#blind eye ford au
kuj0goth · 6 months
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An au where fiddleford “saves” ford before he can complete the portal and renders him a husk of the person he used to be
This hurts me more than it hurts you ❤️
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zeriphi · 1 month
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I know people have a variety of takes on this AU. I just like the angst of FIddleford being forced into a situation where he has to wipe Ford's memory or let Bill destroy the universe (and Bill somewhat over relying on his assumption that Fiddleford would never do anything to hurt Ford)
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randombook4idk · 1 month
no one asked but Gravity Falls Reverse Time AU (basically kids and adults switch roles)
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Dipper -> Ford
Mabel -> Stan
Gideon -> Bud
Pacifica -> Fiddleford
EDIT: Turns out this AU has a name and now I feel stupid
#details and story will post later since they need ironing but but quick infor anyway -#dipper wanted to submit supernatural proof to a big name collage but mabel (accidentally) ruined it making dipper a laughting stock#this causes their fallout with dipper feeling like he cant rely on others and he's always the one to sacrifice his own wants for others#mabel travels around the world to find her calling but never finds a place to settle#gideon and mabel start dating after dipper get sucked into the portal but mabel ends things G isnt over her#for 30y he still makes attempts to rekindle things with mabel even using his son's (bud) friendship with stan to do so#after pacifica hired dipper to deal with her ghost problem they saw they were a good team & she agreed to fund his portal#believing he would use it to close the gap between the weirdness/supernatural and gravity falls making it a normal town#after learning he intends to rather open the gap and after almost getting into the portal she ends the partnership starting the blind eye#society to forget what she noticed up close to the portal and the guilt of almost putting the town in danger in northwest style#to dipper opening the portal would connect the words and prove the world he was right about the supernatural existing#but learning of bill's true motives he shuts down the portal (like ford does in canon)#gravity falls#gravity falls au#reverse times au#dipper pines#mabel pines#gideon gleeful#pacific northwest#gravity falls dipper#gravity falls mabel#gravity falls gideon#gravity falls pacifica#relativity falls
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thechillsquid · 9 days
Blind Eyes Au
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Ya know what’s funny? Is like at a certain point in this au after Stan and McGucket have been working on rebuilding the portal for years now with Bill, they just kinda… get weirdly used to him.
Like it’s not a friendship at all, but they’re all aware their using each other (well Stan and McGucket are using Bill to help with the portal to get Ford back while vice versa Bill is using these two to open up another possible rift her can use, McGucket and Stan bicker and shit but they drink and smoke together so there’s that)
So it’s kinda interesting how the power dynamic forces Bill to actually work with these two while trying to get them to do what he wants, cause he knows they know he doesn’t really just care about getting Ford back, and McGucket knows how the portal could influence things
So it’s like, kinda funny that way; they just sorta talk to him like just another coworker or something and it pisses the triangle off so much but he literally can’t do jackshit to either of them cause then they stop working on the portal and like it or not he kinda sorta needs these two morons
So it gets like… weirdly casual, and McGucket just sorta ends up talking more and more with Bill (trying to pry secrets outta him and answers in general) while Bill talks to him cause welp, Stan can talk circles around him and his more laidback attitude gets on the triangles nerves
So those two end up kinda finding some common ground while Stan and McGucket become sorta pals/sorta criminal partners since fuck it, what’s there to lose anymore? Stan’s been on the run for ages and McGucket’s fresh out of a divorce and doesn’t got much else to go back to
So like eventually over the decades, it’s just this really fucking sitcom dynamic and when Ford comes back it’s going to be fucking hilarious cause by that point Bill and McGucket are lowkey dating (romantically), McGucket and Stan are also sorta dating (more queerplatonic than anything else), and Stan now knows how to do astrophysics
So Ford comes back and he’s just trying to figure out what the fuck is happening but oh that makes sense why over the last decade Bill’s henchmanics haven’t been trying to kill me and oh god Stan what the hell did you do to my house and again what the fuck what the fuck what—
And then Bill invites Ford to his and McGucket’s wedding and he faints
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Once I make some alternate outfits for some characters (and alternate hairstyles for Pacifica) I think I'm gonna drop my au designs alongside some lore bits explaining why I've chosen what I have
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rigbee · 5 days
this is a snippet from my AU that I’m working on called the Cult of the Blind Eye :3 it started as a NITW crossover but slowly developed into its own thing, hence Ford being a cat in the bonus sketches lawl. I will explain it in more depth later but I’m very pleased with this idea and excited to share more! :D
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bonus sketches:
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hua-liansimp · 30 days
Gravity Falls canon divergence AU where Bill does send someone to steal Ford's eyes and then possesses Fiddleford to approach blind Ford. Fiddleford/Bill nurses Ford back to health, and then pretends to be sorry for leaving Ford, he sticks around to help him adjust to losing his sight. Eventually, an extremely exhausted and broken Ford breaks down and confesses everything that truly happened during their partnership, and Fiddleford/Bill "comforts" him. He promises to never leave him, saying that he won't let that "monster" hurt Ford ever again.
