "antics" but more about some of the things he said in interviews-he can come across as pretentious, ungrateful and just arrogant. Im aware he is a multideminsional person, like the rest of us, so that may not be what he is like 24/7. Again goes back to #2 where his fans ignore Olivia or just dont get why hes with her- Jacob is probably ALOT more similar to Olivia than his fans think. People can not care for his personality because a lot of the main headlines where his name is included dont paint him out to b the best, due to his own words.
5. There are enough white men in the industry that can succeed at the same time. Like folks been saying Jacob is a colead, and has seemingly been doing well in those roles tbh. But a lot of the actors his fans are comparing him to- Austin, Timmy or Tom- have done more lead roles. It dont even make sense to compare him to them cuz if they were all nominated for something they would be leads and Jacob would be a supporting. Again, dont even make sense for his fans to pit him against them.
ALL of this... 👏🏾
TOTALLY agree w/Point #1. It's a very easy solution honestly.
Can you repeat Point #3 LOUDER for those in the back?? And ewww...I had no idea some people were still shipping Z with JE. 🤢 Umm....he's 2 gfs removed from Z already soooooo..... Like, let's get real.
The fact that she left him and went BACK to her ex is actually very telling.
TOTALLY agree w/Point #4.
And AMEN to Point #5! 👏🏾 JE stans are punching above their weight class right now, trying to compare JE to other actors who've actually done LEAD roles, and have had good box-office films, or have actually been nominated for prestigious awards. Like, seriously.... Maybe one day you all will be able to fairly compare JE to Tom, Timmy, Austin, Barry, Paul, etc... But as of right now?? Ummm....Yea, NO. You can't even compare JE to Michael B. Jordan, Jeremy Allen White, Daniel Kaluuya, or even John Boyega and Kelvin Harrison Jr.
ALL of those other actors have either:
Done lead roles
Been in a huge blockbuster film (in a lead or co-lead role)
Won or been nominated for serious acting awards
Been a box-office draw (as lead)
Right now, JE has done NEITHER of that. So, until he does at least ONE of those aforementioned things, I can't (with a STRAIGHT face) be comparing him to ANY of the actors above.
I'm sure JE will get there one day (he certainly seems hungry enough for it), but that day is not today. 🤷🏾♀️ And until then, his stans need to chill....cuz they're looking a little dumb rn.
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I’m the anon that made the list of times Harry’s cheated or homewreaked lol. I sent it to a Harry blog that’s half way realizing he’s a horrible person but are instead getting that he’s a bit off so a lot of the people got pissed that my list confirmed he’s a dick.
Here’s the lovely list;
Harry’s cheating antics
(This is I believe every time he cheated on someone or was the home wrecker)
Plz let me know if I miss something feel free to copy and paste and add it in! <3
- October of 2012 Harry did his first home wrecking with Lucy Horobin.
- Harry was mentioned in the divorce hearing between Lucy and her now divorced husband. These are quotes from her husband Oliver;
- Choking back tears, Oliver, 31, said: “The moment I discovered Harry had slept with my wife still haunts me.“Knowing they slept together and then Lucy came back home and climbed into bed with me hurts the most.
- “Realising my wife had decided to leave me because she had fallen for a 17-year-old boy, that’s the most embarrassing thing.
- “I’m a man in my thirties and she left me for him, a young lad. That’s what has ripped me of my dignity.”
- He said: “I know how stupid it sounds but I blame Harry 100 per cent for this.
- 2013 Taylor Swift Harry cheated on her while on tour in Australia and it’s said that it happened multiple other times;
- They were also on and off and major PR. But he cheated on her and tried to brush it off to her as he was just kissing a friend goodbye
- Kendall and Harry first time around
- It didn’t last to long the first time around but it was said that during Kendall’s fashion week people saw Harry going home with a blonde girl at the box in London.
- Flight attendant and Harry
- She was the flight attendant on one directions tour in 2014/2015 I believe. Her and Harry got close on flights and he comforted her because of her mother that had a stroke. They were a bit on and off but a few weeks before the yacht pics Harry started calling her his girlfriend.
- Georgia and him was a fling while he was in New York in October. Maybe him and flight attendant were off at that point maybe not. Wouldn’t surprise me.
- Right before the holidays Harry told his girlfriend that he was going home to spend it with his family. Obviously not as she saw him cheating on her on a yacht with Kendall.
- Claims Megan’s friends made to the public: (Megan is the flight attendants name sorry for not mentioning it sooner)
- Megan was 'gutted' to have found out about his New Year's plans after Harry told her he had spent the holidays with friends and family.
- Speaking to the newspaper, the friend claimed Megan said: 'He blatantly lied to me about it.'
- The turning point in their relationship came when the stewardess' mum suffered from a stroke and the History hitmaker became a shoulder to cry on.
- he started referring to her as his girlfriend.'
- 'Megan never asked him about other women because she accepted he was a rock star but she was madly in love and believed Harry felt the same.'
- Hh
- Hendall returns in 2016
- Doesn’t last long because yet again Harry cheats on her with a stylist
- Pandora Lennard, seen leaving his house in London in the morning waiting for a cab.
- There was apparently pressure from Kris Jenner to have Harry appear on kuwtk as Kendall’s boyfriend and Harry flaked.
- Hh
- Tess ward/Camille
- Left Tess for Camille.
- Camille was in a long relationship with her boyfriend Devon. Harry was with Tess and wanted to date Camille and he finally snuck in and got Camille from her boyfriend dev. Harry left Tess and Camille cheated on dev with Harry then a month later they started dating
- Early in the Hamille relationship Harry cheated on Camille with a girl in LA, who said that he told her he was dating someone after they hooked up and she stormed out and was disgusted.
- April of 2018 Harry was seen in Australia with out Camille but he was with Delta Goldman at dinner. Paps caught them leaving in a car together and Harry covered himself with a black jacket. Why would you do that if it was just a friendly dinner. Also if you look up Delta Goodman, exactly his type. Harry even says he’s cheated on Camille in falling.
- There’s a lot more to Camille and some say she cheated too, she obviously cheated on dev to be with Harry but some say there’s more.
- 2020/2021 Harry and Olivias cheating gross thing that we all know about
So yeah who knows when this man will finally get a grip and mature?
Camilles Ex was Devendra Banhart, not Devon. Just as a correction.
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Dewey was going to originally be just an honorable mention character, just a best friend to Jessica. However while making a little profile for him, something just Happened. He also gained a connection to quite a few characters. I have been moving my ocs around on their various blogs and Dewey will be over here: @the-flower-patch Jessica has been moved there, some of the other flowers will be moved there as well. The blog isn't finished just yet, as you can see from the lack of images and information, however as profiles are added they go live and can be interacted with. Onward to the fuzzy boi's profile
Name: Dewey
Species: Catmint
Sex: intersex male
Gender: Male
Birthday: March 14th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Birthstone: Aquamarine
Sexuality: Demi-Pansexual
Parents: Unknown
Best-friend practically sibling and eventual adoptive sister: Jessica
Adoptive sister: Olivia
Adoptive father: Cory
Adoptive Mother: Violet
Adoptive Cousins: Ash, Cedar (mine), Charo (owned by stilbie on DA ), Arial (mine), Victoria, and George (owned by Rosemary-Garden on DA)
Adoptive uncles: Flowey and Cagney
Adoptive aunt: Frisk
Height: about 2 ½ - 3 ft
Some Facts: Being a catmint, Dewey is always attracting cats He’s very forgiving, even when he shouldn’t be Dewey enjoys babysitting He took on the role of a security guard at the plant nursery though he claimed he was an “officer of the law! a man of the leaf!“ Dewey is not very sporty and often ends up tripping and falling when trying to keep up with Jess Dewey’s stem has a very light fuzz covering it. He’s very self conscious about it and gets easily embarrassed by it
Dewey bloomed in a garden operated as a type of flower orphanage and nursery. Although the young catmint was sad he didn’t seem to have any parents, he was too young at the time to understand and be down for long. He liked playing with the other plant children. It was like one large family. Except when humans and sometimes other plants would take his friends away. He never saw them again after that.
