#blaming myself for being invested enough in something to be hurt by its loss
deservingporcupine · 4 months
what do we do about disappointment folks
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draagu · 1 year
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yo! if you are seeing this these are kind of outdated
I am meaning to update these, but for now if you want the most recent designs you can try searching for any previous art. but! I do not mind at all if you use these versions for art!!
ive done it once again >:D, individuals and notes below: (long)
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survivor! an all around skilled slugcat. they took on a lot of survival instincts in their attempts to find their family again. they are generally laid-back, but joke around every now and then. their left arm is severely hurt from either the fall or a scuffle with a lizard (or even a mistake bomb throw (because we all did that, right??)), but can still move, just not at its full force.
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nightcat! an extremely smart coder. they are quite shy, but once you get to know them they warm up fast. they have an extreme love for things like cryptids! generally they sneak around the shadows, but occasionally they visit moon (who gave them their scarf! or maybe nsh, undecided) they have a unique talent, that being when then blush they produce little stars sparkles, which survivor finds adorable
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monk is an energetic slugcat at heart. they can be calm and serious when its needed, but they love to bounce around and investigate things! once they had saw gourmand crafting a couple times and immediately became invested in becoming their apprentice. they now love to craft and are quite witty at it too. they love to tell survivor the things they learn, which survivor then takes into effect with the limited crafts they know such as bombs and lanterns they have marks on their arms from crafting accidents (they also have a couple lizard pets :D) (considering using monk to represent myself, sort of. slugsona sort of??)
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gourmand is an extremely patient and kind-hearted soul. they take the time to help any slugcat they see in need. they took monk under their mentorship to teach them the wonders of crafting, though even monk has been making combinations gourmand could never imagine i tried making them look like a bread loaf (with the lines and everything, but they looked weird) though i hope the warm colors help them seem welcoming!
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artificer has an extremely troubled past, the loss of their pups damaged them beyond belief. their reaction is still something im developing, but i think im going in the direction of them sort of blaming themself and becoming almost manic in a way. however! they have a happier present! one of the slugcats (undecided) had found them and worried for their wellbeing, giving them the comfort artificer missed dearly. they still struggle to open themself up to others entirely, but they are working on it they may or may not find their pups again, arti's story is still a draft here buuut they are very close to hunter and gourmand, as well as friends with rivulet and spearmaster they may not also have the best relationship with saint
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hunter, a messanger sent from nsh to revive moon, is INCREDIBLY touch starved. they distanced themself from interacting much with other slugcats due to their rot, leading them to be socially anxious as well. they do, however, meet rivulet and spearmaster who help them become more comfortable with interaction. hunter then develops feelings for the both of them and wham pufferfish their bandages were painted over by rivulet and spearmaster with their respective colors :D their pupils are also more like slits compared to the other slugcats
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rivulet is a very goofy fish. they have enough energy to last a lifetime. they will never stop building those around them up and creating just an overall positive energy in the room. they love to explore and meet new faces everywhere they go. one of those faces would be spearmaster, who rivulet quickly grew on. they, of course, are very close to moon! as said in hunter's bio, them and spearmaster had come across hunter and yay pufferfish the pearls on their tail represent spear and hunter, both found in shoreline their fins have a slight gradient, though its not required for art :o
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spearmaster, created by and close with srs, is a more serious slugcat. their original mission had created an immediate caution instinct to any danger they sensed, and a distaste for five pebbles. they now have a distinct scar on their chest. they communicate via sign language and are very artistic, but are generally less social than the average slugcat. rivulet had helped them meet the other slugcats, but by themself they were never really good at maintaining those conversations. however, if you do get the know them, they are very loveable and soft at heart. the markings on their back sort of represent a fawn in a way, and the bracelets they wear represent rivulet and hunter :D they are also the tallest i may or may not project onto them uh
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saint is tired, very very tired. the endless cycle of rebirth they face when trying to ascend has left them annoyed at best. they distance themself from the other slugcats, but they still occasionally try to get saint to join in. saint is close with gourmand they are short but very fluffy. the spots on their tail represent echoes, and the lighter parts of their fur are sort of like snow? markings? they are a little chilly idk their paws are different colors (left and right) they also take a particular connection to lotus flowers
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enot is just yeah, they try their best lol. essentially like they act in the dating sim, they just want love. Though this enot isn't constantly going after it. They like to goof around more than that tbh. their design is the same as before i kinda just changed the darkest blue a little. they managed to befriend nightcat, who they goof around with every now and then
also they have eyelashes purely because I asked my friend who likes enot if they want to give them a trait and they said lashes so! aaaaaaaaaaand thats it wow
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Such a Tired Way to Die
A/N: This was supposed to be a drabble is a request from @suchatinyinfinity who wanted a story about Logan. Her mistake was that she let me choose whether to use Oblivion/Simplify Logan or The Bottom Logan. So guess which one I chose. I was thinking about doing more with that story line, so I took the opportunity to go a little deeper. This is the story of Logan’s backslide in the first six months after rehab, heavily influenced by the song All These Little Cowboys by Cory Branan. 
Warnings: drug use, addiction 
Word Count: 1,209
He spent the first day back asleep, his body giving out from sheer exhaustion and exposure to the sun. Collapsing onto his mattress, he repetitiously and incoherently mumbled to himself, tired eyes trying not to close, fearing the nightmares that he couldn’t separate from reality. But it was just another losing battle for Logan Delos. He’d lost to William, both in and out of the park. He’d lost to his father, playing right into what Jim had said about his brief stint with being on the straight and narrow- “it won’t last.” He’d lost touch with you, he’d lost respect for himself, he’d lost his goddamn mind. What was one more loss? Closing his eyes, he fell backwards into darkness, down where his demons lived; down where they welcomed him by name with venom dripping from their insidious grins. 
The second day greeted him with a blinding headache, still not fully hydrated from the three days he’d spent cooking under the unrelenting sun. Every inch of Logan’s body was covered by blistering, peeling burns, and even the softest shirt he owned felt like sandpaper rubbing against his raw skin. The shower that morning had been as excruciatingly painful as the one he’d been given immediately after he was extracted from Westworld by the emergency crew. He felt nauseous and weak, and just the thought of eating anything was enough to make him sick, appetite turning to ash. It felt like withdrawal. It felt like it did when he was drying out the first few days in detox. He had he shakes, the sweats, the uncontrolled, racing thoughts, the feeling of failure, the anger, the absolute and endless notion that he was alone. But he was meeting with his father for the first time since he’d been found with his hands bound and his horse dead, so he swallowed it all down like a pill- dry, no chaser, stuck in his esophagus until something else came along to push it down.
