#blind date; lazard & reeve
case-of-traxits · 9 months
for the ask meme: Reeve
For the Opinion Meme || Still accepting!
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Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual, but functionally gay. Because I write Reeve as being Cetra (I feel the need to link this every time I mention it because it's such a wild-ass take that any time I don't, I have confused people messaging me), he's basically extremely paranoid about sexual situations that could end in children. Especially since his mother is always trying to set him up on dates (and he's half-wondering if she's trying to arrange for him to produce more little part-Cetran babies) and the President is always setting him up on blind dates (I have a whole headcanon about this, but basically, Reeve's concerned that President knows).
So with him being so paranoid about it, he just... doesn't have sex with women. Ever. It's much safer that way.
Gender Headcanon: Cis man. Although, that said, I used to RP as girl!Reeve, and that was fun as hell.
A ship I have with said character: HAHAHAHAHA. All of them.
No, but seriously, there's very few people I haven't written/read/shipped Reeve with.
Reeve/Tseng? Delicious.
Reeve/Lazard? Omg, yes, please.
Reeve/Genesis? Don't mind if I do (ship of my soul, currently).
Reeve/Reno? Talk about fucking up my heart okay.
Reeve/Rude? They're wonderful together.
Reeve/Sephiroth? Yep. I could do that.
Reeve/Veld? I can get behind that.
Reeve/Vincent? Mm. So wonderful.
Reeve/Barret? I expect some angst in there, but that's delicious too.
Like, not all of these work with all of my HCs, but I am happy to jettison/rework HCs to make things happen.
A BROTP I have with said character: No matter what I'm doing, if Reeve and Tseng aren't an active couple, then they're best friends. I just. I love the two of them together, especially with all the potential angst between them with their secrets and everything. It's just wonderful.
A NOTP I have with said character: I think the closest thing I really have to a NOTP is probably Reeve/Hojo, but that's a holdover from an old RP partner who uh... we did some pretty dark stuff with that. Like, I can see it, but man, it is fucked up. Especially with my Reeve in particular.
A random headcanon: Hm... I've already talked about Reeve being a Cetra and Reeve being an Inspire... Here, since I went light on the ship descriptions this time, have a small handful of random headcanons instead:
I would say my biggest "obscure" headcanon is that Reeve lives in a 3,000 sq foot custom-built penthouse in Upper Eight.  And yes, I have a floorplan.  One day, I'll do some drawings of the rooms.
Reeve’s blood type is type O negative.
Reeve requires every single Urban Dev employee to wear a carbon bangle with Restore, Ice, and Lightning materia equipped.  They’re also required to annually attend a training known as “Materia Camp,” to ensure they’re comfortable with the basic use.  This is because Urban Dev employees are, statistically speaking, the most likely to be first-on-the-scene of any sort of emergency situation.
Reeve has three small tattoos along his spine.  They’re three Wutaian characters in a straight line, each character a few inches from the previous one, and from top to bottom, they read: Courage, Inspiration, and Resilience.  They’re the same characters his father wrote in the front of each of his sketchbooks.
General Opinion over said character: My babygirl. Look. Reeve is my angel and ... yeah, I'd say he is probably my favorite character in the game.
BONUS! A song I associate with the character:
Where am I today? I wish that I knew 'Cause looking around there's no sign of you I don't remember one jump or one leap Just quiet steps away from you lead I'm holding my heart out but clutching it, too Feeling this sort of a love that we once knew Calling this a home when it's not even close I'm playing the role with nerves left exposed
-- "Reasons Why," by Nickel Creek.
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talesfantastic · 4 years
Blind Date || Lazard x Reeve
@animus-inspire​ from here
Reeve unfortunately does remember the last time he had been a date. What was supposed to have been an anniversary dinner with another blonde had turned disastrously wrong. Things had already been deteriorating rapidly with Scarlet, and Reeve had thrown himself so much into his latest tinkering as a knee-jerk soothing mechanism that he had not even realised the time. By the time he had, well, there had been really no hope of clawing his way back from that. Though that had perhaps been for the best, he can barely stand to see what she has become these days.
He does not do dating-dating himself either, and would never typically even consider a blind date. Yet he had been persuaded into dropping off his name with preferences (even though that in itself had been a hugely difficult task, he was not wired that way) by his Mother. As Ruvie had told him over the phone - even if nothing romantic were to happen, you might very well make a friend, and it is all for a good cause at the end of the day. Namely a fundraiser for one of the ground side projects. Reeve has his doubts, but perhaps the algorithm would be vaguely sophisticated enough to match him with someone that does not have him immediately high-tailing it back to his office.
