#blitz and fizz's interactions were so cute
crenmir · 11 months
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The new episode was fantastic!! I absolutely loved it. I'm not a huge fan of musicals, but I really enjoyed this. Especially Ozzie and Fizz's song. Mammon was a very interesting character. Him threatening Ozzie and then just being like...well...shit, when he said the "secret" anyways was hilarious. Ozzie absolutely hating Mammon's guts was awesome. He would know better than most how the other sins operate. That crazy stalker guy was disturbing, and I was so happy when Blitz blew his head off. Speaking of Blitz, he was great this episode. His short but friendly moments with Ozzie were nice. And he was genuinely trying to support Fizz, in his own way.
And I'm gonna rant about Ozzie and Fizz for a minute here. They. Are. So. Damn. Cute! Ozzie the entire episode was like, "Babe talk to me. I see you're struggling, let me love you." And it was great. Hearing them say "I love you" to each other was amazing. I adore how protective and caring Ozzie is to Fizz. Fizz's breakdown was heartbreaking, but Ozzie comforting him and telling him that win or lose he'll always be there was just beautiful. And bringing up Ozzie telling everyone he loves Fizz again, I loved how nobody was shocked. The crowd was cheering and saying "I knew it, I knew it!" That was the best. Even if Mammon says Ozzie will regret it. And the snuggles on stage and in the car after they left, so adorable. These two have probably dethroned Moxxie and Millie as Hell's sweetest couple.
Just look at the way he looks at Fizz. True love.
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Also, shout out to whoever had the idea to make Fizz know sign language and interact with a cute kid, because that was genius and I will never get over it.
Those twins were really cool looking. They're obviously from the envy ring, which might give us a hint that we'll see that ring soon, but I don't really know.
Fizz having a crisis about still being good enough to stay on top after so many years was honestly really interesting to see. Because of the status he got from being Mammon's brand face, he was able to meet Ozzie and have a good life he wouldn't have been able to otherwise. The animation of the panic attacks was ironically beautiful. Showing how much stress Fizz was under and how it was taking a very serious toll on him.
I do worry about what might happen now that Ozzie and Fizz are officially out in the open so to speak. Fizz definitely seemed scared or at least nervous when Ozzie admitted to them being together. Which makes sense since the media will likely go after Fizz more than Ozzie because of his status. We already saw that in the newspaper from episode 6, when Fizz was called a gold digger and only after sex and money from Ozzie, which isn't true. With the money Fizz made as Mammon's brand face he was more than capable of living comfortably on his own. I feel like this might lead to a fight between them. Not a break up, but definitely a bigger fight than they've probably had before. But I can see it ending with Ozzie apologizing for blurting it out in the heat of the moment and not thinking about how Fizz could be affected. I believe that Ozzie will listen to Fizz's concerns and do his best to make things right, though it might be too late to change anything, they'll make it through.
Very excited to see what happens next.
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fizziepopangel · 1 year
Hello, Fizz! Have you seen the new episode of Helluva Boss? I really liked the episode, I loved Striker's appearance and Fizz's relationship with Ozzie!
- Crystal 🎀💖✨️
Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!! Like I absolutely loved this episode!!!!! I was so excited to have a Fizz-centric episode and I was not disappointed with what we were given! We saw so much growth for Fizz and Blitz, and we got some real insight into the relationships between Fizz and his lover Ozzie, and Fizz and Blitz!!! I loved seeing Striker and Crimson making reappearances and I honestly really like the idea of them becoming a duo for a while, so I’m hoping that Crimson will overlook the fact that the plan didn’t go as it was supposed to keep Striker on his team for a while (especially since he has encountered the IMP crew and lived, unlike his own mob style shark demons who literally only encountered a raging Millie a.k.a. “a dame”.) 
Ok, so there was so much in this episode that I loved, but I think my big three for this episode were seeing Hell’s worst kept secret in action, seeing Fizz and his little emotional support puppy, and seeing Fizz and Blitz both get a bit of closure from the incident in their childhood. 
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I loved the way that trauma was addressed in this because it really showed two sides of the coin by keeping the dynamic between Blitz and his former best friend strained through a large part of the episode, but we do see the more vulnerable sides of it when Blitz admits his part in Fizz’s trauma (and his own), and when we meet Fizz’s disabled emotional support pup Precious. Now, I theorized somewhere along the way to this episode that Blitz was the cause of the fire that injured Fizz when they were kids, and that it was an accident, but I hadn’t realized that Fizz actually had to watch everyone leave him behind when shit hit the fan, and then watch Blitz run in the opposite direction from him when he reached for him. Seeing that in itself probably killed a little part of him and coupling that with how terrified he must’ve been watching everything go up in flames and then literally being blown up and the pain he was undoubtedly in, the trauma there was deeply rooted in him, like that became a core memory and likely affected everything from how he forms bonds with others now, to his self-image, to how he experiences certain stimuli…. Thinking about how much changed for him in that pivotal moment of watching everyone, including his best friend, abandon him when he needed them most I think is what made him cold and I think that he healed from most of that while with Ozzie, but I don’t think he ever really healed from being abandoned by Blitz because within the flashbacks, it seems likely that he felt Blitz was more than just a best friend, but rather family, and since we don’t know much about Fizz’s background, I’m theorizing that he may not have had a good home life or may not have had a family at all, making his relationship with Blitz that much more of a loss for him, and making him that much harder to forgive for all these years. I love that we see that anger and that coldness about him with Blitz but we do see that more vulnerable, gentle, happier side of him when he’s not interacting with him. It really does show the upset that’s still there between them and I love that he addressed that in this episode. I also loved seeing how he actually does find comfort in Ozzie, not just because he’s powerful, but because Ozzie has shown genuine care for outside of him being a performer, even going as far as gifting him a pack of cute little dogs, one of which acts as his emotional support pet for the traumatized imp.Seeing that in action was honestly really nice since we this is a healthier relationship than what we’ve gotten to see happening between a prince and a lower class demon (*cough, cough* Stolitz…).
