#blame the insomnia for this
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malcontentonline · 9 months ago
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gengwasted · 2 years ago
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More doodles from @enden-k's fantasy!au cause I'm obsessed.
Give the prince some more time, please.
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dykedvonte · 4 months ago
I think everyone but Jimmy would believe in Aliens to an extent and have a weird story about something that happened while in space that they link back or like a UFO or alien.
Curly talks about blips on the radar that move to fast or irrationally to be regular space debris. Too uniform or too fluidly, they disappear too fast too. Anya talks about weird flickering and medbay or like odd flashes on the day screen that are too direct and specific to be simple glitches. Swansea talks about random mechanics on the ship giving out in odd ways, he’s been working for years and things don’t work like that, maybe even a gear or sprocket found after landing he swears is to foreign to be manmade but P.E always confiscates it. Daisuke always wanted to believe and takes the experiences of his very serious superiors, especially Swansea, as proof and wonders if the Tulpar is like a magnet for extraterrestrial happenings.
Jimmy thinks it’s stupid because why would aliens waste time doing all those little things and not just like abduct them? His ass obviously sees one and no one believes him cause they think they just being a jerk and messing with them, even Curly.
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messitydepressity · 16 days ago
I blacked out and wrote 8k for a fic that’s been impossible to write for lately.
I don’t know if I should be proud or concerned, but I’m pretty sure my eye is twitching in morse code.
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smthnsmthn-whumpblog · 2 months ago
ok my insomnia is being a fucking bitch this week so i’m gonna complain in a productive manner. ish.
i feel like it goes under acknowledged how fucking boring it is. like you just lie in bed willing yourself to sleep for hours upon hours upon hours. sure you can try keeping yourself busy but you’re also exhausted so there’s only so much you can do. if you’re in a military setting or something like that where you sleep in a big room with a bunch of other people, then you especially can’t do anything because you’ll wake the others up and probably worry them a little. plus you gotta listen to them snore and shit. you swear to god you can feel your sinus or pharynx or some shit, running all the way from your tear ducts to your throat, and it doesn’t hurt, it’s not even necessarily all that uncomfortable, but it’s there and it’s so in your face (literally and figuratively) and it won’t go away. you start seeing faces in the dark, constantly moving, never still, and you decide that’ll have to serve as your entertainment for the night because even if you were able to get out of bed without waking the others, you really can’t be bothered. your body is crying out for sleep, so is your brain, you want to sleep, you need to sleep, you have to sleep, but you can’t sleep. boring and extremely fucking infuriating
anyway it’s a really fun little stressor to put on your whumpees, just to rub a little salt in their wounds
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senoleaf · 9 months ago
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lost metals nation how we feelin'
guess this is how i'll draw fnf lullaby's Silver and Gold from now on
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hag-o-hags · 5 months ago
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I'm coping really well with the time change
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lorax-devito · 5 months ago
I’ve reached a point where I’m rewatching so many shows that they are all kind of moulding into one,I’m rewatching s3 of stranger things bc I haven’t watched the rain fight in a while and I need it for research on byler and I was so confused for a good minute thinking ‘where the fuck is Richie’
anyways,here’s me rewatching stranger things s3 and completely forgetting about the whole ‘billy x Karen’ thing and so I decided to take a picture,also,as a reminder to myself that omg,Ted was actually interacting with his child!!!
he was asleep with Holly!!!
idk what Karen was on bc it was implied that why she rejected billy was bc ‘Ted is such a good dad’ but it was once.once that I can recall Ted being a,quite frankly,average father
ok so this kinda turned into a ted wheeler slander and hate post so ill leave it here but yeah…wish me luck that I wont mix up the silly gay boys in the 80s again
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shadyvoidhologram · 5 months ago
I was laying in bed overthinking, as you do, and started to go on a depressive doom spiral. And then, to distract myself I started thinking about the things I like.
[Spoilers and some gross details incoming, you know what Mouthwashing is about]
So, eventually I started thinking about Curly being in a similar headspace as I was, laying down, incapable of doing anything, constantly in pain and hearing time and time again how quickly things are going to shit and that it's all your fault.