Thick black shades covering his eyes, he struggled to walk down the short hall to Jim’s study without pain. Each step sent shockwaves of ache up his legs and into his back; brought memories of circling vultures, biting flies, scorching sand and frigid nights to the forefront of his mind. But he put one foot in front of the other, refusing to give his father the satisfaction of not making it down the hall. 
Logan dragged a hand through his long hair, scrubbing it down over his freshly trimmed beard before raising it to knock on the ornately carved door that he’d knocked on countless times in his life. “Come in,” that borderline sinister brogue called from behind the dark wood. He had one chance to tell his side of the story, and from his father’s tone and those two words, he could already tell that it would fall on deaf ears. He tried to swallow that pill, still lodged in his throat, but came up coughing instead, turning the knob and entering Jim’s lair. 
“Logan. Fuck, look at you.” Jim shook his head, eyes full of embarrassment and disgust, leaving no room for pity and certainly not one iota of love.
“I’d rather not.” Logan tried for his signature sarcasm, but in his cracked, dry voice the punch was lost. He crossed the room to sit in the chair across from his father, easing painfully down into it. “You know William did this, don’t you?” 
Jim’s face contorted grotesquely as he scoffed. “Oh yes, two seconds in and it’s find someone to blame, pin it on William, you can’t be at fault, right Logan? You’re never at fault.” 
“That’s not true and you know it. I’ve taken my share of blame, Dad.” The sarcasm hit like he wanted it to, and he felt the smallest sense of victory in those three letters. 
“Tell me, Logan, how did William do this? Because as he tells it, you were the one who went off the edge, you were the one left him alone to go play you’re fucking games when you were supposed to be showing him the ropes. You know, I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you with something so important. And look.” He spread his hands in front of him, Cheshire cat smile splitting his wrinkled, gnarled face. “I was right.” 
Logan felt a humorless laugh tumble from his chapped lips. He shook his head slightly, ignoring the dizziness. “He’s a lunatic. You can’t let him marry Juliet. He’s a sick fuck. If he did this to me think about what he can do to her.” 
Jim stood then, palms flat on the large desk. “He can steer this company in the direction I want it to go. He can make billions for Delos. He can do what you can’t, and he’ll treat your sister just fine.” 
“Just fine. Well I guess that’s the best one of your children could hope for, huh, Jim?” He was grateful for the glasses, eyes close to watering from the pain he was in and the reality check that always came from speaking with the man before him. “I don’t know what I expected.” He laughed again, coming undone. “I should have known better. You only care about your investments. Even Juliet is an investment, and William’s the return. That’s right, isn’t it?” He stood, nodding and sending his brain bouncing in his skull. “I’ll talk to Jules myself. I’ll-“ 
“You’ll do no such fucking thing. Your sister and her fiancé aren’t here anyway. She thinks you stayed back to fuck whores and shoot cowboys, and that’s all she’s gonna think, because I want you gone. I’m giving you until the end of the day, Logan, then I’ll have the staff escort you out.” He shook his head. “I told you it’d never last. I won’t have you tear down all I’ve built with your weakness.” With that, he left his son alone, a finality in the slam of the door. 
Logan stared into the large mirror that took up one side of the room. He looked like shit and felt ten times worse. He thought back to what Juliet had told him before his trip with William: “you’re not ready, Logan, it’s only been six months. You’re not ready for that place.” But he’d been desperate to prove her wrong, to prove Jim wrong and to keep the upper hand on his soon to be brother in law. I should have listened to you Jules. 
Six months. He’d had six clean, sober, hard fought months since Juliet had banished you from his life and made him check into a rehab treatment facility. But those six months went down the drain as he rummaged through his father’s liquor cabinet, coming up with Jim’s most expensive scotch, and with just a quick message to an old supplier, he had everything he needed to gain entry into that pit of despair where nothing hurt and no one expected anything but death from him. His father said he’d have until the end of the day. So he found his favorite lounge chair - the one facing West with the view of the sunset- and waited to see what end would come first, his or the day’s.
@something-tofightfor @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @suchatinyinfinity  @agent-bossypants @lexxierave @ymariejp @songtoyou @skwriddle @thesumofmychoices @obscurilicious @ilkaeliseb @belladonnarey
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18.11.2019, 3 days post-breakup
I think the reason I’m in such denial is that I never saw this coming. Not from you. Not so fast. Not for such reasons. I just didn’t see it coming altogether. Coming from someone who preaches about how committed they are in relationships. Coming from someone who just a few days ago told me something like "Just because I can’t marry you doesn’t mean I’m not serious about you”. Coming from someone who just a couple days before said “I don’t want to break up. It’s your decision”.  Coming from someone who made it clear that obstacles meant nothing when they love me so much. Coming from someone who always tried to accommodate my well-being, even when it opposed theirs. Coming from someone who made me believe they saw a future with me. Coming from someone who hardly complained about me. Coming from someone who, just a while ago I was laughing and having fun with. And yet it did. You did it. You ran away and took my heart with you. I guess even good people know when to say enough is enough.
At times I feel okay. Like this isn’t so bad. I find myself smiling so much that I start to believe my own bluffing. I laugh so hard. But then it turns into a sob and I realize I can’t fool myself. And that this isn’t how I wanted things to end. I’m living in this bittersweet gray area, where one moment I try to convince myself you made the right decision, the next I’m drowning in self-pity wishing you’d come to me out of nowhere and say that you love and how it was all a mistake.
