#bleach ep 342
majycka · 2 years
*grabs a megaphone*
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ianime0 · 2 years
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Bleach | Ep 342 | Bye, Rukia.
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xoxomyseriesxoxo · 2 years
Sorry to bother you, but you seem to be one of the more informed Bleach fans.
So the thing is, since Bleach started airing its new anime, my Twitter feed has over-filled with it (apparently liking any manga/anime equals liking Bleach...) and the waves of IH fans, who seem to enjoy it exclusively through bashing IR. I know my first mistake is having Twitter, but the author of the absolutely fantastic manga I'm into is posting extra material there, so I'm ready to bear the consequences XD
Tbh, I've never finished reading Bleach. I think I made it to Fullbringer arc, but at that point, I've finally realized that I can just stop reading something that doesn't bring me enjoyment and for a while at that.
I did ship IR back then (for obvious reasons), but I have long since moved past Bleach to better pastures, though I still love the aesthetic. (And Rukia, I probably would've finished Bleach if it was at least 30% more Rukia, no Ichigo necessary XD)
But recently, I've encountered the post that discussed how Kubo himself didn't like the old anime. I remember fandom drama being large enough that it affected him, though I know no specifics as I've always inhabited the peripheral areas of the fandom.
So my question is, is there like a big meta post, following the evolution of Kubo's relationship with his work or just some large meta posts analyzing the events of those times? I definitely don't want to dive deep back into the fandom, but I've always enjoyed reading those large meta analyses.
Again, only if that won't be too bothersome for you, you just have a lot of interesting posts yourself, so I thought you may know something like this or point me in the right direction.
Have a good day!
Hi! To be honest, I kind of feel like a dinosaur in the fandom now... I've started reading it as a kid and joined the fandom when I was in middle school and now I'm in college with a part job but to sum it up, I've seen most of the drama of the fandom back then.
The thing is that the dudebros on Twitter who act like they know everything about B/each and what was going on in the fandom back then fail to realize the fandom was made of an overwhelming majority of IR shippers (and for good reasons) or just neutrals (who didn't really ship anything in particular) but understood IR's appeal.
But lmao, not the dudebros and these stans making up things to feed their own lies AGAIN when no, K/ubo didn’t have issues with the old anime, it was rather the “fan” who asked the question who was bitter about it from the way they asked their question. He supervied it and he even gave positive feedback, including this tweet about ep.342 (which features filler stuff made by the studio) where he said the episode was really pretty (he had also reacted to IR trending worldwide on Twitter back then while the anime episode aired).
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K/ubo also said he was very involved in the anime in an interview in 2006, including the filler arcs for example with the character designs of the zanpakutos later on in the anime etc.
K/ubo also did say concerning that the H/ellverse and D/iamond D/ust R/ebellion movies aren’t canon (which makes sense, especially for H/ellverse after that recent Hell oneshot) but rather parallels to the canon story while Fade To Black IS canon (and the movie was promoted as “a movie you should go watch with your S/O" lol) so it tells you how invested he was in the old animated series. There is a whole thread on Twitter showing you K/ubo appreciated the anime, musical and live action adaptations and how IR were portrayed there if you want to check it.
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Also, the “omg IR shippers are bullies and bad people!!!!” narrative which includes these accusations about IR shippers making K/ubo run off Twitter is FALSE (it happened 6-7 years ago), he deleted his account because a p*rnstar was impersonating as him there. SJ and him took legal action and that led to him deleting his account (he made a new account a while after), so it was not due to IR shippers and fandom drama as those people claim.
