#bleau maps
brooklynbutterflyarts · 17 hours
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Framed Old World Map By John Speed Framed Old World Map Antique Cartography By John Speed Many more maps available in my store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Brooklynbutterflies?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=767020571§ion_id=18698449 Molding:Professional Mahogany Finish with Gold Trim (solid-wood) Print: Full Resolution Reproduction GLASS IS INCLUDED, Comes Fully Assembled Ready For Your Wall This classic map adds beauty and class to any room office or study. At this price this is a spectacular deal. This wonderful display makes a thoughtful and original gift containing a classic vintage touch yet modern design, allowing it to fit alongside both modern and classic decor. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE. ALL OF MY DELICATE ITEMS ARE SHIPPED WITH A SPECIAL 3 LAYER PROTECTION SYSTEM.
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bleauisnotcool · 6 years
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Take a trip to Bleau’s World  🌎🚀 hyperurl.co/hve3jy
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onlineantiques · 4 years
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Joan Blaeu 1667 map of Prvssia #prussia #prvssia #germany #poland #prussiamaps #germanmap #polandmap #polishmap #maps #antiquemaps #joanbleau #bleau #bleaumap #antique #antiquemaps #17thcentury #17thcenturymap https://www.instagram.com/p/CHSGDh2H2Gu/?igshid=1snt4fcxvgh3k
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Tuesday 1 October 1839 Travel Journal
7 ½
1 ¼
fine morning but flags wet – F61 ¼° now at 8 55/.. am Reading Murrays’ encyclopaedia geography vol. 2 Siberia p. 1077. ask at the botanic garden for
Rosa berberifolia
Saxifraga geum
Tragopogon orientalis
Pedicularis Elata
P. proboscidea
Pinus cembra (from 4500 to 6500 Parisian ft. of elevation) what is the meaning and derivation of the word lychen what was Linnaeus’ favourite flower
Juniperus nana
Betula nana
Salix nana
Betula alba (common brich)
Pinus Siberica (p. 1078) ‘grows at the foot of the mountain with fir but more frequently with the Spruce [?] (Abies) and at 2000 to 3000 is very abundant’
October Tuesday 1  ask difference between Pinus and fir and what is the name [?] to fir
+ Chamissos’ flora of stamtschatka, Aleutian island and Beharings’ straits
Pinus cembra, seeds of eaten by the Russians
Sorbus aucuparia (mountain ash?)
Alnus incana
Populus aspen?
what 2 other sorts (p. 1079) grow on the banks of the river Siberia?
+ quoted much in Hookers’ botanical miscellany
Cornus Suecica
Urtica dioica   common nettle?
Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry?) bleau bery? cloud bery?
Sanguisorba Canadensis
Ferns (filices)
Geum (Fischer knows nothing about as a sacred architectural plant)
Oxycoccos (p. 1081)
Uva ursi
Fucus esculentus (sea kale of the Russians)
Pisum maritimum
Pale and black lichens islands of St. George and St. Paul (p. 1081)
Spiraea chamaedrifolia [chamaedryfolia]
what is the red moss in Sweden? and the yellow on the oaks at Stockholm?
October Tuesday 1
Linnaea borealis (Handbook p.111) favourite flower of Linnaeus
Lantana and Vitalba what?
Lantana, Wayfaring tree – a sorb?
Kapusta white cabbages of enormous size in the Crimea.
Trifolium did not Mrs. Lawton mention a new sort brought to England growing 5 or 6ft. high?
breakfast at about 9 ¼ in about ¾ hour – before and after writing of foregoing notes of inquiries to be made and read Murrays’ encyclopaedia of geography etc. till had Dr. Lefevre for near ½ hour till 11 ¼ - out at 11 ¾ to the Library (Imperial) – at 12 Mr. de Moralt went round the 21 salles with us in ¼ hour – the new wing = 6 salles finished I think he said in 1832 and adjoined to the old part part part finished in 1812 –
a pupitre of 4 shelves on a moveable axes – no description or model of it to be had – the shelves seemed about 20in. wide and 4ft. long? this sort of thing might be contrived at home –
at 12 20/.. sat down to look at mss. – an artist here copying Alexander by Dove who did this and all the [generals] etc. at the Hermitage at 1,000 rubels each – I left A- to the mss., and looked over the folio ‘Voyage de Messrs. Humbotdt und Bonpland. Partie Botanique ........ in ordinem digessit Carol. Sigismund. Kunth. Fascicul 10. Figures colorieés – à Paris. Libraire de Gide fils. Rue St. Marc – Feydeau, no. 20. Planches de l’imprimerie de Langlois.