The reason I’m feeling so bitter is that I can’t shake the feeling that the relationship ended before it even properly started. We couldn’t live it to its fullest. Most of my happiest memories with you involve me sitting in my room and reading texts that made me fall head over heels. I wish we had more time to actually be around one another. There are so many things I wanted us to experience together. I wanted to take you more places, show you more things about me, go on trips and do silly things. Have the kind of personal interaction that, over time, makes you develop a million inside jokes and see all the little quirks that you can’t help but adore. I wish we had met differently, that we had a more typical progress to our story, that we could’ve lived out the different stages around each other, holding each other, kissing each other. Instead of texting and waiting, waiting, waiting…
It all happened suddenly, one thing led to another and the end reeks of unfinished business. What do I do now with all the new playlists I was making you in secret? What with the lists and couple apps I wanted us to try together but was waiting for you to feel better before I could mention any of them? What about all my fantasies that involve us happily together? What about these crippled feelings in my heart, that are slowly losing their voice? What about the folder I’ve dedicated to your pictures and all the cute posts we’ve shared? What about our photos together? What about the gifts? What about the memories? What about the anniversaries? What do I do with all of that? Do I discard it all and pretend it never happened? Do I press delete on everything and throw away any reminder of you? Or do  I keep it safely sealed and all in my heart, in the hope that one day, someday, maybe we could be us again? What about this pain screaming at me, refusing to believe you’re no longer my baby? What do I do about that? Especially that…
I keep telling myself this is what I wanted. That if I had to endure another second of it I would’ve been the one to end things anyway. Wasn’t I the one telling her friends I felt stuck and like I’m missing out? Like my youth was slipping by while I watched idly from the passenger’s seat? Because you weren’t here, and being with you felt like living with the hope of a relationship, instead of an actual one. No matter how much I looked at it, I always felt like I rushed into this relationship. I wasn’t in a great place when I first started talking to you, but you radiated an energy different from everyone around me. I found this connection with you that I craved to have again with someone, anyone, that I forgot to hit the brakes when you offered me love. I couldn’t refuse it from someone who moved me, who made me feel things that barely anyone could trigger inside of me before. So I jumped into it with eyes closed. Or maybe my eyes were open, and I saw it all, but I refused to let them guide me. Because I finally found what I craved so much and for so long, that I couldn’t stop after one sip. Despite my foggy vision, I always knew something was off inside me. Maybe I shouldn’t have drunk the whole cup in one chug. Maybe I should’ve kept it away until I felt more alive again and ready for it. Because the more I drank, the more intensified my thirst felt. As though it was never enough, never too good, never quite right.
So maybe it’s not a real tragedy that you left, after all. Didn’t I want more control over my life? A time-out in which I can explore myself and set my priorities straight? So why does it all feel so meaningless now that I finally got the freedom back that I so much wanted? Maybe because I wanted to be the one making that decision. So that at least, I would’ve prepared myself, taken my time, chosen the perfect moment, the one where we were both in better mental places. See, I don’t like dropping bombs. I plan everything so carefully and maybe, as selfish as it may come off, I wanted this to be another perfectly planned endeavor, in which no one gets hurt and no one’s left hanging, the way you left me. But a bomb you did drop, and certainly not at the best of times. And it didn’t land without a calamity. I still can’t get over you. Mainly cause I refuse to, honestly. You were too special for me to forget. Special in the way you first caught my attention. In the way you asked me out. In the way you first kissed me. In the way you became my first girlfriend. In the way you made me feel things I was unable to translate into words. In the way you’re just you.
And yet after all that, now it’s like we’re strangers again. I see you online but hold back from saying hi, partly because I don’t want to be a burden, but also because every time we talk I sense this wall between us. It’s like we took a step in a direction where things will never be the same again, and I’d be too foolish to act or expect you to respond as if there’s nothing is in the air. There’s always this sensation of something tugging at my heart. A reminder that the you that belonged to me is gone, and that the me who was once all yours has to stop existing, because if all she’s going to do is cry about our short, dry interactions then she’s not fit for this situation. And yet every time I get a notification I wish it’s from you because it’d make me feel less bad about missing you. Because maybe, just maybe, I was on your mind as much as you were on mine. I mean now I wake up every morning pretending you don’t exist and spend every evening counting the reasons why I shouldn’t reach out. 
I think my biggest fear if I stop talking to you is that your feelings for me will eventually fade, and you’ll forget about me. That you’ll get so caught up in your own new life, that you start to realize it isn’t so bad without me after all, and that you’ll decide you actually don’t need me, never did. You’ll probably start to see all the ways I was making your life worse and be relieved that I’m no longer in it. Or even worse, that you’ll find someone new to love and tell her all the sweet things you couldn’t tell me, and experience with her all the things we never could. That you’ll give her things you couldn’t give me, love her in a way you couldn’t love me. I think I would feel like I was being robbed of all the things I dreamt about for us and never had.
At the beginning I couldn’t stop blaming myself for driving us down this road. I kept feeling like if I haven’t been so blinded by my own feelings, I would’ve realized how unfair it was to you, and I would’ve taken a different course of action. But looking back you were just as self-absorbed as I was. And I don’t want to start blaming you for things you probably weren’t aware of or didn’t do on purpose. But you couldn’t even wait it out until when I was feeling a little better. I did my best for so long not to disturb your life rhythm cause I knew you needed peace of mind, and yet you really had to deal that final blow on top of everything I was going through.
Now I look at you and you seem fine. Happy, even. And then I look at myself and how I spent days mourning this loss and bawling my eyes out. And I feel like I’m being too much. But then again it feels like I’m the one who’s always been too involved in this. Too feely. Too sensitive. Too emotional. Too expressive. Too needy. Too dramatic. Too dreamy. Too exaggerating. Too romantic. Too giving. Too quick. Too attached. Too invested. Too affectionate. Too deep. Too intense. Always taking things out of proportion. But maybe I wasn’t. maybe it’s just all the comparing myself to you that makes me draw out these conclusions. Or maybe I was. Maybe I am. Maybe that’s not such a bad thing, and it doesn’t mean I’m weak. Maybe these things that make me who I am are not inherently negative traits, just cause they collide with yours. Maybe it’s okay to take my time now. To be sad when sadness is appropriate, expected even. To go through the necessary stages that it takes to bounce back from this. I think it’s finally time for me to accept myself for what it is, and that it’s only for the best if I wallow in grief for a while, to do what it takes so I don’t go down that same abyss where I was when I met you. So that this time, I give myself the time I deserve to see things clearly for what they are, and know my worth for what it really is.
I met you exactly 5 months after I ended my previous relationship, and while that should’ve been enough time to enjoy the single life, I didn’t use it wisely. After we got together I kept trying to ignore the thought that I didn’t do enough for myself before I got involved in a new serious commitment. So in a sense, maybe it is for the best that I’m alone again. I think I do really need this. It gives me time to clear my head and refocus on the things I really need. That way I can be sure of what I truly want out of life, or at least out of this time in my life. If I don’t I’ll always be living with the sense that I’m lacking something that I can’t even put my finger on. And you’re right, that’s unfair to you, to me, and to the relationship.
Finally, I believe I owe you an apology, for not letting you see this whole inner mess of mine. I think the problem was that I was too afraid to admit it all to myself in the first place.
