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drsandeepharkar · 5 months ago
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Overactive bladder is a condition in which a person feels an uncontrollable need to urinate and this urgency to urinate occurs many times both in day and night. Also, due to this condition, there may be unintentional loss of urine. This condition is common affecting 33 million adults in the U.S. including 30% men and 40% women. Overactive bladder causes may be conditions that affect the bladder like tumors and bladder stones, conditions that affect the brain and spinal cord, such as stroke and multiple sclerosis, diabetes, enlarged prostate, constipation, hormonal changes during menopause, and urinary tract infections. People facing this condition may start maintaining a distance from others or limit their social life and work. It could be treated by bringing simple behavioral changes like changes in diet, urinating at a fixed schedule, and using pelvic floor muscles to control the bladder.
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otaviogilbert · 1 year ago
كل ما تريد أن تعرفه عن حصوات الكلى والحالب والوقاية منها | Dr Ahmad Alenezi دكتور أحمد العنزي
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‎أهلاً وسهلاً بكم في قناتي، حيث أسعى دائمًا لتقديم المعلومات الطبية الموثوقة والنصائح الصحية الهامة. في هذا الفيديو الجديد، آخذكم في رحلة معرفية شاملة حول حصوات الكلى والحالب. أكشف لكم أسرار هذه الحصوات، من أين تأتي؟ كيف تتشكل؟ وما هي الأعراض التي قد تشير إلى وجودها؟
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urologytreatment · 1 year ago
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Best Urologist in Pune- Dr Suraj Lunavat
What foods cause Bladder stones?
Are you aware this signs of kidney diseases?
For more details-
Contact Dr Suraj Lunavat- Best Urologist in Pune
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jamieroxxartist · 1 month ago
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Today, Jan 11, our #Catholic Friends celebrate the feast of Saints #Ailred (#bladderstone sufferers), and #BenedictBiscop (patron of #architects, #glassworkers, #musicians, #painters, #speleologists).
(https://catholicsaints.info/saint-aelred/) (https://catholic.net/op/articles/1861/cat/1205/-saint-benedict-biscop.html)
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shubhamhospital · 1 year ago
Experience expert Urological care for kidney stones, bladder infections, bladder stones, and bladder tumors at Shubham Hospital's Urology Department. Don't let these conditions hold you back. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Anubhav Raj today and get back to living life to the fullest!
To book your appointment, please call!
🌐 www.shubhamhospital.com
#shubhamhospital #shubhamhospitallucknow #besthospitalinlucknow #expertcare #besthospitals #lucknow #gallstones #besturologist #bladderinfection #bladderstone #bladdertumor #gallbladder #kidneystone
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labclinic56 · 2 years ago
How Are Kidney and Bladder Stones Diagnosed
Imaging is used to provide your doctor with valuable information about the kidney or bladder stones, such as location, size and effect on the function of the kidneys. How your doctor Diagnosed Kidney and Bladder Stones may be for the following kinds of imaging:
The quickest scanning procedure for finding a stone is abdominal and pelvic CT. This treatment may offer comprehensive pictures of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, as well as locate stones and determine if they are obstructing urine flow.
Intravenous pyelogram: An x-ray examination of the kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder that uses iodinated contrast material injected into veins to assess the urinary system. More information regarding x-rays may be found on the Safety page.
Abdominal and Pelvic ultrasound: These scans employ sound waves to create images of the kidneys and bladder, which may help discover urine flow blockages and stones.
Why Do Doctors Examine the Stone's Contents?
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Stones are classified into four categories. Studying the stone may help you understand why you have it and how to limit your chances of getting more. Calcium is found in the most frequent sort of stone. Calcium is an essential component of a balanced diet.
The kidney normally eliminates excess calcium from the body. People who have stones often retain an excessive amount of calcium. This calcium, when combined with waste products such as oxalate, forms a stone. Calcium oxalate is the most prevalent combination.
Less frequent forms of stones include infection-associated struvite stones, which include magnesium and ammonia, and uric acid stones, which are generated from monosodium urate crystals and may be connected to obesity and dietary variables. The most unusual sort of stone is a cysteine stone, which runs in families.
How Does the Method Work?
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X-rays, like light and radio waves, are forms of radiation. X-rays can penetrate most things, including the human body. The x-ray beam is precisely aimed at the region of interest by the technician.
The equipment emits a brief blast of radiation that travels through your body. The radiation creates a picture, which is then recorded on photographic film or a specific detector.
The x-rays are absorbed to differing degrees by different areas of the body. Dense bone absorbs a large portion of the radiation, while soft tissue allows more of the x-rays to flow through. As a consequence, bones look white on x-rays, soft tissue appears gray, and air appears black.
The majority of x-ray pictures are digital data that are electronically stored. Your doctor will have easy access to these saved photographs in order to diagnose and manage your disease.
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urocare · 3 years ago
In this Hindi Blog Post, You'll learn about causes and symptoms of bladder stone and what are the treatment of bladder stone.