October Tuesday 1 Layards the name of the author of the Handbook signing himself E.L. Mr. Moralt said he was introduced to him by Brieffy the bookseller – at the library till 1 ¾ having latterly had Mr. Atkinson the English librarian for the modern works – very civil – the library not rich in English works – neither Captain Cochranes, nor Bremners’ –
at the Botanic garden at 2 5/.. – Mr. Fischer, on the lookout, came to us immediately and took us to the serres a verst long! the Berlin garden the richest in Europe – Kew not much now – the Edinburgh botanic garden the best in Great Britain – became a royal garden and became tho’ Dr. Graham less scientifie (savant) than Sir William Hooker the Edinburgh Gardener Mr. MacNab is one one of the best in England in Great Britain – the Glasgow garden is by subscription and the college had 10 or 12 shares (actions) but tho’ this give some weight at Hooker (the college professor) yet he has not weight enough – spoke of Knights? exotic garden at Chelsea -
for £2,000 a year more – F- would make this the finest richest botanic garden in Europe – he would have jardins [filials]  
Rio Janeiro
at the mouth of the Amazon Maranham [Maranhão]
Cape of good hope
New Holland
Preserve gardens at the 7 places named – I had said I thought the emperor ought to have a [?] garden in the Crimea
Mr. A- said 7 librarians and 4 under ditto at the Imperial library
here 120,000 rubels per annum 400,000 from Jardin des plantes – the fault of the English gardens (Liverpool the best (ranks with Edinburgh and Glasgow) is that the old plants are thrown away for new ones – novelty is too much sought after – Loddiges establishment costs £10,000 a year –
Lambert on the genus Pinus  vice-president of the Linnean society – 8vo. edition 4 vols.
F 20 years at Moscow with............ the hothouses separate – lost his health in going from one to the other by the sudden changes of temperature .:. here had all the houses under one roof – the flood in 1824 did great damage – the water 2 or 3ft. high in the serres – the emperor once thought of removing them to the Taurida [Tauride] palace garden – but now the plants so well rooted etc. it would not be advisable –
Marshal Bieberstens’  [Marschall von Bieberstein] flora Tauro-Caucasia. 3vols. 8vo.
à son Altesse
Mr. le prince Volkonski  ministre de la maison de l’Empereur
he would [was] the man to apply to for leave to see the the favourite flower of Linnaeus Andromeda polifolia F- thinks Ficus sarmentosa or stipulate the beautiful little creeper in my favourite serre when concrétionnés lime stones are piled up for the rock plants – very pretty and natural looking
the son or nephew of the French ambassador was there with F-‘s belle soeur and F- introduced us to her en passant – saw her afterwards – very civil – came away at 4 ¾ - home direct at 5 ½ - dressed – dinner over at 6 50/..
Krusenstern 51/426 ‘La méthode d’Enseignement est celle de Lancastre dans toutes les écoles paroissiales des villes, bourgs ou villages’
Each school has ‘cartes géographiques etc. (books maps and other objects d’instruction’ approved par le ministère 52/426. at the District schools (p. 55)
Les Gymnases p. 57 more particularly destined for the education of gentilshommes – Latin Grammar and French taught – Greek (for want of masters) only taught in the university-town gymnases
p. 64 young peasants free or not, inadmissible now to the gymnases – Education should be suited to the position of the person – those overeducated found the state to which they must return insupportable – ‘et l’expérience a prouvé que ces hommes out tombaient dans une noire mélancolie, ou se livraient à des, excès qui finissaient ordinairement par les perdu’
p. 67 according to the new règlement of 1835. German French English and Italian taught – and vid. p. 66 Arabian, Turkish, Persian, Mongole and Tartarian taught
p. 70 every professor after 25 years of service obtains the title of Emeritus and his chair is considered vacant – but may be re-elected for so long as he is able –
October Tuesday the professors who have obtainted the title d’émerite after 25 years service have a pension égale a leur traitement annuel – ½ for 10 years – ¾ for 15 years – vide
p. 74. vide salaries of professors – at Petersburg and Moscow 5,000 R-
p.79 at the university de Casan particular attention paid to the Arabic, Persian, Tartar, and Mongol to prepare young men for being employed as dragomans and translateurs.
