#blanks definitely seem to have souls but not normal ones that can interface with the realm of consciousness that is the Warp
ocherednoe-dno · 3 months
I wonder if humans being [seemingly] the only species to naturally produce Blanks implies that they are less affected by soullessness
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notyetneedcoffee · 5 years
Soul Seer Pt. 2
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Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: None this Chapter, but later
Author’s Note: Takes place right after Avengers 1, with time travel elements and hints of Infinity Wars. Does NOT follow cannon after Avengers.
* * *
The gentle caress of cool fingers against the back of your neck pulled you from a thick sleep full of dark images. You jerked upright, realizing you’d fallen dozed off at the table with your head on your crossed arms. Tony looked pissed. Rogers frowned and chewed his lower lip. Loki, on the other hand, looked on with worry while he rubbed your back.  
“Sorry.” You tried to rub away the grogginess.  
“She’s mentally exhausted. Allow me to put her into a dreamless sleep, then we may continue.”  
“I think you’ve riffled around in her head enough, Loki.” Natasha grumbled.
“I just need a nap.”
“Her sleep will not be restorative, or peaceful, while her subconscious processes what she found in my mind. (Y/N) needs the dreamless sleep.” Loki insisted.  
“Is that like an induced coma?” Rogers asked.  
“No. She may wake as normal.”  
“I don’t think so.” Tony shook his head. “(Y/N), I’ll have you taken to one of the guest rooms so you can sleep it off, but I you’re not cleared to go back to your apartment yet. You stay under guard for now.”  
You were too tired to argue, and nodded. Loki, however, wasn’t so keen to be separated. “How about we move this entire gathering to one of your meeting rooms upstairs? There’s more space. (Y/N) could sleep on one of the sofas and you would have access to your precious AI through more than your phone.”
After a bit of negotiation, the entire band moved to a large conference room adjacent to the 74th story labs. It provided plenty of space, only one door and quarantine capabilities. Natasha, ever the practical one, also made sure food would be brought in.  
You, however, didn’t last long enough to enjoy the shawarma take out.  
Stark and Banner worked furiously at the wall interface as Loki briefed the group on the alien threat. Thor filled in a few blanks, sharing what knowledge he could that had reached the Asgardians. Widow and Hawkeye listening intently from the back wall, both uncomfortable and tense.  
Loki paused and Stark took the opportunity to take several large bites of food. However, he only stopped talking because a tiny keening noises drew his attention. Cap was already turned toward the sofa. “She’s been balled up like that for a while now.”
“Allow me to stop the nightmares.” Loki insisted again.
“Stay the hell out of anyone else’s mind.” Barton grumbled.
“She’ll be okay.” Cap nodded, but he failed to sound convincing.  
Loki continued his briefing, however his eyes remained on you. When your scream tore through the room, he was the only one not to jump. He moved so fast, no one could have stopped him. Loki gathered your thrashing, wailing form into his arms. Cool magic began to quiet the tremors in your limbs and reduce your cries.  
The others lurched forward. Thor shouted “No!” At the same time, Loki hissed “stay back!”  
He held you possessively, protectively, and snarled at the others with intense and violent intention should they attempt to separate you. A jolt of recognition hit Thor and he moved between his brother and his friends.  
“Let him help her.”  
“I’m not standing here while he turns her mind to mush!” Tony barked, crowding the Thunder God.
“Come closer and I’ll show you what I can do, bindings or not.” Loki’s voice was murderous, but his hand soothed your sleeping form with infinite gentleness.
Your breath became calm, slow and deep. Loki lounged back onto the sofa and you curled close to him, resting your head low on his chest and an arm thrown over his lap. He tucked a throw pillow under your chin, and you sighed. His bound hands petted your hair. He did not look up at the others when he spoke.  
“I owe her a debt. One I do not know if I can ever repay. Therefore she is mine to take care of. I will not hurt her. But know this, I will destroy anyone who keeps me from taking care of what’s mine.”
“Sounds,” Banner paused. “Nuts.”
Loki looked up, half amused.
Thor cleared his throat. “Brother, I know you mean what you say. Though, I’ve not seen such – intense dedication – from you since Sleipner was a colt.”
“(Y/N) is not the same.” Loki rolled his eyes.
“Wasn’t Sleipner supposed to be one of your children?” Tony scoffed.  
“Midgardian tales!” Thor threw his hands up. “No. He was an abandoned colt, eight-legged and skinny.”
“He was magnificent.” Loki grumbled.
“Father wanted to put him down immediately but Loki pleaded with Mother for his life. She intervened but Odin wouldn’t let any of the stable hands attend him. Loki had to do it himself. For a whole winter season, Sleipner struggled but Loki claimed him as his own assuring he prospered. By spring he was big and strong and faster than anyone had ever seen. Odin’s stable master dared to take a whip to Sleipner and Loki nearly beat the man to death. We were still children.”