Bill thinks it would be too risky to convince Ford to continue with the portal so soon, afraid of arousing his suspicion, so he just ends up moving in and caring for blind Ford, gaining his trust everyday a little more. What Bill doesn't expect is that he enjoys their current situation way more than he thought he would (Ford is dependent on him once again, he doesn't even know he's being tricked, the fool, but also Bill can be close to him again, they can play and banter and it's like nothing ever changed), and years pass without any work being done on the portal as they grow closer and closer.
It's only decades later that Bill slips up and leaves for some business in the middle of the night. Ford wakes up for a cup of water to find mind broken Fiddleford wandering around his kitchen muttering about a demon living in his head and keeping him trapped.
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thebeetleb0y · 1 month
What are some pieces of gravity falls lore that haunt you the most? I’ll go first
The fact that the reason the town acted so unaware of the weird phenomena around them until weirdmaggedon is that they all had collective brain damage from the society of the blind eye
That Bill called Stan as Ford to tell him that Ford was going to kill himself, and the only thing that saved the situation was Stan’s number being disconnected
That McGucket was also using the memory gun on Ford to make him forget things he did. Ford literally had two men manipulating his mind
That there’s an alternate universe of every episode where the kids died/failed and you can see the exact moment where it would have deviated in each episode. Oh and that all the AU kids want revenge on our Dipper and Mabel
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stephreynaart · 11 months
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A commission for @jacky-rubou of their AU with blind!Ford and his seeing-eye companion Sixtus.
I absolutely love how this came out!
Be sure to check out their fic series for Blind!Ford HERE
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beartitled · 16 days
ur au inspired me alot so have this writings I made based off of ur evil cipher parents au...
Bill cipher was SUPPOSED to be a normal Euclidean. A normal triangle. Despite his color not being right and he was practically blind in his 2d world.
All he knew about his parents was that his mom was a lovely deep blue, and his father was a wonderous shade of red.
And he was okay with that.
Atleast he could stare at the stars as his mother's voice lulled him to sleep.
.. he swore he saw a group of stars moving… It looked weird, it was a line with a dip down at the back end, and what looked like a trapezoid(he believes that's what trapezoids look like, it was hard to see anyone else in the first place) on the front end.. it was unlike anything he'd ever seen before.
"Ma.. Some stars are moving…" Billy said, his voice a soft mumble.
"Billy, there's nothing there moving… I promise.." Billy's mom said, her voice silky smooth.
Billy hummed in reply, just watching the bundle of stars move in such an odd way.. then there was one that looked like one of the star shaped people he's somewhat seen, but it had a trail coming from the back. The two bundles paused, as if they were staring at him.
It was.. unnerving.
"Ma..?" Billy called quietly. There wasn't any reply. Mom must've left already.
Billy didn't want to bother her. So he just watched the two bundle of stars.. Until they got closer. They weren't stars.
They looks so weird.
He was scared- it was so scary- he suddenly wanted to be normal- to have an eye where it's supposed to be-
One of the giant things reached down and carefully scooped him up-- Billy gasped loudly as he was lifted up-- he could see so much MORE. He could see the two giant things he originally thought were stars.
They were.. 3D. He had thought no such things could exist!.
But if they were here, why did they pick him-- Was it because he could see them?
Billy whined softly, Glancing around nervously for some sort of escape. But there was none.
"Billy?" He heard his mom say, "Billyy? Where are you?"
Billy Desperately wanted to tell his mom he was still here- he just couldn't describe it.
"Mabel what do we do now-?" The first giant said, the one with the line and trapezoid thingy on the front on their forehead. The other had no markings, but he could tell that they were the star shaped bundle of stars.
"Just kill him- like.. like Grunkle Ford said.. to.." The star said.