Mongole grammar par Schmidt. p. 81.
5 young Buriates one of them a Lama, studying at Casan - .:. hope to rapprocher ‘des trésors de la littérature tibétaine, restes inaccessibles jusqu’ à présent aux recherché des Européens, car c’est entre les mains des Lamas Buriates que demeurent ignorés de précieux monumens de cette littérature’ p. 82/486
Dorpat p. 87 et seq. ‘les travaux scientifiques de l’université’ sont ‘trés étendus’ e.g. the Atlas Zoologique de professor Eschholtz who accompanied Captain Kotzebue in his voyage round the world.  and the expeditions of professor Engelhardt in the government of Olonetz  [Olonec] and the east parts of the Oural [Ural] chain – his mineralogical works known to all the mineralogists of Europe –
Struve for his astronomical discoveries
Ratke histoire naturelle in his travels on the north of the Black sea
Göbels’ scientific travels in the Steppes of this part of the empire
Ledebur’s Flore des monts Altay [Altaj]
Parrot’s voyage à l’Ararat.
October Tuesday 1 ‘De plus il y paraît chaque mois une publication sous le titre de Chronique de Dorpat.
Odessa p. 97 et seq. – p. 100 ecole at O- for the oriental languages –
Gymnases at Tiflis [Tbilisi] etc. etc. Kouba, Bakou, Derbent, at Erivan. o. 105
p. 109 et seq. on private schools and private tuition no Russian allowed to leave Russia to study abroad before aet. 18
académie Impériale des sciences p. 123 – among its members (p. 124) were Euler, Gmelin, Pallas, etc.
p. 124 vi. Scherers’ Aperçu historique des travaux de l’académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg depuis 1726 jusqu’ à 1826’.
p. 125 the académie has 206,000 R. (Ukase du 30 Janvier 1830) per annum
p. 126 ---------- 239,400 R. per annum
p. 128 the 6th series of memoires (faisant suite à 73 vols. published before) was commenced in 1826 (since 1826?)
For an account of these memoires vid. Receuil des Actes de l’ académie vid. particularly
p. 128 Mr. Krug sur l’origine des Slaves
Mr. Fraehr’s important discoveries dans les auteurs arabes vid. an earlier part of  Krusenstern the old Russian letters resemble those on the rocks in the desert…….
p. 130 Flore Russe published par les soins de l’ académie and ‘Dessins appartenant à la zoographie de la Russia d’Asie.’
p. 131 Description statistique de gouvernement de Vologda par Mr. Broussiloff.
October Tuesday 1
p. 133 L’expédition archéographie de Mr. Stroïeff Stroïeff
p. 134 this work will = 10vols. folio (from 1340 to 1700)
this work completed Stroïeff/2 and the academy/1 will s’occuper d’un travail plus vaste – ‘la publication d’un receuil systématique de totues les sources de l’histoire de la Russie’
p. 137 the academician Dr. Mertens in 1826 from Russia in North west America and Asia brought 2500 plants etc. and 100 dessins –
p. 338 magnetic observation made at Pekin by the astronomer Fuss and Dr. Bunge at the same time explored le règne végétale de la Chine -  
p. 339 Ermanns’ voyahe sur le Lena and Bunge explored also les mountains Altai [Altaj]
p. 140 on the level of the Caspian – Parrot now thinks no difference between level of Caspian and Black sea?
p. 142. Atmospheric pressure varies – doubts as to infallibility of the barometer as a measure of heights
p. 143 Mr. Sjogren agrees with Klaproth that the Ossètes are Indo-Germanic –
p. 145. Catalogue = 100+ of ouvrages Arabian Persian and Turc that are to be sought for –
p. 146 a limited no. of persons admitted to some of the Séances of the academy
p. 148 17 April anniversarie de la [?] de [?]  le Cesarewitch is the day the academy prizes are given
p. 150. 151. Le musée asiatique ‘le cabinet est unique dans son genre en Europe: Mr. Fraehn en fait un catalogue raisonné.