“He turned out to be the strongest steed in Odin’s stables and the finest mount in Asgard.” A wistful smile touched Loki’s face. “The Allfather may have ridden him into battle, but he’ll always be mine.”
“And now you’re claiming (Y/N)?” Rogers scowled.
Loki did not answer, he only stared passively back.  
You woke slowly, aware of the warm blanket tucked beneath your chin and the too tight clothes pinching in places. It also seemed as if something nasty crawled into your mouth and died. You tried to swallow the cotton mouth away. Opening your eyes, you quickly realized your were not where you fell asleep.
The bed faced a curtained window with a sliver of sunlight shining through. It was quiet, although you could hear large machinery far off in the distance. They must have moved you to a guest room. You felt better, a little like waking after taking a sleeping pill, but still rested.  
You swallowed again and began to sit up.  
“Where are you going?” The smooth rich voice surprised you. Loki leaned against the headboard, legs stretched out. In his unbound hands, he held a book.  
He tilted his head in acknowledgement and went back to his reading.  
Once alone and business taken care of, you stared at yourself in the mirror. Physically, you felt fine. However, you most definitely did not feel the same. The vastness, the sheet volume of information, from Loki’s mind left you overwhelmed. You felt altered.  
When you stepped from the bathroom, Loki’s eyes rose from his book. You stared at one another for a long while. You could see the concern in his eyes, beneath that, regret. With a sigh you returned to the bed, sitting crossed legged facing him.
“So, what are they going to do?”  
“They seem to have taken the information I’ve given them on Thanos seriously.” Loki set the book aside.  
“I should hope so,” You frowned. “The Black Order are terrifying.”
Loki leaned a little closer. “What do you remember from my mind? How much did you retain?”
You shook your head ruefully. “I’m not certain. A fair amount, I think. There’s stuff I am still trying to put in order. I remember the recent – pains. There are also memories of your youth, your studies, and trickery. You really love a wicked prank.”
He gave you a crooked smile, but it faded immediately.  
“I think I know how to read Asgardian and Vanir,” You realize with awe. “And alchemical mathematics.”  
Loki’s brow furrowed even more.
“Will this last?” You asked.
“As long as any natural memory might.” Loki stood and began to pace the room. “It’s no wonder such exhaustion over took you. It could have killed you. A millennium of experiences flooded into your mortal mind.” He stopped, staring at you with an unidentifiable expression. “Why would you do that?”
Your promise to Stark, to the other Stark, kept you from speaking. In all likelihood the room was being monitored, and you were not about to vary from your story. “I just knew that I had to.”
“I could have killed you.”
“You didn’t.”  
The silence stretched. You could tell he wanted to say more, but the words either would not surface or he too did not want to say them where others may hear.  
A rumble from your stomach announced how hungry you were. “So, are we locked in here? Or can we go find some food?” You chuckled.
“I’m afraid we are, indeed, still incarcerated by Stark’s people. I would not allow them to separate us in case you awoke with ill effects.” Loki came around and lowered himself to sit beside you. “I will have them bring food. Is there anything else you require? I should have asked sooner. Are you in any pain?”
“Not pain, no.” You looked backed into his piercing green eyes. “Why are you being so kind to me?”
You watched a myriad of emotions dance across his eyes, although his face remained passive. Finally, he closed his eyes, whispering “I must.”  
With blinding speed, Loki moved to the door.  
Ignoring the quiet conversation, you moved to the window. It didn’t open, and you wished you could breathe in some fresh air. Still, you could see movement around the city. New Yorkers were quick to organize and take care of business. As Loki’s reflection appeared in the glass, you lifted your eyes somewhat mournfully.  
Your lips moved, and you breathed words not even to the volume of a whisper. “There’s so much to talk about, but we’re being watched. Aren’t we?”
His chin dipped in acknowledgement. “They will bring food for you in a few minutes.” He said in his normal voice. “Be patient.” His whisper tickled your ear.
Not much later the door opened and Tony Stark sauntered in with a tray. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I had them whip up a bit of everything.”  
You took a seat in front of platter holding several plates; a bacon cheeseburger and fries, an omelet with a side of avocado toast, salmon on a bed of greens, and a piece of chocolate cake. A glass of juice, a bottle of sparkling water and bloody mary with enough goodies to be a meal finished off the tray.
“Wow.” You popped the green bean from the blood mary into your mouth. “Thanks.”
“Looks like you’ve behaved yourself.” Tony crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.  
Loki only shrugged. “I gave no indication I would do otherwise.”
“Except for throwing me out the window.”
The corner of Loki’s mouth twitched up. “Yes, there was that.”
“But” Stark rolled his eyes, “Your big bro keeps reminding me that was before-” he waved his hands randomly around “whatever this is.”