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forethan21 · 4 years
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To me love isnt about staying in a relationship or dwelling on a feeling. Love to me is bending but not breaking to compromise. It is the kind where you know when to let go in hopes to trust for the best to come, the kind where you empathise, showing vulnerability and completely surrender. (Remember when Jesus died for us in the cross? Diba he gave his all, his everything just so we can live. That should be a standard in our lives. To choose someone who would do anything to just be with us without questioning our worth. Never settle for someone who gives half of their heart. Its all or nothing.) The kind that is mature. Love is what you do despite of what you feel. The kind that fights for the good of someone else even if they never see the value or sacrifice that you did. (Thats what Jesus did. He never complained when he was on the cross. All the pain and burden he endured bc he loves us. And look at us now not even recognising how amazing he is. We took it this life for granted- some of us are wasting it, choosing people for our own accord and pleasure. Im saying this in general im not hinting it on anyone, but if the shoes fits then..) The kind that demands temporary surrender of security, giving up familiar bad habits and patterns, giving unrewarded works and efforts. The kind that challenges you in so many ways. Love wasnt made to be comfortable. It was made to show change and growth.
Not gonna lie tho i loved you for you and everything youve done. Those memories are dear to me bc i knew you tried no matter how difficult it was to love me in some days. Kaya gusto ko lng magpasalamat dun. Likewise, something i learned recently was that we should never question someone elses love for us regardless if it was inadequate. Bc i realised we should be thankful for the amount of love and care we receive from any person out there. Family, friends, lovers. That itself should be enough. Its not up to us how much love they should give to make us feel satisfied. That wouldn’t be love. The greatest love you could ever receive should come from you and the Lord not from anybody else. So i just wanna tell you that i take back those times i questioned your love. Bc what you gave was already enough.
Im sorry i couldnt wait for you to change. Bc i realised if you knew how to love me the very first time I wouldnt need to tell you anything. I wouldnt feel hurt bc im rest assured that you love me enough to know what to do. It didnt feel mutual to me.
When u came bck with your letter idk it seemed like there was something missing. Committment and plans. Maybe i was hoping that youd take me back but i guess it was the opposite. And maybe that was your answer after all. To tell me that you arent staying. I hope next time you go into a relationship po, you dont assume the worst. You dont jump into conclusions when it gets tough. Bc like anything can change if youre willing to do it. You need to trust the the other side will stay. It was the way your mindset was so fixed on the idea that I will leave. That i was making excuses. Ndi pow. I jst have standards. Oo tao ka lng, you make mistakes but how do i know tht youre not gonna make the same mistake again? Im jst protecting my heart po. I guess i dont wanna experience the same trauma again.
I hope someday na you will learn to see the good in people regardless if they did u wrong pow. (idk lng ha pero I dont think youve moved on sa ex mo pow. I feel like you havent fully forgiven her and accepted what has happened. I know it hurts to know that they betrayed you like that but your worth is not defined by them po. You did your best po and if she did not recognised that then thats her loss. This is partly what keeps u holding bck. Bc u didnt get closure. I hope you reflect on that and find the closure that you need po. Dont tell me you dont need one bc i know deep in your heart that it still hurts. Like bruh the fact na sure na sure ka na sa kanya u were ready to put a ring on her finger. You were hopeful and certain. I think it was meant to happen to test you both in your worst. You had your mistakes. She had hers. Dont you think you should close tht chapter of your life before starting a new one? Or more importantly, dont you think you deserve peace? Ill leave you to think bout tht). I wasnt trying to find something wrong jst to let you go. If i did i wouldnt put myself in a situation where I will lose my friends po.
Ethan i understand you. I understand your fear of giving too much to someone who youre unsure of and thats fine. But you need to accept the consequences of your mistakes. You need to take responsibility of it and what you couldve done to fix it. (Reflection is very important.) Youre not wrong for not knowing that but again you need to reflect in every situation in your life. It doesnt matter if you were right or wrong. Its important to do this bc the next time it will happen to you, you will know what to do. reflecting really helps you to step back and understand yourself, other people and the surroundings. It helps with analysing your own feelings, emotions and as well as understanding the depth of your own thinking. You need to consider other people’s feelings too. Understand their point of view and why they did things that way. 
I told you yesterday that what happened in the past does not define you. You may have done them so wrong but i hope your realise youre not in debt to them. I remember your story about what you did to the girl. Yung trauma mo sa kanya you gotta let it go pow. You dont need to blame yourself every day for something that youve no control of. You did it out of anger. and she threatened you bc she has her personal issues as well. She was showing wat kind of person she was. It does not put a label on u. So far as I know you havent apologised to urself for what had happened and u havent forgiven her for what shes done. Whenever youre mad po dont let your emotions get the best of you. Give space and time. Step back from the situation and reflect. count to ten and reorganise your thoughts and feelings. What happened? what made me feel that way? what can i do to fix this? 
The way i see it lng ha pero it felt like youre pitying yourself. And i want o reassure you that i recognised all you did to keep this relationship. The fights where you communicated with me, the times where you waited for me to explain, the support you give, and how you made me happy each single day. What youve done until this day is enough. I cant emphasise it enough. Ndi ko yun binalewala lahat. I saw your effort. Thats why i fought for u. Bc alam ko ndi ka ganun na tao. Kc alam ko na they have perceived you wrong. I saw the good in you. I saw that youre worthy of change. Everyone does pow. That was the purpose of it all.
But ldr is frickin hard. Being in a relationship is difficult enough let along ldr. Jst thinking about the amount of trust u hav for ur partner dang.. you need to fully invest on trust yo. How to overcome and resolve issues esp if theyre like me haha. Its hard for sure to do tht kc even ako may trust issues but it is possible. But as of now theres many areas in your life that you need to fix alone. Im not saying that im right ha. I could be wrong in so many areas about you that idk of but this is based on knowing you for months. im not saying you have a problem internally cuz we all have problems po What im saying is that there are some things we need to learn from others as well. Its a matter of listening and comprehending what theyre tryna relay and teach u.
Also asking for help isnt a weakness. (Idk but i cud feel you were mad that I reached out to your mother. Bro i know na kaya mo nman maging independent and i know na ayaw mo lng maburden yung parents mo with your problems on top of theirs but its gud that alam din nla ang anak nla is struggling and needs emotional support.) Its realising that we are deserving to feel and be emotionally supported. so dont ever feel bad for reaching out and admitting that youre struggling. after all were only human.