Apart from that, the manga’s cancellation official announcement from SJ was sudden which explains how rushed the ending was (well, at least the part where it doesn’t answer to many questions aka if U/rahara, G/rimmjow, N/el, Y/oruichi, I/sshin, R/yuuken were alive and some of the plot holes) but the fact it was that bad was K/ubo being petty and doing that out of spite because SJ cancelled the manga. I don’t know if you can say it’s a meta about his “relationship with his work” exactly but rather how his writing went downhill because he lost the plot of his own story: you can read this pretty interesting post (this blog has pretty interesting B/each analysis posts, including this one about the ending itself). B/each’s sales started to dip at one point but it got really bad at L/ost A/gent arc and and it got worse and worse after that because he spent way too long on unimportant plots and fights (the way we all way too many chapters with that fight of his favorite character against a giant hand...) while dropping important subplots/character arcs that had pontential such as K/arin becoming a s/hinigami (which was heavily hinted in the L/ost A/gent arc and which probably explains the fillers focused on her and H/itsugaya) or R/angiku having a piece of the S/OUL K/ING in her soul before A/izen stole it from her. He also got physically sick and tired of writing this story but SJ had initially given him enough time to end the story and what did he do? Waste time until SJ had had enough and made the cancellation announcement. You have a summary of that whole mess in this post.
The post-ending claims (from K/ubo himself and from those stans) about K/ubo planning the manga’s ending since the start (chapter 1) are also false.
K/ubo is great at characters design btw (though he had the same face syndrom at one point in TYBW when drawing his characters... especially when he was drawing T/oshiro in his bankai form) but as for the storytelling, he was only good if you stop at SS, after that... Well, we know how it went. It doesn't mean we didn't get good things from the following after that tho, it just means that things gradually started to go wrong until it became too much.
I hope this answer helps you to understand the situation better. Have a good day as well!
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ichinoue · 2 years
Random question but was bleach meant to end at ep 342 ? Ppl are always saying that was good place to end the show but they’re forgetting about so many other things 🧐
I think I did see something once that said Kubo originally wanted to end Bleach after Aizen's defeat, but I can't remember if it was true or not or what the source of that information was.
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mysterylover123 · 3 years
Mysterylover Watches Bleach Episodes 310-342 "Our Leads are All Grown Up"
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1. Man, interesting how the OP plays differently now that we know what so many of those cuts mean. Like why Rangi is crying onto Gin. Dammit Ichi why couldn't you have been like five minutes earlier.
2. Damn so much destruction to the city now. Anyway we get some confirmation that Una has saved the Blonde Twins or hopefully has. That's nice.
3. And Kenny and RukiBro are OK too! Kenny reunites with Tiny Pink Shinigami - Yachiru, that's her name. Yay! But those antics end as we cut to Ichigo.
4. Ichi and Ura get to talk and apparently Ichi's friends know the truth now, thank god. No more Memory modification spells.
5. And Ichi's bummed because he gave up his powers. i feel you man, anyone would be. But hey at least you saved us from more Aizen monologuing! (for now).
6. Ichi is theorizing that Aizen just gave up. And feeling bad for him. Because are you a real shonen hero if you aren't feeling bad for the supervillain?
7. ORIHIME!!!!!! And the whole crew is here!! Ruki Renji Chad and Uryuu too!!!
8.Orihime is like "YOU GOT A FAB HAIRCUT I DIDN'T RECOGNIZE YOU" and Rukia is grinning at her like "that's my girl". Ichigo then falls over. Orihime hurry up and heal him.
9. Dammit we're cutting away to something else. OOH AIZEN'S GETTING SENTENCED TO PRISON AND WHAT?! I thought he was sealed up dammit now he can monologue more. Which he IMMEDIATELY does.
10. Anyway we cut over to poor Rangi who looks depressed. Gee I wonder why. Eff you Aizen. Also Hitsuu who is very very cold. And Rangi has a sad Gin montage. To stab me in the feels. And she says THE L WORD OMG.
11. BACK TO ICHIGO AND THE CREW. Thank God. They're at Rukia's place. And Ichi's been out 10 days holy crap. And yup they all know he gave up his powers.
12. Oh and his hair is shorter now. Rukia exposits about what's happening. He'l pass out again and then lose the powers for good. Darn that's rough buddy.