“Fury wants to lock you in body shackles and bury you under a hundred feet of concrete.” Tony scowled.
“I’m certain.” Loki slowly lowered himself to the chair opposite you, but remained facing Stark.
“Thor says you were under an outside influence.”
“That’s true.” You said before Loki could answer. He shot you a look, but you only took another bite of the omelet.  
“Thor also says you’ve been known to cause some trouble.” Stark snagged a fry off the tray.
“It is my nature, after all.” Loki smiled and it carried an air of danger.
The fork paused halfway to your mouth, knowing that the enticing heat that wicked smile inflamed between your legs was probably not a healthy thing. Still, damn.
Tony cleared his throat and reached for your juice. “You gonna drink this?” You shook your head so he downed the glass. “Cap brought up a point that pissed the whole room off.”
“Truly? I have trouble imaging the good Captain angering his troops.” Loki tilted his head in mock shock.
“Imagine, he said, if we held Barton to what he did. Or if one of us fell under the same influence you had, would we be so quick to condemn?” The muscles in Tony’s jaw were working overtime. He even gripped the glass with white knuckles.  
His feeling radiated off him in waves. He needed to be angry at Loki. Having him to blame was an imperative. Even the thought that somehow Loki was even partially a victim created such a storm of emotion in Stark that he was barely holding it together.  
You placed your fork on the plate and dabbed your mouth with the napkin, moving slowly. Purposefully reaching for your calm center, you tried to project it towards Tony. “It would be so much easier if Loki were the purely maniacal villain. He’s right here, in your grasp. You could control the situation if that were the case.”
Loki opened his mouth, but paused and sat back.  
Tony’s scowl hardened to the point of looking painful.  
“I get it. Tony, you know that I mean it when I say that get what you’re feeling.” You sighed heavily. “But I’ve been in his head, and trust me, he’s a major pain the ass. Problem is…” the memory slid over you bringing bile to the back of your throat. “There’s someone way worse out there. Someone surrounded by evil. Loki is no choir boy. There’s centuries of troublemaking, but Loki is not evil. His nature, his own issues, were warped and amplified to turn him into a tool of destruction.”
You picked up the Bloody Mary and took a sip. “It would still be easier if you could just take out all your anger and pain out on him though, right?”
Tony barked out a bitter laugh. “Well the big guy got his turn.”
Loki’s eyes narrowed at you. “Are you attempting to help? I’m not certain I can tell.”
Both you and Tony laughed in earnest. It became a balm and you felt Tony begin to mentally unclench. Loki’s grumble of “happy you find me so amusing” inspired another round of giggles. By the time you turned back to your food, the emotions bouncing around the room felt far better.
“So,” You asked through half a mouth of food. “What’s going to happen to us?”
“That’s still being discussed. Loki is a question all on his own, but you managed to step in it when you went on the three hour cruise through his mind. You know too much now. We have to figure out what to do with you too.”
“I understand.”
“You’re being awfully calm about it all.” Tony’s brow arched.
“A little while ago I thought I would killed by aliens. Being held in a nice room, with pleasant company, and good food while any alternative other than death is being considered is a step up in my book.”
Loki smirked. “I am both admonished and flattered.”
“So you’re really okay?” Tony ignored him.
“No.” You answered honestly. “I’m not physically hurt or in danger. But I’m emotionally battered, and confused, and have things in my mind that I’m trying to sort out. There’s so much in my head right now, I’m really trying to stay focused on being present otherwise it would be overwhelming. I’m not sure how to deal with it.”
You felt the tears well in your eyes. “In all honesty, I would really like to have a thorough breakdown for a while, but I know we’re being watched.”
“(Y/N),” Tony crouched before you as a few tears escaped. “It’s totally normal…”
“Bullshit.” You bit off. “You telling me you would let S.H.I.E.L.D. watch you fall apart? You know as well as I do that all that video and audio would be used to claim I was unstable, or unreliable, or use it to commit me. So unless you want to turn the surveillance off, you can shove the sympathy up your ass.”
Loki scowled hard. Tony rocked back on his heels.
“You know I’m right.” You wiped away the tears, and turned back to the food even though all hunger was gone. “I get why you have to do it, Tony. I do.” You did not look at him again as he stood.
Loki got to his feet. “Are we done for now?”  
The two of them moved to the door. Loki leaned a little closer and spoke quietly. “She will not be able to maintain for long. I assume by breakdown you mean a release of pent up emotions?”
Stark nodded.
“(Y/N) has absorbed a millennia of memories and emotion all at once. She needs my help to sort through them, but it will be…messy. Should she continue to lock down her mind as she is right now, it will break free in an uncontrolled and painful manner.”  
Tony searched the God of Mischief’s eyes for sincerity. He nodded again and left.
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