There was one human family who almost took him one day, however one of the adults said their cat would just eat him and they should look for one that would live longer. Dewey at the time didn’t know what a ‘cat’ was but they sounded terrifying. Although he couldn’t stop his friends from being taken away, while at the orphanage, Dewey took on the role of ‘security guard’ to try and keep them safe from whatever these ‘cats’ were. He also would look after and help water any new seedlings that were brought to the orphanage.
One day he found out what a cat was. Dewey was feeling adventurous and exploring the area around the orphanage. He hadn’t noticed the cat until it was on top of him and biting into his leaves and petals. He called for help, but was also pretty far from the orphanage. Dewey didn’t see what it was, but something smacked the cat in the face and it ran off. He was helped up by the young coreopsis who had recently bloomed. She helped bring him back to the orphanage to be patched up.
From then on Dewey tended to stay around the coreopsis as often as possible. He had never seen a coreopsis before and Jess seemed just about fearless. Dewey tried keeping up with some of the young coreopsis’s antics, although he would often trip or struggle to get it right. Instead Dewey would tag along, but stay in the side-lines in case Jess got into trouble and needed help.
As the pair grew up together into their early teens, they were pretty much inseparable. So much so that the owners of the nursery had to make a sign that the two needed to be adopted together.
At one point, the two were hanging out, sunbathing while Jess fixed the wheels on her homemade skateboard. The were having idle time-passing conversation but eventually the topic of family came up. Neither one knew anything about where they actually came from. Jessica decided that she wanted to find out where she came from, and Dewey went with her.
After leaving the orphanage, the two adolescent flowers set off in search of any coreopsis plants near by. They also searched for any catmints, but Dewey wasn’t as intent on finding where he came from as Jess was. As far as he cared he came from the nursery.
Every garden, plant shop and other plant nursery the two came two they asked about other coreopsis in the area. There was no such luck. While they did find the odd coreopsis here at there, they were far too different for even pollination to leave any connection, or had been bred by plant-shops to live only as pretty annuals.
Feeling defeated, the pair were almost going to start the long trek back to the orphanage when they decided to ask at one more place, a small flower stand by a train station. When they asked about coreopsis plants they were told about one named Cory who used to live there who hit on just about anything sentient. The plant was a vain coreopsis but in the similar strain as Jessica and not an annual. Jess and Dewey left in the direction they were told Cory had left in.
It by no means was a speedy search, even with this new lead to go on, and during the nights they needed to take shelter where they could. Finally, against the odds, they managed to find the coreopsis. Jessica’s heart was pounding so hard she was almost too afraid. This was the first time Dewey had seen his friend hesitate at anything ever.
Eventually after meeting the other coreopsis and running a few tests, Jessica had found her parent. Dewey was happy for her, although he felt jealous as well. To his surprise he was welcomed into the family as well. He finally had a true family of his own. And one where he still got to be with his closest friend.
Dewey tags along on adventures with his friend and adoptive cousins. He also will help babysit the younger ones. He often runs into trouble with cats and after a few more attacks develops a phobia of the felines. His new family keep him protected though.
#Undertale#cuphead: don't deal with the devil#Undertale OC#Cuphead OC#Crossover OC#Flower OC#OC rp blog#OC ask blog#art
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"LEGO Friends: Girls On a Mission" (2018) is a severely underrated show and it shouldn’t be. 👀❗️
(Not to be confused with the old LEGO Friends series 2012-2017.)
Five best friends doing good deeds around the city and kicking ass w/ a bit of wacky antics here and there + visually appealing character designs. I was hoping to see more fan content for this sort of thing? But this hasn't been talked about AT ALL.
(2nd picture, left to right, click on name to see character’s bio): Mia, Stephanie, Emma, Andrea, Olivia
Sure it's basically a show that targets little girls, but it's actually somewhat enjoyable for older audiences too! Like Miraculous Ladybug for example. Please give it a chance! This show doesn't deserve to be so underrated!
Season 1 is done with 16 episodes and each episode is less than 11 minutes long. The English dub is available to watch on Youtube and on Netflix.
But if it's blocked because you don't live in the US, you can watch it here.
You want to see more content? Check out the LEGO Friends tag on my blog.
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Straight A’s, Zero F’s
In our own ways, we all have power. From petitions, to marches, to your own creativity, everyone has the power to push the needle in a positive direction. Film has a power that’s mighty, and one of my favorite things is championing a film, getting absolutely blissed-out, and transforming into a cinematic evangelist. The right film can open eyes, change a life, and make the unbearable a little easier to bear. But what if you had the power to prevent a great film from becoming a train wreck?
Office Space and Clue are some of the most beloved comedies ever made. They were also disasters at the box office. One of the most frustrating aspects of this job is witnessing a slow-motion cinematic train wreck, particularly when it’s undeserved. If you see enough movies and think about them, after a while you start to develop a sense of when and why certain films tank. Let’s bear in mind that train wrecks come in all shapes and sizes.
Sometimes the problem is with the material itself. Green Lantern is a movie about a cosmic superhero that does everything it possibly can to not be cosmic. A notorious failure, the film had a $200 million budget, only made $219 million worldwide and nearly destroyed the career of Ryan Reynolds.
Sometimes the concept is great, but the execution doesn’t work. Consider the idea of a bubbly high school girl who is destined to be a vampire hunter. Joss Whedon ran with that concept and wrote a script about it. Unfortunately, director Fran Rubel Kuzui didn’t appear to get it, and 1992’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer failed theatrically. Whedon would have to take the idea to television in order to help it bloom.
The worst kind of train wreck is when a movie has a strong concept, solid execution, and it still crashes and burns upon release. It’s a genuinely tragic situation when the talent and passion of a group of filmmakers is met with a collective “meh.” I’m very worried that’s exactly what’s going to happen with the new comedy Booksmart, and it deserves so much better.
Molly (Beanie Feldstein) and Amy (Kaitlyn Dever) are high school seniors who seem to be on the fast track to success. They have been best friends since forever, studied hard, and strategically participated in every elective possible. What’s that relentless focus gotten them? On the one hand, Molly is class valedictorian, and she’s heading to Yale in the fall and the beginning of a glittering career. Amy has plans to help underprivileged women in Botswana. The odds are pretty good that these two are going to make a mark in the world.
On the other hand? Their focus comes with a cost. Molly’s peers view her as a pretentious scold, and Amy’s peers generally don’t know she’s even there. That’s okay by Amy…mostly. One of her classmates is a girl named Ryan (Victoria Ruesga), and Amy nurses a pretty serious crush. Amy’s been out for a few years, but maybe Ryan could be her first love?
It’s the day before their graduation, and the plan is for Molly and Amy to share a celebratory cake, watch some Ken Burns documentaries, and prepare for the rest of their lives. That was the plan until Molly comes to a shattering realization. While her hyper-focus has gotten her into Yale, her less studious peers are still heading for great schools and amazing careers, while still partying up a storm.
Needless to say, Molly is pissed. Now, she’s determined to have one night of hedonism, and she sees her chance. Nick (Mason Gooding) is one of the popular kids, and he’s throwing a massive party on Graduation Eve. All Molly and Amy need to do now is find out where the party is. That’s not going to be easy.
What we have here is a coming-of-age comedy made with intelligence, style, and a relentless sense of humor. What we also have here is what could be viewed as a niche film scheduled to go up against box office juggernauts like Aladdin and John Wick: Chapter 3. Is it any wonder that Booksmart came in sixth place last weekend with a disappointing $6.9 million profit? The accepted wisdom, if you can call it that, is that Booksmart is a failure.