Though i never said anything i lowkey promised that I would not give up on you (sinsabi ko sa sarili ko to) bc i wanted to show you what its like for someone to stay. You told me about your past and struggles and i did everything i can for that not to happen again. You told me what broke your heart and I nver wanted you to feel anything like that in the relationship. More like i ensured that my intentions for you are pure. But somewhere along the way i came to realise that we both need to grow seperately. Not bc i gave up on you but bc i decided to think about myself and what i needed. I dont wanna text you and talk to u bc i respect you that much to know that this isnt the right time for both of us.
Being the way i am right now is for the best. Were both healing and getting the peace we need. God knows what Hes doing with us and i keep you in my prayers at night. Maybe someday down the line well meet again, at the right time. God will decide tht for us but for now ill be supportive of you in the silence. I dont wanna be civil cuz i know itll jst hurt you more esp since you have strong feelings for me. Dont worry my love for you will remain unconditional. But one thing i cant promise tho is that idk if my love for u will stay. We dont know what the future will bring. We may find our happiness in diff places. We may find it together. But all i know is i trust God to dictate my life. Thank you Ethan. Kahit paano i felt your unconditional love din. You can text me anytime if you need anything. Ill be here nman pow.
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alwaysspeakfreely · 8 years
obsession vs. stimulation
content note: description of obsessive compulsive behaviors, gaslighting and dismissiveness I’ll get to the point I had about mental illness and SPD soon... Ah, I’m soooo sleepy listening to whale lullabies...but my brain is very hyper processing all the information I’ve absorbed today and wanting to get it out and express the clarity it gives me. I need understanding so I’ve began blogging after an dissatisfying experience when my friend “called me out” for shutting down and I basically acknowledged their feelings of frustration and tried to be understanding of their unwillingness to understand my experience and believe my true intentions/sympathize with my feelings about being unable to perform socially. So I felt very unheard and there was some ableist notions going around based on their incomplete knowledge of what all disabilities affect me. Sigh...we all have our own obstacles around trust I guess.  That experience isn;t relevant to this blurb but, it has inspired me to take positive action and get to explaining myself in my own personal space, where I have general blogzone consent to discuss my mind.  So, I think I’m in a position to elucidate this since I have always been neurodivergent and also experienced OCD at one point, which more or less dissolved with treatment(though I never received therapy to help me integrate better with my brain type. which creates a sitch you see, b/c ocd is a behavioral therapy thing{CBT} focused on reducing behaviors, and NDV is just the way someone is, and a cure is n/a. the adults had a tendency to blame everything on the ocd and push me to get over it. for another thing, forcing exposure to something a kid is “OCD about” is cruel anyway.) It is said these disorders are a desperate attempt at control. There was a misconception: it was my body, my environment as an extension of my body, not other people or details of life I wanted to control. I remember being at a point, where I was anorexic and O-C and tapping things a certain number of times so y mom wouldn’t die. checking the locks 25 times because i wouldn’t want it to be my fault if someone broke in.(was i shamed for forgetfulness?)  Doing those things felt absolutely horrible. They gnawed at me. Doing them gave me no relief whatsoever, no matter how many times I did them. I was motivated by anxiety, from my mind down. checking never did anything for my body. They ate up all my time and strength.  On the other hand,  I’ve had certain unusual behaviors, even as a young child. just some of the things which may have been misread as obsessions:  stretching out the necks of tshirts and ripping my clothes to make them fit comfortably. crying over tights, lotion, and clippers. having one cd and one movie. acting incredibly stubborn about things i didn’t like. making piles of pillows and getting in the middle. punching the sofa as hard as i could and not getting why, just one sudden wave of internalized frustration and shame for doing those things erupting. swinging my arms around rolling on the floor and being told it was inappropriate. hating the scent of popcorn and bacon and having to cover it up to deal. developing multiple chemical sensitivity. playing with squishy things in class, having a bag of them i always carried. being unable to tune out background noise but repeating back rote both my book i was reading and the conversations happening around me as I read. a teacher having to remind me to use the bathroom or i’d wet my pants.  the difference is, i was averse to things because they felt horrible, even painful, just incredibly stressful on me. i adjusted things to be more comfortable. it doesn’t mean i have a horrible fear of them that makes me neurotically avoidant and irrationally angry about it. it means they are legitimately painful b/c i am profoundly sensitive and that’s ok. it’s just who i am. it’s a god’given gift. (tho i personally have a theory that the modern world is just too intense and inconsiderate period and typical people can let it make them numb somehow. ;)) i have a right to be free of physical torment. at the most basic level, when i freaked out over pain, i was communicating distress and asserting my right to humane ness. any anxiety i have around sensory overload is the result of many painful experiences and the actual unpredictability of when i will be floored by something/being stripped of my ability to control what hurts me and dictate my energy level. there is a very real loss of security which comes with this issue, which I have mourned for much.  it is not, i am worrying too much and not that I just care too much, not that i can get over it but am afraid of doing so, not that i am obsessed with stimuli, and NOT that I am a monster or lack empathy. (not to imply negative judgement on OCD!) note that with OCD, my thoughts motivated my actions but didn’t help. With stims, my actions regulate my thoughts. With overstims, an event creates distress. not only can *I* tell the difference, there is an obvious, simple logical distinction.  despite anyone who says that i am still mentally ill therefore i cannot make “sane” rational analysis.(b/c, duh, I’m just obsessed and full of excuses!/sarcasm) While I no longer see myself as OCD or do anything which qualifies other than dermatillomania, and have moved on thanks to circumstances and also my felicitous spirit and luck, I still have the same experience of sensory processing disorder(and other things which interact with it.)
I have more success respecting it as a beautiful but challenging aspect of my body rather than treating it as something which can magically cease to exist or is something i /couldashouldawoulda just ignore so I can find a job and have enough executive functioning capacity. or pretending its something curable and investing in the wrong therapy/a therapist who doesn’t have a sufficient grasp of co-morbidity and may gaslight and pressure me further. Boy, I wish I could. I wish I could just got and do whatever occurs to me, but that’s another story. In good news, it’s nice to have a relationship with family members who love me anyway, even when they don’t understand, even when we’ve accidentally hurt each other.  there is so much more to write on the relationship between my experiences, and perhaps I could even write something about what my friend didn’t understand,  but I must rest. much cat stuff to do tomorrow. meeeowl.  another unedited stream of thought...blogs are fun.