Him replaying his mistakes over and over on his head, imagining the many ways things could've gone a different way if only he had done something instead of ignoring the issues to "keep the peace".
Remembering every interaction that led to the accident, Anya's confession, his friends poorly disguised resentment, him ignoring and filtering details of his crew's mental state, her taking the gun, the notice, Jimmy.
Him being a coward and disguising his hate of confrontation with the guise of being a good friend.
And then comming back to reality, to is burning flesh. To the blood, shit and bile staining the bandages, robe and bed, to watching and hearing his friends suffer and die, unable to do anything.
When the kid dies, in the midst of all the emotional chaos, he feels some sick sense of relief knowing that probably Swansea will deal with both of them quickly and it'll be over at last.
Then Jimmy finds the gun.
And he can't help but laugh. He remembers the conversation they had and he cackles bitterly because not even in death can her wishes be respected. She trusted him and he failed her even after she was gone.
Soon enough it's just the two of them left.
Through muffled ears he hears Jimmy rambling, talking to himself, asking questions and answering right after, he sees him moving the bodies around. When Jimmy carries him from the infirmary to the common room table he's still as stone, not a sound leaves his mouth, he doesn't look at the bodies thrown on the chairs around the table, he doesn't even breathe.
But all of Jimmy's attention, hatred, idolatry, and envy are on him only. Eyes glossy, cut pieces of a one sided conversation and a tentative smile on his lips when he reaches for the slightly dented knife.
He screams until his lungs close and his throat burns. When he's fed parts of himself he cries and throws up until he is forced to swallow and keep it down.
He's dehidrated, half delirious from the blood loss and emotionally checked out when Jimmy picks him up and tells him they can still fix this, he knows what to do. That he's going home.
Sure, he thinks, he wants to go home.
When he's placed on the cryopod he just stares at Jimmy talk to himself at him some more, about being heroes and everything being all right now. Then he steps out of sight.
It's on the silence after the loud bang when his brain starts working again, he's completely and utterly alone on a crashed ship of a company that's closing it's doors, with a now depleted shipment that wasn't even important enough to guarantee a search party, and no way of fending for himself in the case of 20 years passing and no one coming, even less if the power gave out before that.
As the cryopod finally starts to cool, the few tears he has left fall from his remaining eye.
He hopes he doesn't wake up to see what happens next.
..ok see y'all when I wake up-
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peachykcqt · 3 months ago
hate that my only two modes are "cant sleep no matter how tired i feel" and "cant stay up no matter how much sleep i get"
anyway ive slept 18 of the past 24 hours and im STILL EXHAUSTED
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city-of-c0rpses · 1 year ago
Nightmares suck…! Falling asleep is scary, cause I don’t know if I’m gonna see the lab again and I hate it there..! I don’t wanna go back there.!!
I’ve been trying to keep myself awake but now I just feel icky… it sucks and it makes the weird shadow thingys worse..!!
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stormyoceans · 1 year ago
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looking at these two pictures side by side is making me unlock so many new mental illnesses it's not even funny anymore
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bbgarbbage · 7 months ago
It would be truly cinematic if Tucker actually did save Quinn this week.
Then Quinn spends the next however many weeks trying to get Tucker out.
But he can't because Tucker wins too many comps.
Only for Tucker not to try to evict him just because he likes playing with him
And we do end up getting my previously mentioned Tucker Quinn F2
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rozeliyawashereyall · 8 months ago
Doodles I made while very, very sleep deprived.
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Please, just don't ask about what led to these in the first place
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chapel-of-rizztual · 2 years ago
regressor mountain is so important to me. the biggest baby ever. gets so emotional when small and is the most caring little guy. yes he cries a lot but its because he cares a lot
This tuned out to be a little deeper then expected. Anyway I love regressed Mountain so much.
cw: regressed ghouls, age regression.