From a directing standpoint, that couldn’t be further from the truth. This is director Olivia Wilde’s first feature film. Do a little research, and you’ll see that she’s been a working actor for several years. She’s also produced a number of documentaries, directed a couple of music videos, and worked on both big studio movies and small independent films. All that experience gave her the training she needed to make a hilarious and smart film with a distinctive voice. From snide quips to the almost Bugs Bunny antics of rich girl Gigi (Billie Lourd), Wilde’s sense of humor is on full display. Plus, in a world where studio comedies are often shot in the dullest way possible, Wilde’s film is colorfully lit and imaginatively shot. A house party feels unexpectedly and appropriately dreamy, and a drug trip features absolutely bananas energy. This is the best-looking comedy I’ve seen since Game Night.
Ordinarily, the presence of five credited screenwriters is a portent of doom. Multiple bullets have been dodged since the screenplay is about more than the hijinks of a couple of teenagers. It’s about two smart young women who have a not-great habit of assuming their peers are completely one-dimensional. The goofball stoner actually has a six-figure coding gig with Google locked up, and the girl who’s been saddled with a slutty reputation is perceptive and Yale-bound. Bound up within the ridiculous situations and plentiful f-bombs is some very strong character work.
The strong script and assured direction are what allows the cast to shine. Beanie Feldstein’s Molly is the showier role, and Feldstein absolutely goes for it. She’s got some serious comic skills, and she puts it to impressive use playing a simultaneously laser-focused and misguided young woman. Kaitlyn Dever’s Amy is the quieter half, yet she makes a meal out of her unrequited crush and quiet mortification toward her best friend’s steamroller attitude. Feldstein and Dever have an outstanding comedic partnership, and they play off each other beautifully.
They say that, in Hollywood, nobody knows anything. Odds are Annapurna Pictures were hoping for something along the lines of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, a smaller-budgeted film that survived on positive word-of-mouth and was in theaters for a year. Maybe Booksmart got off to a slow start due to a poorly timed release schedule. Maybe it was unrealistic to assume it would be a $100 million hit.
While I don’t pretend to have any kind of real influence, what I do know is that I screwed up and should have reviewed this film last week instead of the not-so-awesome Brightburn. There’s still time, though. You might be tempted to wait for Netflix on this one. I’m asking you — don’t let this film become a train wreck. Go see Booksmart immediately, if not sooner. I think you’ll love it.
from Blog https://ondenver.com/straight-as-zero-fs/
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ooc: All OCs I’ve ever created
For anyone who is curious about all my ocs as not all are listed on the blog:
Kyatana (Kyana) Aeira (Wannabe Heroine with fire powers who is hyper and determined)
Christina Terrwyn (Sorceress in training, reckless and carefree)
Katie Terrwyn (Middle sister, tech genius and overall very smart but also very shy)
Cathy Terrwyn (Youngest sister, always optimistic and wants to be like Christina)
Felcia (The Reincarnation of the goddess Fortuna whose powers are dwindled to giving good and bad luck to others)
Elliot (Traveling merchant who runs into Felcia, friendly but draws bad luck to him)
Chloe Thaleia (Thief from a family of thieves, playful and mischievous)
Aiolos Thaleia (Brother of thief who decided to become a knight, noble and kind)
Cheza Fenghuang (Phoenix Princess of Nansong Kingdom, quiet and anti-social)
Kyrene Quatrez (Queen of Nansong Kingdom, mischievous and cunning)
Aemula Lasin (Half-demon child, easily frightened and quiet)
Failin Lasin (Human mother of Aemula, serene and down to earth)
Miciru Lorine (High Priestess who is overly caring and tends to put others needs in front of her own)
Shay Pierina (Sand cat girl who is playful and fun-loving and loves fish)
Nikki Irving (Strange girl with water powers and the ability to talk to sea life)
Tali Lin (A young fairy child with wind powers)
Melanie and Charnette (Telepathic twins, rivals with Christina, mean tricksters who tend to act creepy)
Hazel (A witch, friend of Christina’s, tries to keep her out of trouble)
Jack Li (Leader of a gang of humans that can change into animals)
Kyle Minou (Leader of a rival gang against Jack)
Zakki (Abused frail girl who can turn into a white tiger. Saved by Kyle)
Tammi (Lost little girl who can turn into multiple small animals. Found by Jack)
Colette Eirina (Air-headed hopeless romantic princess, has Konosuba verse)
C.h.i.s.a. (Android that looks like a human girl who loves to sing)
Aiux (Cold assassin with shadow powers)
Kishi MacAuley (Wannabe pirate captain of the S.S. Fishermen, boy crazy)
Madeline O’ Raleigh (Maddy, first mate of S.S. Fishermen, always grumpy)
Julianna Jana Frost (Julia, navigator of S.S. Fishermen, a worry wart)
Olivia Filligan (Cook of S.S. Fishermen, motherly but can be scary when mad)
Midori Ryu (Ninja-in-training, shy and clumsy)
Kiyumi Tenshi (Ninja-in-training, rambunctious and a drunk)
Naoko Shizuko (Ninja-in-training, mysterious and doesn’t talk much)
Beatrix (Scorned woman who got turned into a vampire)
Linxy (Silly cat-girl maid who loves tuna)
Sophia Augustina (Lost Angel with no memories but believes she needs to help someone)
Fawn Darona (Wannabe Reporter)
Ai and Xia Malificia (Twin sisters with plant powers, one is evil and manipulative, the other like a Disney princess)
Zalira Deona (Succubus in training who is kind of lazy and loves human culture)
Ourania Thanos (Dragon girl with the elements of light and darkness)
Momo (Moon Bunny Goddess who owns a rice cake shop)
Kalliphae Myressei (Moth Princess, stern and noble. Has a My Hero Academia verse)
Poppilina "Poppy" Puddlington (Slime girl, talks in 3rd person, cheerful and curious about the world)
Orabella Kalon (Scholar and summoner, very shy and easily flustered but very smart and wants to be a teacher)
Fenagari Selene (Wolf girl who grew up homeless on the streets since she can remember, can't remember family)
Shui Kyma (Goofy water fairy who loves berries. Can be someone's familiar)
Naelodie Ephlila (Dark fairy, emotionless for the most part, strange, tends to float around and tries to make jokes poorly)
Adelaide Maidie (Pink fluffy cat who is magical and can turn herself human. Loves fish and attention but also loves to play videogames)
Miyu Neraida (Fairy or angel version of Miyuki. Sweet and kind with a gentle heart)
Delphi Hermes (Goat girl who is a mail lady. Has a tiny goat buddy named Djani)
Emilia Clarimond (Wolf girl who has prophetic visions and can read the future through fortunes)
Josephina Adrahagan (Cat girl princess with a fat cat pet who ran away from home. Has a FF14 verse)
Penny Ceres (Magical girl who can change parts of her into animal parts)
Lavender (Sleepy princess with narcoleptic problems)
Lilliana (Lost Dragon princess)
Iyumi Akuma (Wannabe bratty queen who wants to find a king to be with. Secretly submissive)
God Eater Burst:
Rosella "Rosie" Tsuritsa (Haunted by her families death by an Aragami. A Blood Unit God Eater)
Ursa Miela (Bear Faunus girl who can shapeshift into an actual bear, acts a mixture of tsundere and kuudere)
Gwen Favete (Rabbit Faunus girl who can summong and control weapons with a baton, air-headed but friendly and hyper)
Christina Terrwyn (uses a Dragon deck, playfully aggressive and overly confident)
Katie Terrwyn (uses a Spellbook deck, shy genius)
Cathy Terrwyn (uses a Madolche deck, optimistic and cheerful)
Miyuki Tenshi (uses an Angel/Fairy deck, kind and sympathetic but also naive)
Rin Marion (uses a Machine deck, tough on the outside, soft-hearted on the inside)
Kristen Till (uses a Warrior deck, head strong, independent and loyal)
James Laroy (uses a Ice Barrier deck, moody at times, smart alec, has a crush on Kristen)