October Tuesday 1 vid. at the observatory Dopat (p. 155) la fameuse lunette de Frauenhofer, un des instrumens le plus parfaits qui existent. vid. [Observation] central (1st stone laid in the spring of 1834) sur la montagne de Pulkowo no buildings houses allowed to be erected with a verst of it –
p. 159 the academy has published ‘Notices de l’academie 1815-1823 4vols. – Publication periodique 1829-1832. 4vols. memoires 1834-1836. 3 vols.
sat reading so far of Krusenstern to p. 160 and making the above notes till now 12 at night
p. 225 Le genre du vie des élèves vid. 8 hours for sleep
p. 130 et seq. vid. ecole des mines – fine day
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biosphereplace · 4 years
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The PLACE in the Biosphere communities in the Wigtownshire Moors area Kirkcowan, Glenluce and New Luce all share common features connected to their relationship with water. All three are located close to the confluence of rivers and have developed as villages on transport routes that crossed rivers by fords or bridges.
Kirkcowan developed near the confluence of Tarf Water and River Bladnoch with Lincuan Bridge appearing to be one of the few bridges shown on Bleau’s Atlas of Wigtownshire published in 1654. The almost semicircular bridge crosses the Tarf River and is known locally as the Auld Weel Brig, a reference to the water wheel for the adjacent woollen mill (photo from D&G Council Archive Services).
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Glenluce is located close to the where Lady Burn meets the Main Water of Luce. The Bridge of Park bridge has a range of styles incorporated into the bridge as it has been widened and improved. It is obviously old, probably 17th century with remnants of a 16th century structure.
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New Luce has grown around the confluence of the Cross Water of Luce with the Main Water of Luce. The Cross Water Bridge is clearly shown on Roy’s Military map of the 1750s and the existing humped structure with a broad segmental arch appears to date from the early 18th century.
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nicolesrollins · 6 years
The week in luxury: A map of Miami-Dade’s priciest condo sales

The holiday shopping season is upon us, but from the looks of last week’s condo sales in Miami-Dade, consumers shied away from buying luxury condos.
The county recorded 122 closings for a total of $46.7 million, down from the previous week’s 143 closings for a total of $71.9 million. Condos last week sold for an average price of $374,812 or about $310 per square foot.
The priciest deal was at Miami Beach’s Edition Residences. After almost two years on the market, unit 1101 sold for $5 million or about $1,814 per square foot. Anna Sherrill represented the seller, and Juan Alvarez brought the buyer. Hotelier Ian Schrager co-developed the Edition, which was completed in 2015 after redeveloping the former Seville Hotel at 2901 Collins Avenue.
The second most expensive condo sale was the $1.96 million sale of unit 208-35 at Bleau Fontaine Condominiums. The unit sold for $1,960 per square foot. Marcela Quinones-Avila represented the seller, and Lizbeth Beauchamp brought the buyer.
Here’s a breakdown of the top 10 sales from Dec. 9 to Dec. 16. Click on the map for more information:
Most expensive
Edition Residences, Miami Beach | #1101 | 667 days on market | $5M | $1,814 psf | Listing agent: Anna Sherrill | Buyer’s agent: Juan Alvarez
Least expensive
Tiffany at Bal Harbour, Bal Harbour | #1405 | 92 days on market | $850k | $421 psf | Listing agent: Teodoro Palmieri | Buyer’s agent: Lydia Eskenazi
Most days on market
Edition Residences, Miami Beach | #1101 | 667 days on market | $5M | $1,814 psf | Listing agent: Anna Sherrill | Buyer’s agent: Juan Alvarez
Fewest days on market
Aventura Marina Condo, Aventura | #UPH15 | 26 days on market | $1.015M | $340 psf | Listing agent: Adriana Planchart | Buyer’s agent: Dmitry Baranov
from The Real Deal Miami & Real Estate News News | & Curbed Miami - All https://therealdeal.com/miami/2018/12/18/the-week-in-luxury-a-map-of-miami-dades-priciest-condo-sales-201/ via IFTTT
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evnoweb · 7 years
OTR Links 11/08/2017
The Best of Ontario-Educators Daily
The best of ontario-educators daily is out! https://t.co/tXXcdsoaWi Stories via @rolat @LakeheadSchools @brmf_rm #tbay #lpstb
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 8, 2017 The best of ontario-educators daily is out! https://t.co/tXXcdsoaWi Stories via @redfearn @lisaannefloyd @ArtsHWDSB #lpstb The best of ontario-educators daily is out! https://t.co/tXXcdsoaWi Stories via @redfearn @lisaannefloyd @ArtsHWDSB #lpstb
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 8, 2017
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Classroom Bridges
Classroom Bridges https://t.co/sJEe5xtaVs
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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The Best of Ontario-Educators Daily
