pzycho391 · 6 hours
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pzycho391 · 11 hours
As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.
It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.
Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.
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pzycho391 · 22 hours
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pzycho391 · 3 days
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The moose is done, hope she'll lure out the big boys for some nice pictures 📷📸📷
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pzycho391 · 4 days
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pzycho391 · 6 days
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breathe in slowly, then breathe out even slower - Submitted by tinyheads
#C25671 #FF717A #FFC69C #F0FF9D #D3E08A
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pzycho391 · 6 days
Oddworld may have a strange in game universe... but they were right about the trains.
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pzycho391 · 7 days
This is gonna be a heavy minded rant but i've been feeling... off
I've had suicidal thoughts lately. I just feel worthless, i have accomplished nothing. I'm past 30 with no job and no clear future. I've always had problems with getting/keeping jobs and i don't know why. I get offers of interships, unpaid of course, or usually no response at all. I'm nowhere near being able to move out, my parents are getting old and i know i can't stay here forever. And the time to move seems to be closing in rapidly, whether i want to or not. I have no plans of where i could go instead. Moms dementia is getting worse and she keeps getting into other medical trouble, which is why i feel the pressure that i may be forced to leave soon. If we, me and dad, have to move her to a home i don't know if we could afford to keep the house. Or if he would move with her. And in that case, where would i go? I don't even have a possible future job anywhere right now. The people who work with unemployment say that the market is the worst they've ever seen. So i don't know when that situation can change.
The only extensive education i have is in horse care and i can't do that anymore, multiple interships has left my legs, knees especially, fucked. And it never got beyond internships. Work for free then fuck off. Who thought it was a good idea to listen to a 15 yo about career choices?
And i know i can't exactly just get a job, but that's the advice i keep getting. JUST get one. How? I don't get accepted. I don't know what suits me. I don't have the patience to work with either healthcare or children and alot of people want to push me in that direction.
I don't know if i have diagnoses that haven't been discovered yet. And i don't if or where to get tested. If i even can just based on a hunch. "Hey i think i have this." "Why?" "I just do".
I just feel like i'm in the way all the time. I contribute very little, i walk the dogs and do some chores, that's basically it.
Even writing this out feel pathetic, as if it's anything worth complaining about. Any problem i have seems so minor. Like it's not a real problem. I feel i never had a real problem deal with. This feeling of being lost in life should have passed when i was a teenager, or in my early twenties. Like, everyone else has everything figured out and i'm here wasting oxygen. I should have died years ago when the horse kicked me in the face.
I don't want to be around anymore. I feel like i can't do this anymore. I feel like nothing works out in my favor but at the same time alot of things do. Little things. Meaningless things. I feel like a burden. I feel like i'm in the way, like i'm a problem. Like it would be a relief to my family if i wasn't around anymore. I don't want to be around anymore. I don't want to feel like this anymore. I want to have this pit on my stomach anytime people ask what i have going on. Nothing. There's nothing. Always was nothing. Probably always will be nothing. Jobs? No. Partner? No. Moving? No. Getting your own life? No.
It just seems no solutions work. Any of my siblings tricks go get anywhere hasn't worked on me. And i feel judged for not trying hard enough. I judge myself for trying hard enough. But i don't know if i can try harder. I don't know what to do anymore. My life never got passed just... existing. I'm just here. For no reason. With no real reason to stay.
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pzycho391 · 9 days
Not to sound like an old fart here but my philosophy about video games is like. A kid living out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with no internet access for miles should be able to purchase a game from walmart, take that game home, put it in their console, and play the whole game with all of its features and the only thing lack of internet affects is the inability to play online with others. Nothing else. They shouldn't be missing entire chunks of the game becuase they can't download a patch. The game shouldn't be borderline empty or unplayable without a patch.
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pzycho391 · 9 days
ibuprofen and sink water is the midnight version of coffee and a cigarette…
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pzycho391 · 9 days
i don't think i need to say who i imagined in these guys places
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pzycho391 · 9 days
Don't do this often, but this story made me see red; if there is anything in this world that I hate the most, it is child abusers (and child abuse apologists). I don't fucking care who you are, what you identify as nor your race: there are no amount of labels, illnesses - nothing - that you can use to excuse this level of depravity (nor any kind of sexual misconduct around children for that matter). This is downright demonic and there's too fucking much of this evil shit in the world. I wish the universe would just erase this bastard and all like him, just reformat completely to start over as dirt.
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pzycho391 · 9 days
The anti doctor kitty
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we must stop this madness. what does he need three apples for
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pzycho391 · 10 days
Kinda wish i had screenshotted the convo between me and the latest scammer. She nagged me into downloading a messanger app, idk why i did it, bored i guess.
And in one of the last messages she went all like: you need to send a selfie video to show the gods your loyalty and faith. To which i responded: honestly.... no. This is ridiculous.
And then uninstalled the app. And i don't want reinstall it and the probable tsunami of unread messages. I can still screenshot some off of insta, since i blocked her there. Like, this girl was writing damn novels
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pzycho391 · 10 days
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pzycho391 · 11 days
maybe there never were any twin towers. like did u ever see them?
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pzycho391 · 12 days
Man these instagram scammers are something else.. Got one recently who followed me, so i followed back, i do that. And they instantly dove into my dms all like "i felt a connection to your blog" and whatever. And then asks "would you like a free reading?" And i figured, yeah sure why not. Could be fun. So i ask that they use their tarot cards or psychic ability or whatever, to find Froggy Ball.
Yeah sure, send them a picture of it, because that was important?? Anyway, the response i got was: the frog has been stolen by an evil witch. Who's gonna cast dark spells on it so that when it returns my life will be full of misfortune and sadness. This witch used a teleportation spell on the frog. That's why it dissappeared so quickly.
Like.. yeah a psychic readings and stuff can be fun but did you have to go balls to the wall like that?
So i told this "psychic" that i thought the frog was just hibernating. Oh no, no, no.
And on top of that they misunderstood me and thought only one of the frogs were missing. So of course... the reason why is that was, was because the bigger toad had an ancestrial spirit and was able to ward of the evil witchs' teleportation spell.
Like this got so ridiculous it wasn't even funny anymore.
And the scam part was that tho the reading was free, the spells needed to protect my home and get the frog back would cost 80$ +. Like.. no i'm paying you 80 bucks to do some witchy shit on a frog that's just chilling in the ground right now. And of course i would "need" some spiritual spray to mist everywhere for protection against dark magic.
And they would NEVER stop messaging. Relentless nagging about curses and spellbreakers and evil witches and enemies and yuck.
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