Aku Yazoi (uses a Dark-End Dragon deck, goofy, hot tempered, and terrible at picking up girls)
Sasha Yazoi (uses a Plant deck, older sister to Aku, can be a bit clumsy, nice, and is used to her brother’s antics)
Iyumi Akuma (uses a Darklord deck, prissy, whiny, stuck-up, and thinks she is a queen (good verse), psychotic, obsessive, and calculating unless angry (evil verse))
Lucrecia (uses a psychic deck, manipulative, evil, and cruel)
Fairy Tail:
Shay Pierina (Earth Dragon Slayer with Sand Make magic. Cat-girl who is a wandering merchant)
Emilia Clarimond (Celestial Spirit user who uses the Chinese Zodiac, a little moody and looking for a guild)
Code Lyoko:
Reine Benoite (shy, easily frightened, and bullied girl. Has cat-girl Lyoko form)
Andrian Smith (kind, smart and secretly likes Reine. Has knight Lyoko form)
Dot Hack/SAO/Log Horizon:
Marie/Aislynn (Shadow Warlock player who becomes new user of the Avatar Fidchell or is just a new player. Loves to roleplay in character and acts mysterious)
Anna/The Illusionist (AIDA Possessed girl stuck in ‘The World’ in a place she calls paradise)
Kingdom Hearts:
Xia Malificia (Flirtatious Nobody with plant powers)
Ai Malificia (Somebody of Xia, kind and gentle and nothing like her Nobody)
Diana Fotieni and Vico (Keyblade chosen who travels with her moogle companion who fights for justice)
Aiux (Heartless of Xia who is cold and distant)
Jet Set Radio Future/The World Ends With You/My Hero Academia:
Tia “Usagi” Faye (Girly-girl rollerblader who can do amazing jump stunts, has electric/magnetism powers in My Hero Academia verse)
Chiyumi Muzai (Beginner trainer from a family of contest goers who is clumsy and easily scared)
Blair Mahou (Braixen Gijinka who believes she is a magical girl)
Peeps (Altaria gijinka who can't speak well and only says Peep but is super friendly and loves to give hugs)
Shock (Luxray gijinka who is flirty and loves to be fashionable)
Soul Eater:
Kayleen Baxter (Meister with a strong fear of witches, kishin and darkness)
Jace Kami (Weapon who lost an eye protecting Kayleen)
Casey Sanders (Zoid pilot whose father went missing. In Voltron verse her father was taken from her by Zarkon. Adventurous and determined)
League of Legends:
Shay Pierina (Cat-girl from Shurima who wishes to serve Azir one day but at the moment traveling the world)
Fate Stay Night:
Emilia Clarimond (New mage of the Holy Grail Wars, a bit tempered, mischievous and clever)
Monster Hunter:
Jinouga (A humanized Zinogre who loves to hang around Yukumo village and mess with hunters)
Trinity (A Tenno wielding the Trinity Prime frame who is usually calm and motherly-like)
Nier Automata:
10B (A Battle Unit android who shows way more emotion than she is supposed to including some Yandere tendencies)
Midori Ryu (Ninja-in-training, shy and clumsy)
Kiyumi Tenshi (Ninja-in-training, rambunctious and a drunk)
Naoko Shizuko (Ninja-in-training, mysterious and doesn’t talk much)
My Hero Academia:
Kyatana "Kyana" Aeira (Quirk: I am Fire! Able to manipulate and summon fire. A bit hyper, excitable, and a fangirl of heroes. Has Endeavor's Daughter verse)
Kyatana "Kyana" Aeira (A fangirl of the Overwatch team who has gloves that produce fire and wishes to become a member of Overwatch)
Chisa (A humanized android stolen by Talon who somehow managed to escape them and is looking for her creators)
Final Fantasy XV:
Diana Fotieni (A self-proclaimed knight who wishes to become a Kingsglaive like her mother. At the moment traveling and helping people against the Empire)
Christina Terrwyn (An adventurous, overly confident Digimon Tamer whose partner is Dracomon)
Dragonball Z:
Christina Terrwyn (A human who loves to fight and was given some strength boost by a Kai)
0 notes
Maybe this will be my rantings blog :
Yet that is just what fuels a lot of misconceptions of women in general. There are a lot of funny references to levels of contribution in the world, like:
* domestic goddess
* Mary Tyler Moore famous role or Donna Reed character from the early years of television (which was invented LONG time before I was born)
* Screen sirens like Marilyn Monroe to wannabes like Madonna and Britney Speers (however you spell that since it confused spell checker, back space, highlight, right click on mouse, then click selection from option or suggestion to go on a bigger digging expedition with Google …. )
* Perky, cute role models like Katie Couric (and I’m Canadian eh?), Maria in The Sound of Music character, Samantha in Betwitched, Olivia Newton John in Grease or whomever you would insert as a name that you relate time for this genre.
The less popular, yet more communicated is the aggressive female executive.
Re: CareerBuilder Job Application : Banking Administrative Assistant
7:20 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
Can I confirm you have a valid Canadian securities course?
Talent Management Leader
On Dec 15, 2017, at 1:52 PM, Jeannette Marshall via CareerBuilder
You have received …. by replying to this email. Your Reference ID for this job is CAN_s.
Thank you for your response Michelle. I appreciate the reaction :o)
No, I did not state in my CV or anywhere having taken the Canadian Securities Course certification, however, I did confirm that I have Canadian (Secret-past and Reliability-now) Securities Status issued by the Canadian government. To some, that is valuable validation: me, for one, to indicate that I am an honest person.
Intellectually, I have had to go from a newly hired to jump into one of the most critical portfolios by one of my greatest managers who recognized my strength in my ability to parachute in with both feet landing on the ground: exuding confidence and expertise, building trust immediate. I could communicate with executives on a personable level after being kicked out of the nest within only a month of onboarding to attending a festive cocktail….. smoozing with distinguished executives of Canada’s most high-powered, rubbing elbows in a small circle where one woman was engaging support and advice from the other women, pretty oblivious to the aggressive antics of single ladies and young manifico males trouncing on former friends to get ahead: I could actually contribute. I had the experience of deciding I would not go back to work fulltime unless my children would have no less care than I, myself, would provide [ aka super woman extraordinaire or Yuppy ] settling with a full time live out nanny to enhance my home, children, spouse, career, employer without any sacrifice other than my pocket book.
But some days don’t you just wanna send an email response like this? Instead, we’re required to remain refined and poised when all we want to do is scream!
Speaking of screaming
I jump on Quora fairly infrequently but deciding more recently that I really like the experience there. Since I have this thirst for knowledge and pursuit of really interesting things. It allows me to keep the vibe of catching the vibe of what is going on online.
Advice About Coping with and Overcoming Fear
I had a best friend who became my enemy. I don’t think she knows or cares, but after winter I’m afraid I’m going to scream at her in class. What do I say or do to avoid that?
You’ve written an answer
You can edit or delete it at any time.
5 Answers
Jeannette Marshall, in order to reinforce my own learnings and leanings, i try to help others
Answered 5h ago
There are a lot of conflicting statements just in the question alone: i.e. best friend and enemy.
The person is not aware of the change in status? We don’t know what was done for the fall from grace, therefore, we cannot understand what takes someone from best friend to evil enemy?
Most highly emotional triggers can be minimized if one examines what the root cause is.
The best advice I would give is suggesting you go for tea, hot chocolate or coffee so that you can find out the former best friend’s defense of the actions that caused her to become your enemy. It would give you a chance to unload what made you so upset. By definition, a best friend is someone who is a trusted confidante – did they betray that trust or do something that crossed them off.