So far out of his comfort zone, Reeve had in fact nearly made the same mistake in delving too far into his latest creation. Thankfully he had had enough sense to set a few different timers before hand. So now he was showered, fully groomed and wearing a neat dove grey suit, black shirt and emerald green tie, clenching his teeth together at his reflection and realising he should perhaps hurry himself up a wee bit. There was no need to take his car, for he had selected the venue, a café near to his apartment on Sector 8 on one of the corners of little streets that lined out from main Loveless Avenue. A somewhat hasty hop, skip and jump has him approaching the outside. There were a small number of tables in front of the café. Reeve presumes his date would already be inside and is straightening himself up when he realises that he is not alone…
There was an intelligent (check), blond (no preference) man (no preference, that form really had been difficult for him), of a similar age (check) and most certainly a professional (check). One that would understand the requirements of his work (not expected in the slightest but certainly a huge bonus) being as they were both Executive Directors for the same bloody company.
“Mr Deusericus.” He greets Lazard with a head tilt, “This is somewhat unexpected.” His voice tilts in amusement before he starts to chuckle, “I can blame my Mother on my end, but who in Leviathan’s name convinced you to go along with all this?” This was distinctly not a Shinra corporation event, so Reeve is curious as ever. He smiles and gestures his arm out towards the door, “If you have no objections with this arrangement, shall we go inside, or do you prefer to be outdoors? I hear the music on average is supposed to be very good here.”
At first, Lazard had been oblivious to the identity of his approaching date. In fact, it didn’t even immediately click when he noticed his fellow board member approaching. It was only as Reeve started talking to him that it clicked, a mental list of checkboxes gone through and quickly marked up, the tally adding up to... well, apparently Reeve. He found himself laughing as well, because wouldn’t it just be?
He pushed off the wall with a roll of his shoulders, and flashed Reeve a playful smile, far more relaxed off the clock than most had the pleasure of seeing him. Well, this... might be fun? If nothing else, Reeve was good company and they’d have a nice enough evening and part amicably after, which was a nicer guarantee than a lot would. “I may have a few terrible friends that were pressuring me to get out. It seemed fairly harmless.”
At the suggestion they go in, he turned towards the door, nodding. “Of course, I don’t mind at all. I have to admit, I haven’t been here so I’m going to have to trust your judgment.”
Surprisingly, not the most intimidating prospect. Though... “I do have one stipulation, though. You have to call me Lazard; we’re not here to talk business.”
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Good news but...
Good news!
I’ve just found out that I’ve been accepted to complete a Level 5 (degree level) course starting at the end of this month. 
It’s fully paid and a great opportunity in an area of work that I’m very interested in becoming more involved in. I’m chuffed to pieces!
That does mean I’m going to have even less time to RP.
So I’m going to have to be a bit brutal right now in cutting my active threads down, as well as being a wee bit more selective in the future. 
Under the cut is a list of threads I have listed in my tracker. I’ve crossed out threads that I feel the need to drop - this is not because of any specific reasons aside from I’m no longer feeling them. 
I genuinely enjoy writing with you all and none of this is any indicator of how I feel about you as a person or how you write your muse/s. This is already causing me great anxiety to post, but I do hope you all understand. 
Also, if there’s any threads I’ve listed that you want to drop for whatever reason, do let me know. I understand this happens and take no offence!
Crossed out - dropped
Italics - up to you (or on hold). I would appreciate some communication about these threads as I’m either a) unsure if you would like to continue or b) we have loads of things going on and I just wanna hear your thoughts on which ones are working for you before I drop some
Normal - would like to continue, unless you want to drop 
Bold - I owe a reply
Necrotic Shroud
The Trial of Leviathan
Plotted (kinda): Snow White
Poker Face
Not by Blood, but by Heart
Birthday Wishes
Plotted: Adult Noctis (SOLDIER verse) Not at the moment at least, but I’m actually very curious about a potential FFXV verse tho :3
Hidden Connections
Inspiration of a Child
O Brother of Mine
Plotted: Novak and Caen adopt a Coeurl
Office hourglass / a life more bearable
Architects of a brave new world
For what it’s worth
Cats and Dogs
A Taste of Home 
The Only Game in Town
Plotted: Demo, The Forge and all in between
Fashion statement - nearly finished
Destructive tendencies
Past Lives
Plotted: Their initial meeting, general corporate chaos
Aliens and Cats 
Miss Poking Princess
Cats in the Cradle
Plate Fall
And Goodwill for Engineers
Shit Happens - finished?
Engineered for Disaster
This is by our Design
The Morning After
Board Room Shenanigans 
Middle Man (Tristan) 
Blind Date (Lazard)
Pot Calling Kettle (Lazard)
Plotted: Hatchling (Lily), Cait Sith’s Inception (CS)
The Die is Cast
Date Night
Wee Kittens
Evelyn of the East
Rescue Me - on hold (DoC)
Plotted threads: casino thread, gold saucer, wall market, heist AU, prison break, plate fall, probably many many more xD
Coffee and plushes
The way the river flows
Connecting the dots 
A cat outta time
Rowan’s warnings
Cause for celebration
With Each End there comes a New Beginning
Broken down
@exsiliumductoris​ and @marie-dufresne​ - I would still very much like to try out a plotted thread and see where that takes us :) will be in touch.
Discord: ai || Reeve#4080
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