#blog firsttimeblog schoolwork
moshuraih25-blog · 5 years
Sunday, march 1st 2020
well this is my first day writing a blog. not too sure what i should write but according to my knowledge i’m supposed to write what i did that day. so it was a normal day i woke up at 5 and prayed and recited quran. after that i decided to play some games until my mom makes breakfast. so i got my laptop and opened it and played until 9 00 AM. after that i went to eat a yummy breakfast consisting of cheese sandwich. after the breakfast i started to study since tests were 2 weeks away. so after studying i went and took a shower and played cards with my little brother. he might be annoying but it is always fun to play a game with him. after playing with him until 1 pm my mom called for lunch. so i went and ate a delicious plate of homemade friend noodles. after eating i went and played some games with a friend of mine. after playing for a long time i stopped looking at the time realising that its almost maghrib prayer time. so i went and took wudu and waited until its maghrib time. when it was maghrib time i prayed and again recited quran for 20 minuets. after that i turned on my laptop and talked to some of my friends on social media until isha. when it was isha i went and prayed and i got ready to sleep. few minuets later my mom called for dinner and i went to eat. after that i brushed my teeth and went to sleep.
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