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sunshineweb · 4 years
What Stock Market Disclosures Must Read Like
Here is what a general stock market disclosure reads like –
Stock Market Disclosure (as it is said): I, the analyst, do not have any holding in the stocks discussed but these stocks may have been recommended to clients in the past. The stocks recommended are based on our analysis which is based on information obtained from public sources and sources believed to be reliable, but no independent verification has been made nor is its accuracy or completeness guaranteed. The views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the personal views of the analyst about the subject securities or issues, and no part of the compensation of the research analyst was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations and views expressed by research analyst in this report. It is important to do your own research and analysis before making any investment.
Well, without much malice, that’s what the regulator requires but that’s also a decent use of jargon to confuse the reader while at the same time cleaning yourself up of any misadventures that may happen with your advice in the future.
In that light, I believe, stock market disclosures should read like what is stated below, because that is what the reality is like in most cases.
Let me make one thing clear here. I am not against people recommending stocks (hmm, okay…I am against most of them!), but how they act is what their incentives lead them to. So, it is largely a problem of incentives and not of people’s intentions or intelligence.
So, without much ado, here is how you should read a stock market disclosure statement whenever they show you what was mentioned at the start of the post.
Stock Market Disclosure (as it really means): This stock recommendation is plain hogwash, but that is not what I, the advisor/analyst must call it for that would hurt my vanity that I have guarded for so long, and from so many people. Calling it a hogwash would also mean disputing my intelligence that I have built up over the years for creating nothing but flowery research reports, most of them out of thin air and for the sake of earning my salary and my company its fee.
You have always craved for a stock tip, and so I am just offering you one. What is wrong in that? You have been greedy, and my advice and predictions just satisfy that need. What is wrong with that? And, by the way, I need not hesitate about the quality of my advice, for I know that you are not really after good stock advice, but after ‘any’ advice. If it makes good, fine! If it does not, you will come back to me for the next.
In fact, I have seen people so likely to listen to hot stock tips from unknown people or someone they met for the first time at a cocktail party, I am still your friendly analyst. So, what is wrong if I ask you to take my advice given that I have at least done some research on the stock I am advising? Of course, I am smart enough to know and have much information that I hide from time to time that tell me that following my advice blindly may set you up for epic ruin.
You see, you have no idea what the basis of my advice is. Most of the time, even I am not able to draw an association. In most cases, the kind of stocks I recommend are dependent on which side of the bed I woke up at that day, how sad or sunny I am feeling while recommending, what I ate for breakfast that morning, and what is my personal portfolio doing at the time of recommendation. At times, I am also prone to talk up my book by advising stocks I have already bought on my account but now find no way to prop up their prices and make myself richer. Regulatory disclosures want me to just tell you whether I own the stock or not, and it means nothing to me or you I believe.
I know this sounds dodgy, and I am generally an honest person, but you know the mind works in a different manner when it comes to the stock market. The incentives are in my favour all the time, never yours. But before I advise you something, I always console myself that my advice is with the best of intentions and for the most of your benefit. It is mostly false, but I had promised my grandmother that I must feel good at heart in everything I do in life.
Well, sometimes, I may not even hold the stock I am recommending but all my biases are still at work when I am doing so. And when I hold a stock I am recommending, I will never tell you when I will unload it.
What do I tell you about the biases I suffer from? The list goes on, and on, and on, even though I keep a steady face when I present myself to you. Right from being overconfident about my intelligence and advisory capabilities, to feeling like an authority when you are impatiently seeking whatever I am selling you, to knowing well how to frame my advice so you are completely sold on it, to the need of advising something to prove how one up on the situations I am, I am full of biases. But you see, I am also a human like you, and thus these and other biases are natural. Just that I will never confess to be suffering from them.
You see, the stock market has come to be a place where you are counted among the few foolish if you try to stay objective, so please do not expect me to be one, very much like I do not expect you to be one. It is a place where “risk” is thrown out of the window, and that is why I almost never talk about risks in my advice to you. It is a place with so many disappointments and reversals that at the end of a few years, you lose the ability to be shocked by anything. I am just preparing you for such times at a faster pace.
Well, if you have gotten scared reading my disclosure, please note that, boss, it is your money and you alone are responsible for what you do with it using the advice you receive from me or anyone else.
All you need to do is become sensible and invest wisely. And please do not blame me for any losses you incur after taking my advice. I am just doing my job. You please do yours, and that is to use your brain independent of whatever I advise you to do.
So, please make your own decisions, as blindly acting on anyone else’s research and opinions can be injurious to your wealth. My analysis is always biased, and often wrong.
Finally, the regulator wants me to tell you that I am registered with it as per some regulations. But that does not add any credibility to my intelligence, or my advice. Hope you understand.
Also Read:
I Disclose
Confessions of a Stock Market Analyst
The post What Stock Market Disclosures Must Read Like appeared first on Safal Niveshak.
What Stock Market Disclosures Must Read Like published first on https://mbploans.tumblr.com/
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sunshineweb · 4 years
What Stock Market Disclosures Must Read Like
Here is what a general stock market disclosure reads like –
Stock Market Disclosure (as it is said): I, the analyst, do not have any holding in the stocks discussed but these stocks may have been recommended to clients in the past. The stocks recommended are based on our analysis which is based on information obtained from public sources and sources believed to be reliable, but no independent verification has been made nor is its accuracy or completeness guaranteed. The views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the personal views of the analyst about the subject securities or issues, and no part of the compensation of the research analyst was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations and views expressed by research analyst in this report. It is important to do your own research and analysis before making any investment.
Well, without much malice, that’s what the regulator requires but that’s also a decent use of jargon to confuse the reader while at the same time cleaning yourself up of any misadventures that may happen with your advice in the future.
In that light, I believe, stock market disclosures should read like what is stated below, because that is what the reality is like in most cases.
Let me make one thing clear here. I am not against people recommending stocks (hmm, okay…I am against most of them!), but how they act is what their incentives lead them to. So, it is largely a problem of incentives and not of people’s intentions or intelligence.
So, without much ado, here is how you should read a stock market disclosure statement whenever they show you what was mentioned at the start of the post.
Stock Market Disclosure (as it really means): This stock recommendation is plain hogwash, but that is not what I, the advisor/analyst must call it for that would hurt my vanity that I have guarded for so long, and from so many people. Calling it a hogwash would also mean disputing my intelligence that I have built up over the years for creating nothing but flowery research reports, most of them out of thin air and for the sake of earning my salary and my company its fee.
You have always craved for a stock tip, and so I am just offering you one. What is wrong in that? You have been greedy, and my advice and predictions just satisfy that need. What is wrong with that? And, by the way, I need not hesitate about the quality of my advice, for I know that you are not really after good stock advice, but after ‘any’ advice. If it makes good, fine! If it does not, you will come back to me for the next.