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vetstudentnl · 2 years ago
Our guinea pig boy Bowie had a bladderstone :(
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We took the photo's on Monday and also started giving him antibiotics (and painkillers of course). Then we scheduled surgery for Friday and guess what:
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Glad he did though! I hope he gets better soon. He doesn't have pain peeing anymore, but he now has trouble pooing. Lost a lot of weight as well. I'm force feeding him now. If he isn't better upcoming Monday it's time we see a doc again :(
I found those in the cage:
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INSANE RIGHT?! Must be the stones 😱😱
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sariochanarts · 5 years ago
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Some pics of Gozer after his bladder stone surgery. The last one is from last night. He’s pretty much himself. 😊He’s healing nicely. . . . . #catsofinstagram #bladderstone #healingcat https://www.instagram.com/p/B5YnZrXDvur/?igshid=zrkwwj4wqj4s
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otaviogilbert · 1 year ago
كل ما تريد أن تعرفه عن حصوات الكلى والحالب والوقاية منها | Dr Ahmad Alenezi دكتور أحمد العنزي
‎أهلاً وسهلاً بكم في قناتي، حيث أسعى دائمًا لتقديم المعلومات الطبية الموثوقة والنصائح الصحية الهامة. في هذا الفيديو الجديد، آخذكم في رحلة معرفية شاملة حول حصوات الكلى والحالب. أكشف لكم أسرار هذه الحصوات، من أين تأتي؟ كيف تتشكل؟ وما هي الأعراض التي قد تشير إلى وجودها؟ ‎أتعمق أكثر لنستكشف أحدث الدراسات حول أسباب تكون هذه الحصوات وأفضل الطرق لتشخيصها وعلاجها. ولأن الوقاية خير من العلاج، أقدم لكم نصائح ذهبية وعملية لتجنب تكون هذه الحصوات، وكيفية الحفاظ ع��ى صحة الكلى والجهاز البولي. ‎سأسلط الضوء أيضًا على العادات اليومية التي قد تساهم في تقليل خطر الإصابة بحصوات الكلى والحالب. من الأطعمة والمشروبات التي يجب تناولها أو تجنبها، إلى أهمية النشاط البدني والحفاظ على وزن صحي.
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trad-bow-newbie · 7 years ago
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Today's #VetTechVIP #VeryImportantPatient goes to Pop the #guineapig who was diagnosed with a #bladderstone back in March, had a #cystotomy and recovered like a rock star to only develop another stone less than two months later. I have much confidence in our vets, and in my anesthesia and patient care skills, so we took him back to surgery and removed stone #2. He has been stone free for 5 months and counting! His strict recovery, dietary changes and increased exercise has attributed to saving his life. #vettechlife #vettechsofinstagram #nycvettech #vettechsofig #exoticsvettech #mypatientsarecoolerthanyours
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jamieroxxartist · 1 year ago
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Today, Jan 11, 2024, our #Catholic Friends celebrate the feast of Saints #Ailred (#bladderstone sufferers), and #BenedictBiscop (patron of #architects, #glassworkers, #musicians, #painters, #speleologists).
(https://catholicsaints.info/saint-aelred/) (https://catholic.net/op/articles/1861/cat/1205/-saint-benedict-biscop.html)
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shubhamhospital · 2 years ago
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Experience expert Urological care for kidney stones, bladder infections, bladder stones, and bladder tumors at Shubham Hospital's Urology Department. Don't let these conditions hold you back.
Schedule your appointment with Dr. Anubhav Raj today and get back to living life to the fullest!
To book your appointment, please call! 📱0522-4003975, 8948085156
🌐 www.shubhamhospital.com
#shubhamhospital #shubhamhospitallucknow #besthospitalinlucknow #expertcare #besthospitals #lucknow #gallstones #besturologist #bladderinfection #bladderstone #bladdertumor #gallbladder #kidneystone
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whisperingwillowssds · 6 years ago
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Sweet Wally has had an incredibly "ruff" day. 😢 He went in to see Dr. Lindsey for an exam and then to be sedated for grooming. Wally is not a fan of being touched, or messed with. We certainly don't blame him. He has had a very difficult time. She was not able to examine him until he was put to sleep. It was discovered he has a heart murmur, some of the sedation was reversed and general anesthetic through a mask was used instead. He had an xray and we have not so good news. On top of the heart murmur he has kidney and bladder stones. He also has Spondylosis of the spine, cataracts, ear infection, and arthritis. We thought his outward appearance was rough but poor guy he is internally in bad shape too. His teeth are quite awful and he is not able to open his jaw all the way. Wally was put on Salix for his heart and it should also help with his cough. He was given an ear antibiotic as well as a regualr antibiotic. He will be put on prescription urinary food from now on. In the next few weeks if his condition improves a little he possibly can have a dental and a cystotomy to remove the bladder stones. That will be based off of his health and how he improves. He did receive all his vaccines, hw test, and blood work as well. He is heartworm negative. The xray showed healed trauma to his rib cage and abdomen. Which would indicate physical abuse. 😢 The groomer took care of him while he was under anesthesia. He worked fast and so gentle with Wally. It was quite difficult to get all of the mats off of him but he did an amazing job. His talons were trimmed, they were allowed to grow so incredibly long it changed the stance of his feet. 😢 He has been napping and sleeping off all the stress of today. Its a much needed rest. Please donate to Wally's medical care, medications, and prescription food. We had an incredibly long day and he is still recovering. #bichon #bladderstones #kidneystones #heartmurmur #neglect #dogs (at Whispering Willows Senior Dog Sanctuary, Inc.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0PG7uHpR19/?igshid=1jyinl7be77aj
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urolifeclinic · 3 years ago
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Know Ways to treat ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Avoid consuming high-sugar and high-carbohydrate foods Maintain and control yout cholesterol to a healthy level Consume foods that are high in amino acid (arginie) Consume food that high in zine and / or take supply ments Book an Appointment !! Call on - 8686353030 Visit: https://www.urolife.in/what-everyone-should-know-about.../
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nu-hospitals · 5 years ago
Bladder stones can be quite a painful medical condition and should not be taken lightly. Read on to know more about causes and treatment options for bladder stones
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