Before you scream at her in class, and you end up looking like the freak, maybe write in a journal on what the offense was, how it made you feel, whether it was an emotional reaction, or if the offense is even realized by the offender.
Granted, there are many things that can happen to cause a falling out. Nobody can help with whether it is justified or not based on your own feelings, nor should anyone.
A “best friend” designation can sometimes be fleeting and evolving continuously. What defines a best friend to you? How many best friends have you had in the past 6 months, year, etc.? What happens to make someone fall out of favor with rapid descent to enemy?
All may be worth consideration and evaluation before you address your feelings and avoid screaming: you screaming will result in poor public image even if it is warranted. Keep that in mind.
And practice the golden rule: treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. Maybe the former best friend has no idea that they offended your values, morals or beliefs … or did something to make you this passionately emotional.
We all face obstacles and offenses, yet how we react is how we are measured. I guess I’m saying: take a deep breath, write it all down, and consider a face to face in a calm and relaxing atmosphere (not while you’re out at the pub having a drink which makes your inhibitions less guarded) and be the bigger person. Bridge understanding and communicate what they did to make you feel the way you do before you have any emotional outburst that would show you in less favorable light, even if the offense is astronomical.
More questions posed to me
and my responses. An unofficial, non-compensated version of Dear Abby or who is doing that anymore anyhow? (Search and insert information and link] to which I dole out habitually and consistently. My take on motherhood and what my takeaways are from the experience:
Honestly? Well I want to be a Queen, princess at the very least. With it the responsibility of always being fashionably dressed, impeccable coif, an assistant, a butler, a maid, a financier, at the very least. People curtsy or bowing upon meeting. I would wear gloves to avoid germs, dirt, disease. I am financially reliable since I can provide my own tiara, having a selection of a few. I am humble, I try to help others without any monetary reward. Although, treasuring honesty, admit that I salvitate at the thought of compensation from people reading my gripes, quips, tips, trips posts. I am truly sorry! I got sidetracked, totally disregarding the question. I apologize. Oopsie.
Simply? Go to the Nobel website and determine under which category you feel more aligned with: peace, literature, for examples, then study who have been the most recent recipients that you more closely identify with: can adopt a believable adaptation of anyone of them by providing the skill and talent to stand beside them. Then I’d say: Go for it! Who is anyone that could contradict YOU? YOU are the ONLY person in lives in that house: your brain, body.
I Representing distinguished “Career” mothers
Not the ones who decided to stay home, afforded or forced or otherwise.
That is the stereotypical response to when most people think of what the
term means. Immediately conjuring up the names from the past, deeply
entrenched in our subconscious and belief system.
YOU CAN. When you determine the qualities and define what a “good relationship” means to you. YOU CAN. Continuously keep in touch whether it is instantaneous via technology like SKYPE or FACETIME (Apple(c) at a mutually agreed schedule or scheduled time. YOU CAN: Express how important this “good relationship” is to you at every opportunity, whether verbally, over the telephone, video, web, email, post, handwritten or printed letter, diagrams, cartoons or poems, including the person who is whom you share this “good relationship” with. [I am answering from the female perspective, uniquely my own opinion]. YOU CAN: Be devout, devoted, moral, demonstrative, philosophically and physically showing your commitment to both the relationship and continuing to be worthy of the relationship. Understanding, you reap what you sow. YOU CAN: Control your own behavior regardless of circumstance or circumstances you find yourself in. Being worthy of that ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Keep in touch steadfastly and faithfully, divulging periods of blackout due to foreseen or surprise. YOU CAN: Hold the same expectations of yourself as you would the other member in the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Withhold from behavior that you would not have should the object of desire or person within the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Resort to inspiration from scripture or literature or art. Be wary of bad habits or undertakings that can deteriorate the eyes of the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: treat your significant being in the ‘good relationship’ no worse than you would your mother, daughter, friend, military team mate. YOU CAN: continue to be the person to whom the ‘good relationship’ was formed from. YOU CAN: go home or wherever said “good relationship” is at every chance you get. YOU CAN: communicate your love, devotion, feelings, missings, musings, fears, desires, goals, ambitions.
YOU CANNOT: control the other person while you are away. They will make their mistakes, face their consequences, commit niceness or nastiness, without you.
As it should be. I know, easy eh?
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2kh2tqJ
0 notes
Olivia's Sinnoh look

2 notes
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Ok name's Pocket this is my ooc sidelong (edit) sideblog for all my Pkmm irl ideas and stuff.
My accounts are as follows:
@elfilins-adventures //on hiatus
@clawthornes-corner and tie-in blog @olivias-antics
and if I get more I will edit them on here.
I will be using this for everything pkmn irl and to keep my ooc ideas and stuff on here.
Mod is an adult
13 notes
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IRL Cory was so popular with bees that sometimes they would fight over him It was really no surprise at all that he would either BE pollinated or his pollen would be used to pollinate another flower.
Unlike the other flowers, even Cory as he was already fully bloomed when I got him, I actually know the date Jessie here first started blooming. July 25.
Like every other plant I have, she has been oc-ified. Although she is a child for Cory who IS a muse on this blog, she will not be added here or I would feel like I would need to add Cagney’s secret kids. So she will be a new muse over here: @cluster-of-ocs
Here is a little profile for character Jessie.
Name: Jessica
Nickname: Jess, Jessie
Sex: Intersex Female
Gender: Female
Birthday: July 25
Zodiac sign: Leo
Birthstone: Ruby
Sexuality: Pansexual
Parent: Cory
Step-mom: Violet
Sister: Olivia
Cousins: Charo (owned by stilbie on DA ), Arial (mine), Victoria and George (owned by Rosemary-Garden on DA)
Uncles: Cagney and Flowey
Aunt: Frisk
Best Friend: A purple catmint named Dewey
Height: 3 ft tall
Some Facts: Jess is rather sporty She has a plant-sized skateboard, she uses her tail to get it going Like Cory she can't handle too much sun and needs lots of water She can perfectly imitate her dad's trademark flirty wink
Jessica was an accidental pollination. She bloomed in a garden operating as a type of flower orphanage. There she met a purple catmint plant named Dewey. The pair grew up as best friends, practically siblings, usually with the catmint needing to get Jess out of trouble.
Being the only coreopsis in the area however led Jess to want to find out where she game from. She left the garden, Dewey traveling with her while she tried to find another garden with coreopsis flowers.
Along the way, the pair came across a flower-stand at a train station. There they learned of a coreopsis that had left some time back that would flirt with just about anything, the flowers there saying they wouldn't be surprised if he had a child. Figuring it had to be that coreopsis, Jess and Dewey went off in search of him.
They find Cory and Violet in the middle of a date. Cory found it rather hard to believe at first, although Jess was a coreopsis and there weren't many of those around. Cory was very certain he hadn't dropped any seeds and other than being rather popular with bees, he insisted he would remember - in fact he would hope he would remember - if he had pollinated with any other flowers.
The four went to Alphys to run a few tests. Cory was definitely one of Jessica's parent-plants. Jess was thrilled and wanted to know everything about her dad. While Cory was still trying to mentally process the fact that he had a kid, Violet offered to let her stay with them. She wanted to know more about Cory's apparent daughter.
Jess sometimes tries to get her dad to skateboard but he tends to fall off. Jess was thrilled to have a sister, she does everything she can to help Olivia be more out-going. Sometimes Jess and Dewey will interfere with the Twins more mischievous antics, and other times they will join in on them.
