otcpower · 1 month
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maggie44paint · 3 months
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Our bravest soldier has fallen
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leo-fie · 6 months
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The quilted progress pride pillowcase is finished! Finally used all those fancy decorative stitches my sewing machine has. They are indeed very decorative. First time actually finishing a quilt and being happy with it. Yes, it's a little bubbly and wonky, but I don't care. Because it's a pillowcase, nobody would notice if it were all perfectly neat. The filling is a cobbled together bunch of floof from all the pillows my dog has torn up in the past. Don't worry, she won't get this one.
Based on my own pattern, which is in turn based on the progress pride flag design by Valentino Vecchietti.
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magicicephoenix · 3 months
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happy 414 day!! time for another silly photo op :D
without text below cut:
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miralyk · 6 months
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you've heard of "ghosts in the machine", now get ready for "tfw your current art muses haunting you are hoodie-wearing killers asking you play all their games,, ALL of them"
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oheck-trainwreck · 3 months
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I adore her. she's such a sweetie.
I hope we see more of Ollie in the future.
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aneacc · 1 year
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We practice resurrection every night Raising the dead under the moonlight And in the gloaming, I start to cry You're a perfect pearl hung in the sky There is no bad, there is no good I drank all the blood that I could Made myself mythical, tried to be real Saw the future in the face of 
a Daffodil
 Lyrics by my beloved Florence and the Machine
I'm in a small burnout after tying to make a whole portfolio in just a month, but I'm recovering slowly while I'm trying different styles, and just drawing for the sake of it 😌
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midnightfire830 · 2 months
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[fades into existence after months of art block]
Heyyyyy soooo uhhhhhhhh here’s Cuphead with a scythe in my old good ending AU. (I’ve had that au for a while so it’s nothing new).
Uhm. Idk what else to add to this post so…… yeah.
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eternalglitch · 9 months
I don't do it often but ao3 does have a block function now that effectively makes users unable to comment on any of my work and if you go to my other works and just talk about lfls updating I might use it. As a warning.
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blue-cat-shitposts · 2 years
You youngsters have it easy, with your good 3d models and hot voices for the ink demons. Only the '17 kids remember when the Ink Demon used to look like THIS:
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mirith · 10 months
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Blocking is magical. I didn't expect it to block as well as it did, but oh wow am I really happy with this scarf.
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I mean, look at this guy. Pre-block it's just a snake. And then it turns into a scarf??
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Machine knit, free pattern (not mine) on Youtube: https://youtu.be/IaW9c9JGQz8?si=bd2cSgY8h_tJT8VE.
Yarn is handspun, I believe the fiber was Paper Roses by Greenwood Fiberworks.
Very quick knit and satisfying pattern. Will probably make another scarf or two like this.
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ineed-to-sleep · 6 months
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We've started blocking it out babey *I say completely chill and cool and unaffected as if I didn't just become a pathetic beast screeching in pain on my tattoo artist's chair today for 2 hours*
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bendyy-blog · 5 months
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leo-fie · 4 months
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I made a thing! A quilt! It's not even half bad!
A while ago I suggested to make a quilt block out of the stomachion, an ancient puzzle. The idea being that all the same pieces can be arranged in hundreds of different ways. Endless possibilities!
Here's the pattern: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1weC-IQvsRzT-LH1NUlPDYfxV-axT-w/view?usp=sharing
Please tag me if you try it. I'd love to see someone who actually knows what they are doing, make this.
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sourtomatola · 7 months
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Ghost in the machine doodles @venomous-qwille
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frog-girlfriend · 1 year
who would win in a fight? a redstone genius and his super spy partner with their disguises, secret base and tnt loaded flying machines vs 3 guys in tie-dye outfits who keep eating their own poisonous cookies
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