13. But he's dealing with it! Yay that's our protag. He's just happy everyone made it out ok. And Uryuu's like "bae you're gonna lose your powers that is not ok"
14. Ichi's just taking it like a pro. Damn he's so mature. Proud of this guy. And now he wants to see all their friends. Like the mature, kindhearted shonen lead he is. Holy crap.
15. 342 HAS A NEW OP! Which I think has to do with the filler arc I skipped over. But hey, new oP! Anywy the filler arc I skipped appears to be part of this episode so I'm just gonna skip it and try to guess where the filler ends and canon begins.
16. OK seems to be the end of episode 342. We go back to the room we left behind at the end of 310. And the Crew is looking sadly at Ichi as he loses his powers.
17. And he says Rukia's presence is fading away. That's depressing. Without his pressure he can't see dead people anymore. So they have to say goodbye.
18. Ruki is a tsundere about it. And tries to cheer him up by promising to stalk him. OH SHIT SHE REALLY IS DISAPPEARING.
19. Wait Hime and the others can still see her right? DAMN THO THIS IS SAD.
21. So yes I am going to see the next arc! People were asking about that. I'm fine with seeing what comes next. This was a good arc, but there's still, in my opinion, loose threads open. Aizen's not dead yet and I'm sure he's itching to get back to monologuing. The supporting characters have yet to have closure on their arcs - Rukia kinda has, but Uryu and Hime haven't. And now Tatsuki knows! I wanna see that world, where Tatsuki's part of Team Ichigo. So yep, still needing closure on Bleach, not gonna stop now.
22. And also, thinking about this arc. I think it was good, but definitely overlong and needed to give some more closure to the Arrancars. (WHERE THE HELL IS GRIMMJOW?! OR Nel for that matter). So hopefully we'll see that going forward. Onto the next arc!
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hashtagartistlife · 5 years
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started drawing this for last year’s irmonth prompt ‘she knows’, only just got around to finishing it. the idea was that if ichigo ever uses mugetsu again, he doesn’t just lose his powers, he will straight up disintegrate into nothingness - and the only person who knows this is rukia, who trained in the royal realm with him. 
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ichiyuki · 7 years
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ichiruki Winter Fluff event 😍💕💝💘💞❤❄❄❄❄❄⛄
Scene from EP342
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ichirukilover · 6 years
I got my older sister into bleach, but only the anime till HM arc (actually, she lost all the interest by herself lol), and i never told her how everything went to shit in the manga. She's convinced that, Ichigo and Rukia are extra married with children and i just leave it this way. Gotta protect her poor eyes from that polution. My only regret is that she never got to watch the holy 342 ep lol oh, and she thinks Ukitake its alive and well too :(
The Bleah ending can cause serious harm, only proceed with the manga untill the end if you are ready to lose your faith in humanity. Protecting your sister from it, means she still lives in a better world lmao OK seriulsy, your sister is lucky she got the best out of bleach
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empressofeverything · 7 years
just finished Bleach ep 342 and I am not ok
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notelectrictiger12 · 9 years
Bleach episode 342
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ianime0 · 2 years
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Bleach | Ep 342 | Okay, I'm going to let go now.
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hashtagartistlife · 6 years
That entire ending to the bleach LA was so intense! From Ichigo struggling to stand and fight Byakuya cut with shots of Rukia looking at him, and then Rukia's speech! Even with all the changes they really kept the heart of the manga (aka IR and their bond), and that's why it's getting good reviews.
Kubo: i requested they keep the relationships between characters the same
literally everyone in bleach LA: so are the two of them dating or
god anon TELL ME ABOUT IT. ichigo not taking his eyes off rukia as he stabbed her really gave me ep 342 vibes………….. i love how literally everyone who’s watched it is saying that it wasn’t as bad as they thought it would be and 120% of the reason why is because of the IR, platonic or romantic :’D 
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