In fact, I have seen people so likely to listen to hot stock tips from unknown people or someone they met for the first time at a cocktail party, I am still your friendly analyst. So, what is wrong if I ask you to take my advice given that I have at least done some research on the stock I am advising? Of course, I am smart enough to know and have much information that I hide from time to time that tell me that following my advice blindly may set you up for epic ruin.
You see, you have no idea what the basis of my advice is. Most of the time, even I am not able to draw an association. In most cases, the kind of stocks I recommend are dependent on which side of the bed I woke up at that day, how sad or sunny I am feeling while recommending, what I ate for breakfast that morning, and what is my personal portfolio doing at the time of recommendation. At times, I am also prone to talk up my book by advising stocks I have already bought on my account but now find no way to prop up their prices and make myself richer. Regulatory disclosures want me to just tell you whether I own the stock or not, and it means nothing to me or you I believe.
I know this sounds dodgy, and I am generally an honest person, but you know the mind works in a different manner when it comes to the stock market. The incentives are in my favour all the time, never yours. But before I advise you something, I always console myself that my advice is with the best of intentions and for the most of your benefit. It is mostly false, but I had promised my grandmother that I must feel good at heart in everything I do in life.
Well, sometimes, I may not even hold the stock I am recommending but all my biases are still at work when I am doing so. And when I hold a stock I am recommending, I will never tell you when I will unload it.
What do I tell you about the biases I suffer from? The list goes on, and on, and on, even though I keep a steady face when I present myself to you. Right from being overconfident about my intelligence and advisory capabilities, to feeling like an authority when you are impatiently seeking whatever I am selling you, to knowing well how to frame my advice so you are completely sold on it, to the need of advising something to prove how one up on the situations I am, I am full of biases. But you see, I am also a human like you, and thus these and other biases are natural. Just that I will never confess to be suffering from them.
You see, the stock market has come to be a place where you are counted among the few foolish if you try to stay objective, so please do not expect me to be one, very much like I do not expect you to be one. It is a place where “risk” is thrown out of the window, and that is why I almost never talk about risks in my advice to you. It is a place with so many disappointments and reversals that at the end of a few years, you lose the ability to be shocked by anything. I am just preparing you for such times at a faster pace.
Well, if you have gotten scared reading my disclosure, please note that, boss, it is your money and you alone are responsible for what you do with it using the advice you receive from me or anyone else.
All you need to do is become sensible and invest wisely. And please do not blame me for any losses you incur after taking my advice. I am just doing my job. You please do yours, and that is to use your brain independent of whatever I advise you to do.
So, please make your own decisions, as blindly acting on anyone else’s research and opinions can be injurious to your wealth. My analysis is always biased, and often wrong.
Finally, the regulator wants me to tell you that I am registered with it as per some regulations. But that does not add any credibility to my intelligence, or my advice. Hope you understand.
Also Read:
I Disclose
Confessions of a Stock Market Analyst
The post What Stock Market Disclosures Must Read Like appeared first on Safal Niveshak.
What Stock Market Disclosures Must Read Like published first on https://mbploans.tumblr.com/
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sunshineweb · 4 years
What Stock Market Disclosures Must Read Like
Here is what a general stock market disclosure reads like –
Stock Market Disclosure (as it is said): I, the analyst, do not have any holding in the stocks discussed but these stocks may have been recommended to clients in the past. The stocks recommended are based on our analysis which is based on information obtained from public sources and sources believed to be reliable, but no independent verification has been made nor is its accuracy or completeness guaranteed. The views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the personal views of the analyst about the subject securities or issues, and no part of the compensation of the research analyst was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations and views expressed by research analyst in this report. It is important to do your own research and analysis before making any investment.
Well, without much malice, that’s what the regulator requires but that’s also a decent use of jargon to confuse the reader while at the same time cleaning yourself up of any misadventures that may happen with your advice in the future.
In that light, I believe, stock market disclosures should read like what is stated below, because that is what the reality is like in most cases.
Let me make one thing clear here. I am not against people recommending stocks (hmm, okay…I am against most of them!), but how they act is what their incentives lead them to. So, it is largely a problem of incentives and not of people’s intentions or intelligence.
So, without much ado, here is how you should read a stock market disclosure statement whenever they show you what was mentioned at the start of the post.
Stock Market Disclosure (as it really means): This stock recommendation is plain hogwash, but that is not what I, the advisor/analyst must call it for that would hurt my vanity that I have guarded for so long, and from so many people. Calling it a hogwash would also mean disputing my intelligence that I have built up over the years for creating nothing but flowery research reports, most of them out of thin air and for the sake of earning my salary and my company its fee.
You have always craved for a stock tip, and so I am just offering you one. What is wrong in that? You have been greedy, and my advice and predictions just satisfy that need. What is wrong with that? And, by the way, I need not hesitate about the quality of my advice, for I know that you are not really after good stock advice, but after ‘any’ advice. If it makes good, fine! If it does not, you will come back to me for the next.
In fact, I have seen people so likely to listen to hot stock tips from unknown people or someone they met for the first time at a cocktail party, I am still your friendly analyst. So, what is wrong if I ask you to take my advice given that I have at least done some research on the stock I am advising? Of course, I am smart enough to know and have much information that I hide from time to time that tell me that following my advice blindly may set you up for epic ruin.
You see, you have no idea what the basis of my advice is. Most of the time, even I am not able to draw an association. In most cases, the kind of stocks I recommend are dependent on which side of the bed I woke up at that day, how sad or sunny I am feeling while recommending, what I ate for breakfast that morning, and what is my personal portfolio doing at the time of recommendation. At times, I am also prone to talk up my book by advising stocks I have already bought on my account but now find no way to prop up their prices and make myself richer. Regulatory disclosures want me to just tell you whether I own the stock or not, and it means nothing to me or you I believe.
I know this sounds dodgy, and I am generally an honest person, but you know the mind works in a different manner when it comes to the stock market. The incentives are in my favour all the time, never yours. But before I advise you something, I always console myself that my advice is with the best of intentions and for the most of your benefit. It is mostly false, but I had promised my grandmother that I must feel good at heart in everything I do in life.
Well, sometimes, I may not even hold the stock I am recommending but all my biases are still at work when I am doing so. And when I hold a stock I am recommending, I will never tell you when I will unload it.