The best of ontario-educators daily is out! https://t.co/o6YBAMJrQS Stories via @amyebowker @StanzaSL @barbaramcveigh #books #technology
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017 The best of ontario-educators daily is out! https://t.co/o6YBAMJrQS Stories via @LichtyJeremy @JoanVinallCox @taniasterling #technology The best of ontario-educators daily is out! https://t.co/o6YBAMJrQS Stories via @LichtyJeremy @JoanVinallCox @taniasterling #technology
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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The Best of Ontario-Educators 4 Daily
The latest The Best of Ontario-Educators 4 Daily! https://t.co/pGOMkGyBHM Thanks to @FacingCanada @WilsonAtOCDSB @jboninducharme #edtech
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017 The latest The Best of Ontario-Educators 4 Daily! https://t.co/pGOMkGyBHM Thanks to @JKerrocsb @SMonizWade @UOIT_makerlab #math The latest The Best of Ontario-Educators 4 Daily! https://t.co/pGOMkGyBHM Thanks to @JKerrocsb @SMonizWade @UOIT_makerlab #math
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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The Best of Ontario-Educators 2 daily
The best of ontario-educators2 daily is out! is out! https://t.co/edf9qQLdKY Stories via @OSTF27 @mrrgteacher @mcd_boulanger #edtech #onted
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017 The best of ontario-educators2 daily is out! is out! https://t.co/edf9qQLdKY Stories via @HeatherRyanTDSB @HeyMrFletcher @MamaGLeadership The best of ontario-educators2 daily is out! is out! https://t.co/edf9qQLdKY Stories via @HeatherRyanTDSB @HeyMrFletcher @MamaGLeadership
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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The Best of Ontario-Educators 3 Daily
The latest Best of Ontario-Educators3 Daily! https://t.co/GQ0gkXojfd Thanks to @VilmaManahan @MJVasanelli @23Library #edchat #edtech
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017 The latest Best of Ontario-Educators3 Daily! https://t.co/GQ0gkXojfd Thanks to @MsLedvinka @sanjsiva108 @watnunu #edtech The latest Best of Ontario-Educators3 Daily! https://t.co/GQ0gkXojfd Thanks to @MsLedvinka @sanjsiva108 @watnunu #edtech
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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The Doug Peterson Community News
The latest The Doug Peterson Community News! https://t.co/W6XhYGKQN0 Thanks to @oJaison @saraeahern @HGJohn #edtech #education
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017 The latest The Doug Peterson Community News! https://t.co/W6XhYGKQN0 #education The latest The Doug Peterson Community News! https://t.co/W6XhYGKQN0 #education
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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be on Flipboard
Advice on how to predict the future, from a professor whose job is to predict the future https://t.co/c4eIH9oEEX via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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A Day in the Life of a Rock ‘n’ Roll Librarian https://t.co/gICb0RVVz5 via @flipboard
A Day in the Life of a Rock ‘n’ Roll Librarian https://t.co/gICb0RVVz5 via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Rare map: Treasure map in attic The Bleau Map worth $600000
Treasure map: The $600,000 find in an attic https://t.co/7jd0Qvf6Ik via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Microsoft’s Surface Pro Still Defines the 2-in-1 Category https://t.co/2XqOfgDPUi via @flipboard
Microsoft’s Surface Pro Still Defines the 2-in-1 Category https://t.co/2XqOfgDPUi via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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9to5Google on Flipboard
You can now create and share Google Maps lists from the web https://t.co/biqewLLdEk via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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9to5Google on Flipboard
Google simplifies image insertion in Docs, Slides, & Drawings, adds Google Photos drawer https://t.co/p0BEyM43rS via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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The evolution of BYOD security in a mobile-first world – Help Net Security
The evolution of BYOD security in a mobile-first world https://t.co/ZJzK36MhOE via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Arshad Saiyed on Flipboard
We have to rethink what “educated” means in a post-truth world https://t.co/cL8FYg0sSS via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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The Globe and Mail on Flipboard
Teacher shortage translates into threat for French immersion even as demand booms https://t.co/j3YsypC6GQ via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Night RunnerRunner on Flipboard
College Kid Changed His Grades 90 Times with a High-Tech Hack, FBI Says – VICE https://t.co/E9pRPpNEwH via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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The Globe and Mail on Flipboard