The trapezoid with a line frowned, Shaking its head.
"I'm not gonna kill him, he's.. so small.."
"Then what?"
".. surely Grunkle Ford wouldn't mind if we take him home?"
Billy didn't understand what they were saying.
"BILLY??" Mom called out, much louder.
"I'm here, Ma." Billy replied. But mom didn't seem to hear him. So he tried saying it louder. "Here, Ma."
Still, nothing. Next thing he knew, he felt so odd, he didn't feel right.
He could move more. Everything wasn't hard to see, he could TURN.
"That was just a dream, Bill."
pls enjoy :3
Awwww thank you ❤️ Glad my comic inspired you to create this is so sweet 🥹
I love the atmosphere ✨ You can feel the unease 👀
Also MABEL?????? HOW ARE YOU SO BRUTAL? Don’t kill da baby D:
I know it’s a nightmare and it would be really fitting tbh (I think Bill would be paranoid/have anxiety about Pines now liking him) (if Pines have the memories present, there would be discomfort vibes between them)
But still
Mabel would never 😭 would she? 😭
Oh and 💥 this was Bill’s POV probably huh
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Also forgot to mention it in part 3 💥
A person wrote a great short fanfic about how “normal” Bill would meet his parents (with a happy ending :D)
They didn’t want to share it publicly, I respect the decision so not tagging them
But just wanted to say that I really appreciate your fan works fellas 💕
It’s a delight to read your fanfics, makes me happy to know that people like my silly comic so much that they were inspired to create 🥹
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ckret2 · 8 months
I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I'm curious! So I saw an ask asking if Ford considers Soos and Wendy family. And I was wondering if Ford considered Fiddleford family and would ask Bill to spare him as well? Would Fidds family (his son) apply as well?
It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that in the Evil Ford AU, Ford is Fiddleford's enemy.
Consider what happened between them:
Fiddleford repeatedly got scared of monsters
Bill told Ford that Fiddleford might be too cowardly for this
Fiddleford asked Ford to quit by writing him a research paper
Ford gets offended and wonders if Bill was right
They do the portal test; Fiddleford is traumatized and leaves.
Ford confronts Bill; Bill reveals his evil plan.
What happens next in canon:
Ford is horrified, betrayed, and vengeful.
Ford realizes Bill was manipulating him to turn against Fiddleford
Ford spends the next thirty years regretting turning his back on Fiddleford and not listening to his warnings.
What happens next in the Evil Ford AU:
Ford goes "Cool. Can I join the evil plan?"
He's even MORE sure Bill was right about Fiddleford.
So: he still considers Fiddleford a coward, he's still insulted that Fiddleford tried to "steal" his research, and he still thinks Fiddleford is a loser for quitting just when things were getting good.
On top of that, I've decided that the reason Ford called Stan for help is obviously not because he was paranoid Bill was after him, but because he was paranoid the Blind Eye was after him, as Fiddleford realized Ford was carrying on with this terrible idea and used his new cult to try to stop him.
... And then, after everything else, Fiddleford wrecked Ford's house.
You're welcome to insert whatever additional lingering feelings you want into this mess, we're leaving that open-ended here. But right now they are very much enemies and Ford's got a long list of petty grievances against him, as is wont to happen when a villain thinks a hero is trying to thwart his ambitions.
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kuj0goth · 26 days
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More evil cultist Fiddleford ft. Stan who is working his butt off to take Fidds down.
To recap, this au centers around Fiddleford kidnapping and erasing Ford’s identity the very same night he sends the postcard to Stan. He is left unable to function and cannot take care of himself.
I imagine the turn this au would take is for Stan and Fiddleford to have a battle of wits type rivalry as Stan tries to gather proof that something is amiss with the whole situation and Fiddleford has to keep the brothers separated (while actively losing their mind). Bill will be involved.
Settled on “Blind Eye Ford Au” for the title because it’s vague enough to encapsulate all of my ideas.
Excited to share more!