#Undertale OC#Cuphead OC#Crossover OC#Flowey#Cagney Carnation#Undertale#Cuphead: dont deal with the devil#Undertale AU#Undertale RP Blog#Undertale Ask Blog#Cuphead RP Blog#Cuphead Ask Blog#OC RP Blog#art
5 notes
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Maybe this will be my rantings blog :
Yet that is just what fuels a lot of misconceptions of women in general. There are a lot of funny references to levels of contribution in the world, like:
* domestic goddess
* Mary Tyler Moore famous role or Donna Reed character from the early years of television (which was invented LONG time before I was born)
* Screen sirens like Marilyn Monroe to wannabes like Madonna and Britney Speers (however you spell that since it confused spell checker, back space, highlight, right click on mouse, then click selection from option or suggestion to go on a bigger digging expedition with Google …. )
* Perky, cute role models like Katie Couric (and I’m Canadian eh?), Maria in The Sound of Music character, Samantha in Betwitched, Olivia Newton John in Grease or whomever you would insert as a name that you relate time for this genre.
The less popular, yet more communicated is the aggressive female executive.
Re: CareerBuilder Job Application : Banking Administrative Assistant
7:20 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
Can I confirm you have a valid Canadian securities course?
Talent Management Leader
On Dec 15, 2017, at 1:52 PM, Jeannette Marshall via CareerBuilder
You have received …. by replying to this email. Your Reference ID for this job is CAN_s.
Thank you for your response Michelle. I appreciate the reaction :o)
No, I did not state in my CV or anywhere having taken the Canadian Securities Course certification, however, I did confirm that I have Canadian (Secret-past and Reliability-now) Securities Status issued by the Canadian government. To some, that is valuable validation: me, for one, to indicate that I am an honest person.
Intellectually, I have had to go from a newly hired to jump into one of the most critical portfolios by one of my greatest managers who recognized my strength in my ability to parachute in with both feet landing on the ground: exuding confidence and expertise, building trust immediate. I could communicate with executives on a personable level after being kicked out of the nest within only a month of onboarding to attending a festive cocktail….. smoozing with distinguished executives of Canada’s most high-powered, rubbing elbows in a small circle where one woman was engaging support and advice from the other women, pretty oblivious to the aggressive antics of single ladies and young manifico males trouncing on former friends to get ahead: I could actually contribute. I had the experience of deciding I would not go back to work fulltime unless my children would have no less care than I, myself, would provide [ aka super woman extraordinaire or Yuppy ] settling with a full time live out nanny to enhance my home, children, spouse, career, employer without any sacrifice other than my pocket book.
But some days don’t you just wanna send an email response like this? Instead, we’re required to remain refined and poised when all we want to do is scream!
Speaking of screaming
I jump on Quora fairly infrequently but deciding more recently that I really like the experience there. Since I have this thirst for knowledge and pursuit of really interesting things. It allows me to keep the vibe of catching the vibe of what is going on online.
Advice About Coping with and Overcoming Fear
I had a best friend who became my enemy. I don’t think she knows or cares, but after winter I’m afraid I’m going to scream at her in class. What do I say or do to avoid that?
You’ve written an answer
You can edit or delete it at any time.
5 Answers
Jeannette Marshall, in order to reinforce my own learnings and leanings, i try to help others
Answered 5h ago
There are a lot of conflicting statements just in the question alone: i.e. best friend and enemy.
The person is not aware of the change in status? We don’t know what was done for the fall from grace, therefore, we cannot understand what takes someone from best friend to evil enemy?
Most highly emotional triggers can be minimized if one examines what the root cause is.
The best advice I would give is suggesting you go for tea, hot chocolate or coffee so that you can find out the former best friend’s defense of the actions that caused her to become your enemy. It would give you a chance to unload what made you so upset. By definition, a best friend is someone who is a trusted confidante – did they betray that trust or do something that crossed them off.
Before you scream at her in class, and you end up looking like the freak, maybe write in a journal on what the offense was, how it made you feel, whether it was an emotional reaction, or if the offense is even realized by the offender.
Granted, there are many things that can happen to cause a falling out. Nobody can help with whether it is justified or not based on your own feelings, nor should anyone.
A “best friend” designation can sometimes be fleeting and evolving continuously. What defines a best friend to you? How many best friends have you had in the past 6 months, year, etc.? What happens to make someone fall out of favor with rapid descent to enemy?
All may be worth consideration and evaluation before you address your feelings and avoid screaming: you screaming will result in poor public image even if it is warranted. Keep that in mind.
And practice the golden rule: treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. Maybe the former best friend has no idea that they offended your values, morals or beliefs … or did something to make you this passionately emotional.
We all face obstacles and offenses, yet how we react is how we are measured. I guess I’m saying: take a deep breath, write it all down, and consider a face to face in a calm and relaxing atmosphere (not while you’re out at the pub having a drink which makes your inhibitions less guarded) and be the bigger person. Bridge understanding and communicate what they did to make you feel the way you do before you have any emotional outburst that would show you in less favorable light, even if the offense is astronomical.
More questions posed to me
and my responses. An unofficial, non-compensated version of Dear Abby or who is doing that anymore anyhow? (Search and insert information and link] to which I dole out habitually and consistently. My take on motherhood and what my takeaways are from the experience:
Honestly? Well I want to be a Queen, princess at the very least. With it the responsibility of always being fashionably dressed, impeccable coif, an assistant, a butler, a maid, a financier, at the very least. People curtsy or bowing upon meeting. I would wear gloves to avoid germs, dirt, disease. I am financially reliable since I can provide my own tiara, having a selection of a few. I am humble, I try to help others without any monetary reward. Although, treasuring honesty, admit that I salvitate at the thought of compensation from people reading my gripes, quips, tips, trips posts. I am truly sorry! I got sidetracked, totally disregarding the question. I apologize. Oopsie.
Simply? Go to the Nobel website and determine under which category you feel more aligned with: peace, literature, for examples, then study who have been the most recent recipients that you more closely identify with: can adopt a believable adaptation of anyone of them by providing the skill and talent to stand beside them. Then I’d say: Go for it! Who is anyone that could contradict YOU? YOU are the ONLY person in lives in that house: your brain, body.
I Representing distinguished “Career” mothers
Not the ones who decided to stay home, afforded or forced or otherwise.
That is the stereotypical response to when most people think of what the
term means. Immediately conjuring up the names from the past, deeply
entrenched in our subconscious and belief system.
YOU CAN. When you determine the qualities and define what a “good relationship” means to you. YOU CAN. Continuously keep in touch whether it is instantaneous via technology like SKYPE or FACETIME (Apple(c) at a mutually agreed schedule or scheduled time. YOU CAN: Express how important this “good relationship” is to you at every opportunity, whether verbally, over the telephone, video, web, email, post, handwritten or printed letter, diagrams, cartoons or poems, including the person who is whom you share this “good relationship” with. [I am answering from the female perspective, uniquely my own opinion]. YOU CAN: Be devout, devoted, moral, demonstrative, philosophically and physically showing your commitment to both the relationship and continuing to be worthy of the relationship. Understanding, you reap what you sow. YOU CAN: Control your own behavior regardless of circumstance or circumstances you find yourself in. Being worthy of that ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Keep in touch steadfastly and faithfully, divulging periods of blackout due to foreseen or surprise. YOU CAN: Hold the same expectations of yourself as you would the other member in the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Withhold from behavior that you would not have should the object of desire or person within the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Resort to inspiration from scripture or literature or art. Be wary of bad habits or undertakings that can deteriorate the eyes of the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: treat your significant being in the ‘good relationship’ no worse than you would your mother, daughter, friend, military team mate. YOU CAN: continue to be the person to whom the ‘good relationship’ was formed from. YOU CAN: go home or wherever said “good relationship” is at every chance you get. YOU CAN: communicate your love, devotion, feelings, missings, musings, fears, desires, goals, ambitions.
YOU CANNOT: control the other person while you are away. They will make their mistakes, face their consequences, commit niceness or nastiness, without you.
As it should be. I know, easy eh?