What do I tell you about the biases I suffer from? The list goes on, and on, and on, even though I keep a steady face when I present myself to you. Right from being overconfident about my intelligence and advisory capabilities, to feeling like an authority when you are impatiently seeking whatever I am selling you, to knowing well how to frame my advice so you are completely sold on it, to the need of advising something to prove how one up on the situations I am, I am full of biases. But you see, I am also a human like you, and thus these and other biases are natural. Just that I will never confess to be suffering from them.
You see, the stock market has come to be a place where you are counted among the few foolish if you try to stay objective, so please do not expect me to be one, very much like I do not expect you to be one. It is a place where “risk” is thrown out of the window, and that is why I almost never talk about risks in my advice to you. It is a place with so many disappointments and reversals that at the end of a few years, you lose the ability to be shocked by anything. I am just preparing you for such times at a faster pace.
Well, if you have gotten scared reading my disclosure, please note that, boss, it is your money and you alone are responsible for what you do with it using the advice you receive from me or anyone else.
All you need to do is become sensible and invest wisely. And please do not blame me for any losses you incur after taking my advice. I am just doing my job. You please do yours, and that is to use your brain independent of whatever I advise you to do.
So, please make your own decisions, as blindly acting on anyone else’s research and opinions can be injurious to your wealth. My analysis is always biased, and often wrong.
Finally, the regulator wants me to tell you that I am registered with it as per some regulations. But that does not add any credibility to my intelligence, or my advice. Hope you understand.
Also Read:
I Disclose
Confessions of a Stock Market Analyst
The post What Stock Market Disclosures Must Read Like appeared first on Safal Niveshak.
What Stock Market Disclosures Must Read Like published first on https://mbploans.tumblr.com/
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sunshineweb · 4 years
What Stock Market Disclosures Must Read Like
Here is what a general stock market disclosure reads like –
Stock Market Disclosure (as it is said): I, the analyst, do not have any holding in the stocks discussed but these stocks may have been recommended to clients in the past. The stocks recommended are based on our analysis which is based on information obtained from public sources and sources believed to be reliable, but no independent verification has been made nor is its accuracy or completeness guaranteed. The views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the personal views of the analyst about the subject securities or issues, and no part of the compensation of the research analyst was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations and views expressed by research analyst in this report. It is important to do your own research and analysis before making any investment.
Well, without much malice, that’s what the regulator requires but that’s also a decent use of jargon to confuse the reader while at the same time cleaning yourself up of any misadventures that may happen with your advice in the future.
In that light, I believe, stock market disclosures should read like what is stated below, because that is what the reality is like in most cases.
Let me make one thing clear here. I am not against people recommending stocks (hmm, okay…I am against most of them!), but how they act is what their incentives lead them to. So, it is largely a problem of incentives and not of people’s intentions or intelligence.
So, without much ado, here is how you should read a stock market disclosure statement whenever they show you what was mentioned at the start of the post.
Stock Market Disclosure (as it really means): This stock recommendation is plain hogwash, but that is not what I, the advisor/analyst must call it for that would hurt my vanity that I have guarded for so long, and from so many people. Calling it a hogwash would also mean disputing my intelligence that I have built up over the years for creating nothing but flowery research reports, most of them out of thin air and for the sake of earning my salary and my company its fee.
You have always craved for a stock tip, and so I am just offering you one. What is wrong in that? You have been greedy, and my advice and predictions just satisfy that need. What is wrong with that? And, by the way, I need not hesitate about the quality of my advice, for I know that you are not really after good stock advice, but after ‘any’ advice. If it makes good, fine! If it does not, you will come back to me for the next.
In fact, I have seen people so likely to listen to hot stock tips from unknown people or someone they met for the first time at a cocktail party, I am still your friendly analyst. So, what is wrong if I ask you to take my advice given that I have at least done some research on the stock I am advising? Of course, I am smart enough to know and have much information that I hide from time to time that tell me that following my advice blindly may set you up for epic ruin.
You see, you have no idea what the basis of my advice is. Most of the time, even I am not able to draw an association. In most cases, the kind of stocks I recommend are dependent on which side of the bed I woke up at that day, how sad or sunny I am feeling while recommending, what I ate for breakfast that morning, and what is my personal portfolio doing at the time of recommendation. At times, I am also prone to talk up my book by advising stocks I have already bought on my account but now find no way to prop up their prices and make myself richer. Regulatory disclosures want me to just tell you whether I own the stock or not, and it means nothing to me or you I believe.
I know this sounds dodgy, and I am generally an honest person, but you know the mind works in a different manner when it comes to the stock market. The incentives are in my favour all the time, never yours. But before I advise you something, I always console myself that my advice is with the best of intentions and for the most of your benefit. It is mostly false, but I had promised my grandmother that I must feel good at heart in everything I do in life.
Well, sometimes, I may not even hold the stock I am recommending but all my biases are still at work when I am doing so. And when I hold a stock I am recommending, I will never tell you when I will unload it.
What do I tell you about the biases I suffer from? The list goes on, and on, and on, even though I keep a steady face when I present myself to you. Right from being overconfident about my intelligence and advisory capabilities, to feeling like an authority when you are impatiently seeking whatever I am selling you, to knowing well how to frame my advice so you are completely sold on it, to the need of advising something to prove how one up on the situations I am, I am full of biases. But you see, I am also a human like you, and thus these and other biases are natural. Just that I will never confess to be suffering from them.
You see, the stock market has come to be a place where you are counted among the few foolish if you try to stay objective, so please do not expect me to be one, very much like I do not expect you to be one. It is a place where “risk” is thrown out of the window, and that is why I almost never talk about risks in my advice to you. It is a place with so many disappointments and reversals that at the end of a few years, you lose the ability to be shocked by anything. I am just preparing you for such times at a faster pace.
Well, if you have gotten scared reading my disclosure, please note that, boss, it is your money and you alone are responsible for what you do with it using the advice you receive from me or anyone else.
All you need to do is become sensible and invest wisely. And please do not blame me for any losses you incur after taking my advice. I am just doing my job. You please do yours, and that is to use your brain independent of whatever I advise you to do.
So, please make your own decisions, as blindly acting on anyone else’s research and opinions can be injurious to your wealth. My analysis is always biased, and often wrong.
Finally, the regulator wants me to tell you that I am registered with it as per some regulations. But that does not add any credibility to my intelligence, or my advice. Hope you understand.
Also Read:
I Disclose
Confessions of a Stock Market Analyst
The post What Stock Market Disclosures Must Read Like appeared first on Safal Niveshak.
What Stock Market Disclosures Must Read Like published first on https://mbploans.tumblr.com/
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