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year2000electronics · 11 days
Your fiddleford monster au design makes me have so many questions in a good way. Gnawing on the bars on my enclosure kind of way. Does the curse seemingly not affect him in his one year stay helping Ford, and so he does that all himself? Does The Curse, as vague as it is, count that; and drive people to modify themselves and draw away from humanity? Like its not just this magical effect that happens but an active thing in the back of your mind to turn away from what you were born as and embrace something else? Ogh. I'm suddenly a lot more invested in this au
VERY INTERESTING QUESTIONS TO BE CERTAIN so fiddleford is a bit of a unique case where his "monster" theming is tied directly to his decline yes!
full answer under the cut it got long
in my mind, monster falls' curse is tied directly to gravity falls' natural law of weirdness magnetism/"the barrier" keeping bill in. once youve stayed there long enough for the curse to even BEGIN, it becomes harder to leave the town. you just feel drawn to it, and a dull ache in your soul if you leave. so obviously, when ford gets turned into a mothman, he does fully accept that because hes always felt more cryptid than man. but when the time comes for him to ask fiddleford for help, he lays out that "hey, youd be doing me a BIG favour if you came to help with the portal, but this town curses you if you stay for too long so itll only be a few weeks, i promise"
fidds agrees, because hey, whats a few weeks with an old friend? besides, he'll have his wife and son as an anchor to go back to. but the more he thinks about it, the more he likes staying with ford, the more he's reminded of those old times, and the more the curse starts influencing those kinds of thoughts to get louder and louder (but its not ALL the curse you know. still some autonomy in the situation) and so he keeps postponing his return date, almost "tempting fate" about the curse, because he doesn't really feel any different! his friend sprouted wings and antennae! he'd know by now, so he won't check! and ford shrugs and is like "well, alright, it's your choice, we can surely get a little closer to the point of no return"
and yknow, fiddleford denying that the curse could possibly be affecting him is almost like him in canon struggling to reconcile with his two "lives"- his home life and his life with ford. he wants to have his cake and eat it too, because he's just too timid to ever say no.
anyways, one day he wakes up and realizing he's heard the sound of technology near him for a while, and looks around, and realizes it's following him from room to room-
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the beeping IS him. it's definitely been a year, he's already been cursed. it's just that he's a robot that looks near-human, just near-human enough that he could turn a blind eye to it and pretend like it never happened and that everything was fine. which i think kinda suits how ford loves the supernatural to a very personal degree, meanwhile fidds got roped into the town by pure happenstance
but. yknow, being a robot that looks human means youre still a robot. and it's a lot harder to erase things from a robot's "brain" without causing some major problems. haven't you ever been programming something or filling out an html code, and then you accidentally delete one thing you thought was inconsequential and all of a sudden youre staring at just a wall of code that's busted because whatever you removed, you DEFINITELY SHOULD NOT HAVE removed?
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parts of fiddleford just go kaput and start breaking because he's purposely taking out large chunks of code from his own brain that end up being collateral from the memory gun. because, yknow, the memory gun is imprecise! it was designed for human brains! cos thats what fidds was for years! so it's like if you tried to repair a computer by ripping out the motherboard with pliers
thats my take on it anyways. Ya
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disacurveball · 17 days
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What if… Optometrist AU / OC… (Oculist Falls)
The GF AU brainworms have been taken hold of me and this happened. AU where One Other Euclydian survived the universe’s destruction, and it was Bill’s childhood optometrist.
A little bit about the Optometrist himself:
His name is T.J. Cross. Definitely not a literary reference from on Bill’s (least) favorite classic. He’s definitely not green for the same reason. I imagine his surname is a common one in Euclydia, as it is a shape. It fits him well though, reflecting his stern attitude.
He became an optometrist because he actually has an eye defect himself. Born with one “normal” eye and one that could see More. Defects are not allowed in Euclydia. He figured out how to blind himself to what he Shouldn’t See.
He’s nearsighted in his 2D eye, so he wears a monocle.
I’ve decided to combine this OC with evil/Blind Eye Fiddleford AUs, since both share the same goal: To Blind and To Forget.
Basic Plot:
The Billford Portal incident still happens and Fiddleford is left with a sight he wishes to forget. Except this time, he gets the idea for the memory gun in a dream, from this strange figure who just appears to give him encouragement. Obviously, he’s seen what happened to Bill and Ford so he’s not too keen on trusting something like this, but continues with the memory gun plans as normal. He won’t fall for flattery like Ford, so it’s important he thinks most of his ideas are his own free will.
Fiddleford still comes up with the idea for the Society of the Blind Eye, except this time— there’s a buffer in his head that’s keeping him from going crazy and subtly limiting his usage of the memory gun on himself. With this buffer (the optometrist) subtly creating blueprints with Fiddleford in his dreams every night, his tech patents make him a boat load of money. So much so he can buy out the Northwests and put Gravity Falls on the map.