Regina school named for Davin Report author considers name change https://t.co/Rpb34CxLLH via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Study finds secondary school students prefer active learning https://t.co/P52rJxfgvK via @flipboard
Study finds secondary school students prefer active learning https://t.co/P52rJxfgvK via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Flipboard on Flipboard
Stop shooting silver bullets and learn to trust our teachers again https://t.co/TMbugLQEaa via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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francis Opara on Flipboard
Rise of the new LinkedIn (and what you need to know) https://t.co/q9YOf4pnu3 via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Abhishek Shakya on Flipboard
How a data scientist protects his children from the dangers of the tech world https://t.co/03khFKDXuK via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Jim Bugg on Flipboard
A Sign of Great Leadership? It’s Not About Correcting Mistakes, It’s About This One Trait https://t.co/1aMC87v8Sa via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Flipboard on Flipboard
Internet Platforms Promote Fake News In Wake of Texas Shooting https://t.co/XbYnxOfQGn via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Flipboard on Flipboard
The disease that could change how we drink coffee https://t.co/M95pGog3ax via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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9to5Toys on Flipboard
See far-off galaxies with the eVscope, a smart telescope with insane magnification https://t.co/zRas4HkWJu via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Google Files Go is an unreleased smart file manager that aims to keep your phone clean [APK Download]
Google Files Go is a smart file manager that aims to keep your phone clean [APK Download] https://t.co/Uz3vlI88g2 via @flipboard Google Files Go is a smart file manager that aims to keep your phone clean [APK Download] https://t.co/Ql8qykNY0V via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017 Google Files Go is a smart file manager that aims to keep your phone clean [APK Download] https://t.co/Uz3vlI88g2 via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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dickiefloyd on Flipboard
Hackers can gain access to your computer monitor — a cybersecurity expert shows us how easy it is https://t.co/uztHE6RVPX via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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NeilEyes on Flipboard
Transform Your To-Do List With This 1 Quick Productivity Hack https://t.co/DG5mZOA4WK via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Sax on Flipboard
1 White-Hot Resume Design Tip That Will Instantly Increase Readability https://t.co/KrCKKz2sln via @flipboard
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Stopping Sexual Harassment in Schools: What the #metoo Movement Means For Educators | The Educators Room
Stopping Sexual Harassment in Schools: What the #metoo Movement Means For Educators | The Educators … https://t.co/cG2FZ2y7Vx
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
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Still giftless – doug — off the record
Still giftless https://t.co/Bu8Syrx0u8 http://pic.twitter.com/MTdeylmext
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
tags: IFTTT Twitter
Doug Peterson on Twitter: “Still giftless https://t.co/Bu8Syrx0u8 http://ift.tt/2yhNn9y;
Still giftless https://t.co/Bu8Syrx0u8 http://pic.twitter.com/MTdeylmext
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
tags: IFTTT Twitter
OTR Links 11/07/2017 – doug — off the record
OTR Links 11/07/2017 https://t.co/aK3jsLEykd
— Doug Peterson (@dougpete) November 7, 2017
tags: IFTTT Twitter via:packrati.us
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
OTR Links 11/08/2017 published first on http://ift.tt/2gZRS4X
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brooklynbutterflyarts · 4 months
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Old World Maps Africa, America, Asia, Europe Includes: Americas, Europe, Asia & Africa Many more maps available in my store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Brooklynbutterflies?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=767020571§ion_id=18698449 Molding:Professional Mahogany Finish with Gold Trim (solid-wood) Print: Full Resolution Reproduction Glass is included, Comes Fully Assembled Ready For Your Wall This classic map set of 4 displays adds beauty and class to any room office or study. At this price this is a spectacular deal. This wonderful display makes a thoughtful and original gift containing a classic vintage touch yet modern design, allowing it to fit alongside both modern and classic decor. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE. ALL OF MY DELICATE ITEMS ARE SHIPPED WITH A SPECIAL 3 LAYER PROTECTION SYSTEM.
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