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2kh2tqJ
0 notes
Maybe this will be my rantings blog :
Yet that is just what fuels a lot of misconceptions of women in general. There are a lot of funny references to levels of contribution in the world, like:
* domestic goddess
* Mary Tyler Moore famous role or Donna Reed character from the early years of television (which was invented LONG time before I was born)
* Screen sirens like Marilyn Monroe to wannabes like Madonna and Britney Speers (however you spell that since it confused spell checker, back space, highlight, right click on mouse, then click selection from option or suggestion to go on a bigger digging expedition with Google …. )
* Perky, cute role models like Katie Couric (and I’m Canadian eh?), Maria in The Sound of Music character, Samantha in Betwitched, Olivia Newton John in Grease or whomever you would insert as a name that you relate time for this genre.
The less popular, yet more communicated is the aggressive female executive.
Re: CareerBuilder Job Application : Banking Administrative Assistant
7:20 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
Can I confirm you have a valid Canadian securities course?
Talent Management Leader
On Dec 15, 2017, at 1:52 PM, Jeannette Marshall via CareerBuilder
You have received …. by replying to this email. Your Reference ID for this job is CAN_s.
Thank you for your response Michelle. I appreciate the reaction :o)
No, I did not state in my CV or anywhere having taken the Canadian Securities Course certification, however, I did confirm that I have Canadian (Secret-past and Reliability-now) Securities Status issued by the Canadian government. To some, that is valuable validation: me, for one, to indicate that I am an honest person.
Intellectually, I have had to go from a newly hired to jump into one of the most critical portfolios by one of my greatest managers who recognized my strength in my ability to parachute in with both feet landing on the ground: exuding confidence and expertise, building trust immediate. I could communicate with executives on a personable level after being kicked out of the nest within only a month of onboarding to attending a festive cocktail….. smoozing with distinguished executives of Canada’s most high-powered, rubbing elbows in a small circle where one woman was engaging support and advice from the other women, pretty oblivious to the aggressive antics of single ladies and young manifico males trouncing on former friends to get ahead: I could actually contribute. I had the experience of deciding I would not go back to work fulltime unless my children would have no less care than I, myself, would provide [ aka super woman extraordinaire or Yuppy ] settling with a full time live out nanny to enhance my home, children, spouse, career, employer without any sacrifice other than my pocket book.
But some days don’t you just wanna send an email response like this? Instead, we’re required to remain refined and poised when all we want to do is scream!
Speaking of screaming
I jump on Quora fairly infrequently but deciding more recently that I really like the experience there. Since I have this thirst for knowledge and pursuit of really interesting things. It allows me to keep the vibe of catching the vibe of what is going on online.
Advice About Coping with and Overcoming Fear
I had a best friend who became my enemy. I don’t think she knows or cares, but after winter I’m afraid I’m going to scream at her in class. What do I say or do to avoid that?
You’ve written an answer
You can edit or delete it at any time.
5 Answers
Jeannette Marshall, in order to reinforce my own learnings and leanings, i try to help others
Answered 5h ago
There are a lot of conflicting statements just in the question alone: i.e. best friend and enemy.
The person is not aware of the change in status? We don’t know what was done for the fall from grace, therefore, we cannot understand what takes someone from best friend to evil enemy?
Most highly emotional triggers can be minimized if one examines what the root cause is.
The best advice I would give is suggesting you go for tea, hot chocolate or coffee so that you can find out the former best friend’s defense of the actions that caused her to become your enemy. It would give you a chance to unload what made you so upset. By definition, a best friend is someone who is a trusted confidante – did they betray that trust or do something that crossed them off.
Before you scream at her in class, and you end up looking like the freak, maybe write in a journal on what the offense was, how it made you feel, whether it was an emotional reaction, or if the offense is even realized by the offender.
Granted, there are many things that can happen to cause a falling out. Nobody can help with whether it is justified or not based on your own feelings, nor should anyone.
A “best friend” designation can sometimes be fleeting and evolving continuously. What defines a best friend to you? How many best friends have you had in the past 6 months, year, etc.? What happens to make someone fall out of favor with rapid descent to enemy?
All may be worth consideration and evaluation before you address your feelings and avoid screaming: you screaming will result in poor public image even if it is warranted. Keep that in mind.
And practice the golden rule: treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. Maybe the former best friend has no idea that they offended your values, morals or beliefs … or did something to make you this passionately emotional.
We all face obstacles and offenses, yet how we react is how we are measured. I guess I’m saying: take a deep breath, write it all down, and consider a face to face in a calm and relaxing atmosphere (not while you’re out at the pub having a drink which makes your inhibitions less guarded) and be the bigger person. Bridge understanding and communicate what they did to make you feel the way you do before you have any emotional outburst that would show you in less favorable light, even if the offense is astronomical.
More questions posed to me
and my responses. An unofficial, non-compensated version of Dear Abby or who is doing that anymore anyhow? (Search and insert information and link] to which I dole out habitually and consistently. My take on motherhood and what my takeaways are from the experience:
Honestly? Well I want to be a Queen, princess at the very least. With it the responsibility of always being fashionably dressed, impeccable coif, an assistant, a butler, a maid, a financier, at the very least. People curtsy or bowing upon meeting. I would wear gloves to avoid germs, dirt, disease. I am financially reliable since I can provide my own tiara, having a selection of a few. I am humble, I try to help others without any monetary reward. Although, treasuring honesty, admit that I salvitate at the thought of compensation from people reading my gripes, quips, tips, trips posts. I am truly sorry! I got sidetracked, totally disregarding the question. I apologize. Oopsie.
Simply? Go to the Nobel website and determine under which category you feel more aligned with: peace, literature, for examples, then study who have been the most recent recipients that you more closely identify with: can adopt a believable adaptation of anyone of them by providing the skill and talent to stand beside them. Then I’d say: Go for it! Who is anyone that could contradict YOU? YOU are the ONLY person in lives in that house: your brain, body.
I Representing distinguished “Career” mothers
Not the ones who decided to stay home, afforded or forced or otherwise.
That is the stereotypical response to when most people think of what the
term means. Immediately conjuring up the names from the past, deeply
entrenched in our subconscious and belief system.
YOU CAN. When you determine the qualities and define what a “good relationship” means to you. YOU CAN. Continuously keep in touch whether it is instantaneous via technology like SKYPE or FACETIME (Apple(c) at a mutually agreed schedule or scheduled time. YOU CAN: Express how important this “good relationship” is to you at every opportunity, whether verbally, over the telephone, video, web, email, post, handwritten or printed letter, diagrams, cartoons or poems, including the person who is whom you share this “good relationship” with. [I am answering from the female perspective, uniquely my own opinion]. YOU CAN: Be devout, devoted, moral, demonstrative, philosophically and physically showing your commitment to both the relationship and continuing to be worthy of the relationship. Understanding, you reap what you sow. YOU CAN: Control your own behavior regardless of circumstance or circumstances you find yourself in. Being worthy of that ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Keep in touch steadfastly and faithfully, divulging periods of blackout due to foreseen or surprise. YOU CAN: Hold the same expectations of yourself as you would the other member in the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Withhold from behavior that you would not have should the object of desire or person within the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Resort to inspiration from scripture or literature or art. Be wary of bad habits or undertakings that can deteriorate the eyes of the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: treat your significant being in the ‘good relationship’ no worse than you would your mother, daughter, friend, military team mate. YOU CAN: continue to be the person to whom the ‘good relationship’ was formed from. YOU CAN: go home or wherever said “good relationship” is at every chance you get. YOU CAN: communicate your love, devotion, feelings, missings, musings, fears, desires, goals, ambitions.
YOU CANNOT: control the other person while you are away. They will make their mistakes, face their consequences, commit niceness or nastiness, without you.
As it should be. I know, easy eh?