Like Dew, when Mountain regresses he’s TINY. His life in the pit was incredibly traumatic and he never really recovered from it, even when he was summoned. Also like Dew, he spent most his time in the pit alone. He wasn’t banished like Dew was, he was…left. He woke up one day and his pack was just gone, moved on…without him. He didn’t know why they went, or where they went, but he spent the rest of time in the pit looking for them. He was so young, about fourteen in earth years, and had to learn how to fend for himself, and he had to learn fast. He avoided other solitary ghouls, most other banished ghouls were feral and dangerous to a fully grown ghoul and although Mountain was tall for his age he was still very obviously young. He’d met Dew a couple of times, the first time he’d nearly gotten his head bitten off when he walked into a cave to seek shelter not knowing the little water ghouls was already occupying it. Dew was even younger he was, and he was so tiny, and he seems to get smaller each time they saw each other, and Mountain always worried about him, but the two were too scared and cautious of each other to form any kind of bond. Mountain mostly stuck to the wood, he felt safe there, and of he ever encountered any other ghouls, which he had, and he had the war wounds to prove it, he’d had the advantage of the woods being his friend. He stayed in the woods for most his time alone in the pit, until he felt the calling to the surface and blindly followed it. 
The first time he regressed was a few years into his time on earth. And it was terrifying for him. Most days he woke up at sunrise, before everyone else and was able to make breakfast for everyone. This time he unknowingly woke up late and by the time he got downstairs everyone was…gone. He doesn’t remember anything after that. 
Dew was the one that found him. He was on the floor with dried tear tracks down his cheeks and distant look in his eyes. He recognised that look immediately, had seen it plenty of time in himself and was able to a safe place, and more importantly a safer headspace. 
When Mountain came back up they had a long conversation. He’d heard of regression before, he’d seen it, had seen Dew being taken care of by Aether, had seen the ghoulettes playing with Sunny and Rain, but he never thought it would be something he could achieve. He always thought he was too big, physically, and mentally, he thou  he had to be the protector of everyone, he had to be the one that made sure everyone was okay and safe and that they were all together. But he was wrong. And he was proven wrong by Dew swaddling him and cooing at him until he felt his mind slipping away from his again, but he knew he was safe now so he was happy to let his mind drift off. 
The next time it happened he could almost feel it happening. He woke up one morning and it was like there was a thick fog settled in his brain. He recognised it from last time and was able to get to Dew just in time before he slipped. Dew had swaddled him in a thick fluffy green blanket and spoke softly to him just like he had sone the last time. 
There was a lot of trial and error in the beginning. At first Mountain was only comfortable with Dew. Dew knew from experience what Mountain was going through, and he know that Mountain needed without him having to ask for it. But Dew also regressed sometimes. And the days where he was Mountain would force himself to stay big until Dew was able to look after him. Doing that, understandably, made things a lot worse and Mountain often regressed even harder after. Aether noticed. Of course he did. And he was so proud of Dew for taking such good care of Mountain when he was regressed. He’d had a talk with Mountain, and with a lot of denying and blushing from the earth ghoul, he’d finally gotten him to open up to him about it.  Mountain got comfortable with Aether after that, and not long after that, Cumulus. 
He always went to the same kind of age when regressed. They didn’t know how old exactly, but he was young. He didn’t play, he didn’t speak or watch cartoons. He mostly slept. And cried. But Mountain cried a lot when not regressed so that wasn’t really a worry. Dew got him a pacifier after he’d seen Mountain staring at his with an unrecognisable expression his face and Mountain had loved it. It was white with a bluebell on it and Mountain had been obsessed with it since the moment he first got it in his mouth. And the sight of Mountain staring up at them with his big green doe eyes and a pacifier bobbing in his mouth should be so adorable but it was. 
Mountain was easy to look after when regressed. He wasn’t fussy, despite him crying a lot, but that was just a Mountain thing. He loved being swaddled tightly in his blanket, he loved being held and carried, it made him feel even smaller and safer when Aether carried him around on his hip. He didn’t always have the best control over his bladder when regressed, which led to a few accidents, and some real tears from Mountain, but all the ghouls were happy to sooth his tears away. He learnt to love being regressed, the love and care he got from the ghouls never failed to make him feel so loved, cared for, and safe. He finally felt safe. Something he’d never really felt before he was summoned. 
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haganez · 2 months ago
ate multiple meals had fruit more than once had water and worked out + danced and still i don't even feel tired by almost 3 am what the OH MY GOD. i had a cup of extra strong instant coffee earlier i forgot post canceled
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