He’s now the eccentric rich inventor, reclusive but throws grandiose parties in the manor from time to time to keep up appearances (and ward off the mansion’s curse.) But in the background, he’s leading the Society of the Blind Eye. And getting subtle guidance to expand…
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thechillsquid · 21 days
The first official art for the stupidest ship ‘HillBilly’ (@coquette-baguette you’re a fucking genuis)
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If you can’t tell by now, I’m having too much fun with gravity fall aus atm
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forcedagere · 2 days
I personally really like the idea of Bill x Reader x Ford. This one kinda ties into my previous post, but it’s not required reading. I suppose this would be an AU where Ford accepted Bill’s offer during Weirdmaggedon, or something else went wrong resulting in Bill staying in power :)
Contents: forced age regression, yandere, implied mental manipulation
Whereas Bill is far from the best caretaker (though he tries, in his own way), Ford takes care to create a semblance of structure in your life. He doesn’t have tons of practical experience with children or little ones such as you, but he makes up for it with dedication. He takes to caring for you as if it were a newly discovered, fascinating field of study. In other words… He reads many, many books, and tries all kinds of things to figure out what you like best.
Ford is not entirely fond of the kind of dynamic you have with Bill. It's not because he doesn't want to be referred to with parental terms, that's simply a matter of preference, but that he insists on you being friends above anything else. Considering the dynamics at play here, Ford cannot help but view it…
"As simply pedagogically irresponsible, Bill." The triangle in question rolls his eye. "Oh, boohoo! Fancy McFancypants over here knows what’s up!” Bill glances at you from the corner of his eye. Seeing you crack a smile while you’re sketching away with your crayons, he’s encouraged. “You read one book on how to raise a kid, and now you wanna tell me what to do? Get lost. Kid, c'mon, prove him wrong-- I'm your favourite, right?" You look up from your latest piece of art. You are drawing all three of you, in fact. You're usually deaf to their arguments, it's such a constant that you've grown used to the noise and stopped viewing it as a threat. (Your daddy calls it 'bickering'; Billy, when daddy isn't listening, calls it 'flirting'. That makes you giggle.) But you don't like getting involved in it yourself! So you firmly shake your head, and drop the pacifier attached to your necklace to speak. "No favourites… I love you both," you say with the confidence only someone as little as you could have. Billy's eyelid flutters, and your daddy smiles.
To put it simply, Bill is the ‘fun, rule-breaking parent’ and Ford is… A little less that. One should not take Bill Cipher as the benchmark of taking good care of a human, though.
Ford will make sure your meals are more varied than the endless stream of candy that Bill feeds you, and get you tucked in for sleep at regular times, too. Compared to Bill, who enjoys playing games with you and ‘roughhousing’, Ford prefers calmer activities. He’s definitely up for the occasional board game, but, most of the time, he’ll read to you, make drawings upon requests (or give you lessons!), or toy around with science experiments safe for someone who gets the urge to put anything that looks interesting inside their mouth.
He might’ve taken you for an adventure or two outside, but… The world hasn’t been the same since Bill got his hands all over it. He may be technically immortal now. You decidedly are not, as far as he knows. Either way, he doubts that Bill would let you out of this room to begin with. He doesn’t have to ask to be able to know that. If there is any reason he would keep someone locked up the way he does with you, it must be because you have some form of special connection to him. Ford does not believe he would risk that.
Really, Ford isn’t stupid or blind. It’s not that he’s going along with all of this because he is ignorant of Bill’s manipulation of your mental state. Bill can call it a ‘nudge in the right direction’ all he wants. He’s keeping you regressed. But everything has changed. He has changed, and Ford doesn’t know if he made the right decision. He fears he hasn’t. (Somewhere out there, in an alternate universe, a Stanford must live who made a difference decision. Ford hopes he’s happy.)
Spending time in this little contained room, with something dependent on him and eager to be looked after by him, who doesn’t know better and never will… It’s not good, it’s the very definition of selfish, but it’s comforting to him. Grounding, in a sense. With an eternity of time left ahead of him and the foundations of his previous life all but crumbled, he has something steady to return to. It doesn’t matter how much he rationalizes it. It’s twisted and fucked up, plain and simple.
…He supposes he can understand why Bill finds him so amusing, even now.
A little whimper snaps him from the spiral of his thoughts. Your bottle is empty. He should get youa refill, then pull you back on his lap.
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