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2kh2tqJ
0 notes
Maybe this will be my rantings blog :
Yet that is just what fuels a lot of misconceptions of women in general. There are a lot of funny references to levels of contribution in the world, like:
* domestic goddess
* Mary Tyler Moore famous role or Donna Reed character from the early years of television (which was invented LONG time before I was born)
* Screen sirens like Marilyn Monroe to wannabes like Madonna and Britney Speers (however you spell that since it confused spell checker, back space, highlight, right click on mouse, then click selection from option or suggestion to go on a bigger digging expedition with Google …. )
* Perky, cute role models like Katie Couric (and I’m Canadian eh?), Maria in The Sound of Music character, Samantha in Betwitched, Olivia Newton John in Grease or whomever you would insert as a name that you relate time for this genre.
The less popular, yet more communicated is the aggressive female executive.
Re: CareerBuilder Job Application : Banking Administrative Assistant
7:20 AM (10 hours ago)
to me
Can I confirm you have a valid Canadian securities course?
Talent Management Leader
On Dec 15, 2017, at 1:52 PM, Jeannette Marshall via CareerBuilder
You have received …. by replying to this email. Your Reference ID for this job is CAN_s.
Thank you for your response Michelle. I appreciate the reaction :o)
No, I did not state in my CV or anywhere having taken the Canadian Securities Course certification, however, I did confirm that I have Canadian (Secret-past and Reliability-now) Securities Status issued by the Canadian government. To some, that is valuable validation: me, for one, to indicate that I am an honest person.
Intellectually, I have had to go from a newly hired to jump into one of the most critical portfolios by one of my greatest managers who recognized my strength in my ability to parachute in with both feet landing on the ground: exuding confidence and expertise, building trust immediate. I could communicate with executives on a personable level after being kicked out of the nest within only a month of onboarding to attending a festive cocktail….. smoozing with distinguished executives of Canada’s most high-powered, rubbing elbows in a small circle where one woman was engaging support and advice from the other women, pretty oblivious to the aggressive antics of single ladies and young manifico males trouncing on former friends to get ahead: I could actually contribute. I had the experience of deciding I would not go back to work fulltime unless my children would have no less care than I, myself, would provide [ aka super woman extraordinaire or Yuppy ] settling with a full time live out nanny to enhance my home, children, spouse, career, employer without any sacrifice other than my pocket book.
But some days don’t you just wanna send an email response like this? Instead, we’re required to remain refined and poised when all we want to do is scream!
Speaking of screaming
I jump on Quora fairly infrequently but deciding more recently that I really like the experience there. Since I have this thirst for knowledge and pursuit of really interesting things. It allows me to keep the vibe of catching the vibe of what is going on online.
Advice About Coping with and Overcoming Fear
I had a best friend who became my enemy. I don’t think she knows or cares, but after winter I’m afraid I’m going to scream at her in class. What do I say or do to avoid that?
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5 Answers
Jeannette Marshall, in order to reinforce my own learnings and leanings, i try to help others
Answered 5h ago
There are a lot of conflicting statements just in the question alone: i.e. best friend and enemy.
The person is not aware of the change in status? We don’t know what was done for the fall from grace, therefore, we cannot understand what takes someone from best friend to evil enemy?
Most highly emotional triggers can be minimized if one examines what the root cause is.
The best advice I would give is suggesting you go for tea, hot chocolate or coffee so that you can find out the former best friend’s defense of the actions that caused her to become your enemy. It would give you a chance to unload what made you so upset. By definition, a best friend is someone who is a trusted confidante – did they betray that trust or do something that crossed them off.
Before you scream at her in class, and you end up looking like the freak, maybe write in a journal on what the offense was, how it made you feel, whether it was an emotional reaction, or if the offense is even realized by the offender.
Granted, there are many things that can happen to cause a falling out. Nobody can help with whether it is justified or not based on your own feelings, nor should anyone.
A “best friend” designation can sometimes be fleeting and evolving continuously. What defines a best friend to you? How many best friends have you had in the past 6 months, year, etc.? What happens to make someone fall out of favor with rapid descent to enemy?
All may be worth consideration and evaluation before you address your feelings and avoid screaming: you screaming will result in poor public image even if it is warranted. Keep that in mind.
And practice the golden rule: treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. Maybe the former best friend has no idea that they offended your values, morals or beliefs … or did something to make you this passionately emotional.
We all face obstacles and offenses, yet how we react is how we are measured. I guess I’m saying: take a deep breath, write it all down, and consider a face to face in a calm and relaxing atmosphere (not while you’re out at the pub having a drink which makes your inhibitions less guarded) and be the bigger person. Bridge understanding and communicate what they did to make you feel the way you do before you have any emotional outburst that would show you in less favorable light, even if the offense is astronomical.
More questions posed to me
and my responses. An unofficial, non-compensated version of Dear Abby or who is doing that anymore anyhow? (Search and insert information and link] to which I dole out habitually and consistently. My take on motherhood and what my takeaways are from the experience:
Honestly? Well I want to be a Queen, princess at the very least. With it the responsibility of always being fashionably dressed, impeccable coif, an assistant, a butler, a maid, a financier, at the very least. People curtsy or bowing upon meeting. I would wear gloves to avoid germs, dirt, disease. I am financially reliable since I can provide my own tiara, having a selection of a few. I am humble, I try to help others without any monetary reward. Although, treasuring honesty, admit that I salvitate at the thought of compensation from people reading my gripes, quips, tips, trips posts. I am truly sorry! I got sidetracked, totally disregarding the question. I apologize. Oopsie.
Simply? Go to the Nobel website and determine under which category you feel more aligned with: peace, literature, for examples, then study who have been the most recent recipients that you more closely identify with: can adopt a believable adaptation of anyone of them by providing the skill and talent to stand beside them. Then I’d say: Go for it! Who is anyone that could contradict YOU? YOU are the ONLY person in lives in that house: your brain, body.
I Representing distinguished “Career” mothers
Not the ones who decided to stay home, afforded or forced or otherwise.
That is the stereotypical response to when most people think of what the
term means. Immediately conjuring up the names from the past, deeply
entrenched in our subconscious and belief system.
YOU CAN. When you determine the qualities and define what a “good relationship” means to you. YOU CAN. Continuously keep in touch whether it is instantaneous via technology like SKYPE or FACETIME (Apple(c) at a mutually agreed schedule or scheduled time. YOU CAN: Express how important this “good relationship” is to you at every opportunity, whether verbally, over the telephone, video, web, email, post, handwritten or printed letter, diagrams, cartoons or poems, including the person who is whom you share this “good relationship” with. [I am answering from the female perspective, uniquely my own opinion]. YOU CAN: Be devout, devoted, moral, demonstrative, philosophically and physically showing your commitment to both the relationship and continuing to be worthy of the relationship. Understanding, you reap what you sow. YOU CAN: Control your own behavior regardless of circumstance or circumstances you find yourself in. Being worthy of that ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Keep in touch steadfastly and faithfully, divulging periods of blackout due to foreseen or surprise. YOU CAN: Hold the same expectations of yourself as you would the other member in the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Withhold from behavior that you would not have should the object of desire or person within the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: Resort to inspiration from scripture or literature or art. Be wary of bad habits or undertakings that can deteriorate the eyes of the ‘good relationship’. YOU CAN: treat your significant being in the ‘good relationship’ no worse than you would your mother, daughter, friend, military team mate. YOU CAN: continue to be the person to whom the ‘good relationship’ was formed from. YOU CAN: go home or wherever said “good relationship” is at every chance you get. YOU CAN: communicate your love, devotion, feelings, missings, musings, fears, desires, goals, ambitions.
YOU CANNOT: control the other person while you are away. They will make their mistakes, face their consequences, commit niceness or nastiness, without you.
As it should be. I know, easy eh?
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