Now, on the other side, I was internally screaming when we saw Blitz legit take ownership of what happened. Like this is the first time that he’s taken responsibility for his fucked up shit sober, and not only does he acknowlege and show genuine remorse for what he’s done, this is the first time we’ve see him actually tap into that hurt that he’s been holding on to for so long. Blitz knew he fucked up. Two of the people he loved most in the world got hurt in that fire and he knows that even if it was an accident, it was something he did that caused it. He lost three people that day since it’s likely that losing their mom is what triggered Barbie’s spiral and it’s clear from her appearance in “Unhappy Campers” that she does blame her brother for her life being a wreck since then…. All of that has been weighing on this man since it happened and I think the fact that no he’s never outwardly acknowledged it, he’s not even begun to heal from it. We get to a genuine air of healing start for Blitz here and I love that for him since it really does seem like he’s slowly healing in a lot of aspects of his life and I’m not gonna lie, this is really one I was rooting for him to get through because I think he and Fizz deserve to closure and the friendship.
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And of course, we have to take a moment to scream internally about the worst kept secret in Hell: Ozzie and his Fizzy Frog!!! When I say I almost fell out of my bed when we got to see this pairing together, like oh my fucking god!!! I loved the insight into the Fizzmodeus relationship because it was a really nice change of pace considering the only other royal x lower class relationship we see in the show is Stolas and Blitz, and they’re…. rocky, at best most of the time. Fizz and Ozzie on the other hand have a more open relationship with each other in the sense that they aren’t afraid to show that they care for one another, like to the point where they are literally referred to as Hell’s worst kept secret and Asmodeus himself is referred to as a hypocrite… But despite trying to hide the relationship, we get to see just how much care there is for one another behind closed doors and just how domestic Ozzie can be when it comes to his lover. I thought it was honestly refreshing to see a healthier relationship like this outside of just the M&M relationship we’ve seen. I also think Ozzie’s appearance in this episode opens up the possibility to explore love and lust and how they can coexist within a relationship, which I have always found to be an interesting topic.
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I also wanted to shout some praise for the voice actors and animation team because there was so much emotion in everything in this episode that I don’t even see in some live action shows/ movies I watch! Like I’m not one to cry watching something like this, and I’ve never been that  type of girl, but I could feel so much of the emotion in this animation that it legit opened up the untapped emotions I was struggling with regarding my own mother’s passing last year when Blitz mentions losing her in the fire. A 27 minute episode took me almost an hour to watch because the flashback and then him acknowledging what he lost hit me like a fucking train and I was sitting there like a fucking wreck. Considering I’ve been deemed the robot of my friends and family because things like that don’t normally phase me when I’m watching shows, I think Viv and her team deserve a round of applause for doing well enough here to actually resonate with me enough to break me like that because I know I cannot be the only one who was a snot-nosed mess watching this. 
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Anywhore, as always, this is just my thoughts on the episode and I would love to hear how everyone else felt about it! Anyone else feel like maybe this one could be a new fan favorite? I’d love to hear some other perspectives if anyone has any!
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fizzarollitm · 4 months
❝ This place is nice, very you. Y'know, with all the mirrors and posters of your face and shit. ❞ Blitz is grinning - nervous but excited, the way he greets almost every interaction with Fizz these days. Moreso, now that everything with Mammon has gone down. Maybe he doesn't need to tread so carefully, but the voice in the back of his mind constantly whispers that he may be one wrong comment away from ruining this bridge Fizz has let them rebuild between them. Fizz's place is nice, at least. Touches of green and blue on every surface, pictures of himself, Ozzie, the dogs. Blitz glances at a few of them, heart impossibly warm, before he carefully settles on the sofa that looks straight out of a home design magazine. - Fuck, there's so much to talk about - with them, with Fizz, with his own life, his tail twitches with restless energy.
❝ Sooo, how are ... y'know ... things ? ❞ | @madefate
" Fan-fucking-tastic, thanks for askin' " Fizzy picked up Precious and let her flutter against his chest as she got comfortable. The rest were likely annoying Ozzie as he made Dinner both wanting something to eat and happy Daddy was home. " Ozz and I are planning a trip once he winds things down with the factory. I haven't been to Envy or Sloth for anything besides work in years. "
Retirement felt good on him. He missed the stage, the crowds, and performing itself, but he could admit he needed a fucking break. No more long weeks on the road surviving on selfies and videos of his Bbs (all 10 of them) to get through the distance. It was honestly perfect: shopping, good food, sex, and hour of bad television. " But enough about how perfect my fuckin' life is, how are things on your end ? " Fizzy leaned toward him. " Like maybe about that cute birdy ya' keep humping. "
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